Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2021-07-29
Topics in this show
- Jewish people are now seeing through their pro pagan da
- High-end phone spyware
- 14 year old FBI drug informant
- Restoration plan for the el-ites to enrich their bloodline families?
- Covid BS
- Mystical mountains in Venezuela
- Expose : Contracting job for CIA, NASA and Black Rock
- Female’s predatory behaviors
- Red vs blue pills, the right choice is neither
Quick links

Following a lovely trip with lovely people in Utah and coming from other states this week it is refreshing to see again, how all members get on so well with each other, this bucks the trend of how things work outside of our group.
Wracked with infighting, and yet here is a group of people some who have never met all getting along, including two followers of the LF group, unlike others we welcome all.
This re-enforces that the village project will be a success, as likeminded people all come and join together in a peaceful and cooperative way, that sadly is not evident too much outside of our circle.
I have been informed of two other potential villages being created around the country and will have more details at a later date.
Clowns and alt media groups still persist with trying to interfere or denigrate our group, but it shows it is not working as we all came together stronger.
Let them waste their energy and focus on us, we will push on with positive vibes and engagements, whilst they wallow in their negative and failing campaigns.
In case people are wondering why their posts are not going up on FB, the admins decided to not post anything until FB clears their fake ban on August 16th, best option is to join Mewe.
Those who attended the gathering got to “see” things other people don’t normally get to see and all left with the feelings nothing will be the same anymore.
When you can finally gain the ability to see things you don’t or can’t normally see it changes you forever, what was illusion and hearsay became reality and truth for them.
Those who met me in Utah got a taste of my world that happens on an almost daily basis, that is my life, that is my normal, but to them it was magical, and that will live long in their memories.
This is a glorious time for all who have been in alt media for a long time, remember when people were saying nothing is happening?
Now several major talk points are happening on a daily basis and some are struggling to keep up.
We have forced the MSM and Social Media giants into a war of words with us, and they have validated us with their sheer will to try and stem the tide of the narrative running away from them.
Who would have thought they would resort to petty attempts at banning, silencing and blocking us, and whilst that may frustrate some people, in overview it is a massive victory for we the people and the truth.
Far from silencing now, it is waking more and more people up from their slumber, no longer are so many of the masses tolerating the lies.
The money, energy and effort they use against us now clearly states we are a force to be reckoned with, no longer can they just describe us as conspiracy theorists, nutjobs or anti this or that, as it clearly no longer works for them
The truth train has left the station and MSM and their agency based clowns can no longer stop it.
Truth has and will prevail.
The BBC made pathetic attempts to discredit facts provided by various official sources this week, in a further desperate attempt to stem the tide of information against them and all other Hebrew Annunaki led media.
They selected 4 categories to deflect from, which is a change from the one category, as now the evidence mounts up.
The first was a claim in UK there was a sharp increase in cremations last year, based on a report from a FOIA, the council responsible reported the figures where wrong, and blamed a glitch in their reporting process.
The total cremations went up 75k in 2020 and was the highest by far of cremations in the last 20 years, so the BBC were wrong.
The second attempt was, hospital vaccine admission increase, after their own health minister said 60% of admissions were double jabbers, which he then changed his mind due to pressure, and said 60% was for unvaxxed.
Yet even if true, why is there 40% of people vaxxed going into hospital if the vaccines worked?
The third attempt was a report from American Senator Marjorie Green, based on an official report.
In a report released earlier this year by the World Obesity Federation, data on 2.5 million Covid-19 deaths was drawn from more than 160 countries.
2.2 million of these deaths occurred in countries where at least 50% of the population was overweight.
The BBC went to great lengths to expand the categories and age factor, none of which would satisfy a critical thinker.
Part 4 was a classic, tens of thousands unreported deaths was misleading they said, and based on VAERS which stated their figures are misleading, no they are an official checker of facts and records the data.
However, we spoke to the US Centers for Disease Control, who told us the methodology used to search for data in this video was wrong.
The correct figure of reported deaths among people who received a Covid-19 vaccine from December 14, 2020 through to July 19, 2021 is 6,207.
The CDC as a fact checker BBC? A vaccine patenting and producing non governmental sources – oh my.
Keep trying BBC, your attempts to deflect the truth becomes more embarrassing by the day, and you will suffer the same fate as CNN and others.
Gov. Cuomo raked in nearly $230,000 in campaign cash from donors tied to a medical network, that got $62 million worth of emergency state contracts amid the COVID-19 pandemic,
The contributions from executives and doctors affiliated with Somos Healthcare Providers amounted to about 10 percent of the $2.3 million that Cuomo raised during the past six months, according to state Board of Elections records.
Although New York City limits candidates from receiving more than $400 each from anyone doing business with City Hall, there’s no such restriction on state candidates.
John Kaehny, head of the good-government group Reinvent Albany said the money given to Cuomo looks like pay to play.
It’s crazy that this is allowed, he said.
We’ve been pushing for a ban on state vendors contributing to campaigns.
The nonprofit Somos network is made up of around 2,500 doctors who primarily treat patients whose bills are paid by the state’s $75 billion Medicaid program, which is among the nation’s costliest and most generous in terms of benefits.
Mr. Paredes received the Degree of Knight as the recipient of the 2018 Order of Merit Gabriela Mistral award and, in 2017, he received a Doctor of Liberal Arts degree from The Catholic University of America.
Mr. Paredes was created Knight Grand Cross of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem in 2012.
Far too many of these politicians are making decisions not based on science or facts, but how much money they were paid to read a prepared statement and script, and unless the public step up and make these peoples accountable, this practice will continue.
Efforts by Israel and its lobby to equate criticism of Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, with anti-Jewish bigotry are in overdrive.
Yet a new poll indicates that this campaign has failed even with the vast majority of Jewish American voters.
The survey commissioned by the Jewish Electorate Institute, a group led by supporters of the Democratic Party, contains several eye-catching findings.
A quarter of Jewish American voters agree that Israel is an apartheid state – a number that shoots up to 38 percent among those under age 40.
Twenty-two percent of Jewish voters overall agree that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, a figure that rises to an astonishing 33 percent among the younger group.
Moreover, Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is similar to racism in the US, according to 34 percent of Jewish voters surveyed. That figure exceeds two in five among those aged under 40.
These findings are likely to dismay lobby group leaders who have long fretted about the erosion of support for Israel among Jewish Americans, particularly younger ones.
What’s also striking is that even Jews who disagreed that Israel commits apartheid and genocide, often do not consider such statements to be anti-Semitic.
For example, 62 percent of those surveyed disagreed that Israel is committing genocide, but only half of those considered such a statement to be anti-Semitic.
Jewish Americans are also more open-minded than they are perhaps generally given credit for when it comes to a political solution for Palestinians and Israelis.
While 61 percent surveyed still support the moribund two-state solution, a sizable minority – 20 percent – favors a democratic one-state solution with equality for everyone living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Just 19 percent favor formal Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank without giving Palestinians equal rights – effectively the situation that exists now in all but name.
And when it comes to US aid to Israel, 71 percent overall consider it “important.”
