5/7/20 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Thomas Williams

May 7, 2020

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Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2020-05-07


Topics in this show

  • Pope Francis announces Global Pact
  • Michigan sues Governor Gretchen Whitmer
  • BlackRock CEO Larry Fink advising Trump
  • UN expert said annexation strictly prohibited under international law
  • Demise of Palestinian right to self determination
  • Bank Hapoalim in Israel actively assisting US customers evading taxes
  • Takeover of the Fed not for the people
  • 16,500 year control system crushed in one decade
  • Discussion of Trust, TPC, and clowns
  • Brutal reality here. Rogue elements taking advantage of depopulation 1-11 points
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Play audio at: 22

The great question of the day and will reflect in this show is how can you build a society when the nurturing archetype mistrusts or neglects the few people who are actually nice, caring and kind hearted? The answer is you can’t and that has to change and that change starts with you.
Everything is twisted these days by assumptions based on insecurity of the self and peoples own off balance mindset.
This show is a summary of events just past and unfolding, it confirms many of our previous shows and predictions in all too clear a fashion.
This is why our group is targeted by all and sundry, with a plethora of agents within the old alt media circuit playing a role within it, all designated to bring down one man and one group and you have to ask yourself why?
Well there are a number of reasons I can cite, but the key reason is we came up with a plan of improving this planet and without anyone having overall control, that is the gist of it.
Their recent hilarious attempt to discredit me borders on child level theatrics of stitching together a series of shows to make it look like our narrative is different, and they have managed to create doubts in some people, and some people have left our group to join theirs, but that is also the purge from our group of the easily swayed, fence sitting, zero inner and shadow work do nothings, no exceptions. If not, then prove me wrong and act in the right way.
Mired in their own inability to improve themselves and terrified of the possibility of personal responsibility as ours is a working group they have to participate in, not like the wait clubs in the rest of the alt media.
Their whole mission is to get me and Kim to quit, split us up and create division amongst the people, well I for one will not be quitting, no matter who else does, no matter how many drop me in the alt media, so they can carry on doing what they do, as it will not affect how I do things.
Many have tried to control, use, sway or abuse me to throw me off track and all have failed so they can keep on wasting their energy, it makes no difference to me, I will continue to fight for humanity, as it is what I do and what I am about, whether alone or in a group, it matters not to me.
For those new THI Team Bubba is ran by a child trafficking, child solicitation and child torture pedophile, it contains demons, witches, agency shills, hackers, drug and alcohol addicts, criminals who are buying off their crimes by trolling, Rothschild’s family member and agents with links to lead Democratic senators and officials, who are desperate to cover up their own crimes and involvement with abusing children, and also the Blackwater mercenary group leader Erik Prince.
A group who admitted blocking the Trust Funds, a group who openly celebrated the early and painful death of someone’s sibling, that is what those people have joined because of their alleged hatred of one man, one man who showed them a better path they refuse to take.
So having taken 18 months to perfect their only skill copy and paste, they have now developed into stitching shows together, to serve a point of their own stupidity, here is our response to their failure to do anything right, and show how they have developed from one skillset to another. In 18 months they have only managed to add less than 100 other do nothings and repeatedly failed everytime, reminiscent of who they work for really, the cabal, failed again.


Play audio at: 6:37

Apologies to those on Patreon I was a bit behind posting the transcript of shows, but managed to catch up a bit this week.
Also I am still not getting to emails as quick as I would like, so have some patience on that please, requesting now people not send me videos to watch via emails, as I just don’t have the time to watch any of them anymore, thanks.

As California threatens to remove alleged sick people from their homes into detention centers, State of Washington is training geese to attack non complaint golfers on stay at home policy, if ever their was a social distancing sport, golfing is it, a professor researching Covid 19 found dead and called suicide, which is a marked change as all other deaths are now marked as coronavirus, woman arresting for cutting hair, another arrested for doing nails in her home, predictably New York working with Gates on mandatory child vaccines for the State, Robert David Steele says this “Pedophilia which says child love has nothing to do with child abuse.” Then you have the Chicago mayor stating anyone not staying at home, we will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to we will arrest and we will take you to jail, period, but I am the focus of the problem it seems to the recently addressed people and who they are connected to, no wonder this planet is a mess.
It is not about me it is about the lack of focus, I am just the easy target you see, and therein lies the problem.

Other reports are the hospitals are getting $13,000 for reporting Covid 19 even if it was a heart attack and $39,000 if your on a ventilator, all about the money and some people still think we are ready for the Trust fund release, not in my book we are not.
That is my opinion, but that is not my choice, that lies with The Trustee only.
Until money no longer becomes the latest god and must have, and the propensity to earn it all costs, then The Trust funds will always be wasted, as the desire for money supercedes all morals, values, virtues and honor it appears to me.
A question remains on file largely unanswered, but are people and the desire for money at all costs the real virus?

This was something I warned about first in Cosmic Voice and was dismissed by many as not possible.
In light of the intel last week of Macron installed as world leader for this, it was going to be Mr. Trump and a ceremony to take place in Russia to announce it, but the Pope proclaimed Macron in a recent announcement.
This is from last year but the date is now coming closer to fruition.
In a renewed and enthusiastic endorsement of globalism, Pope Francis has announced he is hosting an initiative for a “Global Pact” to create a “new humanism.”
The global event, set to take place at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, is themed Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance.
According to a Vatican statement issued on Thursday, Sept. 12 2019, the Pope is inviting representatives of the main religions, international organizations and various humanitarian institutions, as well as key figures from the world of politics, economics and academia, and prominent athletes, scientists and sociologists to sign a “Global Pact on Education” so as to “hand on to younger generations a united and fraternal common home.”
In a strikingly secular message containing only one throw-away reference to the Lord, Pope Francis called on people to “capitalize on our best energies” and to be “proactive” in “opening education to a long-term vision unfettered by the status quo.”
“This,” he said, “will result in men and women who are open, responsible, prepared to listen, dialogue and reflect with others, and capable of weaving relationships with families, between generations, and with civil society, and thus to create a new humanism.” Sounds all so nice, but their version of open is the datamining program called Open Source.
Quoting Hillary Clinton’s favorite aphorism, “It takes a village to raise a child,” Pope Francis asserted the need to create an “educational village,” in which “all people, according to their respective roles, share the task of forming a network of open, human relationships.” Ask why the emphasis on human? is he telling you there are non humans? is humanism a euphemism for transhumanism and this rise of the robots?
Things arising from this is your face now a public global government, a public global religion and a public centralization of power, why do I say public, because they have had a one world government for a long time, there was only ever one religion Hebrew/Annunaki all the rest are subsidiaries and divide and conquer programs, and by decentralizing which they warned you of via the bitcoin, is them centralizing all power to an even fewer numbers.
Education means training of animals, so that tells you right there, their full intentions.
So they are still planning our demise in some quarters and what is our response is the key, we in this group have made giant strides but a plethora of ridiculous comments, suggestions and wild allegations surface in our own group this week, and allows me an opportunity to overview it all and answer some questions for further clarity of the situation as well, for those who doubt, that will be later in the show.

