Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2020-08-20
Topics in this show
- Mass protest at Trafalgar Square
- Douglas Elliman real estate firm reports 13,000 apartments for rent, highest in 14 years
- British holiday maker dash home to beat 14 day quarantine requirement
- US has seized 1.116 million barrels of Iranian fuel headed for Venezuela
- Recommends AVR and Kim combine assemblies
- Veterans claiming Israel fired nuke at Beirut
- Full disclosure for full disclaimer, except where it involves criminality against children
- Bank of Leumi under criminal actions for tax evasions in US
- 15 year veteran of CIA charged with selling US secrets to China
- Millie Weaver videos
Quick links

As cops now start arresting people for having no masks, whilst wearing no masks themselves, tyranny is abound.
Mass protest at Trafalgar Square on August 29th with top doctors and nurses having the courage to speak out against this plandemic, I am asking UK people to go out there and support them.
It takes a lot to stand up and speak out publically at great personal risk to their own lives, least people can do is go and support them at least for a short time.
A California mega-church has refused to buckle under the tyrannical governor’s orders to limit attendance to 100 people. On Sunday, between 6-7,000 worshipers showed up and attended services. Also today: Florida sheriff says ‘no masks!”
As the country heads allegedly for an election, we are entrusting a whole heap of people to count the mail in results fairly, and yet the barcode on the envelopes tells you on the outside who that person has voted for, so much for secrecy then.
This country is descending into utter chaos, you cant vote by mail, polling booth or computer as not one venue has proven to be safe, secure or without interference.
The election process here is beyond a joke, where they ask you which party you vote for on a driving license application, and you people fill it in.
It is none of their business who you vote for, boggles my mind of how much of your personal details you have to give up on various forms in this country, it is an endless stream of database harvesting.
Jackasses of the week goes to a group this week, the Democrat party, they ran this week with headlines that Trump is stealing all the mail boxes, have you ever heard such banality in all of your life? and we entrust these people to run our states and country?
Expect more of this jackassery as the election gets closer unless Operation Blackout turns from simulation to live event or some other major event starts and changes the whole dynamics.
The question of the missile moved to Florida this week is, what happens next?
Women will need short hair to stop the spread of the Covid crisis read one headline, more gender altering looks that to me, whilst Democrats are preparing a bill to give free passes all expenses paid tickets to all higher level criminals of each country to come to America.
Last week marked a year since the alleged death of Jeffrey Epstein has anyone asked when the funeral is, or are they going to wheel him out like Ruth Ginsberg, all playing a weekend at Bernie’s?
I heard lots of rumblings of alt media meltdowns and several personalities of the past and current all being involved nefarious means, and I am hearing major revelations on several of them across several groups about to be exposed for various infractions, the network of skullduggery is wide, deeper, further and higher than people thought.
I am told it won’t be pleasant and several names will get exposed and I am glad at this present time to not be connected to other shows or alt media personalities.
A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll has found that just 42 percent of Americans say they plan to get a coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available.
The figure represents an all time low, having fallen from 55 percent in early May, 50 percent in late May, and 46 percent in July.
That is another major victory for we the people and also the alt media input into it, like I said they are losing the narrative.
Former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith intends to plead guilty to falsifying a document to justify surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser, as part of the 2016 investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election, according to several outlets.
His plea is the first criminal case brought by U.S. Attorney John Durham, whom Attorney General William Barr appointed to lead the investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation.
Clinesmith is accused of altering an email that said Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was not a source for the CIA, even though Page had had a relationship with the agency.
This is a common theme in several investigations, were people are thrown under the bus to protect the actions of the CIA.
The same happened with the Church Committee, the Condor report and the JFK investigation, at which point is there going to be affirmative action taken against the CIA?
National Security Act is not a protection of this country, but the protection shield for the criminal elements within the CIA.
The FBI in turn did not disclose Page’s relationship with the CIA, allowing them to renew a warrant to monitor for potentially working with foreign powers. Clinesmith’s lawyers reportedly said this was unintentional.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is calling for Acting Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf and Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli to step down after a government watchdog found that their appointments violated federal law. a government watchDOG wants to get rid of the wolf, is that symbology?
“President Trump’s efforts to install political sycophants to implement his extreme policies in an end run around the law and Senate have finally caught up with him,” Schumer said in a statement.
“The determination by an independent congressional watchdog today invalidates actions Mr. Cuccinelli and Mr. Wolf have taken and both should immediately step down from their illegal roles,” he added.
Schumer is also asking for the DHS inspector general to “launch a top to bottom legal review” of decisions made by the two men, report its findings to Congress and also release them publicly.
Wolf and Cuccinelli have come under criticism over immigration policy and recent crackdown on protests.
If only they were as concerned about the criminal and illegal issues ongoing throughout the Obama reign, then perhaps this would have more validity, and smacks more of party line politics and cover ups than actually doing the right thing for and by the people.
There were over 13,000 apartments for rent in Manhattan during July, according to a report from the firm Douglas Elliman, the highest number in 14 years.
Other boroughs like Brooklyn are also seeing higher-than-average available rent listings, though rents have been more sticky.
July and August are normally the busiest months for new rental agreements, as families prepare for school.
While New York City real estate may be struggling, other areas in New York state are doing well in the real estate market.
Thanks to the demand surplus, rents are falling about 7.6%, the report says — though average rent is still expensive at $3,620 for a two-bedroom.
$3620 a month for rent? seriously have people lost their minds? that would feed a whole African village for a month.
This is why we have to build the TPC villages and bring down the cost of homes, rents and mortgages and the loans.
$3620 a month to rent a pokey apartment, is more than most of American families have to live, house, feed and clothe each month, it is obscene and beyond ridiculous, a new perspective is required to go forward away from this greed based harvesting platform they created and some bought into.
Flu shots will now be required for all students in Massachusetts schools, from child care through colleges, the Department of Public Health announced Wednesday.
Students older than six months will have to be vaccinated by Dec. 31, unless either a medical or religious exemption is provided.
“The new vaccine requirement is an important step to reduce flu-related illness and the overall impact of respiratory illness during the COVID-19 pandemic,” officials wrote in an announcement of the new policy.
Students who are homeschooled are exempt from the policy, but health officials said students at elementary and secondary schools that are using a remote learning model are not exempt.
College or university students who are entirely off-campus will also be exempt from the mandate.
If newly deemed medical expert called Be ill Gates wont vaccinate his children due to concerns, why should we vaccinate our children? Solution is the $1B indemnity that the person administering the vaccine is made to sign before the injection, as they become liable should any side effects arise, if they refuse to sign, which means they don’t believe in the vaccine themselves, you should refuse to have your child vaccinated on that same premise.
Disturbing things coming out of Australia, New Zealand and the UK
COVID Emergency service act 25A – Removal of children
Without derogating from Section 25, an authorized officer may, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any direction under that section, remove a child premises, place, vehicle or vessel to a place of residence of the child, or to a hospital or quarantine facility, as the authorized officer sees fit, and may in doing so, use such force as is reasonably necessary.
