Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2022-07-21
Topics in this show
- Team of execs from an American military contractor trying to purchase NSO, the cyber-hacking firm
- Emmanuel Macron humiliated when vaccine passport scheme was defeated
- Several leaders in trouble
- American theft: House authorizes $840B defense spending for 2023
- FHSTOS now being discussed in the UN!
- Medical related
- Be-ill Gates illusions of setbacks
- Rank stupidity and word salad
- Space Delta 18 to operate the National Space Intelligence Center
- FHSTOS revealed again with genome sequencing of human fossils
- Expose: The Jewish El-ites who claim to be Jews but are not
- Stop pointing fingers and let it go
Quick links

As the CIA director issues a warning after a noose was reportedly discovered near agency’s secret facility, known as Langley.
Secret? Hardly.
The Director went to lengths to suggest it wasn’t one of his own staff, all of which suggests it was.
Disenfranchised Langley agents oh my, perhaps they will listen now?
As Clowns in America is exposed yet again.
A former CIA hacker has been found guilty of leaking a trove of classified hacking tools to Wikileaks.
Joshua Schulte was convicted of sending the CIA’s Vault 7 cyber-warfare tools to the whistle-blowing platform.
He had denied the allegations.
The 2017 leak of some 8,761 documents revealed how intelligence officers hacked smartphones overseas and turned them into listening devices.
Prosecutors said the leak was one of the most brazen in US history.
Damian Williams, the US attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Mr. Schulte’s actions had a devastating effect on our intelligence community by providing critical intelligence to those who wish to do us harm.
Delusional thinking, that agencies are somehow doing good, where is the evidence to support that.
Perhaps someone needs to inform that attorney that all agencies including the KGB have been working together since the formation of the OSS.
Mr. Schulte, who represented himself at the trial in Manhattan federal court, now faces decades in prison.
He also faces a separate trial on charges of possessing images and videos of child abuse, to which he has pleaded not guilty.
The latter of which makes this whole thing appear like a set up, just like Snowden and Assange, both of whom are faction-based entities.
After joining the CIA in 2010, Mr. Schulte soon achieved the organization’s highest security clearance.
He went on to work at the agency’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia, designing a suite of programs used to hack computers, iPhones and Android phones and even smart TVs.
Prosecutors alleged in 2016 that he transmitted the stolen information to Wikileaks, and then lied to FBI agents about his role in the leak.
They added that he was seemingly motivated by anger over a workplace dispute, in which his employer ignored his complaints.
The prosecutors said he wanted to punish those he perceived to have wronged him, and said in carrying out that revenge, he caused enormous damage to this country’s national security.
National Security my ass.
But Mr. Schulte said the government had no evidence that he was motivated by revenge and called the argument pure fantasy.
In his closing argument, he claimed that hundreds of people had access to the leaked files, and that hundreds of people could have stolen it.
The government’s case is riddled with reasonable doubt, he added.
Prosecutors had urged jurors to consider evidence of an attempted cover-up, including a list of chores Mr. Schulte made that contained an entry reading: delete suspicious emails.
They added that after his arrest, Mr. Schulte attempted to transmit more information.
He smuggled a phone into jail where he attempted to send a reporter information about CIA cyber groups, and drafted tweets that included information about CIA cyber tools under the name Jason Bourne, a fictional intelligence operative.
Mr. Schulte has been held behind bars since 2018.
His original case was declared a mistrial after jurors were deadlocked on some of the most serious charges.
The conviction comes as Wikileaks founder Julian Assange faces extradition to the US over documents leaked in 2010 and 2011, which officials say broke the law and endangered lives.
Only clown lives, as they fail to reveal the truth.
A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don’t comply.
Critics call the law a threat to free speech and the right to a free press.
Police are often filmed by bystanders and footage has occasionally resulted in officer misconduct being exposed.
Yep that is all they are concerned about.
The law comes into effect on 24 September, and will make it illegal to film police officers in the state within a distance of 8 feet.
People who ignore a verbal warning and continue filming risk a misdemeanor charge and up to 30 days in jail.
The law, however, makes exceptions for people interacting with police, or in enclosed area on private property.
The classic law for one and not for the other springs to mind here.
If cops were not doing bad things and lie, people would not have the need to document it.
Video evidence is essential for revealing the truth of certain events, but it is not the full truth these people want, but their version of it only, all of which is based on lies.
But there is another component to this that is often overlooked, cops are paid for by the people, are they saying the ones who pay for them and their service, are not entitled to monitor or oversight their work?
Because if that is the case then, every spy camera in a work place has to be removed to protect the people as well.
Including every camera placed everywhere else.
Remember in several shows we highlighted the Israeli spy network group called NSO, and how they used the Pegasus spy apparatus on many people? Well listen to this.
A team of executives from an American military contractor quietly visited Israel numerous times in recent months, to try to carry out a bold but risky plan of purchasing NSO Group, the cyber hacking firm that is as notorious as it is technologically accomplished.
The impediments were substantial for the team from the American company, L3Harris, which also had experience with spyware technology.
They started with the uncomfortable fact that the United States government had put NSO on a blacklist just months earlier.
Because the Israeli firm’s spyware, called Pegasus, had been used by other governments to penetrate the phones of political leaders, human rights activists and journalists.
Pegasus is a zero-click hacking tool that can remotely extract everything from a target’s mobile phone, including messages, contacts, photos and videos without the user having to click on a phishing link to give it remote access.
It can also turn the mobile phone into a tracking and recording device.
NSO had acted contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States, the Biden administration said in announcing the blacklisting in November, barring American companies from doing any business with the Israeli firm.
But five people familiar with the negotiations said that the L3Harris team, had brought with them a surprising message that made a deal seem possible.
American intelligence officials, they said, quietly supported its plans to purchase NSO, whose technology over the years has been of interest to many intelligence and law enforcement agencies, including the F.B.I. and the C.I.A.
What a surprise they are involved again, the voyeuristic perverts want to spy and track even more than now.
In January, The New York Times revealed that the F.B.I. had purchased Pegasus software in 2019, and that government lawyers at the F.B.I. and the Justice Department had debated whether to deploy the spyware for use in domestic law enforcement investigations.
What the public has to understand is, despite all this extra surveillance, spying and tracking methods at their disposal, solving crimes or pursuing crimes has actually gone down.
Which proves their modus operandi is not solving cases, but operating a system of ultimate control against the people.
In 2018 the C.I.A. purchased Pegasus for the government of Djibouti to conduct counterterrorism operations, despite that country’s record of torturing political opposition figures and imprisoning journalists.
The US, France, Italy, Spain, Japan and most recently China and Saudi Arabia, have military bases in Djibouti.
The US pays $63 million a year on a 10-year lease for using its territory, while China pays $20 million per year.
Djibouti is home to the most extensive and permanent US military base in Africa, Camp Lemonnier, where special forces, fighter planes, and helicopters are stationed.
Camp Lemonnier is a significant base for US drone operations in Somalia and Yemen, and is also home to AFRICOM.
Another $63M a year of our money wasted, and what for? More war, disturbing the local populace? Launch attacks on neighboring countries like Yemen?
L3Harris is ran by Chris Kubisak, a guy who was fired from Lockheed Martin, for screwing one of the female staff.
The House added an amendment to the annual defense authorization legislation last week, intended to combat white supremacy and neo-Nazi activity in the military.
The amendment requires the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Pentagon to publish a report analyzing White supremacist and neo-Nazi activity within the ranks of the military and federal law enforcement, and present ways to prevent it.