The Michigan House of Representatives declined to extend Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s state of emergency another 28 days, and instead voted on Thursday to sue her.
Whitmer’s initial state of emergency order, which is separate from the stay-at-home order, expires on Thursday and requires legislative action to be lengthened.
Negotiations on that front fell apart on Wednesday when Whitmer refused to make any concessions on the matter, asserting she has the ultimate control of emergencies.
So the House voted to authorize Speaker Lee Chatfield to sue the governor, saying Whitmer’s “unchecked and undemocratic approach” is not the best way, ABC 12 reported. “The current status quo relies on one-size-fits-all edicts that unfairly punish millions of people across the state without giving them any recourse or voice in the process,” Chatfield said. “The people deserve a better solution, and we can provide it.” The House also passed a resolution restricting a governor’s state of emergency declarations to 14 days. Whitmer has vowed to veto that legislation. Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the capitol and demanded the state be reopened.
“We want Michigan open, we want Michigan back to work,” Jason Howland, one of the protest organizers, told Fox 17.

Isn’t it just an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the “CURE” for COVID-19….and here’s where it gets interesting China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID who has an office near Wuhan and you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID….none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO. I know what your thinking! It’s just all a coincidence isn’t it! Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. Oh, silly me I forgot one more coincidence Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Coronaviruses……I sure am thankful it’s all just coincidences! Nothing to see here just keep moving along.
Landlords in Venice are calling Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin “exploitative” and “predatory” after Bonin pitched a proposal to use federal stimulus money to buy up distressed properties that go “belly up” and turn them around into housing for the homeless. Bonin made the comments during a teleconference last week. “I intend on putting in another proposal in the next week or two that asks the city to look at the federal bailout or stimulus funds we’ll be getting as a result of this crisis, and use some of that to either buy hotels that go belly up or to buy the distressed properties that are absolutely going to be on the market at cheaper prices after this crisis is over,” Bonin said. “And use that as homeless and affordable housing. It’s going to be a hell of a lot cheaper to purchase stuff that is already there and move people in there than if we start from scratch.
“The city has a unique opportunity right now to use federal funds to quickly get people on the streets housed,” Bonin said. “This is an attempt by the city to prevent predatory behavior, last time there was an economic crash in 2008, hundreds of thousands of residential units across the country were bought up by hedge funds, as a result, a lot of people got evicted.”
Corrupt in LA just like NY and taking advantage of the situation for their own illicit gains.

Calvin Munerlyn worked hard to provide for his family as a security guard at Family Dollar in Flint.
Munerlyn, a father of nine, was gunned down after turning a customer away for trying to enter the store without a mask, according to authorities.
On Monday, Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton charged three suspects in the murder — 45-year-old Sharmel Teague, 44-year-old Larry Edward Teague Jr., and 23-year-old Ramonyea Bishop.
“Decisions like staying home when we can, wearing a mask when going to the store and staying a safe distance from those around us, these should not be political arguments,” Leyton said. “They don’t necessitate acts of defiance and we simply cannot devolve into an us-versus-them mentality.
So the gist of this is you must wear ze masks because the government said they would keep you safe.
The question remains if masks keep you safe why are they concerned with people who don’t?
If masks are essential to all peoples health, why aren’t politicians wearing them, or portal people, or agency based clowns or military generals?
If masks and the government are about keeping you safe, why isn’t there mandatory mask wearing during flu season in hospitals, doctors, dentists or clinics?
If vaccines work why are they concerned about an unvaccinated person?
Why with all the research and medical expertise have they not come up with a safe bacteria spray for people to spray in their mouth when required, like they have for bad breath? I wonder why?
At this point if they made vaccine voluntary many will take it, and you know what, at some point we have to let them take their city of light pills and move on.
Helping others who won’t help themselves becomes an abject lesson in frustration as they repeat the same shit over and over.

