11/4/21 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Thomas Williams

November 4, 2021

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Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2021-11-04


Topics in this show

  • Religious organization abusing children
  • LA’s basic income guarantee pilot program
  • Israeli spyware system Pegasus, used in France and India as well
  • Covid BS
  • Police’s technology detects gunfire from most cities on their computer
  • There is a sun inside the planet, as above so below
  • Lesbian transphobic another divide and conquer program
  • UNICEF video urging kids to accept reptilian aliens
  • Woman sent to jail refusing to join the Israeli Junta military
  • Expose : Lebensborn, Aryan breeding program
  • Expose : Psychotic power games of royal and noble families
  • The person you don’t like is not the other person, that is the reflection, it is you
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Play audio at: 41

Darren who wrote and plays the We Are The 99% that was a popular THI theme tune early days, is releasing the record hoping for a worldwide Christmas No. 1.
Our member Paul Smith is helping him with the promotion and we would love to get some remixes if any producers want to get involved, contact him on Mewe if so.
With 6 land deals completed, another 5 to close in next 3 weeks, the first house is on the lot, and the first two THI members are now living in it, albeit minus utilities for a few days.
Things are progressing nicely now with the village.
If ever there was a time when people can come together as one, the best route ever is not voting in their elections.
All have seen the Stazi tactics of their Governments, get jabbed or no job, restaurants, sports, walking, shopping, theater or a myriad of other restrictions.
Who made them our parents? or more is the case, why have we allowed it?
If you want summer, if you want to go to bars and restaurants, get vaccinated, said half man half psychopath Jacinda Ardern.
You do know in the UK that you cannot obtain politicians jab records under a FOIA, rules for one and not for the all again.
A headline in a newspaper this week said it all, jabs are Santa’s big gift for kids, in relation to UK kids getting availability of vaccines by Christmas, this is a pure piss take.
What is Covid all about? there are many reasons but here is the main five.
1. control the public 2. have less jobs 3. have less services and 4. create more deaths, this is the real outcome of the Covid Experiment and agenda, and 5. create chaos enough for them to create their World Order.
One member said to me once that, not voting is a waste of a vote, no voting is not only a waste of time, but your own sanity.
How many times can you vote for non change? how many successive Governments have taken away your freedoms? How many times before you see that parties are filled with clowns? some of whom don’t perform for the children, but with the children.
Millions of people have lost their job, businesses and homes, and we tolerate this by voting again?
Voting is consent, you are consenting to the con they sent you, why comply?
The great question is, have we reached a point of flattening the curve in common sense yet?
We spoke recently about the fakeness of vitamins, supplements, organic food and how and why none of them work on a mass scale, most are placebos at best, scam at worst.
We spoke about being overweight possibly being connected to inner work baggage, well one of the best solutions for removing weight is, the weight of other peoples opinions.
Let it and them go their own path of low vibration, engaging them on that level lowers your own, stop doing that.
The proof is that you don’t need those type of people, as an example look at what happened to me last year.
Four close friends and fellow work colleagues, one lover and one potential lover, her words not mine all departed my life.
Shane, Randy, Chloe, Kim, Alan and Liam all in the space of 5 months, did I collapse without them? no, according to you all the shows got better, I traveled around the States and met many of you personally which brought much joy, growth, understanding, development and closer friendships.
All 6 of them have fallen off a cliff in terms of growth and standing, and not one of them has done anything of note since, which is sad in and of itself.
Although Alan continues to do good work within his community, as for the rest what have they done except write and do shows about how bad one tiny man is, and make up lies against one tiny man, and they think that is development?
Whilst they spread their special brand of low vibration, we re-developed the TPC again, we revamped the website, we redeveloped the THI state groups into Communal Gatherings, we are developing the TPC promotional video, we developed the TPC village and brought the main body of the group together, into a tighter knit group.
I may have wanted to be or work with them all, but time has shown I did not need any of them.
What it shows is, if you have the right will, desire and application you can overcome and achieve anything and everything, I have shown and set the example, and you all have it in you to do the same and better.
Facebook’s announcement that it is changing its name to Meta has caused quite the stir in Israel where the word sounds like the Hebrew word for dead.
To be precise, Meta is pronounced like the feminine form of the Hebrew word.
Dead Facebook and dead verse then, sounds fitting.
How much more obvious can it get? what if the clowns are doing everything wrong to get us to stand up, take more responsibility and do things right ourselves?
One of our members Billy Willets is in hospital currently and hopefully he will recover to get ready for the village move.
I am sure all THI members will send him well wishes, and here is his song.


Play audio at: 10:51

A reported plan by the Biden administration to pay $450,000 per person to illegal immigrants who had been separated during the Trump administration, could exceed the payments given to some families of 9/11 victims and Gold Star families.
The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments of $450,000, to those who crossed the border illegally and were separated from family members.
It is in response to a lawsuit by civil rights groups.
The payments could therefore amount to close to $1 million per family and $1 billion overall, although the Journal said that many families would get smaller payouts.
Does that make any sense? no, well it is a program then isn’t it.
It is a staged clickbait headline designed to rile people up, which can work in our favor if people respond in the right way to it, if not it shows how far they can take the piss and get away with it.

Here is another careful planted inflammatory comment.
These are words from Pope Francis.
I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this, when we acknowledge international organizations and we recognize their capacity to give judgment on a global scale, for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations.
If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey.
It is true that not all things that appear just for the whole of humanity, will also be so for our pockets, but we must obey international institutions.
That is why the United Nations were created.
That’s why international courts were created.
Only to serve the system, courts created by Cohens, UN ran by Cohen’s who have no interest in humanity, excepting harvesting us.
And this parasite and his ilk are at the very core of the problems on this planet.
The courts have never dealt with issues for we the people, and the UN has never kept peace, erased poverty or famine.
And what is worse the UN along with the churches have done the most heinous things to children, and covered it all up.

Here is another implanted fake news story.
The head of Israel’s Holocaust memorial has criticized plans by a Jerusalem auctioneer, to sell tools used to tattoo inmates at the Auschwitz death camp.
The set of stamps made from needles is the most shocking Holocaust item, Tzolmans auction house says on its online auction page.
The Nazis branded prisoners with numbers and letters on their arms, and survivors still bear them decades on.
The auctioneer, Meir Tzolman, said the sale was meant to increase awareness.
I am the last to underestimate or diminish the value of the Holocaust, he said.
I want to make sure that the item gets into the right hands, and does not disappear from the pages of history.
There is zero chance of it being erased from history, because the victimhood and guilt shaming opportunists bring it up at every opportunity, it is time for them to move on, but it is too profitable.
8-10M Slavs were murdered in WW2, 80-90M Russians were murdered from WW1 to end of WW2.
50M Chinese were murdered in WW2, and yet we get rammed by the self pity group about not 6 Million, but 1.5M or less according to official Red Cross documents.
Look one person murdered is bad enough, that is not the issue here, it is the guilt and shame tactics of these people reminding us that, only their fake religion people died, when in reality that was far from the truth.
The very people who organized and funded the killings, are the ones still pushing this bs.
Take note this is another staged event designed to inflame, plus divide and conquer.
A Rutgers University professor said, we got to take these motherf—kers out, is she speaking of the cabal? Democrats? Politicians, the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna, Planned Parenthood?
All very topical things that could possible derive from that statement, but no, she was discussing White people in September.
Brittney Cooper, an associate professor in the Rutgers University Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, made the comment during an event titled, Unpacking the Attacks on Critical Race Theory, hosted by The Root.
Like, the thing I want to say to you is we got to take these motherf—kers out.
But, like, we can’t say that, right?
We can’t say, like, I don’t believe in a project of violence, I truly don’t, Cooper said.
I guess she was being sarcastic and really advocating for violence against the white people, all because of their color.
Whites are now being and have been discriminated against because of the color of their skin, and yet any defense of white people is deemed as a White Supremacy or Nazi label.
Cooper was responding to a question posed by Michael Harriot, senior writer for The Root, who asked Cooper what can be expected out of White people from Black Americans.
Cooper also said that she believes that White folks are not eternal.
But I do fundamentally believe that things that have a beginning have an ending, all things that begin end.
White folks are not infinite and eternal, right? Cooper said, they ain’t going to go on for infinity and infinity.
And that’s super important to remember that white colonialism and imperialism has a beginning, and in my way of thinking about the world, that means it has an end.
She added that Whiteness is going to have an end date, because despite what White people think of themselves, they do not defy the laws of eternity.
But Whiteness is largely an inconvenient interruption, Cooper said.
Cooper is on a sabbatical leave for 2021-2022.
Stephen Wallace, a student at Rutgers University, told Fox News he views Cooper’s comments as an incitement of violence against a group of people.
The people that want to teach kids about America, and how racist and oppressed everyone is are the real racists and oppressors, Wallace said.
In April 2020, Cooper made headlines for blaming former President Donald Trump, and the people who supported him for the impacts of corona virus.
F— each and every Trump supporter, you absolutely did this, you are to blame, she tweeted.
She later doubled down and said that Rutgers University would not fire her because of her tenured status.
I said what I meant and I curse cuz I’m grown, Cooper wrote in a tweet thread, I have tenure Rutgers won’t be firing me for tweets.
She has clearly grown girth wise and height, but zero intelligence, wisdom or spiritual growth.
Clearly someone set her up to do that, and she went ahead and did it for some notoriety.
People like her are humanity sell outs and should be shunned by people of all colors.

