Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2021-05-06
Topics in this show
- We moved onto greater heights after the split from Kim
- Jewish bonfire festival was a public sacrifice
- Mode RNA vaccine uniquely tailored specifically for each patient
- Real reasons why smoking is banned
- Israeli elite child sex trafficking ring
- Expose : British Occult Secret Service
- Dashwood & the Hellfire Club
- Rudolf Hess & the British Occult Connection
Quick links

What a glorious time it is to be a truther, all of it is coming out now, all that we have made our case for, is being spilled out everywhere.
There is no more conspiracy the truth has prevailed, but what happens next? well, that is down to you all.
You can worry or fear, take pride in the fact you have in part changed the world already, the next stage is to rebuild our world in a better way, come and join the TPC communal gatherings and be a part of our new world, in our image, not new world order in their image.
Some will worry about the world is in a mess, my question is, where were you before Covid? it was in a mess then, it’s always been a mess, a violent, sadistic, cheat, greed and demon based, harvesting world, but with the truth being unraveled, we can change that.
I wish all mothers of the world a happy Mothers day this coming Sunday, all mothers are under heavy attack currently and we must fight to protect them, but they must do their part also, due to the moon cult they are the most susceptible and have to do more to protect each other.
One hopes all are at peace, but peace comes from within, it always did.
It has been another busy week for myself and shows no signs of letting up this month.
This has caused me to not be too involved in the initiation of the communal gatherings, but I am pleased some of you are taking up the mantle yourselves and organizing.
This is essential moving forward as my time becomes more and more limited, with various ongoing processes unfolding currently.
The calls on my time has increased dramatically for private help, group help and my input into other things I am involved in, that goes way outside of this show and the social media pages.
But, this week marked two personal anniversaries on the same day, May 4th, the day I was asked to prove to myself could I step up within and of myself, and no longer play the shadow player I have done previously.
I am content working behind others for as long as those others are doing the right thing, if not I stepped forward more, this certainly was the case in Cosmic Voice, as Drake kind of stagnated and so I stepped up to help him out.
May 4th 2016 was a big turning point, it was the day I had waited for, for many years as my admins will attest, the day Neil Keenan made his fatal mistake of reading a document for and by the Chinese faction.
That was a letter they sent to the American Government threatening them, I had read over 6 weeks earlier, Neil blew his cover finally and I outed it.
I knew my time at Cosmic Voice was over, and a meeting held by Neil, Drake, Dean Chambers, Richard Montgomery and David Wilcock to arrange for me to be fired was held the evening of the 12th of May, by Sunday May 15th myself and all the admins were fired without warning.
I received volumes of messages and emails of support, and was encouraged to start my own show, I did, although a bit sooner than I had envisaged.
That launched THI, I told you all in the opening two lines of that show, I will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear, and also tasked you to think and act different.
We went on for 4 years of unparalleled success, brought in other groups, created the TPC, the State and Country groups, developed an in house support structure and so much more, in essence we became a global family group.
But, the shadow player and not the front runner in me reared it’s head during those four years again, as I was content to play the shadow role behind the Trustee Kim Goguen, and it worked very well.
We made fantastic progress with that working partnership, and my roles took on a multiple hat situation, including work, spiritual, security and financial support for Kim.
Everything in my life was geared towards the support of Kim, which she revealed to you against my wishes in our last two zooms with her.
But, 4 years to the day like a loop Kim decided without provocation or cause I was no longer required, and subsequently fired from my paid but unpaid position, of which she still owes me $212K, my security clearance revoked and she went on a public ranting spree spewing lies about me.
Only she can answer why she did all that, and whether that decision was the correct one to do, although there are many in THI and Lifeforce who will argue she was wrong, of course it was wrong given all I had done.
But the key for me now was, would I step up again like I did 4 years previously? some doubted I could do that, in fact some clowns thought without Kim I would buckle, the answer was I wouldn’t and didn’t.
Many people have stated I have gotten much stronger, more firm in my beliefs and work, and yes I can see and feel that.
THI memberships across the board went up around 22% in the past year, support for my work also went up this past year as well, only the TPC suffered from the split, which Kim, Alan and Liam must take some responsibility for disrupting the Peoples Movement, after their power play failed.
But, we are rebuilding that again with the communal gatherings and the TPC Community and so that is great to see.
Kim claimed without her we would have no intel, time has proven that wrong, Kim also claimed she was 50% of our show content, time has proven that wrong as well.
Without Kim in the past year we have ramped up the must listen to shows and done 19 of those shows in just 12 months, plus the 3 end of year reviews, with a number more in the pipeline.
Whilst it was sad for many people the split with Kim, and still is for some, I and we moved onto greater heights, whilst others tanked.
A year of much progression for us, that sadly has not been replicated in the COWL or Life Force circles, but that is the choice they made for themselves, it saddens me they never stepped up more within their own parameters, as we all have the same goals, allegedly.
But the hidden hook played it’s hand and they dabbled in it, and the evidence is, they did not move on themselves and some would argue they have become almost a shadow of their former selves, that is for them to address.
But, twelve months on, the image in the mirror excuse of blaming me for their own ills has worn thin.
Perhaps the tiny man was a bigger part than they all thought?
Perhaps as some have suggested that Neil, Drake, Wilcock, and Kim were all there to bring me down, a suggested mixture of spooks and honey pot agents, time will tell on that, but what I do know is, if that was the case, they failed.
I would like to personally and genuinely thank Neil, Drake and Kim for giving me the opportunity to self elevate my own role, not at the expense of others, but from within myself, they all played an important part in that, in various ways, and I thank them for that.
That is a lesson for us all, to keep rising no matter what obstacles, traumas or adversities are thrown in your way.
I am the same as I was 8 years ago when I started out on my radio path, humble, supportive, caring, sharing, triggering, compassionate for and by the people, I will not sell out or be compromised and that is my promise to you all.
I was never driven by pieces of paper, titles or status, that is for the realms of the fallen ones.
We have to build a better version of us, build a better version of this country, build a better way of living and build a better world for us all, free of wars, disease and famine, and abundance in cooperation, love, self sufficiency and adult thinking ways.
This is what THI and the TPC is all about, it is not about me, it is about us all, we lead others follow.
Neil, Drake and Kim collectively said May the 4th be with you, it did and it has, and that force rolls on inside us all.
Those three like our members all raised me up as a public figure, but I with our members, all stand together side by side.
How much of our life is dictated through social media came to the fore this week.
I did a search last week of people doing parody songs against the covid scam, only to find there are none at the top of the Go ogle algorithms charts, only so called celebs and other pre selected jackasses doing the covid test and techno jab promotional songs.
Funny that, well actually it is not, all celebs are vacuous cretins and attention seeking whores, and the sooner people realize that, the better we will all be.
What this also proves is, they are on a massive PR push never seen on this scale, that is a massive plus as we are forcing them to work harder to keep their bs going.
Ultimately it will fail as too many now are not buying it.
The latest jackassery from Farce book is Admin assist.
Use Admin Assist to Easily Manage Your Group, automatically perform certain tasks based on requirements you control.
This includes sharing feedback with members, managing posts based on keywords and more.
We don’t need admin assist as they are as useful as fiction checkers, unless of course it deletes the fiction checkers automatically, but then we do that anyway, by posting the truth.
Genocide. Starvation. Corruption.
This is the truth about what’s really going on in India under the guise of the COVID19 virus and the alleged pandemic.
These are not my words.
These are the words of someone living in India who reached out to me, to get her message out about the genocide that is taking place, right now, all under the guise of ‘strains and variants’ of COVID19.
People are dying of starvation and lack of medical care, she’s witnessing and experiencing at first-hand the horrors of what is happening.
Here’s her message: “I am writing to you about the genocide that is taking place in India.
Millions have already died of starvation during the ongoing lockdowns.
