3/24/22 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Thomas Williams

March 24, 2022

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Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2022-03-24


Topics in this show

  • More confirmation the world is run by Jewish and CIA producers
  • Biden claimed a new world order would soon be established
  • Author and transhumanist Noah Yuval Harari named by online sources as Schwab’s top adviser – born to
  • US government collapsing under its own lies
  • Medical related and COVID BS
  • Potential scenario being planned behind narrative of Ukraine
  • Expose: Unit 731
  • Coca Cola: Try to be less white
  • Firmament, Terra Firma, a business, farmers, Kings, slaves, taxes and dot connections
  • Rumor: Russian troops are engaging in battle against ARVI – Artificial Replicating Viral Intelligence
  • Decades of false fears
  • Frequency – not limitations and labels
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Play audio at: 05:44

Russia’s foreign ministry says it has imposed sanctions on US President Joe Biden and 12 other US officials.
The list includes Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, press secretary Jen Psaki and other members of the administration.
But it also includes two surprises: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Mr Biden’s son Hunter.
The measures block their entry into Russia and freeze any assets held in the country.
However, the ministry has said the sanctions will not impede necessary high-level contacts for the affected individuals.
Other names on the list are: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh, US Agency for International Development, Administrator Samantha Power, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo and President of the Export-Import Bank of the US Reta Jo Lewis.
The ministry has said it is applying sanctions on the basis of reciprocity.
Looks to me like it is based upon factions, yet more revealings.
Don’t believe all the world is a stage? being ran by Jewish and CIA producers, this will confirm more of it.
Zelensky the Ukrainian premier is born to Jewish parents in a town in central Ukraine in Jan. 1978, his early life remains shrouded in mystery.
Volodymyr Zelensky was groomed by covert CIA operatives in Ukraine since his student life while he was studying law at the Kryvyi Rih National University.
Instead of pursuing a legal career, he chose acting as a profession at the behest of his influential patrons to gain nationwide publicity, particularly through the comedy television series Servant of the People in which Zelensky prophetically played the role of the Ukrainian president.
In fact, his production company Kvartal 95, which produces films, cartoons, and television shows, was generously funded by deep pockets of Western security agencies.
Comically exposing corruption and sleazy dealings of Ukraine’s politicians and oligarch, the series Servant of the People aired from 2015 to 2019 and struck a chord with Ukrainian masses.
Western security agencies not only lavishly funded his obscure media organization, but also introduced him to a clandestine cabal, of illustrious Hollywood producers and directors adept in psychological warfare and public relations.
Hollywood is ran by Jewish EL-ites as we know.
Riding on the wave of media publicity, Zelensky won a landslide presidential election in 2019.
Later, his political party, which he coincidentally named Servant of the People, won an overwhelming victory in a snap legislative election held shortly after his inauguration as president.
Since 2019, after being elected president through questionable methods, Zelensky has surreptitiously been working on a clandestine project to foment a crisis with Russia on a flimsy pretext.
Any other political leader with an iota of rational faculties, even somebody as rogue as his predecessor Petro Poroshenko, would promptly have agreed to the Kremlin’s reasonable proposal that, Kyiv must give a solemn pledge it won’t join NATO.
Not only did he scornfully rebuff the Russian proposal, but he also let Ukraine’s security forces stage joint military exercises and naval drills, alongside NATO forces in the Black Sea right under Russia’s nose.
His reckless disregard for the suffering of Ukrainian masses and suicidally provoking Russia into an armed confrontation aside, he is merely a pawn in the grand scheme of things.
Like we have said all along, all the world is a stage.

Jen Psaki who has come under fire for lying about gas prices, Covid and US Bio Labs in Ukraine, has done a runner and declared fake Covid.
Appears that is the new remit of the old establishment, if the heat is turned up, fake Covid and wait until the story blows over.
I am sure this is the second time she has pulled that stunt.
The new spokesperson Chris Meagher, he made a meager attempt to deflect things, he comes out and said no members of the press who was with Psaki the day prior are considered to be close contacts. Funny that.
US President Joe Biden raised eyebrows on Monday after he claimed a new world order would soon be established and that it was up to the United States to lead it.
During a speech at Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting, Biden claimed the world was at an inflection point which occurs every three or four generations, and that it was up to the US to determine the outcome.
As one of the top military people said to me in a security meeting the other day, 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946, and since then we’ve established a liberal world order, and that hadn’t happened in a long while, the president said.
60M? between including WW1 and WW2? they killed 70-90M Russians alone.
There was 40M killed in WW1 alone and WW2 killed 70-85M, so that is 110-125M based on so called official estimates.
The Liberal world order has seen America have 19 major wars since and has cost well over 20M lives, and that is likely an underestimate.
There’s going to be a new world order out there and we have to lead it.
America leads in nothing these days, except stupidity, a math and geography deficiency, child level thinking, corruption, fraud, cover ups, medical death and war deaths.
It doesn’t have to be that way, but it does requires radical changes all of which can only come from the people.
The Oil and gas industry representatives blasted President Biden Wednesday for blaming companies for the gas price surge.
Which is it? You can’t blame Putin and us at the same time.
The bottom line is we are not price makers, we are price takers, we suffer from low prices and then we have higher prices, that is based on the price of oil globally, said Kathleen Sgamma President of the Western Energy Alliance.
Sgamma said that demand for oil has risen and there are various factors that go into the price of oil, including the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
But we are not setting that price, we would love to produce more in the United States and help to bring those prices down.
At first, Biden blamed Russia for spike in gas prices, then he cast blame on U.S. energy companies.
President Biden posted a tweet on March 16th, claiming oil and gas companies were padding their profits at the expense of hardworking Americans.
Oil prices are decreasing, gas prices should too, the last time oil was $96 a barrel, gas was $3.62 a gallon, now it’s $4.31.
Oil and gas companies shouldn’t pad their profits at the expense of hardworking Americans.
Remember Biden in January said gas prices would go below $3 a gallon.
Essentially the increase in gas prices are another cost recovering from their over spending, largely on war and agency clowns, plus fluffing up the banks.
The extra gas cost is like inflation, another tax on the people, if it wasn’t, the simple solution would be an executive order decreasing all the taxes on the price of gas.

