Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2022-07-14
Topics in this show
- Predictions of 2019 revisited
- 71 million people worldwide experiencing poverty – UN blames Russia
- Zuckerberg cutting hiring and pushing current employees out
- Clown corporations laying off staff big time
- Largest protests in Dutch history
- Why farmers have to be careful
- Medical related and COVID BS
- Expose: Staggering waste of our money/resources, to play war games and cover up crimes
- The ongoing saga of the Ukraine
- Furry snakes, better known as cats
- The Antisocial Personality
- Expose: The Hopi and off-world entities
- It only changes when you change it
Quick links

Former B.C. Supreme Court Justice Austin Cullen has made 101 recommendations to combat rampant money laundering in the province, from expanding the mandate of the civil forfeiture office to creating a new anti-money-laundering czar, who will provide strategic oversight of the provincial response to money laundering.
In his more than 1,800-page report, Cullen said the public was rightfully disturbed by the prospect of criminals laundering their cash and parking their illicit proceeds in this province.
Some estimates put the amount in the billions.
Money laundering has at its origin, crime that destroys communities, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking and fraud.
These crimes victimize the most vulnerable members of society.
Money laundering is an affront to law-abiding citizens who earn their money honestly, and pay their fair share of the costs of living in the community.
Cullen also recommended the creation of a dedicated provincial money laundering intelligence and investigation unit, with a robust intelligence division.
He said the unit should be operated by the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit as opposed to the RCMP, so that the province can maintain more control over it.
I guess he doesn’t trust the police then.
He said the intelligence gathered by the special unit would make up for the ineffectiveness of FINTRAC, the federal agency responsible for analyzing money laundering threats and passing details along to police to investigate.
They are in on it is why.
Law enforcement bodies in British Columbia cannot rely on FINTRAC to produce timely, useful intelligence about money laundering activity that they can put into action, he said.
How about an independent audit on FINTRAC? Because it seems every agency with the word federal in it, is involved in malfeasance.
But nice nonetheless, to see some officials call these criminals out.
As CNN start to panic at their increasingly low viewing figures, they are now appealing to Republicans to tune in.
Oh dear another ouroboros program that failed, seriously do any of these people think of the consequences of actions?
They spent 4 years trashing Republicans and Trump followers, creating all kinds of negative memes, including labeling them white supremacists and tin foil hat wearers.
And now, they want or expect people to return to them to listen to more lies, insults, degradation of our intelligence, and give a distorted view of life and information to control them with.
The horse has bolted not only the stable CNN, but the field and the neighborhood as well.
It is now free from their news from another world, hence the term portal people, and people are now seeing the stark reality of, you are not fit for the purpose that we the people require.
US President Joe Biden’s communications director is now quitting, the latest in a number of departures of high-ranking officials ahead of November’s midterm elections.
The administration said in a statement confirming Kate Bedingfield’s exit later this month that she wanted to spend more time with her husband and young children, just like Psaki said but went to a portal people station instead, after three years leading Biden’s White House and campaign messaging.
She has played a huge role in everything the president has achieved, from his second term as vice president, through the campaign, and since coming to the White House, said White House chief of staff Ron Klain.
What achievements? Inflation, food, money and water shortages, record job losses, how to not read an autocue, how to not ride a bike, how to not answer questions, and how to insult struggling Americans with fake Covid and the fake Russian narrative.
Yeah massive achievement that Ms. Bedingfield.
A staggering 71 million more people around the world are experiencing poverty, as a result of soaring food and energy prices that climbed in the weeks following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United Nations Development Program said in a report Thursday.
Notice the mind meme to blame Russia again, it has nothing to do with Russia.
Like I mentioned last week, they had no problem taking gold out of Russia to Switzerland, and yet cannot do the same for grain?
The UNDP estimates that 51.6 million more people fell into poverty in the first three months after the war, living off $1.90 a day or less.
This pushed the total number globally at this threshold to 9% of the world’s population.
An additional 20 million people slipped to the poverty line of $3.20 a day.
In low-income countries, families spend 42% of their household incomes on food but as Western nations moved to sanction Russia, the price fuel and staple food items like wheat, sugar and cooking oil soared.
And so it is the clown imposed sanctions that has increased the prices.
Ukraine’s blocked ports and its inability to export grains to low-income countries further drove up prices, pushing tens of millions quickly into poverty.
The cost of living impact is almost without precedent in a generation, and that is why it is so serious, UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner said at the launch of the report.
The speed at which this many people experienced poverty outpaced the economic pain felt at the peak of the pandemic.
The UNDP noted that 125 million people experienced poverty over about 18 months during the pandemic’s lockdowns and closures, compared with more than 71 million in just three months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February.
Some of the countries hardest hit by inflation include Haiti, Argentina, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, the Philippines, Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan.
In countries like Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria and Yemen, the impacts of inflation are even harder for those already at the lowest poverty line.
The total number of people living in poverty, or are vulnerable to poverty, stands at over 5 billion, or just under 70% of the world’s population.
5 billion in poverty whilst the shekel people hoard everything, there is no scarcity, just a lack of sharing.
Another U.N. report released Wednesday said world hunger rose last year with 2.3 billion people facing moderate or severe difficulty obtaining enough to eat, and that was before the war in Ukraine.
There is a need for the global economy to step up, Steiner said, adding that there is enough wealth in the world to manage the crisis, but our ability to act in unison and rapidly is a constraint.
Because there is no will to correct it is why.
The war in Ukraine has roiled a region known as the world’s bread basket.
Before the war, Russia was the world’s largest exporter of natural gas and the second biggest exporter of crude oil.
Russia and Ukraine combined accounted for almost a quarter of global wheat exports and more than half of sunflower oil exports.
You think that war is a cohencidence? It’s not.
Besides cutting hiring, Zuckerberg has found another way to cut costs: pushing current employees out.
To do this, Meta will set aggressive performance goals that will be difficult for some employees to achieve.
Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn’t be here, he said.
Part of my hope by raising expectations and having more aggressive goals, and just kind of turning up the heat a little bit, is that I think some of you might decide that this place isn’t for you, and that self-selection is OK with me,” he added.
What a nice chap he is, and perhaps all the staff should walk out and leave the Meta to sink in its own shit.
Your company is only as good as your staff and the direction they are asked or tasked to take, which means Zuckerberg failed.
In April, Zuckerberg tried to downplay the turnover of Meta employees, amid concerns that Meta’s stock market slump might prompt some employees to leave because the value of their stock options was decreasing.
Yes, lets only worry about the shekels eh.
During Covid, we saw the attrition levels go down a lot because people didn’t want to get new jobs, which probably meant that there were people who were staying at the company, who didn’t care that much about what we were doing, as compared to what we would have wanted.
If people knew the full truth, only bots would wish to work there.
He added that: I’m just trying to lead the company in a way where we’re positioning ourselves as the premier company for building the future of social interaction and the metaverse.
If you care about those things, I think we’re getting the best people to come work here, or not as the case may be.
Meta shares, which closed 2021 at $336.35, fell 53.7% to $155.83 as of June 30.
A range of clown corporations are now laying off staff big time.
Google had to recently pump the brakes on hiring people, Uber has said it’ll have to be hardcore about costs, Meta sent a memo to employees warning of serious times after implementing hiring freezes for some teams.
Spotify and Snap have also announced plans to slow hiring, plus other companies, like Twitter, Netflix, and GameStop, have recently decided to lay off employees.
More evidence of the ouroborus programs it seems.
The largest protests in Dutch history took place last week, as farmers, truckers, fishermen and several other groups have planned to lock down the entire country of The Netherlands.
Dutch farmers closed the border between Holland and Germany in Coevorden with tons of manure.
After complying for close to two years with the PSYOP-19 scheme, the Dutch farmers have finally come to their senses.