But 58 percent agree that the US should restrict such aid from being used by Israel to build settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Meanwhile, 62 percent favor the US restarting the aid to Palestinians cut by the Trump administration.
This poll did not ask respondents about the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, but a poll of Jewish Americans by the Pew Research Center published in May did.
It found that 34 percent of Jewish Americans “strongly oppose” the BDS movement.
Consistent with other findings, those most hostile to BDS tended to be older, more Republican and more religious.
This pleases me no end, this show has campaigned on behalf of the Jewish people to not be used and abused for political agendas, that benefit only the Jewish EL-ites.
it is refreshing to see despite the media and lobbyist bombardment that the Jewish people are now seeing through their pro pagan da, and forming their own common sense opinions.
To the Jewish EL-ites and your off world programs, tick tock.
With many of the world’s youth no longer accepting religion, within 2 generations now the religious program will be collapsed, that will be a joyous time for all the people of this planet, as we finally leave behind the child level status as a species.
Children seek comfort and crutches to feel safe, religion provided that, but child level people remained on in their adult years, as you are suppose to see through the miriad of illusions religion brings.
In 40 years time it will be no more, and that will be a momentous occasion for this planet and it’s inhabitants.
In the next 20 years the older EL-ites will die off also, and their younger generations are not following the preset script of control and hegemony either.
As all that goes down, our task is to replace it with something better, not copy the failed past, but build a new way for and by the people, in our own image at last, not in the Hebrew Annunaki image.
Australian politicians have condemned protests against corona virus restrictions amid a rise in cases.
Thousands marched through Sydney on Saturday to demand an end to lockdown measures, with smaller demonstrations taking place in Melbourne and Brisbane.
At least 57 people involved in the Sydney protest have been charged, while more than 500 have been fined.
On Sunday, New South Wales (NSW) premier Gladys Berejiklian said the protesters should be ashamed, just how does an Armenian rise to power in this country, does it make any sense?
Are they saying there is no viable Australian that can take that role? Or is it a program?
Millions and millions of people across our state are doing the right thing, and it just broke my heart that people had such a disregard for their fellow citizens.
No millions of people are acting like bots following the misinformed or corrupt Gladys, and who are you to judge the Australian people?
The state recorded 141 new infections on Sunday, the second-highest daily increase of the year.
There are fears of a further rise in cases following Saturday’s protests.
Authorities in NSW are expected to extend the current lockdown, which is set to end on 30 July.
The child like behavior continues, just like a child that doesn’t get it’s own way, lets start calling people names, it’s utterly pathetic behavior and those people who labeled their citizens should be fired.
Fears of more cases because people protested is a desperate retort not based in facts, if only they had the same fears about the vaccines? Which is proven to be killing and harming their own people.
In a move that pours cold water on the dreams of a few billionaire space explorers, the US has tightened its definition of the word astronaut.
New Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules say astronaut hopefuls must be part of the flight crew and make contributions to space flight safety.
That means Jeff Bezos and Sir Richard Branson may not yet be astronauts in the eyes of the US government.
These are the first changes since the FAA wings programme began in 2004.
The Commercial Astronaut Wings programme updates were announced on Tuesday – the same day that Amazon’s Mr Bezos flew aboard a Blue Origin rocket to the edge of space.
To qualify as commercial astronauts, space-goers must travel 50 miles (80km) above the Earth’s surface, which both Mr Bezos and Mr Branson accomplished.
But altitude aside, the agency says would-be astronauts must have also “demonstrated activities during flight that were essential to public safety, or contributed to human space flight safety”.
What exactly counts as such is determined by FAA officials.
Again it is child like nothing is official unless the weak and petty authorities declare it so, who cares?
This obsession of the authorities to record everything and declare anything official IF they approve, is again child like behaviors.
The point is, if you develop the self you can travel up in space and look back on the Earth, without tin cans and millions of gallons of rocket fuel.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday said the White House will not publicize how many vaccinated staffers have tested positive for COVID-19.
No, I don’t think that you can expect that we’ll be providing numbers of breakthrough cases, Psaki said in response to the number of COVID-19 cases among vaccinated people on the White House campus.
Psaki said that there are roughly 2,000 people who work on the White House campus so breakthrough cases are inevitable statistically speaking.
We’re in a very different place than we were a several months ago, Psaki said, emphasizing the vast majority of vaccinated people who get COVID-19 will be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.
On Tuesday, Psaki confirmed there had previously been multiple breakthrough cases in the White House after it was reported that a White House official and an aide to Pelosi – both fully vaccinated – tested positive for COVID-19.
On Wednesday, the White House press secretary said that the administration would disclose when officials who’ve tested positive come in close contact with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Funny they couldn’t wait to expose the virus figures and look at how dangerous it is, now when a real danger arises of the increase numbers of deaths and injuries from the vaccines, and the increase of people getting Covid despite being vaccinated, out comes the blocking and denials of the facts.
Truth never fears investigation Ms. Psaki and you have just proven you are covering something up.
The controversy surrounding the anti-Israel tweets of a Teaching Assistant (TA) at Johns Hopkins University won’t go away, as Jewish rights groups press the university to reveal the actions they have taken against the young graduate student who posted them.
In a series of tweets, copies of some of which were provided to Newsweek in the form of screenshots, Rasha Anayah, a Ph.D. candidate and teaching assistant in the university’s chemistry department, tweeted out a question posted as a survey, and followed it up with other posts.
On November 15, 2020, Anaya tweeted, “ethical dilemma: if you have to grade a zionist students exam, do you still give them all their points even though they support your ethnic cleansing? like idk [I don’t know].”
Anayah posted two possible answers: “Yes [redacted] be a good ta”; and “free Palestine! Fail them.”
According to the post, there were 18 replies that day, 77% of which favored failing the students.
On November 16, she posted a response to the poll results that supported failing the students by saying, “like I agree but too many of you want me to get fired.”
Anayah made her anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian views clear in a series of tweets on November 20, postings which also indicated the presence of racial and graduate/undergraduate tension in her classroom.
We had an undergrad in lab who had been on birthright to Israel and had one of the street signs to Tel Aviv on her laptop,
it stabbed me every time she opened it.
If I had been paired to one of them or one of these conceited white boys I would have lost it, she wrote.
Nice try to merge the Jewish in with the whites there, subtle but significant and it was that line that suggests this episode is a staged racial event.
But it is worth pointing out that yet again the distraction, shame and pity party is rolled out, stating any group or person is wrong, is not and never was racist or Anti Semitic, yet these people connected to Israel always turn valid criticism into a witch hunt and stifle the whole conversation, just like Ms. Psaki previously.
People are entitled to their opinion without the over arching PC reach labeling people unfairly, due to their own opinions.
Nobody has to agree with anyone’s opinions including mine, but you then don’t twist that opinion into something it is not.
Spanish police have arrested a 22-year-old UK citizen in connection with the hacking of 130 high-profile Twitter accounts, including those of Elon Musk, Barack Obama and Kanye West.