The Israeli historian author and transhumanist Noah Yuval Harari is named by multiple online sources as Schwab’s top advisers.
One site even calls Harari the mastermind behind Schwab’s demented ideas.
Yuval Noah Harari with his latest book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.
He said humans are now hackable animals, and the whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and nobody knows what is happening inside of them and they have free will, that is over.
It makes perfect sense because when you listen to Harari you hear echoes of many Schwabian ideas as expressed in Schwab’s books and speeches.
It was Schwab, remember, who said that the Fourth Industrial Revolution would lead to the fusion of our physical, biological and digital identities.
Schwab also talks about human beings as if they are machines to be programmed, and reprogrammed according to the behaviors that those in authority would like them to have, making them obedient slaves of the Great Reset, which represents a totally transformed digital society.
Schwab said about the wireless connection between man and machine, which he sees merging into one hybrid entity, a sort of humanity 2.0.
Harari claims, in direct opposition to Source, that humans are not in possession of a free will, nor do they have a soul.
That goes some way to confirming our bot theory, and the question is, who brought them here and who created them?
He suggests there will be a new global surveillance system established in response to viral pandemics, and while this system may at first be seen as temporary it will be prolonged, indefinitely.
Just like I warned in Clowns in Panic, medical tyranny leads to global tyranny.
Patrick Wood, editor in chief at Technocracy News and Trends, has studied Harari in depth and says he has millions of devoted followers.
He is your model transhumanist who thinks he can become god.
Another of the “one” people thinking they are above Source, which is why it was important now for people to understand the Cosmic Genetics shows.
The one has never worked.
He is the chief philosophical adviser to the World Economic Forum and one of the premiere authorities in WEF circles, and they just hang on his every word.
The author says the level of evil we are dealing with here is so intense, that most Christians and conservatives have no idea how deep it goes and will frankly have trouble believing it.
No politician is going to be able to save us from this evil, only Jesus Christ.
And therein lies the swinging pendulum game again, at no time in recorded history has the Savior, whether Jesus or any other name came in and saved us.
That is child level thinking, and a comforter in essence.
We need to grow up and produce adult thinking people and save ourselves.
Another thing worth noting is that Harari is not only tied in with Schwab, he has a large following among Western elites.
One of Harari’s admirers is Barack Obama, who has the ear of Joe Biden.
In fact, Obama has called Harari his favorite author, possible links to the Muslim Brotherhood then.
It’s interesting that just as the U.S. petro dollar is failing internationally, Biden right on cue, issues an executive order last week calling for the Attorney General Merrick Garland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Fed Chair Jerome Powell to put together a report on the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency.
His executive order states that this report, no doubt already with a pre-drawn conclusion, must be finished and on Biden’s desk within 180 days.
The reason a digital currency will soon be needed is, because the hard currency represented by physical paper and coinage are going to be phased out shortly.
And the decisions to this end are not being made at the presidential level.
The drive toward a global digital money system involves decisions made by people at a much higher level, the top tier of international bankers such as the Rothschild’s and others, whose names most of us would not recognize.
The world stage right now is geared toward the emergence of two things, the creation of a digital global ID system, that will launch as a simple vaccine passport but evolve into a universally recognized, overarching ID, and the creation of a digital global money system.
The World Economic Forum has been openly pushing for both of these.
Once those two things are in place, digital money and digital ID for all persons, the global predators can proceed with the creation of a truly one-world system, under which nothing will happen outside of their surveillance and control.
Every transaction will be monitored, they will know what you bought, where you bought it, and how much you paid.
It will no longer be possible to purchase anything or conduct any business outside of the system and its all-seeing eye.
Other possible scenarios to this are, if at the end of the year your purchases don’t square up with your income, you will have to answer for it.
If you buy too much storable food, too much gasoline or diesel fuel, too much ammunition, too much alcohol, too much gold or silver, you will have to answer for that, too.
Maybe the system won’t even let you get to the point where you need to be questioned.
Maybe your digital money, since it is not only digital but programmable, will be programmed to automatically shut off when you reach your quota, of any goods or services that the government decides is right for you?
This will be required as part of your overall allotted carbon footprint necessary to save the planet, and also keep your social credit score within the range of what’s acceptable.
Remember, all of the corporations that make and sell stuff will be on board with the government, in enforcing this new totalitarian system.
It’s all part of the Great Reset and is necessary for the greater good of humanity, the elites will tell us through their media lackeys.
We’ve already seen through Covid how the most powerful forces in modern society, big government, big business and big media all operate in lockstep, pardon the pun.
Oh I forget to mention, Harari is born to Jewish parents.

What if the Kremlin, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center, was telling the truth? and a great silence followed.
What if the Straussian Jews in the United States, the Ukrainian Jewish leader Ihor Kolomoysky and his employee the Jewish president Volodymyr Zelensky were working with real Nazis?
Immediately, the Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, went to Moscow and received Chancellor Scholtz in Tel Aviv, then phoned the Ukrainian president, whose bad faith was evident to all.
Presented as yet another attempt at peace, this trip was in fact intended only to find out whether or not the United States was relying on real Nazis.
Confused by his findings, Bennett called President Putin, whom he had left the day before, he was also phoning various heads of NATO member states.
It would be desirable for Naftali Bennett to make public what he has verified, but it is unlikely.
He would have to open a forgotten file, that of the relations between certain Zionists and the Nazis.
Or is he and others just concerned of the general public finding out that, Fascists, Nazis and Zionists are all one and the same as we went to some way proving in the FRWL series.
Why, then, did David Ben Gurion insist that Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of revisionist Zionism, was a fascist and possibly a Nazi?
Who were the Jews who, before Adolf Hitler came to power, warmly welcomed an official delegation of the Nazi party, the NSDAP, to Palestine while it was practicing pogroms in Germany?
Who negotiated the 1933 transfer agreement, the so-called Haavara Agreement and maintained an office in Berlin until 1939?
How did half-Jew Vollrath von Maltzan become the purveyor of Zyklon B gas to the death camps? so many questions that historians usually leave unanswered.
Except there was no Zyklon B gas used, no pipe were lines found and no blue walls was ever discovered in the camps, Zyklon B stains all the walls blue.
And today, is it true, as many witnesses claim, that Professor Leo Strauss taught his Jewish students that they had to build their own dictatorship, using the same methods as the Nazis, to protect themselves from a new Shoah?
Clearly, Naftali Bennett did not buy into the Ukraine/NATO narrative, and that Putin has not suddenly lost the plot or suffering from mental illness.
On the contrary, when asked about the support of the Jewish state, President Zelensky replied: I have spoken to the Prime Minister of Israel.
And I tell you frankly, and this may sound a bit insulting, but I think I have to say it, our relations are not bad, not bad at all.
Israel is not interested in Ukraine except to tie up pipelines deals in the region, of which they control.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says it’s time for NATO allies to step up defense spending, in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
No, you created that situation for what you are asking for, pay out time for the warmongerers again.
Speaking at the Ottawa Conference, Stoltenberg praised Canada’s contributions to the alliance’s objectives to date, including military training and equipment, but noted all allies could do more.
Yes, Turdeau has been a good little puppet is what that means.
Canada is contributing in many ways to our collective defense, to our shared security.
Shared security? (M)
Canada is the lead nation in the Baltic region with the battle group Operation Reassurance, he said.
Your lot and ilk reassure no one.
But then of course all allies step up and do even more.
Stoltenberg’s appeal comes after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicated on Monday that the Canadian government is open to enhanced military support, though he stopped short of any formal commitment.
The alliance has an agreed-upon target to spend two per cent of GDP on defense but Canada lags behind other members, spending an estimated 1.39 per cent last year.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the U.K. has already exceeded the two per cent target and Germany, having previously trailed behind, committed to boost support above the target after Russia invaded Ukraine.
Trudeau has previously pledged to inject billions of dollars into Canada’s military over the next 20 years.
Yet none of them will inject billions into improving the lives of their own people?
Given the circumstances in Europe, it will be a key line item to watch in the upcoming federal budget.
It is the shekel merry go round, the medical fraternity have had their blood money, and now the war machine wants their cut, is essentially how it all plays out.
We can and will eventually change those policies, by bringing enough people together and applying pressure on them to think and act different.
NATO is currently doing war drills, as Biden travels to Europe to talk shit.

This was in part sent in by one of the members, a good insight and more dot connecting.
Linköping is where SAAB is, which is also BAE Systems.
A satellite dispenser that can carry 32 satellites that are as big as a washing-machine, the dispenser will be produced in Linköping, Sweden.
The Dispenser is a long pipe of carbon fibers, is that graphene?
It will be sent up into space, and the satellites will be put in their orbits or geostationary positions.
Starting with internet satellites to contribute to the short term goal of 100K satellites up there, at the behest of Musk and Gates for Internet and surveillance.
Anna Rathsmann is the General Director for Rymdstyrelsen, which is equal to the Director General of the Swedish Space Agency.
The Company is called Beyond Gravity, it’s former name: RUAG space, formerly RUAG Holding is an armaments industry, a Joint Stock Defense Company.
It is also a Swiss company specializing in aerospace engineering and the defense industry.
We are the first startup to combine agility, speed and innovation with decades of experience and proven quality.
André Wall CEO, Beyond Gravity
RUAG has an internal whistleblower platform, why do they need one?
Welcome to the Integrity Line Platform.
Satellites more AI sky gods, perhaps the break up of the word helps for greater understanding?
SAT is Saturn, Satan or Satain.
EL(L) means god.
And ITES means followers.
Neutral Sweden goes RUAG or is that rogue?
Oh I forget to mention the head of the Space Agency Anna Rathsmann is born to Jewish parents, funny that.
You want to hear how the so called privileged think about we the people, and how if you don’t earn over $300K a year, you are essentially deemed inadequate, a slave and not worthy of respect?
No one has the need to earn $300K plus a year, that is greed pure and simple.
As it then means many go without, whilst people furnish their lavish and expensive lifestyles.
This thinking based on their model of Capitalism, Materialism and indeed Socialism, it should be called anti people, as it excludes many people of earning a reasonable amount just to exist.
A Bloomberg article headlined, Inflation stings most if you earn less than $300K, here’s how to deal.
It tells Americans they should consider giving up their cars, and using public transport because fares have only risen by 8% compared to a 38% rise for gasoline.
The war in Ukraine and Putin is blamed for soaring inflation and food prices, despite the fact this was already happening for months beforehand under the Biden administration.
Inflation was up around 9% last year remember, inflation is a secret taxing of the people.
Though your palate may not be used to it, tasty meat substitutes include vegetables, where prices are up a little over 4%, or lentils and beans, which are up about 9%.
Plan to cut out the middle creature and consume plants directly.
It’s a more efficient, healthier and cheaper way to get calories, states the article.
Just staggering hypocrisy, zero understanding, zero humanity exhibited in all it’s materialistic evil glory.
The Bloomberg’s also born to Jewish parents and their ilk are why the world is in a mess, due to their pure greed.