Realizing that if they do not immediately push back, their multigenerational family businesses will be eliminated one by one, until only a few WEF hand-selected farms are granted the right to survive in strict service to only the technocrats.
The Dutch farmers are making their stand, the distribution centers and supermarket chains are blocked everywhere.
The shelves are almost empty, no farms equals no food, and the Dutch farmers wins.
Or do they? Or is this a reverse psychology program?
No food means they will replace it their GMO creations, and 3D printable meat.
People have to be more aware of what they are planning, before going ahead with plans that whilst is a good cause, but with ignorance plays into the clowns hands.
Here is why farmers have to be careful.
Bill Gates has secured legal approval for the controversial purchase of thousands of acres of prime North Dakota farmland, after the deal drew fury from the state’s residents.
The state’s Republican Attorney General Drew Wrigley had inquired into the land sale, and issued a letter saying the transaction complied with an archaic anti-corporate farming law.
The Depression-era law prohibits corporations or limited liability companies from owning farmland or ranchland, but allows individual trusts to own the land if it is leased to farmers, which Gates intends to do.
Gates is the largest private owner of farmland in America after quietly amassing some 270,000 acres across dozens of states, according to last year’s edition of the Land Report 100, an annual survey of the nation’s largest landowners.
Here is another pointer to populations going missing, whilst a familiar date crops up.
Ask any mid-size college administrator what keeps them up at night and they will tell you: 2025.
That’s the year that a demographic cliff will hit America hard, and the numbers of college-age students will start to drop alarmingly.
Many universities are wondering if they can sustain lower enrollments, or if they will have to decrease their standards to get warm bodies into the classrooms.
Interesting choice of words they used there, warm bodies? Is it suggesting the cold bloods will be gone?
For generations now, both the left and the right have fallen for the perverse idea that population growth is bad for America.
Liberal environmentalists Paul and Anne Ehrlich wrote the 1968 best-seller The Population Bomb, that described a modern dystopia where hundreds of millions of people would starve to death because of food insecurity.
What utter shite, we produce enough food to feed 3 planets.
On the right, anti-immigration activist John Tanton, an early supporter of Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club, predicted the same grim demise of the America.
One has to ask is, is the date 2025 related to the Deagle report?
Whereby they predicted or was it predicated? That the American population would drop to 100M, for the current 330M or thereabout.
Is this the Covid die off?
It has now been revealed that the Pfizer jab reduces the sperm count, but for how long is being further studied.
It has been found out that remnants of the Pfizer jab remains in the ovaries and testes.
All of which sounds like to me a depopulation jab on another level.
This is an interesting piece that I have expanded out for clarity of the real situation, and has beneficial implications for what are Communal Gatherings are doing.
President Joe Biden is using Covid to engineer a systematic destruction of America’s military and national security, through a purging of the most experienced and well-trained personnel and replacing them with woke indoctrinated extreme leftists.
Who place ideology before God, Corps, Duty, Honor, and Country, according to former generals, high ranking officers, military rights attorneys, military and civilian physicians, and America’s leading health watchdog, Truth for Health Foundation.
The great questions arising from that is, which god? Corps are sacrificial pawns, since when has the US military had duty and honor?
And as for the country? My question is what country? You don’t have a country, you have a corporation, at which point do people not get that?
Biden’s betrayal of our military with unlawful orders for all service members to be vaccinated with the experimental EUA Covid shot is weakening our military, jeopardizing national security and putting every American at risk, says Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, President and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity aimed at defending medical truth and individual medical freedom.
Just Biden? Every American CEO of USA Inc puts them in danger every day fighting fake wars, why is the jab any different?
Dr. Vliet and Truth for Health Foundation had a press conference on June 14, Flag Day.
Key speakers include General Thomas McInerney, General Paul Vallely, Lt. General Rod Bishop, Lt. Col. Peter C. Chambers, D.O., attorneys Todd Callender and Mike Rose.
As a result of Biden’s attack on the military, there have been deaths, injuries, and medical damage/disability from the shots, plus service members being forced out of the military, many without due process, causing dire consequences to America.
What about the deaths, injuries and disabilities previously? Under the banner of protecting American troops?
When in essence they were being used as medical guinea pigs, because the US Military is heavily connected with not only Covid, but all medical experiments.
Remember the Pentagon having PPE shipments before Covid broke out? Remember the US Army in Fort Detrick and other places being involved in the research prior to the outbreak? Remember the fact the CIA holds 90 strains of the Covid virus?
Therein lies the real issues that has little to do with Biden, because it is a long standing policy.
Military leaders and attorneys will expose how military service members are being persecuted, under cloak of military secrecy and shadow policy for objecting to the experimental Covid shots, for filing religious exemptions, for filing medical exemptions, and for refusing this unlawful order.
If only those people exposed that before the Covid shots.
Additionally, high ranking officers will reveal how Biden is yielding to the globalist agenda, by replacing America’s experienced soldiers with woke-indoctrinated novices, severely impacting American military readiness and national security.
Across all branches of our military, thousands of highly experienced exemplary military service members have been harassed, persecuted, and served with career-ending reprimands for refusing to take an EUA experimental vaccine.
Thousands more service members have been so vaccine-injured that they cannot function.
The Foundation gives our military a platform to expose the corruption of military law and dangers to our national security, when the lives of our volunteer service members are in jeopardy with dangerous, politically-driven policies pushed by DoD from the top down.
That kind of gives these people away in my opinion, because as a 501C3, you cannot do lobbying.
And so if they are pushing it under that category and not being shut down, it means they are controlled opposition.
Maybe our Communal Gatherings can test that theory?
White House clown and chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci conceded that Covid-19 vaccines do not protect overly well against infection.
Well I never Mr. Fauci, we told you that 18 months ago that the jabs would not work as stated.
Dr. Fauci said, one of the things that’s clear from the data is, that even though vaccines, because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus – don’t protect overly well, as it were, against infection.
They protect quite well against severe disease leading to hospitalization and death.
Erm no they don’t as we will prove shortly.
Anybody else notice the Fauci on the tv these days looks different?
A younger actor?
A report that was quietly published by the UK Government, just hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation, reveals that Covid-19 deaths have risen dramatically among the triple vaccinated population in England over the past couple of months, whilst declining drastically among the unvaccinated population.
With the most recent figures showing the vaccinated population in England accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 Deaths in April and May, and 90% of those deaths were among the triple/quadruple vaccinated population.
Boris it seemed provided a nice distraction from reality of what we revealed two years ago.
Back in March 2022, the UK Health Security Agency announced that from April 1st 2022, they would no longer publish the vaccination status of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in England.
All of which reveals something is wrong and they are covering it up.
At the time, the UKHSA claimed this was because the UK Government had ended free universal Covid-19 testing, and this therefore affected their ability to robustly monitor Covid-19 cases by vaccination status.
However, this was a lie.
The UK Health Security Agency had been looking for an excuse for months to stop publishing the data.
Because it clearly showed the vaccinated population were suffering immense immune system damage, with hospitalization and death rates per 100,000, was the highest among the fully vaccinated population.
The quietly published figures reveal that the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 deaths in April and May 2022, with the unvaccinated accounting for just 6% of all Covid-19 deaths.
But the most horrific statistic here is that 90% of the deaths among the vaccinated, were among people who had been given at least three doses of a Covid-19 injection.
It can’t get any more clearer than that, and yet the stupid still line up for their poison and death jabs.
Those people appear to have a death knell upon themselves, as they blindly following every stupid rule and order going.
At this point despite some not believing it is permanent damage, these people can no longer be helped, the damage is already done.
Do you think this is just one country, think again.
The Government of Canada has confirmed that the vaccinated population account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths to have occurred across the country since the middle of February 2022, and 70% of those deaths have been among the triple vaccinated population.
Remember Trudeau said it was that fault of the unvaccinated the cancer treatment and surgeries were canceled, wrong again jackass.