BlackRock Inc. Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink had a stark message for a private audience: As bad as things have been for corporate America in recent weeks, they’re likely to get worse. Mass bankruptcies, empty planes, cautious consumers and an increase in the corporate tax rate to as high as 29% were part of a vision Fink sketched out on a call this week. The message from the leader of the world’s biggest asset manager contrasts with the ebullient tones of a stock market that has snapped back from recent lows. He has been advising President Donald Trump on how to navigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. And BlackRock is playing a key role in the Federal Reserve’s efforts to stabilize markets, helping the central bank buy billions of dollars in assets.
Twitter witnessed a interesting exchange yesterday – a spat between Guns n’ Roses singer Axl Rose and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. It began when Rose flung an insult at Mr Mnuchin, a key figure in the US response to the coronavirus pandemic. Mr Mnuchin then hit back, questioning the musician’s patriotism: “What have you done for the country lately?” he asked. It did not end there.
Social media users soon noticed that a flag emoji used in the treasury secretary’s tweet belonged to Liberia – which although visually very similar to the US flag, has only one star.
How interesting it was the Liberia flag where the public got their first mention of the then Manna World Holding trust, interesting indeed.
The original tweet was deleted and replaced with one showing the correct flag, but not before the mistake was screen grabbed and shared.
It’s official! Whatever anyone may have previously thought of Steve Mnuchin he’s officially an asshole.
Rose mocked Mr Mnuchin for the mix-up, saying he hadn’t realised “we’re hoping to emulate Liberia’s economic model but… unlike this admin[istration] I’m not responsible for 70k+ deaths”.
Tech news outlet dot.LA recently reported that researchers at the University of Southern California, Emory University, and the University of Texas Health Science Center have received a federal grant to create a mobile app for contact tracing the novel coronavirus. The system will track a person’s real-time location and symptoms, and calculate a personal COVID-19 risk score.
Concerns about privacy are being raised, along with the potential for employers to require workers to reveal their “score” as a condition of receiving a benefit, entering a building, or returning to their office.
It has also been noted that China’s surveillance scoring system has already blocked 23 million citizens from traveling by plane or train, and has blacklisted over 13 million citizens as “untrustworthy.” Clowns in panic show? anyone? like the show Continuum I kept referring to of what is coming?

Recently some in our group took umbrage that some stimulus checks were paid out when I said none, and I explained that it was stolen funds that facilitated it and too few checks would follow, which didn’t appease some people with an agenda, but here we are over a month later now and where are the checks?
Could it be they have no funds after all? and so we had excuse IRS equipment was outdated, then they sent checks out to the wrong banks, then delay due to Trump adding his name to the checks was another reason for the delay.
The population who would receive these checks are likely around 200M give or take, could be less, it is now over a month to pay these checks out, when the USPS delivers 155M mails per day, which could have delivered those checks in 2 days at that rate.
But now I find out they are sending checks out to dead people, not one of this family received a stimulus check except their dead father, do you really thinks this is all real still? lets post out many checks makes it look like we paid more out, send to a load of dead people who can’t cash them and so they hide the illusion, they have no funds.
At which point do the public realize they have been duped?


Play audio at: 42:20

An independent UN human rights expert warned Friday that the new Israeli coalition government’s plan to proceed with annexing significant parts of the occupied West Bank, will be a blow to the international order and undermine prospects for a negotiated settlement.
According to Michael Lynk, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967: “Israel’s decision to unilaterally march ahead with the planned annexation on July 1 undermines human rights in the region, and would be a severe body blow to the rules-based international order.”
Lynk expressed alarm that Israel’s annexation plans are being supported and facilitated by the United States.
If the annexation plans proceed, what would be left of the West Bank would become a “Palestinian Bantustan”, an archipelago of disconnected islands of territory, surrounded and divided up by Israel with no connection to the outside world, the special rapporteur said.
The plan includes the Jordan Valley and, if brought to fruition, would lead to “a cascade of bad human rights consequences”.
Going ahead with it would also further undermine any remaining prospect for a just and negotiated settlement, he said.
“The plan would crystalize a 21st-century apartheid, leaving in its wake the demise of the Palestinians’ right to self-determination. Legally, morally, politically, this is entirely unacceptable.”
Human rights violations arising from Israeli occupation would only intensify after the annexation, Lynk said.
The UN expert said that annexation had been strictly prohibited under international law since the adoption of the Charter of the United Nations in 1945.