The amendment, opposed by Republicans and sponsored by Brad Schneider Democrat, passed in a 218-208 party-line vote and was added to the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act.
Such behavior, such extremism is a threat to us in all segments of society.
There is no reason to believe that our military is any different, Schneider said.
We must do everything we can to identify them and to thwart them before risks become a reality, he added.
The report would include figures on the number of people discharged from uniformed services or law enforcement, because of their White supremacist and neo-Nazi ideology.
It would be submitted to congressional committees and made public no later than 180 days after the NDAA is enacted.
Rep. Andy Biggs Arizona opposed the amendment, arguing that it is intrusive and denigrates law enforcement.
Perhaps people should ask Mr. Schneider who is born to, as to why the country and religion he is connected to, and indeed the country they also run called America, are supporting Neo Nazis in Ukraine?
Also why is NASA still being funded as it was ran by Nazis, throw in the CIA and Scherff Snr and perhaps they can be shut down as well?
French Clown President and WEF puppet Emmanuel Macron is struggling badly, he suffered a humiliating setback in parliament after his vaccine passport scheme was defeated.
Macron’s minority government wanted to extend the policy, whereby anyone entering France has to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test.
However, the right-wing populist National Rally, the hard-left La France Insoumise and the right-wing Republicans all united to vote against the policy.
All very Avian politics that.
Macron’s government lost the vote by a margin of 219 votes to 195.
The bill’s defeat was met with wild cheering and a standing ovation from opposition lawmakers, in footage that was widely circulated on social media, reports the Telegraph.
Seems people are waking up to the reality of the fake scamdemic.
Meanwhile another clown and WEF puppet is struggling even more to convince Canadians he is up to the task.
A new Postmedia-Leger poll has revealed that Canadians are not impressed with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Over half of respondents said they disapprove of his performance, with nearly as many suggesting his time as Liberal leader should come to an end.
According to the poll, 32 percent of Canadians strongly disapprove of Trudeau’s performance, and 23 percent somewhat disapprove, bringing the total disapproval rate to 55 percent.
In contrast, only 7 percent said they strongly approve.
I guess the bastard child is not too popular anymore.
Another government leader in trouble to add to those mentioned recently, plus Sri Lanka whose President did a Trudeau and fled.
Throw in Biden’s ratings about as low as MSM and a pattern emerges.
The Italian government could fall this week, in another dramatic day for Prime Minister Mario Draghi whose resignation last week was rejected by the president.
Mr. Draghi, who has led a unity government for 17 months, will tell the Senate in the morning whether or not he is prepared to stay in office.
Hours later there will be a vote of confidence in the government.
Elections were already due to take place early next year.
Time for non-system, non-corrupt we the people to start running the Governments me thinks.
Pointing fingers of blame at politicians when we do nothing to support or advise them, or make them accountable is why most countries are in a mess.
Later on, Draghi offered resignation again and was accepted.
Another leader in trouble even the press is turning against him.
President Joe Biden has pledged that the US is prepared to use all elements of its national power, to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
How childish can you get? Resembles a playground bully, but just who decided America and Israel could dictate which countries could defend themselves or not?
Is that not interfering in the sovereignty of another country?
Biden went further and re-iterated just how big of a puppet not only he is, but the country as well.
He made the declaration with Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid on the second day of his visit there.
Israel considers the Iranian nuclear program to be its greatest threat, though Iran insists it is peaceful.
Israel considers everyone a threat, at which point will leaders grow a backbone, and realize they are the threat?
Biden went onto hold talks with Palestinian officials before a controversial visit to Saudi Arabia.
Where he went begging for oil, when we have the most oil reserves of any country within our own borders.
Biden outlined a series of strategic commitments underpinning the US relationship with Israel, its closest regional ally (M) in a document known as the Jerusalem US-Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration.
He also pledged that the US would work together with our other partners to confront Iran’s aggression and destabilizing activities.
Destabilizing activities, it is been destabilized since the fake State was created in 1947. Including he said Iran’s use of terrorist organization’s such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
All of which are funded by the CIA and Mossad.
The great American theft of the wealth of its public, rears its head again with staggering clarity, and yet too few see it, and even less question it.
The US House of Representatives has authorized $840 billion in defense spending in 2023, boosting President Joe Biden’s proposed record military budget by $37 billion.
The annual National Defense Authorization Act, which sets military expenditure, was passed on Thursday by a vote of 329-101.
Where is the audit on this? Why is there still not an audit after the Pentagon blocked all attempts to audit the DOD since 2015?
The bill offers another $1 billion in aid to Ukraine, on top of the $8.7B currently sent, including a program to train Ukrainian pilots to fly F-15, F-16 and other US aircraft.
How did the training of the Iraqis and the Afghan’s go? 18 years of training of them and they lost the country inside 18 days.
The Ukrainians should familiarize themselves with US-made planes while the administration continues to consider sending such equipment, said a statement on Congressman Adam Kinzinger’s website last month.
So now they are paying to train Neo Nazis, whilst writing bills to delete Neo Nazis in our own military, it is like a lunatic asylum over in DC.
The bill also bans the supply of the F-16s to Turkey, unless the US president guarantees to Congress that Ankara has not violated the sovereignty of Greece, including through territorial overflights for 120 days prior to the transfer.
If only that same ruling applied to Israel.
Last month, the Senate Armed Services Committee proposed its own version of the budget, attaching an additional $45 billion to Biden’s original plan.
How about that $45B going to a public water venture, given over 40M are struggling for water in this country?
The boost to defense spending comes during Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine, and continuing tensions with China over Taiwan and the larger Asia-Pacific, none of which has anything to do with America.
Here is a proposal, how about for every dollar the US military receives, the same amount is sent to The Peoples Club whereby we can spend our portion of it on the people themselves.
Where nobody goes without the 5 basics for a start, people will learn how to self-manage, personal responsibility, how budgets work, promote jobs and growth and they will learn how to work together for the greater good of all.
Former education Secretary Betsy DeVos said the former department she led should be abolished.
Speaking at a Moms For Liberty summit in Tampa, Florida, DeVos said on Saturday that the Department of Education that she once led should be abolished, in order to leave education decisions to state and local boards.
Personally I think all public schools need a 100% revamp, the standards of teaching and learning are appalling for an advanced nation.
This leads to skilled job shortages and costly hiring from overseas to fill the void, when it would be better to invest in our own people.
The FHSTOS narrative is now being discussed in the UN, oh my.
This week came news that Syrian rebels plan to give Israel the Golan Heights in exchange for creation of a no-fly zone against the Assad regime.
For Syrian rebels read CIA and Mossad goons.
In an even bolder move, it is now revealed, Israel will withdraw its settlers from communities beyond the settlement blocs, and relocate them at least temporarily to Ukraine.
Ukraine made this arrangement on the basis of historic ties, and in exchange for desperately needed military assistance against Russia.
That is lies, back in 2014 on Cosmic Voice when war was raging back then, I received on the ground reports of utter genocide of the Ukrainian peoples, with weapons paid for and supplied by Israel.
The figures I was given for deaths of the locals was, 8 million.
Why are they doing this, well this goes back to the caliphate plan I first mentioned on air back in 2014 as well, although was aware of it in the 1990’s.
The plan was to reveal that most Jews are not from Israel, and force them out of the walled zone and into Ukraine.
This involved genetic data proving they came from the East, which we revealed in FHSTOS.
This surprising turn of events had an even more surprising origin: genetics, a field in which Israeli scholars have long excelled.
Not quite as they have been lying until now about their origins, but now they have another agenda.
This is the report that was revealed.
A Warlike Turkic People and a Mystery, that is the Tatars and Khans.