This should alarm every American, but sadly people just never pay attention unless their gas bill goes up drastically, and even then too few complain.
This country is bankrupt, and yet continues to fund war machines globally, all at the peoples expense.
Biden and Co. of course have a personal reason for engaging for Ukraine, given his family, business and skullduggery there has and is being exposed.
But, with interest rates going up, inflation going up, infrastructure issues continue to lack any investment, the wall not completed and so making the expense of the previous administration a wasted venture.
The people suffering food and water shortages and Americans are having to tighten the belts, this story and the details are just outrageous, and it is time Americans said enough is enough.
Not following party lines, parties are for clowns, remember that.
But just listen to this staggering waste of our money and resources, all to play the war games and cover up crimes against humanity ongoing in Ukraine.
Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $8.7 billion to Ukraine, including approximately $6.1 billion since the beginning of Russia’s invasion on February 24.
In total, United States security assistance committed to Ukraine includes:
Over 1,400 Stinger anti-aircraft systems; Over 6,500 Javelin anti-armor systems;
Over 20,000 other anti-armor systems; Over 700 Switchblade Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems; 126 155mm Howitzers and 260,000 155mm artillery rounds; 36,000 105mm artillery rounds.
126 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers; 19 Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment; Eight High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition; 20 Mi-17 helicopters; Hundreds of Armored High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles; 200 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers; Over 10,000 grenade launchers and small arms; Over 59,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition; 75,000 sets of body armor and helmets.
121 Phoenix Ghost Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems; Laser-guided rocket systems; Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems; Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels; 22 counter-artillery radars; Four counter-mortar radars; Four air surveillance radars; Two harpoon coastal defense systems; 18 coastal and riverine patrol boats; M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions; C-4 explosives and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing.
Tactical secure communications systems; Thousands of night vision devices, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser rangefinders; Commercial satellite imagery services; Explosive ordnance disposal protective gear; Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment.
Medical supplies to include first aid kits; Electronic jamming equipment; Field equipment and spare parts; Funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment.
In December 2021- $200 million, which is before the Russian invasion, which potentially reveals it was pre-empted, February 25 the day after the invasion another $350 million and March 12 $200 million.
The exact content of the first three packages was not revealed, but it was reported later in total:
Over 600 Stinger anti-aircraft systems; Approximately 2,600 Javelin anti-armor systems; Five Mi-17 helicopters; Three patrol boats; Four counter-artillery and counter-unmanned aerial system tracking radars; Four counter-mortar radar systems; 200 grenade launchers and ammunition; 200 shotguns and 200 machine guns; Nearly 40 million rounds of small arms ammunition and over 1 million grenades, mortar, and artillery rounds;
70 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles and other vehicles; Secure communications, electronic warfare detection systems, body armor, helmets, and other tactical gear; Military medical equipment to support treatment and combat evacuation; Explosive ordnance disposal and demining equipment; and Satellite imagery and analysis capability.
March 16 – $800 million that included 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems; 2,000 Javelin, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons, and 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems; 100 Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems.
100 grenade launchers, 5,000 rifles, 1,000 pistols, 400 machine guns, and 400 shotguns; over 20 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenade launcher and mortar rounds; 25,000 sets of body armor and 25,000 helmets.
On April 1 another $300 million (USAI) with Laser-guided rocket systems; Switchblade Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems; Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems; Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems; Armored High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles.
Small-to-large caliber nonstandard ammunition; Night vision devices, thermal imagery systems, and optics; Tactical secure communications systems.
Non-standard machine guns; Commercial satellite imagery services; Medical supplies, field equipment, and spare parts.
Unlike Presidential Drawdowns, USAI is an authority under which, the U.S. procures capabilities from industry rather than delivering equipment that is drawn down from DoD stocks.
This announcement represents the beginning of a contracting process to provide new capabilities to Ukraine’s Armed Forces.
April 5 another $100 million with Javelin anti-armor systems sent.
April 13 another $800 million for 18 155mm Howitzers and 40,000 artillery rounds; 10 AN/TPQ-36 counter-artillery radars; Two AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel air surveillance radars; 300 Switchblade Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems and 500 Javelin missiles and thousands of other anti-armor systems.
200 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers; 100 Armored High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles; 11 Mi-17 helicopters; Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels;
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment, interesting they sent that equipment is it not?
Medical equipment; 30,000 sets of body armor and helmets; Over 2,000 optics and laser rangefinders; C-4 explosives and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing and M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions configured to be consistent with the Ottawa Convention.
April 21 another $800 million was sent with 72 155mm Howitzers and 144,000 artillery rounds; 72 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers; Over 121 Phoenix Ghost Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems and Field equipment and spare parts.
May 6 another $150 million with 25,000 155mm artillery rounds; 3 AN/TPQ-36 counter-artillery radars; Electronic jamming equipment and more field equipment and spare parts.
May 19 another $100 million with 18 155mm Howitzers; 18 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers; 3 AN/TPQ-36 counter-artillery radars and field equipment and spare parts.
June 1 – $700 million with High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition; 5 counter-artillery radars; 2 air surveillance radars; 1,000 Javelins and 50 Command Launch Units; 6,000 anti-armor weapons; 15,000 155mm artillery rounds.
4 Mi-17 helicopters; 15 tactical vehicles and spare parts and equipment.
On June 15 – $1 billion was sent with $350 million authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance and $650 million in Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) fund.
The Presidential Drawdown Assistance authorization included 18 155mm Howitzers; 36,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition and 18 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers.
Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems; Four Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment plus spare parts and other equipment.
Under USAI: Two Harpoon coastal defense systems; Thousands of secure radios; Thousands of Night Vision devices, thermal sights, and other optics;
Funding for training, maintenance, sustainment, transportation, and administrative costs.
On June 23 – $450 million authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance with 4 high-mobility artillery rocket systems, 36,000 rounds of 105 mm ammunition, 18 tactical vehicles to tow 155 mm artillery, 1,200 grenade launchers, 2,000 machine guns, 18 coastal and riverine patrol boats and spare parts and other equipment.
Some of the latter was sent to Sweden.
All that money and equipment with no expense spared it seems, yet the country is collapsing in on itself and nothing is being done to fix it.
America and its people are the gift that keep giving it seems, this should outrage every person in America.
But do they pay attention to it? The answer is no and how and why they get away with it.
Some of that list is money laundering to buy off the locals no doubt, all secured in a nice little CIA assistance fund.
$6.1B sent since Russia went to get back its own territory, who signs off on this theft? Where is the oversight committee?
Why are we funding and stocking known Nazis with our equipment? Why is Israel supporting the same Nazis, having spent 70 odd years mind meming everyone about how bad Nazis are.
NA-ZI equals NAtional ZIonism.
All of which leads us into this next piece and the ongoing saga of Ukraine.
Perhaps this is why the US is wasting our money all to protect those in Government, Agencies and the Military, from being exposed for the criminals they are at the top end of each organization.
They treat the people with complete disdain, and disregard our plights and strife, in order to fill a globalist psychopathic dream that will not unfold as they think or plan.
A change is gonna come, whether they like it or not.
The Russian military has already detailed the president’s son’s implication in a massive, clandestine biological weapons and pharmaceutical research program in Ukraine’s biological laboratories.
Involving US government agencies, big pharma, the Ukrainian military and a number of Western charitable and health-related foundations.
The main focus of the research projects involving Pentagon military contractor Black & Veatch and Metabiota, the Hunter Biden investment fund-linked biotech company.
Which were concentrated around quarantine infections that could damage a nations agricultural sectors, according to Igor Kirillov, the chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops.
Why would they be developing bio weapons to damage food crops? Who requested it?
You can guess one company was involved at least, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Take note of the report for the US military by Black & Veatch and Metabiota.
In accordance with this document, veterinary projects with the code ‘TAP’ were implemented simultaneously with the ‘UP’ series projects in Ukraine.