Is Donald Trump in Debt to Blackstone? Rumored to be $560M.
Donald Trump is closely connected to Blackstone cofounder, chairman and CEO Stephen Schwarzman, and Schwarman has had dealings with Russian government officials in the past.
The May 18 gathering was a radical departure for Putin, who normally receives foreign executives when they seek his personal blessing to close multibillion-dollar deals.
Speaking through an interpreter to guests including Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman and Abu Dhabi’s Hareb Al Darmaki, he spelled out how the fund would work alongside foreign investors to buy businesses in Russia.
In January 2016, however, the New York Times reported that Schwarzman sat on the board of international advisors for an investment fund, backed by the Russian government and directly linked to Vladimir Putin from 2011-2014.
Trump appointed Blackstone’s CEO and cofounder to serve on the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum.
Yet more evidence of Trump connected to the Black Sun, and yet previously it was the Rothschild’s who bailed Trump out of bankruptcies.
Either way he is in bed with the banksters, and that makes him a liability for we the people.
Federal prosecutors allege eight people connected to a Kansas-based organization conspired to provide unpaid child labor to businesses, across the country and physically abused them for years.
The organization, formerly known as the United Nation of Islam and the Value Creators, was labeled a cult by a federal judge in the District of Kansas in 2018.
In an indictment unsealed Tuesday, prosecutors alleged the Kansas City group beat children, imposed severe dietary restrictions and forced children, some as young as 8, to work without pay.
Royall Jenkins had been a member of the Nation of Islam until 1978, when he founded the separate United Nation of Islam.
He persuaded his followers that he was shown the proper way to rule the Earth, after being taken through the galaxy by aliens on a spaceship, according to the indictment.
At one point, the group had hundreds of followers.
Eight leaders of the organization, including three of Jenkins’ many wives, were named in the indictment after they were arrested in cities across the U.S.
They are Randolph Hadley, Jacelyn Greenwell, Etinia Kinnard, Dana Peach, Daniel Jenkins, James Staton, Yunus Rassoul and Kaaba Majeed.
They are accused of conspiracy to commit forced labor and forced labor.
Prosecutors allege that beginning in October 2000, the organization ran businesses such as gas stations, bakeries and restaurants in several states using unpaid labor from group members and their children, some as young as 8.
Parents were encouraged to send their children to an unlicensed school in Kansas City, Kansas, called the University of Arts and Logistics of Civilization, which did not provide appropriate instruction in most subjects.
The indictment said those who didn’t attend the school were forced to work instead.
Some of the child victims worked in businesses in Kansas City, while others were trafficked to businesses in other states, including New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Maryland, Georgia and North Carolina, the indictment alleges.
Prosecutors said the victims also lived in overcrowded dormitories, barracks, or households of adult members who were not related, and many were forced to work up to 16 hours per day.
Their diet consisted of bean soup, salad, and occasionally fruit, and frequent cleanses were ordered that included only consuming lemon juice for days.
Physical abuse mentioned in the indictment included routine Fruit of Islam Beatdowns, organized by three of the defendants to punish male members for violating its code by such offenses as stealing food.
The indictment names 10 children who were forced to work for the organization between October 2000 and November 2012. Some worked for 12 years without pay, the indictment says.
In May 2018, U.S. Judge Daniel Crabtree called the group a cult and ordered it to pay $8 million to Kendra Ross, who said she spent 10 years performing unpaid labor.
Yet again a religious organization found abusing children, time to eradicate the blight on humanity and close down the special privileged churches.
Plenty of money for the churches and their decorations, yet nothing to help the people who support it.
Here we go, just as we warned.
The largest Guaranteed Basic Income pilot program in the country was approved by the Los Angeles City Council on last week, expanding the city’s initial $6 million investment to nearly $40 million to benefit 3,000 Angelenos.
The BIG:LEAP – Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot program, will give $1,000 in direct cash payments to families each month for 12 months.
The no-strings-attached payments will be given to families who were impacted by the pandemic and are living in poverty.
More than a quarter of the participants will be residents of Councilman Curren Price’s district.
Council District 9, which has the highest percentage of people living in poverty, at 12.3%, according to a June 14 report on the program by the former Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department, which has since been split into two separate departments.
Price said Tuesday his district office will serve as a command center during the application window to assist his constituents, and additional sites including libraries and the All Peoples Community Center and Trade-Tech College, that will provide computers, Wi-Fi and language support to help Council District 9 residents apply.
Yet again more military terminology with command center, wasn’t there a movie called District 9 perhaps that is indicative?
Why are there any poverty stricken people in that area, given the wealth connected to that area?
The problem is a lack of sharing, something our group is moving ahead with changing.

Former President Obama’s ethics chief on Wednesday ripped the Biden White House for brokering a deal last month so that Hunter Biden, and the American public at large, would never know who was buying his paintings.
Walter Shaub appeared on Law & Crime’s Objections podcast, where he did not mince words about how he felt about the behavior of the White House, President Biden, and his son, Hunter, regarding his upcoming art shows in Los Angeles and New York City.
Hunter’s paintings are priced between $75,000 and $500,000, despite his lack of artistic experience.
There is simply no way an artist who has never even juried into a community center art fair, is going to suddenly show up in New York selling art for half a million a pop, Shaub said.
Let’s talk about the magnitude of this, that’s $6.5 million going to the president’s son for being the president’s son, not for being an artist and I just think that’s absolutely appalling.
The White House is using taxpayer dollars to help manage Hunter Biden’s career while claiming there isn’t an ethical conflict.
Are the paintings funding illicit payments is the greater question? a backdoor into getting criminal activities funded in an open way.
It looks like a backdoor deals mechanism to me.