Justice News
Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Israel’s Largest Bank, Bank Hapoalim, Admits to Conspiring with U.S. Taxpayers to Hide Assets and Income in Offshore Accounts
Bank Hapoalim (Switzerland) Pleads Guilty and Bank Hapoalim B.M. Enters into Deferred Prosecution Agreement for Criminal Misconduct; Agree to Pay Nearly $875 Million
Jeffrey A. Rosen, the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Richard E. Zuckerman, the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Tax Division, Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Don Fort, the Chief of the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI), announced today the guilty plea of Bank Hapoalim (Switzerland) Ltd. and filing of criminal charges against Bank Hapoalim B.M. for conspiring with U.S. taxpayers and others to hide more than $7.6 billion in more than 5,500 secret Swiss and Israeli bank accounts and the income generated in these accounts from the Internal Revenue Service (the IRS). BHS’s Chief Executive Officer appeared on behalf of the bank to enter the guilty plea before U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil.
As part of today’s resolutions, along with resolutions entered into with state and federal partners, Bank Hapoalim B.M. (BHBM), Israel’s largest bank, and Bank Hapoalim (Switzerland) Ltd. (BHS), its Swiss subsidiary, agreed to pay approximately $874.27 million to the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and the New York State Department of Financial Services. Today’s resolution is the second-largest recovery by the Department of Justice in connection with its investigations since 2008 into facilitation of offshore U.S. tax evasion by foreign banks.
“Today’s resolutions and payment of $874 million make clear that tax evasion cannot be taken lightly,” said Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen. “A fair tax system requires even-handed compliance, and honest conduct by all participants in the system.”
“The Department of Justice continues to aggressively prosecute banks and other financial institutions that help U.S. taxpayers conceal their income and assets in offshore bank accounts,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard E. Zuckerman. “Today, Bank Hapoalim is being held accountable for its conduct – it has admitted to its crimes and will surrender all fees it earned, repay the United States for lost tax revenue, and pay a substantial fine.”
“Israel’s largest bank, Bank Hapoalim, and its Swiss subsidiary have admitted not only failing to prevent but actively assisting U.S. customers to set up secret accounts, to shelter assets and income, and to evade taxes,” said U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman of the Southern District of New York. “The combined payment approaching $1 billion reflects the magnitude of the tax evasion by the Bank’s U.S. customers, the size of the fees the Bank collected to provide this illegal service, and the gravity of the illegal conduct.”
“There is no excuse for a foreign financial institution to unlawfully assist wealthy Americans in flouting their responsibilities to pay their taxes,” said IRS Criminal Investigation Chief Don Fort. “With today’s guilty plea, Bank Hapoalim is taking responsibility for their role in deliberately breaking the law and undermining the integrity of this nation’s tax system. Offshore tax evasion is a top priority for IRS Criminal Investigation and we are wholeheartedly committed to bringing offenders to justice. Today’s resolution serves as proof that financial institutions engaging in tax fraud face dire criminal and financial consequences for their behavior.”
“The vast majority of New Yorkers follow the rules and pay their taxes, thereby contributing their fair share towards critical state and federal government operations and public services,” said Superintendent Linda A. Lacewell of New York State Department of Financial Services. “There are some, however, who went to great lengths to avoid paying their share, and Bank Hapoalim offered a whole array of services to U.S. citizens, including New Yorkers, that knowingly facilitated their tax evasion. DFS will not tolerate such behavior from banks that operate in the State of New York. DFS thanks our federal partners at the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve Board for their assistance and coordination during this investigation.”
Today’s resolutions include agreements with BHBM and BHS (collectively, the “Bank”) under which the Bank agreed to accept responsibility for its conduct by stipulating to the accuracy of extensive Statements of Facts. BHBM further agreed to refrain from all future criminal conduct, implement remedial measures, and cooperate fully with further investigations into hidden bank accounts. Assuming BHBM’s continued compliance with its agreement, the Government has agreed to defer prosecution of BHBM for a period of three years, after which time the Government will seek to dismiss the charge against BHBM.
According to documents filed today in Manhattan federal court:
BHBM is Israel’s largest bank and operates primarily as a retail bank with approximately 250 branches throughout Israel and more than 2.5 million accounts. In addition to retail banking services, BHBM offered private banking services for onshore and offshore customers through its retail branches and its Global Private Banking Center. BHBM also wholly owned Poalim Trust Services Ltd., which provided trust formation and management services. Outside Israel, BHBM owned BHS, a Swiss subsidiary that provided private banking. BHS is headquartered in Zurich and at times during the prosecution period had branches in Geneva, Luxembourg, and Singapore. BHBM also had branches in New York, Miami, the Cayman Islands, the United Kingdom, and Jersey.
From at least in or about 2002, and continuing until at least in or about 2014, the Bank conspired with employees, U.S. customers, and others to: (1) defraud the United States with respect to taxes; (2) file false federal tax returns; and (3) commit tax evasion. Employees of BHBM and BHS assisted U.S. customers in concealing their ownership and control of assets and funds held at the Bank, which enabled those U.S. customers to evade their U.S. tax obligations, by engaging in the following conduct:
Assisting U.S. customers with opening and maintaining accounts in the names of pseudonyms, code names, trust accounts, and offshore nominee entities;
Opening customer accounts for known U.S. customers using non-U.S. forms of identification;
Enabling U.S. taxpayers to evade U.S reporting requirements on securities’ earnings in violation of the Bank’s agreements with the IRS;
Providing “hold mail” services for a fee, avoiding any correspondence regarding the undeclared account being sent to the U.S.;
Offering back-to-back loans for U.S. taxpayers to enable them to access funds in the United States that were held in offshore accounts at the Bank in Switzerland and Israel; and
Processing wire transfers or issuing checks in amounts of less than $10,000 that were drawn on the accounts of U.S. taxpayers or entities in order to avoid triggering scrutiny.
At least four senior executives of the Bank, including two former members of BHS’s board of directors, were directly involved in aiding and abetting tax evasion of U.S. taxpayers.
Under today’s resolutions, the Bank is required to cooperate fully with ongoing investigations and affirmatively disclose any information it may later uncover regarding U.S.-related accounts. The Bank is also required to disclose information consistent with the Department of Justice’s Swiss Bank Program relating to accounts closed between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2019. The agreements provide no protection from criminal or civil prosecution for any individuals.
BHBM will pay a total of $214.38 million, which has three parts. First, BHBM has agreed to pay $77,877,099 in restitution to the IRS, which represents the unpaid taxes resulting from BHBM’s participation in the conspiracy. Second, BHBM has agreed to forfeit $35,696,929 to the United States, which represents gross fees (not profits) that the bank earned on its undeclared accounts between 2002 and 2014. Finally, BHBM has agreed to pay a penalty of $100,811,585.
BHS will pay a total of $402.53 million, which also has three parts. First, BHS has agreed to pay $138,908,073 in restitution to the IRS, which represents the unpaid taxes resulting from BHS’s participation in the conspiracy. Second, BHS has agreed to forfeit $124,628,449 in gross fees to the United States. Finally, BHS has agreed to pay a fine of $138,998,399. These payments were approved by Judge Vyskocil today in connection with BHS’s plea and sentencing.
Both the penalty and fine amounts take into consideration that the Bank, after initially providing deficient cooperation through an inadequate internal investigation and the provision of incomplete and inaccurate information and data to the Government, thereafter conducted a thorough internal investigation, provided client-identifying information, and cooperated in ongoing investigations and prosecutions. The Bank further implemented remedial measures to protect against the use of its services for tax evasion in the future.
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is also announcing today that it has reached a resolution with BHBM, by which BHBM has agreed to a consent order, certain remedial steps to ensure its compliance with U.S. law in its ongoing operations, and a civil monetary penalty of $37.35 million. Additionally, the New York State Department of Financial Services is announcing a similar resolution by which BHBM has agreed to a cease and desist order and a monetary penalty of $220 million.
This agreement marks the third time an Israeli bank has admitted to similar criminal conduct. The Bank Leumi Group (in December 2014) and Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank Ltd. (in March 2019) entered into DPAs with the Department of Justice admitting that they conspired with U.S. taxpayers to prepare and present false tax returns to the IRS by hiding income and assets in offshore bank accounts in Israel and elsewhere around the world.
Deputy Attorney General Rosen, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Zuckerman, U.S. Attorney Berman, and Chief Fort commended special agents of IRS-Criminal Investigation, who investigated this case, and Assistant Chief Todd A. Ellinwood and Senior Litigation Counsel Nanette Davis of the Tax Division, and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Sagar K. Ravi and Timothy V. Capozzi of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, who prosecuted this case. Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Zuckerman also thanked Assistant Chief Kathleen Barry and former Trial Attorney Timothy Russo of the Tax Division for their substantial assistance.
That is further evidence of the Black Sun war against The Rothschild’s in a nutshell, and QAnons need to get more aware of who and what they are celebrating as the recent takeover of The Fed, was not for and by the people, but the Black Sun.
The Rothschild’s are bad no getting away from that, and all of their ilk need to return to Source, all of them are corrupted and not redeemable, but The Black Sun are no different, they and Rothschild’s are two peas in the same pod. Evil personified.

