Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2020-07-16
Topics in this show
- Netflix conveniently pulls Continuum
- Fire broke out at Iranian facility at Natanz
- Motorcycle riding armed bandit joined Nigeria’s kidnap ransom industry
- 1/3 American households able to make mortgage payment in July
- Sexual abuse widespread in Egypt
- WHO partnered with Johnson & Johnson, Amazon and google in anti-smoking program
- Ghislaine Maxwell left tinfoil wrapped cell phone in New Hampshire home
- Newsome has made California Port of Entry for China to smuggle weapons for planned civil war
- Foreign student visas withdrawn, universities sue
- Kenneth Marcus, Israeli lobbyist resigned at US Dept of Education
- Black Sun and Rothschilds playing out dance of two evils
- Paradise false flag
- Berlin Babylon ’ Black Sun Group building German Luftwaffe at Lipetsk
- German Luftwaffe deliver A-bomb materials to NY for Black Sun
Quick links

As more and more are seeing through the illusion of this virus, today the news went back to blaming Russia for hacking the virus research with a BBC article stating they tried to hack into UK, USA and Canada.
I guess we are back to blaming the Russians again and some normality is about to return, it is utterly pathetic how the old system works and time more people saw through their illusion.
As Netflix conveniently decides to pull the show I have heavily recommended recently Continuum oops I guess we hit the nail on the head again.
As the not accepting coins and cash rears it’s head this week due to Covid whilst debit and credit cards are declared immune, perhaps that is the new vaccine, swallow credit and debit cards and become immune from the virus called stupidity.
Whilst everyone decides whether Black Lives Matter or all lives except white lives matter, whilst I ponder on rabbit lives matter.
As NZ the head country hideout of the SSp and commander Obama attempts to scare the public more with Nazi style politics of fear and subversion, they only thing missing out of NZ is the letters AI added to NZ and could be indicative on two counts.
As cash is now being deemed unacceptable in many places, as American Social Security payments are being paid $100 short this month according to some reports today, stimulus checks still not paid, all as digital wallets are being prepared we are told, one wonders what happens next?
The question that should be on everyone’s lips is, will our Clowns in Panic show become the new Orwell 1984 given what is playing out now in media, alternative media and governments.
Given I don’t advertise our shows and all the details, links and resources now connected to THI and the TPC, I thought I would spend some time in this show explaining all the links and details, as it seems too many are unaware or unsure of it.
Our show goes out live every Thursday at 7.30PM EST, but we also have occasional extra shows called the Must Listen to shows, these are deeper expose shows and is the essence of THI.
The shows are posted 1-2 days ahead of time and is the top post of our FB and Mewe pages and the live link is posted there, alternatively you can go to and look for an episode that says 0 listens or most time date oriented for the link to the next show.
Spreaker also has the archive of all past shows.
Archives of the shows are posted on FB page, and also my YT channel called Tommy Williams.
The YT and thinkdifferent are generally posted a day or two after the shows.
The thinkdifferent site and YT has the archive of all past shows and some in categories, like the must listen to shows, they cover a gammut of topics and if new, it is recommended to listen to them in order for a better understanding of our shows and narrative.
Thinkdifferent also has some older transcripts of key aspects of our shows and a search engine for certain topics to locate the shows based that contain those topics.
We also have explaining the TPC in more detail and also the two introductory videos about the TPC.
We only have two avenues for donations one is for me and one for the TPC.
For me there is a direct donation button on the thinkdifferent site, there is also my patreon site that is only a donation to me to support my work.
On the patreon site you receive all the transcripts of past shows which allows for accountability and also can be quicker than listening entirely through our shows again.
The transcripts are not word for word as occasionally I do add other bits into the shows not written out previously.
People can also go direct to paypal and enter in email and that is the same address as the button on the thinkdifferent site.
So, they are the two outlets to support my work.
The TPC donations are all going to support members of THI currently but hoping to expand that out further with donations from outside of THI.
Technically myself and directors are entitled to fees for the work we do for the TPC, but no director has received any pay from the TPC in the 4 years it has been running.
None of the TPC monies are going to me, only the addresses given previously support me.
You can donate for TPC via the website or by going to paypal and entering the address:, honor is spelt without the U.
All the links given here are posted on the show post of the FB page each week, take note of them and hope you all found this useful.
MSNBC reporter William Arkin, a longtime and well-known military reporter, has resigned from his job with MSNBC while admitting the network has become infiltrated by Deep State operatives. According to the respected military reporter, MSNBC is now the “propaganda arm of the CIA and FBI” and routinely peddles disinformation to the masses.
Well I never, who would have thought that?
Following several requests to comment on the recent output from the Life Force and UNC channel this week, I decided to do a short summary of what was revealed within that show.
A few very promising promises were made in the show and I hope it all comes to fruition, as, if it benefits all of humanity as relayed then I will be ecstatic, as this is what THI is all about.
There were quite a few things said that was of concern to some of our members of which was relayed to me, and one thing that was mentioned was the 768K Black Sun removals that was in our show FRWL 8B, was being discounted in that show, well that information only came from one source, and was actually revealed to me by Kim herself.
If that information is now deemed not correct, I will remove it from our series, it was only a footnote anyway.
A fire that broke out on Thursday at a key Iranian nuclear facility has caused “significant damage”, a spokesman for Iran’s nuclear energy body has said. He said the cause of the blaze at the Natanz enrichment site had been determined, but gave no details. The spokesman added that the destroyed machinery would eventually be replaced by more advanced equipment. The fire hit a centrifuge assembly workshop. Some Iranian officials have blamed possible cyber-sabotage. Centrifuges are needed to produce enriched uranium, which can be used to make reactor fuel but also nuclear weapons. Behrouz Kamalvandi, a spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation, said on Sunday that security officials were not talking about what caused the Natanz fire “because of security reasons”. The incident, he said, had “caused significant damage, but there were no casualties”. Other fires and explosions have also occurred in the past week in Iran. Mr Kamalvandi added: “The incident could slow down the development and production of advanced centrifuges in the medium term… Iran will replace the damaged building with a bigger one that has more advanced equipment.”
This will be linked to Israel and the 8200 unit of cyber terrorism they deal with, as covered in recent shows.
If people are worried about Iran having nuclear weapons, they need to ask Israel why they sold them nuclear weapons back in the late part of the last century.