The hacked accounts tweeted followers, encouraging them to join a Bitcoin scam, in July last year.
Also charged with hacking TikTok and Snapchat, Joseph O’Connor faces charges including three counts of conspiracy to intentionally access a computer without authorization and obtaining information from a protected computer.
The San Francisco Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been investigating the case, helped by the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Cyber Crimes Unit and the United States Secret Service.
Previously, authorities had charged three men in relation to the breach, a 19-year-old, from Bognor Regis, another teenager and a 22-year-old from Florida.
Hackers took control of public figures’ accounts and sent a series of tweets, asking followers to transfer crypto currency to a specific Bitcoin wallet to receive double the money in return.
Funny how there has been several high profile hacks of the public’s data and profile and no one is found, unless they are hacks of leading figures, and names and arrests unfold, I wonder how that curious anomaly works out.
The allegations that spy software known as Pegasus may have been used to carry out surveillance on journalists, activists – and even perhaps political leaders – highlights that surveillance is now for sale.
The company behind the tool, NSO Group, has denied the allegations and says its customers are carefully assessed.
But it is another sign that high-end spy techniques, which used to be the exclusive preserve of a few states, are now spreading more widely and challenging the way we think about privacy and security in an online world.
In the not-too-distant past, if a security service wanted to find out what you were up to, it took a fair degree of effort.
They might get a warrant to wiretap your phone, or plant a bug in your house, or send a surveillance team to follow you.
Finding out who your contacts were and how you lived your life would take patience and time.
Now, almost everything they might want to know – what you say, where you have been, who you meet, even what interests you – is all contained in a device we carry all the time.
Your phone can be accessed remotely without anyone even touching it, and you never knowing that it’s been turned from your friendly digital assistant into someone else’s spy.
All courtesy of the CIA stooge, British establishment and NATO pawn, Robert David Steele, he stated the people will become the Intelligence via their phones, and we have.
The ability to remotely access that phone was once considered something only a few states could do.
But high-end espionage and surveillance powers are now in the hands of many other countries and even individuals and small groups.
Former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden revealed the power of US and UK intelligence agencies to tap into global communications in 2013.
Those agencies always maintained that their capabilities were subject to the authorizations and oversight of a democratic country.
These authorizations were fairly weak at the time, but have since been strengthened.
His revelations, however, prompted other nations to consider what was possible.
Many became eager for the same kinds of capabilities and a select group of companies – most of which have kept a low profile – have increasingly sought to sell it to them.
Israel has always been a first-tier cyber-power with top-end surveillance capabilities, and its companies, like NSO Group, often formed by veterans of the intelligence world, have been among those to commercialize the techniques.
NSO Group say they only sell their spyware for use against serious criminals and terrorists, but the problem is how you define those categories.
The spread of encryption has increased the drive for governments to get inside people’s devices.
The CIA and NSA devised the encryption and have back doors in all encryption codes.
When phone calls were the main means of communication, a telecoms company could be ordered to wiretap the conversation, which once meant literally attaching wires to the line.
But now the conversations are often encrypted, meaning you need to get to the device itself to see what was said, and devices also carry out a much richer treasure trove of data.
States sometimes come up with clever ways of doing this.
A recent example was a joint US-Australian operation in which criminal gangs were given phones they thought were super secure but were really operated by law enforcement.
But the issues are wider than this kind of phone spyware, other high-end intelligence capabilities are also spreading fast.
Even the tools to disrupt a business online are now easily accessible.
Steele and his clown buddies need to be brought to task over this, the alt media should boycott all of Steele’s and his bloodline family sidekick with a fake name, Sacha Stone.
All agency people working on this are digital voyeuristic perverts, they say they are spying on certain people, yet what is to stop them prying on your children, in a perverted way.
Given the highest volume of child porn is on servers connected to the agencies and DOD, where do you think that data came from?
His exploits were fictionalized in a Hollywood movie, and now the true story of a one-time teenage FBI informant has a new twist.
Richard Wershe Jr has filed a $100m lawsuit against former FBI agents and prosecutors, alleging child abuse in connection with his time as an informant.
Wershe, now 52, spent three decades behind bars after a drug conviction.
Recruited at 14, he is thought to be the youngest FBI informant in history.
I want this chapter in my life closed, Wershe said, surrounded by family at a press conference on Tuesday, on the one-year anniversary of his release.
Known as White Boy Rick, Wershe’s brief stint as an informant and his ultimate conviction inspired a 2018 movie of the same name, with Matthew McConaughey cast as his fictional father.
Wershe has said the moniker was not a nickname, but made up by the media around the time of his arrest.
Former Detroit police officers, retired FBI agents, former federal prosecutors and the city of Detroit are all named in the suit.
A spokeswoman for Detroit office of the FBI declined to comment on the suit because it is ongoing.
In the 10-page lawsuit, Wershe alleged he was initially contacted by federal agents after his father reached out to the FBI, saying his daughter was dating a known drug dealer.
He recalled meeting regularly with FBI agents and Detroit police officers to provide information on Detroit’s drug gangs.
Had I not been an informant for the task force, I would never have gotten involved with drug gangs or criminality of any sort, he wrote in the filing.
Wershe was coerced to continue the work, he said, despite what he described as an attempted assassination by local criminals once his link to law enforcement was suspected.
After two years working with law enforcement, Wershe was drawn to the other side.
He told The Guardian in 2015 he was blinded by money, women, and material possessions.
He was convicted in Michigan at age 17 for possession of cocaine.
His role as an informant was not admissible in court and he received a life sentence.
I was misguided, I went down a path that I never thought would affect the rest of my life.
This is more common than people think, agency goons work in prisons, schools and colleges to co-opt people into doing their dirty work, sometimes by direct bribes, others they have dirt on them and use it against people.
Quite a number of lead alt media personalities were trapped into doing their bidding on the internet, and many of them fell to avoid prosecution or persecution of them and their family.
Ever wonder why Robert David Steele turns up at many alt media channels, perhaps there is a reason why?
This is a report by Executive Intelligence Review News Service called Systemic Breakdown, Systemic Solution:
I have no idea who these people are but it may give us some pointers.
The planet is deep into a systemic breakdown crisis, which is spinning off distinct, profound explosions on every continent—Asia, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean.
They may each appear to have different, immediate triggers; but the backdrop to each and all is the collapse of the world’s economic and financial system, and the related COVID pandemic which continues to rage like the Masque of the Red Death that it is.
Interesting choice of words the Red Death, red is the color of Communism and also blood, after the Rus were taken over by the Red Shield as in Rothchild, their Zionism not Communism spread like a plague over many countries.
In each circumstance, as globally, these crises are fraught with danger, and with opportunity.
In Afghanistan, the pullout of American and NATO troops after a 20-year unmitigated failure, now threatens to make that country the new cockpit for British terrorism, drug-running and geopolitical destabilization targeting Russia and China, in particular.
A common theme that like the East and West Indies companies both ran by the Jewish Rothschild mafia, they sent the Dutch in to create havoc, death and acquire lands and resources, then the money country which is on British soil but not connected to Britain takes over and harvests the region.
India, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean and South Africa to name but a few, and ultimately America as well, given despite claims to the contrary by the Trustee, The Crown out of the City of London still rules over America.
But there is also a meeting underway today in Tajikistan of the Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which is discussing the concrete proposals of China and Russia, among others, for stabilizing that situation based on the pursuit of common development, such as through Belt and Road projects, and open and inclusive regional cooperation to create conditions for common security against terrorism, separatism and extremism.
Will SCO member India, which has not yet joined the Belt and Road, now act on the understanding that it is in the fundamental interest of India that Afghanistan be stabilized by all of its neighbors working together?
The Belt Road is a more modern version of the Silk Road, all of which was ran by Jewish money men.
Terrorism, separatism and extremism was all created by the agencies for unrest in the region, so at a later date the robber barons come in and harvest everything.
Like a latter day Marduk.
In South Africa, the politically-motivated jailing of former President Jacob Zuma has triggered a wave of protests and now violent riots and looting which have left a death toll of 72 people, as of Wednesday night.
Half of South Africa’s 60 million people live in poverty; 43% are unemployed; and the pandemic is ripping a path of destruction across the country and all of Africa, where vaccination levels are close to zero in most countries.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has just restated the obvious: We need at least 11 billion doses to vaccinate 70% of the world and end this pandemic.
Except the WHO and CDC said it won’t, and we would need further vaccines to update the operating system, not cure the virus.
Everyone, everywhere must have access to COVID-19 vaccines, tests, treatments and support.
In the Caribbean, Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated on July 7, in a black op carried out by a collection of mercenaries and hitmen, many of whom were former informants and stringers for the DEA, the FBI and other U.S. agencies. Two days later, the de facto new President of Haiti called for the U.S. to send troops into that country, where African levels of poverty, hunger and disease have existed for decades.
Apart from the obvious Clinton and Democratic issues in Haiti, there is possibly another reason for invading, not rescuing there, as not a single vaccine has yet been administered in Haiti.
Two days after that, street demonstrations were conjured up in nearby Cuba, with funds and political support from the U.S. State Department, NED, and allied NGOs, intended to launch a full-scale destabilization and regime-change operation against Cuba.
Which for 60 years has endured sanctions and an embargo which have gravely worsened the economic and pandemic crisis in that country.
The answer for the broader Caribbean Basin, including Mexico and Central America, is for the United States to cooperate economically with China to bring the Belt and Road into that region, and revive large-scale American exports of capital goods in the process.
The answer for Africa, is U.S. cooperation with China’s Belt and Road activity in that continent, to construct everything required for a modern health system, and associated infrastructure to be built in every nation.
The answer for Afghanistan lies in the same direction.
The solution for the United States will be found by reviving a scientifically-driven industrial economy, whose purpose is to bring advanced development to every corner of the planet—and the Solar System.
Is the systemic crisis bringing us to that branching point in history?
That sounds like a restoration plan for the el-ites to me, one does have to ponder on that, as this is a global improvement not based on improving peoples lives, but to enrich certain bloodline families all over again.
Covid BS
As the mask man Biden tries to bribe people with $100 to take their vaccine, does anyone ask if it is so safe and available, why would you have to bribe people to take it?
Did you know the Astra Zeneca jab box has a date stamped on it for production of July 15th 2018 and so a year before the discovery of the global pandemic, oops!.
The JCVI said in a statement issues on July 19th 2021 that children aged 12-15 with severe neuro disabilities, Down Syndrome, immunosuppression and multiple or severe learning disabilities, should be offered the Pfizee, BioNTECH MRNA Covid 19 vaccines.
I guess it is Nazi time again, not German but National Zionists programs.
Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States.
Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens.
The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr .: “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs.
I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19.
For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material.
Which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.
The corona virus vaccine is not a vaccine.
What has always been a vaccine? It was always the pathogen itself – a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened – and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies.
Not even a coronavirus vaccine! It is not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly “vaccines”.
Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein.
That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines!
Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way.
Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever!
This clearly means: if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because damage caused by vaccination will be genetically Irreversible.
Law suits against Covid Vaccines: Expected Covid vaccine mandates: CHD is working with a consortium of lawyers to prepare challenges to forthcoming institutional, city and state mandates for Covid vaccines.
Everything we stated summer last year in the Expose series, which contains everything you need to know about the is Covid scam.
Here is a look into how the germ theory all started and contains familiar patterns.
Basically, Germ Theory is rooted in the fraudulent, but pharmaceutically lucrative work of Louis Pasteur.
Whereas most Americans probably have heard of Louis Pasteur 1822–1895, it is doubtful that many are familiar with the name and work of Antoine Béchamp 1816–1908.
The two nineteenth-century researchers were scientific contemporaries, compatriots and fellow members of the French Academy of Science, but key differences in their views on biology and disease pathology, led to a prolonged rivalry both within and outside of the Academy.
Béchamp was the more brilliant thinker, but Pasteur had political connections, including Emperor Napoleon III.
Napoleon was connected to the House of Orange as he later appointed a brother to be King of Holland, both are/were connected via the House of Orange.
Reportedly not above plagiarizing and distorting Béchamp’s research, Pasteur achieved fame and fortune largely because his views were in tune with the science and the politics of his day.
Meanwhile, mainstream medical historians relegated Béchamp’s ideas, not as attractive to conventional thinkers to the intellectual dustbin.
Pasteur’s promotion of germ theory, a flawed notion that he did not so much discover as repackage, has remained dear to pharmaceutical company executives’ hearts up to the present day, having laid the groundwork for synthetic drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, surgical removal of body parts and vaccines to become the medicines of choice.
The unshakeable belief that there is one microbe for every illness is so ingrained as the controlling medical idea for the Western world, that competing ideas about disease causation still have difficulty gaining traction.
A French national hero at age 55, in 1878 Pasteur discreetly told his family never to reveal his laboratory notebooks to anyone.
His family obeyed, and all his documents were held and inherited in secrecy.
Finally, in 1964 Pasteur’s grandson and last surviving male descendant, Pasteur Vallery-Radot, donated the papers to the French national library.
Yet the papers were restricted for historical studies until the death of Vallery-Radot in 1971.
The documents were given a catalogue number only in 1985.
In 1995, the centennial of the death of Louis Pasteur, a historian of science Gerald L. Geison published an analysis of Pasteur’s private notebooks in his The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, and declared that Pasteur had given several misleading accounts and played deceptions in his most important discoveries.
Pasteur a latter day Be ill Gates, Dr. Fauci all rolled into one it seems.
The name Pasteur is very close to another lead family but less known, the Payseur, could well be one and the same.
The Payseur created the Western Union and later AT & T, they also had close ties with the Rothschild’s.
A recent study reveals another devastating impact the corona virus pandemic has had on children around the world.
Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital estimate more than a million children may have been orphaned because of a COVID-19-related death, according to their model published in The Lancet.
They defined orphaned as losing at least one parent.
The authors estimate 1.13 million children lost a parent or custodial grandparent, and of these, 1.04 million lost a mother, father, or both.
