Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2024-04-04
Topics in this show
- Leo Varadkar, Irish prime minister and Fine Gael leader, announced his resignation. He was compromised
- Niger has suspended its military agreements with the U.S.
- List of the numbers of mercenaries killed in the cleansing of Ukraine, by country
- Scientists now confirm long covid symptoms are no worse than long term flu consequences
- Robert David Steele and his CIA subsidiary company, OSS, wanted to give mobile phones to everyone on the planet
- Mobile phones have caused a huge increase in anxiety, loneliness and depression among teens
- Expose : Digital money, CBDC’s. Agustin Carstens chilling revelation of programmable money
- Using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), bones found in Macchu Picchu, show it is about 20 years older than originally recorded.
- Switching babies in hospitals is more prevalent than we thought
- Significance of the dates 9 and 11, relating to sacrifices to Isis & Osiris
- Links between the Viracocha narrative, Kali Ma, Pachamama, the Virgin Mary
- The story of Viracocha creating giants and humans out of stones
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