There is also considerable evidence this same unit was involved in Fukishima back in 2011 via the Stuxnet virus, same method, same group.
Motorcycle-riding armed bandits operating out of abandoned forest reserves are ransacking communities in Nigeria’s north-west. The groups are the latest to join Nigeria’s lucrative kidnap for ransom industry, and are quite brazen in their operations. In the last decade more than 8,000 people have been killed in the states of Kebbi, Sokoto, Niger and Zamfara, according to the International Crisis Group. But recent attacks in the president’s home state of Katsina, where more than 100 people were killed in attacks between April and June, have led to protests and calls for his resignation. n two separate occasions the bandits targeted villagers who had received food handouts from the government during the coronavirus lockdown. “They were about 200 on motorbikes, each bike rider carried a passenger and they all carried AK47 guns,” Bashir Kadisau, an eyewitness, told the BBC. He said he climbed to the top of a tree when he saw the large number of motorcycle riders coming into Kadisau village, and saw the attackers loot shops, steal cattle and grain, and shoot people who were fleeing. Kidnapping for ransom is widespread in Nigeria, with victims forced to pay between $20 and $200,000 for their freedom. At its height in 2017 and 2018, the major road connecting the capital Abuja in central Nigeria to Kaduna in the north-west had 10 kidnappings per day with 20 different groups operating on the route, the police head of a special unit fighting kidnappers, Abba Kyari, told the BBC.
Our these the same motorcycle bandits that were traveling across the desert with barrels of stolen oil, to deliver to the Chinese, a story we broke last year, one has to ask and is more likely than not.
Why haven’t more people in Japan died from Covid-19? It is a macabre question that has spawned dozens of theories, from Japanese manners to claims that the Japanese have superior immunity.
Japan does not have the lowest death rate for Covid-19 – in the region, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam can all boast lower mortality. But in the early part of 2020, Japan saw fewer deaths than average. This is despite the fact that in April, Tokyo saw about 1,000 “excess deaths’ – perhaps due to Covid. Yet, for the year as a whole, it is possible that overall deaths will be down on 2019. This is particularly striking because Japan has many of the conditions that make it vulnerable to Covid-19, but it never adopted the energetic approach to tackling the virus that some of its neighbours did. At the height of the outbreak in Wuhan in February, when the city’s hospitals were overwhelmed and the world put up walls to Chinese travellers, Japan kept borders open. As the virus spread, it quickly became clear that Covid is a disease that primarily kills the elderly and is massively amplified by crowds or prolonged close contact. Per capita, Japan has more elderly than any other country. Japan’s population is also densely packed into huge cities. Greater Tokyo has a mind-boggling 37 million people and for most of them, the only way to get around is on the city’s notoriously packed trains. Then there is Japan’s refusal to heed the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO) to “test, test, test”. Even now, total PCR tests stand at just 348,000, or 0.27% of Japan’s population. Nor has Japan had a lockdown on the scale or severity of Europe. In early April, the government ordered a state of emergency. But the stay-at-home request was voluntary. Non-essential businesses were asked to close, but there was no legal penalty for refusing.
Given the criteria for COVID exposure, Japan should have been ransacked by deaths, and shows there is something radically amiss with this whole virus scenario, and also exposes media complicity for it.
Japan is fairly close to China, as is N & S Korea, Hong Kong and Vietnam and yet all had low infection rates and deaths, yet this magic virus rode Ali Baba’s carpet and hopped across 6K miles of water to California, then did a quantum jump to American epicenter and major harvesting and clown city of New York.
Japan had no masks, little tests all of which provide an 80% false positive or any major business shut down, still think this is a natural event? you watch too much American and UK news channels if you do.
A southern Illinois couple has filed a lawsuit against the Illinois Department of Public Health and the State Board of Education, alleging that the state’s plans to reopen schools this fall with safety protocols in place will “result in immediate and irreparable harm” to their three children.
The suit, filed in Clay County by James and Kali Mainer, requests a temporary restraining order that would put a halt to mandatory facial coverings, temperature checks, and limitations on groups of 50 or more individuals. In the lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday, the couple alleges that the IDPH and ISBE “have promulgated unlawful, arbitrary and capricious mandates” that place an “unreasonable burden” on the family’s three children. The family’s suit says that they have “protectable rights and interests at stake to be free from unlawful, arbitrary and capricious rule making,” and that the rules that state officials have formulated are “unlawful,” since they are only aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus.
Why the sudden urge for children to return? remember there is always a program behind their narratives.
Is it for vaccines without parental consent?
Officials in New York’s Rockland County announced on Wednesday that they had issued subpoenas to eight people allegedly infected by the coronavirus for refusing to speak with contact tracers voluntarily. “The health of our county” will not be “compromised because of ignorance, stupidity, or obstinance,” Ed Day, the county executive, told reporters. “Failure to comply will be costly: $2,000 per day,” Patricia Rupert, the county’s health commissioner, added, referring to the subpoenas, according to the Hill. Officials are using the subpoenas to compel the people to talk with the contact tracers about contracting the COVID-19 disease at a June 17 party in Clarkstown, located north of New York City, Rubert said. She indicated that the eight people had declined interview requests to determine who else they were in contact with and prevent them from further spreading the virus. In echoing frustrations expressed by health officials across the country, Rupert said the infected partygoers are not answering their phones or refusing to talk when contact tracers reach them. “Unfortunately, I am now forced by these circumstances to send subpoenas to the individuals who are required to cooperate with us,” Rupert said. Day claimed that his colleagues do not want to get anyone in trouble. They only want to speak to them to find out who else might have contracted the disease to keep it from spreading, he argued. “We want people to do the right thing for their neighbors,” and voluntarily speak to health officials, Day said. However, he said, the people’s refusal to talk had forced the county to resort to subpoenas. Rupert said the host of the party in question had coronavirus symptoms but held the event anyway. She told reporters: We are not receiving the necessary cooperation when we contact those who are positive for COVID-19 or those who had been at some of these gatherings. My staff has been told that a person does not wish to or have to speak to my disease investigators. They hang up, they deny being at the party, even though we have found their name from another party attendee, or a parent provides us with the information.
Ah the usual rhetoric rolled out onto Americans, you are doing this for your country or your freedoms, it is the guilt complex that has been ran on Americans for at least 7 decades.