Removing children for not having vaccines? are they going to bus them all on trains to camps? all very seig heil that to me.
Time to make the elected officials accountable me thinks, camp outside their homes and remind them who is in charge here.
The UK struggling to get people to take the tests or vaccines, comes up with the classic seducement tactic, that no doubt many low income peoples will jump at due to struggling financially.
But should life be valued by pieces of paper with numbers on?
How do I take part? 1. Call IQVIA on 0800 085 6807. If you are unable to use the telephone, you can email
2. Call to register onto the study and a home appointment at your convenience will be confirmed in the next seven days.
3. A study worker will arrive at your home to complete the study. The information you give us is protected by law and is treated as confidential.
How long will it take? The first appointment will take 15 to 30 minutes per person.
What happens next? If you are interested, we would like everyone in the household to repeat this study over either a month or 12 months – but you do not have to do this if you don’t want to. If you are interested, this will involve: A visit once a week from a study worker to collect a nose and throat swab. This will happen for 4 weeks in a row, so 5 visits in total. A visit once a month after this for 12 months in a row to collect a nose and throat swab. As a thank you, anyone in your household who takes part will receive a voucher for each visit (£50 for the first visit, £25 for each further visit). Thank you for your time. Iain Bell – Director General of the ONS.
With many discussing the second wave of the virus with such great clarity, the question all should ask is, is the virus testing kits the delivery method of the second wave? The recent rise in figures given out by the media, that is congruent with the increase in testing, is it not? Appears to be a direct correlation, disgusting if you ask me.
Thousands of British holidaymakers have made a last-minute dash to get home before a 14-day quarantine requirement came into force for people arriving from France.
The isolation measure also applies to the Netherlands, Monaco, Malta, Turks and Caicos, and Aruba, amid concerns about a rising numbers of Covid cases. Eurotunnel trains sold out and air fares were up to six times more than normal, but ferries increased capacity. France warned of “reciprocal measures”. The Netherlands advised against all but essential travel to the UK once the restrictions came into force on Saturday, but said it would not introduce reciprocal measures. The countries were targeted for quarantine restrictions because their infections rates exceeded 20 cases per 100,000 people over seven days, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said.
Ridiculous policy but is anyone surprised the length of the quarantine period, the legendary two weeeks, becomes more clear as another MK Ultra mind control trigger and or spell cast.
In 2015, during the Barack Obama administration in the US and after another wide-margin reelection win by Lukashenko in Belarus, Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams discussed the US government’s disdain for Lukashenko and the Belarus government.
McAdams wrote in part: Lukashenko has been a favorite punching bag of the US and western neocons for a number of years because he has not shown the required level of deference to his would-be western overlords compared to, say, the Baltics.
Belarus is the target of the NATO group having acquired takeovers in many Baltic states including Ukraine, same pattern, same program, same Clowns In America based people.
He routinely wins re-election even as the US government has funneled millions of dollars into the political opposition in hopes of somehow fomenting a regime change.
Don’t believe the sanctimonious comments, whether from the Trump administration or the Biden campaign, about the US seeking to promote democracy and human rights in Belarus. This is about power. The US has let slide and continues to let slide democratic and human rights shortcomings of countries across the world where benefit can be obtained. Dictatorship? No problem. The expression of concern about democracy and human rights is propaganda selectively applied to stir up support for, or at least quell opposition to, US intervention abroad.
Pompeo and Biden’s statements regarding Belarus help make clear, that overthrowing governments appears set to remain a feature of US foreign policy, no matter if Trump wins a second term, or Biden defeats him in the upcoming November presidential election.
The Central Election Commission says Mr Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, won 80.1% of the vote and the main opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya 10.12%. But Ms Tikhanovskaya insists that where votes were properly counted, she won support ranging from 60% to 70%.
People of Belarus need to be very careful of who they blame or target, as not all is what it seems.
This interfering in other countries elections has gone on since 1940’s and around 80 countries elections have been tampered with by the CIA, mercenaries and other affiliated private contractor groups, whilst crying the Russians are meddling in American elections, I know a solution, let each countries people decide for themselves shall we, like proper adults, not child like behaviors.
The US has seized some 1.116 mn barrels of Iranian fuel aboard 4 ships headed for Venezuela, the Justice Department has confirmed, hinting at “assistance” from “foreign partners” and declining to reveal where the grab took place.
The agency hailed what it called the largest-ever US seizure of Iranian fuel in a statement on Friday, revealing Washington had nabbed the sanctions-skirting cargo en route to Venezuela with the assistance of unspecified “foreign partners.”
The statement appeared to confirm a Wall Street Journal report, citing anonymous government and shipping sources, that claimed four tankers loaded with Iranian fuel had recently seen their cargo confiscated “without the use of military force.”
The vessels were said to be re-routed to Houston, Texas, where they will reportedly be met by senior Trump administration officials.
Washington’s high-seas score stems from a July court complaint demanding the four tankers in question “forfeit all petroleum-product cargo” due to its having been shipped by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to the statement.
Funny they will mention because it was shipped by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and yet ignore the terrorist connections of the Bush Family whose refineries in Texas are controlled by them.
The US designated the IRGC a terrorist organization last year at the behest of Israel as it ramped up its “maximum pressure” campaign against Tehran. oh dear lets bend over like puppets because Is ra el says so, it is utter pathetic the hold that fake country has over the so called world superpower – America.
Since pulling out of the JCPOA nuclear deal in 2018, the Trump administration has leveled a bewildering array of sanctions against Iran, flooded the Persian Gulf with US military assets, and offered millions of dollars in bribes to Iranian ship captains to deliver their oil tankers into the hands of Uncle Sam.
Venezuela, too, has been subjected to punishing US sanctions as Washington has struggled to install its preferred opposition candidate, Juan Guaido, in place of the country’s socialist President Nicolas Maduro. After a handful of failed coup attempts left Guaido more unpopular than ever among Venezuelans, the Trump administration’s special envoy to the nation, Elliott Abrams, was last week promoted to oversee Iran as well.
Trump confirmed in a press conference on Friday that the Iranian cargo had been diverted to Houston, though he demurred when asked what would be done with the ships once they arrived. “We’ll be announcing,” he told reporters.
Why is it America’s business to even be involved in this, unless it contained something hazardous like weapons or similar, why are we even doing this? it is none of America’s business who trades with who with general commodities, again it is child like behavior of play with me but don’t play with them rhetoric.
At which point are we going to be represented by adult decision making?
Health officials across the country are calling it quits in the midst of a global pandemic as otherwise below-the-radar public servants become the Targets of anger and frustration in a hyperpartisan age.
In some cases, government health officials have quit or been removed from their jobs after clashing with elected leaders.
New York City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot resigned this month after feuding with Mayor Bill de Blasio (D).