The government and media are lying and making it look like the virus.
Although a national lockdown hasn’t been imposed this year, many states are in either total lockdown or under strict restrictions. Most cities, including Pune, where I live, have been under total lockdown for weeks now.
Restaurants, shops, gyms, theatres, basically everything is shut, the cities are ghost towns.
Even so called ‘essential’ businesses are only open till 11 am in the morning, you basically have just an hour to buy food and then your time is up.
Inter-state travel and even inter-district travel is banned, the cops wait at all major crossroads to question why you are traveling outdoors or to fine you if you are not wearing a mask.
The medical community here is also complicit in genocide, lying about hospitals being full and turning away people with genuine illnesses, who need immediate care, they have even created a shortage of oxygen cylinders, the government has created a shortage of oxygen supply.
Hospitals are turning people with genuine conditions away, claiming that there are no empty beds.
All patients undergoing any operation or procedure have to first undergo an RT-PCR test or they are refused treatment, I experienced this first-hand.
Since last year, there has been a government order that you cannot undergo any medical procedure, unless you get a PCR test done.
Unfortunately, I had to undergo a procedure last year, I did not have time to use common law or any other tactic as I was in a lot of pain, in the end, I had no choice but to be basically skull raped.
Even in the operating room, they taped the mask to my face because I kept pulling it down.
But my plight is nothing compared to that of the poor, millions have already died of starvation.
The people hit hardest are the migrant workers and those in rural areas.
Most businesses employ migrant workers and with everything shut, there are no jobs, no income and no food.
As result, millions are now dying of starvation or malnutrition.
This is due to the Israeli based farming regulations being imposed on the country, and why millions have protested against it in India, something we highlighted last year.
So, with millions protesting their farming rights, less food was produced and now the outcome they wanted is unfolding, it is the classic reverse psychology program.
Please use your platform to highlight the crimes against humanity that is taking place in this country.
The world needs to be aware of the seriousness of the situation here.
Please do not forget your brothers and sisters here in India.
This show has highlighted India many times, in fact in many countries we have highlighted several varying issues.
But, some may see the next line as inappropriate, but it’s not, it is central to issues in countries like India, the religious and in their case spiritual elements that far from enlighten the Indian populace, actually degrade it.
The story of India last week, of the elites all fleeing instead of buying oxygen machines, time for India to name and shame all of those who left, and cut off their oxygen, which is money and businesses.
People may say but we will have no jobs, and I agree, but that was what they were planning anyway, I warned of it in Clowns in Panic and several pieces before that.
The great question for the rest of the world given India was the first country mass vaccinated, is India the canary in the coal mine?
Because if it is, in the next 6-8 weeks we should see the same effects in America.
Perhaps the vaccine is what is responsible for the increased sickness, as I warned of in early Expose shows?
A few years ago I warned of the dangers to Australian and New Zealand countries of being caught between a war of the fake super power countries, America backed by the 5 eyes alliance and China.
Now they are all backed into a corner as predicted, and playing out in a public arena.
Four of the members have jointly condemned China’s treatment of its Uyghur population in Xinjiang province.
They have also expressed concern over China’s de facto military takeover of the South China Sea, ignoring the fact it is called the South CHINA sea for a reason, ignoring the fact of why do we have to portion everything off into land and sea grabs by the not dominant countries, but the elite funded countries?
Why do I say that, because all dominant countries have been backed and supported by the elites and control system, as an example, Israel are not a dominant country, yet wield so much power as they are funded by the elites.
Its suppression of democracy in Hong Kong and its threatening moves towards Taiwan, which China has vowed to “take back” by 2049.
One country, though, has opted out of confronting China: New Zealand.
This was revealed in the short series Pine Gap, which was essentially a documentary series.
The 5 eyes alliance that also includes Canada and the “mother” country of them all, the UK, provides military support, safety and security for the two down under countries.
But, whilst the 5 eyes focused all their attention on the Middle East, Iran, North Korea and Russia, China did deals on food and other strategic deals, and now have Australia and New Zealand over a barrel.
Don’t support China and what are now vital trade deals to both countries will suffer, and both face financial economic ruin and a shortage of goods.
What became clear in that documentary, is none of the other countries care too much for the belligerent, recklessness and stupidity of the Americans role in all of this.
Having observed more close at hand since being in this country, I can see why.
Too content in boosting the coffers of the pre selected war lobby companies, all attached to several rogue ran agencies, that run not only counter to world peace, but peace within their own country as well.
The key to all countries peace and well being going forward is to withdraw from all trade deals, whilst making your own countries self sufficient.
Ensure future trade deals do not have strategic or other damaging conditions attached to them , like the Paris climate agreement, and the deal is a simple trade deal between two countries, and not conducive to support wars, regimes or land grabs.
A massive stampede at a densely packed Jewish pilgrimage site killed at least 44 people in northern Israel on Friday, with rescue workers facing chaotic crowds while trying to evacuate the injured.
The disaster occurred in Meron at the site of the reputed tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a second-century Talmudic sage, where mainly ultra-Orthodox Jews flock to mark the Lag BaOmer holiday.
It’s was called bonfire festival and so a public sacrifice
The pilgrimage was largest public gathering since the pandemic began, with reports that there were three times more people there than authorised.
Initial reports indicated that the carnage began when a section of stadium seating collapsed but rescue workers later linked the casualties to a stampede.
A spokesman for the Magen David Adom, Israel’s rescue service, told AFP “there were 38 dead at the scene but there were more at the hospital.”
A source at the northern Ziv hospital, one of several receiving casualties, told AFP it had recorded at least six deaths.
So what is the Lag BaOmer? The earliest clear reference to the observance of Lag BaOmer is a brief statement by Isaac ben Dorbolo (12th century, northern France), It is found in his annotations to Mahzor Vitry.
He points out that Purim and Lag BaOmer always fall on the same day of the week, but he says nothing about the origin of the holiday.
Lag BaOmer is Hebrew for 33rd day in the Omer, sounds very Masonic that to me.
The Talmudist Menachem Meiri in his gloss to Yevamot 62b cites the Talmudic passage which states that during the time of Rabbi Akiva, 24,000 of his students died from a divinely-sent plague during the counting of the Omer.
A divinely sent plague, what is so divine about killing 24K students? I guess it was the fiery serpents time again.
The Talmud goes on to say that this was because they did not show proper respect to one another.
And this is the “god” they all revere and worship? seriously at which point does common sense kick in?
Meiri named Lag BaOmer as the day when, according to a tradition of the geonim, the “plague” ended.
Beginning in 2004, the Israeli government designated Lag BaOmer as the day for saluting the IDF reserves, signifying violence is to be celebrated.
The fact that it is a fire ritual which just happens to coincide with the sacrifice by fire period of April 19th until May 1st, which is Beltane Day, should not be lost on people.
The Jewish people have no idea what they are taking part in.
The FBI has carried out searches at the home and office of Rudy Giuliani, who was Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.
The raid is part of a probe into Mr Giuliani’s dealings with Ukraine, his lawyer says he denies breaking the law.
Before the 2020 presidential election Mr Giuliani led an effort to find incriminating information about Democratic candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine.
An effort to find? it’s everywhere for all to see, should they look themselves and quit waiting for the distorted and corrupt media to decide for them.
Mr Biden won the election and he and his son have denied any wrongdoing.
Several electronic devices belonging to the 76-year-old were seized, the warrants included an allegation that Giuliani failed to register as a foreign agent.
The Foreign Agents Registration Act requires people to notify the State Department, if they are acting as a foreign agent on behalf of another nation.
Given 90% of Congress act on behalf of another nation consistently, have they all registered as well?
What about AIPAC and J Street are they registered? What about the CIA? and the GCHQ puppets the NSA, are they registered?
Mr Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, called the searches “legal thuggery”.