The beleaguered US Govt is collapsing under it’s own lies, that even some of the press are now getting onto them.
Don’t think for one second the press is doing it for the benefit of the people, it is 100% faction fighting.
Fresh from Victoria Nuland throwing the whole of the Government and Psaki under the bus last week, we now find others not willing to cough up the truth or even recognize it.
A number of ex-intelligence officials who reviewed Hunter Biden’s laptop in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, and dismissed its authenticity as “Russian disinformation” have declined to comment and apologize to the New York Post.
That initial evaluation of as many as 51 former intelligence officials, has depreciated remarkably over the past two years.
After adamant assertions, requests for comment from the New York Post have been met with radio silence now that those claims have been show to be little more than unfounded opinions.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made it clear during Friday’s briefing that, she was not interested in fielding questions about President Joe Biden’s embattled son Hunter.
Add in the lies about inflation caused by Russia, the lies about the increase in gas prices, Biden stating just two months ago that gas would go below $3.
It all leaves the stench of a bunch of lying and corrupt officials, who literally don’t have a clue which way to turn, they don’t have a detailed forward thinking plan for anything, and show zero respect for the people of this country.
$14B sent to Ukraine that will never go to the Ukrainian people, all of which means it is in effect high level money laundering, if it is not, then please show us the evidence of where those funds went.
All whilst we have record numbers of homeless, record numbers of starving people or under nourished people within our own borders.


Play audio at: 51:29

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla revealed in a new op-ed published on Forbes that he and Jared Kushner, once had a heated debate over whether the US should receive its vaccine doses first.
Bourla said he and Kushner disagreed, over the supply time for an additional 100 million doses of the Pfizer jab that the Trump administration ordered.
Bourla wrote that the conflict arose because the US was topping up on its original order of 100 million doses of vaccine, but that other countries had already signed contracts with Pfizer to secure their vaccine doses.
During the early days, Kushner was the head of a Covid-19 shadow task force, that a documentary later revealed consisted of young volunteers buying PPE with personal email accounts.
Yes, that was Kushner as well, he blocked American companies supplying PPE’s to Americans, and he did a deal with China and India for PPE’s, and was going to sell the masks at $7 a piece.
Kushner and indeed Trump wanted extra doses in America to cause more issues here, which then makes it global news.
Then they can scream pandemic, and it was Trump and Kushner who delivered that to the American people.
Jared was asking for a very aggressive delivery plan to the US for the additional 100 million doses, he wanted it all in the second quarter of 2021.
To do that, we would have had to take supplies from Canada, Japan and Latin American countries, all of which had placed their orders earlier than the US, and were expecting the vaccine in the second quarter.
Bourla said that the debate between himself and Kushner became heated when he refused.
Not the first time I have heard Kushner getting heated, well trained by Kissinger is why.
The Pfizer CEO said he reminded Jared, it was made clear to Moncef Slaoui the chief adviser of the Trump team’s Operation Warp Speed, that Pfizer would not take doses from other countries to give them to the US,
but Kushner wouldn’t budge.
Is the Q or QAnons who still want Trump in 2024 oblivious to these facts? that he and snake in law cost many Americans their lives, lifestyles and livelihoods.
The CEO of one of Germany’s largest health insurance companies was abruptly fired last month, after he released data suggesting German health authorities are significantly underreporting Covid-19 vaccine injuries.
The data, released by Andreas Schofbeck of BKK/ProVita, have since been scrubbed from the company’s website.
Schofbeck, who noticed an unexpected jump in vaccine-related health insurance claims, in February notified the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the German equivalent of the CDC, that BKK billing data indicated the PEI was underreporting adverse events to Covid vaccines.
In his letter to the PEI, Schofbeck wrote:
If these figures are extrapolated to the whole year and to the population in Germany, probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany have received medical treatment for vaccination side effects after Corona vaccination.
The great cover up continues on their part, but too many are reporting it now, hence the Ukraine distraction event.