It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars a warlike Turkic people converted to Judaism, and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine.
Yes, all the Istan countries we revealed.
What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has been a mystery.
Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews, no the Ashkenazi where the Kali Ma peoples out of in India who went North.
Arabs have long cited the Khazar hypothesis in attempts to deny a Jewish historical claim to the land of Israel.
It is not a hypothesis at all, it is fact, they have no land they are a nomadic tribe of off world origins dumped here to disenfranchise the native peoples.
During the UN debate over the Palestine Partition, Chaim Weizmann responded, sarcastically: it is very strange, all my life I have been a Jew, felt like a Jew, and I now learn that I am a Khazar.
Former Prime Minister Golda Meir famously said: Khazar, Schmazar.
There is no Khazar people, I knew no Khazars in Kiev or Milwaukee.
What two bizarre names she came up with there, Milwaukee? What has that got to do with it? But very interesting she mentioned Kiev, which is Ukraine.
Incidentally Golda Meir who became the Israeli Prime Minister in the 1970’s, was born in Kiev, and at an early age fled to New York, well I never.
Show me these Khazars of whom you speak, she said.
Look in the mirror would have been my reply to her.
Like I have said all along, they will throw the Jewish under the bus so to speak.
They want the walled zone for EL-ites only and the Vatican, for the 3rd temple build.
To achieve that they will keep trying to entice Iran to fire at them, and they will launch missiles at the Dome of the Rock and blame Iran.
Oops I guess we ruined that plan.
Medical related
Canada’s abortion pill manufacturer says it is increasing supplies of Mifegymiso, amid growing demand in this country and questions over what the impact of overturning Roe v. Wade will be.
That comes as one sexual health provider says increasing access to the abortion pill, which can be taken up to 10 weeks into a pregnancy, will help free up resources for people who need a surgical abortion.
That includes Canadians who would normally be sent to the U.S., for later-stage terminations due to fetal abnormalities or risk to the mother, as well as Americans without access to abortion.
Dana Tenenbaum is general manager of Canadian operations for EU-based Linepharma International.
That’s the pharmaceutical company that both manufactures and distributes, the combination of mifepristone and misoprostol that is sold under the brand name Mifegymiso in Canada.
He said while the company does not anticipate any shortages of the abortion pill as demand spikes in the U.S., it is increasing its supplies to make sure it can meet Canadian demands.
So, the whole Roe v. Wade row was so pharmaceuticals can make more money then.
Major tampon manufacturers in the United States have pledged to make more of the sanitary products to address shortages in the country.
One firm said the pandemic had caused staff shortages at its plants.
No it is the jabs; more and more members are noticing now the lack of people.
Social media users have been posting about their experiences as they struggle to find sanitary products.
One Reddit user said they visited eight stores to find tampons with a cardboard applicator, before deciding to buy them online at a noticeable mark-up.
Adds a whole new meaning to bleeding the public dry.
It comes as the war in Ukraine is making the raw materials used in sanitary products more costly.
So now they blame the Russians for a lack of Tampons, one would suggest they are making bleep of themselves.
The shortage is also adding to concerns that supply chain disruptions could further push up prices for essential goods around the world.
A spokesperson for Edgewell Personal Care, which makes Playtex and o.b. tampons, said that its stocks have been impacted due to extensive workforce shortages, caused by two separate Omicron surges in the US and Canada in late 2021 and early 2022, respectively.
We have been operating our manufacturing facilities around the clock to build back inventory, and anticipate returning to normal levels in the coming weeks, the spokesperson added.
I am surprised they didn’t describe it as a periodical cycle of sanitary pads.
They excuses they make for a lack of people is getting absurd.
An article entitled Facebook is receiving sensitive medical information from hospital websites, is one of the more shocking investigative pieces of the week to not make the mainstream corporate media.
The authors document how there has been a tracking tool installed on many hospitals’ private website pages, which has been collecting patients’ health information.
This includes medical conditions, prescriptions, and doctor’s appointments, this tool is then sending all that data to Facebook and its parent company Meta.
All to collect the metadata.
What is metadata? Metadata is data that provides information about other data, but not the content of the data, ok, a typically ambiguous statement that makes no sense.
But do you know where that term originated? MIT as far back as 1967, roughly 20 odd years before the public computers were unveiled.
The authors, found this tool was installed in 33 out of 100 of the top hospitals in the U.S. and on seven major medical systems, including My Chart.
This means that a large percentage of hospitals have been directly sending patient data to Facebook (or Meta):
The 33 hospitals sending patient appointment details to Facebook, collectively reported more than 26 million patient admissions and outpatient visits in 2020.
To be clear, this is just the 33 hospitals that The Markup tested, not the hospital systems or the vast majority of hospital and doctor’s offices, who use these large cloud based or networked software systems in the U.S.
So the problem maybe much wider.
Why do they collect it apart from being voyeuristic perverts? They will bundle it up and sell to the Insurance companies, all about the shekels you see.
In reading this, I was struck that patients should demand that their data not be entered into such systems; a movement to return to data entry systems that are not corrupted by Meta, Facebook, or Google needs to be jump-started.
As late as 2017, the government was actually worried about medical systems being hacked.
But now? Where is our government in protecting patient’s rights?
Clearly, we the people cannot rely on the U.S. government, therefore, we have to protect ourselves.
Our doctors and hospitals are being encouraged to buy cloud-based software solutions to protect us.
An often-cited reason to impose tyranny on the people, it is for your safety and or protection, yeah right.
These medical providers also need to be taught, that these large cloud systems-based solutions have been corrupted.
The medical providers must understand that patients should be given a choice to opt out of the system.
The right to privacy extends to healthcare in its entirety.
People will rightly claim to be concerned about privacy, and then do the social media survey Q&A memes, where you reveal your inner self, and that is without the privacy you give away via apps on your phone.
Something we have mentioned previously and some on the trip witnessed it in action first hand.
This is something that big pharma really doesn’t want you to know, so they can sell poisons and make shekels.
For centuries, people have been using mindfulness meditation to try to relieve their pain, but neuroscientists have only recently been able to test if and how this actually works.
In the latest of these efforts, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, measured the effects of mindfulness on pain perception and brain activity.
The study, published July 7, 2022 in the journal PAIN, showed that mindfulness meditation interrupted the communication between brain areas involved in pain sensation, and those that produce the sense of self.
Take note of the sense of self.
In the proposed mechanism, pain signals still move from the body to the brain, but the individual does not feel as much ownership over those pain sensations, so their pain and suffering are reduced.
One of the central tenets of mindfulness is the principle that you are not your experiences, said Fadel Zeidan, an associate professor of anesthesiology at UC San Diego School of Medicine.
You are of your experiences, but it depends on what you manifest.
You can manifest pain, and so subsequently you can manifest little or no pain.
It all comes down to whether or what programs you are running on yourself.
You train yourself to experience thoughts and sensations without attaching your ego or sense of self to them, and we’re now finally seeing how this plays out in the brain during the experience of acute pain.
On the first day of the study, 40 participants had their brains scanned while painful heat was applied to their leg.
After experiencing a series of these heat stimuli, participants had to rate their average pain levels during the experiment.
Participants were then split into two groups.
Members of the mindfulness group completed four separate 20-minute mindfulness training sessions.
During these visits, they were instructed to focus on their breath, and reduce self-referential processing by first acknowledging their thoughts, sensations and emotions, but then letting them go without judging or reacting to them.
Members of the control group spent their four sessions listening to an audio book.
On the final day of the study, both groups had their brain activity measured again, but participants in the mindfulness group were now instructed to meditate during the painful heat, while the control group rested with their eyes closed.