Their main focus was economically significant quarantine infections, capable of causing damage to the agriculture of individual nations and entire regions, such as galanders, African and classical swine fever, highly infectious pathogenic avian influence and Newcastle Disease, it was revealed last week.
The Pentagon appeared particularly interested in African swine fever, according to the Russian MoD’s analysis, with the pathogen studied under two separate projects.
The TAP-3 project is aimed at studying the spread of the African swine fever pathogen through wild animals, under which the migration routes of wild boars in Ukraine were studied.
Under the TAP-6 project, this process was scaled up to the countries of Eastern Europe.
The RCBD Troops commander specified that the research into populations of carriers of potentially dangerous zoonotic infections, was conducted by scientists from the University of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute in areas of western and central Ukraine, as well as territories bordering both Russia and Belarus.
This research has not been without its poisonous fruit, Kirillov indicated, pointing to the worsening pathological situation as it relates to African swine fever across Eastern Europe, as detailed by World Organization for Animal Health data.
Which has found that since 2014, disease outbreaks have been recorded in the Baltic states more than 12,000 cases and Poland 13,000+ cases, with economic losses from the outbreaks estimated at over $2.44 billion US.
Metabiota used as an arm of the Pentagon:
Kirillov said that the Biden-linked Metabiota stands out, even among the other Western government and corporate actors involved in dubious biological research in Ukraine.
The available materials indicate that this company served as a cover, for solving tasks that were dubious from the point of view of international law, and used by the US political elite to carry out non-transparent financial activities in various regions of the world, Kirillov said.
To give a specific example, Metabiota was involved in the response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
The activities of the company’s employees raised questions from the World Health Organization, in terms of their compliance with biosafety requirements.
Pointing to a report by an international group of experts, who took part in the fight against the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone in 2015.
The report indicated that in addition to failing to comply with regulations on treating patients.
Metabiota workers concealed the Pentagon’s involvement in the work, effectively allowing the biotech company to be used as an arm of the Defense Department, which sought to isolate highly virulent strains of the Ebola virus among the infected and deceased, and to export these strains back to the United States.
The Pentagon contractor’s heightened interest in the Ebola virus is not accidental: the disease is known to be among the most pathogenic for human beings.
During the outbreak that began in 2014, 28,000 people fell ill, with 11,000 dying, for a lethality rate of about 40 percent.
Remember the Pentagon along with another arm of theirs’ DARPA, was heavily involved in the Covid scam.
The Russian military, he said, has also recovered documents detailing Metabiota’s plans to work with the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine.
The Kiev-headquartered international intergovernmental organization with offices across the former Soviet space, to study the Ebola virus on Ukrainian territory.
Kirillov presented a slide with an image of a funding request for the diagnosis of dangerous pathogens, including Ebola, in Ukraine, with the research expected to take place at the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa.
Taking into account that the disease is not endemic, and moreover, has never been recorded in Ukraine, questions naturally arise as to why such studies are needed and their true purpose, the commander said.
At Thursday’s briefing, Kirillov also revealed that the RCBD Troops were able to recover a key conceptual document on the activities of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for the period from 2005 to 2016.
The detailed 150 page document, prepared by a group of US experts, contains information on the assessment of the effectiveness of healthcare systems, veterinary medicine and biosecurity in Ukraine.
Which serves as a conceptual document for further planning of the Pentagon’s military-biological activities in the country, including conclusions on the implementation of its main directions.
Quoting from the document, the officer indicated that the Pentagon was aware that Ukraine had no legislation in place regarding the control of highly dangerous pathogens, and that there were significant gaps in its biosecurity, with funding insufficient for biological laboratories to respond effectively to a public health emergency.
The report showed that the DTRA was aware of numerous gross safety violations at the Eastern European country’s biological facilities, from non-locking fencing systems to broken or deactivated pathogen access control systems, lack of alarm systems, etc.
The document positively accessed the DTRA’s own role in Ukraine, boasting its success in transporting Ukraine’s national collection of microorganisms to the United States, as well as the implementation of projects studying dangerous and economically significant infections.
The appendix to the documents contains ambiguous comments, regarding the Ukrainian biothreat reduction program’s sponsors and executors who have nothing to do with biosecurity issues, which specifically mentioned the Soros Foundation.
Like I have said, Soros maybe dead but the Foundation is running the program, just like the Clinton Foundation.
The Bundeswehr’s Crimean Congo Fever Research:
As we have already noted, Ukraine and other nations in the post-Soviet space have become a biological weapons testing ground not only for the United States, but also for their allies in the NATO bloc, particularly Germany, Kirillov indicated as he presented new information about the German military’s biological activities in the Eastern European country.
According to the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops’ analysis, Bundeswehr specialists paid special attention to the causative agent of the Crimean Congo fever.
Engaging in research screening the susceptibility of Ukrainians to the disease through the generalization of demographic, epidemiological and clinical data, to try to identify new regional virus genotypes and select strains that cause latent clinical forms of the disease.
The study of Crimean Congo fever’s natural foci was conducted under the guise of improving Ukraine’s epidemiological surveillance at the Kiev-based Institute of Veterinary Medicine, and the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute.
Pay special attention to lethal cases of infection with the Crimean-Congo fever, as this will allow us to isolate virus strains from the deceased, with maximum pathogenicity and virulence for human beings, Kirillov said, quoting from a recovered report.
Why mention the term human beings? What they are stating is, those running this are not.
At which point do people begin to realize this is an off-world program, ran by beings not native to here.
The disease has a lethality rate of up to 30 percent, and requires lengthy, costly treatment and prevention measures.
Tick-Borne Infection Research:
This is one of the plans we highlighted recently, as they are planning with ticks and modified mosquitoes to try and have everyone scared to go out, and so they impose voluntary martial law again.
Kirillov also provided new details on US microbiologists’ research into tick-borne infections, with this work funded by the DTRA within the framework of projects UP-1 and UP-8.
A separate, additional project studying ixodid ticks, hosts of a number of dangerous infections, including Crimean Congo fever, tularemia and West Nile virus, was implemented by scientists from Texas A&M University.
The ticks were collected mostly from regions of southeastern Ukraine, with natural foci for infection similar to neighboring Russian territory.
Coincidentally, he said, this work has coincided with a rapid increase in the incidence of tick-borne borreliosis among the Ukrainian population, as well as an increase in the number of ticks in a number of Russian regions bordering Ukraine.
The Russian MoD and scientists are investigating the matter, according to Kirillov.
Captured Ukrainian Servicemen suffering from range of illnesses:
Kirillov also provided new data on the state of the health of Ukrainian servicemen, who laid down their arms and surrendered to Russian forces in the course of the ongoing conflict.
A significant percentage are suffering from diseases, he said.
33 percent of surveyed servicemen were ill from hepatitis A, over four percent had renal syndrome and 20 percent had West Nile virus.
These figures are significantly higher than the average for Ukraine.
Given the fact that these diseases were actively studied by the Pentagon in the framework of its Ukrainian projects, there is reason to believe that personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were involved in experiments as volunteers, to assess tolerance to dangerous infectious diseases.
According to available information, during inpatient treatment of Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel at medical institutions, the absence of a therapeutic effect to the introduction of antibacterial drugs has been recorded.
High concentrations of antibiotics, including sulfonamides and fluoroquinolones, have been detected in their blood.
This may indicate the prophylactic use of antibiotics and the training of personnel to carry out tasks in conditions of biological contamination, for example, the causative agent of cholera, which indirectly confirms information held by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the planned use of biological agents by Ukrainian special forces, Kirillov concluded.
Let’s ask some common sense questions here, why are the Pentagon who are said to be supporting Ukraine against the boogeyman Russia, poisoning and giving diseases to those with the task of stopping the Russians?
Why are the Pentagon and others including the Biden family involved in destroying the agriculture of Eastern European countries, some of which are NATO countries?
