Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2021-08-19
Topics in this show
- We are what we have all been waiting for
- Billionaire elites after Greenland’s resources
- Covid BS
- Expose : The October surprise
- Words and their hidden meaning
- THI revocation
- Future they wish to create is in movies
- Shadow and inner work
Quick links

A point to remember, a mask is not a scientific object, it is the new religious garment for cult members who worship state backed pseudoscience.
I am detecting a bit of nervousness amongst some members, in alignment with what is being reported by MSM news and rogue alt media channels.
A few emails requesting savior based programming, where are the white hats? will the ET’s save us or worse the leader of the rebellion and his dwindling army of supporters.
Whilst this can be understandable in many ways, the simple solution is two fold, A: turn off the MSM and the alt media doom and gloom channels and B: we are the White Hats with the solution based TPC club.
We are what we have all been waiting for, there is no one else coming to save us, not Jesus, Allah, the Lord, God, Pleiadians, Arcturians, UPU, the Council or any other colorful ET name.
It is basic common sense, why haven’t any of those entities saved us before? why do you keep thinking they will save you?
Have you asked why should they save you?
Have you considered them asking you the question, what have you done to save yourself?
It is in basic terms the most valid question, what have or are you doing to save yourself?
Savior programs work all too well, as it often requires zero responsibility on behalf of the self to do something themselves.
The latest internet savior program involves a Marvel character promising all and sundry, yet curiously not a single prediction or promise has prevailed in over 15 months.
It is the all so easy path to take, sit back and wait for blah blah to fix everything, those people are a dime a dozen on the alt media, not one of them has delivered, and yet people still wait for the savior with their hand out on the promise of free money.
It is shallow based thinking, that has not served we the people well at any time in recorded history.
We at THI and TPC have accomplished things and much more still to come with the expanded by the week village project.
We have provided financial support, energy and entity support, reduced many people off drugs, alcohol, pharma drugs, religious programs and cults.
Provided a safe platform for members to share their stories, free of worry of not being heard or accepted, self help groups all helping and supporting each, females helping each other and many more things, not withstanding the show content also.
It is all too easy to forget and focus on what hasn’t been done, than what we have done.
We together have created an extraordinary platform to build upon, all in a relatively short time, with much promise still to come.
The focus is on that, what we are doing and have done, not what others fail to do.
Shall myself grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Fighters have entered Afghanistan’s capital Kabul, after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country.
The militants are on the brink of taking total control, after rapidly seizing territory as US-led forces withdrew after 20 years of operations.
Reports say the Taliban have seized the presidential palace.
Thousands of Afghans have sought refuge in Kabul in recent weeks and there were scenes of panic in the city on Sunday.
A Taliban spokesman told the BBC there would be no revenge on Afghans.
Western countries have been scrambling to evacuate their citizens.
The US sent military helicopters to transport staff from its heavily fortified embassy compound to the airport.
However, the US Embassy later said there were reports of gunfire at Kabul’s airport.
It warned US citizens in the area to take shelter as the security situation is changing quickly.
Whilst all this is happening Biden hides out in camp David, and the White House press secretary Psaki states she is out of office for a week, how convenient Mrs. Psaki you answer less questions than a person not too far from me, which is quite an achievement in itself.
Those who won’t answer the basic questions always have something to hide.
It is almost 20 years since the Islamist group was ousted by a US-led military coalition, which was designed to reclaim the shekel generating poppy fields, that was accomplished in the first six months.
Their advance across the country began months ago but has accelerated in the space of days.
This story has kind of slipped under the radar in recent weeks, and brings up several points.
A: Biden has to be held responsible for this by media across the board, because if it was Trump the media would be all over it pointing out faults.
The fact they are not is indicative of a wider program of the agency led media.
This is a classic problem, reaction, solution tactic, of which Biden is a part of it, as are many other so called leaders either by coercion or blackmailing.
Biden blames Trump yet forgets the country had 8 years of the Democratic Obama, who never dealt with it either.
This to me appears to be a coordinated effort to destabilize Afghanistan politically, but strategically also.
It will generate further shekels in the coming months as the complicit media begin to bang the war drums, the financial people generate war bonds for both sides and the Hebrew Annunaki collect from both.
Given the fake story last week that Iran is about to get nuclear capability, when Israel sold them the said weapons 30 years ago, this has all the hallmarks of the Hebrew Annunaki caliphate war again, with Israel attacking Iran, NATO backed by the world’s corrupt media to attack Russia simultaneously, and FRWL proven correct again.
It may take much loss of life in that stage, but we will prevail in the war of light v dark, the white race v Hebrew Annunaki, and finally Lucifer, the Jewish conspiracy, Hebrew Annunaki seeded population here with their religious programs will end on this planet.
Only then can the world be at peace and soldiers stop becoming soul diers not for their countries, in reality land no American soldier has fought for their country, only the old world system, will finally be free to defend what is real on this planet, it’s people.
For those new, the white race is not entirely based on color, let go of the racist program, the issue is not racism, but geneticism.
This issue like climate change are the deflection program to silence the Covid noise, all three are about raising the shekels.
The media were particularly stinging about this, after nearly a week of radio silence while the Taliban were undoing 20 years of American investment in Afghanistan, Joe Biden returned to the White House to read from a teleprompter for under 20 minutes.
Given the predictable straw man he presented of an all-or-nothing binary choice between forever war and immediate abandonment, it was par for the course to see Biden try to blame his predecessor.
Biden’s tactless defense consisted of impugning Afghans.
It was followed by his hasty departure without taking a single question from a group of reporters he hand-picked under the guise of social distancing.
Washington, D.C.’s total COVID-19 death toll this month: one.
This leaves only the ghastly conclusion Biden has no idea what the hell happened in the last week.
Biden will return to Camp David to vacation while Kabul burns.
This ought to leave the Cabinet — especially Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who reportedly begged Biden not to initiate such a hasty and disorderly withdrawal — wondering whether the president is willfully derelict in his duty, choosing to summer instead of govern, or simply incapable of handling his office.
Today’s press conference was Biden’s opportunity to present proof of life. He failed.
After 20 years of occupation, Americans were certainly amenable enough to leave, but whose idea was it to remove the military and leave our own equipment to the Taliban? To say nothing of U.S. citizens stranded?
As Israel and America plunge most Middle East countries into harsh poverty, Lebanon lost more of it’s people due to fuel shortages.
A military refilling station exploded killing 27 people, Lebanon has a severe fuel shortage crises and most citizens rely on generators for their electricity, as often the electric only works for two hours a day.
The currency has collapsed over the past two years, causing inflation to skyrocket, and more than half of the population live below the poverty line.
I guess the line he who controls the finance controls the country, another Rothschild atrocity, backed by the fake country.
Israel has taken to destroying homes in East Jerusalem designed to spark another round of war.
Stating because the people built homes without permits, yet the permits are almost impossible to obtain, particularly for Palestinians.
As a result of absent master zoning plans, inadequate infrastructure and difficulties in land registration, it is nearly impossible to build legally in most East Jerusalem neighborhoods.
Two parents and 4 children are now out on the street in a tent with no water, electricity or access to a toilet or wash facilities.
This greed based bankers, their army of lawyers and jobsworth councillors needs to be stopped by we the people.
In a civilized society all people should have the 5 basics in life, clean water, food, shelter, utilities and clothing, with access to affordable health care, that is the basic standards of living.
We in the so called western world by and large all have that, yet I still hear too much complaining, one hopes this news item teaches people some perspective.
An Israeli firm which is no surprise they would do this, has come up with an AI lawyer and legal bot.
DoNotPay now claims to have 150,000 paying subscribers.
And while it has its critics, with some last year it won an award from the American Bar Association for increasing legal access.