The country’s largest school board association collaborated with the Biden White House, before sending a controversial letter calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists, according to previously unreported emails.
The emails, obtained by Parents Defending Education through public records requests and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, reveal that the National School Board Association’s president and CEO sent the letter to Biden on Sept. 29 without approval from the organization’s board.
The letter said that the acts of some parents at school board meetings across the country, could be considered a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.
The emails also show that the White House asked the association for examples of threats against school board members, days before Attorney General Merrick Garland created a task force of officials from the FBI and the Justice Department, to determine how to prosecute alleged crimes at school board meetings.
The letter makes clear that the White House was aware of the letter before it was released, while raising questions about whether the White House colluded with the association on the letter to prompt federal action.
The letter has sparked allegations that the Biden administration is trying to stifle dissent among parents, who oppose mask mandates and the teaching of critical race theory at America’s schools.
The agencies consider us all domestic terrorists, given they spy on us all, otherwise why do so? so this item is not new.
It remains unclear whether the White House pressured the Department of Justice to create the school board task force.
The simplest solution to all of this is, pull all your children out of school, ask the better teachers in the school to create their own teaching program, and step away from the indoctrination, forced jabs, mandates, false history and divisive agendas programs that all their schools are running on the children.
The point is, we don’t need their schools, they offer nothing of value, it should be clear to all and sundry they fail to teach children the basics, never mind anything of value.
Here is another staged or set up event.
President Joe Biden on Thursday didn’t hesitate when asked whether the U.S. would come to Taiwan’s defense if China attacked.
Yes, we have a commitment to do that, Biden said during a CNN town hall in Baltimore.
But the White House later clarified the president’s comments, telling Politico that there had been no change in policy.
The U.S. defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, a White House spokesperson said.
We will uphold our commitment under the Act, we will continue to support Taiwan’s self-defense, and we will continue to oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo.
Does anyone ask why we are having the Taiwan Relations Act? essentially it is a proviso for a possible future potential war situation.
Taiwan is in the China Sea, what is that to do with America? Imagine the uproar if Russia took over Puerto Rico, which is equally nothing to do with America, the outrage would be unmerciful.
Yet because Americans are educated that China and Russia are the bad guys, the people ignore it.
This is all a set up and back up plan to create a war, and for Americans you should demand we should not get involved, because in that war it will be your children who get sacrificed again.
If you don’t think this is all a staged event perhaps this comment will make you rethink.
The U.S. does not formally recognize Taiwan, but it maintains an unofficial relationship and supports its democratic government.

Recently we mentioned of the use of an Israeli spyware system called Pegasus, used in France, well it’s now emerged it was used in India as well.
India’s supreme court has ordered an independent inquiry into, whether the government used the surveillance software Pegasus to spy illegally on journalists, activists and political opponents.
The decision on Wednesday to create an independent committee to investigate whether and how the Indian state, had used the Israeli spyware tool was a significant victory for privacy campaigners after years of stonewalling by Narendra Modi’s government.
The order was a response to cases lodged by several Indian journalists and activists, including some revealed by the Guardian and a consortium of reporting partners to have been victims of Pegasus.
A cyber-weapon capable of hacking a target’s smart phone, extracting its contents and turning on the device’s microphone and camera.
Analysis by the media outlets of infected phones, and of a wider list of more than 50,000 phone numbers believed to have been selected as persons of interest by clients of Pegasus’ manufacturer, NSO Group, strongly indicated the Indian government was using the tool.
Delhi has consistently declined to confirm if it has access to it.
The committee will comprise three cyber security experts, and its work will be overseen by a retired supreme court judge.
It will submit its report in two months.
In a decision that opened with a quote from George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the judges criticized the government’s refusal to divulge, on the grounds of national security, any details of what the software was used for and why.
They said Delhi had offered only a vague denial of allegations.
The state cannot get a free pass every time by raising national security concerns.
No omnibus prohibition can be called against judicial review, the judges said.
India using CIA tactics of National Security, I warned years ago National Security equals covering up crimes and skullduggery.
From one Pegasus which is the horse to another, so much for horsing around it seems.
There has been much said about the drug to cure Covid called Ivermectin, which is a horse-dewormer.
But that is not the only horse drugs, in fact millions use it.
The drug is Premarin, an estrogen-therapy drug currently manufactured by Pfizer (formerly Wyeth Pharmaceuticals), which also produces Prempro, an estrogen/progestin combination.
Both drugs contain horse urine, specifically pregnant mare’s urine.
One of the HRT drugs that has historically been among the most widely prescribed is made from animal waste.
From HRT to RHT replacement horse therapy.
Maybe that is why women refuse sex so much? when man says can I ride you, she says neigh so often.

So now we have the media focusing mainly now on Climate change, here comes the push to banning denial of that now, how very child like that is.
Climate change denial is spreading unchecked on Facebook, two studies by disinformation researchers have found.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, said less than 10% of misleading posts were marked as misinformation.
And the CCDH researchers linked the majority of these to just 10 publishers.
Facebook said this represented a small proportion of climate change content.
The CCDH is a non-profit organization which monitors and lobbies against online hate and misinformation.
I notice they never fact check Antifa or Black Lives Matter, that tells you both groups are ran by the system.
It found that of 7,000 misleading posts describing climate change as hysteria, alarmism, a scam, or other related terms, only 8% were marked as misinformation.
Facebook pledged to flag climate denial content early this year.
The CCDH looked at a sample of posts from the past year which attracted roughly 700,000 likes and shares.
Researchers used social media analytics tool Newswhip to search for strings of key words including climate change, global warming and, fraud, hoax, cult, scam, lie and so on.
That is how they datamine things and come to conclusions on how to act, all ran by AI type software, which then tells the jackasses what to do.
The researchers manually reviewed every post, to make sure it met their definition of climate denial and was not a post condemning such beliefs.
Highly shared articles made false assertions that climate change, was not confirmed by science or claimed to debunk it with data.
Of these, 69% could be traced back to just 10 super-polluter publishers, dubbed the toxic ten the campaign group found.
The toxic ten? again it’s child like behavior and an embarrassment that so much time and effort is going into stifling discourse.
All of which tells you, the system are weak, they cannot handle other peoples opinions, imagine what they will be like when opinions turns to threats?
These are keyboard warriors all working for the system, and their own toxic ten, the BBC, Sky, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Yahoo and Firefox.
Why Firefox, because they have flagged almost every site now as a security issue, and are actually blocking you going on many sites now.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday she has tested positive for COVID-19 despite being vaccinated.
On Wednesday, in coordination with senior leadership at the White House and the medical team, I made the decision not to travel on the foreign trip with the president due to a family emergency, which was members of my household testing positive for COVID-19, Psaki said in a statement.
How very convenient as Psaki was coming under fire for not answering questions, plus making some intimidatory statements.
We mentioned this guy last week as part of the Jewish EL-ite banking group.
Barclays CEO Jes Staley will stand down following an investigation into his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, the bank said in a statement Monday.
Barclays and Staley were made aware on Friday evening of the preliminary conclusions, of a probe by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, Barclays said.