“This is totally unnecessary,” Mr Costello told Fox News, adding that the search was conducted to “make him look like he’s some sort of criminal”.
He added that the raids stem from an alleged incident of failure to register as a foreign agent.
Mr. Giuliani has previously called the investigation “pure political persecution”.
If people think this is any part of an investigation they are deluded, it is about a cover up of the Bidens.
What this reveals is further evidence the FBI, CIA and other agencies are being controlled by Democrat groups.
In the future all politicians should only be allowed to be involved in their own countries dealings and businesses.
This then cuts out the potential corrupt, subversion of other countries assets, and reduces the blackmailing culture all too rife within that establishment.
UK citizens are prepared for a “great British summer” due to the progress of the UK’s vaccination program.
However, quietly-published government contracts reveal the promised roadmap out of lockdown could in fact be a red herring.
On April 26, the UK government published a tender in search of 60 new “covid marshals” in the district of Hertfordshire.
The contract, offered to “public security, law and order and compulsory social security services” providers, is set to run July 2021-January 2022, and cost £3 million.
Marshals were introduced in October 2020 to help businesses manage queues, ensure adherence with social distancing measures, remind people to wear face coverings where necessary, and regularly clean frequently-touched surfaces.
As Britain’s state broadcaster has acknowledged, though, they don’t actually have any legal mandate to enforce rules, yes but with millions of Milgram experiment people that doesn’t matter or apply, the people give them the legal mandate as according to them we must all follow the authority. yeah right.
Officials merely “hoped” they’d make life at least slightly easier, for those authorities such as police actually invested with such powers.
In the UK we call these people jobsworths, give them a little power and it goes to their heads like mini Hitlers.
Marshals are for what? imposing Martial law?
According to the new tender, these individuals are expected using an intelligence led approach, so they are unqualified then, to provide practical support to aid and encourage compliance.
Help introduce measures to aid public and business awareness and understanding of regulations and guidance, and disseminate Covid-19 guidance, including where additional local restrictions are in place.
While the job description sounds like something to expect in the Covid-era, the timing may raise quite a few eyebrows.
According to Whitehall’s official roadmap, due to the success of London’s national vaccination program, no earlier than 21 June, the government hopes to be in a position to remove all legal limits on social contact.
So in comes the common sense question, if lockdowns are removed in June, why are they employing Marshals from July onwards?
In March, Health Secretary Matt Hancock was reportedly more optimistic than ever of a great British summer imminently impending.
Not long after, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said with much fanfare that, for the first time, people can start to think about visiting loved ones abroad, or perhaps a summer holiday.
Where Britons could head to, what encumbrances on their liberty they would face upon returning, and how much restrictions, such as PCR tests would add to their trip bill was unstated.
However, a document stating that Covid marshals will be required to encourage compliance among members of the public until the start of next year at least appears to be the first black-and-white confirmation, coming directly from the UK government.
The tender strongly implies what ministers have so far been unwilling to concede the global pandemic isn’t anywhere near over yet, resultant lockdowns are likely, and citizens’ lives will continue to be adversely affected far beyond the foreseeable future.
An even longer period of uncertainty is even more heavily insinuated by a separate tender for a COVID Public Information Campaign in Northern Ireland, which calls for an advertising contractor to build on, and continue to deliver a multimedia advertising campaign on COVID-19.
Does anyone ask why we need to advertise a Global Pandemic that most people the world over are aware of?
Published not long after Hancock’s munificent prophecy, the contract is set to run for two years from April 2021, and cost £2 million.
Residents of the UK should by this point be thoroughly accustomed to optimistic ministerial forecasts in respect of Covid leading only to disappointment.
When the country first entered lockdown in March 2020, Johnson pledged it would last just three weeks.
That period of confinement eventually ended four months later, and the Prime Minister unveiled plans to return the country to normal by Christmas.
A four-week lockdown was “temporarily” re-imposed in November, rules were relaxed for Yuletide then partially re-imposed, before a full lockdown was again applied in January.
Like I warned in May last year, they will keep rolling out lockdowns, based on flawed maths by John Hopkins and fake waves, some of which is caused by the vaccine itself, until the people stand up and tell their govt’s to stick their lockdowns where the sun don’t shine.
Covid BS
According to the first-quarter results published by Pfizer this week, its corona virus jab has reaped revenues of $3.5bn for the biopharma giant in the first three months of 2021.
The financial results also revealed that Pfizer has vastly exceeded its Covid-19 vaccine sales forecast of $15bn, and now expects the jab to bring in $26bn of revenue in 2021 – an increase of 73% on previously anticipated figures – with 1.6 billion doses set to be delivered under current contracts. It’s possible that even this adjusted forecast will prove to be an underestimate, with Pfizer expected to secure further lucrative supply contracts throughout the year.
Here is more proof the so called vaccine doesn’t work, in fact it is proof it causes more illness than previously.
Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against the corona virus than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge.
Yes the 2 weeeks mind control program kicks in again, every fortnight it seems.
The Indian Ocean archipelago, which has a population of about 98,000, is dependent on tourism for much of its foreign exchange and acted quickly to begin vaccinations in January, using a donation of Chinese vaccines from the United Arab Emirates.
It has procured other vaccines since.
By April 12, 59% of the doses administered were Sinopharm vaccines and the rest were Covishield, a version of AstraZeneca Plc’s shot made under license in India.
Interesting their vaccines came from India, given the massive problems India also now faces, is it connected?
Centner Academy in Miami Florida has told teachers if they get the vax, they are suspended until the vax is proven safe and all long term studies are complete.
After those studies they can get their jobs back if they have not already been replaced.
The stipulations were very well defined and ruled out all possibility of vaccinated individuals from shedding into the students or staff.
Here is a quote the school sent out: Until further notice, we ask any employee who has not yet taken the experimental COVID-19 injection, to wait until the end of the school year.
We also recommended that all faculty and staff hold off on taking the injection until there is further research available, on whether this experimental drug is impacting unvaccinated individuals.
It is our policy, to the extent possible, not to employ anyone who has taken the experimental COVID-19 injection until further information is known.
Tens of thousands of women all over the world have recently been reporting adverse reproductive issues, from being in close proximity with those who have received any one of the COVID-19 injections.
No one knows exactly what may be causing these irregularities, but it appears that those who have received the injections may be transmitting something from their bodies to those with whom they come in contact.”
Depopulation comes in many forms it seems, and with the American birth rate at it’s lowest in 50 years, another of the warnings I gave some time back is now unfolding.
Jackass ouro borus programs again, in league with the lets kill all the whites group based out of Israel, but are known as the Hebrew Annunaki.
Talk about it is all in your face for those who wish to see, try this gem from Australia.
The Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021.
Guidance: An authorisation by the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorise relevant Australian Defence Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine.
I will post the direct link on the pages, this is not a hoax, they called it a Poison, why would they do that if it wasn’t true?
As you have heard from our previous shows, all medicines are poisons to our immune system that works better than any of their drugs, potions or pills.
A leading Israeli doctor believes the country may be close to reaching “herd immunity”.
This happens when enough of a population has protection against an infection that it stops being able to spread, and even people who don’t themselves have immunity are indirectly protected.
For Covid the estimated threshold for herd immunity is at least 65%-70%.
But scientists in the UK are more cautious.
Dr Sarah Pitt, a virologist at the University of Brighton, urged “extreme caution” in concluding that herd immunity had been reached, something she believes will be difficult even at high vaccination rates.
She said it was still too early to tell: “We need to see whether the cases in Israel continue to fall and stay at low levels.”
Reaching this level of population immunity is important to protect people who can’t be vaccinated, or whose immune system is too weak to produce a good, protective response.
In Israel, more than half (5.3 million) its residents have been vaccinated and an additional 830,000 people have tested positive for the virus in the past, which should give them some natural immunity.