Researchers found that participants who were actively meditating, reported a 32 percent reduction in pain intensity and a 33 percent reduction in pain unpleasantness.
We were really excited to confirm that you don’t have to be an expert meditator to experience these analgesic effects, said Zeidan.
This is a really important finding for the millions of people looking for, a fast-acting and non-pharmacological treatment for pain.
When the team analyzed participants’ brain activity during the task, they found that mindfulness-induced pain relief was associated with reduced synchronization between the thalamus, a brain area that relays incoming sensory information to the rest of the brain, and parts of the default mode network, a collection of brain areas most active while a person is mind-wandering or processing their own thoughts and feelings as opposed to the outside world.
One of these default mode regions is the precuneus, a brain area involved in fundamental features of self-awareness, and one of the first regions to go offline when a person loses consciousness.
Another is the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which includes several sub regions that work together to process how you relate to or place value on your experiences.
The more these areas were decoupled or deactivated, the more pain relief the participant reported.
For many people struggling with chronic pain, what often affects their quality of life most is not the pain itself, but the mental suffering and frustration that comes along with it, said Zeidan.
Their pain becomes a part of who they are as individuals, something they can’t escape and this exacerbates their suffering.
Which brings in low self-worth and victimhood programs.
By relinquishing the self-referential appraisal of pain, mindfulness meditation may provide a new method for pain treatment.
It’s not new, just not well mentioned.
Mindfulness meditation is also free and can be practiced anywhere.
Zeidan said he hopes trainings can be made even more accessible and integrated into standard outpatient procedures.
We feel like we are on the verge of discovering a novel non-opioid-based pain mechanism, in which the default mode network plays a critical role in producing analgesia.
We are excited to continue exploring the neurobiology of mindfulness and its clinical potential across various disorders.
Good stuff and nice to see these things being discussed, and hopefully can become part of a spiritual based academic study for older children within the school setting.
This proves another example of how seeking outside of yourselves is not beneficial, when the answers all lie within.
You are the surgeon, the pain doctor and the cure for all, as long as you trust and believe in yourself.
A 73-year-old man died the day after a group of young people beat him with a traffic cone in a caught-on-camera attack along a North Philadelphia street last month.
The Philadelphia Police hope the video of the attack and a $20,000 reward lead them to those responsible.
The PPD released video on YouTube that shows the deadly attack on the 73-year-old Lambert.
They said those responsible appeared to be three girls and four boys believed to be in their early to mid-teens.
Since when have the youth lost empathy and consideration for the elderly?
That video was just shocking, it matters not the color, because that was just unacceptable.
The first young person to attack Lambert can be seen on video striking the man, who is blurred in the video with a traffic cone, as he walked away from the group to the other side of the street.
A short time later, another young person can be seen picking up a cone and throwing it at the man.
Lambert then moves along the sidewalk and is chased down by a young person holding a cone over her head.
The teens struck the victim several times with objects, knocking the victim to the ground causing injuries to his head, the police said.
Two people came forward after that video, their ages, just 10 and 14, they and their families should be ashamed.
I would like that community to come together to work on anger management issues, and solve this propensity for violence once and for all.
Their punishment? Make them work for a number of years in an elderly care home for free.
Are you hoping for a new gas range or fireplace in your new home?
If so, don’t move to Los Angeles, because the city is phasing out natural gas hookups in all new residential and commercial buildings effective Jan. 1, 2023, but LA isn’t alone.
It’s California’s 57th locality to introduce commitments to phase out natural gas, and many cities across the country are following suit.
Oops so much for climate change then.
In a misguided effort to reduce emissions, localities that pass ordinances like these totally ignore just how vital natural gas is, not only for our broader energy landscape, but also for families and businesses.
Nationwide, natural gas accounts for roughly 38% of electricity generation, and around 177 million Americans use natural gas to heat their homes and cook their meals.
Beyond its prevalence, natural gas is also an affordable source of energy, therein lies the problem it seems, it’s affordable. Residential natural gas is estimated to cost almost one-quarter the price of electricity, which, according to the American Gas Association, adds up to an average annual savings of over $1,000 in household utilities.
All about the shekels again you see, buy our more expensive energy.
Natural gas in comparison is a relatively clean source of energy.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration notes that, burning natural gas for energy results in fewer emissions of nearly all types of air pollutants and carbon dioxide, than burning coal or petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy.
Unfortunately, 77 other municipalities across the country have introduced or adopted some form of a ban on natural gas hookups under the banner of climate change.
Except what the Energy Administration says is that it is the cleanest, so this is not about climate change or clean-up of the planet of pollutants.
It is all about the Pelosi family Green Deal, where the Pelosi’s stand to make billions off of it, so no cohencidence that it started in LALA land.
Some cities are even going so far as to require electrification retrofits in existing buildings and new remodels.
Washington became the first state to introduce a statewide mandate, that requires all newly constructed buildings to feature electric heating and hot water systems.
Be-ill Gates is sad we are now told, I would be sad if I was him, implementing all those anti humanity plans and one by one they are all failing.
And people are beginning to point fingers at the upfront puppet.
The Billionaire Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going, and makes big promises to change the game.
Keep trying Gates of Babylon, and you will keep being sad, it won’t work.
In a series of tweets, Gates lists what he calls setbacks over the past two years, as if to say that our world is regressing on so many issues.
Several huge global setbacks over the past few years have left many people discouraged, and wondering whether the world is destined to get worse, the psychopath posted on his account.
The pandemic is one of the biggest setbacks in history.
The war on Ukraine is a gigantic tragedy for the entire world.
Yes, all plans you and the financial EL-ites all invested in to bring your change, and yet failed.
The damage from climate change is already worse than most models predicted.
Whose models? Johns Hopkins? The Carnegie Endowment group? Tavistock? Or even the Willhelm Institute?
The U.S. has taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health, no it hasn’t, equality is only achieved if both genders are in harmonic balance, and no one’s health is improving courtesy of jabs.
If the tone and the subject are sad, Gates nevertheless says he is optimistic for the future.
Yes, Mr. Gates of Babylon, but it won’t include you and your ilk, just saying.
For example, he says he believes that it is possible to find the path to progress.
These setbacks are happening in the context of two decades’ worth of historic progress, and I believe it is possible to mitigate the damage and get back to the progress the world was making, the entrepreneur said.
What he is revealing is, their growth has stalled and it won’t be returning no matter how many shekels you throw at it.
But to achieve this, he believes that we will all have to do more, starting with him.
With this in mind, he has decided to transfer this month, $20 billion of his personal fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help him carry out his missions.
Like preventing pandemics(M), reducing childhood deaths(M), eradicating diseases(M), improving food security and climate adaptation(M), achieving gender equality and improving educational outcomes(M).
That was hilarious, the guy is delusional, and people are more stupid in believing him.
An experts on viruses, he should know he built them into his own companies Operating Systems.
More OpEd Pieces
This is a recent exchange presumably in the Senate, and what resulted from this hearing was an argument over whether or not men can get pregnant, and Sen. Josh Hawley being accused of transphobia.
During the hearing, Sen. John Cornyn asked Khiara Bridges, a professor at the University of California Berkeley School of Law, if an unborn child had value.
I think that the person with capacity for pregnancy has value, she responded.
Confused by her wording, Hawley questioned what she meant by person with capacity for pregnancy.
Many women, cis women, have the capacity for pregnancy, Bridges said.
Many cis women do not have the capacity for pregnancy.
Cis apparently is short for cisgender, which refers to when a person’s gender identity corresponds to their sex as assigned at birth.