Does that make any sense?
You do realize this whole venture is at the core of it, all about controlling trade, don’t you?
Just when are we going to become a civilized society and run these psychopaths out of office and all leading positions?
Other pieces
Another entry into the increasing world of the bizarre ongoing in their world.
This brings in the furry snakes again, the spies better known as cats.
The International Cat Federation says it has banned Russian cats from its international competitions, in the latest rebuke to Russia since it invaded Ukraine.
The federation, which considers itself the United Nations of Cat Federations, said that it was shocked and horrified that Russian forces had invaded Ukraine and started a war.
Known as FIFe Fédération Internationale Féline, it said that the measures were decided, and no cat belonging to exhibitors living in Russia may be entered at any FIFe show outside of Russia, regardless of which organization these exhibitors hold their membership in, which spans almost 40 countries.
The federation, which was established more than 70 years ago, also said it would not allow cats bred in Russia to be imported or registered in any of its pedigree books.
Officials said they would be donating funds to assist cat breeders in Ukraine.
According to its website, the federation holds more than 700 shows globally each year, with more than 200,000 cats exhibited from Brazil to the United Kingdom.
700 shows for spies oh my, it’s just totally bizarre, stupid little Bastet’s!
I’m sure Russia is buckling under the pressure of this sanction.
Cat federations that doesn’t like Russia? just as FHSTOS revealed.
I guess over time that hasn’t changed at all.
Many of us have stepped up to the plate in the desire to correct the world and its people, and yet many of us decry the lack of support to do so.
What is wrong with fixing your own life, family, country or planet? Well as we have said, there are many just too lazy to do anything, and will tolerate all kinds of slavery and mental torture just so they don’t personally have to do anything.
These people are a blight and a drain on us all, but perhaps this article suggests a disorder that can explain it better?
The Antisocial Personality:
There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes which cause about 20 percent of a race, to oppose violently any betterment activity or group.
Such people are known to have antisocial tendencies.
Personally I believe that 20% is way too low, be interesting to hear comments from the listeners on that figure.
When the legal or political structure of a country becomes such as to favor such personalities in positions of trust, then all the civilizing organizations of the country become suppressed, and a barbarism of criminality and economic duress ensues.
Crime and criminal acts are perpetrated by antisocial personalities.
Inmates of institutions commonly trace their state back to contact with such personalities.
Thus, in the fields of government, police activities and mental health, to name a few, we see that it is important to be able to detect and isolate this personality type, so as to protect society and individuals from the destructive consequences attendant upon letting such have free rein to injure others.
As they only comprise 20 percent of the population, of which only 2.5% are truly dangerous, we see that with a very small amount of effort we could considerably better the state of society.
Well-known, even stellar, examples of such a personality are, of course, Napoleon and Hitler.
Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Christie and other famous criminals were well-known examples of the antisocial personality.
Just Napoleon and Hitler? try every American President since its conception for a start, every UK and indeed almost every Government leader of any country in the last 100 or so years, have a not only an antisocial disorder, but an anti-humanity disorder as well.
But with such a cast of characters in history we neglect the less stellar examples, and do not perceive that such personalities exist in current life, very common, often undetected.
When we trace the cause of a failing business, we will inevitably discover somewhere in its ranks the antisocial personality hard at work.
Yes, they reside at the top of businesses called the CEO, who are essentially greed based harvesters sucking the life force out of the business.
In families which are breaking up, we commonly find one or the other of the persons involved to have such a personality.
Where life has become rough and is failing, a careful review of the area by a trained observer will detect one or more such personalities at work.
As there are 80 percent of us trying to get along and only 20 percent trying to prevent us, our lives would be much easier to live were we well informed as to the exact manifestations of such a personality.
Thus, we could detect it and save ourselves much failure and heartbreak.
Well, that can be done with inner analysis not external measures, if people developed themselves in a proper manner, there would be no place for antisocial personalities.
It is important then to examine and list the attributes of the antisocial personality.
Influencing as it does the daily lives of so many, it well behooves decent people to become better informed on this subject.
A relatively small proportion of a race, about 20 percent, possess antisocial characteristics.
They cause trouble for the remaining 80 percent out of proportion to their number.
Attributes: The antisocial personality has the following attributes:
He or she speaks only in very broad generalities.
They say, everybody thinks, everyone knows and such expressions are in continual use, particularly when imparting rumor.
When asked, who is everybody? it normally turns out to be one source and from this source, the antisocial person has manufactured what he or she pretends is the whole opinion of the whole society.
All of which sounds just like the MSM, does it not?
This is natural to them since to them all society is a large hostile generality, against the antisocial in particular.
Such a person deals mainly in bad news, critical or hostile remarks, invalidation and general suppression.
Gossip or bearer of evil tidings or rumormonger once described such persons.
It is notable that there is no good news or complimentary remark passed on by such a person.
The antisocial personality alters, to worsen, communication when he or she relays a message or news.
Good news is stopped and only bad news, often embellished, is passed along.
Such a person also pretends to pass on bad news which is in actual fact invented.
Which is reflective of their own lives, because what you reveal about others in bad light, is actually mirrored internally about yourself.
It is easy to spot the problem as an observer, just reflect back onto the person delivering it, and most of the time you can deduce the problems the person is facing.
But the person is rejecting going inward, and so has to project that trauma or energy onto other people.
For too many people that projector is always running.
But this can be a lesson for us all, if you find yourself mentioning certain traits you don’t like in another person, more times than not that is the reflection of yourself.
Take a close look at it, and see if you can find your own problem and address it, that way you can cut back or cease to be wasting time talking about others in a bad light.
A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an antisocial personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform.
Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually unsane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding.
Such people make trouble for others.
When treated or educated, the near associate of the antisocial personality has no stability of gain but promptly relapses or loses his advantages of knowledge, being under the suppressive influence of the other.
Physically treated, such associates commonly do not recover in the expected time but worsen and have poor convalescences.
It is quite useless to treat or help or train such persons, so long as they remain under the influence of the antisocial connection.
The largest number of unsane are unsane because, of such antisocial connections and do not recover easily for the same reason.
A change of mindset is then required, of which the medical establishment does not have the patience or knowledge to address.
Do they ask or entertain the idea their patient might be host possessed? The answer is no, and why all mental health practices and treatments needs a full overhaul.
They are not treating patients, just managing them in a way society has dictated, but guess what, it doesn’t work.
Has anybody in the mental health sector asked why their treatments don’t work? Why their drugs don’t work? The answer is an emphatic no.
This is the problem of society, we just accept things don’t work, because we don’t ask the what, where, when or why questions, well all except Marnie anyway lol.
Asking questions is critical THInking.
Unjustly we seldom see the antisocial personality actually in an institution.
Only his friends and family are there.
The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target.
If a tire is flat from driving over nails, he or she curses a companion or a non-causative source of the trouble.
If the radio next door is too loud, he or she kicks the cat. (M)
If A is the obvious cause, the antisocial personality inevitably blames B or C or D.
The antisocial cannot finish a cycle of action.
Any action goes through a sequence wherein the action is begun, is continued for as long as is required and is completed as planned.
This is called a cycle of action.
The antisocial becomes surrounded with incomplete projects, because they are easily distracted.
This applies to people who are too busy, for the sake of being busy, and then you have the opposite of where people say they will do stuff to make it look they are involved, and then never turn up or engage it in the right manner.
Many antisocial persons will freely confess to the most alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest sense of responsibility for them.
Their actions have little or nothing to do with their own volition, things just happened.
What if it is true? And the host did the crime but the vessel took the blame?
They have no sense of correct causation and particularly cannot feel any sense of remorse or shame therefore.
The antisocial personality supports only destructive groups, and rages against and attacks any constructive or betterment group.
That sums up certain ones in the alt media does it not?
This type of personality approves only of destructive actions and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities.
