originally aired on Spreaker 2023

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December 28, 2023

12/28/23 End of year review Part 2

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-12-28

Topics in this show:

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December 26, 2023

12/26/23 End of year review Part 1

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-12-26

Topics in this show:

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December 14, 2023

12/14/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-12-14

Topics in this show:

  • Current banking crisis cannot be fixed without a tabula rasa Arizona taking a stand on irresponsible groundwater use
  • NY cops continue to bolt from jobs at alarming rates
  • People injected with Covid jabs suffered unintended immune response
  • Thomas Massie claims money sent to Kiev ends up in pockets of stockholders
  • Irish lives matter graffiti declared as a hate crime
  • Expose : Policies being reversed because original plan is failing – Disney Reporting of Israel/Gaza war which is playing out globally
  • Split within the Jewish faction?
  • Offspring of the word Hamas = Haram
  • Are the Japanese a distant relative of the white race?
  • Where is the technology coming from to build MSM and ALT media Are you frightened of your own power?
  • There are no families, that was an illusion

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November 30, 2023

11/30/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-11-30

Topics in this show:

  • Congress demands answers from Biden administration regarding tracking of Americans
  • AI system corrupted to degenerate more children
  • Youth are abandoning the Catholic church
  • Expose: The opening of the throat chakra relating to the Jewish problem is increasing
  • People are finally noticing the low birth rates
  • More proof of our book in reference to the Israel Cohen speech
  • What do you do with your expanded knowledge?
  • The potential of a 9-day week
  • Questions about Greenland
  • Expose: Do men understand women and their role, and do women understand men and their role?
  • Review of movie being shot in Ireland

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November 16, 2023

11/16/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-11-16

Topics in this show:

  • China better at thefts than CIA
  • Bioweapons clownery ongoing, now in Africa
  • Federal Trade Commission proposing rule to ban businesses from using hidden fees
  • Climate change scientist claims world’s leading academic journals reject papers that don’t support narrative
  • Screen capture on Mewe shows stark reality of lies about America in relation to guns
  • Expose: Continuing series on events happening in Gaza
  • Media’s constant slant
  • More evidence to back us up
  • Word play
  • The black flowering
  • Volume 3 FHSTOS now available
  • Belief in the self
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November 2, 2023

11/2/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-11-02

Topics in this show:

  • Israel/Jewish narrative unfolding
  • Premier of Alberta, Canada issues apology to unvaccinated
  • Jewish governor of New York does U turn on border policies and immigration
  • Expose : Al-Quds hospital in Gaza City
  • Henry Makow details the Hidden Hand: The Jewish El-ites
  • More details to be added to the Cosmic Genetics series
  • Balance for the divine masculine and feminine principals
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October 19, 2023

10/19/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-10-19

Topics in this show:

  • Whole pandemic was created by one woman having a cold and curing herself
  • A politician with common sense calls out “the ruling elites”
  • Expose : Israel and Palestine conflict, brainwashed psychopaths and off world string pullers
  • Double slit experiment, light spectrum, vibration of frequency
  • Decoding a song detailing breaking free from MK Ultra
  • Embrace and integrate the new frequencies generated from the solar eclipse

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October 5, 2023

10/5/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-10-05

Topics in this show:

  • Lies of Biden and FB exposed
  • Ukrainians believe Zelensky is responsible for corruption in government and military
  • Multiculturism is an attack on one race
  • Novel idea against the Orange Lodge marches through Catholic districts
  • Tavistock , think tanks and intelligence agencies are the causes, soccer player is the effect
  • More Israelis are speaking out against the fake state now
  • Expose : MI6 and their agents in the IRA and Sinn Fein
  • Mentalics psychic abilities and tv series

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September 7, 2023

9/7/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-09-07

Topics in this show:

  • Another lockdown will speed up things for our benefit
  • Saudi man receives death sentence over his posts on social media
  • Israel is losing support among American Democrats
  • Arizona prioritize water usage for foreign companies
  • Drive for greed and desire for money underneath slave trades
  • Expose : Operation Gladio
  • Distorted story of the Greek gods and the prime material plane
  • You decide your path creates your future

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August 24, 2023

8/24/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-08-24

Topics in this show:

  • BlackRock wants the Ukraine war to continue to make profit
  • 85,000 missing migrant children
  • 5G towers in Russia removed after 11 children died
  • What is life and meaning in work
  • Expose : Strategy behind WWII atomic bomb
  • Sun’s gamma rays
  • The womb is not a place to store fear and pain
  • Looking into the meaning of superfood Ka Chava
  • Return to love and risk it all