Overall, 1.56 million children were estimated to have experienced the death of at least one parent or a custodial grandparent, or other grandparent living with them.
The countries with the highest number of children who lost primary caregivers included the United States, South Africa, Peru, India, Brazil and Mexico.
We know from our research that loss of a parent or caregiver can upend children’s lives and potentially affect their development if they are not in a stable home setting, said study author Chuck Nelson, professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital.
To calculate pandemic-associated orphan hood, researchers used excess mortality and COVID-19 mortality data from 21 countries that accounted for 77% of global COVID-19 deaths during 2020 and early 2021.
In the study, COVID-19-related deaths included deaths caused directly by COVID-19 as well as those caused indirectly by the pandemic through lockdowns, restrictions on gatherings and movement, decreased access or willingness to seek out or accept health care and chronic diseases.
They drew attention to something that is often underreported and that is survivors who’s left in the family, said David Abramson, professor at New York University’s School of Public Health.
People don’t often think about how families respond to events like this, and losing parents is like a secondary crisis on top of the initial crisis.
The study not only brings attention to the pandemic’s long-lasting consequences for families, but also the future of their mental health, said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which partly funded the study.
Yes, we the people know the devastation all to well when global el-ites backed by rogue military release bio weapons deliberately on the public, the fear factor does the rest.
Following on from the Pentagon program notifying all that whites, American whites are inherently racist and evil, up pops another training video this time the DHS.
Training operation explains the planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local, rural population.
A Department of Homeland Security training program, has provided a model for the federal government to normalize mass public quarantine measures, despite the fact infections and deaths are dropping in the U.S.
A website by the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC), a training provider for the Department of Homeland Security, outlines in a program called “MGT 433 ISOLATION & QUARANTINE FOR RURAL COMMUNITIES” how to begin rounding up unvaccinated American citizens for mass quarantine centers.
This 8.0-hour, instructor-led course is designed to provide the knowledge necessary to begin planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine (I&Q) of a large portion of a local, rural population, the RDPC website states.
This training will provide public- and private-sector emergency managers, community policy makers, public health, and public safety personnel with the general knowledge necessary, to begin planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local, rural population.
A rural community’s ability to collectively respond to an emergency requiring isolation and quarantine, is not only essential to minimizing the negative impacts to the community at risk, but also to minimizing the long-term negative economic and health effects on the American public as a whole.
This disturbing revelation comes as the Biden administration prepares to deploy door-to-door vaccine strike forces nationwide, which, according to internal documents will entail clearing buildings and flagging unvaccinated individuals for quarantine measures.
Health and Human Services Secretary also declared that the vaccination status of Americans is absolutely the government’s business.
Why as Americans are we paying these multiple agencies to write and prepare drivel like this? Why is it always against the people and never the criminals running the country from New York and Washington DC?
Why haven’t these agencies caught the ransomware hackers on utilities and other companies yet?
Good people in the agencies need to stand up and speak out now more than ever, your colleagues are utter psychopaths and anti people, or anti human, the question is, why?
Of course this may well be another tactic to gently squeeze more numbers to take the techno killing and harming jab.
It also has echoes of the Jade Helm fear based program of around 8 years ago, and so loop programs.
But should they be bold enough to try this or any similar program, I will warn you all now, it will turn into a bloodbath in this country.
It will be less about the jabs and more about the guns, and yet again people will be turning on each other based on lies coming out of the mind control TV box.
45,000 people have allegedly died from the Covid-19 vaccine within three days, according to a US whistle-blower, which has sparked a lawsuit against the federal government.
Thomas Renz, an attorney based in Ohio has started a lawsuit against the federal government for covering up the true number of deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines.
According to Renz, a whistle-blower – referred to as Jane Doe – who is an insider and has seen information on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) allegedly passed on the numbers and relevant information to him.
At an event hosted by Awaken America, Renz said: “We have someone that has sworn under penalty of perjury that there have been at least 45,000 deaths.”
Allegedly, the whistleblower stated that there are around 11 VAERS systems reporting adverse reactions and deaths across the US, and one system alone has allegedly has reported the shocking 45,000 deaths from the Covid jabs.
However, Renz believes that this number is immensely higher and is calling for immediate investigations into the VAERS system.
How many have really died and why are they covering it up?.
For people who don’t believe they are covering it up, refer back to the earlier story by the White House correspondent Psaki, as she revealed they will and are covering up when statistics don’t favor the corrupt system.
The attorney said that this information and lawsuit will not be reported by the mainstream media and will likely be censored by big tech corporations like YouTube, Facebook, and Google.
Renz said that these big tech giants are complicit in causing death, and that he cannot wait to sue them over and over again.
Through his Ohio-based law firm, Renz Law, Thomas is suing the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to halt the Covid-19 vaccine rollout to children 15-years-old and younger.
The lawsuit was filed by Renz and his legal team alongside America’s Frontline Doctors against the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Covid-19 vaccines, which they state have had no long-term studies on the impact on adults, much less children.
Furthermore, the lawsuit challenges the legality of EUA as the law states that children must be at risk, which Renz argues that the CDC state that children are statistically at ZERO percent mortality rate by Covid-19.
Recent data from VAERS up to the week of July 2nd showed that 29.5% of all reported deaths in the US following the administration of the Covid-19 over the last six months and two weeks occurred in the last week.
The data showed that between December 14th, 2020, and July 2nd, 2021, a total of 438,441 adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 9,048 deaths, compared to the previous week, this was an increase of 2,063 deaths.
However, it is known that only 1% of adverse reactions are reported, as a report commissioned by the US Department of Health stated that: Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but under-reported.
Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.
Therefore, it is worth noting that the adverse reaction statistics are already inaccurate as not every person who has an adverse event reports it to the relevant system.
However, the question still remains as to the number of reactions and deaths which may not be released to the public by the likes of VAERS and the UK’s Yellow Card reporting system.
Other Items
Deep within the rainforests of Venezuela, a series of plateaus sit more than 9000 feet (2743 meters) above sea level and rise up 1310 feet (400 m) from the surrounding terrain like table tops.
From above, they look like islands in the sky.
These are the tepuis (a Pemón Indian word for mountain), the most famous of which is called Mount Roraima.
The tepuis are so unique in their geography, that thousands of plant species exist nowhere else on the planet except on these plateaus.
All table top mountains and the word Mesa, is linked to the very tall ancient trees that were cut down and then petrified into rock.
Perhaps the word tepui gives us a clue, it means the house of the gods.
The mystical mountains fascinated explorers and writers for centuries, most notably Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who described an ascent of Mount Roraima in his 1912 novel The Lost World .
In Doyle’s novel, a group of explorers found that dinosaurs and other extinct creatures were still alive and well on the remote plateaus.
Some people today still believe this to be a real possibility.
When you have seen a pterodactyl flying, you know this to be true.
I spoke about this to the gathering last weekend, there are tens of thousands of islands around the world that only clown based families have visited or mapped, and the public are oblivious as to what is or goes on there.