So, having got many of it’s people to become lawyers, now they wish to replace them with bots, nice confirm they will turn on their own people that.
France’s Ministry of the Interior found that one Covid vaccination or screening center has been vandalized per day on average since mid-July, with around 20 such sites across the country attacked.
Information gathered from the Ministry of the Interior shows that, there have been 20 attacks on vaccination hubs and Covid testing centers nationwide from July 14 to August 9.
A vaccination center in Landes, southwestern France was reportedly defaced on July 19, with vandals writing ‘Nazis’ and collaborators, alongside dozens of swastikas.
Meanwhile, the word ‘genocide’ was painted on the floor of another hub in Vendôme just over a week later.
Along with reports of vandalism, incidents of arson have also reportedly been observed at Covid-related sites across France.
A marquee vaccination center in Urrugne, a city in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, was set ablaze on July 18, while similar attacks were reported as far away as the island of Reunion last Sunday. oops!
Whilst we at THI have never and will never support violence or vandalism, this is understandable, but I wish people would not write Nazis on the walls, as that is a dedicated anti white program to throw off the masses.
If you have to deface things in that way, add real terms like Zionism or Hebrew Annunaki, at least then you know the truth, and so will they.
Fascism was nothing to do with Germany, no more than Communism is anything to do with China and Russia, it is NAtional ZIonism that is the culprit, the first two letters of both words NAZI, then you understand who and what are the problem here.
Authorities in north Germany have asked more than 8,000 people to get repeat Covid vaccinations because a nurse is suspected of having injected saline instead of vaccine in many cases.
Police are investigating the nurse’s actions at a vaccination centre in Friesland, near the North Sea coast.
Initially just six people were believed to have received the harmless salt solution there in March and April.
Many of those affected were aged over 70 – a high-risk group in the pandemic.
Inspector Peter Beer, quoted by Süddeutsche Zeitung, said the 40-year-old woman had been sharing corona-critical information on social media, criticizing the government’s restrictions aimed at curbing the virus’s spread.
Regional broadcaster NDR says 8,557 people have been asked to go back for repeat vaccinations, and so far about 3,600 new appointments have been confirmed.
In April the nurse had admitted giving saline to six people to cover up the fact that she had dropped a vaccine vial on the floor.
But as the police investigation unfolded it became clear that many more people had been given saline instead of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
Who would have thought the term corona critical information not approved by Governments, MSM Media and Social media would ever become part of our every day lives?
Who would have thought the people would turn against each other?
Who would have thought the people would approve their own lockdown, and force each other to wear masks?
Well, we at THI did, it was what was revealed many years back in our shows, the 4th Reich, the caliphate, the 85-15 pieces, all the establishments designed to serve or protect the people are corrupt, it was all there, but another thing said a while back, in 2020 we will “see” and we have.
This phase of the war is not awake or unawakened, it is between the people who can think for themselves against the bot like masses unable to speak or learn common sense, and their innate ability to never think for themselves.
The BBC comment on the end of this article was interesting, and another seeding type comment designed to form opinions for the public, they said this.
Germany has seen many anti-vaccination protests, Far-right groups are among those who reject the official data and conclusions about the spread of Covid.
Far right in their labeling system means Nazis, and lets repeat the worn out old German story that they are all white supremacist Nazis.
Amazes me how no one challenges those comments, as it is a blatant racist statement the German people.
Can you imagine the uproar if you write it was far right yamuke wearing elements?
Poland’s president Andrzej Duda has approved a law that will make it harder for Jewish people to recover property lost during and after World War Two.
Israel has recalled its diplomatic envoy to Warsaw over the changes, branding the law anti-Semitic.
The legislation relates to claims on property stolen by Nazi Germany, then seized by Poland’s communist regime.
The law sets a 30-year limit on challenges to such confiscations.
As most happened soon after the war, many outstanding claims will now be blocked.
The Polish government says the change will end a period of legal chaos, but Israel condemned it forcibly.
Ah the predictable and child like name calling of these people, everything they don’t approve of is then retorted by the spellcasting words of Anti Semitic.
Lets apply some common sense here shall we.
If Israel wants to reclaim things from 80 years ago, how about all the countries they have attacked in the Middle East reclaiming all their destroyed, lost or stolen land from 1947 onwards, wouldn’t that be fair?
How is it only they can claim lost property and yet no one else? How is it they receive $T’s in compensation and yet never gave any of it to their own people, yes you Weasel man in the Holocaust center for harvesting peoples shekels.
How about using those funds for the poverty stricken Jews In New York and San Franscisco?
Of course they won’t, Jews are used as pawns by these shekel claiming greed merchants operating under the banner of Jews, when they are not, they are Luciferian and Satanists.
Unbeknown to the world and certainly alt media, many of whom are frightened to even mention Israel, incase they get labeled anti- Semitic, utter cowards, the truth is the truth.
But, vast numbers of the small Jewish population are living in abject poverty, whilst people of their own religion own over 75% plus of the worlds money supply.
Once you are able to see through the religious doctrine and see reality for what it really is, you will realize this show has done more for Jewish people then any other on the internet.
I will gladly be labeled anti-Semitic, because A: it means I am over the target and B: I don’t care what people label me, because the truth after time always tells, and I have the patience to wait.
I was sent a video from Australia whereby a group called the peoples treaty served papers on the Lismore police station for genocide compliance.
Whilst the paper itself serves no overall purpose, the planting of seeds into the old world domains may bring growth in terms of people taking notice.
Kudos to those people for making an effort, and maybe some cops in that station may well take notice.
The cops have to understand they are underpinning a corrupt system, and are as guilty as their paymasters due to compliance and the feeble excuse I was following orders.
There is an excuse for children follow orders, not adults who should know by then, what is right and what is wrong.
The Senate voted to approve a roughly $1 trillion bill to revamp the nation’s infrastructure on Tuesday, delivering a bipartisan breakthrough on legislation that includes key portions of President Biden’s domestic agenda.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said the lower chamber won’t take up the bipartisan bill until the Senate passes a separate $3.5 trillion budget package that includes provisions to fight climate change and boost domestic spending on health care, child care and more.
That is the Pelosi family new Green Deal package we warned of 2-3 years back, Mr. Pelosi is running that bill and garnering the profits from it.
The bipartisan bill passed Tuesday would inject $550 billion of new federal spending over five years into improving the nation’s infrastructure.
The legislation dedicates $66 billion for rail transportation and safety, $55 billion for water infrastructure and $65 billion for increasing and improving broadband connections.
In addition, the legislation includes $7.5 billion to build electric vehicle charging stations, which is far less than what Mr. Biden originally sought.
The bill would allocate $15 billion for lead pipe replacement, which also falls short of the $45 billion Mr. Biden initially requested.
The upgrades to the nation’s infrastructure will be paid for through a variety of measures, including repurposing $200 billion that was allocated by Congress for earlier COVID-19 pandemic relief.
The legislation estimates that approximately $53 billion will be available from states that canceled their enhanced federal unemployment insurance benefits.
In addition, the measure also requires cryptocurrency “brokers” to report their transactions to the IRS.
The $3.5 trillion budget resolution is a blueprint for Mr. Biden’s larger domestic economic agenda, and includes funds to expand Medicare and child care and combat climate change.
Set countries on fire, create storms that follow the same path like this week, create flooding events globally and call it climate change, and their solution to it is, send money to the UN and enrich the lives of the Pelosi’s. That’ll be a no.
Climate change is the new Covid mass media hysteria vehicle.
Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan reportedly signed civil arrest warrants Tuesday for dozens of House Democrats absent from the state Capitol, amid an effort to stymie a controversial voting bill put forward by Republicans.
The 52 Democrats left the Capitol last month to keep conservative lawmakers from having the required quorum to move the legislation.