What utter drivel, it’s simple you are a man or woman as per appendages at birth.
It amazes me the religious are not hammer and tongue against this, as surely other created genders are going against their gods will?
There are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy as well as non-binary people who are capable of pregnancy.
Following her answer, Hawley then asked what the core issue was about then, if it’s not just about a woman’s right to have an abortion?
Bridges responded by calling him transphobic.
How very adult that exchange was? Not! It got worse though.
I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic, and it opens up trans people to violence, she said.
So, trans people not getting pregnant leads to violence? Again, do these people know what they are saying?
She then stated that his line of questioning leads transgendered people to violence and ultimately suicide, eh? Wells the fargo is she saying?
Apparently, asking simple questions now leads to self-harm for woke leftists.
As the dialogue became more passive-aggressive, Bridges asked Hawley whether or not he believed men could get pregnant.
An embarrassing exchange, and echoes the utter crap another so called professor later in this show.
Professor my ass, confessor of utter stupidity is the correct terminology.
Yet more rank stupidity, word salad bs’ery and another example of people talking without making any sense.
A suggestion by a feminist vegan that meat consumption is misogynistic and xenophobic is as risible as it sounds.
Undaunted by its push to vilify the so-called gender binary of male and female, and introduce new hierarchical structures to reset the status quo, the progressive left remains on the move to problematize everything.
Its latest target? Meat.
In November, the Oxford Union held a debate about meat consumption called This House Would Move Beyond Meat, presented by vegan feminist Carol J. Adams, and the farcical proceedings went viral after clips surfaced on social media.
Adams, the writer of The Sexual Politics of Meat: I guess she doesn’t like blowjobs then!
A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory and The Pornography of Meat, adds a whole new meaning to the Arby’s advert, we have the meat.
She regurgitated the decades-old argument that meat consumption is not only problematic, in the sense that it exploits animals for the purposes of basic sustenance, as often repeated by vegans in general, but also that meat consumption has gendered and racialized components.
Ok if that is the narrative try this, plant consumptions is also problematic, in the sense that it exploits plants for the purposes of basic sustenance, and plant consumption has gendered and racialized components.
Yes I replaced the word meat with plants, why? Because it is no different.
Both are living entities and both provide the nutrition we require to sustain life.
Until these rebels without a cause get on their own soap box and talk utter shit, and that is what political correctness has brought in since its introduction, more people to talk shit.
If it’s not about meat, it’s gender, it’s race and they all provide one dictate, divide and conquer.
It creates more drama and is not addressing the real world issues.
Here is some common sense questions: If animal and vegan campaigners are so concerned about the animals, why are they eating the animals food?
Why have they not campaigned against farmers to let the wildlife eat all the plants they are growing?
In The Pornography of Meat, Adams draws the visual comparison between meat advertised on a shelf and women portrayed in particular advertisements or magazines.
She advises that the idea of consumption plays a significant role in a culture that compares women to products.
Forgetting the fact that it is women themselves who seductively pose for those very pictures, and get paid to so, perhaps the answer is to ask women to stop doing that? If you don’t wish to be looked at as a sexual object, why are so many posing in that way, not only in adverts and magazines, but in life in general.
The worst aspect of that is selfies, how is that any different?
This is another of the going after the effect program, instead of addressing the cause.
While the metaphor may work to explain sexual objectification, Adams’ arguments take a very literal dimension in her attack on meat consumption at the Oxford Union debate.
Indeed, meat eating is racist, sexist, and xenophobic.
Do these people ever think before they speak or write? The greater question is, why do people give these airheads exclusive settings like at Oxford?
The answer is simple, Oxford and other Universities are being ran by think tank clowns like Tavistock.
The 21st century animal eating requires a new complicity in a new colonialism, claims Adams.
These events especially affect girls and young women, your hamburger comes with a dose of misogyny.(M)
Perhaps she needs to read the Finkelstein interview, as your fast food burger joint actually comes with a dose of human flavorings.
The assumption that the best protein comes from corpses is a racist belief, (M) arming the problematic ramifications of meat consumption with political buzzwords to make it seem worthy of a cause.
No, it’s a fact that the best protein comes from animal sources.
Without modern pharmaceuticals and vitamin supplements, it is impossible to maintain a purely vegan diet.
I guess she doesn’t know the pharmaceuticals and vitamin supplements are even more corrupted than the food? Even that some of them contain human foetus’.
As noted by the Vegan Society, it is difficult for anyone to get a daily vitamin D intake of 10mcg from food.
There is simply no reliable source of vitamin D aside from supplements or fortified foods, for vegans, at least.
For everyone else, there are fish, eggs, and red meat.
Erm, there is a big thing in the sky that turns up every day that provides plenty of Vitamin D, it is called the sun.
She needs to go outside and stand under it instead of talking utter shit to people.
The same goes for Vitamin B12.
Vegans and vegetarians who do not take supplements, suffer from a high risk of deficiency of the vitamin required for the function of many bodily processes, including protein metabolism and the formation of red blood cells.
That, too, comes from meat.
Adams asks, how do you know the animal would have picked you to feed off its corpse? Clearly, no animal would choose someone to feed off its corpse.
An animal’s instinct is to survive and sustain its life – just as humans, who are also animals, must consume meat.
Not only to live, but to thrive, we cannot deny our evolutionary adaptations.
Clearly this woman does not understand the cycle of life, but then she was born in and is married to a pastor.
In previous lives we may well have been that animal consumed, that fish or that plant, these idiots don’t think of plants as a living being, their shallow thinking is there for all to see.
So, that is the cycle of life, one time consuming, one time being consumed, it is the cyclical evolution of 3D physical life forms.
Is it ideal? Nope, but it is what it is, and as she has revealed herself, a vegan lifestyle cannot be sustained without big pharma, funny that.
Further along in the debate, Adams remarks that meat consumption is sexist, citing how popular culture is flooded with references to sexy cows, sexy pigs, sexy chickens, sexy fishes, who all just wanna have fun.
Quite where she gets that impression is beyond me, there is no place on earth where animals are considered sexy.
That is the thinking of a very warped mind.
Perhaps running out of talking points, she also argues, Masculinity, a construct of the gender binary, facing constant destabilization feels always under threat and eating animals is its protection racket.
It’s hardly the salient point she thinks it is.
There is nothing more gender binary which is 1 and 0, than feminism.
A subjective value judgment does not make for an objective argument.
Spitting buzzwords and making political issues out of something, humans and their primate ancestors have done for hundreds of thousands of years does her argument no favors.
Bizarrely, despite the heckling and raucous laughter Adams faced throughout the debate, the vegan won by a count of 115 votes to 105 – once and for all proving that feelings don’t care about facts.
One can only hope that the verdict was rendered out of pity.
Ultimately, the Oxford Union debate is just one of many pointless, academic arguments being held across universities and colleges throughout the West, the product of social elites indifferent to common, everyday issues faced by the working class who don’t have the luxury of consuming overpriced supplements and almond milk.
Utterly bizarre non thinking patterns, all funded by the psychopaths who run think tanks.
We at the TPC are setting about creating real think tanks that focus on real things and issues, and not some mad ramblings that have zero purpose in life, or doesn’t bring any solutions.
The Space Force will stand up its newest delta with the formation of Space Delta 18, which will operate the National Space Intelligence Center.
18 = AH, equals Adolf Hitler, just saying.
The new organization will be tasked with helping the Space Force to identify and track threats in orbit, both kinetic and non-kinetic.