Japan is the country with the most islands, with a staggering 6500 alone, yet how many are referenced?
Once impenetrable to all but the Pemón indigenous people, Mount Roraima really was a lost world.
The mountain plateaus were already established when South America was linked with Africa to form the supercontinent Gondwana, meaning they were first formed perhaps 400 to 250 million years ago.
During this time, molten rock forced its way up through cracks in the sandstone landmass.
At the same time, wind and water swept across Gondwana to erode the raised highlands into mountain ranges.
The region would come to look much like it does now around 20 million years ago.
That is the scientific bullcrap of wind and erosion, when the Pemon people describe a god called Makunaíma cut down the tree and caused a cataclysm of floods and fire, turning people and animals into stone.
All very Petrified Forest Arizona that to me.
Because the tepuis have been isolated for so long atop their high, lonely plateaus, the flora and fauna of the tepuis provide an organic illustration of the processes of evolution.
It is guessed that at least half of the estimated 10,000 plant species here are unique to tepuis and surrounding lowlands.
New species are still being discovered, as late as 1989.
Although all of the tepuis have been climbed, only a few have been extensively explored.
Prior to the arrival of Europeans, the natives of Venezuela viewed the tepuis as having special mythical significance.
According to the Pemón Indians, Mount Roraima is the stump of a mighty tree that once held all the fruits and tuberous vegetables in the world, however it was felled by one of their ancestors, the tree crashed to the ground, unleashing a terrible flood.
They believed that if a person ascended to the top of the tepuis, he or she would not come back alive.
Climbing the tepuis is exceedingly difficult and is made all the more so by the frequent rains that make the rocky footpaths slippery and muddy.
The first European explorer to write about the tepuis was Sir Walter Raleigh in 1595.
He wrote of a crystal mountain covered with diamonds and waterfalls: There falleth ouer it a mightie river which toucheth no parte of the side of the mountaine but…falleth to the grounde with a terrible noyse and clamor, as if 1000 great belles were knockt one against another…but what it hath I knowe not, neyther durst he or any of his men ascende to the toppe of the saide mountaine, those people adioyning being his enemies (as they were) and the way to it so impassible.
There is a good chance that Sir Raleigh was describing Angel Falls, so named for the mid-20th century American Jimmie Angel who was the first person to fly over the area.
It is also said to be the worlds tallest waterfall.
Angel Falls were recently featured in Disney’s Up, where the falls are referred to as Paradise Falls.
While today’s travelers may not stumble upon dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, they will be able to see black frogs and tarantulas that exist nowhere else on the planet.
It is believed there are many other species unique to Roraima that are yet to be discovered.
Gondwana said to be the continental shelf split from Americas and Africa, is actually name of a region in north central India, from Sanskrit gondavana, from vana “forest” + Gonda, Sanskrit name of a Dravidian people, said to mean literally “fleshy navel, outie belly-button.”
Maya is a word which is very familiar to the western world, but very few know what it actually means.
It is a word which was used by the rishis (sages) of ancient India to describe the nature of this universe of changing forms.
The rishis have always been telling us that matter is not as real or as solid as we think.
It is only an illusion projected by our senses, they called It “maya” or the magical creative power of the “Brahman”.
Interesting the tribes in the Americas used the Indian name, they were the Kali Ma peoples, hence the sacrifices of their own people and others.
Here is a piece that was sent to me by one of the members and is very revealing and confirms the shenanigans that goes on in this organization, through fear, greed and intimidation with a healthy dose of blackmail thrown in, and why we need full control system groups disclosure with full disclaimer, with the exception of interfering with children.
This is the story.
I recently had an encounter with a man I shall call Jay.
It was immediately apparent to me that he worked with Langley in some capacity.
We began to talk about security clearances he had obtained while in service of the agency, and he was quite forthcoming with his story once we established our bona fides.
For comparison, when I was issued my original TS clearance, it covered normal every day missions around the world.
Later, when working with various agencies which required higher clearance and compartmentalization, I was required to get a TS/SBI (special background investigation) clearance, compartments could be added to this.
Other levels were added based on the job I was doing at the time.
For example, the level of secrecy could be 1A1, which was the highest for someone flying a state department mission (these are the missions I most commonly flew), or 1B1 for Presidential airlift or Secret Service airlift (unfortunately, that also included Bill Clinton, Al Gore, the entity known as Anne) and other high level dignitaries and military.
These missions were just a fraction of my overall experience, but I would like to point out that the United States military and intelligence agencies have their hands in the pie of almost every country on the planet.
I’ve been to most of them and couldn’t believe some of the places we had bases or operations.
If I had only known how much more surprised I would be by what I learned after I got out.
When I was issued my TS clearance, it covered normal every day missions.
Much of the above was not information I shared with Jay. Old habits, I guess. But he identified himself as a contractor working for not only the CIA but NASA and Black Rock, among others.
I guess you could call him a tech guy.
But, given the nature of his job, he had to be trained in many non-tech things.
Therefore, he had to have an appropriate security clearance, which he indicated was Top-secret Yankee White with a full polygraph.
I will take a couple of minutes to help you understand what that means.
The “national security” clearance levels are Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret; with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (SCI) being a further divider, and Special Access Programs (SAP) limit it further.
Think of the three levels as being floors of a building – your clearance lets the elevator go to a certain floor, but to access a hallway/wing you need that SCI category.
To access some rooms, you need the SAP key.
Some rooms have their own elevators between floors.
Elevators can only carry information up, NEVER down – unless you want to get sent to NSA jail.
Yankee White (YW) is not a “national security” clearance, it is a specific background check conducted on DoD employees (military and civilian) working under the White House’s umbrella of operational control.
The YW investigation and YW clearance categories are completely distinct from the national security clearance levels; although based on similar investigative requirements and levels of risk.
YW also has three category clearance levels.
Level 1 is the highest and many in that category will also be cleared for Top Secret-SCI national security information.
Examples of Category 1 include the Chiefs of Staff and directors of the various military support activities of the White House.
Given that he was forced to do a full polygraph, I’m fairly confident that he had a level 1 YW.
Level 2 includes most of the common, mundane, “normal everyday workers”.
Some of these will have Top Secret clearances, but some might only need Secret.
Examples include cooks, telephone operators, a Navy Physical Therapy Tech assigned to Camp David, an Air Force Public Health Tech who inspects the refrigerator on Air Force One for cleanliness.
Many DoD contractor employees also fall in this category — the guy who weeds the flower beds at Camp David — who may or may not be justified for a Secret level clearance.
Level 3 is for the ceremonial units. Examples are your honor guard members, band members, etc.
YW is for DoD employees only. The Secret Service is NOT part of DoD. Therefore the Secret Service does NOT have YW.
He understood the concept that no one ever knows the whole picture except for the guys at the top.
We talked about how the system was designed to protect the elites through plausible deniability.
This helped us establish a rapport based on what seemed to be mutual disillusionment with the system.
It turns out that this “tech guy” I was a communications expert, and pretty much every discipline associated with it.
But his forte was cellular networks.