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August 10, 2023

8/10/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-08-10

Topics in this show:

  • What are you focusing your energy on?
  • Go ogle fearful voyeuristic perverts spying on us
  • Placebo at best dietary supplements
  • Their effort on correcting widespread misinformation
  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals
  • End of permanent alimony in Florida
  • Expose : Energy, climate, their fake programs
  • Expose : His story version of the takeover of Europe
  • Mayan calendar’s cycle and planetary cycles
  • Inner work and contacting traumas in earlier lives
  • World of traumas and 2D thinking
  • The Divine Feminine revocation

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July 27, 2023

7/27/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-07-27

Topics in this show:

  • Elected officials in fear of public violence and intimidation
  • Florida’s republicans concur the Covid virus is a biological and technological weapon
  • UK trial of four-day workweek
  • Expose : Forbidden four letter words, Jews
  • Laughable alt media claims
  • The Universe is almost twice as old as we thought
  • Heart issues and not operating from the heart
  • Public ET disclosure
  • Why spirit travels in spirals
  • Concept of sexual orientation
  • Divine masculine and feminine
  • Response to those who got triggered by FHSTOS Plus 20

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July 13, 2023

7/13/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-07-13

Topics in this show:

  • Former chief rabbi of Moscow says Jews should leave Russia before it’s too late
  • NZ selected to be the first country to be all smart city
  • Social Security facing $22.4 trillion financing problem
  • Agencies unable to determine the precise origin of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Pedophiles use AI to create child sexual abuse material
  • Colonel was forced to quit the army after stating men cannot be women
  • Men to spend exorbitant money on women, the shekel people’s program
  • Expose : Story of the more modern-day Rus
  • Spiral brain signals. Just like a galaxy?
  • Vertical time is your path for creation
  • Light in its full radiance will increase in its intensity

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June 29, 2023

6/29/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-06-29

Topics in this show:

  • Musical chair for leading politicians
  • Japan’s post world war 2 eugenics law
  • New health warning label on alcohol
  • Chemical found in sucralose can break up DNA
  • Questions to ask yourself before starting a relationship
  • Expose : Gaddafi and Western sanctions against Libya
  • University of Austin’s attempt to try and explain polar drift
  • Thoth, Quetzacoatl,Ptah, Ningishzida, Enki and Anunnaki
  • Closer look at Elana Danaan
  • Come and help us heal the planet and all of its varying races of humanoids together

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June 15, 2023

6/15/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-06-15

Topics in this show:

  • Warning to all planning to disrupt the people or countries
  • Relations between African immigrants and Black Americans are not as positive as we think
  • 16 states enacted laws that ban gender-affirming care for minors
  • CA $1.2 million reparations payments
  • Church and religion, the worst and most damaging program brought in around 22,500 BC
  • Expose : Barbaric practice of circumcision
  • The Greek’s version of Mark 14 describes Jesus’s sexual relations with the kids
  • Divine Masculine
  • Now more than ever we need unity, support and camaraderie as things are about to heat up

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June 8, 2023

6/8/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-06-08

Topics in this show:

  • More people avoid social platforms like the plague
  • Legalized Marijuana causes increased crimes and drug addictions
  • Bank decide client funds availability, a sign of them in trouble
  • EU trying to adjust the vaccine contracts with Pfizer while holding an enormous surplus
  • Media purposely cover up hate crimes committed by black people
  • Expose : Advancement and existential threat from Artificial intelligence
  • Light is a frequency, a piece written by a member
  • Gate, Tetrahedron, more pieces written by a member
  • Divine masculine and feminine energy and frequency is returning

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June 1, 2023

6/1/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-06-01

Topics in this show:

  • Communal Gathering updates and new Blueprint action group
  • MI6 had two videos incriminating Trump in 2016
  • CIA director met Epstein in 2014 unaware of who he was
  • FBI refused to give information file of Biden took bribes
  • America’s men have the power to transform this country for the better
  • Low birth rates and population decline
  • Expose : Origin of WEF, totalitarian dictatorship part2
  • Secret militaries around the world
  • Sacred divine feminine piece written by a member
  • Energies and frequencies have gone up considerably, it is important to embrace them and anchor it

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May 11, 2023

5/11/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-05-11

Topics in this show:

  • Communal Gathering updates
  • Bulgaria suspends import from Ukraine to support local farmers
  • America needs immigrants to survive
  • Female politicians are disappearing from the news
  • Biolab in Sudan
  • WHO’s worldwide agenda to normalize pedophilia in schools
  • Expose : Origin of WEF, totalitarian dictatorship part1
  • Massive ocean hidden under the Earth’s crust
  • Sacrum and Solar Plexus chakras
  • World time, parallels and meridians
  • Look at life through the triality not the duality

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April 20, 2023

4/20/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-04-20

Topics in this show:

  • Russian Ministry of Defense’s analysis on US military biological activities
  • Switzerland stops all the Covid vaccinations
  • Indiana teacher lost job for refusing to call transgender students their preferred names and pronouns
  • Army majors are taught that only the whites can be racist
  • Artificial wombs and IVF program
  • What is trust? How do you trust?
  • Polyamorous relationship
  • Ursa constellation named Makosh, another name for Tara?
  • Song Starrider by Foreigner
  • Stay strong in your conviction, exude inner strength and remember the progress you have all made

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April 13, 2023

4/13/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-04-13

Topics in this show:

  • Putin’s popularity in America has reached its highest point since 2020
  • French tv highlighting adrenochrome
  • US Armed Forces still spend about $100M annually on advertising
  • Prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children
  • Rise of Nazi related crimes perpetrated by agency
  • Expose : Government scientists collect royalties from drug companies
  • Meaning of word self
  • The moon was brought here around 12-13K years ago
  • Greenwich Mean Time. Why is it pronounced Gren-itch?

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April 6, 2023

4/6/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-04-06

Topics in this show:

  • Communal Gathering updates
  • Alt media narrative pervades MSM
  • More evidence of vaccine damage is out
  • American crisis of masculinity
  • Russian scientists reprogram Human DNA using words and frequencies
  • Expose : Obama and Trump
  • Tavistock, looking into the name
  • Egregore, non-physical entity of dark magicians
  • Irish tradition on single women in the early 1900’s
  • THI’s I am prayer

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March 30, 2023

3/30/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-03-30

Topics in this show:

  • Microsoft pushing AI with sticky strings attached. Message Batsui on MeWe for help to disable
  • Lauren Boebert calls for abolishment of the Dept. of Education
  • Group of House Republicans introduced legislation banning race-based preferences in the federal government
  • SVB Financial Group stock drops 60%+ – more evidence of Israeli takedown?
  • Connected signs of old world collapse replacing with the Blueprint
  • Medical related and COVID BS
  • Theory emerging of connection between vaccines and transgender people
  • Control mechanisms employed by Mormon church
  • Rank stupidity adopted by some via pro pagan da
  • Expose : Food and genetics
  • The nine gods = the Anunnaki clowns
  • Member’s piece for quiet time
  • Update : All members, please protect all women in the upcoming phase

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March 16, 2023

3/16/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-03-16

Topics in this show:

  • 45/55 required
  • What we are doing
  • Lies of last three years seriously unraveling
  • Have cash on hand
  • Dot connecting to wealthy Indians
  • College enrollment plunges
  • Expose : Nixon and Johnson stole gold from US Army base
  • Expose : War between Dracos and Hyksos had nothing to do with natural inhabitants
  • 4th dimension – what it could entail and where it could be
  • The land of Zion and all the fakery
  • Recognize your own progress
  • The upcoming official launch of The Blueprint for Humanity

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March 9, 2023

3/9/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-03-09

Topics in this show:

  • Good news – Bulgarian’s saying Ukraine is NATO’s fault
  • Crimes of Mormons – this time, caught and prosecuted
  • Two Republicans pushing for flat tax – shekel makers spin
  • Expose : Tests, and the Jewish pro pagan da
  • Mystery Section: Scientists should adopt the method of as above so below, as within so without, and focus on cause not effect
  • Heartbeat from the sun and new location of Northern Lights
  • Hebrew word magic
  • Digital copies
  • Will we all elevate each other higher?