Health officials in Texas, Indiana and Montana have quit in recent weeks after politicians overrode their advice on requiring masks and prohibiting public events.
In other states, health officials have been fired for data reporting errors. California’s public health director, Sonia Angell, quit suddenly this month after a software breakdown showed the state may have underreported the number of coronavirus infections. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice (R) fired his public health commissioner, Cathy Slemp, over another reporting issue. In the most troubling cases, public health officials have left their jobs after receiving threats. In Ohio last week, Amy Acton quit her post as Gov. Mike DeWine’s chief health adviser, two months after giving up her position as director of the state’s Department of Health. Armed demonstrators protested outside her home earlier this year.
A tally maintained by Kaiser Health News and The Associated Press finds that almost 50 state and local health officials have resigned, retired or been fired since April.
I guess only those that don’t question or are going along with tyranny and pure bullshit are ascertained as being heroes then?
This is the most bizarre shit ever ongoing in this and other countries, that so called medical experts in their field can A: not agree on what is going on B: Those who speak truth on this virus are maligned and sacked and C: the media and bot people are believing a computer nerd who runs a computer tech company with zero medical expertise over doctors and nurses who have.
Gates should focus on viruses in his own field of expertise, not viruses in the medical world, unless in some bizarre theory the viruses in both fields are linked? ponder on that.
Every weekend evening in the upscale district of Rehavia, crowds in their thousands gather around Balfour Street. Sometimes the atmosphere is carnival-like, with theatrical displays, free plastic trumpets and families milling around; other times it is tense, turning rowdy and ending with arrests.
The focal point is the official residence of Israel’s prime minister and the repeated scenes are mass protests against him.
“I’m here because I’m sick of the way [PM] Benjamin Netanyahu treats the people and treats the country as if it’s his own – as if he’s the king and it’s not a democracy,” says one of the regular protesters, Adi Rosenthal.
She lives in Givatayim, east of Tel Aviv, but has been coming to Jerusalem twice a week for a month. Despite the coronavirus advice on social distancing, the pandemic has not prevented large gatherings.
The demonstrations are the biggest but they are not the first – one group, many with signs and masks saying “crime minister”, have long camped out on the pavement.
Other activists carrying black flags have also organised anti-Netanyahu rallies in recent months.
They argue Mr Netanyahu should not remain in office while on trial for corruption, a charge he denies.
Now they have been joined by a younger, more diverse crowd accusing the large unity government of mishandling the Covid-19 crisis and ignoring their suffering.
The rallies are the largest Israel has seen since 2011, when hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated across the country in protest at high living costs.
“The young people of Israel have nothing else to do but protest,” says Shai, a jobless 27-year-old with two master’s degrees.
“We can’t buy a house, we can’t even rent. They have destroyed the economy so we cannot go to work. We can’t even afford to get married right now.”
This is a confirm of what this show has reported, there are millions of Jewish peoples living in abject poverty whilst the Adelsons, Kushners, Weisel, Fink and many other high profile so called Jews have more money than you can spend in multiple lifetimes.
Mr Netanyahu – who was sworn in for a fifth term in May after a close election – has claimed the protests are funded by leftist foundations and get disproportionate media coverage amounting to incitement.
He has called the demonstrators “anarchists” and “coronavirus incubators” while his son Yair described them as “aliens”.
This month, a Jerusalem court ordered Yair Netanyahu to stop harassing three protest leaders after he published their addresses and mobile numbers on his Twitter account, urging his followers to demonstrate in front of their homes.
All to predictable, but if the Jewish people want to know why Netanyahu and others in that country operate above the law, go and read the Talmud again with clear thinking, it tells you why.
Go and read and understand what the Day of Atonement is really all about and you will have all of your answers, and then work to provide solutions to it.
A restaurant in central China has apologized for encouraging diners to weigh themselves and then order food accordingly.
The policy was introduced after a national campaign against food waste was launched.
The beef restaurant in the city of Changsha placed two large scales at its entrance this week, it then asked diners to enter their measurements into an app that would then suggest menu items accordingly.
Signs reading “be thrifty and diligent, promote empty plates” and “operation empty plate” were pinned up. The policy caused uproar on Chinese social media.
Hashtags about the restaurant have been viewed more than 300 million times on the social platform Weibo.
The restaurant said it was “deeply sorry” for its interpretation of the national “Clean Plate Campaign”.
“Our original intentions were to advocate stopping waste and ordering food in a healthy way. We never forced customers to weigh themselves,” it said in an apology posted online.
President Xi Jinping ignited the campaign this week, calling the levels of national food wastage “shocking and distressing”.
Personally I am more in favor of this given global food shortage, the fattening of the world was for harvesting purposes, and the harvest was us.
But the waste of food is astonishing when so many go with little or without.
But often some see this as an opportunity to save costs, all carefully disguised that it is all about your health.
The candy bars and sodas in many countries have reduced in size and content, and yet is this reduction matched with a reduced price? no!, so this states they were not interested in your health at all, but a snake oil marketing tactic for them to save money and fleece the public.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi will call on the House of Representatives to return to session in the coming days to vote on a bill to protect the US Postal Service.
In a letter released on Sunday, Ms Pelosi accused President Trump of a “campaign to sabotage the election”.
It comes after the USPS warned that millions of mail ballots may not arrive in time to be counted in the election.
Critics blamed the new USPS head – a loyal supporter of the president – for a slowdown in deliveries.
A record number of people are expected to vote by mail ahead of the 3 November presidential election due to the pandemic.
The president has repeatedly said mail-in ballots will lead to voting fraud and give a boost to his rival Democrat Joe Biden. However, experts say the mail-in voting system, which Mr Trump himself uses, is safe from tampering.
All feels very Operation Blackout 2019 to me.
This next section of the show is something I particularly don’t like doing, but given the plethora of complaints, mudslinging and jabs and jibes it has to be said here and now, with the hope we all move on.
I took the higher ground whilst others played in and with the shadows.
Following our offer of combining the people in the two groups last week.
Kim apparently agreed to the combining of the former THI state group and assemblies, but apparently you have to join Lifeforce to do so, which I found kind of disappointing and appears to be of a competitive nature, rather than the cooperative offer that was made.
I know many of you have written to me this week of being disappointed with that statement from Kim, well it is what it is.
The plan to work together was nothing to do with THI or Lifeforce/UNC, just the people working together.
The UNC assemblies is a full on copy of not only our state groups, but even Anna Von Reitz own assemblies or the NLA grand juries county wide groups, the issue is why duplicate, triplicate or quadruple it?
One member of the assemblies stated this to me this week, the UNC assemblies are formed to bring back the constitution, natural law and start grand juries to establish our rights.
How is that any different to John Darash, Gerard and Karl have been doing with the NLA for years? if that is what they wanted to do, why not join up with them and use their expertise?
Why are they trying to reinvent the wheel?