The world back stage is in utter carnage and chaos, they cant control what they have done and have no solutions to fix it, they are relying on public patience now.
Black Sun of Asia launched the virus as a depopulation program without thinking who would run their world for them with the majority of the people gone.
They were requesting funding this week and were refused until they come up with a valid plan, which will never arrive as they cannot come up with a plan they 100% control.
They appear to think M, The Dark Prince and The Destroyer are all returning and is just another one of M’s tests, good luck with that, because that’s not happening.

There are rumors on the back channels of 20-30M people in China are dead, and not from the virus either, like I said rumors.

The clowns are in planning to create a full scale war between China and America, again overlooking the fact that, that requires funds they don’t have, they are not in full control of weapons pointing at each country either, again ouroborus and non thinking program.

Clowns are also playing out the biblical four horse apocalypse game as well, which consists of “sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague.”
In John’s revelation, the first horseman is on a white horse, carrying a bow, and given a crown, riding forward as a figure of Conquest, perhaps invoking Pestilence, Christ, or the Antichrist. The second carries a sword and rides a red horse and is the creator of War. The third is a food merchant riding upon a black horse, symbolizing Famine. The fourth and final horse is pale green, and upon it rides Death accompanied by Hades, so all hail the fake gods and demi gods again, not one of them was valid and neither is that book, called the bible but pronounced buy bull as in buy bullshit.
The sword and the wild beasts have not happened yet as that involves war, but the plague is already underway, and contrary to most who focus on wrong things, so is the famine.
Yet more religious jackassery and the sooner people drop that program the better chance for us all.

The Council mentioned the 1/3 deal again and they refused again, why? because they know we will win with our 1/3 even if they combine, because they can’t have control over our 1/3.
One observer of their world described the remaining top order as going kamikaze, I am not surprised, I would say that is human nature, but their humanity left their vessel a long time back.
Think about it, if you had done their crimes, wouldn’t you go kamikaze? we have pushed them into a position where they have no options, and now the twilight corridor analogy described in the last show brings that to the fore in full detail.
What has been done is, cut their energy harvesting flow on the higher scale and that will never be returning – hence the panic
Creating fear loosh and making threats is all they have left, releasing frequencies to cause people to lose their mind, have doubts and turn nasty on people, is being evidenced not only in our group, but everywhere.
The source energy first released in May 2018 was the compression event – it squeezed them out of the shadows and into the light.
It also squeezed out more of the dark aspects in people in general, as has been evidenced, purging out the darkness contained within us all, the day of the Svarog has increased their panic and the peoples.
Maybe social distancing is symbolic and is useful in this time, as most people ignore each other anyway, most of humanity are just not nice, to themselves or each other, some will not agree with that and that’s fine, but the question for those who disagree is, why isn’t the Earth a nicer place then?
It is the purge going on and it will be unpleasant for some time to come, until the clowns and the people awake or not, accept their own parts in creating a world filled with hatred, mistrust, violence, death, envy, greed, cynicism and bitterness.
And for people who ask what can I do? fix and improve you is your role in it.
With regards to the clowns, like I have said time is our friend – not theirs, in terms of the over controlling nature of this planet. But a word of caution, time is not the peoples friend either now, as more and more will fall, riddled with their own programs and an inability to address it.
There have been many positives over the last decade, which people have a tendency to forget, their harvesting of us is rendered a dwindling program with the Trust not in their possession for the next 500 years, whether it opens or not.
The day of Svarog for the next 1008 years oops adds a whole new layer of the potential of rebuilding a world that not only creates more light, but an opportunity for our species to create proper adults.
The focus is not what we haven’t done (releasing the trust funds) but what we have done, what has happened and what was prevented as happening, is something many will struggle to comprehend the enormity of it all.
Maybe getting ugly for the people is an event that needs to happen, as a constant reminder to never let yourselves be ruled in that manner again?
The info in our shows will be required going forward for many, that has to be taught on all levels to begin to understand the depth of it all.
16500 years of control systems wields 1000’s of rabbit holes not just one, but in one decade we have managed to crush it into small fragments, extraordinary in and of itself, but it is only of value if enough people change themselves and implement what is laid out in Part 2 of The Peoples Club human progression ideals.
The answer as it always was, lies within us all.


Play audio at: 82:00

This is why we must dont stop believing as new people are joining the fray by the day and here is a positive, poignant and classic example.
Play cop audio
This is what I have been warning about since Cosmic voice when I asked an ex cop to come on the show after appearing on PBS.
This guy is right 100% and sees the dangers not only to the public but his own profession.
That profession will become pariah status amongst the populace unless more brave cops like him stand up and speak out.
One hopes his colleagues have the courage and conviction to support him going forward, because the system will attack him as I know only too well, and he will need a lot of support from his fellow officers.
Finally a voice in the so called authority group speaking with common sense, a sad rarity these days in a world of followers and scripts, for someone to actually see what is going on, assess it and have courage to speak it, thank you Mr. Anderson of MPU.
A message for the real Militia go and support and protect this man as your own oath demands, seek out others like him and support them as well, create and build a network quickly before the bloodshed begins, we don’t have much time.
This is all out war on the people of the planet and yet the people want to spend their time on social media denigrating one man, focus people, support the very few who will sacrifice their life and lifestyle to help you all.
This world is filled with cowardice and if you can’t show your own backbone and courage, at least support those who will.