It will be formally established June 24 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
What a surprise that is, given the original SSP was based there, Norfolk Virginia and also Whidley Bay.
The new center’s formation date was made public in a social media post by its new deputy director, John Gass, who will serve as No. 2 for director Col. Marqus Randall.
The formation of the NSIC has been a part of the Space Force’s plan for some time, which in terms means they are going public with something they already had, a bit like the One World Government or NWO.
Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. Raymond released a planning document in November 2020, calling for it to work in concert with the rest of the service’s intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance enterprise, to grow space intelligence at foundational, tactical, operational, and strategic levels.
They need to adapt and adopt Earth based intelligence first, before exhibiting their rank stupidity in space.
The Space Analysis Squadron and Counter-Space Analysis Squadron of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center, the Air Force’s own intelligence hub, will form the basis of the National Space Intelligence Center.
In January 2021, the Space Force officially became the 18th member of the U.S. Intelligence Community, a move that Raymond later said, allowed the service to really begin to work on this thing called the National Space Intelligence Center.
How many non-intelligence centers does this country need, before people ask why?
They will answer of course in their usual non intelligent script based response, all of which is based in fear, and the usual mention of the Russians and Chinese as justification for spending huge amounts of our funds on their fears and enterprises, not ours.
Think about it, apart from the publicity and trauma event stunt with the teacher on the Challenger shuttle, will ordinary folk ever get to go in space?
No chance, will the resources in terms of minerals, technology and understanding of space, ever be transferred for the benefit of the people?
Again, no chance.
It is the same harvesting parasites who own, run and control it.
In April 2021, the Space Force’s director of ISR, Maj. Gen. Leah Lauderback, told Signal Magazine that the intelligence center would include roughly 350 personnel, with a goal of reaching initial operating capability by January 2022.
Lauderback later confirmed that the plan was to co-locate the center alongside the NASIC at Wright-Patterson.
Gass made reference to the delay in the center’s establishment in his social media post, describing years of trials and tribulations.
Space Delta 18 will become the Space Force’s second ISR-focused Delta, joining Space Delta 7, headquartered at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado.
He also shared the unit’s emblem, which seemingly pays tribute to the National Air and Space Intelligence Center’s emblem that prominently features a Sphinx, well I never. (picture)
What that reveals is, the Egyptian fake god worship and again, and also their point of origin or destination.
Because the 8 pointed star is a symbol of Sirius.
Destination Sirius, was something revealed to me by a Carnegie back in 2014-15 time.
They think they will fire up the planet’s drive engine and steer it on a course to what he called home, Sirius.
I told him there and then that will not be happening, and it still won’t be happening.
Remember it was Trump who set up this abomination, even after the same SSP out of Whidley Bay, near Washington State and Canada, tried to shoot Trump and Air Force One out of the sky.
Stupid is as stupid does, if we are to have a full on space force, it should be accessible and ran by the people, not some over privileged greed based harvesters.
The original SSP was a breakaway group from civilization, in reality they and many others will break away, but not in the manner they think.
For the first time, researchers successfully sequenced the genome of ancient human fossils from the Late Pleistocene in southern China.
The data, published July 14 in the journal Current Biology, suggests that the mysterious hominin belonged to an extinct maternal branch of modern humans, that might have contributed to the origin of Native Americans.
FHSTOS revealed again.
Ancient DNA technique is a really powerful tool, Su says.
It tells us quite definitively that the Red Deer Cave people were modern humans instead of an archaic species, such as Neanderthals or Denisovans, despite their unusual morphological features, he says.
The researchers compared the genome of these fossils to that of people from around the world.
They found that the bones belonged to an individual that was linked deeply to the East Asian ancestry of Native Americans.
Combined with previous research data, this finding led the team to propose that some of the southern East Asia people, had traveled north along the coastline of present-day eastern China through Japan, and reached Siberia tens of thousands of years ago.
They then crossed the Bering Strait between the continents of Asia and North America and became the first people to arrive in the New World.
Nope, there was human and humanoids here long before that, what they are revealing is, the term we today call Indians.
The journey to making this discovery started over three decades ago, when a group of archaeologists in China discovered a large set of bones in the Maludong or Red Deer Cave, in southern China’s Yunnan Province.
Carbon dating showed that the fossils were from the Late Pleistocene about 14,000 years ago, a period of time when modern humans had migrated to many parts of the world.
From the cave, researchers recovered a hominin skull cap with characteristics of both modern humans and archaic humans.
For example, the shape of the skull resembled that of Neanderthals, and its brain appeared to be smaller than that of modern humans.
As a result, some anthropologists had thought the skull probably belonged to an unknown archaic human species, that lived until fairly recently, or to a hybrid population of archaic and modern humans.
It is a hybrid version courtesy of off world interference via genetics.
In 2018, in collaboration with Xueping Ji, an archaeologist at Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Bing Su at Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his colleagues successfully extracted ancient DNA from the skull.
Genomic sequencing shows that the hominin belonged to an extinct maternal lineage of a group of modern humans, whose surviving decedents are now found in East Asia, the Indo-China peninsula, and Southeast Asia islands.
The finding also shows that during the Late Pleistocene, hominins living in southern East Asia had rich genetic and morphologic diversity, the degree of which is greater than that in northern East Asia during the same period.
It suggests that early humans who first arrived in eastern Asia had initially settled in the south, before some of them moved to the north, Su says.
Which is correct, they were placed in the South and migrated North and then East.
It’s an important piece of evidence for understanding early human migration, he says.
What will be an important piece of evidence for understanding for these scientists is, not all hominids are linked to us, or even this planet.
With that knowledge and understanding they can make better progress.
Next, the team plans to sequence more ancient human DNA by using fossils from southern East Asia, especially ones that predated the Red Deer Cave people.
Such data will not only help us paint a more complete picture of how our ancestors migrated, but also contain important information about how humans change their physical appearance.
By adapting to local environments over time, such as the variations in skin color in response to changes in sunlight exposure, Su says.
Nope they didn’t change their physical appearance or their skin color, they are not us.
The great problem deliberately created in the Middle East that has gone on for millennia, and heightened considerably since the creation of the fake state by London bankers associated with the Rothschild’s clan.
Remember and I will repeat again, the mention of the word Jew does not tarnish all the Jewish people, what we are speaking about here is, the Jewish EL-ites who say they are Jews, but they are not.
They are the synagogue of Satan as previously claimed in the scriptures.
The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called it out saying, there is no place in the world that suffers from divisions and wars, unless America or the Zionists’ fingerprints are seen there.
The damage created by the Rothschild banking clan has cost many their lives, in which the predators harvest human lives with deliberately clumsy lies the brainwashed masses docilely accept.
The phony media stories ring hollow now.
The government’s version of the 9/11 story has such a smell to it that nobody believes it.
Yet it lingers on in the rancid voices of plastic anchormen and the bought-off Congressmen who pretend to hunt imaginary Arab terrorists, that were created by CIA-Mossad strategists who work for Jewish bankers.
It’s pretty clear now that the war in Iraq was not for oil, which remains in the ground, but for Israel, which now wants to nuke Iran.
Yes, all these Americans and Iraqis are dying for Israel and its Jewish plan to conquer the world, which it already pretty much has accomplished, at least financially.
Iraq and Iran are no threats to America, but they are to Israel, that bandit state established by London bankers to keep the world destabilized on a perpetual basis, and still the bombs keep falling.
Mercenary hit teams trained by Israel’s Mossad but paid for by American citizens, continue to stir up trouble all over the world, but especially in Iraq, where they pretend to be Sunnis and Shi’ites when they blow up the mosques of both sects.