Covid BS

Play audio at: 50:40

Over 26,000 New York City municipal workers are unvaccinated after a Friday deadline to have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, AP reports.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio expanded a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on Oct. 20 that covers all of the city’s public employees, including police officers and firefighters.
Nearly 46,000 unvaccinated employees needed to receive one dose by Friday.
The mandate boosted the vaccination rate among city employees from 71% to 83% as of 8 p.m. Friday, AP reports.
The New York Police Department had a 5% jump in vaccinations, leaving 16% of police officers unvaccinated.
The fire department’s vaccination rate rose 8%, while the sanitation department had an additional 10% of its staff get vaccinated.
Both departments separately have 23% of their staffs unvaccinated.
Workers who refuse to comply with the requirement will be put on unpaid leave starting Monday.
The fire department is preparing to close 20% of its fire companies and have 20% fewer ambulances in service due to staffing shortages.
No surprise there, only surprise is given New York has elements of the more fiery types of culture, like Irish and Italian, that they are not standing up more.
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) head Dr. Anthony Fauci is under fire, after a nonprofit organization reported that, he funded research to infect beagle puppies with parasites in order to test an experimental drug.
The allegations were raised by the White Coat Waste Project, a nonprofit watchdog organization that raised the alarm about the NIH, sending U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for research on bat corona viruses.
The NIH has since admitted that it funded gain of function research, to artificially enhance bat corona viruses and make them more transmissible to humans, despite Fauci’s repeated statements under oath that taxpayer money was not going toward the research.
Now, after obtaining documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the White Coat Waste Project is alleging that Fauci was involved in funding a different type of research, which is leading to calls for Fauci’s resignation or even arrest.
The nonprofit alleges that a study funded by Fauci in Tunisia, North Africa in 2018 and 2019, involved deliberately infecting 44 beagle puppies with flesh-eating parasites, for the purpose of testing out an experimental treatment.
Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles, and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive, it was revealed.
They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights, to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies, the report states.
According to the group, the research was also being conducted stateside in California, Georgia, and Maryland.
THI called it right, Dr. I don’t give a Fauci, all for Military bio-warfare tactics, which eventually gets used on the people.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid is leading a crucial press conference as the Covid-19 situation in the country worsens.
The government is facing repeated calls for some restrictions to be re-introduced, with the number of cases of the virus rising.
Daily Covid cases have been above 40,000 for seven days in a row, with 43,738 new infections reported on Tuesday, and the number of patients in hospital rose by 10% in a week to 7,749 on Monday.
Another 223 deaths were recorded yesterday, the largest number since March, although daily figures are often higher on Tuesdays.
Eh? daily figures are higher on a Tuesday? wtf does that mean, people wait to get sick or die on one specific day?
The NHS Confederation said a back-up strategy, or Plan B, which includes mandatory face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces, should be implemented immediately.
And we are heading back into lockdowns again it seems, too many seeing through the illusion now.
More sick and more dying now because the people demanded it, asking for the experimental jabs.
Two stories both talking of back up or Plan B, I guess Plan A never worked and that is code to the upper order to change plans.
November marks the point in the year when the cold begins to set in.
This association is no doubt why November’s adjectival form, Novemberish, means dreary, and why the month’s original name in Old English was Blōtmōnað, literally blood-month.
Blood month they say?
Here is the history behind that.
November was the month of heavy animal sacrifice, when the early Saxons would stock up on food for the winter. Today, Blōtmōnað might still be a relevant term, particularly during the weeks leading up to that turkey-filled Thanksgiving dinner.
Say no to vember, in fact say no to all clowns and their agendas against us, because that will make we the people reign.
Reign in or from November?

Interesting Pieces

Play audio at: 60:50

In recent shows we covered the movie Snow Crash and the Metaverse with their digital twins program, seems the BBC was listening again as they ran this piece today.
One of Facebook’s earliest investors has labelled the social media giant’s plans for a metaverse as dystopian.
Meta, as Facebook is now known, is investing billions in the project.
But Roger McNamee told the BBC: It’s a bad idea and the fact we are all sitting and looking at this like it’s normal should be alarming everyone.
Meta’s chief product officer Chris Cox told attendees at the Web Summit in Lisbon that the idea would make the internet less flat.
He said it would be considerably better than video conferencing as a space for meetings.
However, speaking at the same event, Mr. McNamee was highly sceptical.
Facebook should not be allowed to create a dystopian metaverse, he said.
The term metaverse was coined in the 1990s in a science fiction novel Snow Crash, where it served as a virtual reality successor to the internet.
Mr. McNamee became a critic of Facebook as he began to see more misinformation on the platform.
He said he was not convinced the metaverse would be safe in chief executive Mark Zuckerberg’s hands.
There’s no way that a regulator or policymaker should be allowing Facebook to operate there in the metaverse or get into crypto-currencies, he said.
Facebook should have lost the right to make its own choices.
A regulator should be there giving pre-approval for everything they do, the amount of harm they’ve done is incalculable.
They get away with it because too few people in the world understand what they are doing.
Did you know that the police can now detect gunfire from most cities, from a computer in an office?
What is this technology and when was it implemented?
The issue with this type of technology is, what comes next?
ShotSpotter’s incident-review room is like any other call centre.
Analysts wearing headsets sit by computer screens, listening intently.
Yet the people working here have an extraordinary responsibility.
They make the final decision on whether a computer algorithm has correctly identified a gunshot, and whether to dispatch the police.
Making the wrong call has serious consequences.
ShotSpotter has garnered much negative press over the last year.
Allegations range from its tech not being accurate, to claims that ShotSpotter is fuelling discrimination in the police.
In the wake of those negative news stories, the company gave BBC News access to its national incident-review centre.
ShotSpotter is trying to solve a genuine problem.
What makes the system so compelling, we believe, is a full 80-95% of gunfire goes unreported, chief executive Ralph Clark says.
It could be a useful tool if it sticks to that exercise, but we know all too well this technology reaches further and further into invading our privacy.
In reality we have none, and yet where is the outrage?
Their argument is, if you don’t do anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.
Well if that applies the same, we wouldn’t need the National Security Act or the Freedom of Information act either, except it never works that way with these voyeuristic perverts.

The BBC did a remarkable piece by Luke Kemp titled the agents of doom.
In it listed several categories from holders of nuclear weapons, surveillance programs, AI programs and lethal weapons.
A very insightful piece that bordered common sense and truth, but it is hugely ironic that a news broadcaster would write a piece in this fashion, and not include the medias role themselves.
The media are the drivers of the fear and catastrophe projects, and are in fact the main problem of being Agents of doom.
But kudos to the BBC for doing the article, this is what it said about climate change.
Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global industrial greenhouse gas emissions since 1988.
Some of these fossil fuel giants have funded a complex of firms, think tanks and scientists that have been responsible for sewing doubt on climate science.
These merchants of doubt are a small, concentrated group.
For countries, the top 10 historical emitters account for three-quarters of cumulative global emissions, counting the EU as single emitter, with the US alone accounting for around a quarter.
A similar pattern appears when we look at the actual spread of fossil fuel reserves throughout the Earth’s land.
Six countries and one region, collectively 18 countries together hold 80% of fossil fuel reserves.
So, just deal with the 100 companies that are responsible for 71% of the emissions then, oh I forgot, the ones driving this bullshit are the ones causing the emissions.
Classic agency tactic that, of excusing others of doing or causing things they are responsible for.