It appears the public are starting to ween off the so called Smartphones, smart means to sting or burn remember, and are going back to what the BBC called dumbphones.
A classic case of doing the opposite they propose, is almost always the best bet.
Dumbphones are continuing to enjoy a revival, searches for them jumped by 89% between 2018 and 2021.
While sales figures are hard to come by, one report said that global purchases of dumbphones were due to hit one billion units last year, up from 400 million in 2019.
This compares to worldwide sales of 1.4 billion smart phones last year, following a 12.5% decline in 2020.
Meanwhile, a 2021 study stated that one in 10 mobile phone users in the UK had a dumbphone.
Another sign the old ways of the old world are starting to come apart, their ability to profile and datamine is drastically reduced by the use of a simple phone and text version.
Using the internet with the phone is the deal for them, and it is better for your health using desktops or laptops.
Research adds to evidence that healthier pre-industrial lifestyles may hold clues to preventing Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
As scientists around the world seek solutions for Alzheimer’s disease, a new study reveals that two indigenous groups in the Bolivian Amazon have among the lowest rates of dementia in the world.
An international team of researchers found among older Tsimane and Moseten people, only about 1% suffer from dementia.
In contrast, 11% of people age 65 and older living in the United States have dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Something about the pre-industrial subsistence lifestyle appears to protect older Tsimane and Moseten from dementia, said Margaret Gatz, the lead study author and professor of psychology, gerontology and preventive.
Researchers used computed tomography brain scan images, cognitive and neurological assessments and culturally appropriate questionnaires, facilitated by a local team of trained translators and Bolivian physicians, to diagnose dementia and cognitive impairment among the Tsimane and Moseten.
The study, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, found only five cases of dementia among 435 Tsimane people and just one case among 169 Moseten age 60 and over.
In the same over-60 groups, the research team diagnosed about 8% of Tsimane and 10% of Moseten with mild cognitive impairment, which is typically marked by early stage memory loss or decline of other cognitive ability, such as language or spatial perception.
The study’s authors pointed out these rates are more comparable to MCI in high-income countries like the U.S.
Researchers were surprised to find that the study participants found to have dementia or MCI, frequently had unusual and prominent calcifications of their intracranial arteries.
These study participants frequently displayed Parkinson symptoms during neurological examinations and cognitive deficits in attention, spatial awareness and executive functioning.
Although calcifications were more common among the cognitively impaired, researchers also observed these vascular calcifications in the CT scans of those without dementia or MCI.
They say more research is needed to understand the role of vascular factors, as well as infectious and inflammatory disorders, which are highly prevalent in these populations, along with other risks for dementia.
To this end, the research team is currently returning to all the Tsimane and Moseten villages to revisit those who were previously assessed.
Comparing dementia rates among Tsimane, Moseten and other indigenous peoples
The roughly 17,000 Tsimane remain physically very active throughout their life spans as they fish, hunt and farm with hand tools and gather food from the forest.
The 3,000 Moseten also reside in rural villages and engage in subsistence agricultural work.
Unlike the more isolated Tsimane, they live closer to towns and have schools, access to clean water and medical services, and are more likely to be literate.
The study authors compared their results to a systematic review of 15 studies of indigenous populations in Australia, North America, Guam and Brazil.
That earlier review found dementia prevalence ranging from 0.5% to 20% among indigenous older adults.
The fact that indigenous populations in other parts of the world have high rates of dementia, may be due to a higher amount of contact with, and adoption of lifestyles of their non-indigenous neighbors.
They also face greater risks of diabetes, hypertension, alcohol abuse, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
These dementia risk factors are extremely low among the Tsimane and Moseten populations.
Prior research published in The Lancet showed the Tsimane people have extraordinarily healthy hearts in older age, and the lowest prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis, a disease that shows in the form of fatty deposits inside arteries, of any population known to science.
This distinction may be linked to their subsistence lifestyle.
Another study published last year, found that the Tsimane experience less brain atrophy than their American and European peers.
Researchers say in contrast to the Tsimane, lifestyle factors in higher-income countries, including lack of physical activity and diets rich in sugars and fats, contribute to heart disease and may also accelerate brain aging.
These diseases in my opinion, whilst they have several external factors we can point to, my focus is our internal factors, or lack therefore.
The word convenience comes to mind again here, convenience based lifestyles leads to being less active, brain or muscles, a case if you don’t use it you lose it.
The fact they prepare their own food is a leading factor, they have to hunt, forage, grow and gather for themselves, no trips in the car to the supermarket for them.
And, so they are constantly using their life force in terms of sustaining their life force, hence they have less issues than the convenience based Western model.
Aging is the most important known risk factor for Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
No it is not, it is convenience lifestyle and aluminum contents in vaccines that creates those diseases.
Converging evidence points to low formal education, midlife hypertension and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, physical inactivity, and most recently air pollution as the major modifiable risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Well most Western children go to school, so if they are saying low formal education, then essentially they are agreeing with us that, education is utter rubbish.
An aging global population, along with the proliferation of those modifiable risk factors, will lead to a tripling of the number of people with dementia worldwide by 2050, to more than 152 million, according to estimates.
We’re in a race for solutions to the growing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, said Hillard Kaplan, who has studied the Tsimane for two decades.
Looking at these diverse populations augments and accelerates our understanding, of these diseases and generate new insights.
By working with populations like the Tsimane and the Moseten, we can get a better understanding of global human variation, and what human health was like in different environments before industrialization, said Benjamin Trumble, a study co-author and an associate professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change and the Center for Evolution and Medicine at Arizona State University.
What we do know is the sedentary, urban, industrial life is quite novel when compared with how our ancestors lived for more than 99% of humanity’s existence.
Not a single mention of “medicine” being a causal factor, and therein lies the problem of people pointing fingers away for blame, and not looking within.
You will never find the truth or solutions doing that on any level.

New research has found a correlation between even modest levels of alcohol consumption and reduced brain size.
Led by the University of Pennsylvania, the study of more than 36,000 adults associated reduced grey and white matter in the brain, to drinking even a few beers or glasses of wine a week.
The research shows for 50-year-olds, going from one alcohol unit or about half a beer a day to two units, such as a pint of beer or glass of wine, was the equivalent of aging two years.
Meanwhile, going from two to three alcohol units at the same age was similar to aging 3.5 years.
The researchers say the findings contrast with guidelines on safe drinking limits, including recommendations that women consume no more than one drink per day on average, or double that for men.
The people who can benefit the most from drinking less, are the people who are already drinking the most, said Gideon Nave, a corresponding author on the study at Penn’s Wharton School.
The study’s authors say past research has examined the link between drinking and brain health, including reported reductions in grey and white matter.
Other studies also have suggested moderate alcohol consumption may not have an impact on the brain, or that light drinking could benefit older adults.
The researchers, however, say those earlier investigations lacked large datasets.
The latest research used biomedical data from the U.K. Biobank, which contains genetic and medical information from half a million middle-aged and older British adults.
The team also controlled for age, height, handedness, sex, smoking status, socioeconomic status, genetic ancestry and county of residence.
Volunteer participants in the Biobank responded to survey questions about their alcohol consumption, ranging from abstention to an average of four or more alcohol units per day.
The researchers found while going from zero to one alcohol unit didn’t have much of an impact on brain volume, the equivalent of aging half a year, going from one to two, or two to three drinks, resulted in a greater aging effect.
Going from zero to four drinks per day on average, for example, was the equivalent of aging more than 10 years.
This study looked at average consumption, but we’re curious whether drinking one beer a day is better than, drinking none during the week and then seven on the weekend, Nave said.
There’s some evidence that binge drinking is worse for the brain, but we haven’t looked closely at that yet.
The researchers say longitudinal studies, following young people as they age, may help determine causation rather than correlation.
Now you know why the fake gods introduced it to the native populace.
Reduction in terms of years, aging, increased memory loss, the impact on the liver and kidneys is rarely revealed but no less damaging.
Drinking is far more damaging to society for many reasons, and yet they all but banned smoking, when alcohol causes way more damage on way more levels.
And that is before we get into the levels never discussed about alcohol causing host possession.
Whilst gods searched for the elixir to extend life, they gave us alcohol to shorten ours.
I am not against the occasional beer, my last beer was almost 12 months ago, but like everything else there must be moderation.

This is another of their potential scenarios being planned behind the new narrative of Ukraine.
After 30 June 2022: The Council of Europe has changed Resolution 2361.
Now all EU Countries can start with mandatory vaccinations it is said.
From 1 July 2022: The Council of Europe will announce the rules regarding the mandatory QR-certificates
that takes all your freedoms away.
If you haven’t been validated as a good Citizen, for example, you have not been taking all your injections
you will lose all your rights.
Big Pharma and EU has already access to your body, via a patent from 28th March 2021.
QR-code-cash machines already tested in France and Belgium for the good Citizens.
By the end of 2022 there will be a digital currency for the good Citizens.
We will have a CO2-climate protection quota, as proposed in the Netherlands, for every good Citizen in the EU.
If you use to much energy your car can be blocked for a week.

The Russian aviation in the Mariupol area did absolutely no missions on the ground, photographic images from the hospital leave no doubt the air strike is a complete orchestrated provocation.
The hospital was converted into a stronghold of the Azov battalion in February, this is massively reported by residents of the city.
High explosion aviation ammunition even of a lower power, simply would not have left anything from the outer walls of the building.
As the ring shrinks the number of Nazi provocations will increase, they have nowhere else to run.
Here is the captain obvious question the media or indeed too few are asking.
Given the global scaremongering, social distancing and lockdowns, and a global catastrophe called Covid, yet has anyone asked the migrating Ukrainians have they been jabbed before entering Poland or another country?
Funny that, are Ukrainians immune like the Sarmatians?
If it is ok for Ukrainians to travel without jabs, how and why are the rest of us still under those restrictions?