Just like they do in the rest of the world, divide and conquer, whilst financially supporting both sides, and then profiting from the violence.
You’d think the world would have learned that from the Iran/Iraq war, and dozens of other calculated Jewish depredations that have sabotaged prosperous societies.
Yet, the masses still all bow to the MK Ultra media’s distortions and lies, and with the racist card all too readily available, the discourse become stifled and the carnage continues.
Today they call it the War on Terra not terror, and it has pretty much destroyed the United States of America, not to mention dozens of other countries around the world.
Worst of all, Americans still don’t realize the real scam that is sucking the life out of their once-vibrant society.
Their country has morphed into the worst terror state in the history of the world right before their eyes, and most people still don’t think anything is wrong.
An unprecedented blindness.
The backers of Christopher Columbus were Jewish bankers from Venice and Genoa, who funded the desperate expedition to the Indies the day after, all Jews were kicked out of Spain by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
It echoes down to this very day to think that the Jews discovered America, and allowed us to come along.
Sort of reinforces the idea that we’re all puppets on strings, dancing to a bunch of ugly tunes designed to drive us crazy.
A story all too few know, or would perhaps indeed consider it as, based in truth.
The nomadic tribe thrown out of yet another country, and march into a new one and create even more carnage there.
Then we have the story of Cyrus the Great, the legendary Persian king.
Who the Israeli handlers made Donald Trump into the modern day Cyrus.
From Pasargardae, heart of the Aryan homeland, Cyrus was declared god’s anointed one, it is said he liberated the Jews from their captivity in approximately 535 B.C.
But how could Cyrus have liberated the Jews from their captivity, when they didn’t have any land to begin with?
They were the criminal nomad Levites (Levy) who shunned and secretly plotted to conquer everyone, and were reviled everywhere for their thievery.
Cyrus it was said created a just and benevolent imperial regime, united Iran, and established the first world empire.
Except Iran was fine except for the invaders, but his story tells it from their perspective not ours.
He went on to creating a royal pedigree for the land of Israel, enabling this one renegade tribe to steal what belonged to others for longer than anyone can easily imagine.
Eustace Mullins discovered the root of the Hebrew name meant bandits from across the river, and this they have been to every country on Earth.
Today we are suffering in many places the consequences of those action, all because of Israeli manipulation of the Western war machine.
These phony defenders of freedom coldly execute a heartless plan, to keep all Arab countries either destabilized or bought off.
This rapidly deteriorating effort continues to conceal the crimes against humanity not only sanctioned, but created by the colonializing Western powers, which due to irresistible financial pressure that the Israel and the Jewish world community control.
In keeping with the savage and xenophobic traditions of the Talmud, the pronouncements of the Sanhedrin control every bank on this planet, bar a few owned by the Black Sun clan.
Of course the Rothschild’s are also in part, ensconced within the Black Sun group as well, so they win or so they think.
Joe Vialls, the great Australian writer who may have been the Israeli spy and assassin Ari Ben Menashe, wrote that Eretz Israel is not the land between the Nile and the Euphrates, it is the entire Western hemisphere.
Just the Western Hemisphere? Me thinks not, these people are greed-based harvesters and wish to own and control everything.
The war against every human being on Earth is in the hundreds of thousands of years, as we have covered in our FHSTOS series.
Here are some additional details.
In 1941, long before there was any assembling of Jews for the supposed extermination camps, a Jew, Theodor N. Kaufman, wrote Germany Must Perish.
Kaufman set out a plan for the total destruction of the German population by a very simple method: the mass sterilization of all German men and women between the age of puberty and sixty years.
He described the construction of the organization for doing this.
This book was the basis of the Morgenthau Plan for the total destruction of German industry and the enslavement of the German race.
Naturally these intentions of Germany’s enemy got into the hands of the German propaganda minister Goebbels, and it stiffened the resistance of the German nation to avoid defeat.
Not quite because Goebbels is Black Sun, two sides of the same coin.
The Morgenthau Plan formed the basis of discussions between President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Stalin acting through his liaison officer, the Soviet Jew Zabrousky, and also formed the basis of the Yalta Agreement.
Now in 2001 Israeli officials specifically warned their counterparts in Washington, that large-scale terrorist attacks on highly visible targets on the American mainland were imminent.
They offered no specific information about targets, but they did link the plot to Afghanistan-based terrorist Osama bin Laden, and they told the Americans there were strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement.
This was an accusation more than it was a warning!
Mossad’s pointing the finger to Bin Laden in advance was an attempt to ensure that Bin Laden was blamed for the attack, to pre-empt the finger-pointing.
And the media within hours all complied, but how can a man based in a cave in Afghanistan orchestrate an attack of that magnitude without help on the inside? It is impossible, if it is not, what that reveals is, American security is extraordinarily lax or non-existing.
Along with Bin Laden they skillfully also pointed to Iraq, an enemy that they wanted to use the Americans to get rid of.
Please note that this was reported on September 18, 2001 in an important Israeli newspaper right after 911.
Israel took the initiative way back then to lead the Americans on who to blame and who to attack for 911.
They already had their spy network in place in the U.S. and were armed with explosives and in all the right places to carry out 911.
They were so exact about when and where it was going to take place that none of their people got killed in the WTC, some even received Odigo warnings 2 hours before it happened, and others were strategically placed to film and celebrate the twin towers destruction.
Yes, the film crew where the dancing Israelis on the bridge, who authorities arrested and then let them go without charges and flew them back to Israel.
They brought to Judaism political corruption, subversion of government, societal destruction, financial crises and panics, depressions and even wars per the Protocols.
Two hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson said, we have no paupers, today America has fifty million paupers and another fifty million on the edge of poverty.
The American Dream is gone.
Franklin’s vampires have plundered a beautiful and bountiful nation, they now hold a majority of American wealth.
Zionists have had a hand in every American war.
The Civil War was not about slavery; it was about control of the country, the Rothschild Northern banks vs. Southern agrarians.
The Robber Barons of the 19th century was financed by Rothschild, placing control of American industry in a few hands controlled by Rothschild.
The greatest traitor in American history is not Benedict Arnold but Louis Brandeis, the Father of Zionism in America.
Brandeis who is born to, his parents, Adolph Brandeis and Frederika Dembitz, both of whom were Frankist Jews.
The Franks are the reason for the country name we know now as France.
Brandeis, the Supreme Court Justice and blackmailer of Wilson, prepared the Balfour Declaration with Rothschild which slaughtered 150,000 Americans in World War I for World Zionism, bringing it to world power.
World Zionism declared World War II on Germany in 1933 from New York.
Behind the scenes Zionists have involved America in all of the wars of the 20th century for World Zionism, World Oil and World Banking, all invisible Rothschild monopolies.
War debt fills their cashboxes as well as the graveyards.
Contemplate now the actual difference between the Zionist state and the Jewish state.
Depressions, financial crises and panics transfer immense wealth to them as admitted in their Protocols.
They cause it by a sudden coordinated withdrawal of immense amounts of money, and/or credit like the Great Depression or the Asian Crisis.
They know it is coming, because they cause it and safeguard their own wealth.
When prices collapse, their wealth returns and buys valuable properties and assets at bargain prices, which is how they took over the UK.
The history of the United States is dotted with depressions, recessions, financial crises and panics: 1817, 1837, 1869, and every decade thereafter to the end of the century, and a very severe one in 1907 to prepare for the Rothschild Federal Reserve.
1907 of course became 2007 and another 100-year anniversary loop repeat event we covered in FHSTOS.
Then the Crash of 1929 caused by withdrawal of money followed by the Great Depression a withdrawal of credit, an endless war and escalating war debt ever since.