The great debate about climate change is now officially the Covid scam dampener, to get people to forget Covid and the damage that scam has caused.
I stated a few months back the switch and it is now in full swing, climate change adverts now replacing get jabbed.
The fear porn channel better known as the Weather Channel going full swing on it.
Given they rolled out Be ill Gates whose viruses within his computer systems he couldn’t control, was wheeled out to be an expert on medical viruses, one wonders whether they will wheel out Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos for the cloud based emissions, given they went into the clouds via emissions causing rockets.
Oh the irony.
Or will NASA be wheeled out to add their doom and gloom, given it was their experiments and rockets that caused the ozone hole in the last century, another doom and gloom agenda that was rolled out around the world, and yet we are all still here, funny that.
So, what is it all about, the usual culprit of follow the money, or perhaps more apt, follow the shekels, which brings in the multi billionaires and their desire to control everything and everyone.
Backed by what many people are now seeing, corrupt bought and paid lackey in the sciences.
Again like the Covid scam, debate is stifled and the public only get to hear one side of the story, courtesy of the Jewish El-ites control of the media.
Speak out or don’t follow the script and your status and employment is over.
Many people have spoken out and against it, including 34K scientists worldwide, which unlike the global temperature is increasing.
If CO2 increased the temperatures as they vow, then there has been an increase in CO2 pumped out by the billionaire Industrialists in the past decade, and yet temperatures have not gone up at all.
In fact one report we highlighted recently showed that the average temperature went down 0.7C in just the past 5 years.
The Russians warned us in 1960’s of the potential on the horizon of global cooling, and the evidence for that is the lack of sun spots.
Sun spots and their cycles have long been monitored and data recorded to form into patterns or cycles, and the lack of sunspots over the past decade, has caused a slow down of warming, and increases the cooling.
The sheer hypocrisy of the global El-ites all flying into London on the expensive CO2 producing private jets, with their endless entourage, is crassly ironic, and yet another case of don’t do as we do, but do as we say.
Since 1990 they have ran this scam, and the cost to the public to prove their fake case to date has run to just over $50B, as a cost to the taxpayer, something these jackass billionaires don’t pay either.
Their whole science is flawed right from the off, how can space be cold if the sun is so hot?
Why in the first minutes of a flight does the temperature drop, if the heat is coming from the sun?
If the sun in the sky creates all the heat, then why are temperatures of a night mostly in the mild range?
Surely with the sun down, the temperatures should be the same as the air space the planes travel in, and should plummet to -67 to -97F.
This tells people not coerced that, the temperature in part comes from within the planet.
It is my belief there is a sun inside the planet, as above so below, and when the two suns are aligned they interact and produce the heat.
All suns are interlinked, like a gateway network, which is why they are used as portals of travel, collectors and generators of streams of information, that can be passed from one sun to another and back to and from the Galactic Sun.
Think of the suns in terms of servers.
This other sun inside the planet is a small power pack, a condensed ball of plasma with huge amounts of energy, and is a much sought after commodity by members of the dark forces.
Remove the inner sun and or drain it by tapping into it for weaponry purpose, and the planet begins to die.
This is what brought the Annunaki to this planet in the first place, to find monatomic gold for their atmosphere they had destroyed, due to harvesting too much for war weaponry their own inner sun.
The volcanoes all died, and if the volcanoes stopped on this planet, we, all life and the planet would die here too.
The volcanoes are evidence of the inner sun, the deeper you go the hotter it gets.
Yet jackass scientists tell us it is the plates creating friction that is causing it, the crust is relatively thin, and yet scientists won’t explain why the main heat is below the crusts.
Our inner sun is what causes the Northern and Southern Lights, in essence what you are seeing with that light show is, the interaction between the two suns, think of it in terms of a data stream.
A cosmic dance of energy particles between the two drivers of life creation on planets.
You wish to know why there are so many asteroids in our solar system? because the dark forces destroyed so many planets, trying to access the solar power packs.
They are now reduced to flying in tin cans or hollowed out planetoids, you want evidence of one? look in the night sky.
The word climate, late 14c., horizontal zone of the earth’s surface measured by lines parallel to the equator, from Old French climat region, part of the earth, from Latin clima (genitive climatis) region, slope of the earth, from Greek klima region, zone, literally an inclination, slope, thus slope of the earth from equator to pole, from a suffixed form of PIE root klei- to lean.
Ancient geographers divided the earth into zones based on the angle of sun, on the slope of the earth’s surface and the length of daylight.
Some reckoned 24 or 30 climates between Meroe on the upper Nile in Sudan and the mythical Riphaean Mountains which were supposed to bound the Arctic.
The Riphaean mountains said to not exist and yet appear on ancient maps, a bit like Tartaria, and from what I can deduce they are located in Russia NW of Moscow.
A change of climate took place, going north, at a place where the day was a half hour longer or shorter, according to season, than the starting point.
Others counted 7 each dominated by a particular planet or 12 dominated by zodiac signs.
Except there was not 7 planets or 12 zodiacs, and the ancients knew this thousands of years ago.
In fact right up to the 14C Astronomy was the top subject for students, until the Cat holic church deleted it and science, to start their path of controlling all of the narrative.
The gist of this climate change bs is, the global EL-ites need something to fund their One World control system, and they along with the UN, are driving this bullshit to collect wealth off of each country to deliver it.
Remember they warned of global warming caused by humans first back in 1984, and non of the data supports it.
Winter started in mid October around here, is that evidence of global cooling? where the original chemtrails an experiment to trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere to prevent global cooling?
If so, that tells you the heat is below, and not above.

Here is another program that divides and conquers, and this is getting beyond ridiculous now.
Is a lesbian transphobic if she does not want to have sex with trans women?
Some lesbians say they are increasingly being pressured and coerced into accepting trans women as partners, then shunned and even threatened for speaking out.
Jennie is a lesbian woman, she says she is only sexually attracted to women who are biologically female and have vaginas.
She therefore only has sex and relationships with women who are biologically female.
Jennie doesn’t think this should be controversial, but apparently with the word salad woke brigade around, not everyone agrees.
She has been described as transphobic, a genital fetishist, a pervert and a terf, a trans exclusionary radical feminist.
Well that is all very adult children again is it not.
Don’t agree with someone, call them names or create fake labels.
She said I became aware of this particular issue after I wrote an article about sex, lies and legal consent.
Several people got in touch with me to say there was a huge problem for lesbians, who were being pressured to accept the idea that a penis can be a female sex organ.
I know the education system is bad here, but that is just wrong.
I knew this would be a hugely divisive subject, but I wanted to find out how widespread the issue was.
Ultimately, it has been difficult to determine the true scale of the problem because, there has been little research on this topic, only one survey to my knowledge.
However, those affected have told me the pressure comes from a minority of trans women, as well as activists who are not necessarily trans themselves.
Paid lackeys then thrown in to disrupt and divide people.
They described being harassed and silenced if they tried to discuss the issue openly.
I received online abuse myself when I tried to find interviewees using social media.
Another lesbian woman, said she felt so pressured she ended up having penetrative sex with a trans woman at university, after repeatedly explaining she was not interested.
I am sorry but that is beyond stupid, and tantamount to rape.
The language at the time was very much trans women are women, they are always women, and lesbians should date them.
And I was like, that’s the reason I rejected this person.
Does that make me bad? Am I not going to be allowed to be in the LGBT community anymore? Am I going to face repercussions for that instead? So I didn’t actually tell anyone.
Why is it so important to be allowed to stay in the LGBT community? If this is the way they act, why lower yourself to be with threatening and harassing people.
Hearing about experiences like these led one lesbian activist to begin researching the topic.
Angela C. Wild is co-founder of Get The L Out, whose members believe the rights of lesbians are being ignored by much of the current LGBT movement.
Lesbians are still extremely scared to speak because they think they won’t be believed, because the trans ideology is so silencing everywhere, she said.
Angela created a questionnaire for lesbians and distributed it via social media, then published the results.
She said that of the 80 women who did respond, 56% reported being pressured or coerced to accept a trans woman as a sexual partner.
The issue in the piece they say is, having a genital preference is transphobic.
Have you ever heard such drivel in all your life, these people need to do a whole heck of shadow and inner work, not collect labels.
I don’t care what peoples sexual preferences are, because actually it is nobody else’s business.
These minority groups all lack self worth, otherwise they would not have the need to be parading around, shouting look at me I am gay, lesbian or transgender.
Keep your sexuality to yourselves and stop getting in peoples face with your banal rhetoric, language and exhibitionism.
We have gays, lesbians and transgendered in our own group, and none of them are putting it in our face, and that is the way it should be, keep your sexuality in your own bedroom I say.
Here is more word salad bs’ery, I came across a new term recently called cisgender, my first thought was what in the name of Satan’s portion is that about, but then I pondered and wondered did it mean clowns in stockings gender.
Well it turns out it means, identifying as having a gender that corresponds to the sex one has been assigned at birth, not transgender.
So a man or woman then, what was so difficult about staying with that? too hard to comprehend? or this that another fake lets all be offended by everything culture.
What weak and pathetic people we have amongst our stock, is it any wonder humanity can’t progress carrying around these adult children offended by everything that has no value.
These jackasses need to be reminded that, it was a man and woman that created them.
I personally think we should add new letters in order to the letter based so called minority groups, gfy.
Disclaimer no letter groups were harmed during this broadcast, our sponsors would like to remind you this program was brought to you by common sense and the letters GF and Y.