Ignore their fear and guilt based programs, no one is coming to get you from the outside as the elephant was in the room all along.
“The health of our county” will not be “compromised because of ignorance, stupidity, or obstinance,”
touche Gotham jackass, we the people will not be compromised by ignorant jackass bots either.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday that taking comfort in news of declining coronavirus death rates is a”false narrative” encouraging “complacency.” Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci downplayed the apparent low death rate of the novel coronavirus pandemic in a press conference with Democrat Alabama Senator Doug Jones on Tuesday. He also emphasized that there was still a “window of opportunity” for the state to respond proactively to the outbreak. “You’re not there yet, so you have an opportunity, a window to get your arms around this and to prevent it from getting worse,” Dr. Fauci said. “It’s not to the point where it’s out of hand and you know, very difficult to control. So you have a window of opportunity here, that as a state, you should not, you should, you know, take advantage of that window of opportunity.” all very Rumsfeld that, personally Mr. I dont give a Fauci what you say.
Amid a second wave of coronavirus, the entire city of Melbourne has just been ordered back into lockdown for six weeks. But for 3,000 people living in public housing tower blocks, an even stricter lockdown was imposed on Saturday. Unlike other Melburnians, residents of the nine towers cannot leave for any reason – they are subject to a police guard. It’s the toughest lockdown seen in Australia so far. The “detention directions” in suburbs of Flemington and North Melbourne are designed to contain a cluster of infections found in some of the buildings. Hundreds of police were sent to the sites immediately after the order was announced live on TV by Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews. Many residents were caught unaware. When they tried to leave the building, they were stopped. For many, as news of the confinement spread, alarm and panic followed. An official letter distributed to residents said the lockdown would last for between five and 14 days. The majority of residents have limited income and come from non-English-speaking backgrounds. Many are migrants – some who arrived as refugees – from African nations, Vietnam and China. There are many young families and pensioners.
This has all the hallmarks of a staged event imo, designed to scare the public and enforce further lockdowns.
Nearly one-third of American families have been unable to make full housing payments for July, a new survey has revealed as the US economy struggles to bounce back from crushing coronavirus losses. The survey by Apartment List, an online rental platform, found that 32 percent of US households did not make their full July payments on time. It marked the fourth month in a row with a ‘historically high’ number of households that were unable to make the payments on time and in full – up from 30 percent in June and 24 percent in April.
Titanium Coated Light Bulbs are a revolutionary new technology that eliminates persistent odors and biological contaminants & pollutants while providing energy efficient lighting . According to the EPA, the air inside your indoor environment may be up to 8 times more polluted than the air outside. Indoor biological contaminants & pollutants in the air can trigger environmental illness and other health problems. While most deodorizing products mask odors with harmful, petrochemical perfumes.
Still think lockdowns were a smart move? or part of a fascist regime of controlling the people, thinkers and bots alike?
Outputs from the cereal sector in Ireland are expected to reduce by at least €100 million this year, following the effects of the prolonged drought.
That’s according to Teagasc, which forecasts that total grain output this year will “drop from the normal 2.3 million tonnes to under 1.9 million tonnes”.
Teagasc says that the drought has “severely affected crops in the eastern half of the country”.
Straw yields are also predicted to reduce – by nearly 25%. Teagasc says that 1.6 million fewer (straw) bales will be available in the country this year.
The drought is also affecting livestock farmers, with grass growth severely affected in these areas.
Teagasc says that many of these farmers are already feeding some of their winter forage stocks – to supplement grazed grass and concentrates. Consequently, it says, there will likely be a higher demand for forages this autumn with knock-on effects for prices for feedstocks such as straw. Records were broken at many Met Éireann stations in the east of the country. This spring was reportedly the driest since records began in 1837 at the Phoenix Park. There was less than 10mm of rain, just 15% of normal, recorded for May at Dublin Airport. This followed just 23% of normal rain for April.
Michael Hennessy, head of Teagasc Crops Knowledge Transfer, said that the drought had hit at least one month earlier than in 2018. This affected crop growth much earlier in the plants’ growth cycle, thereby reducing yield much earlier in the season. Crops further south are less affected by drought, but the recent rains are needed in these areas too. Farmers with beans and potatoes and other later-harvested crops will certainly welcome this rain, as it will help to maintain or increase the yield potential.
Shay Phelan, Teagasc potato specialist, said: “Potatoes got off to a great start this year. However, early frost damage was quickly compounded by very dry conditions – forcing farmers to irrigate crops much earlier than normal.
The deliberate food shortage I warned of 18 months ago now coming into effect.
The director of the FBI has said that acts of espionage and theft by China’s government pose the “greatest long-term threat” to the future of the US. Speaking to the Hudson Institute in Washington, Christopher Wray described a multi-pronged disruption campaign. He said China had begun targeting Chinese nationals living abroad, coercing their return, and was working to compromise US coronavirus research. “The stakes could not be higher,” Mr Wray said. “China is engaged in a whole-of-state effort to become the world’s only superpower by any means necessary,” he added.
Ah the we are not the main superpower game again, all very childish to me, and not sure why the FBI who is a mainly domestic group is involved in international politics of this nature.
The point being is there was never any world super powers not Rome, UK, Dutch, Russia or America, only hidden dark forces playing those countries and their people against one another.
At some point within political fields reality has to smack them between the eyes and wake them up to being adults, as current levels of thinking is child like.
Victims of sexual abuse in Egypt are to get anonymity after a high-profile case that saw scores of women use social media to accuse a male student of multiple assaults.
Under the proposals, victims’ identities could only be revealed to a court and to defendants upon request.
Research suggests sexual abuse is widespread in Egypt.
However women often fear that if they file complaints they themselves will be blamed.
On Wednesday the Egyptian cabinet approved the anonymity bill, local media reported. The current attention to the issue began with a rare social media campaign in which women revealed their experiences of alleged abuse.