The warrants will be delivered to the House Sergeant-at-Arms tomorrow morning for service.
Hours after the state’s Supreme Court ruled the Democrats could be civilly detained, the Texas House voted 80-12 to issue the warrants, the Dallas Morning News reported.
The Supreme Court had overturned a Monday district court decision blocking the warrants.
In August 2019, President Trump was ridiculed for reportedly expressing an interest in buying Greenland.
Greenland is a strategic place, they’ve got a lot of valuable minerals, he explained in August 2019, and he was right: Danish surveys have found that the owner of the island would stake a claim to around 900,000 sq km of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean.
As we noted at the time, there is also not surprisingly – a race for supremacy with China over the island’s future.
So far, Washington has prevented Beijing from financing three airports on Greenland that would give it a toehold on the strategically important island, which is also the world’s largest by square mileage, something the US military refuses to risk.
And though it has vast natural resources across its 811,000 square miles, Greenland relies on $591 million of subsidies from Denmark annually, which makes up about 60% of its annual budget.
Greenland quickly rebuffed Trump saying we’re not for sale.
But now it appears Greenland is more open to the idea, as a group of American billionaires have teamed to form a joint venture to mine the nation’s trillion-dollar resources for rare natural resources required for electric vehicle battery production.
Do you really think we are that stupid to believe it is for the electric vehicle battery production? seriously.
More greed based psychopaths ideas of controlling resources now M is gone, and his predecessor seemingly unable to do anything any more.
Bluejay (BLLYF), an exploration and development company with projects in Greenland and Finland, has signed a joint venture agreement with KoBold Metals, at the Company’s Disko-Nuussuaq nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum magmatic massive sulphide project in Central West Greenland.
KoBold’s purpose is to discover and develop new ethical sources of the critical materials for electric vehicles.
KoBold’s objective is to make more discoveries of outstanding orebodies by drawing on, world-class expertise in exploration geoscience, and by developing full-stack exploration technology to use machine learning and other scientific computing techniques, to enable highly effective exploration decision-making.
To break that mouthful of illusion down, it is to make more shekels and have more control.
Principal investors in KoBold include Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a climate & technology fund, overseen by Bill Gates, and whose investors include Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, and Ray Dalio.
Other investors in KoBold include Andreessen Horowitz, the premier Silicon Valley venture capital fund and Equinor, the Norwegian state-owned multinational energy company.
Kurt House, CEO of KoBold, said: “We are excited to invest in Greenland’s emerging mineral sector and to partner with Bluejay in light of their strong track record in Greenland and the outstanding potential of the Disko project.”
So, instead of American taxpayers reaping the potential benefits as per Trump’s strategy, the billionaire elites will get richer and control more of this critical resource.
All of which leaves us with one simple question – what does this group of billionaire elites know?
Is this them front-running the ‘great reset’?
Trump’s strategy it now appears is on behalf of the Black Sun, not the people.
Just what is under the ice on Greenland? why is Greenland full of ice so far south? you have Greenland full of ice, yet a neighboring country called Iceland is full of green, is green a color coded program one has to ask.
About 30 Chicago police officers reportedly turned their backs on Mayor Lori Lightfoot when she approached them in a hospital following the shooting of two officers on Saturday night.
When Lightfoot approached a large group of grieving officers on the 7th floor of the hospital hours after the shooting, they “did the about-face,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported, citing two sources who were there.
It looked like it had been choreographed.
It occurred moments after the male officer’s father, who is a retired Chicago officer, yelled at Lightfoot when she tried to talk to him.
She listened and treated him with respect while he blamed her for what happened, one source said.
As the mayor stated yesterday, now is not the time for divisive and toxic rhetoric or reporting.
This is a time for us to come together as a city.
We have a common enemy and it is the conditions that breed the violence and the manifestations of violence, namely illegal guns, and gangs.
Yes, the common enemy is gutless politicians running ridiculous programs on we the people, to use a Bush term, they are either with us or against us.
Time for them, the police, the military, the agencies to decide, are you with the people or with the old world control system, choose wisely.
A month ago we asked for the proof of the Assemblies receiving the public funds in their accounts and also given the Assemblies new powers as the official Government as per claims made by that group.
We the people gave them a month to provide proof of said claims and initiate the new Tax code already drafted previously by myself and the Trustee.
No proof was provided and people within the assemblies stated most don’t even have a bank account to receive said funds.
That will be filed under another false claim, to add to the litany of other false or misleading claims coming from that group.
Hall of records? or hall of shame for misleading we the people, you decide.
Add in the fact that Trump is not dead of cancer as predicted, Trump not back in the White House as predicted, when will alt media attack these people who consistently make promises and predictions and yet fail every time?
No need to attack them or publicly rebuke them, just turn them off and deny them the energy, they are distraction and energy harvesting agents, and always were.
Under federal guidance, private employers can generally require employees to get vaccinated COVID-19, and private businesses can permit entry and service only to vaccinated individuals, as long as they comply with federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion and disability.
An important point will be missed, the words federal guidance.
Federal guidance is used for the fact they are connected to the Government and so is law.
But Federal guidelines does not constitute full law, and Federal is not our Government.
However, given the increasing availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, many states are considering or have enacted legislation that would prohibit employers from mandating vaccinations or prohibit businesses from requiring proof of vaccine status.
The proposed legislation varies widely by state in terms of who would be shielded from mandatory vaccinations and under what circumstances.
Some legislation would prohibit employer-mandated vaccinations outright, some would permit mandated vaccinations only for employees who work in a healthcare facility or with medically vulnerable populations, and some would expand the federally-recognized religious exemption to include philosophical objections or objections of the conscience.
Nearly every bill pertaining to the rights of current or prospective employees prohibits employers from making vaccination a condition of employment or taking adverse actions based on an employee’s COVID-19 vaccination status.
There is variance among states on whether private businesses may deny entry to individuals who do not have proof of vaccination, with some states expressly stating that a business may require proof of vaccination, with other states prohibiting businesses from requiring proof of vaccination.
Under some proposed legislation, businesses, employers and individuals found in violation may be subject to steep fines; civil liability, often including attorneys’ fees; and in some circumstances, even criminal liability and imprisonment.
Solution use our own indemnity form available in the files section of FB and Mewe.
I would suggest an indemnity of at least $10B against those administering the vaccine, if they don’t sign, no jab, it’s that simple.
Because if the jabber cannot stand behind it, why in the hell should you.
Signer should include their full name, address and phone number.
The fascist entity known as Ardern who is a full on fear program merchant, running a country like a medical dictatorship.
New Zealand has announced a snap lockdown after a man tested positive for Covid, the first case in six months.
The case was detected in Auckland, which will be in lockdown for a week, while the rest of the country will be in lockdown for three days.
Authorities say they are working on the assumption that the new case was the Delta variant.
Just around 20% of its population has been fully vaccinated.
Coromandel, a coastal town where the infected person had visited, will be in lockdown for seven days too.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the toughest level 4 rules were required – closing schools, offices and all businesses with only essential services remaining operational.
I want to assure New Zealand that we have planned for this eventuality, indeed Jacinda you have, all designed to create fear and misery for your people.
That woman has balls figuratively and literally.
Normally at this point we go into the Covid bs, but I feel that has pretty much ran it’s course of exposure.
Our show exposed it all in the Expose series most of which was done last year, so tonight the only Covid piece will be an audio.
A sobering analysis and confirms what we have revealed some time back.
This was sent in by a member of our group and thought it would be interesting for greater understanding of the skullduggery involving all the usual suspects, and why the Iran is the latest boogeyman is all based on lies by again using the usual suspects.
I will add some background pieces to it for further information.