Remember around 2 months ago I highlighted BBC correspondents writing utter conspiracy drivel about Covid and other lies.
I highlighted Marianna Spring, and lo and behold last week she did a whole piece about how people online are trolling her and abusing her.
I’m the BBC’s first specialist disinformation reporter, and I receive abusive messages on social media daily, she said.
Specialist disinformation reporter? indeed you are a specialist at disinformation and the public has grown tired of it.
I say good stuff to those who have called her out and keep going as it is clearly bothering them.
If you don’t wish to become a target of people, stop writing shit given to you by agency clowns and the Zionist brigade, it’s that simple.
The story was a pity party piece, ooh look at me I am being abused, well, we the people have been abused by the likes of her and their lies for decades, enough is enough.
These people think they can hide behind screens and take the piss out of the public, I’m glad some people are now starting to see who the real problem is.
And you Marianna are part of the problem and cancer on society, if you don’t like the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Are you ready for this? Does this classify as another example of ET Disclosure? Is this an indication that they believe they will have their NWO, which does involve the reptile groups, and so a subtle introduction?
Why is the Cat holic Pope involved in this exercise and group? well I think the FRWL series explained that quite well, as to why.
A Bizarre UNICEF Video Urging Kids To Accept Reptilian Aliens.
A video released in Chile by UNICEF has sparked controversy around the world.
In this video created and promoted by UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund) you can see how an alien child is integrated into a school with human children.
As expected, this video shows how, at first, the alien child is mocked, but in the end after showing all his psychic abilities he is accepted by the other children.
It should be noted that UNICEF has an agreement with one of the Vatican-owned organizations.
This organization is called the Scholas Occurrentes Initiative and is founded by Pope Francis himself.
The goal of this organization is to radically change the way children around the world are educated.
Is this video proof that the Vatican and UNICEF are trying to prepare the collective mind, so that the human race can more easily accept possible contact with an alien race?
Not just any alien race though is it? if people look close enough they will find they have long been amongst us.
Israeli refusenik Shahar Perets has served her third term in jail for the heinous crime apparently, of not joining the Israeli Junta military.
In an email sent out to supporters of refuser network Mesarvot between jail sentences, she said she just spent her 19th birthday behind bars.
Describing the conditions in prison, Perets said she was deprived of writing down her thoughts and experiences by prison guards, with access to a pen for sometimes only ten minutes per day.
She said, the military does not want me to write, speak or share my thoughts, they are trying to silence me.
The silencing of political refusers is a small part of a more violent pattern of behaviour.
The silencing of the Palestinian struggle for human rights in the West Bank and Gaza.
In an interview with the BBC, it was revealed that her parents fully supported her decision to refuse.
Some people call me a traitor or say I don’t care about my people, different names, she told the BBC.
I decided to refuse to join the army because, I am not willing to take part in the oppression of millions of people who live in the West Bank and Gaza.
Most people don’t ask themselves before they get drafted do they want to join the army or not, and why they want to get drafted.
So this thing is really revolutionary at a certain level.
Shahar first began her journey aged 12 when she attended a joint Israeli-Palestinian summer camp, Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families For Peace.
She said, I realized that we don’t live in the same way.
That the Palestinians don’t have the ability to move as they wish, to walk their streets feeling safe, or to go to sleep without the fear that a man with a weapon will be standing in front of their bed.
Funny how this girl has been doing valid, empowering and influential work for 7 years, and yet the media stayed silent.
All whilst promoting the disability girl Thunberg to promote a fake agenda climate change whilst talking shit.
Thunberg is known globally and has been turned into a mini celebrity, whilst Shahar has done real work and gets jail.
It is time to make people like her go viral, not the bot based script readers.
At the beginning I thought okay, it sucks that there is an occupation but maybe I could be one of the nicer soldiers, later realizing there was no such thing.
As we have highlighted now in many cases, the youth are refusing to play their game.
Shahar is a shining beacon of hope for the world, and the people of Israel to realize, their country is a parasitic entity feeding off everything and everyone, including the Jews themselves.