That works out as roughly 68% of the population, who are likely to have antibodies in their blood which can fight off the virus.
How can a vaccine be given to one person and then passed onto an unvaccinated person, unless of course some sort of shedding applies, as we covered recently.
Herd: a flock of domesticated animals, shepherd is a sheep herder which leads the domesticated animals to the pasture, pasture and shepherd have the same root word as the religious name Pastor, who in the original description was designated as the shepherd of souls.
Immunity is not what you think based on its etymology, exemption from service or obligation, exemption from performing public service or charge, privilege.
Depending on how you follow those words it could actually say the domesticated animals are exempt from service or obligations, which as a slave means they are dead, or worse about to be re-animated.
This is some of the spiel from Mode RNA group called Risks specific to certain investigational medicines.
Our PCV investigational medicine is uniquely manufactured for each patient using a novel, complex manufacturing process and we may encounter difficulties in production.
Investigational? really?
We custom design and manufacture PCVs that are unique and tailored specifically for each patient.
Uniquely manufactured for each patient, unique and tailored specifically for each patient, oh my genetic targeting which again is something this show warned of some time back.
This is why they have bar codes on the vaccines, to match to your stock or cattle number.
Manufacturing unique lots of PCVs is susceptible to product loss or failure due to issues with, logistics associated with the collection of a patient’s tumor, blood, or other tissue sample; shipping such samples to a facility for genetic sequencing; next generation sequencing of the tumor mRNA; identification of appropriate tumor-specific mutations; the use of a software program, including proprietary and open source components, which is hosted in the cloud and a part of our investigational medicine, to assist with the design of the patient-specific mRNA, which software must be maintained and secured;
Tumor mRNA with software and open source components? really Robert David Steele who developed the open source with his Langley OSS clowns must be pleased, now you know why Steele wanted to give the whole world a phone.
Effective design of the patient-specific mRNA that encodes for the required neoantigens; batch specific manufacturing failures or issues that arise due to the uniqueness of each patient-specific batch that may not have been foreseen; quality control testing failures; unexpected failures of batches placed on stability; shortages or quality control issues with single-use assemblies, consumables, or critical parts sourced from third-party vendors that must be changed out for each patient-specific batch. Significant costs associated with individualized manufacturing that may adversely affect our ability to continue development; successful and timely manufacture and release of the patient-specific batch; shipment issues encountered during transport of the batch to the patient site of care; and the ability to define a consistent safety profile at a given dose when each participant receives a unique vaccine.
We have built and installed custom manufacturing equipment for PCV, that has been incorporated into a personalized vaccine unit in the MTC, which I believe means Mode RNA Therapeutics Clinic.
This unit is currently operational and we are producing batches of PCV from the MTC.
This equipment may not function as designed which may lead to deviations in the drug product being produced.
This can lead to increased batch failure and the inability to supply patients enrolled in the clinical trial.
If our clinical development plans are expanded, due to the custom nature of the equipment and single-use assemblies, we may not be able to supply this expanded need reliably without significant investments.
In addition, there will be considerable time to scale up our facilities or build new facilities before we can begin to meet any commercial demand if our PCV product is approved.
This expansion or addition of new facilities could also lead to product comparability issues, which can further delay introduction of new capacity.
Because our PCVs are manufactured for each individual patient, we will be required to maintain a chain of identity with respect to each patient’s tissue sample, sequence data derived from such tissue sample, results of analysis of such patient’s genomic analysis, and the custom manufactured product for each patient.
Genomic data, perhaps people understand now why I warned against the ancestry tests.
Maintaining such a chain of identity is difficult and complex, and failure to do so has in the past and may in the future result in product mix up, adverse patient outcomes, loss of product, or regulatory action including withdrawal of any approved products from the market.
Further, as our PCV investigational medicine is developed through early-stage clinical trials, to later-stage clinical trials towards approval and commercialization, we expect that multiple aspects of the complicated collection, analysis, manufacture, and delivery process will be modified in an effort to optimize processes and results.
These changes may not achieve the intended objectives, and any of these changes could cause our PCVs to perform differently than we expect, potentially affecting the results of clinical trials. Indeed.
PCV = Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine or packed cell volume.
The Director of National Intelligence has ostensibly created a new “center” for the sharing and analysis of information and intelligence about foreign interference in US elections.
Its real focus is much more nefarious.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced in a statement on Monday that it was creating a new intelligence “center” focused on tracking so-called “foreign malign influence,” reported Politico.
To go with the other 17 so called Intelligence Agencies, plus the revived new boss same as the old boss it seems at the GIA.
How many of these agencies do we need? none are beneficial to the people, it is all about global control.
We need to scrap 15 of the main Intelligence Agencies and go down to two, one for domestic and one for International, and that’s it, the rest are a complete waste of public money and offer zero value to anybody but the old system.
This new entity, known as the Foreign Malign Influence Center, was mandated in the recent intelligence and defense budget authorization acts, representing the reality that the impetus for its creation came from Congress, and not the intelligence community.
For example, the most recent defense expenditure authorization required that, the ODNI establish a “social media data analysis center” to coordinate and track foreign social media influence operations, by analyzing data voluntarily shared by US social media companies.
They already have that, it is called the CIA and NSA along with their subsidiary companies like Go ogle and Microsoft, plus the Facebook Israeli junta alongside Debka and Mossad, why do we need more?
Based upon this analysis, the ODNI would report to Congress on a quarterly basis on trends in foreign influence and disinformation operations to the public.
As envisioned by Congress, the intelligence community would determine jointly with US social media companies, which data and metadata will be made available for analysis.
In short, the intelligence community, using data obtained from the social media accounts of American citizens, will report to Congress how this data influences the political decision making of these same American citizens.
Here is a novel and common sense idea, how about Congress does things solely for the benefit of the people, and all social media issues of how they vote ends.
If this does not make the most ardent defender of the US Constitution ill, nothing will.
It is not as if the US intelligence community wasn’t trending in this direction on its own volition.
The straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was the publication in March 2021 of an intelligence community assessment entitled ‘Foreign Threats to the US 2020 Presidential Election’.
In this document, the US intelligence community assessed that “Russian President Putin authorized, and a range of Russian government organizations conducted, influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the US.”
Yet again more money wasted because the child like people at the top are all shit scared of Russia, does anyone ask why? How many times has Russia attacked this country? to the clowns with your badges of dishonor, the answer is zero.
How many times has America and it’s NATO goons attacked Russia and their stolen satellite countries like Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania? answer multiple times.
This all smacks of Robert David Steele and his company I warned of in Clowns in Panic show, he said the public would become the intelligence via phones, ignorant people all thought they would become the whistleblowers, no, you have become an unpaid spy against your own peoples. How smart is that?
An Indian study has found that the SARS-CoV-2 virus nearly spares smokers and people with ‘O’ blood group.
The serosurvey conducted by the Indian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) also found that vegetarians also have less sero-positivity than the rest of the population.
The pan-India serosurvey studied the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in people.
One of the authors of the study said the paper was recently peer-reviewed.
While smokers and vegetarians had lower sero-positivity, those with blood group ‘O’ were found to be less vulnerable to the disease.
We’re unsure what to make of this vegetarian signal in their data.
India has the highest percentage of vegetarians in the world – by far – at up to 40%, while just 12% of its population smokes. Meanwhile, blood group O people, generally, function best on a high (animal) protein diet.
Interestingly, the findings of the survey also corroborate observations made in countries including the United States with regard to the lower percentage of smokers being infected severely with the corona virus.
The Indian survey was done by a team of 140 doctors and scientists and it reviewed more than 10,000 voluntarily participants. The most interesting finding was that though COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, smokers tend to be less affected by it. Oops.
The inference made in the study is that smoking increases the mucous production, resulting in the creation of a certain resistance against the virus.