Last week an Instagram account called Assault Police was set up to publish allegations of rape, sexual harassment and blackmail by dozens of women against student Ahmed Bassam Zaki, who is reportedly from a wealthy family. Mr Zaki was subsequently arrested and on Monday Egypt’s public prosecutor charged him with indecent assault against at least three women, including one who was a minor at the time. The case has attracted huge attention in national media and from leading institutions. The country’s top Islamic clerical authority, al-Azhar, published a statement encouraging women to report incidents, saying that silence posed a threat to society and led to more violations. “Women’s clothing – whatever it is – is not an excuse for attacking their privacy, freedom and dignity,” it said. Activists are hopeful that the rare public support for women making allegations of harassment is a turning point in Egypt. Journalist Reem Abdellatif, who was shunned by her family after accusing her father of abuse, posted a message of support online. “The fact that these girls are speaking out this loudly with this kind of momentum – I’ve never seen it before,” In 2013 a study by UN Women suggested that 99% of Egyptian women had been sexually harassed, either verbally or physically. Sexual harassment was criminalised in 2014 but activists say it is difficult to obtain convictions. Human rights campaigners say women are more often punished for breaking conservative sexual norms.
Going forward the whole of the middle east and South Asia will require a teaching course and correctional behavior patterns that men and women are equal, is it a coincidence the countries involved are many of those between India and Egypt? nope.
The World Health Organisation has partnered with Johnson & Johnson, Amazon and Google in its new anti-tobacco program aimed at introducing new tools to quit smoking. The WHO has been warning that the globe’s 1.3 billion tobacco users are at higher risk during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The initiative includes developing nicotine patches and artificial-intelligence-fuelled support to tackle both the physical and mental challenges to quitting tobacco at once. AI support – oh dear.
The Access Initiative for Quitting Tobacco program will begin with Jordan, which has the highest rates of tobacco users in the world and will eventually be rolled out to other countries. Dr Ruediger Krech of WHO said that the partnership with tech and pharmaceutical industries will improve people’s health and save lives during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Partners contribute to WHO’s initiative
The first batch of nicotine patches will be provided by Johnson & Johnson. New Zealand-based tech company Soul Machines has donated “Florence” which is an AI-powered digital persona designed to help with the mental aspects of addiction.
Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud will support AI technology for its widespread use in this project. J&J has already donated 37,800 Nicorette patches worth about $750,000 to help over 5,000 Jordanians to quit smoking.
If the program’s success, it could be a blow to sales of both cigarettes and the so-called reduced-risk nicotine products that big companies have been positioning as safer products as their cigarette sales decline.
Florence, the AI “digital health worker,” will be on the WHO’s site and can be accessed around the world.
The tool is expected to work well in Jordan, where nearly 50 per cent of the population is under 25 years of age. The government there has already moved to ban smoking in public places amid the pandemic. Even though around 60 per cent of tobacco users want to quit, only 30 per cent of them have access to helpful tools, WHO said.
So, there is a global virus going on said to be killing thousands or millions of people and suddenly these people are interested in our health? does that make any sense after the Expose 1 and 2 shows? The very fact they are still focusing on smoking, tells us this is a program, that involves off world beings, adrenalchrome and organ harvesting.
Coming soon smoking causes Covid 19 to fulfill their agenda, it is they way they work.
If they were interested in our health, why have they denied cancer cures? cell regeneration machines? clean water products? spraying our skies? or place sick people in nursing homes globally, are they examples of them being interested in our health?
nope, and neither is this program.
As for the non smokers being all sanctimonious, coming soon ban on alcohol or ban on something you don’t like, as once they start banning things there is no end to what gets banned.
I am getting reports out of the UK mainly of the government giving vouchers out as recognized money to people on benefits.
These are debt notes and promise to pay, except they can’t pay.
This was the same as we reported that the US Government was operating on DOD vouchers near two years back, and those vouchers which are debts, would be paid off when the RV is done, it didn’t and never will.
What are they promising to pay off these vouchers with? cryptocurrency? digital wallets? are they one and the same as it is not very clear at this point.
The federal agents who arrested Ghislaine Maxwell found a cellphone wrapped in tin foil inside of her New Hampshire home in “a misguided effort to evade detection,” prosecutors said Monday.
The disclosure came in court papers rebutting Maxwell’s request to be released from jail as she awaits trial on charges of helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse underage girls.
Prosecutors revealed new details of what took place the day Maxwell was arrested and argued they underscore the risks of allowing her out of detention.
They also pointed to her wealth, saying she controls a Swiss trust worth $4 million and has an account in England that has at times held over $2 million.
Fully validates that your phone is a tracking device, oops.
No surprise she has a Swiss based trust either, in fact it is indicative.
The sordid details of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s unwholesome dealings with communist China continue to emerge, including the shocking revelation that Newsom is quietly funneling hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the communist Chinese regime in exchange for political favors.
Because California is certifiably bankrupt and on the verge of total economic collapse, Newsom appears to have forged a backroom deal with the Chicoms that involves him handing over taxpayer dollars in exchange for political bailouts. These include keeping California artificially afloat, as well as Newsom in office, at least until China can get troops on the ground as part of a planned nationwide takeover.
As it turns out, China fully supports, and is possibly even a financial backer of, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the two most well-known domestic terrorist groups making the rounds destroying property, tearing down statues, burning entire city blocks, and shooting innocent people. The destabilization these groups are causing is all part of the Chinese takeover plan, in other words. Natural News has already established that China is providing full-auto weapons upgrade parts to Black Lives Matter through a smuggling operation that was interdicted by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).
How Newsom fits into the picture is that he has turned California into a port of entry for China to smuggle in weapons and other gear for the soon-to-be second civil war that has been planned for America. And the truly sick part is that Newsom is laundering money back and forth with the Chinese under the guise of “coronavirus aid.”
Back in April, even the mainstream media was questioning what Newsom was up to when it was revealed that he had wired half a billion dollars to an electric car company in China to supposedly purchase “N-95 masks” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This decision was never voted on or approved by legislators, and when pressed about the details of the deal, Newsom refused to disclose them.
Keep in mind that this half a billion dollars was just the first of two installments amounting to a full billion dollars being sent China to supposedly purchase face masks for Californians – face masks that never actually arrived, by the way. As of this writing, the Chinese electric car company in question, BYD, still has the money and has yet to send over a single face mask.
Newsom himself admitted to it personally during a television interview, though he refused to provide any details about the nature of the agreement that was made with BYD. This massive transfer of taxpayer money to some obscure Chinese vehicle manufacturer was never voted on by the taxpayers from whom the money was stolen, nor has there been any accountability concerning how it was used. In fact, nobody even knows how it was used because the whole thing took place under the table. Instead of using this money to help actual Californians, many of whom are jobless and barely scraping by, Newsom instead redirected it to his communist buddies across the Pacific under the guise of purchasing face masks.