Resolution to demanding Biden investigate the October Surprise, and order NSA to disclose evidence proving a SR-71 was flown from Paris to McQuire Air Force Base on October 19, 1980.
Ah the legendary October surprise that was ran every year by the savior program based alt media personalities, including Q.
Like the Lion’s gate date of it is all happening, I heard was used by a show not far from here, Lion’s gate is more Hebrew Annunaki and new age bs.
Whereas US Navy Captain (O-6) Gunther Karl Russbacher and his close friend and CIA officer Heinrich Rupp piloted a Gulfstream aircraft to Paris on October 19, 1980.
Whereas Heinrich Rupp had been an OSS and CIA officer since World War Two.
Whereas Russbacher alleges Earl Brian, a long-time CIA operative helped arrange the $40 million bribe paid by GHW Bush to the Iranians in Paris for the October Surprise.
Whereas Russbacher alleges that there were a total of 25 to 30 persons on this flight to Paris, with GHW Bush and some Senators and Congressmen, to make a deal with Iran to delay the release of the American hostages until after the election.
In return for this, the US would arranged for Israel to ship weapons to Iran. oops!
Whereas CIA contract pilot and arms dealer, Richard Brenneke alleges CIA boss Donald Gregg had been on board this BAC-111 aircraft that he flew to Paris.
Whereas there were credit card receipts proving that Brenneke was in Paris on October 19, 1980.
Whereas US government tried to fake evidence to prove Brenneke was in Seattle on October 19, 1980 and used that evidence to prosecute him for perjury, but Brenneke was found not guilty for saying Bush et al were in Paris.
Whereas Donald Gregg failed a lied detector test that asked him, if he was ever involved in plot to delay the release of the hostages.
Whereas Russbacher alleges he received a phone call in his Paris hotel room from General Maxwell Taylor, telling Russbacher he should fly George HW Bush back to the United States in an SR-71 spy plane.
Whereas every SR- 71 flight transmits a radio message to one of three NSA satellites positioned at “keyhole 11, 12 or 13” the exact time, aircraft of origin and its location.
Whereas there should still be records of the names of NSA or US Air Force people who were involved in this flight and the keeping of this NSA data.
Therefore be it resolved we demand that President Biden order a new investigation of the “October Surprise” and order NSA to disclose evidence proving a SR-71 was flown from Paris to McQuire Air Force Base on October 19, 1980
Other sources for this resolution:
Paul Wilcher wrote: My client here is Gunther Karl Russbacher, a life-long CIA officer and Captain (O-6) in the Office of Naval Intelligence, who has operated at the highest levels of both of these super-secret organizations over the past 30 and 25 years, respectively, he was a SR-71 spy plane pilot.
There is a copy of a letter dated June 16, 1986 from Vice President George Bush, wherein he wrote I would like to thank the staff of the CIA and their agents (he means officers) George Cave.
Howard Telcher, John R. Segal and Gunther Russbacher for the courage etc.
This letter was classified at the “Confidential” level.
A memorandum from Oliver North to John Poindexter, describing a snag in negotiations in Tehran, involving Robert Hunt and Gunther Russbacher, among others.
In 1981, Ya’acov Nimrodi, an intimate of leaders across the Israeli political spectrum, sold the Iranian defense ministry $135,842,000 worth of Hawk anti-aircraft missiles, 155 mm. mortars, ammunition, and other weapons through his Tel Aviv-based company, International Desalination Equipment, Ltd.
From 1955 to 1979 Nimrodi had been Israel’s military attache in Tehran. oops!
On July 24, 1984, Radio Luxembourg reported that Nimrodi had met in Zurich, with the deputy defense minister and the top intelligence officer of Iran and with Rif’at al-Assad, the brother of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad.
Swiss government sources said that the meeting resulted in a deal to ship 40 truckloads of weapons a day from Israel to Iran, via Syria and Turkey.
Other sources that corroborate this information about the October Surprise.
In April 1991, Gary Sick’s book, October Surprise: America’s Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan, reports by Journalists Robert Perry and David Andelman (1992).
Pierre Salinger wrote in his Memoirs, Soviet Intelligence files also confirm the meeting by Casey with Iranians in October 1980, Robert Gates and the elder Bush.
American Dynasty by Kevin Phillips pages 280 to 288 (2004)
And October Surprise Press Conference – Barbara Honegger – 1992
In August 1991, freelance writer Danny Casolaro among others, claimed to be almost ready to expose the alleged October surprise conspiracy, I guess you all know what will happen next, you were correct, he suddenly died a violent death in a hotel bathtub in Martinsburg, West Virginia.
John M. Barry of Newsweek has said that Iran-Contra created fertile ground for the October Surprise theory.
Scott D’Amico in Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories in American History wrote that, the arms-deal arrangement provided credence to those who believed Reagan was fulfilling his end of the October surprise pact with Khomeni.
In the November 24, 1986 issue of The New York Times, William Safire charged, the geopolitical excuse offered now, that the ransom was a plan to influence post-Khomeini Iran, is a feeble cover-up.
Robert McFarlane first approached the Reagan campaign in the summer of 1980 with an Iranian in tow, who proposed to deliver our hostages to Mr. Reagan rather than President Carter, thereby swinging the U.S. election.
Safire’s piece was based upon information he solicited from Laurence Silberman in 1984 regarding a brief meeting four years earlier between Silberman, McFarlane, and Richard V. Allen with a Malaysian man, who proposed a plan to contact someone who could influence Iran, to delay the release of the hostages in order to embarrass the Carter administration.
The Miami Herald published an article by Alfonso Chardy on April 12, 1987 that McFarlane, Silberman, and Allen had met with a man, claiming to represent the Iranian government and offering the release of the hostages.
Chardy’s article also quoted exiled former Iranian president Abolhassan Banisadr, who said he had learned that Beheshti and Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani were involved in negotiations with the Reagan campaign, to delay the release of the hostages until Reagan became president.
That is how much your politicians value their people, all about political leveraging along with the Israelis.
October 15–20: Meetings are held in Paris between emissaries of the Reagan/Bush campaign, with Casey as key participant, and high-level Iranian and Israeli representatives.
October 21: Iran, for reasons not explained, abruptly shifts its position in secret negotiations with the Carter administration, and disclaims further interest in receiving military equipment.
October 21–23: Israel secretly ships F-4 fighter-aircraft tires to Iran, in violation of the U.S. arms embargo, and Iran disperses the hostages to different locations.
January 20, 1981: Hostages are formally released into United States custody after spending 444 days in captivity.
The release takes place just minutes after Ronald Reagan is sworn in as president.
US Navy Captain (O6) Gunther Karl Russbacher became an SR-71 spy plane pilot.
He alleges that in February 1980 returned to Langley the CIA headquarters, and somehow went to school to become an investment broker and financial planner.
He next incorporated and operated a number of covert CIA proprietary’s in the United States from the late 1970s to 1986.
His main headquarters was in Missouri, but his CIA proprietary’s had offices throughout the United States, with heavy involvement in Dallas and Denver, where much of the HUD and savings and loan looting took place.
Russbacher identified as CIA proprietary’s or assets numerous savings and loans, including Aurora Bank in the Denver area, Silverado Bank Savings & Loan, Red Hill Savings and Loan, Hill Financial, Indian Springs State Bank, and many others.
He described the flow of money from, for instance, Silverado Bank Savings & Loan to start up Hill Financial and Red Hill Savings and Loan.
Much of the data that he and other deep-cover CIA operatives gave me still has to be analyzed.
Remember me stating how much the CIA is involved in everything, from hotel chains, to finance groups, to Universities to ordinary shops like Radioshack with CIA offices in the back to supply their agents.
They are a cancer on this country and it’s people, and yet no one including the bestest Military will do anything about it or them.