The Peoples Club

Play audio at: 96:00

The TPC because we are doing well, the usual suspects decide we cannot possibly have something real, transparent, honest and open within the Alt community so lets send our members out to trash it.
Here are some of the interactions this week.
1. A request was asked by a member who has only been in the group 3 weeks and is from Spain.
2. someone asked for the evidence of any member who has been helped, and like Randy Maugans questioned the validity of us paying for the wheelchair recently for one of our members.
A few things regarding this is, 1. TPC was designed for America only initially 2. do we receive donations from people outside of America? yes it is voluntary. 3. I decided that was not fair to other countries and created THI country groups where the donations can be kept and sent out within that country, administered by the group themselves. 4. TPC has helped long standing members with aid when requested 5. Currently the vote is done by the 3 directors on whether to send funds to people who need help 6. eventually this will be done on a wider scale and we will have many members voting on when, where or if the funds will spent. 7. the TPC is a private company owned by me, but will eventually be owned by you all 8. do the very people who question the directors, where the money goes, how it is collected, how it is spent do that to any other private company? if not why?
9. why is it the ones who don’t contribute to helping the people, are the ones who makes complaints, accusations or demands?
10. many of you will have your own companies or place of work, would you or they take kindly to someone prying into your business or company? why is the TPC different?
11. do people consider the privacy of those who have been assisted by the TPC, perhaps they would not like to reveal they have been helped?
I have been very open as to the details, I have posted yearly results of all donations and expenditures, I have done two videos and numerous zoom calls explaining the TPC it’s goals and how it all works, yet bitter and twisted people it seems would rather not us all work together and provide lasting solutions for we the people, they would rather their paychecks and money be harvested each week by rogue elements so they can screw them deeper into the ground.
It is absolutely the most ridiculous behavior ever, these people some of which are agency operated are the main reason humanity is in the position now, no ifs and buts, do nothings and lets keep the harvesting system going shall we.
So if you are one of the ones removed from our group this week, I ask you all what are you doing for humanity?
Because if all you are doing is trashing one man or group who is at least trying to do something, you in essence might as well join the Rothschilds and Black Sun as an official member, as you are doing more for them, than your fellow people.
10’s of millions of chickens gassed, millions of gallons of milk poured out, literal mountains of potatoes and other produce left to rot, hundreds of thousands of pigs and cattle euthanized.
Millions upon millions of Americans out of work losing cars, homes and businesses and wondering how they’re going to feed their families!
Crime skyrocketing, criminals being made out of honest citizens, suicides increasing, relationships ruined.
Houston, if you think we had a problem before, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
And people in our group think I, THI and The Trust are the problem?
Then it followed up with attacks on The Trust with the most non thinking questions ever, and followed by accusations I don’t answer the questions, I have answered all questions multiple times in several shows, comments and zoom calls, I guess the where is your proof program failed, as new one is I don’t answer questions.
But then you get gems like these, and I do wonder, and I do like to give benefit of the doubts these are not troll based questions, but at best they are non thinking questions of staggering proportions.
Why cant the trust donate to the peoples club, certainly that would be easy, as no banks would be involved?
If it was that easy do you not think it would have already be done? as the TPC account is in a bank how are no banks involved in the transaction? The Trust has sent funds to the TPC account several times, one of which I witness for $18.3M and had to withdraw it back due to blocks and attempts to steal it out of the back door.
The simplistic and dismissive line of questioning and none thought out based solutions rolled on with another member with this.
Why cant trust give land, oil refinery, gold mine to the peoples club.
Again overly simplistic, again appearing like these transactions are all so easy to do, whilst overlooking completely the people we are up against, it is staggering levels on none thinking, why?
Lets say Kim took up this option and we sent this member with a piece of paper to a gold mine not far from here, and that person proceeded to make claim to said mine, what do you think will happen next?
Manhandled and threatened is best option, arrested and jailed middle option or in some cases shot dead for trespassing, do you still think those suggestions were thought out? I did a whole piece recently on enforcement, listen to it again for more clarity.