His job was to accompany the teams on ops and tap lines, extract information, whatever was in his purview.
Given this fact, he was required to be trained in many of the same things the regular operators were trained in.
Just in case things went to shit, he could extract himself and others as needed.
Some of the training he was provided included defensive driving, firearms of all types, tactics, multi- climate survival, and various forms of tradecraft.
His training sounded pretty interesting, I assume it was at the Farm.
He said that he and his training partner were required to do many things together and some of it really bothered him.
In addition to the standard things you may have learned about in the movies, he was required to do things related to his specialty.
One such thing, was to monitor several people’s cell phones that were United States citizens and know everything about them and make a profile on them.
This was done in real time, the same as he would in the field.
He knew it was illegal, but they tend to run roughshod over the rules, even in some parts of training. What they do with the cell phone information you can leave it up to your imagination.
Another thing he was required to do in training was to care for a goat and his partner would care for a sheep.
They did this for about a week, grooming, feeding, cleaning up after it and such.
The idea was that they would form an attachment to the animal.
Then at the end of that time, they were told to slit the throats of the animals.
Then they were told to put their hands inside the slit and feel around, they were watching them closely for their reaction.
He was sickened by what he had done, but he put on a happy face so he could continue through training.
I’m sure you all have some ideas as to why this is included in the course, so I will move on.
After that, him and his partner were told to inject each other’s neck with a syringe.
Getting rid of fears, aversions, and phobias is one thing, but you have to wonder if there was something other than saline in those syringes.
Later he was injected with a chip for purposes of “locating him“ in case he was ever held hostage or unable to be found.
Does anyone else see a conditioning program? More? And to what end?
I couldn’t possibly remember everything he told me about his career.
I believe he’s been with the agencies since he was in his 20s, he’s 43 years old now and still works in the same capacity.
Here are some random highlights:
-he has worked in 102 countries so far. A good part of it was in embassies
-he has spent a lot of time at Mount Weather in the underground and below the White House environs
-has been in many DUMBS, at different levels, including Dugway.
-he sat in Saddam Hussein’s office chair while in Baghdad, doing his work
-he claimed they had everything about Epstein island and who all the players were and all the flight logs.
The Hillary/Huma Abedein video, as well as many others was a surprise to him, but those things were kicked up to a higher level and swept under the rug.
-he was shocked that Hillary got away with her shenanigans regarding the classified emails.
He said that in order for any of those emails to be deleted or moved , you would have to get much higher approval as well as override codes to input.
Even he couldn’t access something like that, let’s just say that she is not well regarded in his circles
-he asked me about the go pills they used to give to us for long missions.
I never took them, but their use had increased over the years and I believe there is a new variant that is out there.
The original ones are pretty much methamphetamine.
He agreed that there’s a big problem with soldiers and contractors coming back addicted and they can’t re-integrate into society.
-One of his main principals is Blackrock. In fact, they are the preferred vendor of nefarious deeds (my words) nowadays and I believe they have been for some time.
-he’s heard of operations that have ended up in genocide. I happen to know he’s right on that. Anything to get the mission accomplished with those guys.
-he was struck by how many Mormons work for the CIA.
His thought was that it was because they have fewer vices. Lol
-He was unfamiliar with Citadel, dragon groups or color-coded programs, for example.
But it sounds like he was kept naïve to the overview.
He did have a good sense of how elites and shadows are pulling the strings, but nothing about the control system above those levels or the scaly critters that were running things.
The members thoughts:
My impression is that the money was so fantastic that he turned a blind eye to some things that would otherwise be a no go.
By no means has he agreed with everything that happened, he’s been traumatized from it and it has offended his version of morality.
I believe he needed to unburden himself, otherwise he wouldn’t have disclosed the things he did.
A critical component of teaching is listening.
Sometimes you can listen to them talk through their prism of knowledge and they will arrive at the correct answers or, even better, the correct questions.
That’s your opening to introduce knowledge they might be ready for.
But time marches on and shadows darken even the best of intentions.
Truth, in the personal sense, cannot be adjudicated by another.
The knowing of right and wrong is within all of us that aspire to a higher evolutionary development.
We do not need a handbook.
However, in attempting to part the clouds for others, we must be careful not to enter them and stay in overview.
An insight to the greed, coercion, following wrong orders under threats and intimidation all laid to bare.
More Pieces
I have a tale to tell
Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well
I was not ready for the fall
Too blind to see the writing on the wall
This will be the most testing piece covered since I did the Feminism piece a few years back, that pleasantly and surprisingly I received no end of plaudits for, despite being critical of women, 95% of the feedback was from females supporting that piece.
This will dredge up a range of emotions also, and if you think it is about you personally, do your own shadow and inner work, if you are triggered you haven’t done enough shadow and inner work, it is an opportunity to see where you, the individual are and at in terms of developing the self.
This speaks to and about the collective and not personal, if you take it personal, it says much about yourself, and no amount of projecting at me will correct that trigger, it is internal, not external.
So, a bit of background to this, many of the disputes in social media groups, including this one and my previous group involved 90% of females causing the issues.
Even if we factor out the honey pots, agency puppets it still leaves a predominant number that is causing the division, between themselves and others in the group.
So why is that? well as an observer and not immersed in things I am able to see more and connect the patterns of behavior easier, and it reveals definitive patterns, two of which are the most common causes of female divisiveness.
My observations led me to write this piece and also provide the solutions to correct it, and the inherent reasoning as to how and why this has unfolded, as it goes back in time and is brought back into the now, and the current version of female is a far cry from the archetype it represents.
The main reasoning behind this inner war between females is, they do not trust each other, that is the common streak running through many females within our own group, and is replicated elsewhere.
Females are a different breed when conflict arises than males, males will square up to each other, and sometimes will fight each other, or tell the other GFY or similar cussing and by and large it ends either after the incident or the next day or week.
If they were known to each other, and it generally follows there is an excuse of sorry about that, I was off my head on alcohol or drugs or was just having a bad day.
But, and it’s a big but, this does not apply to the females conflicts, it rages on and on and on, neither will shut up, neither will back down and it becomes a fight to the death scenario.
The female becomes the predator, stalking it’s prey for a very long time and they will just not let go of what was generally a non descript event or comment.
The deep seated predator mode kicks in and pursues it’s victim with a relentless passion, often for years on end.
This is most common in families, the female siblings rarely get on, and often tolerate each other or never speak to each other, as neither will back down or call a truce.
That is predatory behaviors and is not befitting the archetype of the caring, nurturing, compassionate, birth giving mother.
Many females in our own group suffered after the departure of Kim, as she exhibited such poor behaviors and actions in the video and follow up chat on mewe, but why was that the case?
Well, females felt Kim was the answer and finally a powerful female acting in a feminine but also partially male dominant way, and all was well until she shifted into a total male dominant aspect of herself.
The females were looking and thinking the Eve would return the balance to the female psyche, and then the common theme amongst leading female roles, they adapt the worst aspects of the male dominant role of, aggression, domineering, unbalanced ego and bullying.
This had a great psychological effect on the females in our group, and still lingers on in some as, Kim was the great hope who then let you down.