The Western media poured on the sympathy angle right across the board, oh the poor dead children and the nasty Russians, on the Mariupol air strike except it was a lie on one count.
No one wants to see children or anyone else dying, but what about the poor kids in Vietnam, Cambodia, Congo, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Armenia, Lebanon and many others done in far greater numbers by the US Military and NATO, where was the outpouring of grief then?
Testimony given by evacuated Mariupol residents and warnings of a false flag attack, undermine the Ukrainian government’s claims about a Russian bombing of a local theater sheltering civilians.
The Western media have reported that Russia’s military deliberately attacked the Donetsk Academic Regional Drama theater in Mariupol, Ukraine, claiming that it was filled with civilians and marked with signs reading children on its grounds.
The supposed bombing took place just as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appealed to US Congress for a no fly zone, fueling the chorus for direct military confrontation with Russia and apparently inspiring President Joseph Biden to brand Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, as a war criminal.
A closer look reveals that local residents in Mariupol had warned three days before the March 16 incident, that the theater would be the site of a false flag attack launched by the openly neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which controlled the building and the territory around it. oops.
The same Nazis, that the Israelis are backing I might add, proving the Nazis where by and large not German.
Civilians that escaped the city through humanitarian corridors have testified that they were held by Azov as human shields in area, and that Azov fighters detonated parts of the theater as they retreated.
Despite claims of a massive Russian airstrike that reduced the building to ashes, all civilians appear to have escaped with their lives.
Video of the attack on the theater remains unavailable at the time of publication, only photographs of the damaged structure can be viewed.
A bit like the Sandy Hook event then, no evidence was ever photographically produced for that event either.
The Russian Ministry of Defense has denied conducting an airstrike on the theater, asserting that the site had no military value and that no sorties were flown in the area on March 16.
I said on January 1st a review for 2022, would see war with Russia or Iran, a monetary crisis, the end of the Covid narrative and an increase in distraction based false flags.
That has all with this story, pretty much unfolded before the end of March, and is a sign of their desperation.