Next came the savior based programmed thinking post.
This world is in a state of hell, and yet the Trust holds all the money and assets on this planet and has a quantum system so powerful that it can pull money back if not used for the good.
35 million clowns on the planet is very small compared to 800 or more billion people on this planet and yet you cant release any because of 35 million clowns.
(Lets break this down first it is 37M clowns, and 7.5B, then we have a complete overlook of the situation of why we cant release funds, which has been explained multiple times in multiple shows and yet ignored when putting out this line of questioning.
The Trust holds the assets, but the clowns currently control the delivery of assets and or money, the clowns do not want the people to have said money as they won’t be able to control it, is an answer given hundreds of times, yet ignored by these people because CNN never told them so.
Another reason why is the clowns have guns and enforcement, we don’t.)
And the upc cant help us?
(who is the upc? I know of the UPU and Universal Council but not the UPC.
Either way they are not there to help us per se, again something said 100’s of times and again apparently overlooked.
They will intervene when a Council vote is in the majority to stop a certain situation that violates the peace treaty, they will not engage on human to human issues.)
You say you pull money in and you have given money out, I listen well and at the same time some transparency would be a good thing to see who has gotten the money.
(If this is to do with The Trust, how do you think America has been funded for the past two years? want proof? go and ask Mr. Trump, The Trust pulled back from providing funds to the American Government early this year and look at the mess it is in.)
(If it is to do with the TPC I have sent out financial figures each year of income and expenditures, I don’t reveal who is helped for that person’s privacy, which causes me issues personally as would be easier for me to announce the names of everyone who the TPC has helped, but it is not the right thing to do, again something overlooked by these one tracked negative based mindset people)
Proof should not be a problem if Langley and everyone else knows you are trying to be a humanitarian leader.
(proof has been given to those in the right state of mind and their narrative is not steered by others, as for mention on Langley oh dear.)
(I am sorry but if you think this is thinking differently then you are clearly in a wrong head space, thinking differently is taking your own responsibility as this whole post wreaks of a savior program, has that ever worked out for humanity? You have had more proof than any other group or organization)
(This is based on Randy Maugans input and a major source of trouble within our group this past week, 8 or 9 of the 10 removed last week, were all friends of Randy Maugans, cohen cidence, you decide.
I post the TPC financials at the end of the year when I am not obligated to do so, for everyone to view.
TPC is a private company incase people forget, I chose to run it transparently and involve the all, and this is what you get in response? baseless accusations and quite frankly libelous accusations?
Did the poster consider the privacy of those who have been helped? maybe they didn’t want their help received be published for pride reasons? of course not as that would require thinking on their part.
This person supported by her sister and Maugans who is manipulated by his entourage of back stabbing handlers outright accused us of being thieves and yet conveniently provides no evidence of such, why, because there is none, it’s that simple.
Then she goes running to other members complaining with the latest classic line I was only asking questions, accusing people of misappropriating money with no evidence is not asking questions, but making libelous accusations, and that person is fortunate I neither have the time or money to drag her through the courts, along with others.
With this statement she not only questioned my integrity but the other two directors Holly Hakes Peterson and Michele Hancsak, that is unforgiveable in my book, I don’t care what you call me, but doing that to Holly and Michele is a low blow)
(There is 100% transparency in this group, and that is what bothers many other groups as they are not, but some people who have agendas will never see it, and clearly we are not all in this together, otherwise ridiculous non thinking comments and overly dismissive and simplistic based solutions would not be so prevalent on our page recently, with or without outside persuasions.
This line of comments or rhetoric whilst designed to chip away at me, is a slap in the face to all of our group, personally they can call me all they like, I am comfortable enough in my own skin to not fall for their ridiculous allegations, but attacking a group that is working for the betterment of humanity, whether you like the show host or not, is despicable and becomes an extra win for the cabal.
So for the benefit of new members and reminder to long standing members the above is the main reason we cancelled the Q & A section of our show, because the questions mostly are not questions to learn, but to denigrate me and this group.
As a reminder it was the members themselves who requested we cancel the Q & A not me, due to examples set above.
A lot of these full on attacks or veiled attacks are based on guilt, because they have not contributed in the way many of you in this group have, and I am not just talking about donations either.
Many of you have jumped on board and tried to drive a new way for us all and that makes them feel guilty.
Others are envy based as one radio show host said recently having doubted we paid for it to begin with, he then shifted to this “you only paid for the wheelchair so you get all the glory” I guess he didn’t have enough lemons, this was after accusing the TPC of being fake and a scam, so you see proof and evidence when presented will never suffice people with agendas, guilt or envy or all three.
His counterpart a known Rothschild family member also accused the TPC of being fake and a scam, and yet received $200 and a laptop from the TPC and myself, I guess in his mind it only became a scam after our members and myself helped him.
Me thinks they doth protest too much but they have agendas to bring us down, as for commenter’s on the page, which camp are you in?
The divide in the people now is getting more clear by the day and even in our own group, between those that do actions and those that don’t, the latter make accusations, overly simplistic suggestions and want another savior program.
I will tell you here and now, neither I, Kim, THI, TPC or The Trust will be that savior program for you, you are your savior and you are denigrating yourself seeking others to save you, because what you are really stating is you can’t or won’t save yourself.
And that is the most damning aspect of it all, and something only the individual can address.
18 hours plus a day to get people the truth, help and support people for no paycheck from my own company and this is what you get in return from these people? how many of them would tolerate this work for one day one ponders?)
I find it inherently ironic that some people can throw endless questions, accusations and allegations at me, yet will never answer a question posed back? and that makes me a bad guy does it not THI-NC who defended this person throwing barbs and allegations out and yet she wouldn’t answer a few basic questions in return, why are you making us out as your own personal savior, knowledge and protection program? you and her are avoiding the question, why did she accuse me of lying about helping people with the TPC funds? does that sound fair to you? me either but it is what it is.
This was not her first stab at THI either her post on April 9th foretold of what was to follow, by stating the K.I.M.S system should take people out, a sheer lack of basic understanding on her and cohorts part, but it was not the poster who initiated it, it was her sister based on her comments on April 7th.
A tag team sent in to disrupt the group and sadly other people around them left because of it, time will always tell whether they all made the right choice.
This is all an example of people being triggered by the onslaught of people oppression, and predictably they don’t attack the source of the problems, they attack the few who are trying to help them and why humanity always struggles to get a foothold, respect or consideration on this planet.
It is indicative of a deeper problem within society, clowns tell the govt what to do and when things go wrong, people blame the govt.
People always ignore the source of the problem, as all too often that source of the problem is themselves and their own inability to do their own work.

Clowns and the people now are scattering seeds to the wind everywhere, but our members have been taught to see the seeds that are important to us.
They are losing the narrative badly now as evidence by the army of a group known as Factcheckers, oh the irony? where were these Factcheckers for the last 100 years? nowhere as they controlled the narrative and said and got away with the most ridiculous narratives ever, like conspiracy theory, swamp gas, weather balloons the list goes on.
But the very fact they have had to create an army of jackasses checking every piece of information now, tells you two things. 1. they are in fear and their own release of information on other factions program has backfired on them and 2. they have lost or losing the information war.
People are going to go in panic, their world is about to turn upside down, there is no smooth transition now.
Who is responsible for the ugly transition from old world to the new path? the people, not the ones who have at least tried but to the vast majority of the people awake or not.
We have not managed to combine into a group supporting us only, all remain fractured waiting for savior programs, wait clubs, and awake people spending more time arguing, distractions or fake based news, the majority of which is now spat out of the Alt Media, never mind the portal people.
All of you have been exasperated personally by the rejection of you and your information as the world burns, and they walk away from their own paychecks, told to stay indoors without an ankle bracelet like some criminal, forced to wear masks, forced to not have a life, forced to social distance whilst their savior govt is scrabbling to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.
The picture doesn’t need me to tell you our situation is dire, then what happens is the people turn on each other as evidenced in the past week or so in our own group, never mind outside.