So, what this reveals is, Newsom, who is a relation of Pelosi is in bed with Jared Kushner, because as this show reported in April Kushner and FEMA were running the exact same program, at which point do the public see this coup is wider than first thought.
It proves the folly of following party lines, that is an illusion as this story alone proves it.
The focus on China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and several other theaters is a smokescreen, the enemies all along are within and at some point Trump is going to have to enforce something or get buried along with them.
If and it is a big IF Trump is for the American people and make America great, he has to remove Kushner and his sidekicks out of the country once and for all, if not Kushner and his Zionist paymasters will bury him.
A new report is out claiming that Donald Trump has recognized his current track isn’t one to victory and that he’s changing course. Specifically, he’s taking aim at son-in-law Jared Kushner for giving him bad advice and pushing policies that haven’t helped the President’s re-election chances.
“President Trump has told insider people in recent days that he regrets following some of son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner’s political advice — including supporting criminal justice reform — and will stick closer to his own instincts” …
President Trump has told people in recent days that he regrets following some of son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner’s political advice — including supporting criminal justice reform — and will stick closer to his own instincts, three people with direct knowledge of the president’s thinking.
Behind the scenes: One person who spoke with the president interpreted his thinking this way: “No more of Jared’s woke s***.” Another said Trump has indicated that following Kushner’s advice has harmed him politically.
If this is true, it’ll be welcome news to many Trump supporters, as Kushner has been in their sights for a long time. How much influence he truly has is up for speculation, but it certainly appears to be substantial. Given that, and given Trump’s recent downward trend, it stands to reason that Kushner would start to feel some heat. There also claims that Trump regrets the recent push for police reform.
What could have prompted this change in the Presidents outlook toward his most trusted advisor? The most likely answer is Tucker Carlson. Trump has a history of paying close attention to the Fox News host, including via one on one conversations. Carlson has lambasted Kushner over the last several weeks while encouraging Trump to get back to following his instincts.
There’s also the possibly that Trump has simply had enough of always being put in lose-lose situations by his son-in-law.
If he supports criminal justice reform, he gets criticized and called a racist anyway, If he tries to get a police reform bill passed via the Republican Senate, the media says it’s toothless and calls him a racist anyway.
If he supports a long-term DACA bill, he’s a racist for wanting border security with it, it never stops and none of those moves appear to have earned him new voters.
In short, no matter what Trump does, he will never placate a certain segment of the electorate. Perhaps he’s waking up to that reality?
It also wouldn’t surprise me if Trump is upset with how his initial reaction to the rioting and looting was received. The tweeting while taking no real action for weeks had Kushner written all over it. Now, in the last week, we’ve seen a shift, with Trump touting arrests and telling Bill Barr to start going hard after those that vandalize federal property.
This morning, he ceased beating around the bush about the BLM organization as well, calling their ideology a symbol of hate.
As an aside, Trump should probably put some focus on his campaign apparatus as well. Brad Parscale is not doing a good job, as evidenced by Trump’s current struggles. The campaign has continually failed to capitalize on Biden’s gaffes and policy positions while they’ve also failed to establish a general narrative for why Trump deserves another term. There are rumors of campaign money being misused and states not having organizations set up in them properly. That’s inexcusable given how much money Trump has raised.
Is the old Trump back? We can’t know for sure, and the White House will deny any internal division on this point. If this report is true though, it could be the first step toward reinvigorating his re-election chances.
Following Kushner’s advice has resulted in the President looking weak and ineffective, depressing his own base in the process (that base is his only hope for a second term). That can’t continue and if he’s remedying that situation now, it’s the right move.
Two elite US universities are suing immigration services over a decision to withdraw visas from foreign students whose courses move fully online. Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology filed the lawsuit against Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Harvard President Lawrence Bacow said the visa move’s “cruelty [is] surpassed only by its recklessness”. Many colleges are moving courses online amid the coronavirus outbreak. Harvard had on Monday announced it would hold all classes online for the autumn term, with only 40% of undergraduates housed on campus. The decision from ICE, the federal law enforcement agency within Homeland Security, came shortly after that, saying students could face deportation unless they changed to an institution with in-person tuition. President Donald Trump on Tuesday lashed out at Harvard, calling its move online “ridiculous”. He has been adamant that US schooling should return to normal in the autumn term. On Twitter on Wednesday, he issued a threat to funding if schools did not reopen: In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS. The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!
With our show highlighting how all Universities and schools are ran in some way by the CIA and black budget programs, one has to wonder whether the stance taken is an attempt to fire back at that group, who have been ruining this country since the day it was formulated.
President Donald Trump on Monday took a swipe at health experts in his government leading the U.S. response to the coronavirus, and one of them, Dr. Anthony Fauci, answered with an appeal for states to stick to guidelines to snuff out a surge in cases.
Trump retweeted to his 83 million followers the accusations that “everyone is lying,” including the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust,”. Finally some truth, next some actions on it?
Kenneth Marcus, a career Israel lobbyist and the Trump administration’s top civil rights enforcer at the US Department of Education, has announced his resignation.
Over the two years since his appointment, Marcus inspired Israel lobby groups to file complaints to the Office for Civil Rights under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The complaints typically claim that universities have failed to protect Jewish students by not cracking down on Palestine solidarity activism.
This strategy was pioneered by Marcus himself before he was picked to lead the US government office and allowed to adjudicate them himself.
To this end, Marcus gave the Zionist Organization of America special treatment in reopening a complaint against Rutgers University, according to evidence gathered by nine civil rights groups including Palestine Legal. Marcus prioritized the ZOA’s complaint over more than 400 other open appeals, including nearly 80 that had been pending for longer than 10 years, according to records obtained by the civil rights groups.
In May, those groups called on the inspector general’s office at the Department of Education to investigate Marcus over violations of federal law. Further evidence of that group being menacing.
There is clearly a serious issue going on within the White House currently, and lets assume Trump is not connected to a faction.
There is certainly some evidence to support him in ties with the Black Sun group, with links to Black Rock and Kushner, but it might well not be the case, but for the sake of this piece we will assume he is not.