More specifically, smoking increases ACE-2 receptors in cells and has powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
The paradoxical thing is that SARS-CoV-2 enters via these same receptors, yet smokers are almost completely protected via this pathway.
Regarding the blood groups, the survey says that while people with group ‘O’ are less vulnerable, those with ‘B’ and ‘AB’ are at a higher risk.
The report also cites earlier findings in France, Italy, China and the US regarding the connection between smoking and corona virus infection.
As per a study by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 1.3 percent of survey participants were smokers while data showed that 14 percent of Americans were smokers.
Another academic paper that looked at various studies in UK, China, France and the US also found that the ratio of smokers among hospitalized patients was far lower than that of the general population.
For example in the UK, the national rate of smoking is 14 percent but smokers constituted only five percent of the hospitalized patients.
In France, the percentage of smokers among Covid-related hospitalization was a lowly 7 percent while the national average of smokers was above 30 percent.
Now you know why there was a ban on smoking enforced, yet ignorant people thought it was for their own health.
Natural tobacco is a high vibrational plant and beneficial, pot is a low vibrational plant when burned.
The Government in this country made pot and other drugs available in collusion with the CIA, whilst banning smoking, what does that tell you?
It has been proven although kept very quiet that smoking prevents lung cancer, now it prevents Covid, you may also find smokers get less flu and common colds also.
Remember that smoking was the first cause of death like Covid, man crashes car and dies, but it was smoking related, now it is Covid related, according to the jackass experts.
If Government was interested in your health they would have restricted alcohol more, that is far more damaging than smoking or some recreational drugs, yet it is heavily promoted by the advertising world.
There is three other elements to stopping people smoking, those that consume blood, those that consume adrenochrome, don’t want nicotine in the blood stream, and finally certain off world groups don’t like the taste of humans who smoke.
The Israeli Jeffrey Epstein, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, was rushed to hospital on Thursday after an apparent suicide attempt following reports that he ran an elite child sex trafficking ring.
The founder of the Zaka emergency service was rushed from his apartment, in the Givat Ze’ev settlement to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in nearby Jerusalem.
According to an inside source, Meshi-Zahav tried to hang himself.
The Kan public broadcaster reported that police investigators found a suicide note at the scene. reports: His condition was deemed critical by doctors at the hospital, who added that it had stabilized slightly upon arrival.
The attempted suicide took place hours before Channel 12’s investigative program Uvda was scheduled to air a report, revealing additional allegations against Meshi-Zahav, some of which being particularly heinous, sources said.
On March 11, the Haaretz daily published a report in which Meshi-Zahav was accused of sexual assault, rape, and abuse by six people.
The expose said there were likely many more cases.
The allegations against Yehuda Meshi-Zahav were made by both men and women, some of whom were minors at the time of the alleged events.
Meshi-Zahav took advantage of his status, power, money, and even the organization he heads to commit sexual assault.
One alleged victim said he forcibly undressed her and raped her after offering financial aid.
The woman said that while Meshi-Zahav forced himself on her, he threatened, “If you talk, a ZAKA jeep will run you over.”
Another said Meshi-Zahav repeatedly abused him when he was a teen, only realizing years later he was his escort, a prostitute in the full sense of the word.
Of the first six allegations reported, the earliest is from 1983, and the latest from 2011.
The report added that many residents of several ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods in Jerusalem, knew of Meshi-Zahav’s actions but did not say anything or report him to authorities.
This is part of the problem, people not speaking up, I sometimes get criticized for outing painful and traumatic pieces, yet by outing them you are not only highlighting them, but the beginning of the healing process for the victims, as because these are prominent figures, no one believes them.
New alleged victims spoke with Haaretz after the initial report, including a 40-year-old woman who said she was assaulted in 2014, at age 33, when she turned to Meshi-Zahav for help.
The case is significant because it appears to be within the statute of limitations, although the woman has not gone to police.
The police opened an investigation into Meshi-Zahav in March, and have received at least one formal complaint, but do not appear to have evidence within the statute of limitations.
According to public court filings, Meshi Zahav also set up a private for-profit company, also called ZAKA, which for years raised millions of dollars in the charity’s name.
Yet, Zaka is a government sponsored group, works with the Israeli police and were give UN status as an NGO.
Reports have alleged that he and his family kept some of the money, using it as a slush fund.
Meshi-Zahav, who had initially denied the allegations against him, will defend himself by claiming that all sexual relations were consensual.
The station, citing unnamed associates of Meshi-Zahav, said he will at most say relations were in exchange for money, gifts or other benefits.
Days before the initial Haaretz report, Meshi-Zahav was declared a winner of the Israel Prize’s lifetime achievement award for his contributions to Israeli society.
Education Minister Yoav Gallant announced that the prestigious prize would go to Meshi-Zahav for his decades of work in ZAKA.
In 2003, he lit a torch at Israel’s national Independence Day celebrations.
The day after the report, Meshi-Zahav announced that he was stepping down from his role in ZAKA and giving up the Israel Prize.
He was a vocal critic of some of the ultra-Orthodox leadership during the pandemic, as some prominent community figures downplayed the virus, including in an October interview with The Times of Israel.
Sounds to me he like Epstein, is a case of throwing out the sacrificial lamb to cover up higher elements within the society.
The use and abuse of sex is a powerful weapon in the Hebrew Annunaki circles and always has been, which is why they run the vast majority of porn sites, and here is another example.
This is something we covered recently and in the past, the art of sexual blackmail that runs rampant through the corridors of power.
An Israeli rabbi has given his blessing to female agents of Israel’s foreign secret service, Mossad, who may be required to have sex with the enemy in so-called “honey-pot” missions against terrorists.
Rabbi Ari Shvat’s ruling appeared in a study, “Illicit sex for the sake of national security,” published by the Tzomet Institute, which studies the interface between religion and modernity.
But Schvat wrote that honey-pot missions are not just a thing of modern-day espionage, such as the late 1980s capture of Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli nuclear technician who revealed details of Israel’s nuclear program, or the January 2010 assassination of terrorist Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai.
Both cases reportedly involved a Mossad female lure, in fact, honey-pot missions are rooted in Biblical lore.
Queen Esther, who was Jewish, slept with the Persian king Xerxes around 500 BC to save her people, Schvat noted.
Yael, wife of Hever, slept with the enemy chief of staff Sisra to tire him and cut off his head, according to tradition.
There is a catch, however, for married honey-pots.
“If it is necessary to use a married woman, it would be best for her husband to divorce her.
After the sex act, he would be entitled to bring her back,” Schvat wrote.
“Naturally, a job of that sort could be given to a woman who in any event is licentious in her ways.”
Male agents in Mossad apparently have no limitations on sleeping with the female enemy, as they were not mentioned in the writings.
Schvat’s study was praised by Tzomet’s director, Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, who added that “women employees of the Mossad are probably not going to come consult with a rabbi” before their missions.
Cleopatra was another honey pot assassins for the Egyptian and more modern day Israeli cult as well.
The fact the Israeli religious community gives it’s approval, tells you all you need to know about that cult and their followers.
The British Occult Secret Service
The Untold Story
Since the time of Elizabeth I, British secret services have worked according to the principle of ‘the end justifies the means’. Money, bribery, blackmail – these are their recruitment methods… – Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), October 2007.
They are the OSS riddled with Jewish and Egyptian mysticism as they call it, satanicism I would deem it.
It is not really surprising that historically occultism and espionage have often been strange bedfellows.
The black art of espionage is about obtaining secret information. and witches, psychics and astrologers have always claimed to be able to predict the future, and know about things hidden from ordinary people.
Unlike the Cat holic churches they spoke to those people, the church declared them heretics and burnt them alive, oh what holy and divine practices they have – not!!
Gathering intelligence is carried out under a cloak of secrecy, and occultists are adept at keeping their activities concealed from sight.