Final Piece

Play audio at: 132:13

With the recent world based turmoil ongoing it allows observers to see where humanity is at, has there been progression or have people gone along with the slavery program, have some awake gone back to their safety zone?
The Alt Media has been fascinating to observe based on the feedback as I no longer watch any of their videos or recordings for my own sanity.
All have now observed their failed prediction programs, all have seen the traitors flip flop to the dark side, all have seen the rise of the trolls working to keep the masses under control, many have observed the faction based narratives and now you don’t need me to tell you or point it out, it’s all in your face, do people still believe the old alt media is still valid? I warned it was finished in December 2018.
A return of an older alt media personality pushed forward into the limelight, the video gets banned as a means to lure in certain others into the program, all reminiscent of a now failed major alt media personality who cried wolf too many times, whilst he followed the script like a sheep.
These are pushing savior programs as not one of them are providing any solutions to solving this global issue, all of it is just pointing fingers at everyone else, its Trump, it’s Pelosi, Fauci, Comey, China, Russia, Democrats, Liberals, the left, the right, take your pick, and I rest my case.

Small Business Loans being arranged again, where the owner is responsible for paying back the loan in 6 years, and no one asks the questions as to why business owners and people had to pay for this program?
Lets get this down to the brutal reality here, rogue elements deliberately created this virus for depopulation and other programs running in the background to take advantage of it.
1. Loot stock markets 2. Loot oil markets and when that failed 3. Loot SS, Medicare and 401K’s to provide less than 1-2% of the people with promised stimulus checks 4. Realizing there is a lot less liquid cash available they shut down the world businesses and industries minus their own 5. With no place open less people to pay, less circulation of a dwindling money supply and banks keep the illusion going a bit longer 6. To accomplish that they then put people in lockdown 7. having watched people comply all so easily they begin plotting other draconian measures as no kick back from the public 8. With businesses collapsing and or on the brink, the same harvesters wait like vultures to pick over the carcass, our members were told of this years back, and rewarned in January when Warren Buffet was hoarding cash, why? to buy up failing businesses 9. The BBC correspondent told people directly what they were doing when asked why the lockdown, because “we havent infected enough people yet” 10. you do realize social distancing is an MK Ultra tactic don’t you? like putting people in solitary confinement, why? to break peoples psyche and spirit 11. they sit in decorated room guffawing of how stupid the humans are and how easily they bow to the new self appointed gods.
Back to the small business loans again so companies are going to borrow at their own expense for a program being ran on them by all their governments, as not one spoke out of the real truth, having lost revenue for a minimum of 7 weeks and so have less funds to play with, and their government pushes them into taking up a loan which the companies have to pay back whilst under financial stress?
And we tolerate this shit?
No we should not and whilst so many fall for the illusion it becomes a difficult task, and why recently I have asked you all to stand your ground, remain calm, 45/55 whilst all around you fall.
But we fight on as much progress has been made although at an impasse currently, largely this whole event has been caused by the work that has been done, and now they are in the public for more to see, death rattle has begun.
People get frustrated and then project onto others, curiously they don’t target rogue people or groups only the few who actually are doing something, there is a massive lesson in and of that, and explains why humanity has not been out of the pit in thousands of years.
The ones who hurt or damage them they never approach or make them accountable, yet attack ordinary people some of whom have helped, supported or cared are cast aside all too easily in a volley of nasty words and abusive and controlling behaviors.

Life is all about choices, many choices go or turn out wrong largely due to cultural and societal programming.
But those are suppose to be the learning lessons, a chance to future correct your course or path, or so we thought.
Yet everywhere you look on every level the same stupid mistakes over and over again.
Clowns doing repeat programs over and over since 2012 and failing repeatedly, yet still wonder why it is not working, perhaps they should have listened to this show a bit more.
I could have told them from January 2013 that nothing would ever work again like it used to, don’t believe? fine I will sit back and watch you use vast resources, man power, endless trolls and your dwindling funds trying to replicate the past programs then, and laugh at your own stupidity.
People buy homes in a boom and wonder why their house went tits up and upside down.
People buy into several ponzi and get rich quick schemes most of which fail and yet the public still chases the white rabbit but never catches up to it.
The lottery ticket is the same program, it is another tax on we the people and the same clowns harvest the profits, whilst dangling carrots on the chance of winning and becoming like them, a jackass basically, as most people with volumes of money are pretentious, fake jackasses, again the public rinse and repeat it.
People every 4 years hope and believe this next party and elected leader will be different, was it ever? but they will repeat it again the next election.
Then you have the curious case of the abused female, who jump from one relationship to another with the exact same type of guy.
You have women crying out for love, yet when presented with it in their face, they shun that for the guy that abuses them.
Why is it so many women prefer the bad guys to the nice guys and people wonder why the good guys in general society hardly ever win?
Because your selections are indicative of a wider problem, good guys are considered untrustworthy, there has to be something not right and they can’t be that nice and so they will avoid them.
Does that make any sort of sense? how can you build a society when the nurturing archetype mistrusts or neglects the few people who are actually nice and kind hearted?
It is the few no matter how much you fudge or gloss over the reality of it all.
It’s the classic double speak of saying one thing and doing the exact opposite, has any female questioned themselves as to how and why they do that?
I did a piece last year asking what is love, have you defined it? clearly not in many cases given the veracity some females go to defending their males who have used and abused them, all kinds of excuses comes out to justify not letting go of the abuser, it’s Stockholm Syndrome on a mass scale.
Why are so many men terrified of females these days, terrified to ask them out, terrified to speak or approach them, why has many of that archetype become so cold hearted and dismissive?
How can you demand or request love, with a cold and dismissive heart? the answer is you can’t.
And the answer to the problems faced, as always lies within you.
I am to load up on my heart armor, bose noise canceling headphones, hard hat and shielding until the next show, who would have thought telling truth, improving peoples lives, caring for and helping people whilst asking for nothing in return, would render you a life of lockdown, threats, endless attacks, rejections and verbal abuse, and an almost pariah status, it’s mad world.

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