Now one of the biggest things both Kim the Trustee and myself working closely with her have found out over the past 4-5 years is, the chronic lack of knowledge of the old system, it’s players, it’s organizations, how it operated and now how it is collapsing.
This is even prevalent in both the Rothschild’s and Black Sun group as well, portrayed as enemies and yet neither see themselves as being both sides of the same coin.
These two factions are in every group named in our FRWL 8B show, designed that way so they win or so they thought.
But two groups fighting for control means one has to lose, and this is what they are both struggling with now, particularly the Rothschild’s camp.
The Black Sun though are NOT the lesser of the two evils, believe it or not, but it is true.
And what is playing out publically now is the dance of the two evils.
Trump is isolated in the White House due to various agencies, military and corrupt politicians operating in and around him, all of which are connected to Israel, Rothschilds and the Black Sun groups.
He has few or no one touting for America or it’s people, it is always the interests of Israel and the globalists.
But there is another powerhouse on this planet not just Rothschild’s and the Black Sun, called The Trust.
Trump is more than aware of it due to several personal interactions by him, Kim and some of the team, yet curiously never mentions it.
I have spent many hours and Kim even more doing everything to help Trump, whether it is plans, proposals, new bills, financial or banking changes.
He has been given extensive access to higher security clearance files, not normally allowed to any sitting President.
So given there is 3 power houses fighting for control of this planet, only one of which is for and by the people, and the other two are represented within the White House.
Here is my proposal and also solution to address the imbalance and lack of knowledge exhibited within those corridors of power, most of which is not their fault as everything was compartmentalized on steroids.
My solution is Mr. Trump employs within the White House, at least 2 representatives of The Trust one of which is the Trustee.
I will offer my knowledge and support should it be required, and come loaded with solutions to fix this country once and for all, and subsequently improve conditions for many other countries as well.
Between us and maybe one or two others connected to The Trust we can provide genuine solutions to Mr. Trump and the American government, and also redress the imbalance of no representatives of The Trust within the White House.
It would not be a permanent position as I think with genuine understanding and direction, many of the issues in this country can be corrected within a 3 to 6 month time period, provided we have the enforcement and protection to go with it.
To Mr. Trump do you really want to make America great again? how will you do that without the assets to support it? when all the assets are held by The Trust, and not Rothschild’s or the Black Sun?
You promised to make America great again, this is your only genuine and real opportunity to do so.
You can be the hero and fix things once and for all, or be the Nero and watch this country crash and burn on your watch, which is exactly what they are setting you up to be.
Earth Restoration
A convicted terrorist is on the board of the umbrella group that provides tax-exempt financial status to the Black Lives Matter organization, one of the group’s “projects.” Susan Rosenberg had spent 16 years in prison for terrorizing the United States during the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
According to an investigative report by the Capital Research Center, the Black Lives Matter organization, officially known as “BLM Global Network Foundation,” is a fiscally-sponsored project of left-wing organization Thousand Currents. Fiscal sponsorship simply means that a non-profit organization, in this case Thousand Currents, offers its legal and tax-exempt status to one of its “projects,” in this case Black Lives Matter, which engages in activities related to the non-profit organization’s mission.
In other words, thanks to the fiscal sponsorship arrangement between Thousand Currents and Black Lives Matter, donations to the latter group are also tax-exempt.
Susan Rosenberg born in and born to – just saying.
At pro-Palestinian Black Lives Matter rallies in New York and Washington, chants were heard calling for “Death to Israel,” “Death to America” and “From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!” Several hundred protesters attended the July 1 demonstration in Brooklyn dubbed as a “Day of Rage” event, set to coincide with the earliest date Israel could begin its plans to apply Israeli law over parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. Speakers issued inflammatory rallying cries that ran the gamut from anti-Semitic and anti-American to just plain absurd. One pro-North Korea activist called for the end of the United States of America and its “puppet governments,” the liberation of “Palestine,” and for Korea to “be one again.” There were multiple attempts to connect the pro-Palestinian cause with Black Lives Matter. Dequi Kioni Sadiki, the wife of former Black Panther Sekou Odinga, said: “The European Jews who occupy, slaughter and continue to force millions of Palestinians onto their killing fields called refugee and concentration camps, are the relatives of the Europeans… who kidnapped, slaughtered and forced millions of Africans and indigenous” into slavery. Calls to “abolish the police” were joined with calls to eliminate “the Zionistic state of Israel.”
Reverse psychology programs at it’s finest, designed to first promote blacks and then turn people against blacks using the oldest trick in the book, anti semitism.
This whole thing is just an excuse to generate more sympathy, guilt and more donations for the money laundering exercise called the Holocaust, nothing more and nothing else.
This program ran on nearly all western countries of guilt, shame and sub servience to the Jewish has to stop.
Holocaust donations like the BLM donations will not be going to the ordinary Jewish or Black peoples, many of which are in abject poverty, and due in large part to the people operating under the banner of being Jewish, but are not.
They are evil imposters as our show FRWL has shown, evil harvesting agents of death and destruction and it is time more people realized it.
There is no white privilege that is an illusion, only these psychopaths largely born in and born to are the privileged here, whilst claiming to be Jewish, that may well be their religious label, but their real label is evil.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews (Israel), and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
The outgoing Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, says the West Bank belongs to the Jews according to the Bible, which is the Jewish deed to the land. So the talk of annexation is wrong; the land already is the Jews’ and the only question is whether to “extend sovereignty.”
Danon said he speaks not as representative of just the government of Israel, but the Jewish people.
Danon explained to Stephen Sackur of the BBC yesterday that Israel did not “blink” at annexation on July 1. July 1 was not a deadline for an announcement; now the discussion begins.
Don’t call it annexation; it’s extending sovereignty to Judea and Samaria.
You cannot annex something that belongs to you. When you annex something you do it from a foreign territory. I do not know from whom we are annexing it . . . Now there is a discussion of applying sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria.
AIPAC has agreed to this euphemism. So has David Harris of the American Jewish Committee.
The decision may not be popular in Israel, but it’s up to Netanyahu.
At the end of the day the decision will be made by the Israeli government, the elected government, whether we like it or do not like it. I want to bring you back to 2005 . . . when the government decided to pull out from Gaza and uproot the Jewish communities. Many Israelis were not happy about this decision, but once the government reaches a decision, we implement it . . .