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March 2, 2023

3/2/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-03-02

Topics in this show:

  • What we are doing
  • Israeli takedown continues at a pace
  • Why are people tolerating a global shortage of the basics?
  • Ignoring sexual abuse makes us complicit by implied consent
  • Expose : Shenanigan’s of the Ukraine
  • Spiritual Piece: Sexuality and the chakras
  • Mystery Section: Carnage, Kahn, carnal and word magic
  • The 7 internal chakras plus the 5 hidden = the 12+1
  • America – the abomination of it all
  • The current purging

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February 23, 2023

2/23/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-02-23

Topics in this show:

  • Two separate Asian-based stories and clown agendas
  • ChatGPT has major issues
  • The UFO/Chinese spy balloons – all to cover up the US blew the pipelines at Nordstream, without informing Congress
  • Expose : Shiva mourning piece
  • Expose : Admiral Byrd, his life, and dot connections
  • THI info makes it’s way into MSM more regularly
  • Word games
  • The Old Man and the Sea analogy
  • The increase in collective consciousness

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February 16, 2023

2/16/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-02-16

Topics in this show:

  • What we are doing
  • Israeli government has authorized nine Jewish settlements in the West Bank
  • More evil comes out of the Israeli Junta
  • Musical chair event for leading politicians now unfolding
  • What is ponerogenics?
  • Expose : The Jewish EL-ite faction split connected to Israel is starting to fray at the seams
  • Mystery Section : Male and female chakras
  • Latest presentation by Kevin
  • Events coming from the sun
  • Remember, remember, remember

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February 9, 2023

2/9/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-02-09

Topics in this show:

  • What we are doing
  • World Economic Forum report: leaders believe a catastrophic cyber event is coming
  • Medical related and COVID BS
  • MSM warning about food supplies which is long overdue
  • Expose : Shiva and the Hebrew connections
  • Expose : Origins and who runs the seedy side of sex and pornography
  • The inner core has stopped spinning which may lead to more earthquakes
  • Meat eating – what the clowns are up to
  • Recent presentation by Kevin – connections and questions
  • Cause or effect – what are we focused on?
  • Are we traversing both time and space?

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February 2, 2023

2/2/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-02-02

Topics in this show:

  • What we are doing (and please post everywhere)
  • Averhealth under investigation for medical fraud
  • Bill Gates warns of bioweapon
  • Germany’s natural gas reserves emptying at record speed
  • French protest against Macron’s pension reform plan
  • Start of the military upheaval?
  • Wade vs. Roe overturn = depopulation program
  • The misuse of technology
  • Mystery Piece : Fighting over religion and fake gods
  • Mystery Piece : Tara and the Seal of Amenti
  • Omega System failures by the Trustee
  • Integrate your shadows
  • Questions to ponder

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January 26, 2023

1/26/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-01-26

Topics in this show:

  • Climate TRACE (Tracking Real-Time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions)
  • Financial rumour about dollar value
  • SafeBlood Donation offers pure blood, unvaccinated plasma
  • WEF Survival of the richest report
  • Youth challenging authority figures in education system
  • Ron Jeremy sexual assault, the porn industry
  • Expose : German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and Washington
  • Judgment on the Whole Earth in the Day of the Lord
  • NESARA and debt jubilee
  • You made your mind up
  • Strings in time, will never lead to the nine
  • In a world of psi-cology, you stay in the heart. Follow your heart

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January 19, 2023

1/19/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-01-19

Topics in this show:

  • Rasmussen Reports survey, public turning against jabs
  • 13 year old killed whilst trying to steal car
  • ChatGPT, their plans, our power
  • Expose : Iudaean law form, how the Jewish religion was created
  • Pepsi pilk advert
  • You are responsible for your, not your label
  • Mike Stone: Everyone you see today is deranged
  • THI hope avenue
  • Response to a struggling young man

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January 12, 2023

1/12/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-01-12

Topics in this show:

  • Communal Gathering updates
  • Record number of foreign Jews return to Israel
  • US Congress $1.7 trillion spending bill
  • Pentagon report on PFAS chemical exposure
  • 6 and 12 year old attempting to take someone’s life
  • Arrested for silently praying outside a UK abortion clinic
  • Expose : The Aztecs and the Five Suns
  • Avatar 2, sea, salt, Amrita, energy, other dot connections
  • Frequency, vibration and energy

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January 5, 2023

1/5/23 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-01-05

Topics in this show:

  • Did anyone ask? Am I a crown of creation or a slave?
  • Expose : CRISPR-Cas9 and DNA engineering
  • DNA as digital data storage
  • Canadian carbon allowance credit card
  • Organ harvesting and trafficking (Syria, other countries)
  • Expose : Organ harvesting and trafficking
  • Christmas, crucifixion and Southern Cross
  • Let go and develop or recycle linearly
  • 2D world and reality or 3D

THI Encyclopedia

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