The artist in particular is often found as a magnet for persons with antisocial personalities, who see in his art something which must be destroyed.
Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk.
Activities, however, which destroy in the name of help are closely supported.
The antisocial personality has a bad sense of property, and conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense, made up to fool people.
Nothing in life is ever really owned, be it children, homes or businesses, because antisocial and indeed antihuman personalities always want their grubby little fingers in every pie.
The Basic Reason:
The basic reason the antisocial personality behaves as he or she does, lies in a hidden terror of others.
To such a person every other being is an enemy, an enemy to be covertly or overtly destroyed.
The fixation is that survival itself depends on keeping others down or keeping people ignorant.
If anyone were to promise to make others stronger or brighter, the antisocial personality suffers the utmost agony of personal danger.
They reason that if they are in this much trouble with people around them weak or stupid, they would perish should anyone become strong or bright.
And so, they drag everyone else around them down, to be at their level, when the win win is for everyone to raise each other.
It all stems from a lack of self-trust, a lack of inner and shadow work to address the underlining condition, which the projection always reveals itself.
But, what people don’t realize is, the projector or projection has a mirror in front of it, and is reflecting it all back.
Such a person has no trust to a point of terror, this is usually masked and unrevealed.
When such a personality goes insane, the world is full of Martians or the FBI and each person met is really a Martian or FBI agent.
Notice the establishment throws in the alien narrative as something to dismiss, unless you are labeled an antisocial personality.
This is why the mental health fails every person that enters its establishment, preconceived ideas and memes, zero thinking outside of the manual, all of which was prepared by people not interested in fixing anything or anybody.
But the bulk of such people exhibit no outward signs of unsanity.
They appear quite rational; they can be very convincing, I disagree.
However, the list given above consists of things which such a personality cannot detect in himself or herself.
This is so true that if you thought you found yourself in one of the above, you most certainly are not antisocial.
Self-criticism is a luxury the antisocial cannot afford.
They must be right because they are in continual danger in their own estimation.
If you proved one wrong, you might even send him or her into a severe illness.
Only the sane, well-balanced person tries to correct his conduct.
If you were to weed out of your past by proper search and discovery, those antisocial persons you have known and if you then disconnected, you might experience great relief.
Similarly, if society were to recognize this personality type as a sick being as they now isolate people with smallpox, both social and economic recoveries could occur.
Things are not likely to get much better so long as 20 percent of the population is permitted to dominate and injure, the lives and enterprise of the remaining 80 percent.
As majority rule is the political manner of the day, so should majority sanity express itself in our daily lives without the interference and destruction of the socially unwell.
If the majority rule why be so concerned about 20%? The reality is the figure is much higher, as sad as that is, it is the truth as we observe it.
The pity of it is, they will not permit themselves to be helped and would not respond to treatment if help were attempted, I disagree with that statement, as I think people can change with a clearing and patience.
An understanding and ability to recognize such personalities could bring a major change in society and our lives.
The antisocial personality has a hidden terror of others.
If you absorb and not observe yes, they can be, and it all comes down to?
Expose part 2
Here is part 2 of the piece from last week, that is a mixture of an article and my background knowledge.
We are continuing with the Hopi and off world piece from last week, that does contain some religiosity that the writer has not yet grasped that, that is all of the problem.
I don’t agree with all of it and will point out pieces which are not correct.
The Pleaides and Lyra:
Hopi Shaman teach the Hopi they are the chosen Elite descended from the Pleiades, oh dear another version of the chosen ones, but the Pleiadean theme explains in part the naming of the red skin, Pleiades representing the 7 daughters of Atlas.
Theraputae were the Rosicrucians who founded the US; Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were initiates of the 7 sisters Masonic Lodge in Paris, also known as the House of Isis.
Before Pleiades, Hopis were said to be descended from Lyra, called the Eye of God, which is not correct, the Eye of God or Yahweh was 11.5D and was not connected directly to Lyra, it was harvesting Lyra.
Lyra is called the Falling Eagle; the Eagle represents Saturn/Satan, the Assyrian god Nimrod; the same Eagle above all US Flags.
Lyra is not represented by the fallen eagle in my opinion, although there were fallen ones on Lyra, before the great cataclysm.
Lyra is called King Arthur’s Harp; Arthur is Arcturas guiding the Big Dipper the Great Bear; Hopi are called the Bear Clan; the Big Dipper represents Golden Age of Saturn, an age of LGBTQ sins and God flooded the Earth to end.
Lyra is not King Arthur’s harp, Lyra the constellation is actually shaped like a harp but, the story of the harp is about the story of Orpheus, who was given the harp by the god Apollo.
Who was also mentioned as the god of light in the previous part, and he was the only god that went to Hyperborea, known now as Da’Arya.
HAARP (High Freq Active Auroral Research Project) bounces energy off the Ionosphere to cause Earthquakes; and the world is rocking to and fro the prophecy said.
The last sign Hopi elders await is the dwelling place in the heavens, above the earth, will fall with a great crash.
It will appear as a Blue Star, this is said to be the return of Marduk/Zeus/Jupiter/Horus etc, which bible refers to him as Antichrist.
Hopi Shaman say WWIII will reduce Turtle Island (the US) to a gourde of ashes, boiling rivers and disease no man can cure.
This Hopi plan was not of interactions with fake gods, but was put in writing by Francis Bacon aka (Shakespeare) in New Atlantis: A work unfinished, to make America the Phoenix of the New Age.
The Phoenix myth comes from the Benben Stone, the first dry land of Creation according to the Egyptians, became the perch of the Phoenix Bird who flew over the waters of the 1st Creation; what a coincidence NASA OSIRIS ReX Satellite is currently about to land on the Bennu (Benben) Asteroid!
The bennu was knocked off its perch permanently in May 2022, so they can keep making their failed plans, or they can come and engage us to chart a better and fairer path forward.
Work is underway on that on a different level or plane of existence.
Saturn aka Osiris is considered by Gnostics to be the Primordial or Primeval Sun aka Black Sun or Black Star.
In case you haven’t noticed, the US, around the Mississippi River was designed to resemble Egypt and the Nile.
US Disaster Planning Maps made by NOAA, FEMA and the US Navy show this area from New Orleans to St Louis and the New Madrid Fault, underwater.
That is because I feel America was originally 3 separate land masses, East to the Mississippi, west of the Mississippi to the Rockies, and all west of the Rockies was from the Pacific ocean.
The Aztec 5th Age is Luciferian; Lucifer means Light Bearer, Hopis refer to this as the Age of Illumination, except it is the fake light, something they struggle to comprehend, it’s a trap.
The New Aeon of Horus is the 3rd Eye of Illumination; the 5th Element in Witchcraft is Aether, I wondered if the Trustee is aware of that?
The gland represented by pine cones used to spread Holy Water by Cat-holic Priests was first used by Chaldean Priests.
The United Nations Planetary Initiative requires everyone to accept a Luciferian Initiation and reject the Holy Ghost, in order it is said to progress into the New Age aka Golden Age of Saturn the age of White Brother.
Personally, we need to drop both, what has an entity not from this realm got to do with us? A ghost is from another realm and density and shouldn’t reside here.
They are trapped entities stuck between the dimensions, and should return to Source.
Only dark magicians are interested in using them.
Remember technically a ghost is described as a demon, same density is why, keep that in mind for a revealing later on in this piece.
Sirius is the Star of Isis also known as the Black Virgin, the consort of Saturn (Osiris) the Black Star is the Arabic star Qalb; Mormons refer to Qalb as Kolob, the source for Transmigration of Souls.
Transmigration of Souls? for that read the harvesting of souls, via the now defunct soul trap technology.
Remember in the movie 2001 A space Odyssey it featured the Astronaut Bowman as an Embryo Soul.
The Cult of Saturn are called Melchizedeks, Jesus or Jeshuau was a Melchizedek, as are the Mormon Church.