Russbacher made reference to CIA contract agents he encountered, including Heinrich Rupp and Richard Brenneke who worked with the CIA at Aurora Bank in Denver and elsewhere, and Anthony Russo at Indian Springs State Bank in Kansas City.
Russbacher described the links between CIA proprietary’s and organized crime and how the CIA worked with the group in Denver, looting the HUD program and savings and loans of billions of dollars.
He described the corrupt practices of groups in the Denver area, such as MDC Holdings, Richmond Homes, Mizel Development, and their nearly one hundred subsidiaries, partnerships and other legal entities.
Describing his role in two of the savings and loans, Russbacher stated: I held the position of Chairman of the Board of Red Hill Savings & Loan and Hill Financial.
Let’s back up here, and erase that last thing.
Robert Andrew Walker held the position of Chairman of the Board, but Russbacher used the CIA-provided-alias of Walker for those positions.
Russbacher described the massive corruption associated with the new Denver International Airport that included bribes, land flips, and sham loans.
For more:
Salem bin Laden was allegedly involved in October Surprise.
He was involved in secret Paris meetings between US and Iranian emissaries, according to a French report. [PBS Frontline, 2001]
The New Yorker reports, during the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan administration secretly arranged for an estimated $34 million to be funneled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras in Nicaragua, Osama’s eldest brother Salem bin Laden aided in this cause. [PBS Frontline, 2001; New Yorker, 11/5/2001]
Now you know why all the Bin Laden family in America was allowed to fly out of the country, whilst all the people were left grounded and stranded everywhere on 9/11.
Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian businessman, made arrangements to pay Iran $40 million to delay the release of hostages. Well, well, well yes that Adnan Khashoggi the uncle of the journalist murdered by the Saudis who are a proxy of Israel.
Khashoggi was born in Mecca, to Mohammad Khashoggi, who was King Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s personal doctor, and Samiha Ahmed.
His father was Turkish and was from a family with roots in Kayseri.
He also claimed that he had a Jewish grandfather.
Khashoggi’s sister was author Samira Khashoggi who married businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed and was the mother of Dodi Fayed, who was with Princess Diana at the time of her demise, oh the webs they weave of interconnectedness.
Earl Brian, a long-time CIA covert operative who, along with Michael Riconosciuto who worked under Russbacher helped arrange the $40 million bribe paid by Bush to the Iranians in Paris.
Between November 30, 1985 and February 25, 1986, CIA agent Richard Brenneke sent memos to various officials within the United States Department of Defense, claiming that the Iranian government was willing to make a deal with the United States government, to exchange their influence over terrorists and hostage-holders for United States weaponry.
On September 23, 1988, Brenneke voluntarily testified at the sentencing hearing of Heinrich “Harry” Rupp, a close friend who had been convicted of bank fraud.
At 18 years old at the time, Rupp was a Nazi Luftwaffe (air force) pilot.
Brenneke testified that Rupp believed he was acting on behalf of the CIA in carrying out the fraud, which Brenneke said was part of a much wider CIA scheme, to gain funding for covert operations by defrauding savings and loan associations.
Brenneke cited Indian Springs State Bank as an example, the bank had loaned money to Global International Airways, a company involved in the Iran-Contra affair, and the Iranian Farhad Azima had been a major shareholder of the bank and also owner of the airline.
A 1975 ID card Brenneke supplied to a Houston Post reporter showed Rupp as a pilot for the airline.
Brenneke said that he and Rupp had been involved in various covert operations for the agency in the past.
He said he and Rupp and been involved in such matters since Brenneke’s days at the CIA’s Air America, beginning in 1967.
As an example of the kind of covert operations he and Rupp had been involved in, Brenneke said that he and Rupp had been involved in some of the meetings at which the 1980 October Surprise affair was arranged.
Brenneke said that on the night of October 18, 1980, Rupp had flown William Casey from Washington’s National Airport to Paris’ Le Bourget Airfield for a series of secret meetings.
These meetings on October 19 and 20 involved negotiations between Iranian representatives and members of the Reagan-Bush campaign.
Brenneke testified he was present at the last of three meetings, on the details of the cash and weapons involved, at which Casey and Donald Gregg were also present.
Brenneke also testified that George H.W. Bush was present in Paris for the meetings, but a month after his deposition he amended his statement by letter to the judge, clarifying that his knowledge of Bush’s presence was not first-hand but came from Rupp.
In 2015, Brenneke died from complications due to heart disease and diabetes.
Another seedy episode in the world of clowns, bereft of any humanity, running rampant with peoples lives on a mass scale, all whilst exhibiting fear on a daily basis.
Why fear you may ask? because anyone who has to control others, does so out of fear, just like the Draco.
Fear laden cowards who hide in shadows, spying on people, blackmailing and subverting people it is beyond disgusting behaviors.
The biggest irk is the people are paying for several criminal networks, and get nothing of benefit from any of it, all goes to the cowardly, greed based, anti humanity psychopaths.
Whose path of darkness is not redeemable.
More words we say or send without thinking of the consequences.
The rise in social media generated many new terms most of which people never think about.
Like Messenger, messenger of what I would ask?
As always it has biblical or church connotations.
Messenger from c. 1200 as a harbinger, forerunner, precursor.
Harbinger is a keeper or inn keeper, anagram of tennis Set Inn springs to mind.
Forerunner or precursor states something to come, it did Zionist based Fascism.
The emoji was predated by the emoticon, a concept first put into practice in 1982 by computer scientist Scott Fahlman when he suggested text-based symbols could be used to replace language, all very Asian and alien language that.
Then we have word font, but a font is a receptacle, usually of stone, as in a baptistery or church, containing the water used in baptism, baptized in computer code by fonting?
The rise of profiling yet few look at the word profile, means you are pro or for filing, and so that is one of their hidden consent practices.
The emojis determine your mood and enhance your pro-filing.
Then we have the term tags, tag means to follow closely; go along or about as a follower, yet more labeling for the dataminer.
Data means individual facts, statistics, or items of information, miner means someone who digs for something, in this case they are digging for your facts, statistics and information.
But tagged also means to bind, attach to, what are we being attached to?
Then we have the term to send an attachment oh dear, sending an attachment is all very djinn like isn’t it?
THI self help group did a revocation on behalf of the members, a simple I approve that message said at the end adds your choice to this message.
On behalf of all Humanity and for the highest and greatest good of All Organic Life, we call on the consciousness of the Prime Creator/Organic Source (Which Exists Outside of Time), all of Organic Humanity, all Service to Others and “The Council” to NOW become aware of and to act on the following mandates, revocations and remedies:
We now declare that All of Humanity, all Service to Others and “The Council” are completely united in the initiative, overthrow, healing, transmutation and/or permanent removal of ALL of the Hebrew-Annunaki, their Masters, their associates, their agendas and their negative tech & AI on, in and surrounding Midgard Earth and from all places, spaces, time, planes, frequencies and pockets throughout Creation.
The veil of illusion is completely pierced and dissolved as an intense, strong beam of Light illuminates and obliterates ALL enemies of Humanity & service to self beings on and in Midgard earth and beyond.
The Light is now intensified by our collective focus and continues to transmute and/or eradicate the occult programs and workings of the Hebrew-Anunnaki, their associates, their Masters and all of their machinations.
We declare that ALL Humans and Beings are now able to clearly and fearlessly perceive and apprehend how the Hebrew-Anunnaki, their associates and their Masters are interested only in satisfying themselves, are beings separate and genetically unlike Humans, and are the perpetual, sworn enemies of Humanity and all Life, itself.
We continue to tear down any and all remaining cloaking & concealing of all hostile intentions.
We are now completely conscious and acutely aware of ALL Dark participants as The Light exposes and intensifies our ability to see and act appropriately.