Using other established people ideas and themes, is more of the divide and conquer no matter how much you glitz it up with fancy graphics and such.
There is no need to join Lifeforce and the app system they employ, I do not agree with apps to join anything.
The object was the experience and the know how of the former THI state groups can be beneficial to the UNC assemblies, as many of the things Kim was requesting, has already been done within THI state groups.
My wish was for the assemblies of each state join in with the established THI groups from each state and work together in their respective states.
Two groups working side by side with no need to have join or have allegiances to one or the other group.
That does not require joining anything, there is no donation button or fees to join, nor does it require apps to join.
People are always free to make their own choice, but I will not agree with apps (unless proven to be safe, currently they are not as Kim stated in at least 2 of her last 3 calls of several security issues) and a go ogle app. is a no no.
This was just about two groups of people coming together as a common cause and helping each other, it does not require joining one or other groups.
We could also get the Anna Von Reitz assembly and the NLA state groups all too combine in each state, it should not matter which group you are connected to, the division of the people in alt media is and has been a deliberate tactic employed by the agents and clowns within it, why are they adding to it?
If AVR and Kim are said to be about the people, then why not combine all the followers of each group into one giant assembly?
Who cares if Kim doesn’t like me or AVR? clearly NLA are valid in their exploits otherwise Tank would not have tried to take them over and then try to buy them out, so why not combine all the groups?
This is all about the people and coming up with solutions for and by the people.
I would sooner see a mass of people coming together for a common cause.
All very disappointing to say the least, and it is further dividing the people.
” What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some people you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way they wants it. . . well, they gets it. I don’t like it any more than you do.”
The Trustee
These are a small sample of questions that need to be addressed by the Trustee on their show.
With Veterans Today claiming that it was Israel fired a nuclear weapon at Beirut and caused that blast, Trump stated it was an attack also, if this is true and the Trustee claimed the Trust held all the nuclear codes.
The questions I would like asked on their show is, for the sole purpose of clarity is 1. is this statement made by Veteran’s Today and others correct, and if so 2. why didn’t the Trust block the firing of said nuclear weapon?
Again for the sole purpose of clarity and benefit of the people, we are requesting much more details of said app.
Who is operating the server of the app? who controls the data section? who has access to the data section? why is a tracing app required? what or who is being traced and why?
Is the Alpha and Omega system which was a 1934 clown system, integrated or a part of the Quantum System?
Final piece for more clarity before I bow out, with Q and Trump being connected and both Kim and Tank stating they are in with Trump and Q, and given the Q people were supporting the takeover of the Fed by the Black Sun Black Rock group, which was stocked with $454B and then leveraged to the tune of $4.5T which now funds them for at least another year.
Is there a conflict of interest here between Lifeforce, Trump and Q group? Why wasn’t those funds blocked by the Trust or taken back, given it was taken under illegal purposes and a misuse of government money? bearing in mind the Government has no money only the peoples money.
Kim tried to send money to JPM for at least the fourth time in the past two years that I remember, and sent $567B which is on hold at The Treasury, and a $11.34B to escrow account for the people.
Which predictably went sideways, due to the same idiots.
We have heard this same story dozens of times now for the past two years, and I am not sure what value that approach brings other than to delay everything.
It is time for more radical approach, only you the Trustee can action upon.
Kim it is way past time to sidestep these banks and use the radical approach that was discussed several times between us over 18 months ago, the people are already being affected now and have been for 5/6 months, and so that is no longer a reason to not do that process.
You will wait forever with banks approval, and Trump quite clearly has zero power to do anything that alters from the old system as you stated, but yet again you miss the key component, you are the bank, not them and you forget that, please just do it.
Kim mentioned golden parachute payments for each bank CEO’s which were from my perspective kind of disgusting given the harvesting those people have done, but she is the Trustee and she ultimately makes those difficult decisions.
Yes they are requesting immunity, many will not agree with that, me personally their immunity should be granted under specific conditions.
They must reveal ALL of the skullduggery involved, naming all names and work with a team inside the banks to clear all the mess up and route out the whole network of deception.
This can be applied to all other organizations as well, and so the loss of jobs which is inevitable, can be transferred over to investigative work for cleaning the swamp that exists in all organizations.
Full Disclosure for full disclaimer, except where it involves criminality against children.
Kim mentioned the Fed coin and hopefully she blocks that completely out of the system, it would be a disaster for humanity, any crypto coin or blockchain is a disaster for the people.
Black Sun borrowed from Black Rock $768B and the same amount from various mafia organizations around the world, on the condition it was all repaid on Tuesday, it became clear they couldn’t pay it back and so they are now prime targets for the mafia ways of dealing with people who don’t pay, all 35M now put on death watch essentially.
One hopes she doesn’t backtrack on that figure like she did in an earlier show, curiously the figure given at that time was 768K which is same figure as they borrowed from Black Rock.
Kim mentioned about a favors scheme instead of receiving the funds, and mentioned tax credits and a potential for a meeting with Trump, one hopes he doesn’t let her down again for whatever reasons, as there has been several attempts previously.
The favors suggestion came from our THI business group and I am pleased they are providing good solutions for the greater good of all.
My time as liaison with Kim is over but that doesn’t stop others having input.
One hopes Kim just uses it for the right purposes and not continue to use it as leverage to take jabs at me or THI within her show, as evidenced by several of our members this week.
Back to the favors issue I know some will see this as Kim potentially sliding away from the funding that was promised, but after 4 years of blocks you can either carry on waiting or come up with alternatives, and if it comes to fruition then it is a gain not a loss.
As for favors my suggestion would be to request land particularly off of BLM to create TPC village projects in each state, and or organic growing sections of land.
One way to attract more followers is to delete some or all credit card debt or loans by members of Lifeforce as part of favors package, after a set period of time supporting the channel.
Another would be mortgage issues of which I will propose a full and detailed plan shortly.
Kim also mentioned about asking for a meeting at the UN, which I will be delighted to see and hear as it is something I have been requesting for a number of years via the show and to the Council back in 2014, it does not matter to me whether I am involved or not personally, but given it was a request of mine, I would like some input into what is said and addressed to the UN should it take place, it can be easily be done through a third party.
Kim also mentioned there was $130M in an Israeli bank and stated for PPE’s for Israelis.
I am not being funny here but are you taking the piss with that decision? $130M sent to Israel when they just got $3.8B of American peoples money why do they need another $130M?
Why are you sending funds to a terrorist state when a valid country next door Lebanon, is under a serious humanitarian crisis and has far greater needs than just PPE’s for christ sakes.
The smells off to me and will add fuel to the fire of the people who accuse Trump and his connections of being Israeli based not American.
Maybe that is the real reason of why I had to go? who knows? I am hoping not but that is an astounding and ridiculous action.
The Bank of Leumi is under criminal actions for tax evasion in the US currently by the US Justice Department and should have been a complete no no of engaging them to begin with.