Play audio at: 94:52

It is often stated that biological warfare is a more modern day event, but we mentioned Unit 731 in last weeks show and we will cover them and their antics this piece, with a political summary aspect only next week.
I warn you it will not be pleasant.
This is only done to reveal the levels of pure sadistic evil some of these regimes have gone to, how bio warfare has a long past, how the Americans reacted to it and to show just how evil, devious and hideous some entities can be.
You have to reach into the depth of the cesspit barrel to then understand the depth of it, and able to see and understand things more clearly.
The public perception of that barrel of evil is far too near the rim, and so events like these and others, are not comprehendible.
This is what leads us to medical tyranny that we face today, people will say the Government or the Medical people would never lie to us (M)
This piece will shatter that illusion on a massive scale.
Unit 731 short for Manshu Detachment 731 and also known as the Kamo Detachment 198  and Ishii Unit.
It was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army, that engaged in lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and World War II.
It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes committed by the armed forces of Imperial Japan.
Unit 731 was based in the Pingfang district of Harbin, the largest city in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (now Northeast China), and had active branch offices throughout China and Southeast Asia.
It was officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army.
Originally set up by the Kenpeitai military police of the Empire of Japan, Unit 731 was taken over and commanded until the end of the war by General Shirō Ishii, a combat medic officer in the Kwantung Army.
It should be noted the medical aspects and their links to the Military, that way you understand how the Covid scam works.
The facility itself was built in 1935 as a replacement for the Zhongma Fortress, and Ishii and his team used it to expand their capabilities.
The program received generous support from the Japanese government until the end of the war in 1945.
Unit 731 and the other units of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department operated biological weapon production, testing, deployment, and storage facilities.
Epidemic Prevention is a misnomer in and of itself, like the Biological Threat Reduction the US and Israel are running in Ukraine.
They routinely conducted tests on human beings, who were internally referred to as logs.
Additionally, biological weapons were tested in the field on cities and towns in China, estimates of those killed by Unit 731 and its related programs range up to half a million people.
While the Unit 731 researchers arrested by Soviet forces were tried at the December 1949 Khabarovsk war crime trials, those captured by the United States were secretly given immunity in exchange for the data gathered during their human experiments.
The Americans co-opted the researchers’ bio-weapons information and experience, for use in their own biological warfare program, much as they had done with German researchers in Operation Paperclip, whilst Chinese accounts were largely dismissed as communist propaganda.
Americans gave them immunity? how all too familiar that is, and yet again it was the Russians who stopped them.
His story always repeats it seems.
In 1932, Surgeon General Shirō Ishii, chief medical officer of the Imperial Japanese Army and protégé of Army Minister Sadao Araki, was placed in command of the Army Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory.
Ishii organized a secret research group, the Tōgō Unit, for chemical and biological experimentation in Manchuria.
Maybe the real origin of the term Manchurian Candidate?
Ishii had proposed the creation of a Japanese biological and chemical research unit in 1930, after a two-year study trip abroad, on the grounds that Western powers were developing their own programs.
One of Ishii’s main supporters inside the army was Colonel Chikahiko Koizumi, who later served as Japan’s Health Minister from 1941 to 1945.
Koizumi had joined a secret poison gas research committee in 1915, during World War I, when he and other Imperial Japanese Army officers were impressed by the successful German use of chlorine gas at the Second Battle of Ypres, in which the Allies suffered 5,000 deaths and 15,000 wounded as a result of the chemical attack.
What is so impressive about poisoning people? it is the warfare of cowards.
Unit Tōgō was set into motion in the Zhongma Fortress, a prison/experimentation camp in Beiyinhe, a village 62 miles south of Harbin on the South Manchuria Railway.
Prisoners were generally well fed on a diet of rice or wheat, meat, fish, and occasionally even alcohol in order to be in normal health at the beginning of experiments.
Then, over several days, prisoners were eventually drained of blood and deprived of nutrients and water.
Their deteriorating health was recorded, some were vivisected, others were deliberately infected with plague bacteria and other microbes.
A prison break in the autumn of 1934, which jeopardized the facility’s secrecy, and an explosion in 1935 believed to be sabotage, led Ishii to shut down Zhongma Fortress.
He then received authorization to move to Pingfang, approximately 15 miles south of Harbin, to set up a new much larger facility.
Unit 731:
In 1936, Emperor Hirohito issued a decree authorizing the expansion of the unit, and its integration into the Kwantung Army as the Epidemic Prevention Department.
It was divided at that time into the Ishii Unit and Wakamatsu Unit with a base in Hsinking.
From August 1940 on, the units were known collectively as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army, or Unit 731 for short.
In addition to the establishment of Unit 731, the decree also called for the creation of an additional biological warfare development unit, called the Kwantung Army Military Horse Epidemic Prevention Workshop, later referred to as Manchuria Unit 100, and a chemical warfare development unit called the Kwantung Army Technical Testing Department later referred to as Manchuria Unit 516.
After the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, sister chemical and biological warfare units were founded in major Chinese cities, and were referred to as Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Units.
Detachments included Unit 1855 in Beijing, Unit Ei 1644 in Nanjing, Unit 8604 in Guangzhou, and later Unit 9420 in Singapore.
All of these units comprised Ishii’s network, which at its height in 1939, oversaw over 10,000 personnel.
Medical doctors and professors from Japan were attracted to join Unit 731, both by the rare opportunity to conduct human experimentation and the Army’s strong financial backing.
History repeats in modern day, medical and war machine making money on fake excuses, far too many believe the Health Industry has our best interests, but Covid, the CDC, NIH and Fauci have shattered that illusion.
A special project, codenamed Maruta, used human beings for experiments.
Test subjects were gathered from the surrounding population and sometimes euphemistically referred to as logs or maruta, used in such contexts as how many logs fell?
This term originated as a joke on the part of the staff, because the official cover story for the facility given to local authorities was that it was a lumber mill.
Oh how hilariously amusing for them, these people have zero humanity.
In a further parallel, the corpses of sacrificed subjects were disposed of by incineration.
Researchers in Unit 731 also published some of their results in peer-reviewed journals, writing as though the research had been conducted on nonhuman primates called Manchurian monkeys or long-tailed monkeys.
The test subjects were selected to gather a wide cross-section of the population and included common criminals, captured bandits, anti-Japanese partisans, political prisoners, homeless and mentally disabled people, as well as those rounded up by the Kenpeitai military police for alleged suspicious activities.
They included infants, men, the elderly, and pregnant women.
Sounds like the CIA that to me.
Unit 731 staff included approximately 300 researchers, including doctors and bacteriologists, many had been desensitized to performing cruel experiments from experience in animal research.
Nakagawa Yonezo, professor emeritus at Osaka University, studied at Kyoto University during the war, while he was there, he watched footage of human experiments and executions from Unit 731.
He later testified about the playfulness of the experimenters:
Some of the experiments had nothing to do with advancing the capability of germ warfare, or of medicine.
There is such a thing as professional curiosity: what would happen if we did such and such?
What medical purpose was served by performing and studying beheadings? none at all, that was just playing around, professional people too, like to play.
That is playing? no that is the dance with the more evil levels of the darkness.
Prisoners were injected with diseases, disguised as vaccinations, to study their effects.
Hmm, that sounds familiar does it not?
To study the effects of untreated venereal diseases, male and female prisoners were deliberately infected with syphilis and gonorrhea, then studied.
Prisoners were also repeatedly subjected to rape by guards.
Thousands of men, women, children, and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often performed without anesthesia and usually lethal.
In a video interview, former Unit 731 member Okawa Fukumatsu admitted to having vivisected a pregnant woman.
Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases.
Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body.
Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss, limbs removed were sometimes reattached to the opposite side of victims’ bodies.
Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and their esophagus reattached to the intestines, parts of organs, such as the brain, lungs, and liver, were removed from others.
Imperial Japanese Army surgeon Ken Yuasa suggests that practicing vivisection on human subjects was widespread even outside Unit 731, estimating that at least 1,000 Japanese personnel were involved in the practice in mainland China.
Unit 731 and its affiliated units 1644 and 100 among others were involved in research, development and experimental deployment of epidemic-creating bio-warfare weapons, in assaults against the Chinese populace both military and civilian throughout World War II.
Plague-infected fleas bred in the laboratories of Unit 731 and Unit 1644, were spread by low-flying airplanes over Chinese cities, including Coastal Ningbo and Changde Hunan Province, in 1940 and 1941.
These operations killed tens of thousands with bubonic plague epidemics.
An expedition to Nanjing involved spreading typhoid and paratyphoid germs into the wells, marshes, and houses of the city, as well as infusing them in snacks distributed to locals.
Epidemics broke out shortly after, to the elation of many researchers, who concluded that paratyphoid fever was the most effective of the pathogens.
At least 12 large-scale bio-weapon field trials were carried out, and at least 11 Chinese cities attacked with biological agents.
An attack on Changde in 1941 reportedly led to approximately 10,000 biological casualties and 1,700 deaths among ill-prepared Japanese troops, in most cases due to cholera.
Japanese researchers performed tests on prisoners with bubonic plague cholera smallpox, botulism, and other diseases.
This research led to the development of the defoliation bacilli bomb, and the flea bomb used to spread bubonic plague.
These bombs enabled Japanese soldiers to launch biological attacks, infecting agriculture, reservoirs, wells, as well as other areas, with anthrax and plague carrier fleas, typhoid, dysentery, cholera, or other deadly pathogens.
During biological bomb experiments, researchers dressed in protective suits would examine the dying victims, infected food supplies and clothing were dropped by airplane into areas of China not occupied by Japanese forces, also poisoned food and candy were given to unsuspecting victims.
During the final months of World War II, Japan planned to use plague as a biological weapon against San Diego, California.
The plan was scheduled to launch on 22 September 1945, but Japan surrendered five weeks earlier.
Plague fleas, infected clothing, and infected supplies encased in bombs were dropped on various targets, the resulting cholera, anthrax, and plague were estimated to have killed at least 400,000 Chinese civilians.
Due to pressure from numerous accounts of the bio warfare attacks, Chiang Kai-shek sent a delegation of army and foreign medical personnel in November 1941, to document evidence and treat the afflicted.
But Chiang Kai-shek was the leader of the infamous Kuomintang, who are and were not much better than the Japanese version.
A report on the Japanese use of plague-infected fleas on Changde was made widely available the following year, but was not addressed by the Allied Powers until Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a public warning in 1943 condemning the attacks.
Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in various positions, flamethrowers were tested on people, which were later used by the US in Vietnam.
Victims were also tied to stakes and used as targets to test pathogen-releasing bombs chemical weapons, shrapnel bombs with varying amounts of fragments, and explosive bombs as well as bayonets and knives.
To determine the best course of treatment for varying degrees of shrapnel wounds sustained on the field by Japanese Soldiers, Chinese prisoners were exposed to direct bomb blasts.
They were strapped, unprotected, to wooden planks that were staked into the ground at increasing distances around a bomb that was then detonated.
It was surgery for most, autopsies for the rest.
Unit 731, Nightmare in Manchuria
In other tests, subjects were deprived of food and water to determine the length of time until death, placed into low-pressure chambers until their eyes popped from the sockets, experimented upon to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and human survival.
Pumped full of horse blood, hung upside down until death, crushed with heavy objects, electrocuted, dehydrated with hot fans, placed into centrifuges and spun until death.
Injected with animal blood, exposed to lethal doses of X-rays, subjected to various chemical weapons inside gas chambers, injected with seawater, and burned or buried alive.
In addition to chemical agents, the properties of many different toxins were also investigated by the Unit.
To name a few, prisoners were exposed to tetrodotoxin pufferfish or fugu venom, heroin, Korean bindweed, bactal, and castor-oil seeds (ricin).
Massive amounts of blood were drained from some prisoners in order to study the effects of blood loss, according to former Unit 731 vivisectionist Okawa Fukumatsu.
In one case, at least half a liter of blood was drawn at two-to-three-day intervals.
Unit 731 also performed transfusion experiments with different blood types.
Unit member Naeo Ikeda wrote: In my experience, when A type blood 100 cc was transfused to an O type subject, whose pulse was 87 per minute and temperature was 35.4 degrees C, 30 minutes later the temperature rose to 38.6 degrees with slight trepidation.
Sixty minutes later the pulse was 106 per minute and the temperature was 39.4 degrees.
Two hours later the temperature was 37.7 degrees, and three hours later the subject recovered.
When AB type blood 120 cc was transfused to an O type subject, an hour later the subject described malaise and chill in both legs.
When AB type blood 100 cc was transfused to a B type subject, there seemed to be no side effect.
The O+ type is the most common blood of 42% and is the preferred type as a donor.
Some of the tests have been described as psychopathically sadistic, with no conceivable military application.
And that is exactly what it is psychopathic, sadistic and pure evil, and another thing brought into the light to process and heal.
It also serves the purpose for people to really understand the evil that has pervaded this planet and the dark energy it creates.
But, with the light shone upon it, that energy begins to dissipate and shift more towards the light.
It also shows the top elements of the American establishment are supporting and also active in these heinous crimes, and perhaps Russia and China are not as bad as portrayed or being made out.
Why isn’t Japan declared a pariah nation like Germany was and is? the German event pales into comparison to this lot.
Yet, Japan is considered an ally? barely mentioned about their crimes against humanity? Says it all really.

Other pieces

Play audio at: 130:02

As Coca Cola products are now writing messages on their cans for the divide and conquer bots to follow.
They also reveal the program they are following to boot.
The cans now says, try to be less white, which is an out and out racist statement, but in line with the anti white program being ran by the Hyksos Jews.