Play audio at: 102:42

After years of keeping a lid on one of its most scandalous secrets, the Norwegian government now faces a whopping compensation lawsuit, running into millions and charges of human rights violations.
Anni-Frid Lyngstad, better known as Frida, one of the singers of the band ABBA is probably one of the most famous Lebensborn-children.
Born to a German Nazi officer and a Norwegian mother during the German occupation of Norway, Anni-Frid belonged to the children of shame unwanted after the Germans lost the war.
Being an illegitimate child of a Nazi, her grandmother took her to Sweden to escape mistreatment, as children of enemies were ostracized in post-war Norway.
How uncivilized is that behavior, since when did any child start a war? how is it their fault?
Blue eyes and blond hair was preferred.
Lebensborn was a special Aryan breeding Program established in 1935, the brainchild of Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS.
He wanted to breed what he considered racially superior children.
Whilst Hitler wanted a breeding program to restock their country, two very differing programs.
Himmler regarded the Norwegians with their blue eyes and blond hair as especially Aryan and pure.
The aim of the programme was to entrust leadership of Norway to these Aryans after the war, or to have them and their mothers move to Germany to bring more Nordic blood into the German Reich.
Incentives for bearing Aryan children:
Every pregnant Norwegian woman who could prove her child’s Aryan ancestry, was entitled to financial support or a privileged treatment in maternity homes.
They could also leave their children in special homes called Lebensborn, where the children received special nutrition, and an education which reflected the Nazi way of thinking.
The program was also set up in other German occupied countries such as Belgium, France and Luxembourg.
Altogether, Himmler established more than 20 Lebensborn institutions, the majority of these homes were in Norway.
Around 350,000 German soldiers occupied Norway during World War II and coupled, favored by Heinrich Himmler, with Norwegian women.
A relationship with consequences, as about 10,000 to 12,000 children between 1940 and 1945 were fathered by Germans.
About 6,000 of them were born in Lebensborn institutions, and from 1941 onwards, these superior children were automatically considered as being German.
Ostracized and mistreated- a marred childhood
But the fate of the children resulting from the special breeding program was at times cruel.
Their mothers could not stand the shame of having been engaged to German soldiers.
A Norwegian commission after the war decided that the children should remain in Norway.
But by now the children were looked upon as outcasts, they were put in orphanages, some of them were sent to lunatic asylums.
There, the children were mistreated and abused, some of the former Lebensborn children say, they were tied to their beds for hours.
Breaking silence and baring secrets:
Most of the Lebensborn children are slowly coming out with their stories of mistreatment and abuse.
One of them was Paul Hansen, was 58 when he spoke about this, today he’s a broken man.
I was transferred from the Lebensborn home Goodhaab into an asylum, together with some others.
We were locked up together with mentally ill people, and we had to eat and go to the toilet in the same room, he said.
Paul Hansen broke his silence and changed his anonymous Lebensborn identity.
Many of the Lebensborn children still feel ashamed to talk about their abuse and mistreatment.
A register number is all that remains of their Lebensborn childhood.
Tor Brandacher of the Norwegian war children Association, brought together about 170 Lebensborn children four years ago, and is determined that they are compensated by the Norwegian government.
The son of a Norwegian mother and an Austrian ranger was lucky, Brandacher says he had a normal relationship to his family, but says that hundreds of others like him did not.
Many have reported raping and mistreatment in the institutions, like Paul Hansen.
These children were looked upon as rubbish in Norwegian post-war society.
It is the biggest shame for Norway, he says.
Brandacher and others now demand financial and ethical compensation from the Norwegian state.
Justice at last?
October 29, 2001 was a date most of the Lebensborn children will never forget.
It was the first day of a trial in which the Lebensborn children are suing the Norwegian government.
The verdict: A violation against human rights.
The case attracted much attention by the media, a signal for Tor Brandacher and his companions.
He hoped that the court trial would reveal the dark history of Norwegian state ruling.
The prosecutors demanded up to two million Kronen (253.000 Euro) for each case, the price for a lost childhood.
But after the case was rejected in November on grounds of invalidity, the former Lebensborn children will put forth their case to the European Commission of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Norvege nil pwah, no points for Norway and the shocking treatment of children, who through no fault of their own found themselves ostracized on the grounds they were white and related to Germans.
If that is not abject racism, I don’t know what is.
Forget the Nazi angle that is riddled through this report, which immediately shuts down many peoples thinking process.
This is a repeating story of white children being used and abused for centuries, and yet it is never reported as such.
White slavery has been drastically under reported in this country, as the Jewish EL-ites narrative was to say it was black only and the whites did it.
White people did work on those slave ships, but everyone of them were Jewish owned, it is their version of whiteness that caused most of the world’s damage.
Look at Kushner, he’s classed as White, but his ilk are determined to eliminate the whites and the White race.
The vast majority of banksters who funded this shit, were and are all Jewish EL-ites, and we can carry on blaming the Germans, yet who funded and created it?
The Hebrew Annunaki were involved in all the heinous acts on this planet, and high time all people see that, and act upon it.
Hardly anyone mentions this outside of this show, that the German youth was decimated in WW1 and they didn’t have enough of their own people, and the great question is, if you don’t have enough people, what was wrong with creating them?
It doesn’t matter whether they were special or not, that statement is to largely feed the White Supremacist bs.
The point is, the white race is plummeting rapidly to a point of extinction yet again, due to these dark forces and their Hebrew minions, and that has to be the major talking point around the world.
This is not a bald eagle, elephant or tiger, we are talking about one element of the human race here, and yet there is no chatter about this anywhere, now why is that?
This short song is dubbed as controversial by many, and yet there is a twist to this song.
The song that the Hitler Youth sang, was a German folk song called Tomorrow Belongs to Me that predates the Nazi era, it was adapted and slightly altered for the musical Cabaret in 1966.
In a bizarre twist it was actually written by two Jews, Fred Ebb and John Kander, you can’t make this shit up, Fred Ebb born in New York, born to Jewish parents, John Kander born in Missouri, born to Jewish parents.
This is classic theater production, write songs for them to sing and then promote them as hate songs.