For three and half months I have mainly kept quiet at the request of a few people who have worked with Kim, who stated it was her issue to fix not mine and so I did.
I was also told to take the higher ground by a friend, again which I did, and yet curiously the higher ground only applies to me and not the other party.
As is often repeated in our time with THI, only me and THI are held accountable and requested to take the higher ground, yet is not replicated in any other group, who seem to say and do whatever they like with zero reciprocity, why is that?
Whatever happens in the future with Lifeforce and UNC and I am hearing there is more than a few fractious antics ongoing already, personally I hope it all takes off and achieves what it has set out to do.
It was a vision of mine back in 2014 that someone would come along and run a valid news show and take on the corrupt MSM back then, but there is the added problem now, to take on the alt media bullshittery factory that pervades all corners and in between.
But you will not progress at the expense of all others, taking sly jabs at me and THI, our members can “see”, your opening show T-7, Tank duping people into thinking the funds were coming 7 days, but the actually T-7 was them joking about my removal.
The 7 minus Thomas is what that meant, all replete with duelling cats on the graphics, just how is that a respectable news channel?
Making several dated predictions all of which has failed, sensational headline grabbing statements and promises that were proven wrong, like the student loans deletion Kim claimed she had done, even a member of your own team pulled you up live on air over that, it is not the way forward and erodes confidence and credibility.
But THI and all of our the members laid all the groundwork for that venture and many of our ideas are now being pushed forward in Lifeforce, which I am pleased to see as they are valid ideas, but that work done by the members needs to be recognized by Lifeforce, as our members supported her through the last 4 years, financially and otherwise, and it is disingenuous to not recognize that fact.
THI in essence was the vehicle to people knowing who Kim is, and her repaying of that is to try and divide our group into smaller fragments and harvest the people and their ideas for their cause, Tank and his followers have been doing it in the chat and THI state groups for the last two years.
It should also be noted that the assemblies and natural or common law was all done by National Liberty Alliance, at least 7 years prior.
So between THI and NLA we have provided the framework for Lifeforce and the UNC assemblies, and a bit of recognition for all the people who have done that work over the past number of years, should not be brushed aside like they never existed, or because they are connected with the new perceived enemy of the group, 2 years ago it was Ava Cowan, now it is me.
Some have said why don’t Kim and I speak, the reason is she stated in no uncertain terms she never wanted to speak or be near me ever again on May 11th, long before the post attributed to Kim on Facebook in June and my reaction to it, two months on now and the person with the machine who can map everyone and everything globally, cannot find out who runs a FB page?
I know many of our members are on edge of will she come back and struggling with which way to go or engage, tonight will end that doubt or selection process.
It is over 3 months now and it will not come back in my opinion, I offered the olive branch and it was refused in some what spectacular fashion by the Mitochondrial Eve.
Is that the way the Eve should be acting, if it is, it is no wonder this planet is in a mess with such non harmonious behaviors coming from the leader of the people.
People keep asking me will Kim come back and I said time will tell, it has indeed.
Kim will not be backing down it is not in her current nature or being to do so, and that has hampered her in the past and will in the future, but that is her remit and no longer will I be held responsible or accountable for that.
In the zoom call I mentioned several people I no longer engage with as a supporting role in me and THI, because I recognize their input regardless of how things turned out, and it is the right thing to do, I will always do the right thing of what is best for the people, often at cost to myself.
I came to a decision yesterday, given Kim’s and Tank’s ill stance towards me, which is impacting 3 groups of people, Tank’s in particular has gone on since summer 2018 and who can forget the Lucid Dreamer incident he was directly involved in that nearly got me arrested and then deported, all because he wanted to be in my position, sending his lawyer to ask Kim to oust me and put him in my place.
So with their stance plus a few separate discussions I had in the week, it is being stated or inferred that I am the barrier to progressing and in some ways a hindrance, and my input is no longer required.
That being said, it is my wish for all members to get involved in whatever they wish to do, join whichever group you feel comfortable in, and please do not be hampered by any loyalties to me, as it is not what I stand for.
This ends the uncomfortable feeling of certain people Kim has been engaging with out of THI of divided loyalties, so there is no more need to tip toe around, the opportunists now have free reign.
I am stepping back and away from it all, and I will a silent observer from the bleachers.
This way I can no longer be blamed for this that and the other as posited by several people who engage both groups, and also end the sly jibes aimed at our show in several of their broadcasts I was informed.
My work and my role goes on regardless, it was not dependant on the Trust or Trustee, and I will carry doing what I have always done and what is best for the people.
My role was about smashing the old system and that is by and large done now, and then building the platform to start anew, which has also by and large been done now as well, but that is where my role in it ends according to the dictates of other people.
But it was never my intention or doing to be a barrier or distraction as others now deem it as, and so it is best for me to step away accordingly, and let the new kids on the block continue the discourse.
Some or many will see that as not right and unjust, but is it not the case that life is unjust and why we have to change it?
As the Trustee and responsible for all our funds, I like anyone else is entitled to ask questions however awkward when they arise, and this should not be seen as a personal attack, it is that type of poor response and reactions by her, is to what led to the current status we have.
I do not agree with apps and I have laid out extensively as to why, quite why Kim and her team is deeming that a personal attack on them, as both informative and indicative of their current modus operandi.
The danger is, the chase for the funds overlooks certain other dangers to humanity that need to be addressed, corners being cut, bad deals and allowing them clowns back in the game when they are losing badly, and that is where I come in.
There is a much bigger game playing out now and goes way beyond internet popularity games, pieces of paper with numbers on them, self importance strategies, it goes way beyond that and it is time Kim acted accordingly to her titles of Trustee, Mitochondrial Eve and Ambassador to the Universal Council.
I will highlight issues I see as a danger to humanity, I see things and know a lot more than many, and that is why Kim selected me as part of the Trust to begin with, I was the number 7.
Her gloating reactions of removing my security clearance in front of all the members who had loyally supported her became indicative of behaviors that followed.
I know this whole episode has disappointed so many of you, but by removing my energy from the situation, one is hoping it allows others to push things forward for the betterment of humanity, away from the bitching, sniping and finger pointing and blame game that has ran rampant since May, some of it obvious, some of it not so.
So, as I step away from it I lay out a challenge to the Lifeforce/UNC channels, as you have stated you are for and by the people, go and combine the assemblies of your channels, with THI state and country groups, NLA state groups and AVR assemblies, all without signing up by apps or having to join any group, as the Mitochondrial Eve you have a duty and obligation to bring the people together not divide them.
With me out of the way there is no excuse now not to do so.
Lifeforce/UNC, AVR and NLA are all law based groups, and so they should be combined, some THI members within that also, and THI groups can teach the other 3 of how we the people can go forward together, each having their own autonomy and input, without the divisiveness that has largely been connected to Kim herself.
Shane and Randy departures were all to do with Kim, they targeted me only because I supported her.