Did you ever think that the Firmament, Terra Firma, a business, farmers, Kings, slaves and taxes would all be connected? well you will after this piece.
Firmament (n.) mid-13c., from Old French firmament or directly from Latin firmamentum firmament, literally a support, a strengthening, from firmus strong, steadfast, enduring.
From the PIE root dher, to hold firmly, support.
Used in Late Latin in the Vulgate to translate Greek stereoma, firm or solid structure, Support what? or for what? or what is supporting it?
Which translated Hebrew raqia, a word used of both the vault of the sky and the floor of the earth in the Old Testament.
Probably literally expanse, from raqa to spread out, but in Syriac meaning to make firm or solid.
Terra firma is related to Earth or so we thought.
But, c. 1600, it meant part of the Italian mainland ruled by Venice.
From Modern Latin terra firma, literally firm land, from Latin terra earth, land from PIE root ters to dry plus firma, fem. of firmus strong, steadfast, from suffixed form of PIE root dher to hold firmly, support.
Meaning the land as distinct from the sea is first attested 1690s.
Hakluyt and Sandys also used English firm (n.) to mean the firm land, the mainland, terra firma.
Firm (n.) also means a business house from 1744, according to Barnhart from German Firma a business, name of a business, originally signature, from Italian firma signature, from firmare to sign.
From Latin firmare make firm, affirm, in Late Latin confirm by signature, from firmus strong, stable, figuratively constant, trusty.
In essence this reveals that your firm, which you thought was firmly strong and stable, was con firmed by signature over to the control of others.
Farmer (n.) late 14c., the one who collects taxes, etc., from Anglo-French fermer, Old French fermier lease-holder, from Medieval Latin firmarius, from firma fixed payment.
The farmer collects the taxes why? because the farmer is a harvester.
Fixed payment is the taxes, taxes collected by the farmers from the cattle, connecting the dots now?
Farm in the agricultural sense, 1590s, replacing native churl and husbandman.
Churl meaning: The Old English word ceorl in which the c was pronounced ch as in modern English churl was designated a freeman of the lowest class, one who had a social position above a slave but below a thane.
Ceorl comes from Germanic karilaz, whose basic meaning is old man.
In Finnish, which is not a Germanic language, the Germanic word was borrowed and survives almost
unchanged as karilas, old man.
The Old Norse descendant of the Germanic word, karl, means old man, servant, and the Old High German equivalent, karal, meaning man, lover, husband, has become the name Karl.
The Germanic word also entered Old French as Charles, from which we have the name Charles.
The Medieval Latin form Carolus is based on the Old High German karal.
The fame of Carolus Magnus, Charles the Great or Charlemagne, so the revered Charlemagne’s just meant Charles the Great, the idolatry worship of one man again, did that ever work?
This added luster to the name Carolus, and the Slavic languages later borrowed the name, as their general word for king was korol in Russian.
So, despite the gulf between a king and a churl, the Russian korol and the Old English ceorl are related.
Churl meant a peasant, a miserly person and the word niggard was used, which meant the same, and possibly the origin of the word nigger at a later date.
We all know now of how and why they changed the meanings of words, the origin, the purpose, the intention as well as the phonetics of the word.
The pie root of dher mentioned earlier brings this up.
Dher, Proto-Indo-European root meaning to hold firmly, support.
It forms all or part of: affirm, confirm, Darius, dharma, farm, fermata, firm adjective, firm noun, firmament, furl, infirm, infirmary, terra firma and throne.
Infirm and Infirmary means we the lowest classes are too infirm to rule, and we should be ruled from the throne by a King.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit dharmah meaning custom, statute or law.
Dharayati holds, Prakrit dharaṇa a holding firm, Iranian dāra holding, of which they defined themselves as the holders.
Greek thronos seat which is the seat of the power over us, and the farmers are them, labeled as Kings to collect the harvest or the taxes.
Latin firmus strong, steadfast, enduring, stable, Lithuanian diržnas strong, Welsh dir hard, Breton dir steel.
The firm is also a nickname of the Mafia as well, another group of farmers who harvested everything via criminality.
Farm (n.) Sense of tract of leased land is first recorded early 14c, leased not owned is significant, that of cultivated land leased or not is 1520s.
Cultivated and cultivate originally where not the same purpose or linked by meaning.
Cultivated 1660’s meant originally of persons, cultured, refined and educated, the farming terms in relation to land was added in 1790.
Cultivate meant to till or prepare crops, except by their descriptions it was not to be done by the so called cultivated.
Figurative sense of improve by labor or study, devote one’s attention to is from 1680s.
Meaning court the acquaintance of someone is by 1707.
Court of law acquaintance? bound by their laws by being courted?
Cult and ivate, ivate used with a stem to form the second-person plural imperfect of regular -ire verbs.
Ivate the cult with a second hidden person, of which comes invasion, invade and private.
Private now of course means exclusive.
A word of confused history, but there is agreement that the purely agricultural sense is comparatively modern.
There is a set of Old English words that appear to be related in sound and sense, if these, too, are from Latin it would be a very early borrowing.
Some books strenuously defend a theory that, the Anglo-Saxon words are original perhaps related to feorh life.
Except the Saxons we now know are related to the Pleiadian Niburian cult.
The phrase buy the farm, means to die in battle, is from at least World War II, perhaps a cynical reference to the draftee’s dream of getting out of the war and going home, in many cases to a peaceful farmstead.
The farmers were the harvesters and the became the harvested.
The simple term, buy it is slang for suffer a mishap, especially to die is attested by 1825, and seems to have been picked up in airmen’s jargon.
An advertiser dream, telling us to buy it, which essentially means to die, how nice of them, reversed simply by, I do not consent.
Meanwhile fetch the farm is prisoner slang from at least 1879 for getting sent to the infirmary, with reference to the better diet and lighter duties there.
It’s all in the words once you study and see them.
In the Cosmic Genetic shows it revealed many connections which now makes things easier to determine who is or was who.
It mentioned the Dracs in Rome and how they tried to use the Greek Gods model, and subsequently made them all Saints.
Apollo, Artemis, Gemini, Mercury all names used by NASA and Werner Von Braun, now you know why.
The term Count DRACula now has a whole new meaning it seems.