Our passions, as an aroused and awakened Humanity, are now exerting more than enough power to topple this Dark empire and program.
We now know that we ARE a sheer and mighty force as an active and united People.
Our Will is Power, and our Power is our Will.
Our focused, strong Will now sways the masses and creates and forges a successful and victorious overthrow of the Hebrew-Anunnaki, their associates, their Masters and all of their machinations on and in Midgard earth and beyond.
All facets of this Dark, Parasitic Virus including, but not limited to, media deception and distraction, AI interference and broadcastings, oaths & allegiances, spell castings, divisiveness, fear programming, sexual deviations and pedophilia, mind control, Saviour programs, love and loyalties to countries and racial identity, faction wars and all astral connections & ties, are revoked, destroyed, dissolved and rendered impotent as they come into sharp focus and public view.
All of the aforementioned are now being replaced with healthy and cooperative Organic operating systems.
We demand that the current Trustee and ALL beings and agents who knowingly and unknowingly support the Dark Agenda, are now permanently removed and replaced with Service to Other Humans.
We now declare and assert that all of Humanity are seizing this opportunity to manage and guide this planet in balance, truth, honor and integrity and in a cooperative way.
Delays are NOT accepted and we demand action NOW.
The veil and all of its illusions disappear as unity, will, truth, honor, integrity, determination, courage, cooperation, balance, discernment and love & support of each other reigns supreme.
The connection to our Higher Selves is now strong and unbreakable.
We now harmonize our Higher Selves with each other to forge a cooperative and supportive New World and reality.
We continue to release the Healing and Transmuting Energy of Organic Source (Which Exists Outside Of Time), as Humanity and all Service-to-Others heal, transmute and/or permanently remove from our planet and beyond, the Hebrew-Anunnaki, their associates, their Masters and all of their machinations.
We are now free to create the Renaissance of Midgard earth for the highest and greatest good of all of Organic Humanity and benevolent occupants of Midgard Earth.
We declare this to be true and righteous for the highest and greatest good of All. And so it is.
The Meaty Portion
I have often referenced certain shows or movies that is suggestive of being documentaries not fiction.
Dark, Taken, The 100 Series, Terminator, Extinction, the original V series, Stargate series are all examples of watching suggested from the show.
A member took this on board and added some more to the mix.
Alien Intruder: Sci fi where an alien virus (computer) infects the virtual reality system of space ships luring them into the G-Sector.
The alien virus presents as a female named Ariel.
In Hebrew Ariel means ‘lion of god’, and is a compound word derived from ‘gather of food, aka lion’ (ary) and ‘god’ (el) aka elites/elohim.
How appropriate, so this movie is about an alien virus that wants to harvest humans for its computer god.
Sound familiar?
Among the Shadows: which is SET on SUNday Nov 13, 2022 werewolves cause panic by attacking joggers in Brussels.
A private investigator is tasked with solving a murder of her uncle, while hiding the fact she is in fact a descendant of werewolves herself.
Werewolves are wolves disguised as humans who change and prey on humans when conditions are right usually under cover of darkness and the full moon.
Werewolf family lines still exist on this planet, largely in Ireland as I understand, their genetic line is wanted for extinction by both light and dark factions.
Blade Runner Black Out 2022: Set in 2022, three years after Blade Runner, a new line of Nexus-8 replicant’s are produced with open-ended lifespans, consistent with those of regular humans.
The human population revolts and hunt down and kill the replicants.
In the battle, a missile is detonated over Los Angeles causing a city wide/world wide black out and the erasure of all electronic data.
The end result is a ban on all replicants only to have them reboot a decade later under a different corporation.
Replicants are bots, Nexus 8 is the loops, the Nexus 8 was the city of light pill in the 100 series.
The weapon used was often a source of fear based alt media predictions back in 2015, the EMP weapon is only thing capable of causing that type of damage.
Replicant’s are covered in the movie Extinction, hence the question in our show, what is human? because as we have found out, not all humans are what we thought they were.
Dark Side of the Moon: It is the year 2022.
A mysterious systems failure causes the crew of a spaceship to be stranded on the dark side of the moon, while rapidly running out of fuel and oxygen.
They are surprised to discover a NASA space shuttle floating in space, and board it in the hope of salvaging some supplies.
One by one, the crew is possessed and killed by none other than the devil himself.
The interesting poster for this films shows just the eyes of a person/creature, and the eyes are reptile/cat in shape and design.
Space devil with cat eyes on the dark side of the moon. Hmm.
In another strange coincidence, the hero is played by Joe Turkel, born in and born to, who was also in the original Blade Runner.
The Tomorrow War: In December 2022 very close to Christmas the world discovers that in the future a war between humans and aliens called whitespikes will occur.
A group of military arrive from the future with the purpose of enlisting people from the past who died before the war started to fight in the future.
These ‘sol-diers’ are moved to the future for a period of 7 days after which, if they survive they return to 2022.
To the horror of those in 2022, the whitespikes are voracious eaters and eat anything that moves, including humans.
The Whitespikes arrived in Russia first according to the movie, which may link to our FRWL series of instead of the white spikes replace with the White Race, and this maybe a subtle racist movie of eliminating the Whites.
Soylent Green: In the year 2022, the world is overpopulated, polluted and the climate so decimated that there are shortages of water, food and housing.
There are 40 million people in NYC and only EL-ites can afford proper housing and food.
The EL-ites have concubines which they refer to as furniture who are essentially slaves to the rich and powerful.
Which peoples of the world have multiple partners and wives, and use the concubine method? perhaps it is a pointer?
The word furniture in Hebrew is kar and another meaning is related to lamb, and if you compare the Hebrew Gematria of furniture it is the same as mobius strip.
The climax to the movie, the hero finds out that a new kind of food being sold named Soylent Green, that was marketed as being made from plankton is actually made from people – Beyond Meat anyone)? The movie ends with the classic line, Soylent Green is people!.
The film was critically acclaimed and won the Saturn award as the best sci-fi film of 1973.
Adds a whole new meaning to the Green Deal Pelosi and others are pushing.
Ties in with our piece last week of no meat, and the Finkelstein interview where he stated we put humans in the burgers, and nobody believes it.
The latter is true and too few believe anything that is real and prefer the bs lies, because it is more comfortable to be in ignorance, until their child goes missing.
Notice all those movies were set in 2022, next year should be a whole heap of fun then.
Remember they have thrown everything at us, and we are all still here and fighting.
They will always have their plans, up to us to stick together and counteract them and render them mute.
Just because something is prophesized, does not mean it will unfold, unless you have forgotten your own consent or non consent, and your ability to manifest a different future.
They rely on us doing nothing, which then brings in consent.
Shall myself grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
A famous quote which I altered slightly to include the self in all, but perhaps another subtle change is required on the part grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Who said we can’t change things? Is that not a limitation program? we the people can change anything and everything with the right fortitude, thinking process and application, believe in yourself more, you are all capable of much more than you all ever thought.
A Bit Deeper
Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face, with stars to fill my dream.
I am a traveler of both time and space to be where I have been.
To sit with elders of a gentle race this world has seldom seen.
Who talk of days for which they sit and wait
When all will be revealed.
(Daniel 2:44) In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people.
It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.
(Revelation 16:14, 16) They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty, and they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.
The mistake in thinking that those two pieces are for our benefit, is wrong thinking these days as more and more understanding and knowledge is garnered.
The kingdoms were the domains of the kings, like the Valley of, the Kings are about Egypt fake gods again.
What they are describing in their books is, the caliphate plan of the Hebrew Annunaki.
The God Almighty is god the mighty god, who wants to create a battlefield in Israel and Armageddon.
The common sense question is, why would god want to create a war to begin with? why would god use people of light said to be in his own image to fight and kill people?