The White Horse Prophecy or known as the blood in the street’s prophecy of the Mormon Church, which calls for blood to run down the streets as water down a storm drain, until the last drop of Gentile American blood is spilled in revenge for the killing of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Interesting and a topical line in the Mormon communities currently, as water goes down a storm drain, think Lake Powell, Lake Mead and the Great Salt Lake, then connect the dots.
Freemasons killed Smith in Carthage, named after the Phoenican/Canaanite outpost in Africa; he was buried with Talisman of Jupiter, the son of the Canaanite god El or Saturn.
Congress meets in the Capitol Womb of Jupiter, the womb being the oval office or orifice as it were.
The Prince Melchizedek Scroll said after 10 Jubilees, the Prince Melchizedek shall return and will be White Brother Antichrist.
10 Jubilees is 500 Years after 1517, the year the 5th Lateran Council under Black (Saturn) Nobility Pope Leo X proclaimed indestructibility of the Soul as Cat-holic Dogma.
This plan was written during the Inter-testament period by the Essenes, in 1217 by Rabbi Judah ben Samuel and at the birth of America by Tzaddiq Baal Shem Tov.
Might have known the Jewish rabbis where involved in that, all too familiar and predictable.
Society of Gesu, Ge=Earth + Sus=Pig which brings in the Jesuit.
Pig means contemptible person, Peppa means Jehovah increases; George means Earth; Jesuits the Society of Gesu means society of the Earth Pig.
The Jesuit Francis Bacon meaning free pig and the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt essentially founded the United States.
yep, it is actually on the dollar bill, what you thought was Washington, was actually Adam Weishaupt.
There are 3 6’s in Peppa’s tail and the Pig.
Legs form an 11, the number said to be associated with the Antichrist.
The arms and hands form a peace sign, the upside broken cross peace sign, which serves as the initiation symbol in witchcraft.
Legion was a group of demons who asked Jesus to enter the Gedarene swine herd before jumping off the cliff to the sea.
Remember one of the Jesus’ was not too popular and the villagers in one region tried to run him over a cliff.
So, legion was a group of demons, explains the holy ghost and re- legion does it not?
Paulton’s Park is home to Peppa Pig World Theme Park, apparently Boris Johnson’s favorite place.
Peppa meaning Jehovah increases and also means Angel of God, and has the same meaning as Joseph to increase.
George “Earth” also refers to St George killing the Dragon.
The Josephic Messiah will be the Antichrist, and refers to the British Empire and City of London Corp laying claim to all physical assets on Earth.
That is because London is the new Babylon, Baby lon-don.
The Pig family eats bacon and thus are cannibals; the source is Kahn-Baals, the Priests of Baal, which religion teaches their people to not eat pigs? Connecting the dots now?
On December 10 the US and Israel set a 1-week deadline for Iran talks to avert war; in Rome a young pig is sacrificed at the start of Saturnalia.
December 17 Lo Saturnalia the official greeting at the Temple of Saturn, the storehouse of Roman wealth.
Now who do you suppose is the young pig about to be sacrificed?
The Hopi Prophecy began to circulate in 1959 within Protestant Churches in America, a protestant is a demonstrating or complaining cat-holic remember.
Interesting word demon- strating when you break it up, the act of complaining is the work of the demons it seems.
The new documentary Calvinist details Calvin’s Tulip:
Total Depravity means nobody can affect their own Salvation, which is a Lie.
Unconditional Election means God chose people before birth for salvation or hell with no conditions or requirements, also a Lie.
Limited Atonement means Jesus died for the sins of the Elect, Turtle Island is for the Hopi and Mormon Elect.
Mormons carry this a step further by requiring the blood of Gentile sinners; Jesus died for the Sins of the World which is obviously a lie.
Mormons use the term Gentile as well? All one and the same is why.
Irresistible Grace means God chooses his Elect and offers Grace independent of our hearts or actions; another Lie.
Pre-destination means God pre-destined most of humanity to Hell again a lie.
Unless of course the god is Lucifer, Yahweh, Anu or Jehovah, because then it makes sense.
777 United Nations Plaza at Turtle Bay symbolizes all religions.
The Golden Sphere within a Sphere at the UN Plaza represents a world destroyed by war, with a much smaller population entering the Golden Age of Saturn.
The Revolver with its barrel tied in a knot and man turning his sword into a plowshare represent a return to Cain, the farmer who 1st attempted to hand back to God what he created and gave to humanity.
The first Chaldean Priests were called Konn-Torrs known as Priests of the revolver, the Chaldean Priests are the Hopi folks.
Notice the word Konn is spelt again with a K.
The Ark represents those entering the Golden Age of Saturn.
St George slaying the Dragon represents the same thing as the Peace Fountain at St John Divine Cathedral; those unwilling to submit to the White Brother the Mormon Christus, will be slain between June 21-July 22 after the 10th Jubilee.
A reasonably good bet for the start of the Great Tribulation because God’s final 2 witnesses will be killed in Jerusalem as people are sending gifts to one another at Hanukkah, Christmas which is Saturnalia. 9 months before Saturnalia, Ishtar or Ostara which is the origin of Easter conceives.
Hence the biblical term born again, using the season spring as meaning new growth.
Tree worship is nearing 6000 years old, the symbol is the Tau, the Sun rising above the horizon is the Tau seen in the Hopi doorways.
Worship of the rising sun caused the glory of the Lord to depart Solomon’s Temple; Jesus departed the 2nd Temple in identical manner from a Tree at the exact same spot.
The great question is, which one?
The Cross is not a Christian symbol; Jesus was crucified on a tree overlooking the Temple Mount, obviously that was the 3rd one.
The Temple Mount is controlled by the Vatican; a gift from Shimon Peres.
Vatican means Divine Serpent; the Serpent in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Vatican is derived from Vatis means diviner and can means Serpent.
Which is why the serpent is represented heavily inside the Vatican walls.
Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus colli, which means hill or mountain of prophecy.
It was all about pagan sacrificial worshipping, hence the term they use to promote it, pro pagan da, which means in favor of pagan skin.
The Vatican is controlled by Jesuits (Militia of Zeus); Zeus is called Jupiter, Marduk, Horus and Tammuz, symbolized by the Tau which is the sacred tree which the Hopi call Tawa.
Chaldeans worship the Tau with 40 days weeping for Tammuz beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 14 Valentine’s Day named after the Gnostic Valentinus; the 40 days before the return of Marduk/Tammuz.
The HQ of the Jesuits is the St John Lateran Arch-basilica; Lateran means Hidden Frogs, the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet.
Of course the internet entity Q, which we revealed the links to the Roman Quirinos, also had a frog as its meme.
Antichrist the White Brother will sit on the Throne of Pergamon which is the Throne of Zeus, currently in the Berlin Museum, which is Satan’s Seat, Isis also means Throne, next to the Abomination of Desolation and offer the Mark of the Beast in exchange for entering the Golden Age of Saturn.
So with Lucifer known as the White Brother, one has to ask is the pictorial reference of god represented to us as the white bearded man, actually Lucifer?
The Age of Aquarius is ruled by Saturn via Time or Chronos.
Question: What time is it? Order out of Chaos, Lord of the Rings, Bab-El Gate of Saturn; Babyl-On=Osiris=Saturn Gate of Saturn.
Bab Ilu=Allah=Sin the Gate of Sin all herald the Age of Aquarius ruled by Saturn, seen in the Six Pointed Star of Saturn on the Flag of Israel.
Regulus the law giver is the eastern boundary of Leo, represented by the Sphinx; Aquarius begins when Regulus (Alpha Leo) is at 150 degrees ecliptic longitude; roughly, that time is now.
Except the planet is heading towards Sagittarius.
The sun transits this sign between approximately November 22 and December 21, which just happens to coincide with Ophiuchus.