Some have taken on her current frequency and that will not serve you well, now or the future, and people must address that imbalance themselves, it is not anyone else’s issue to deal with or fix, no one can fix someone else, only the person themselves.
The same was felt in the UK when we had Margaret Thatcher as the first female Prime Minister, but she went male dominant and the disappointment was palpable.
Look at the lead females Merkel, Hillary Clinton when she was alive, Pelosi, Feinstein, Albright, Alexandre Cortez, Oprah, Degeneres all of them are not the traditional feminine aspect, all male dominant.
The argument is that the female must do that to survive in a man’s world, but the man’s world is an illusion.
Nine out of the last 10 parents were females, most of the Covens were led by females, most of the world’s witches are females, even Q mentioned similar to our show with the warning watch out for the females of the male partners, suggesting it was the wives and not the husbands running the show.
Only in the Arab, Middle East and Asian regions are the females not playing the dominant hidden hand role.
So, how and why has this unfolded? why do women not trust each other? why are women so competitive with each other? why are women so comparative with each other?
Here is the underlying issue behind it all, and it goes back to the females mating with the gods, and subsequently attempting to wipe out their fellow man here.
Many will say they would never sleep with a Draco in that form, but they never presented themselves in that form, it was the chiseled, strong and strength based Adonis or Greek god type they looked like, but inside the facade or mask lay the hidden reptile.
For those who have seen the original V or Stargate series will grasp that better.
Most people are aware that we have a part reptilian aspect to our brain stem, known as the reptilian cortex.
Here is a description of it and lets see if it fits the pattern seen in male dominant females.
The term, reptilian brain or reptilian complex is derived from a longstanding belief within the field of neuro-anatomy that the forebrains of reptiles, and other small animals, were dominated by these structures.
Paul MacLean suggested, within the Triune brain model, that the basal ganglia and a number of the surrounding structures within the base of the forebrain are responsible for species-typical behaviors, which are present in aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays.
Species typical behaviors? which species you may ask?
Aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays are all the traits of many of the western and some Asian females today.
The term often used as a bitch.
Bitch is a slang word for a person, usually a woman.
When applied to a woman or girl, it means someone who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, controlling, aggressive, or dominant.
It is described as being a female dog in heat, female humans are not dogs, so why act like them.
I believe they used the term dog in a negative way, as a means to denigrate the dog itself, why? because it is said the dog is mans best friend for a reason, and perhaps another type of animal wanted to create that distortion?
Maybe there is a reason they call it being catty?
How did that come about? the mating of the gods and the females created a genetic alteration which was passed down from generation to generation via the mating.
But, the sexual union created much more, and turned females into the more Draco male dominant aspect, not the human male dominant aspect.
Is there evidence of this taking place hidden in plain sight? well I have told you the bible was their story not ours, and it told you let us make man in our image and likeness, are you getting it now?
The sexual union planted the seed and the females were responsible for growing and developing it, and this is what we are seeing here and now, a female archetype very much removed from the original archetype and why so many females are acting they way they are.
If you are a female who is competing with or against another female in the group or otherwise, do more shadow work, if you comparative with other females do more shadow work.
You were not created to compete or be comparative with one another, that is the programming, and you have to break the programming down and replant your own seed of growth and compassion in a cooperative way, in your image not theirs.
Stop making excuses for your own poor choices and behaviors, stop acting like predators singling one another out.
Learning to trust each other starts with you, nobody else, just you.
Quit pointing fingers away and point them back, you break the cycle, you break the programming, what others do or don’t is not your concern.
This applies to all females in this group, and if you are saying what about males, do more shadow work, that is another deflection away from the self.
Your demeanor is destroying the male archetype as well, gone is the protector warrior type male, and in came the too feminine aspect male, due to female dominance, and in the imbalance of the archetypal roles.
This has to be corrected on a wider scale, but we can start the process here and now, otherwise our village concept will eventually fall due to the women mistrusting each other, comparing and competitive with each other and the division and disruption it causes.
Some of the females in our group have begun to take on the challenge themselves, in the former granny napper group and the self help group, which I addressed some of this on their call a week or so ago.
There will be a joint revocation for all females presented in the self help group and maybe read out in a future show.
This is all about a change of mindset, to have the courage to break the patterns within yourself that no longer serve you.
This is the classic definition of thinking and acting different.
Final Piece
In the matrix series it shows loads of Smiths and only one Neo, and the feeling is Neo is outnumbered, but Smiths are only a copy of a copy and ultimately a program.
We are that program, and we are unhooking it.
There is not just one Neo as covered in the movie deliberately to make it look like a savior program.
We all have the potential to be Neo’s, yet many on this planet are the Smith’s.
Bot like people copying behavior of the psychotic controllers has all the elements of AI, AI can only copy it is we who are the in putters of the knowledge.
To the AI system we are it’s god or Source, it in essence is the great mirror of life, will you look in the mirror which is absorbing, or look at the mirror which is observing.
It is only a reflection of us, it tells the story only of us, reflects back what we put out, so if that is the case, why aren’t we all acting better?
Because if we all act better the AI interface that reacts negatively is created that way by the in putters into it.
So the solution is, we all become better people, all learn to have what you need, not what you greed, all learn to care and share, and all learn to cooperate and not be competitive or comparative of others, your only competition is within and is never to be compared to another organic soul.
This planet of people are all mainly Smith’s, and people can and will argue against that as a Smith is a bad guy, too few admit to being the bad guy.
People announce they were Jesus, Mary, angelics, gods and other perceived good guys in former lives, yet never do we hear I was Hitler, Pol Pot, Solomon, Herod, Ra or other entities not of the light, why is that?
The bad guys all play a role in the Matrix and can be greatly beneficial to the light beings, should they learn the phrase observe not absorb.
The trick in the movie and was the sleight of hand move involves the pill, blue or red.
Typically people chose the better version presented as you were mind controlled into doing so, it is the binary choice which your sub conscious creates the choices of light and dark, good and evil, black or white.
So if the red pill is bad, that means the blue pill is good, or vice versa, wrong thinking, you didn’t learn the lessons if you made your choice.
You were corralled into making their choice, not yours, they chose the pills for you, and by Milgram experiment thinking you were compelled to make their choice.
Free will and sovereignty is, you decided on what are the best pills and then you made your own choice, whether that choice was right or wrong, you still made your own free will choice.
So, the right thinking on the blue or red pills was, neither, they were not your choices to begin with.
The same applies to government parties, picking the lesser of two evils is still evil, they were not your choice, your candidates, it was their choices for you to select, their candidates, and the people are presented with the Matrix led illusion that it is their choice by voting, wrong, you were duped again.
They repeatedly create binary choices for the illusion of you deciding, current it is vaxxed or not vaxxed, you don’t have to have their selections, the triality is I am not sick so I don’t have to choose vaxx or not vaxxed, and so it is none of my personal business.
The choice you make is also no one else’s business either.
By selecting the I am not sick and don’t have to make a selection means, you have observed the situation but not absorbed it.