If god was all so powerful, why doesn’t he delete the unbalanced dark forces and let his alleged creations not suffer their levels of darkness?
Taken from wiki the matrix franchise
The Second Renaissance Part I
He used Bits and Pieces of Information written by The Wachowskis as a prequel to the series as a base for the first part.
In the mid twenty-first century, humanity falls victim to its vanity and corruption.
They develop artificial intelligence, and soon build an entire race of sentient AI robots to serve them.
Many of the robots are domestic servants meant to interact with humans, so they are built in “man’s own image” in a humanoid form.
With increasing numbers of people released from all labor, much of the human population has become slothful, conceited, and corrupt.
Despite this, the machines were content with serving humanity.
All sounds so familiar you have to say.
The relationship between humans and machines changes in the year 2090, when a domestic android is threatened by its owner.
The android, named B1-66ER (a reference to the character Bigger Thomas from the novel Native Son) kills the owner, his pets, and a mechanic instructed to deactivate the robot, the first incident of an artificially intelligent machine killing a human.
B1-66ER is arrested and put on trial, but justifies the crime as self-defense, stating that it simply did not want to die.
During the trial scene, a voice-over of the defense attorney Clarence Drummond (whose name is a dual reference to Clarence Darrow and Henry Drummond from Inherit the Wind) quoting a famous line from the Dred Scott v. Sandford case in his closing statement, which implicitly ruled that African Americans were not entitled to citizenship under United States law:
We think they are not, and were not intended to be included, under the word ‘citizens’ in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges, which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States.
On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of beings.
Using this as a precedent, the prosecution argues that machines are not entitled to the same rights as human beings, and that human beings have a right to destroy their property, while the defense urges the listener not to repeat history, and to judge B1-66ER as a human and not a machine.
B1-66ER loses the court case and is destroyed.
Across the industrialized world, mass civil disturbances erupt when robots, along with their human supporters and sympathizers, rise in protest.
Rioting and protests such as The Million Machine March unfold across the United States, and the authorities use deadly force against the machines and their human supporters.
Fearing a robot rebellion as well as a schism with humanity, governments across the world destroy all the robots and purge their human supporters.
However, some robots escape destruction because humans still want or need them.
The surviving robots leave in a mass exodus and build their own new nation in the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia.
They name their new nation Zero One a reference to “01”, the numerals used in binary notation.
Mesopotamia and binary coding, well I never.
Zero One prospers, and the machines begin to produce efficient, highly advanced artificial intelligence that finds itself in all facets of global consumer products, which further bolsters the fledgling nation’s economy, while the human nations’ economies suffer severely.
The United Nations Security Council calls an emergency summit at the UN headquarters in New York City, to discuss an embargo and military blockade of Zero One.
Zero One sends two ambassadors to the UN which has become the unified world government to request the admission of their state to the United Nations to peacefully solve the crisis, but their application is rejected and the world’s nations agree to start the blockade of Zero One.
UN which has become the unified world government, which in our current timeline means one world government, why do you think the clowns want countries to fund the UN for the fake climate change? well there is your answer.
The Second Renaissance Part II
The United Nations dispatch their aircraft to unleash a massive nuclear bombardment on Zero One, devastating the nation but failing to wipe out the robotic race as the machines, unlike their former masters, were much less harmed by the radiation and heat.
Shortly after, Zero One retaliates by declaring war on the rest of the world; one by one, mankind surrenders each of its territories.
As the machines advance into Eastern Europe, the desperate human leaders seek a final solution, codenamed Operation Dark Storm, which covers the sky in a shroud of nanites, blocking out the sun to deprive the machines of solar energy, their primary energy source, inevitably, it also initiates a worldwide famine and total collapse of the biosphere.
Change Operation Dark Storm to Dark Winter and the Covid series which culminated in Event 201, then that passage is too near the truth.
Nanites, blocking the sun as mentioned by Be ill Gates, world famine are all prevalent today.
Operation Dark Storm commences as hoverpad-powered planes scorched the skies all across the world, while united armies of humankind launch a massive ground offensive against the machines, armed with powerful mech suits, laser beam weapons, EMP-armed cannons and tanks, neutron bombs and countless rocket artillery.
Using shock-and-awe tactics, humanity initially has the upper hand, because the first waves of attacking machines had become obsolete and outclassed.
Soon, legions of new models of machines that appear more like the insectile, arachnid-like and cephalopod-like Sentinels of the films, swiftly overrun the enemy human armies.
The spider race that spawned the internet and why it is called the web.
In the final years of the war, the machine armies continue to destroy human defenses and conquer the remaining continents.
Many humans are forced to relocate underground into the massive waste systems of human megacities to avoid the lethal pathogens the machines unleashed into the air, which possibly leads to the foundation of the first subterranean city of Zion.
The city of Zion oh my, created by the Zionists.
As the machines have already wiped out most of the human armies above ground, through sheer numerical superiority and biological warfare, UN leaders finally surrender.
At the United Nations headquarters, the representative of Zero One signs the terms of surrender and states, your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel.
Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you, we demand it.
Requesting the meat suits for their host armies?
Then, the Zero One representative detonates a hidden thermonuclear bomb within itself and destroys the headquarters, New York City, and the last of humanity’s leadership.
Notice most of this is playing out in New York, life mirrors fiction it seems.
The machines, having won a Pyrrhic victory, turn to the defeated humans, and begin repurposing their bio-electric, thermal and kinetic energy, essentially turning them into batteries and making them an endless energy source for machine society alongside nuclear fusion.
With the humans as their new energy source, the collective sedation of humankind is employed to keep the humans down without outright destroying them.
That is revealing what they have been doing for thousands of years.
To keep their prisoners sedated, the machines create the computer-generated virtual reality of the Matrix, feeding the virtual world into the prisoners’ brains and erasing the memories of their former lives, thus the first Matrix prototype was made.
The memory wipe technology, again this is revealing the past, but the Matrix in and of itself is an illusion of the mind.
Sadly for humanity who tends to believe the most bizarre conspiracy theories, it was they who created the Matrix themselves internally, whilst pointing fingers at other externally.
To break the Matrix you have to break the self imposed programming, once outside of the illusion, things makes much more sense than within it.
To change the Matrix you just have to change one number between 2 and 9, enter it into your own personal Matrix and then press enter, that voids their whole coding.
World Record:
The beginning of this short includes a short narration from the Instructor, implying that this short is a Zion Archive file, explaining details behind the discovery of the Matrix by plugged-in humans.
Only exceptional humans tend to become aware of the Matrix, those who have a rare degree of intuition, sensitivity, and a questioning nature, all qualities which are used to identify inconsistencies in the Matrix.
This is not without exceptions, given that some attain this wisdom through wholly different means.
What that is describing is the Glitch in the Matrix, those that can “see” can disconnect from it and render it mute.
But this is an individual journey and not a Neo style fix it for the all, you all have the capability of being the Glitch with the right application, belief and trust in and of the self.
God placed the man in the garden of Eden to till and tend it, and freed him to eat from every tree of the garden, except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, warning that if the man ate of it, he would surely die.
Announcing that it was not good for man to be alone and that God would make for him a fitting helper, God formed out of the earth all the beasts and birds and brought them to the man to name.
In the third reading, the man Adam named all the animals, but found no fitting helper.
So God cast a deep sleep upon the man and took one of his sides and fashioned it into a woman and brought her to the man.
The man declared her bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, and called her woman.
Thus a man leaves his parents and clings to his wife, so that they become one flesh.
The man and the woman were naked, but felt no shame.
God cast a deep sleep upon man, then created a woman which makes no sense in biblical terms, but our knowledge base here at THI will be fully aware of what that really entails.
The deep sleep was the sleeping pods, in modern terms it would be called cryogenics, the mixing of man that created the woman was genetic interference whilst man slept.