On this issue the Prime Minister does not need the approval of Mr. Benny Gantz and his party, unlike every other decision in the unity government . . . Though: “Any decision we will make will be coordinated with our allies in Washington.”
Sackur challenged Danon, don’t you believe in international law?
Oh dear Danon talks of looking after the Jewish people, I have spoken to people in live or lived in Israel and also New York and they all talk about how many of them live in abject poverty, they are not interested in Jewish people at all, never have and never will.
Pushing them into harms way so they can claim land for the greed based Zionists, is not looking after the Jewish people.
I am calling on all Jewish people misrepresented by these Zionist imposters and fight back against them and close them down.
You need a representative as a leader who is for and by the people, not psychopaths connected to Lukid party of war, Mossad, Unit 8200 and the several contractors who are only concerned with killing people.
The 2018 California Fires, or Operation Paradise Falls were a false flag attack in California in 2017 and 2018. Ostensibly a covert action to test battlefield geoengineering techniques, the operation also obliterated press coverage of the centenary of the World War I Armistice on 11/11/18 with the complete destruction of the city of Paradise, California. The Northern California operations are believed to be run out of Beale Air Force Base, and the Southern California operations are believed to be coordinated at Naval Air Station Point Mugu.
In 2001, rolling blackouts caused by market manipulation by the California Independent Systems operator caused California to float billions in revenue bonds to Enron. This resulted in a $15-20 dollar surcharge on the electricity bill of every Californian. In 2019, this charge was set to expire. Due to insurance and similar expenses charged to the State’s two largest investor owned utilities (Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison), the fires effectively replaced the surcharge.
Phase I of Paradise Falls took place in October 9, 2017 with the Tubbs fire in the North Bay communities of Santa Rosa and Napa, California.
Investigating the fires – especially the Tubbs fire, was Petaluma fire investigator John Lord. Immediately, the nonstandard burn patterns of the blazes jumped out.
Local fire districts had never seen such simultaneous fires burn out and they could not explain their spread or ferocity.
Local media reported the fires were caused by “Diablo Winds” akin to the Southern California “Santa Ana Winds.” A review of articles scanned over the course of a century showed this term was made up in 2017. Geographically, there is no location with high desert and high pressure conditions that could create a phenomenon similar to that experienced in Southern California.
In 2008, the Civil Grand Jury of Butte County stated insufficient emergency routes existed in the city of Paradise, California.
The city sits in a granite canyon of the Upper Sierra Nevada. The risk is not so much fires as much as it is from eventual eruption of Mt. Lassen. In 1915, the volcano sent tremendous amounts of ash down the canyon in which the city is located.
In the weeks prior to the Paradise Fire, numerous Los Angeles Times reporters were observed in the city photographing buildings. Also, a white powder started to appear over roofs, according to some residents. In the years prior, a number of individuals had also moved to Paradise, CA, who did not seem to work in the local community.
The Hill Fire forced the evacuation of a classified radar station at NAS Pt. Mugu Simultaneous to the outbreak of the fires, a radar anomaly was observed by the University of Wisconsin.
A local, Jane Tande observed military preparation in the area for months in advance of the Hill Fire. Moreover, the Hill Fire broke out at the location of a major local landmark named “Paradise Falls” In Wildwood Park between Camarillo and Thousand Oaks. Covert California speculated the Borderline Shooting on 11/7 was a way to close the main artery, US 101, in advance of setting the fire.
One aspect to the fires was the normalization of urban facial masks, a trend created and inflamed by local media. It is speculated this was to normalize the wearing of masks in public for intelligence agency instigated protests around the world and may have been sold to the intelligence community as a means of testing civilian resources for the distribution of nuclear fallout masks. Covert California noted surveillance activity outside the Twitter Headquarters in San Francisco such as “clipboard commandos” taking tallies of individuals walking down Market street wearing facial masks.
Each event in the greater fire season corresponded to an event in an exhibition at the San Francisco Arts Commission called “Fahrenheit, 10,000.” For example, the day after the Gubernatorial Election involving Gavin Newsom, the exhibition featured “Young Sun: Wildfires.” Advertisements for this as well as the film “Bumblebee” featuring people wearing facial masks by the Golden Gate Bridge appeared all over San Francisco during the height of the fires in November 2018.
California and Vermont are unique among US States in that both were neither Annexed nor were federal territories prior to statehood. California is a conditional state under the Admission of California to the Union Act of 1850. If its constitution is suspended, the federal constitution is suspended and the state reverts to its pre-1850 status, which was a military district similar to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
During the fires, Gavin Newsom signed several proclamations as “Acting Governor” of California, but there was no constitutional basis for him to hold such a position. For this reason, many have speculated that the State Constitution was suspended in order to make the torching of a california city by the US Navy technically legal.
In 2020 PG&E pleaded guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter for the 2018 northern California fire and acknowledged that it neglected its equipment that set off the fire which destroyed most of the Northern California town of Paradise in 2018.
PG&E of course ran by the Rothschild’s.
Final Piece
The processes taking place in the Russian Federation in my own words and without a deep terminological reference — everything is very difficult in our homeland, as elsewhere in the World. I will go through the key dates of history:
Until 900 CE, the majority of the land was dominated by a folklore worldview, by which I mean living in harmony with nature according to the laws of the cosmic universe, respecting everything that was created by the creator with love and warmth. Maintaining balance is a nature-like technology.
1000 -1200 implementation of the Christianization project under the strict guidance of the dark (988 – forced baptism of Russia); 1200 – 1550 – Fight of the Vedic Folklore and Vatican Christian Project
1302 – Global conspiracy of all dark forces (Zion’s growth, all infernal orders, sects, etc. + Britain + Jews + masons) launch of its millennial Trust (Satanic Trust), which existed as other routes and issues within the framework of the primary Divine route. 1525-1550 The successful struggle of Ivan the Terrible with the British and the transformation of both the Vatican and Britain into bankrupt in favor of the treasury of the Russian Empire;
1551 – The assassination of Ivan 4 and the Stoglavy Cathedral – the victory of Christianity – the arrival of the Romanovs on the throne!