Look we all make mistakes in life and the goals is to strive to correct them, which is why many who left our group under a cloud, were allowed to return, they owned up to their shit and we all moved on.
Yet curiously Kim despite her high status which should bring more responsibility, reactions and demeanor is clearly not being displayed currently, and we are seeing a very pale shadow of the Kim you all saw on the zoom in April.
But over reaction, wrath and antagonism should not precede every interaction that Kim does not approve of, any questioning of her and she bristles and reacts badly, as Ava herself, will know all too well.
These should not be the Trustee, Ambassador to the Council or Mitochondrial Eve’s base behaviors, based on those titles you are here to set an example to us all, the female archetype, but your setting the bar of standards way too low currently and you wonder why this planet is in a mess? that has to be urgently corrected as a matter of urgency for the betterment of humanity.
With me, the scapegoat now fully out of the way and in the background will we see some improvement in her? time as always will tell.
With that all now being said of which I could said an awful lot more, that is my input into now over, THI has always been about bringing people together including some groups off the internet, until someone or thing deliberately interrupted that and has left what we have now, a very divided set of groups which only aids the clowns and dark forces.
Blatant plagarizing, harvesting and dividing groups to elevate your own is not and never will be the way forward, one hopes with this piece, work will be done to correct that.
And a warning and reminder this is our last go at this mission Kim, your army will not be returning next time should you fail again, but you will.
THI will go on and shows will still be coming and I will continue to support people privately and within the group as I have done for many years now, the business aspects, money and law was never my forte or calling, I am about strategizing, building, helping and elevating the people, and the zoom call last Saturday proved that in spades.
The first song is a message for all THI listeners and members alike, the second song is what needs to happen, and that lies solely on the shoulders of Kim Ann Goguen.
Restorative justice is an approach to justice that focuses on the needs of the victims and the offenders, as well as the involved community. This contrasts to more punitive approaches where the main aim is to punish the offender, or satisfy abstract legal principles.
Denise Curtis, summarising the difference with the law-based system favoured by nation states says that “restorative justice is a different approach to crime. . . . Our current justice system asks: What law was broken? Who broke it? and How should they be punished? Restorative justice asks: Who has been harmed? What needs have arisen because of the harm? and Whose responsibility is it to make things as right as they can?”
Research has indicated that Restorative Justice is effective at reducing violence (in various instances by 75-90% percent) and in increasing graduation rates and test scores rose. This contrasts sharply with US police expectations – they “predicted chaos”.
Truth and Reconciliation Commissions are an effort to pursue restorative justice on a large scale in society. Two notable recent examples have been the Truth commissions in South Africa after apartheid and in Peru after the kleptocracy of Alberto Fujimori.
I am hoping the NLA and the assemblies can get together and then discuss this on their calls, because I still think full disclosure for full disclaimer outside of harming children is the way forward.
The mess is too great to do with legally, and with lawyers play the ca-ching game of spinning things out to collect more money, that is the last thing we need, and funds can go to better causes.
Those that come forward can work off their involvement by being a part of the clean up time for that organization, with a reduced salary of less than $100K per year.
Lawyers cant complain as under proper law all of them have been committing treason by being a part of a foreign title under the BAR system, BAR means British Accreditation Registry.
Natural law and new ways of dealing with criminals has to be the way forward, the old system did not work.
A 15-year veteran of the CIA was charged Monday with selling U.S. secrets to China then unwittingly admitting his spying to the FBI.
The method prosecutors said they used to get him to reveal the nature of his espionage was worthy of a spy novel itself.
Court documents said 67-year-old Alexander Yuk Ching Ma of Honolulu was charged with violating U.S. espionage laws. Prosecutors said he joined the CIA in 1967 then served as a CIA officer until he retired from the agency in 1989. For part of that time he was assigned to work overseas in the East-Asia and Pacific region.
Twelve years after he retired, prosecutors said Monday that Ma met with at least five officers of China’s Ministry of State Security in a Hong Kong hotel room, where he “disclosed a substantial amount of highly classified national defense information,” including facts about the CIA’s internal organization, methods for communicating covertly, and the identities of CIA officers and human assets.
The trail of Chinese espionage is long and, sadly, strewn with former American intelligence officers who betrayed their colleagues, their country and its liberal democratic values to support an authoritarian communist regime,” said John Demers, assistant attorney general for national security. “To the Chinese intelligence services, these individuals are expendable. To us, they are sad but urgent reminders of the need to stay vigilant.”
After leaving the CIA, investigators said, Ma got a job as a Chinese linguist in the FBI’s Honolulu field office. He used his new job and security clearance to copy or photograph classified documents related to guided missile and weapons systems and other U.S. secrets and passed the information to his Chinese handlers, court documents said.
It is my understanding that CIA agents often move to other agencies as part of their work for the CIA, 1. to spy and 2. to cover up any traces back to the CIA.
I came across this article which confirms much of what we have revealed about the CIA and their cover ups of criminal activities, my input will be at the end of the piece.
Amidst the controversy over the doctrine of qualified immunity for cops, no one is talking about the full immunity accorded to the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency within the national-security establishment that wields omnipotent power.
Among the most interesting lines in the new Amazon Prime series The Last Narc is what a CIA official says to DEA investigator Hector Berrellez, who was charged with leading the investigation into the kidnapping, torture, and murder of DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena.
The official tells Berrellez that the CIA is not a law-enforcement agency and, therefore, doesn’t have to comply with the Constitution.
Its mission, he said, is to protect the United States, therefore, the implication is that the Constitution cannot be permitted to serve as a barrier to that end.
That’s the way it’s been since the beginning, the CIA has had omnipotent power to do whatever it deems necessary to protect “national security.”
That includes, of course, the power of assassination, a power that the CIA assumed practically since its inception.
In fact, as early as 1952, the CIA was developing a formal assassination manual for its assassins.
The CIA also wields the power of torture, the power to record its torture sessions, and the power to destroy such recordings to prevent Congress or the public from listening to them or viewing them.
The CIA also wields the power to lie, at least if it’s in the interest of “national security.”
No one jacks with the CIA, not the Justice Department, including every US Attorney in the land, not the Congress, not the president or the military.
Who is going to mess with an organization that wields the omnipotent power to destroy or kill people and is more than willing to exercise that power in the name of protecting “national security”?
Here you have a prima facie case of US governmental involvement in the torture and assassination of a U.S citizen, one who was an agent of the DEA.
The alleged purpose of the torture was to determine if Camarena had uncovered evidence of CIA complicity with the Guadalajara Cartel and the Mexican government in the drug trade.
Three witnesses, all giving their testimony separately, identified Rodriquez as one of Camarena’s interrogators.
That’s clearly enough evidence to launch a formal and aggressive investigation into the matter, whether by federal grand jury or congressional hearings.
Perhaps it’s worth mentioning that Camarena’s murder took place during the Iran Contra scandal, when US officials were breaking the law to raise the money to give to the Nicaraguan contras.