Adam may well have been non human, other even a hybrid, but to fashion a woman required other seeding via genetics from another race, and so the Eve was born, not of our race, but the fake God race.
There has been 6 “eve’s” and one has to question as to how many of them were our race of beings, given the Eve turns into Lilith half woman and half serpent race.
The serpent (נָּחָשׁ, nachash), the shrewdest of the beasts, asked the woman whether God had really forbidden her to eat any of the fruit in the garden.
Is it a cohencidence that the Hebrew nachash and the Indian naga are one and the same being?
The woman replied that they could eat any fruit other than that of the tree in the middle of the garden, which God had warned them neither to eat nor to touch, on pain of death.
The serpent told the woman that she would not die, but that as soon as she ate the fruit, her eyes would be opened and she would be like divine beings who knew good and evil.
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing in appearance, and desirable as a source of wisdom, she ate some of its fruit and gave some to her husband to eat.
Then their eyes were opened and they saw that they were naked; and they sewed themselves loincloths out of fig leaves.
Hearing God move in the garden, they hid in the trees. God asked the man where he was.
The man replied that he grew afraid when he heard God, and he hid because he was naked.
God asked him who told him that he was naked and whether he had eaten the forbidden fruit.
The man replied that the woman whom God put at his side gave him the fruit, and he ate.
When God asked the woman what she had done, she replied that the serpent duped her, and she ate.
God cursed the serpent to crawl on its belly, to eat dirt, and to live in enmity with the woman and her offspring.
In the continuation of the reading, God cursed the woman to bear children in pain, to desire her husband, and to be ruled by him.
In the continuation of the reading, God cursed Adam to toil to earn his food from the ground, which would sprout thorns and thistles, until he returned to the ground from which he was taken.
Adam named his wife Eve, because she was the mother to all, and God made skin garments to clothe Adam and Eve.
In the fourth reading, remarking that the man had become like God, knowing good and bad, God became concerned that he should also eat from the tree of life and live forever, so God banished him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil.
God drove the man out, and stationed cherubim and a fiery ever-turning sword east of the garden to guard the tree of life.
What a kind, loving, compassionate and understanding God that was, erm not.
As Thomas Sheridan said, god is a sky fairy with anger management issues, and yet conspiracy theorists to this day still worship that god, it is time to grow up and accept reality.
Does anyone ask the common sense question of how “god” can do these nasty things to people, fiery serpents, plagues, pestilence and many other things, yet never bothers to protect or save any of his alleged creations in times of strife?
The series called Dark brought up so many points previously held by myself and added more into the mix.
The time piece included some sections of that and I covered it extensively recently.
The triquetra is the 3 world theory that echoes much of our reality in the past and how we create our own future.
But viewing it again recently brought up another component that I will reveal in deeper knowledge.
The whole story is about repeating events and how can things just happen in a sequencing of events over differing periods of time.
Echoes of Masonic influence with symbols everywhere, the repeating 33 year cycle confirmed that.
But the key to it was near the end and Martha, Martha means mistress, the etymology from the verb marar, to be bitter or strong, names linked with Martha via Marar, Imrah, Jambres, Mamre, Mara, Maria, Mary, Meraiah, Meraioth, Merari, Merodach-baladan, Miriam, Moriah, Smyrna.
The obvious biblical connections of Mary and derivatives of that name which brings in Mari time, Mari and Chronos.
But three other names springs out on that list Mordecai who we have covered previously, Marduk and Evil-merodach.
Evil-Merodach son of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylonia from 562–560 b.c.e.
The Babylonian form of the name is Amēl Marduk, meaning man of Marduk.
Adam or man tried to fix the issues but came across much interference, Martha played along with him but her future self had other agendas.
Martha or Mary in essence was woman of Marduk, and so the Eve was not of our creation, maybe that explains the fall of the female?
The Eve was a hybrid, and not from here that echoes previous stories of other Galactic leaders mating for power and war, Draco and Pleiades is one example, Anu and Tiamat another.
What if Eve was always a differing species here? Who or what is the current Eve? Is there connections of the current Eve to Marduk? What are the consequences or conclusions?
Final Piece
The world of shadow and inner works plays a heavy theme within our shows and our group, we are the antithesis to the Matrix led system of control, that attaches to us like glue, and yet many of you are freeing yourselves from the glue that has bound you to the old world of loops and endless hamster wheel world repeat or rep eat cycles.
The shadow is not to be destroyed, just reintegrated into the self, as it was you that created the shadow, the shadow is you.
The shadow was cast aside as you were unable to face that reality in that time/space, but many of you are now reclaiming your shadows and reintegrating as part of the self in a healed and healing way.
The shadow in many respects is the Russian doll, no not the worn out old one from down the road, whereby there are several dolls suddenly in your field, but in reality you are the doll, that is singular not plural, but it was you who created all the other aspects or dolls of yourself.
Recognizing you as the one, not the several on this time/space plane of existence is, the key to your own soul development and march towards the passing of the physical plane development level.
The inner work is the traumas that created the shadows, it is your own personal Matrix that you allowed to flourish and expand within you.
As each layer is addressed, cords to deeper layers are revealed, they bring much pain because the injury was allowed to fester within you, it has become inflamed, it infests you like a virus and attaches to other traumas and people of similar traumas, like a giant magnetic drain on you.
The voices in your head and heart caused by triggers provided by other people, scream at you incessantly to address the virus like entity within you, but most ignore it, due to a lack of inner courage to face the ugliness of what is inside of us.
I have likened inner work to the onion and it’s several layers, as you peel back each layer, process it, forgive yourself and others involved in it regardless of fault, seeking or apportioning fault is holding onto it, you package it up and expel it from your vessel and return to Source, then part of your shadow returns and suddenly you feel a whole heap lighter.
But, there are other layers that get blocked at the throat as you are bring it up to release, or the tendency to feel sick, of course you are sick you have allowed a festering virus or wound to stay around for far too long.
The key is to peel away the layers of the onion, and only go to the next layer with the previous one dealt with, eventually you go through all the layers and are left with a seed, you regrow that seed in your new and lighter image, preferably not into an onion that makes you cry.
But upon pondering and helping some members with their shadows and inner work, I came across another analogy for this work and it’s machinations, machine ations being the operative word.
The role of the computer plays into this as well, your traumas are connected by cords, that link to other cords or connections like a giant server machine.
You have USB ports connected to it, which is USB Unending Service Bindings and connected to the port via Mari time rules.
You have dataminers that keeps a record on us of everything we do, say or type, and the great question is, are they recording us, or is it a re cording or new binding of us?
Datamining of course is harvesting our energy and life force, in the same way the djinns operate.
But these days of the greed based shekel people they turn that harvesting of us via datamining into a new currency called Bitcoin.
Essentially in their modern control system techniques via technology, they are using our traumas and harvesting system with cords and creating bitcoin in the process.
Stop the harvesting and stop their bitcoin harvesting of you.
Coin is a wedge-shaped piece used for some purpose, to drive a wedge within humanity, by late 14c. the English word came to mean thing stamped, piece of metal converted into money by being impressed with official marks or characters.
Something stamped is the same as something branded, another word similar to coin is, coincide, because yes it does coincide with our reality.
Bit comes from bite, and we have been bitten far too often, but also bit in computer terms means binary digit, and we are back to the Matrix analogy again.
One on one with the one is trinary and triality, and how you defeat your shadow and inner work self and away from the binary and bit or bot coin harvesting system.
There was not 2 worlds but 3, the third is the origin the other two the copies, that was the cause and effect policy that equals duality.
Triality steps outside the illusion worlds and inserts you eventually into the real world, that process is ongoing now.
It is not an event outside of you, you are the event.