Again and again, they have devastated the burgeoning wealth of other minorities.
Whereby Jonathan Silverman writes, the Jews control 70 percent of the wealth of America.
You may not utter a single word on TV that is not approved by Jewish financiers who control the station, the interviewer, and the questions.
In the event some unanticipated truth slips through, like the reports of multiple bombs in Oklahoma City when that building exploded outward, and the feds tried to blame the deal on a truck parked outside.
Subsequent news reports are completely changed, and inconvenient witnesses are found dead in a field, then reported as a suicide by slitting his wrists and strangling himself at the same time.
After all this drama, the government-designated perpetrator has already been supposedly executed, and the case is closed.
And in the process, courageous patriotism is delegitimized, forever tainted by the image of a white supremacist who blew up children.
This was very Jewish television.
Notice the seeding of the white supremacist started way earlier to plant the seed for future developments.
It further destroyed the notion that Americans could be decent human beings, the fashionable debauchery of the American people by the Jewish media.
You will not learn a single fact in school that has not been screened by Jewish censors.
The greatest contemporary example by far of truth twisting has been, the brouhaha surrounding what Jews insist upon calling The Holocaust of World War Two.
Temples to this misery have been erected all over the world, and laws have been enacted in many countries prohibiting discussion of this falsehood inculcated on society by the Jewish media controllers.
The story you’ve been told has twisted your mind, following 138 news media and prints of the 6M Jews prior to WW2.
Despite all the evidence and let’s not forget the USS Liberty incident, at this point people should be wondering or outraged as to how could America possibly support Israel?
Religion is stated to be based on compassion for all living things, and that all is illusion and transitory so that whatever the circumstances, eventually they will change.
The only alleged religion which does not accept these two precepts is Judaism.
Judaism is based on a covenant with God in which the Jews are the chosen people.
That in sum and substance is the entire Jewish religion.
A covenant is a bargain and you bargain with equals! Hence, the Jew is equal to God as revealed in the Talmud.
No compassion, it is not in the 10 commandments which only dictate the behavior of Jews towards other Jews, and has no application in their relations with non-Jews.
There is no acceptance of God’s will or circumstance as the Jews’ history, which is the Old Testament clearly documents.
It is a chronicle of Jewish ELite greed, deception, war, terror, conquest and enslavement of conquered peoples with a chronology of Jewish lineage.
Even the Jew messiah is supposed to be a political leader that will lead them to overthrow the chains of oppression.
This from a people who are today and have always been the most privileged people on the planet!
However, even some Jews have acknowledged that Judaism is not a religion, it is a culture.
A culture they en masse need to discard and come and embrace with us all.
The future will be about coming together, not divide and conquer.
In The Third Reich In Power by Richard J. Evans, it was revealed that political prisoners in concentration camps, were treated better than the other prisoners and were often used as trustees and unarmed guards.
It was revealed that Jews were classified as political prisoners unless they were also homosexual or career criminals.
When Auschwitz was liberated by the GIs they found many emaciated Jews, who would later testify that millions of Jews had been exterminated there in gas chambers, and the bodies were cremated in ovens that ran day and night.
They were also found to be suffering from Typhus as was most of Europe, and this was brought about by the US bombing of water treatment and sewage treatment plants, but history has ignored this.
Many years after the end of WWII the Polish government verified that they had built the crematoria at Auschwitz, after the camp had been liberated by the Russians, and that these were used to cremate the bodies of those who had died from Typhus and other natural causes.
The Polish built the crematoria after the war, oh my.
Chemical analysis of the alleged gas chambers has demonstrated that they contained no residual poison, which should have permeated the walls if millions were executed in these rooms.
Structural analysis has demonstrated that the ventilation system was inadequate to expel the lethal gas, to allow removal of the dead bodies in a safe and orderly fashion.
So there has been an awful lot of lying going on, even to this day. The real question is why did they lie?
Why did thousands of Jewish survivors of Auschwitz lie then and continue to lie for decades afterwards?
The answer is guilt, and also in part think of them as paid actors, as some of the reparation money was paid to them to keep the lie going it seems.
Many people besides Jews were sent to concentration camps, but apparently many of the Jews survived.
Why? Because it has been revealed that they were the trustees, the guards that kept the general prison population in line.
They survived while others died because they were better fed that the other inmates.
They had better clothes and better housing, the crimes that they attributed to the Germans were the crimes that they committed against the non-Jews in the camp.
It has emerged that theft, murder, torture by Jewish inmates were the crimes that they concealed.
The others died at Jewish hands so that there would be more food, fuel or medicine.
How to conceal this crime? The way that criminals, agencies, Military, church and Governments have always done, by pointing the finger at someone else citing crimes they committed.
His story of WW2 has not been kind to anyone, a plethora of lies, distortions, half-truths, programs of division all rolled out against one group in particular.
It matters not the color or race of that group, what does matter is the truth must come out, so we can all learn to get along together.
End piece
The night of the Svarog is gone and the time has come to find a new day has begun, and it promises to stay.
To soothe the pain of wasted years and kiss away the bitter tears, a love frequency to light the way.
From the darkness comes a smile, that reaches out for many miles, touching everyone.
No more shadows of the past, your spirit is free to fly at last, shining in the sun.
The human heart and soul package cries out for help, whilst the soul implores us for deliverance, but too few do not heed their cries, for too many neither hear nor understand it.
Yet the person who does hear and understand is ignored, called mad and people flee or ignore them.
This is the essence of THI and our focus on shadow and inner work, all designed to change that program and paradigm.
If you ask a person do they self-harm, all will respond they would never do that, and yet that is exactly what we have all done to ourselves, and many still continue to do so.
In overview it is a fairly senseless thing to do, as not addressing the issues only comes under one category, self-harm.
Yet why do so many do it? The answer lies in fear.
Fear of trauma, fear of pain, fear of looking stupid, not good enough or weak.
But it is stupid, weak and not good enough to ignore it.
There are many triggers in our shows, that are designed to help you the listener and jolt you into action to not help me, but just yourselves.
Some react with projection, and many go into the Egyptian river of denial, me try to? Me doing that? Me not doing that? Me mentioning the same trigger subject several times, all of which reveals not only the trigger, but the recipient revealing their problem.
Yes, the endless stream of denial, all to cover up the hidden mask, except that mask no longer works at all, and people can see.
We have all had trauma cycling between major and minor throughout our lives, but why hold onto it?
Why be bitter? exhibit revenge and retribution mannerisms? Why not just let it go? Why do you torture yourself to hold onto it?
Why keep holding onto it and expecting it to just go away? It won’t, you are its bank and it has deposited itself into your vault.
Vast treasures of not enlightenment, but endarkenment and YOU are storing it all up.
Not the trigger man or person, YOU.
It’s your shit and yet you hold onto it for dear life, why would you do that to yourself?
Do you not value yourself enough? Feel like you have to prove yourself to others for fear of looking weak? Feel like you have to cover it up like you have done a bad crime, and you don’t want the thought police finding out?
Well guess what? We already have.
Since the masks have come down, people have learned to see and the paradigm of truth is encircling the globe, you are fooling no one, except yourself.
So, it is time to stop pointing fingers away from you, discussing the drama of other people, and do the best thing you can ever do is, reflect on yourself.
Only you can fix you, or you can keep denying it and suffering the consequences of it.
Going forward will require much courage, but how can you be ready for that? if you don’t have the courage of your own convictions and strifes, to deal with it.
Time like people is ebbing away, time to fix the self is now, delaying it will not end well for those without courage.