1551-1900 The constant struggle between Britain and Russia, since the dynasty brought by the British is on the throne of Russia (by the British, I mean the entire unification of the financially liberal wing – Zion Growth) According to my thoughts, somewhere in the years
1850-1890 in the Russian Empire a group of Generals of the General Staff of the Army stood out, who clearly realized and was able to agree and rally around Russian unity in modern conditions of occupation. This group carried out a 30-year operation and brought the Bolsheviks to power, then dissolved in their ranks in order to further control the process (as a result of its actions, many people from the common people got into the top of the power top, which served as a tremendous breakthrough for the USSR), the struggle within the party was ongoing !!!
But inside the Party there were also dark forces (Trotskyists, Jews, and agents of European influence) in 1947-1955 were very tough in terms of the internal party struggle at the top of the government (ordinary people could not see this process) The assassination of Stalin and, as a result, the dark ones again prevailed, despite the fact that in 1957, in most of the scientific and educated circles, she was ready to make the transition to a post-capitalist future (there were all the necessary technologies)! The dark side has chosen the path again to feudalism and capitalism, and since 1957 the USSR draft has been analyzed, the bright side has gone deep underground – that is, realizing that the forces are not equal now, they remained in the party but outwardly moved with the party’s course
1983 – The year the Global Elite World Plan came true with the introduction of the DTC / S control system
1991-1993, complete seizure of power in Russia, Russia Colony! But a Security Council is being created which includes all the power generals and party nomenclature, which reserves a part of sovereignty and represents the USSR rights and titles!
2000-2008 The round table understands that their management has brought the world to the brink of an ecological, economic, political disaster – it is necessary to reduce the population urgently and to reduce consumption, since a new generation of Bankers who have already completely degraded went to the top lost control in their pyramid + law time and the objective process of the universe!
Watching a German series currently Babylon Berlin, some interesting tidbits in that, that proves FRWL series
Black Reichswehr were the Black Sun group, they were building German Air Force up in 1929 in Russia!!
They were using stolen gold from Russia and Tsar Nicholas, its actually in the show, sent it in a shipment of bio warfare chemicals.
Black Reichswehr/Black Eagle were not “Germans”, this was an outside plot to destroy Germany after Russia in WW1.
Why? because Germany and Russia are linked by The Rus and the Aryan peoples is why.
Aryans are not “white supremacists” that is a Zionist creation to cause division.
Hitler was Brown Eagle not Black, big difference.
Those shows for those who have listened in Germany and Poland are guilt releasing shows, as I know the global Zionist media has shamed all the people of both countries since WW2 for atrocities they committed, it is shadow and inner work on a plate for the German and Polish peoples and Russian.
Their his story is all bs, the EBE told you that in Part 2 of Roswell/Aztec story, THI is playing a part in returning it to our story, not theirs.
Why did the Luftwaffe fly a non-stop round-trip mission within twenty miles of New York City in 1944. = to deliver atomic bomb material on behalf of The Black Sun
It was the same for the “persecuted Irish” in Boston and NY sending funds to the IRA for “liberation from the Brits”, not knowing the IRA are part of the same system. IRA run ALL mafias and our Black Sun
I wonder how many people realize Hitler killed some of the top SS, that went under the banner of SA in 1933-34?
Why did he ban the Teutonic Knights and also the Freemasons?
Why did he attempt to throw out Rothschild’s banks?
That is not to suggest that Hitler was a good guy, but it raises several questions on the “official” narrative does it not?
These are serious questions for the German people to absorb ask and answer.
The point is the “germans” won WW2, but not your Germans, their version of it.
In nowadays anybody who is uttering critical opinions is labeled NAZI, yes the reverse psychology as it is they who are the NA Zi’s
Same as labeling all white people who defend their own kind as Aryan white supremacists, and again that was to do with the NA ZI’s.
Following on from their word games and education which means training of animals, we also have schools.
Why do they call them schools? which is a collection of fish, because we are under the law of the sea (holy C/sea)
Fishes get trapped in a net and the danger is with crypto we will go into the net also, via the inter net.
In law, we come under the law of the sea and maritime law, which is Mari – time and under the Kali Ma(ri) dark mother, and is why the mother is dark and so not seen, and why cat holic church dropped the mother.
During research this past week I came across a few interesting tidbits to do with Orion, A Mesopotamian text from 1700 B.C.E. calls it The True Shepherd of Anu. oh dear.
The name Orion said to be of unknown origin though some speculate on Akkadian Uru-anna “the Light of Heaven.
Anna is also the name of the system that houses the birth certificates, and Orion is where the money program came from also, coincidence?
This is the name of a constellation, which gets its name from a legendary Greek hunter who was killed by a scorpion sent by the earth goddess Gaia.
In Greek mythology Gaia was the mother goddess who presided over the earth. She was the mate of Uranus and the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.
Uranus the name of the husband of Gaia and the father of the Titans.
The titans were one of the giants based groups that were not good here, and were fought against by the Olympians and also the Nordic giants, Thor, Odin etc.
As for Gaia’s husband being a planetary being, that confirms the piece I did about 4 females goddesses deserting their planets in this solar system and the start of the fall, only females are planetary beings, the male is the solar being only.
Perhaps that changes your opinion about mother Gaia? you decide.
There was some discussion about the 85% mentioned several times within our shows, and to me at this point, the 85% is a distraction on many levels, our focus is on ourselves and us as a group.
Someone/thing has to move humanity forward and waiting on the masses has not served us well, no one is saying we neglect them entirely, but their propensity to lead humanity towards a disaster situation by non thinking, is a blight on us all.
We have waited for the RV for 13 years, some have waited for the Trust for 4-5 years now, some are waiting on governments, and they have not served us or even the Trust well at this point.
Some are waiting for Q to do something or is it Queue, and a wait club that appears to be worse than Drake’s.
But lets us all not forget the longest wait club in history, as all of humanity downed tools and waited for their savior to return to fix their ills and plight, that particular wait club now stands at 2000 years long.
We can carry on waiting for others to save or fix us, or be our own savior and not wait.
If you lead life in love and care you will prevail, if you lead life in fear and anger you will fail. Feel free for you to be the person you wish to be, not the person who conforms to what others want them to be. You are a multi dimensional being operating simultaneously on many levels, you are not here to conform, you are not here to be stifled, you are not here to be enslaved, you are not here to be abused, or to compete with your friends, family or neighbors. You are here to be the best you can be and do so as a crown of creation, now go out with the confidence of who and what you are, and excel in yourself, and in doing so inspire others.