Like secret agents they also use codes, symbols and cryptograms to hide information from outsiders.
Occultists and intelligence officers are similar in many ways, as both inhabit a shadowy underworld of secrets, deception and disinformation.
It is therefore not unusual that often these two professions have shared the same members.
The ‘father of the British Secret Service’ was the Elizabethan lawyer, politician, diplomat and spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham, he was from the 1500’s.
He was a Protestant and as a young man during the bloody reign of the Catholic Queen Mary, was forced to flee abroad to escape persecution.
While in exile, Walsingham learnt Italian and French and became acquainted with the work of the famous Venetian Secret Service, that used its spying skills for trade and commerce under the cloak of diplomacy.
When Queen Elizabeth I was crowned Francis Walsingham returned to England.
He was appointed as a secretary to the English ambassador to the French court in Paris, and also worked as a secret agent reporting back the intelligence he gleaned to Queen Elizabeth’s Secretary of State, Sir William Cecil, later Lord Burghley.
Between 1568 and 1570 Walsingham, who had become a Member of Parliament, worked in England in domestic counter-espionage exposing Catholic plots against the monarchy.
So, 300 years after the Magna Carta the monarchy has risen again and the black nobility of Rome represented as the church was still playing faction wars, which is what the Magna Carta (the great cartel) was all about.
The people have never been represented, as all too content to allow rich people to dictate for them.
In 1570 Walsingham was appointed as the new ambassador to France.
He proceeded to set up his own network of undercover agents in France, Italy, Spain and the Low Countries.
The late Cecil Williamson, who worked for British Intelligence during World War II and later ran a witchcraft museum, told this writer that Walsingham often used witches as spies.
The Mysterious Dr Dee:
One of the famous occultists he is known to have recruited was Queen Elizabeth’s court astrologer and the magical architect of the British Empire, the Welsh magician Dr John Dee.
Walsingham was involved in the machinations for the proposed marriage of the Duc d’Anjou and Elizabeth.
Anjou is one of the three French families that makes up the so called British 3 lions emblem.
At the spy master’s personal recommendation, the queen dispatched Dee to France with orders to report back on the progress of the marriage negotiations.
The magus travelled to the Duchy of Lorraine and drew up the birth charts of both the Duc and his brother, who was also regarded as a possible husband for the English monarch.
Dr Dee, probably influenced by Walsingham, diplomatically reported back to London that the stars suggested a political alliance would be far wiser than matrimony and the queen took his advice.
Oh dear no wonder so much of society went wrong back then, relying on a science that has a missing component is pure folly, yet it continues to this day.
I don’t wish to hear why a venus with a silent p is in conjunction with ur anus, too much information.
In 1573 Sir Francis returned to London and became a privy councillor.
This placed him at the heart of government and he proceeded to set up what amounted to the first organised foreign espionage service to operate from England.
In 1566 he had put in place a pan-European network of spies extending as far to the east as Turkey and Russia, where Dr Dee reported on the goings-on at the Tsar’s court.
So, the 5 eyes network goes back way further than people thought.
This network mostly gathered intelligence on the military activities of the Spanish, who were England’s primary enemies at this time.
Walsingham was also responsible for foiling the Catholic plot, whose exposure led to the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.
Using Dr Dee’s psychic powers, he was apparently able to discover that the plotters were passing secret messages to the imprisoned Scottish queen hidden in bottles of wine.
While travelling in Europe in 1562, Dr Dee had come across a book written by Abbot Trimethus of Spanhiem (1462-1516).
This was a guide to writing ciphers and secret codes for magical purposes and Dee informed Sir William Cecil about his discovery.
On his return to England Dr Dee adapted the abbot’s cryptography and gave it to Sir Francis Walsingham for use by his secret agents.
Again we all thought cryptography was late 1800’s early 1900’s, no was operating in the 1500’s.
He also passed on the political and military intelligence he had acquired during his travels across Europe.
It has been alleged that Dee used the famous Enochian magical alphabet as a code to disguise this information.
If he had been arrested his captors would not have understood it and dismissed it as nonsense.
Because this was off world coding is why, and this is the coding used by freemasons and Mormons, all based in the Egyptian Hebrew Annunaki codes.
Which is why Zakaria Sitchin was allowed to decode it in part, some truth and some diversion, Sitchin who born to and died in was an Illuminati member, you don’t think they would tell us the whole truth do you?
In 1587 Dee even claimed he had received a spirit message from one of his angelic contacts concerning a threat to the English Fleet.
So, Dee was a latter day (pardon the pun) John Smith.
The message said that a group of disguised Frenchmen working for the Spaniards was secretly visiting the Forest of Dean.
The Forest of Dean was a royal hunting ground previously in 1066.
The word Dean meant an enclave of a group of ten monks, all very deci-mal before it’s reintroduction, ten is the binary code is why.
The forest was the centre for English ship-building, and the French agents planned to bribe disloyal foresters to burn it down.
Dr Dee sent his supernatural intelligence to Walsingham and the saboteurs, who were masquerading as squatters, were arrested. Information supplied to Sir Francis Walsingham from his European spy network convinced him that a Spanish armada would be launched against England in 1588.
He asked Dee to use his knowledge of astrology to calculate the weather prospects for an invasion.
The magus told him there would an impending disaster in Europe caused by a devastating storm.
When news of this prophecy was leaked and reached Spain, naval recruitment fell and there were desertions of sailors from the Spanish Fleet.
In Lisbon an astrologer who repeated the prediction was charged with spreading false information.
In an act of psychological warfare, Dr Dee also informed Emperor Rudolf of Bohemia (the modern Czech Republic) and King Stephen of Poland that the predicted storm would “cause the fall of a mighty empire.”
Rudolf, who was an occultist and Dee’s patron when he stayed in Bohemia, passed on the warning to the Spanish ambassador.
It is a fact that in 1588 a great storm did scatter the ships of the Spanish Armada in the English Channel and aided the English victory.
This metrological event was popularly credited to a magical ritual performed by the buccaneer Sir Francis Drake on the cliffs at Plymouth.
Superstitious people believed Drake was a wizard, and sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for success over the Spanish.
It is claimed that he also organised several covens of witches to work magically to raise the storm and prevent the invasion.
Yes, he danced with the devil or the djinns, they perform the magic light or dark, at great cost.
Meanwhile, as a result of scrying in his shewstone or crystal, Dr Dee saw a symbolic vision of a castle with its drawbridge drawn up (England) and the image of the elemental king of fire.
As a result he urged the Navy to employ fire-ships against the Armada and they did so with good results.
After Sir Francis Walsingham’s death in 1590, and the ascension to the English throne of the Scottish king James, Dr John Dee fell into royal disfavour.
The new king had an unhealthy obsession with witchcraft and his early reign was dominated by this preoccupation.
It led him to employ the Secret Service in his own personal vendetta against suspected witches.
James I ordered its agents to hunt down alleged practitioners of witchcraft and expose their alleged plots against the monarchy.
One of those involved was the Earl of Bothwell, accused of high treason for organizing a coven of Scottish witches to work magic against the king in an attempt to seize the throne.
To assist his secret agents in their new witch-hunting activities, King James persuaded Parliament in 1604 to pass a new and stronger Witchcraft Act to deal with the problem.
The Bill was rushed through and it was made law within three months.
You would think this practice of covens and witches influencing elections or power had ended, yet we had the case of the Canadian Coven connected to the Sisterhood of the Rose, who’s organization dates back to the Sirius star system known as the Scarlet Sisterhood, one bad bunch of evil they were, and still are in their human form here.
The Canadian Coven did witchcraft on Trump, yet curiously none of the agencies arrested them for threatening a standing President, funny how that works isn’t it?