There is a reason that zodiac sign has a symbol of the bow and arrow, firing at the serpent.
New Mexico means New Aztec Aztlan also means Aztec meaning to make white; Hopi Prophecy says the White Brother will return when the Red Kachina removes his mask in the Plaza.
The land Mexico controlled before the Mexican-American Wars it is stated will be reclaimed, including Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas.
Using Jared Kushner who was awarded the Order of the Aztec Eagle in 2018 is stated to be the puppet to implement it, the same year Messiah was filmed in Jordan and Jeffrey Epstein’s Belen or Bethlehem ranch in New Mexico.
Mexico was conquered by and named after the Mexica aka the Aztecs, before the Sephardic fake Jews repopulated the land as Conquistadores.
The Sephardic’s were thrown out of Spain the day before the ships set sail to America.
Blood sacrifices are necessary every 52 years to appease the Aztec Sun God Tonatiuh at the center of the 52 year calendar; the age of the 5th and final Sun in the Aztec New Fire Ceremony, called the Binding of Years.
There is that word binding again, just like covenant and testament.
The Eagle is Saturn, the Edomite and Nazi Eagle’s Nest, the Mormon Eagle Gate or American Eagle, they are all the same.
The Age of the 5th Sun is Aryan meaning Iran or Aryan Noble Caste, culminating with the incarnation of Sanat Kumara the World Teacher, known as al Mahdi meaning he who rises.
Pretty hard not to see Satan in Sanat or Santa eh?
Corona means Crown, Satan the Crowned Prince of the World becomes King.
Accept that King and Hell for Eternity awaits.
The plan is written in stone by Hopi elders at Prophecy Rock because Hopi are Aztecs.
The Aztec Eagle Warriors known as Warriors of the Sun, where the Eagle is Saturn, the Black Sun; Edomite/Nazi SS Eagle’s Nest are required to hunt or track down and subdue their enemy to be used as Aztec sacrifices.
They stun or fool their prey, not kill them initially; this is the Media and the Border Wall plan.
Trackdown is an interesting term as a 1958 series Trackdown called the end of the World, starring the Ruler and Army of one Walter Trump.
Who enters a Texas-Mexico border town beating a drum promising protection from foreign invasion by building a wall, Donald Trump real name is Drumpf which means drummer.
In the series it featured a snake oil salesman named ‘Trump’ who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world.
Sounds more like Kushner than Trump, but Trump wasn’t running that office anyway, his Israeli handlers were.
The Age of the Aztec 5th and final Sun was marked by a Solar Eclipse visible in Aztlan and celebrated by Aztec Eagle Warriors sacrificing the entire city of Tollan (Tula in Hidalgo); this is the same TULA worshipped in Egypt as the Black Sun Osiris, by the Nazi SS and Thule Society said to be linked with the Skull & Bones.
America: Land of the Amorites Amurucu, Amar, the Canaanite god of the West; Amurru is the Serpent god of the Amorites and Edomites; Amurucu their land; Amorica, the Druid land of the west and Cathars the Church of Amor.
On Aug 21, 2017 the Great American Eclipse path crossed over 7 towns named Salem, the Canaanite god of the West Dusk; this will be followed by the sequel to the Great American Eclipse on Oct 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024 with the Eclipse path passing over Aztlan.
It may be hard to digest the sacrifice of the entire nation of America to the Sun god, but that is the Aztec plan;
Babylon means Gate of the Sun and that is America’s role.
Like I have said all along, America is the final battlefield.
The Aztec Whiteness and Land of the Heron migration to America is said to have originated in the East, first to Florida Land of the White Herons.
In the series Messiah, notice the Mormon President assuming his role as the one mighty and strong, as South Florida is deluged.
From Florida the Land of the White Herons, the Aztecs migrated to Serpent Hill/Mound in Ohio, then to the Great Salt Lake; which sounds like the path the Mormons took, hence their meme of White and Delightsome.
Mormonism is an essential part of Aztec religion; the Great Salt Lake is essentially the Dead Sea of the west aka Vale of Siddim.
The Dead Sea full of slime pits in Sodom and Gomorrah that a God rained fire and brimstone on.
From the Great Salt Lake which is the Mormon Zion, Aztecs migrated to central Mexico, the same path Iran-Contra money launderer Mitt Romney’s family took.
X marks the spot; the 2 eclipse paths cross in Texas where the Messiah began his trek to Washington DC, which is just another cohencidence.
The Mormon books Blood in the Streets and White Horse Prophecies reveal far more of their plans.
Well that is another of their plans brought out of the dark and into the light.
Much light work was done in Florida during the past decade, and I don’t think it is a coincidence that I live in New Mexico now.
I don’t think it is a coincidence that I was led to create the village from there either.
Some major work was done to correct some of their story and plans in May this year.
The implications of that work is still being assessed although much positive frequencies and evidences have been garnered since.
The members who were there have all felt the beneficial effects arising from that work, and that endures to this day and will continue.
Further work will be undertaken once I am stationed permanently in the village, possibly next week.
That work will have more beneficial impacts for us and also impact negatively their supposed prophecies and plans.
The Hopi like many other tribes have been duped with a fake history, and if they think they are destined to claim all of the land, they like the Jews will be sadly mistaken.
The land belongs to everyone, and I don’t care who doesn’t like that idea.
Tribal people citing fake his story, greed-based tyrants, fake gods and their stories will not prosper going forward.
The Hopi are part of or complicit in a hostile alien invasion of our planet, and you will be stopped, of that you can rest assured.
We can fight over it and you will lose, or come together as adults and learn to share all of the land together.
The past and the old world is gone, we will not be ushering a repeat loop based program again.
Your time and their time is gone, and will not be returning.
Not Messiahs, not Set, Marduk, Anu, Baal, Isis, Osiris not any of them will be coming here to save these sadly broken child level people, or indeed beings.
Don’t believe me, then your judgement day is upon you.
Final piece
What this show reveals is, the same programs ran over and over again, all of which failed us all.
The definition of unsanity is to keep repeating things over and over again and expecting different results.
Savior programs being ran and yet not one of them delivered their said saving did they?
Not Jeshuau, Allah, the Lord, God, Yahweh, Jehovah and the many other entities, where was Yahweh or Jehovah when the alleged 6M Jews was being exterminated in the camps? Nowhere, because it is all fake and illusion.
The same applies to Government elections, yes, they all promise change every election cycle, but does it change for the better? never, it changes alright, but to worse.
People going from one failed relationship to another, and wonder why? One abusive relationship into another and they wonder why? Because you didn’t change and so you are offered a repeat program, but how many relationships or how long does it take for people to actually work that out?
People say I hate my job, but most never consider changing it, so they stay in it and keep complaining, again a repeat loop based analogy.
People say I don’t like where I live, but also stay there and keep complaining, again a repeat loop program.
People spend and waste much energy in repeatedly complaining about something, yet too few consider of how to be or provide the solutions to make those things better.
Sacrifices to the gods is so last Millenia, and yet people continue to do it to this very day, and never stop to ask why A: they are doing it and B: why despite doing it, nothing ever changes.
People complain endlessly about other people, called gossiping, and yet the endless drama and complaining also brings no benefits or change does it? Why? Because the drama and the gossiping says much about you is why.
It only changes when you change you.
This show reveals the level of division also, how has that worked for us all? It just hasn’t.
Recently we at THI reversed their meme and sigil called the Yin and Yang, which is their symbol of division, check out our version on the mewe page and also in the Communal Gatherings The People of Colors.
Here is a novel idea, how about we all come together and learn to act like adults, not children.
Remember it was the much-revered Lord of the stupid, that created division by changing all our languages so we couldn’t coalesce together.
What does that tell you?
The purposely installed mind meme of, well it was always done this or that way, but except this or that way does not work! Why are we repeating it?
Nothing has ever worked the right way on this planet, because the stupid people keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again.
It is time to really THInk Different.