Has any of this evidence caused any US Attorney or the US Congress to launch an aggressive investigation into the matter?
Don’t make me laugh. This is the CIA we are talking about. No one investigates the CIA, which makes the US government as crooked and corrupt as the Mexican government. If you want to get a good sense of how both governments operate, I highly recommend watching The Last Narc.
What most people are not aware is, the United States is nothing to do with America, it is separate entity entirely and is masquerading as America, just like the USA Inc group is masquerading as an American government.
Neither are American and both are hostile foreign imposters.
The United States is an entity that was first formed in Europe in Vienna in the early 1800’s, and is more about the secret elite taking over everything we have discussed in many shows.
People will ask how and why they can wield such power over all the aforementioned bodies, it is simple, they infiltrated all those at the highest levels and took over and installed their people in most departments.
That same tactic also applied to many countries Governments around the world as well.
There are many good people within the CIA who have their names tarnished with these higher level harvesters, I am asking all within the CIA to stand up for your people, family and country and lets expose and remove those who have such little regard for life in general or humanity.
There was an alleged racial incident in this country that received much news print and portal people coverage in January of last year.
A certain group of people all jumped on the race card bandwagon, Alexander Ocasio Cortez, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Kirsten Gillibrand and a certain person by the name of Kamala Harris, all Democrats all pushing the narrative about racial division.
All of them were quick to denounce the alleged attack on Jussie Smollett without determining evidence, and Smollett himself even went as far as to lay political blame for the event by saying, this is MAGA country, alluding to white Trump supporters.
Another NJ Democrat used the event to request to pass legislation of anti lynching.
But events of lynching ended by and large in this country decades ago, so why is or was a bill necessary? generally bills with headlines like that have hidden clauses and that may well have been the case here.
Fast forward 18 months and the media are now pushing a new race card tactic of, anyone questioning Kamala Harris is now declared a racist.
Rumors of her being aunt of Jussie Smollet and also her eligibility to run based on being an immigrant have surfaced, but none of that is particularly relevant to me, whether correct or not.
Can she do the job for and by the people? is all that concerns me.
But all the above mentioned names were hardly to quick to step forward and speak, when Jussie Smollett was charged with six counts of lying to the police and staging a fake racial and homophobic attack.
It seems the Democrat party are running on a campaign of racial divide only, where are their policies to fix this country?
Where are Republicans policies to fix this country also?
The staggering hypocrisy of the Democrat party to run on a campaign of oh the poor blacks and how the whites have harmed them is sickening, when you take into account that the military and defense group of the Democrat Party in the 1800’s was, the KKK.
I am asking the people black and white to come together and condemn these people, who use people for a political agenda.
If black lives matter why are so many in poverty? where was the concern and care of black people within the Democrat party prior? what did Barack Obama despite 8 years in office do for the black people? absolutely zero, and yet somehow some people now think it is all going to be so different, because Harris is black and female, oh dear how the 4 year loop memory wipe program works so well on Americans.
Lost in all of this is perspective, BLM want to defund cops because they are all racist and violent against black people, irony is Kamala Harris describes herself as a top cop, whilst flip flopping between statements of more cops, then less cops.
Recently we have highlighted about Operation Blackout, that was a 2019 exercise simulating sabotage of civilian infrastructure, “terrorism” and psychological operations against American citizens on the day of the US 2020 Election.
The private U.S.-based, Israeli-founded company Cybereason organized it with members of the DHS, FBI and the U.S. Secret Service, and also the law firm Venable.
Kamala Harris married attorney Douglas Emhoff, who was at one time partner-in-charge at Venable LLP’s Los Angeles office, connecting the dots now?
Harris’s sister, Maya Harris, was an MSNBC political analyst; her brother-in-law, Tony West, is general counsel of Uber and a former United States Department of Justice senior official. Her niece, Meena Harris, is the founder of the Phenomenal Women Action Campaign, which appears to do nothing more than promote divisive and racist stereotyping and sell T-shirts, nothing phenomenal about that.
I have been pleased to hear a few things this week, and whole heap of discord ongoing in the background as referenced earlier.
But I wish to focus on the pleasing things because all the rest is nothing to do with our group or host.
Two videos came to light this week, the Millie Weaver video and a video by Tamara Magdelene both highlighting the dangers we first exposed in Clowns in Panic, but have stated it in several shows, the dangers of technology.
This is not just about some fancy gadgets here and there, this is about altering our whole way of life.
It will involve staggering loss of jobs, businesses, livelihoods which in some cases is already underway.
It will involve loss of income, your class status will disappear, which is no bad thing, but it won’t elevate all people into a higher status, but drag everyone into the gutter, just like the future world in the Continuum series.
You think you have freedoms now, well we do in some cases, but overall not many, this new phase which is the rise of the machine, will not only erode every single freedom, will destroy life as we know it, you will be watched, monitored and spied upon 24/7 with nowhere to run or hide.
But the biggest issue is it will render humanity a spent force and dispensable, people will become the pets of the machines with dire consequences for humanity.
This is the main topic of discussion, everything else on the internet or MSM becomes mute, in reality the alt media is as bad as the MSM now, distraction, drama, wait clubs, glitz and glam, he said she said, divisive game playing, whilst the psychopaths charge on in the background.
The two main groups on the internet now, not in terms of numbers per se but status is, the Q groups and the Trustee Life force group.
What are they doing to stop this potential elimination of life as we know it? one guest says lets all get chipped, the other says join our group and download our tracking app, is that not feeding this system of hidden disaster for humanity?
The fact that Kim controls an AI quantum system will eventually lead to some asking the question, is this really for our benefit? with statements like lets all get chipped and have finger prints, facial recognition and tracking you apps, I suspect that line of questioning that will increase, until more details and clarity is made available to the public, than has been currently proffered.
Q won’t even reference the is ra el problem never mind technology.
Do you think all this datamining and these app tracing, tracking and facial recognition are for our benefit? no, they have shown it in movies and tv shows, it is for the machines to recognize you in their database, think Terminator, think Continuum it is all there right in your face.
I warned all people and jobs will get replaced by this machine culture, yes you Pentagon, yes you Generals of the Military, yes you lot in Langley, yes you lot at the head of Banks, Conglomerates and Corporations, yes you all politicians, yes you mercenaries and private contractors, yes you the police.
You the police were designated to be first for the chop with defunding, why? because you are members of the public with weapons is why, it is a disarming tactic.
Defunding is the term for you, for the banks it was decentralizing, getting the picture now? All of you will all get replaced by this AI based system.
Placing de in front of a word is meaning “down, off, away, from among, down from,” it means it is leaving or being removed, next up the term decommission, devaluation relating to currency and lifestyles, depopulate, dehumanize, deprogram, destabilize, decompress, demonize, destroy our whole lives and will become a defacto, a new reality.
Our world will dematerialize into a cesspit of control with no freedoms, decaying cities, decaying lifestyles, decaying populaces and decaying soul development.