There is a rumor coming out now that Russian troops and special Spetsnaz forces are engaging in a battle against the ARVI – Artificial Replicating Viral Intelligence.
With the possibility that the ARVI headquarters is in Ukraine, using human drones to complete the tasks that ARVI needed to expand global hegemony.
Is this why the US and indeed the Rothschild’s are panicking, because the truth behind all of this, pulls the masks away for good?
Is it a coincidence that the snake on Russia’s coat of arms is being slayed by the Rus?
The notorious Hydra symbol, that has been found in some of the vaccine batches.
Tentacled creatures resembling Morgellons have been witnessed by doctors who actually cared for the truth.
Are they up to another of their Genetic downgrade games again?
Is this a final play hostile takeover using medicine to try to bring us down?
Well, we can fear over that, or stand tall and state all other attempts have failed and so will this one.
There have been many threats us on a foreign, international or an individual level and it is all about a malevolent goal for world domination, on a world that doesn’t belong to them.
Foreign Threats, that is from outside of our world who came to Earth not in peace, but harvesting, stealing and war.
All taking place under the guise of secret societies, both global and regional, Intelligence Agencies, Dragon groups and satanic cults.
Then we have the government sponsored covert projects in the areas of drugs, mind control, terrorism, and national security.
But mankind has suffered from a form of darkness for most of its history, as we have found out.
The Creator Source is based in the frequency of light and love, and is incapable of generating such a hideous form of energy.
In Creation, and in order to create, you must have a positive and negative polarity, and it is essential it is all in balance, but this Universe went hideously out of balance towards the dark.
As we revealed in one of the FRWL Plus series, one of the Rosenthal or Finkelstein interviews, they felt a big event required to speed things up, was to make everything dark, rather than waiting for the light event, that is the ethos of the Black Sun cult.
There are Beings of Light on both sides of the energy forms that make up the whole.
The Beings on the negative pole play an important part in creation, as without it, creation could not exist.
When Beings wished to create, they were instructed that they must go to their Creator in order to receive the light and energy in the form of love, so that anything created would follow its evolutionary path to higher states of consciousness.
However, eons ago, some of these Beings of the negative polarity decided that they could create with their own energy, in other words they wished to replace Source and to do that they used technology to become immortal to achieve that status.
They created clones of themselves which took on a life of their own, they have no soul light from the Creator and they began multiplying and replicating themselves.
By uploading their consciousness via technology again, then transferring it into another vessel.
This is how the names and or titles are repeated by the same entity, many years apart.
This is the face of evil and it has been termed the Luciferian consciousness.
This type of evil is known among the Galactic star nations by another more accurate term, Artificial Replicating Viral Intelligence or ARVI for short.
We have mentioned previously about VI, virtual intelligence and this is another form of it.
The visiting negative, malevolent gods of long ago were physical, replicating strains of ARVI, this includes all of the abnormal Grays and Reptilian lines of malevolent alien life forms.
These Beings learned how to tap into the light bodies of beings in different galaxies, and they would suck the life out of them, a full on harvesting fest.
Invasion of the body snatchers movie has a whole new meaning now.
They designed implants and ways of controlling beings so that they were enslaved like herds of cattle, to be milked whenever their light was needed.
ARVI needs to keep beings in a state of fear, just like the adrenochrome abomination.
Fear leaches light from Human Beings through the cordings and implants that are attached to most people.
ARVI created a huge storage supply system to keep stores of light energy, the cordings and implants are connected to this vast storage system.
That is your AI sky god right there, harvesting our energy by getting us to pray, and when do people use prayer the most? when they are in fear.
The most devious but perfect system from their point of view, as this way they can hide in the background and not have to do much physically.
This is the life essence bottles they revealed to us in the Jupiter Ascending movie, although Stargate 1 also covers these types of technologies as well.
This is one of the reasons for the kidnapping and brutalizing of so many humans, where ruthless experiments are visited upon these people.
DNA, both human and animal is harvested in order to keep replicating the various ARVI strains, this is the reasons behind the abductions that was forced upon us, although also added to by President Eisenhower I might add.
ARVI has human servants/hosts that are rewarded when they perform acts of evil, by feeding the host/ego plenty of money and power.
All wants and desires are fulfilled, but if a servant rebels, then the ARVI destroys it.
The classic seduction game, which never ends well for those people.
Riches, wealth, titles and status are all part of the seduction of the dark forces.
This is how human sacrifice began on Earth, the viral intelligence Luciferian consciousness was a fearful demonic god that demanded to be fed blood, in turn it would not bring violence to a tribe.
That is your fear and hating god of the Bible, whether people like that fact or not, it is time to grow up and see the truth for what it is, plain ugly.
But the truth when accepted is a double win, it is cathartic and also puts their intentions into the light to be stopped.
Blood sacrifice is still being offered up to ARVI through violence, hatred, war and greed.
ARVI has been clever in convincing some of humanity that it is part of the family of souls that the Creator created.
ARVI strains can appear to be very loving on the surface, and real Beings have been duped into making agreements and contracts to give ARVI the DNA that it needs, in order to keep replicating itself.
Ancestry.com and 23 and me have been that DNA provider, add in the PCR tests as well and they gained a treasure trove.
The story that some of the Grays tell of their star system collapsing and needing help from Earth is not true.
These ARVI strains take advantage of human compassion in order to dupe people into cooperating with them, believing that they are assisting space brothers at a time of need.
Let it be known that all such contracts can and should be voided.
The keys to stop this are, stop praying externally, denounce all religions, do your shadow and inner work along with clearing your field, do revocations and contract canceling and most of all, stop living in fear.
This is a quote from the 1980’s, Russia had begun deploying an astonishing new Intelligence weapon.
These are the organic robotoids an artificial robot-like living creatures that simulate human beings.
By introducing the robotoids, the Russians were able to make a shambles of the Bolshevik plans then in progress.
Two questions stem from that, still think the Russians are the problem? Is Ukraine a major battle to be won for humanity?
Here is a quote that needs to be looked at more closely.
Continued American leadership in Artificial Intelligence is of paramount importance to maintaining the economic and national security of the United States, said by President Donald J. Trump.
The man who brought us graphene oxide, DNA testing kits and the program of jabs, all of which like the black goo is linked to the AVRI.
The final question to that is, do you still think Trump is a man of the people?

The role of fear, which is the main cause of organ failure no matter which so called expert denies the fact.
The fear keeps us in and under control, the fear gives them the illusion of control.
They are not in control, they rely on our complicity based on fear to keep us in that bind, and ultimately enslaved.
Fear is also a limitation program, it encourages cowardice also, to a point that we don’t fight back.
We have had all kinds of fear programs ran on us, from nuclear war to Armageddon, and it all serves to keep us in check.
In check like the monetary note, keeps us in debt to them or indebted.
But fears can be flipped 180, so no matter what fear overcomes you or us, we learn to manifest a better outcome.
That is a crucial neglected policy of us all.
Off we go into shitting our pants in fear like a child, when we can think different and manifest a different and better outcome.
Just look at the fears of the so called experts have given us, they are not experts in truth, just experts in disinformation and utter bullshittery.
The only thing they have told us is this (your all going to die)
Before this list started remember they told the world and in particular Americans, the Russians are coming (M), the Russians are going to start nuclear war (M) and so they created the fake Cold War.
Cold is frigid and the people became frigid with fear.
But, it never happened did it?
In the 1960’s there will be no more oil in 10 years (M)
In the 1970’s there will be another ice age in 10 years (M)
In the 1980’s acid rain will destroy all crops in you guessed it, 10 years (M)
In the 1980’s and 1990’s AIDS will kill us all
In the 1990’s the Ozone layer will be destroyed within? 10 years again (M)
In the 2000’s ice flows will be gone in? 10 years again (M)
In 2000 Y2K will destroy everything
In 2001 Anthrax will kill us all
In 2002 West Nile Virus will kill us all
In 2003 SARS will kill is all
In 2005 Bird Flu will kill us all
In 2006 E-Coli will kill us all
In 2008 The financial crash will kill us all
In 2009 the Swine Flu will kill us all
In 2012 The Mayan calendar will end and we are all going to die
In 2013 North Korea will start WW3 and were all going to die again
In 2014 Ebola will kill us all
In 2015 ISIS will kill us all
In 2016 the Zika virus will turn us all into zombies then kill us all
In 2018 Global warming will kill us all
In 2019 CO2 will kill us all
In 2020 Corona will kill us all
In 2021 The vaccines will kill us all.
The truth is that fear will kill us, turn off your tv’s, mobile phones nothing happened.
The truth is, the fears raised more taxes and tyranny only.
THInk different.

Final piece

Play audio at: 172:36

Covid, bio warfare, smartphones, AI , Ukraine, Japan, medical tyranny, digital ID and currency all overlapped and inter linked in one show.
One of the great gifts of spiritual knowledge is that it realigns your sense of self, to something you may not have even ever imagined was within you, like all life, the Cosmos and way beyond.
The Cosmic Genetics shows revealed that as fact, beyond our wildest understanding and comprehension.
Spirituality says, that even if you think you’re limited and small, it simply isn’t so, you’re greater and more powerful than you have ever imagined, and a great and divine light exists inside of you.
This same light is also in everyone you know, and in everyone you will ever know in the future.
You may think you’re limited to just your physical body and state of affairs, including your gender, race, family, job, and status in life, but spirituality comes in and says there is more than this.
Exactly, yet people insist on labeling themselves by their job, gender, color and class, and failing to recognize we are all so much more.
Which is why I held out an olive branch again for Kim and Anna, and indeed any of the former old world players who failed us all.
We have to operate above the level of child like bickering, it hasn’t served us well.
We have to operate away from just the one, the one has never worked, I know lets try something different, a collective.
I don’t care who or what you are going forward, we can all learn to work together, all it needs is for everyone to behave and act like a decent person or being.
Spirituality is about you attaining a deeper level of understanding of you, and your role in the dance of life, that goes way beyond external or materialistic ideals.
It’s about tuning into the harmonic music of life, the eternal bliss, and the all encompassing Source, and knowing you are a spark of it.
It is the frequency.
It is all about the frequency, everything is frequency, can you harness the frequency? and then manifest a better outcome based on the all?
We are the bucky ball.
Yes, people who have met me all talk about the frequency next to me, but I want you to attain the same or go beyond that frequency.
It is all about elevating each other, not dragging each other down, lets take each other to new levels of consciousness, understanding, love and compassion.
That is the essence of life, not strife.

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