Dashwood & the Hellfire Club:
In the 18th century the Secret Service became concerned at the activities of the so-called ‘Hellfire Club’ founded by Sir Francis Dashwood, later the Chancellor of the Exchequer and a close friend and political adviser of King George III.
As a young man Dashwood went on the Grand Tour of Europe that was compulsory for aristocrats and he was initiated into a Masonic lodge in France.
While visiting Italy he developed anti-Catholic views, violently broke up a celebration of the Mass and insulted the Pope.
Even though he was an aristocrat, Dashwood was disgusted at the vast wealth of the Roman Church compared with the poverty of its devoted worshippers.
He also became fascinated by classical mythology and decorated his country house at West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire with murals, paintings and statues of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.
Sir Francis Dashwood founded a secret society called the Order of the Friars of St Francis of Medmenham (more popularly known as the Hellfire Club) named after the abbey he had purchased on the banks of the River Thames where its meetings were held.
Rumours circulated in the coffee houses of London that the Friars practised sexual orgies featuring aristocratic ladies and prostitutes dressed up as nuns.
There were also satanic rites such as Black Masses where the naked body of a noblewoman acted as an altar.
However, according to one senior member of the Hellfire Club, this occult mummery was just an amusing diversion for the dandies.
Erm no it wasn’t, it was an orgy of sexual debauchery, blood drinking and sacrifice, just like it’s counterpart the Bohemian Grove.
The inner circle of the Order was actually dedicated to the serious revival of the pagan Eleusian Mysteries and the worship of the Bona Dea or Great Mother Goddess.
Pagan? oh dear from one hellfire to another, if you will pardon the pun we don’t need their propaganda, which means pro pagan skin.
Dashwood’s present-day descendant, also called Sir Francis, confirmed this fact in a BBC radio interview some years ago.
It has been claimed secret agents infiltrated the Hellfire Club because of its many famous members.
They included the Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, who was the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Paymaster General Thomas Potter, several members of Parliament, the Lord Mayor of London, a son of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earl of Bute, who was the prime minister, and it has been claimed even the Prince of Wales.
At least four members of the group were known to be actively involved in espionage.
There was a radical MP called John Wilkes, a transvestite French diplomat, Chevalier D’Eon de Beaumont, the American statesman and philosopher Benjamin Franklin, and Sir Francis Dashwood himself.
Wilkes had allegedly recruited the chevalier into the British Secret Service.
During his stay in Russia on the Grand Tour Dashwood had spied on the court of the Tsar through his close friendship with the Grand Duchess Catherine.
In Italy he gathered intelligence on the exiled Stuart dynasty and their supporters, although the head of the British Secret Service in Rome believed Dashwood was a Jacobite agent.
In fact he was only pretending to support the Stuart cause, and was passing on information about their activities directly back to London.
In later years Sir Francis and Benjamin Franklin were involved in a clandestine plan to reconcile the American colonists and the British government to prevent the War of Independence.
Franklin revered here still was a Crown agent, who worked for the Rothschild’s.
Rudolf Hess & the British Occult Connection:
During World War II British Intelligence invited many occultists into its ranks because it needed their specialist knowledge and skills.
The assistant director of Naval Intelligence during the war was Lt. Commander Ian Fleming RN, best known later as a thriller writer and the creator of the famous fictional spy James Bond 007.
Fleming was also interested in astrology and numerology and he was a friend of the notorious magician Aleister Crowley, who had worked for MI6 (the Secret Intelligence Service) during World War I and in the 1920s and 1930s spying on Germans with occult interests (see ‘The Magus Was A Spy’ by Dr Richard Spence in New Dawn No. 105, November-December 2007).
Ian Fleming conceived an audacious plan to lure a high-ranking member of the German government into defecting to Britain, so as to provide a morale-boosting propaganda coup.
This idea had been inspired by a novel written by Fleming’s brother, Peter, called Flying Visit (Jonathan Cape 1940).
Peter Fleming was a journalist and also worked for both MI5 (the Security Service) and the propaganda section of the clandestine Special Operations Executive (SOE).
The novel imagined that Hitler’s plane crash-landed in England and he was captured.
The Reichminister and deputy fuehrer himself, Rudolf Hess, was chosen as a suitable candidate for the actual plot.
This was because he like Hitler was a supporter of peace with Britain and was also under the influence of astrologers and occultists, it was believed this could be used against him.
Commander Fleming recreated The Link, a defunct Anglo-German friendship society of the 1930s that had a wealthy membership of Nazi sympathisers drawn from the British Establishment.
Most of the cabinet in the British Government at the time, the Conservatives were Nazis and were often known to wine and dine with the Nazis during the war.
Ironically, or perhaps coincidentally, The Link had been founded by Admiral Sir Barry Domville, an ex-director of the Naval Intelligence Department (NID), after he retired in 1930.
Domville was arrested and interned in May 1940 because MI5 believed he was plotting a fascist coup d’etat supported by aristocratic peace mongers.
The admiral was a friend of Major-General J.F.C. “Boney” Fuller CBE, a famous military analyst who designed the tactics for the first tank battle in World War I.
Fuller also invented the concept of blitzkrieg used so successfully in World War II by the German Panzers.
Fuller was an open admirer of Hitler (he attended the fuehrer’s 50th birthday party in 1939), a leading member of Sir Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists (BUF), a friend of Ian Fleming and a leading disciple of Aleister Crowley.
In the 1930s Fuller formed the extreme-right wing Nordic League (aka the White Knights of Britain), allegedly established by Nazi agents.
However in the 1950s he was a member of a MI6 supported group of Russian émigrés engaged in anti-communist propaganda.
It has been suggested that Fuller was not interned during the war with other leading fascists such as Mosley and Domville because he was a MI6 double-agent.
Ian Fleming’s idea was to persuade the German High Command in Berlin, and especially Rudolf Hess, that when war broke out The Link had not disbanded but had gone underground.
It had allegedly regrouped and recruited even more prominent pro-Nazi members in the British Establishment including aristocrats and royalty, remember the British royalty were German, Saxe, Gotha, Coburg.
These were represented by the NID as influential people with the political muscle to overthrow prime minister Winston Churchill’s national wartime government, call a ceasefire and agree to a peace treaty with Germany.
Under its terms Britain would keep control of its Empire and Germany would have free reign in occupied Europe.
The Nazis also hoped that British troops would be sent to fight alongside the German Wehrmacht and the SS against the Soviet Union in a joint anti-communist crusade.
Hitler did not want to invade and occupy Britain.
Instead he would have preferred to negotiate a treaty with a sympathetic new government in London.
It has been suggested that the only reason the fuehrer abandoned Operation Sea Lion – the proposed invasion of Southern England – and instead invaded the Soviet Union was to force Churchill to accept peace terms.
If the Red Army had been defeated Britain would truly have been standing alone, as Hitler did not believe the Americans had the political will to enter the war.
Unfortunately he underestimated the ability and resolve of the Soviets to defend their motherland, and also the clandestine support that the US was already offering Great Britain.
The NID plot to ensnare Rudolf Hess used bogus astrological predictions combined with political intelligence.
Hess was persuaded that a Scottish aristocrat, the Duke of Hamilton, was willing to negotiate peace terms on behalf of the influential people at the top of British society who wanted to end the war.
The duke had met Hess at the Berlin Olympics in 1936, and the deputy fuehrer for some reason thought he was a member of the surviving Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Drake was a member of that cult.
Ian Fleming commissioned an astrologer to produce a faked astrological forecast, indicating that 10 May 1941 would be a propitious date for Rudolf Hess to fly to Scotland, and meet secretly with the Duke of Hamilton and other members of the so-called British ‘peace party’.
Hess’ occult advisors had also told him there would be an unusual planetary conjunction on 10 May.
On that day six planets would be aligned in the zodiac sign of Taurus and conjoined to the full moon.
At the same time Hitler’s chart showed ‘malefic’ astrological aspects.