Expose 2

Play audio at: 116:33

We mentioned in the last show about the Botin woman and her connections to several royals, in France, Spain, Portugal, Austria and Italy.
This brings in this piece of his story and reveals more connections and skullduggery.
If the world wishes to know why this world is a mess, look no further than some of these jackass families.
Their insane greed for power, lust, control, recognition and their ever so treasured and over pampered egos.
The War of the Polish Succession 1733–35 was a major European conflict sparked by a Polish civil war over the succession to Augustus II of Poland, which the other European powers widened in pursuit of their own national interests.
France and Spain, the two Bourbon powers, attempted to test the power of the Austrian Habsburgs in western Europe, as did the Kingdom of Prussia, whilst Saxony and Russia mobilized to support the eventual Polish victor.
The fighting in Poland resulted in the accession of Augustus III, who in addition to Russia and Saxony, was politically supported by the Habsburgs.
The war’s major military campaigns and battles occurred outside of Poland.
The Bourbons, supported by Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia, moved against isolated Habsburg territories.
In the Rhineland, France successfully took the Duchy of Lorraine, and in Italy, Spain regained control over the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily lost in the War of the Spanish Succession, while territorial gains in northern Italy were limited despite bloody campaigning.
Great Britain’s unwillingness to support Habsburg Austria demonstrated the infirmity of the Anglo-Austrian Alliance.
Although a preliminary peace was reached in 1735, the war was formally ended with the Treaty of Vienna (1738), in which Augustus III was confirmed as king of Poland, and his opponent Stanislaus I was awarded the Duchy of Lorraine by France.
Francis Stephen, the duke of Lorraine, was given the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in compensation for the loss of Lorraine.
The great child’s game of musical chairs springs to mind there, lets move the titles and self importance around because I am bored with just holding title in France Spain and Italy, I know I will invade Poland or insert any other countries to satisfy their insatiable greed and control freaks attitude.
Yet Anna Von Reitz, who is a Hapsburg wants to give control of the Trust back to these same psychopaths, who not content being the richest people on the planet, out of boredom and psychopathy they decide to divvy up whole countries for themselves. Regardless of the peoples wishes, or whether the people should live or not, the people where just collateral damage in their musical chairs games.
The Duchy of Parma went to Austria whereas Charles of Parma took the crowns of Naples and Sicily, resulting in territorial gains for the Bourbons.
Poland also surrendered claims to Livonia and direct control over the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, which, although remaining a Polish fief, was not integrated into Poland proper, and came under strong Russian influence which only ended with the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917.
After the death of Sigismund II Augustus in 1572, the King of Poland was elected by the Szlachta, a body composed of the Polish nobility, in a specially-called election sejm.
Royal power was increasingly restricted by the Sejm, legislative body of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
In turn, the Sejm was often paralyzed by the Liberum Veto, the right of any member to block its decisions.
Poland’s neighbors often influenced the Sejm, and by the early 18th century the democratic system was in decline.
In 1697, Augustus II became king, backed by Austria and Russia.
Deposed by Stanislaus Leszczyński in 1705, he returned four years later and Stanislaus fled to France, where his daughter Maria married Louis XV of France in 1725.
Augustus failed in an attempt to settle the Polish crown on his son, Augustus III, leading to a contest for the throne when he died in 1733.
In the secret 1732 Treaty of the Three Black Eagles, Russia, Austria and Prussia, agreed to oppose the election of either Stanislaus or Augustus III and to support Manuel of Portugal instead.
The dispute coincided with the breakdown of the Anglo-French Alliance, which had dominated Europe since 1714.
The agreement at Utrecht to ensure France and Spain remained separate, meant despite the close relationship between Louis XV and his uncle Philip V of Spain, the two countries were opponents in the 1718 to 1720 War of the Quadruple Alliance.
When Cardinal Fleury became French chief minister in 1726, he sought a closer relationship with Spain, helped by the birth of Louis, Dauphin of France in 1729, which seemed to ensure the countries would remain separate.
Fleury supported Stanislaus, hoping to weaken Austria and secure the Duchy of Lorraine, a strategic possession occupied by France for large parts of the previous century.
The current duke Francis Stephen was expected to marry Emperor Charles’s heir Maria Theresa, bringing Austria dangerously close to France.
At the same time, Philip wanted to regain territories in Italy ceded to Austria in 1714, which led to the 1733 Pacte de Famille between France and Spain.
The Treaty of the Three Black Eagles, or Treaty of Berlin, was a secret treaty signed in September and December 1732 between the Austrian Empire, the Russian Empire and Prussia.
It concerned the joint policy of the three powers regarding to the succession of the Polish throne, in light of the expected death of King Augustus II of Poland (and Elector of Saxony from the House of Wettin) and the Polish custom of royal elections.
It intended to exclude the candidacies of Augustus’ son, Frederick Augustus, and of Stanislas Leszczynski, who had already been king of Poland from 1704 to 1709.
However, in 1733, as Stanislas was about to be elected, Russia and Austria signed Löwenwolde’s Treaty on 19 August 1733 to support Frederick Augustus.
Stanislas eventually had to leave Poland, and Frederick Augustus was elected as Augustus III of Poland.
The usual name comes from the fact all three signatories used a black eagle as a state coat of arms, in contrast to the white eagle, a symbol of Poland.
Another name is the Treaty of Berlin, where it was signed by Prussia, Russia and Austria had signed on 13 September 1732 and were joined by Prussia on 13 December.
The three powers agreed that they would oppose another candidate from the House of Wettin as well as the candidacy of the pro-French Pole Stanisław Leszczyński, the father-in-law of Louis XV.
Instead, they chose to support either Infante Manuel, Count of Ourém, brother of the Portuguese king, or a member of the Piast family.
The Treaty of the Three Black Eagles had several goals.
None of the three parties seriously supported Infante Manuel.
The agreement had provisions for all three powers to agree that it was in their best interest that their common neighbor, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, did not undertake any reforms that might strengthen it, and for its elected monarch to be friendly towards them.
In addition to the obvious, increasing the influence of the three powers over the Commonwealth, Austria and Russia also discreetly wanted to reduce the possibility of a French-Prussian-Saxon alliance.
Prussia received promises of support for its interests in Courland, now southern and western Latvia.
The political situation changed rapidly, and the Treaty of the Three Black Eagles was superseded soon after it had been formulated.
With the death of Augustus II on 1 February 1733, Austria and Russia distanced themselves from the earlier treaty, which was never ratified by the Empress of Russia.
Their primary goal, the disruption of the French-Saxon-Prussian alliance, had already been achieved and so they sought to secure support from various Polish and Saxon factions.
Thus, on 19 August 1733, Russia and Austria entered into the Löwenwolde’s Treaty with Saxony in the person of the new elector, Frederick Augustus II of Saxony.
The treaty was named after one of the chief diplomats involved in the negotiations, the Russian Karl Gustav von Löwenwolde.
Who was a Russian diplomat and military commander of German extraction, and brother to knight of the Order of St. Andrew and Order of the Black Eagle Gustav Reinhold von Löwenwolde and Reichsgraf Friedrich Casimir von Löwenwolde.
Reichsgraf was a title in the Holy Roman Empire, In the Merovingian and Franconian Empire, a Graf (Count) was an official who exercised the royal prerogatives in an administrative district Gau or county.
A gau is a territory or region in a country, often called a province.
The royal term a Count, personally I would drop the O out of that word, is where the term county derived from.
The terms of Löwenwolde’s Treaty were straightforward. Russia would provide troops to ensure Frederick Augustus’s election and coronation, and Frederick Augustus would, as the Polish king, recognize Anna Ivanovna as Empress of Russia, relinquish Polish claims to Livonia and remain unopposed to Russian interests in Courland.
Anna Ivanova was from the House of the Romanovs, and her ruling period in Russia is referred to the dark era.
Austria received a promise that as king, Frederick Augustus would both renounce any claim to the Austrian succession and respect the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713.
Prussia allowed the French candidate, Leszczyński, safe passage across their lands and continued to oppose the election of Frederick Augustus.
Both Austria and Russia publicly declared in advance that they would not recognise Leszczyński if he was elected.
However, the election sejm in Wola went ahead and picked Leszczyński on 12 September 1733, which was announced by the interim ruler, the Primate Potocki.
Diplomatic promises and the arrival of Russian troops outside Warsaw on 20 September caused a rump group, led by Michael Wisniowiecki (Great Chancellor of Lithuania) and Teodor Lubomirski (governor of Kraków) together with the Bishop of Poznań (Stanisław Józef Hozjusz) and the Bishop of Kraków (Jan Aleksander Lipski) to decamp to another Warsaw suburb, where they held a new election, under the protection of the Russian troops, picking Frederick Augustus II of Saxony, who became Augustus III of Poland.
Proving Poland was ruled by the church, and that has been part of the problem in his story.
The interference of various foreign powers into the Polish election led to the War of the Polish Succession (1733–1738), between Augustus III, with his foreign allies Austria and Russia, against the supporters of Leszczyński, allied with France.
Prussia reluctantly sent 10,000 troops.
In the Treaty of Vienna of 1738, which formally ended the war, Leszczyński renounced his claim to the Polish throne and was made Duke of Lorraine in compensation.
Interesting mention earlier of the Treaty of the Black Eagle, and the three countries under the black eagle, Austria no surprise, Prussia and Russia, were fighting against the white eagle country of Poland.
The proves Russia in earlier days was held by the Black Sun, and was retaken by one or more of the Tzar’s, likely ending with the alleged assassination of Nicholas II and his family, and were taken over by the Hebrew Bolsheviks.
The black eagle went from Russia into the next powerhouse, Germany and did untold damage their as well.
The black eagle of Austria and Russia under Hebrew Bolshevik control became the SS.
Hitler for his part was Brown Eagle.
What all these idiot royals didn’t get was, all of them were being played with, and eventually all of them when the time was right, were brushed aside like a homeless person on the street corner.
Their blueblood standing did not keep them at the top of the tree, they were nowhere near it.
Their role was to acquire lands, resources, create wars, harvest the people and hand it over to a much higher authority, in essence they were the gophers, go for this and go for that.
But, ultimately that was their demise, and now all royals are reduced to a public relation exercise for the people, to make them think they are still important, they are not.

Final Piece

Play audio at: 139:24

This is a quote from a man who was sent to prison for being anti Nazi and was executed in 1945.
It bears out what I mentioned in the opening piece of letting go of other peoples opinions, people who don’t serve you and situations that can be avoided.
He said, Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice.
One may protest against evil, it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force.
Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion, in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease.
Against stupidity we are defenseless.
Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here, reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed.
In such moments the stupid person even becomes critical, and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental.
In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack.
For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one.
Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison.
That was written over 70 years ago, and is as relevant now as it was then.
Back then an oppressive regime was trampling all over humanity with the psychotic ways and means, and 70 plus years later the same oppressive parasitic race are doing the same again.
We must come together and fight as one, otherwise the lessons from WW2 and what happened to the people will be lost again, just as the lessons from WW1 were never heeded and the 2nd war followed shortly after.
I have heard several people complain recently, I don’t like this person or that person, and little as to the full reasons as to why.
I am asking all to look within, as often the traits of the person you don’t like as within you.
That is a lesson for us all to learn, the person you don’t like is not the other person, that is the reflection, it is you.
It’s a harsh lesson to learn I know all too well, having gone through it myself, but one all of us must overcome and master to develop the self in a better way.
This task can be achieved by 45/55, if you only dislike a person at 45 not 0-20, then more tolerance is afforded and it is not back to love and hate, where is the triality in that? it’s in the middle.
No one is perfect, least of all me, but do we dismiss people because they are not perfect, or work with each other to find a common ground to go forward with.
THInking and acting different has no place for love and hate dynamics, black and white scenarios, blue or red pill scenarios, thinking and acting different is doing something, anything that was better than before, not repeating it.
We are in WW3 no guns and bombs this time are required, just a war of minds and hearts, how will yours stand up? will you allow the programming of the old world to define you?
Or will you really think and act different? really be the change? really be a better version of you tomorrow than today?

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