What is human, what is life, what is love takes on a whole new meaning now does it not, the question is, have you de fined it?
You can ignore it which is another de word called denial or face reality and call on all to end this abomination of humanity here and now.
The question remains is the Deep State now or in the future a machine? Ponder on that very deeply.
Show Host Role
So here we are 7 years of knowledge further down the line with a rapid increase since the middle of 2016.
It all started with my introduction with Drake, Gramy, Denise, Rick and Tath and Sunfire and we developed along the way.
Those initial weeks and months were exciting times and also unpleasant times for me personally, exciting as it was a new venture and also the timing of my own higher personal awakening, but that awakening cost me my wife and children in many ways.
Slowly but surely I personally grew into the radio show circuit and when allowed by drake I began to speak more, which was well received by the listeners, but not so sure from drakey cakes.
By October that year I had my feet under the table and was getting comfortable in a speaking role, which would have bemused many of my connections back in the UK, as they knew me as the quiet man who didnt speak too much and often too low and in a mumbling voice. Today I am a far cry from that speaker.
So, what did that show bring us? wait clubs, Vietnam, PTSD and guns lol, with some strange British speaking guy chiming in as best I could and also bashing my forehead at Drakes meanderings and wafflings, time told me I was not alone in that.
One of the funniest shows was when I had given Drake the intel and as usual the speed reading started, and I had prepared some topics for him and thankfully I was on mute in the studio, although I would have loved a video of that scene, you al would have needed depends.
So I am at my desk and drake starts off ok and then goes off track, chloe was to the right of me on her laptop and listening, i slapped my forehead and was rolling my eyes, but chloe lost it WTF wtf wtf please shut him up, mute him, get him off air as she was pacing up and down the living room, head in her hands, tommy just turn him off for fucks sakes, he is ruining the whole show, your wasting your time with him I want you to start your own show this is a joke was the gist, turn him off omg.
June 2014 saw the first appearance of the now fabled must listen to shows, Sept 2015 saw Shane and I out the major portion of the control system, late that year saw me out the Factions and things with Cosmic Voice all started to go downhill after that.
Contrary to the public stance I never trusted Keenan from October 2013 onwards, but I was not popular enough to take him on, but I knew I would eventually get an opportunity to expose his bs.
That arrived in May 2016 and that launched the THI show and many other things, what started off as a small show, turned into an epic teaching course for us all, myself included.
In came op-eds, sub intel, an Evening with Thomas, Kim and the Trust and an massive expansion of the Must listen to shows.
The now epic series which we hope to convert into a book From Russia with Love, meant as a two to three part series expanded into 10 to date and even now has gone into an extra section called FRWL plus, which goes deeper into some of the details covered in the main series.
In came the Peoples Club as well and a vision of how life should be in the future for us all.
In came the state and country groups and the expansion of our message and has generated many friendships across the globe.
In came the solutions section of our show and into the state and country groups.
Suddenly Thursday became Thorsday, it launched a plethora of what is now known as Tommyisms, and I am sure you all have your favorites on that.
In came cat police, copy and paste crews, vomit gifs and people suddenly finding the urge to listen to rock music, hammers, big hammers and bigger hammers, clowns and bullshittery amongst many others.
Shows became more prolific and deeper as we delved into so many subjects and showed how many of them are all connected with dots.
Of course we had and have our critics, telling the truth is triggering as you all know too well, but the ones that departed in the main were not ready for the information at that time, some returned and some are still outside of it, but most of them still listen, funny that.
Big thanks to our critics as well as they teach us to act better in the future, of course some took criticism to a whole new level, but that is their path paid or otherwise.
I could reel off many names who have helped me along the way as nobody goes on this long without some help. Apologies if I left some out.
Drake, Tanaath, Sunfire and Denise were all big helps along the way.
Shane was a big help as well although I feel his people think he helped too much and he paid a price for that.
Randy was a big help as well, until he decided to take a different path.
Alan from OYM and COWL has been a constant source of help to me during his time with THI and TPC
Michael Jacquin has been a big source of help in doing the websites, setting up mewe and posting the shows each week.
Notable mentions to Liam Torrance for his support in more ways than one, Nancy Behrens, Jennifer Joyce, Willow.
Thanks to Mark Lacasse for his work with the TPC
Thanks to Michele our Director with Holly of the TPC and the work and support she gives me and many of you as well.
Big thanks to Chloe Kirker in my awakening, support of the show and knowledge she gave.
Big thanks for Kim the Trustee for entrusting me with a role within the Trust and parting with much knowledge that gave me more insight into the bigger picture.
Big thanks to my admins James Godbeer, Ramona and the woman with her own time zone the rock behind CV and THI Holly Hakes Peterson.
But special thanks to you all for taking the time and listening, our shows are not for everyone, too many don’t wish to hear the real truth, truth is brutal, it is triggering but also cathartic, as we purged the lies of the past, purged their fake his story books, purged the portal people lies and deceit and chartered a new path for us all.
The essence of THI is how we all develop ourselves, become better people, learn from our mistakes, but mistakes are not something to fear or ridicule with, they are lessons for us all.
THI is about getting people out of the harvesting Astral level and onto the mental planes were you natural technology kicks into higher gear.
THI is about getting people to caring and sharing, cooperate, need not greed and for following what I said on the very first show which became another THI meme, think and act different.
THI does not belong to me it is part of you all, this is a celebration of you all and your own personal achievements.
Thanks to you all.
I want to thank everyone who participated in a fantastic call, of people coming together, people talking freely, people pouring their heart out in a safe environment, people opening their throat chakras, people sharing their thoughts, lives and ideas.
This is what it is really all about, not arguing over politics, not alt media internet drama and division games, not whether your going to get $M from the plethora of money schemes run in alt media.
People coming together for a common cause, this show operates for and by the people only, always did and will always be so.
Building a platform for change and an actual future, not who has the most members or listeners, who cares?
We have all come a long way individually and as a collective as evidenced on that call.
We all shared common stories, common afflictions, common shadows, common rejections and the feeling of being on the outside of everything, when actually it was they who are on the outside looking in.
Our world and path has been fairly brutal, unlearning, relearning and charting a better way.
Yes it is also a lonely path as I know all too well, and even when you do so much good for so many people they still discard you like a piece of trash, I have had to experience a number of those events this year alone.
But the key is to fight on regardless and push forward doing the right things at the right time, because what you do and your reactions to it is what counts, not what they do.
But that loneliness can also be a spring board to go within and heal and fix the self, without the more common negative frequency people hampering you.
Too often the focus is on what is lost, what is not done and what is not achieved, when many of you have gained, have done and achieved many personal and collective achievements, and that was the message and takeaway of that zoom call last Saturday.
People all over the world coalescing listening, participating, enjoying each others company, rebuilding their life, creating friendships, creating love matches, exhibiting compassion and care for each other that was a great source of pride and satisfaction to myself and my mother.