Hess saw himself in the role of a messianic hero saving Germany from possible future defeat by making peace with the British.
All the (false) reports reaching the deputy fuehrer about the political situation in England and the astrological aspects convinced him that his mission would be a success.
Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland on 10 May 1941, in the firm belief that on landing he would be met by the Duke of Hamilton and the Duke of Kent, and whisked off to London for a private audience with King George VI.
He had been convinced by the misinformation fed to him by British Intelligence, that these three men represented a genuine peace movement capable of removing the warmonger Churchill and agreeing to German terms.
Hess had also previously met the Duke of Windsor when he had visited Berlin before the war.
As a result Hess was persuaded that some members of the German-descended royal family were sympathetic to Nazism.
Certainly the Duke of Saxo-Coburg, formerly Prince Charles Edward, a grandson of Queen Victoria and a close friend of the Duke of Windsor, had willingly embraced Nazism.
In fact Hitler had appointed him as the head of the German branch of the Red Cross, that was responsible for exterminating the mentally sick and physically disabled.
Unfortunately instead of meeting pro-Nazi aristocrats and royals when he landed, Hess was captured by a local farmer and a Home Guard unit.
They handed him over to the police and he was transferred to London to be interrogated by MI5.
Unfortunately the British government completely mishandled the capture of Hess.
It has been suggested that Churchill believed the subterfuge by the NID and SIS, suggesting leading members of the British Establishment might be pro-German may have been based on fact.
For that reason the government did not capitalise on Hess’ ‘peace mission’.
It was all staged is why, yet again examples of faction based fighting for their own control, as have all wars been.
The German High Command had also disowned him and said that his flight had been unauthorised.
They also suggested that Hess might be insane so his value for propaganda purposes was undermined and diminished.
Rudolf Hess’ apparent defection caused widespread panic in Berlin concerning the influence of occultism on the Nazi Party.
The Gestapo immediately launched Operation Aktion Hess.
On the direct orders of Hitler, they rounded up hundreds of occultists, psychics and astrologers, including Hess’s leading occult advisor Ernst Schulte-Strathaus.
In June 1941 a decree was issued banning all public performances of clairvoyance, astrology, fortune-telling or telepathy.
Anybody associated with Hess and his esoteric interests was thrown into concentration camps and occult secret societies were closed down.
Because of staff shortages in the Gestapo, officers from the Naval Intelligence Service were drafted in to interrogate some of the arrested psychics.
It has been claimed that they recruited some of them for secret operations, using dowsing on maps with pendulums to hunt down British submarines.
It has also been claimed that Ian Fleming and the NID was involved in a plot to silence the Spiritualist medium Helen Duncan, the penultimate person to be charged under the old Witchcraft Act of 1736.
She was arrested in 1944 after holding a séance during which allegedly the spirit of a dead sailor from the sinking of the HMS Bolham physically manifested.
As the news of the loss had not been publicly released, and the Admiralty was keeping it secret for morale purposes, Duncan became a target for the security services.
She and other psychics were regarded as a serious threat to national security, and they became the object of a MI5/NID dirty tricks operation to silence leaks.
This suggests that the Intelligence Services actually believed these mediums had genuine powers.
Duncan’s arrest and subsequent trial, which in fact was condemned by Winston Churchill as a waste of public funds, was allegedly meant to deter other mediums.
The War Office was paranoid that military secrets about the forthcoming D-Day landings in Normandy, would be revealed at séances and become public knowledge or passed to the Germans.
So, all the royalty and leaders were duped by the occult based peoples, all of which operate for the dark forces.
Don’t tell me you are a light witch, because I will reply you are a dark forces person, you like the royals and so called leaders down the ages have been fooled on a massive scale, all of you.
You all danced with the dark, believing you were operating in the light, to operate in the light requires you to work on yourself, magic is a cheat sheet and a direct line to the dark forces who operate it.
They all fell for their powers of seduction, when the lesson for covens, witches and occult practices is to observe, not absorb, that way they teach you your best lessons, but all too often people fall for the easier path, but that is an illusion also, because it is the longer and harder path.
There are no short cuts to soul development, it takes what some call the hard work, but that is an illusion also, it is the easy work.
They only thing that is hard about it is, standing in the truth, people too easily believe the lie, not only from others, but themselves, that is nonsensical.
But that is because you allowed one side of your brain to dominate, generally the lower vibration side packed with limitations, blocks, boxes and lower self worth, turn that off and merge with the higher vibrational side and you are on the easier path to development and abilities, where you don’t need magic, witchcraft, seances, potions, mantras, mandalas or fake churches for enlightenment.
No war was fought for freedom for the people or rescuing people, it was all about the psychopaths elites fighting for control and power, dancing with the dark forces of Coven, witches, using fake science astrology mixed in with heavy occultism and mysticism.
This was a Rothschild’s family war, the same as the wars in America, get the masses to fight each other for amusement, lend to both sides and collect the shekels.
Americans have to realize when they say we are fighting for freedom, it really means the elites are requesting free domain over you, freedom is a play on words, to free up domain for the monarchs, nobles and elites.
Like the word Kingdom, it means the Kings domain, domain means territory over which dominion is exerted, from dominus lord, master, owner, the notion of ownership of land comes legal eminent domain, which means ultimate or supreme lordship over all property in the state, and all people were property of the state under the Cestue Que Vie Act, plus the Magna Carta act which assigned all of Britain and it’s subjects over to the nobility, the Black Nobility operating the Cat holic church.
Final Piece
We live in a world with a chronic maths problem, too few can add, subtract, divide or multiply with their own calculator, called their brain.
This allows the devious like John Hopkins center for lunacy it spit out pro pagan da and add figures to the positive tests, add figures to the cases and add figures to the death list to create the fear, then they subtract the side effects and subtract the death list caused by their experimental techno jab.
If you can still catch corona after having the vaccine, what is the passport for? perhaps it is for the souls to fly? think about that.
Putting germ and bacterial cloths over a child’s mouth for 8 hours, in our world is called abuse.
As a child most were warned of the dangers of drugs, why if the Government is pushing them, should that be any different?
Many say they would die for their children, but will they live, and rise up for their children?
They say they wish to reduce carbon, you do realize that carbon is us.
Some people only love you if you fit in their box, tell them you are not a box or a bot for that matter.
The only thing a Government needs to get you to do what they want is, to create fear.
Fear is a future event, which means it has not happened yet, that means you can prevent it. Think Different.
Listen and silent both have the same 6 letters for a reason, use it.
You cant keep getting mad at people for sucking the life out of you, if you keep giving them the straw.
The only people who get mad at you for speaking the truth, are those living the lie.
The pursuit of truth is our greatest discovery path, seek it, the truth is whole, the lie is fragmented.
Do you wish your body to be whole or fragmented?
If the truth will set you free, why live in a self contained jail?
The best thing about the truth is, you don’t have to remember it.
Why have speech if you are unable to speak it? why have ears if you are unwilling to listen? why have a brain if you allow Governments, think tanks, Unintelligent agencies, social media, computers and the lie based bot culture to run it for you?
Failure to exercise all three, makes you deaf, mute and dumb, the crown of creation deaf, mute and dumb? do you all realize how ridiculous that all sounds?
Don’t let the truth become the new hate speech, because the worst thing about being lied to, is knowing the deliverer feels you are not worthy of the truth.
The people who dare to speak the truth should not be made into enemies, they are your lessons of and in observation.
Anyone can be educated to become Intelligent, but has Intelligence been defined? but Intellect is from within and self taught and supersedes Intelligence on a massive scale.
In essence Intelligence is external, but Intellect and Wisdom are internal, gain both and use it wisely.
You are the computer, not of AI but OI organic intelligence, you are the super power, you are the Neo and you are your own savior, once you all realize that, there are no limits.