Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2021-03-11
Topics in this show
- 150 missing children recovered in Tennessee
- Stonehenge stones were possibly dismantled and moved from Wales
- Covid BS
- IS RA EL news
- American State Assemblies close the loophole of the vaccinated individuals owned by the patent holders
- Expose : Joe Biden
- Q and Trump, a savior program
- Threats and intimidation at Life Force group
- Veil, God, travel to universes, dreams, other version of you
Quick links

This is a common sense show, as the rest of the world including alt media, appears to have none.
Distractions are everywhere as the clowns dance around wondering what to do next.
The latest is the fake Royals interview, and all the bot people rush to speak about it, like in some way it is all so important.
The Royals in the current game are irrelevant, they were cast aside near a decade ago, some would argue they were cast aside in 1215, for the nobility, black by name and their dark nature.
Racism which is geneticism, fake genderism, climate change all rolled out so the public forget they have been under martial law, bizarrely imposed by themselves, for almost a year now.
It was a year today they declared the pandemic, on their 3, 11 and 33 day, we all know how they love to play with numbers, yet bizarrely cant do basic maths.
A member wrote this piece this week and worth hearing on a wider scale.
The way I see it, through their fear, all of the clowns we forced to overplay their hand, exposing themselves daily as they were forced to make it up as they went along and tripping up daily.
They’ve backed / painted themselves into a corner, one they do not know how to get out of.
They all know they are politically destroyed when we come out of this mess.
Whatcha gonna do clowns … it’s the peoples turn now
This is correct although a cornered snake is always dangerous, and that we must watch closely.
This is why we have all these distractions, their old world has collapsed, and they are desperately clinging onto the hopes of technology, bot people and the return of their gods to deliver their prescribed New World Order.
The thing is though, there are more and more people not buying their bs anymore, so they resort to being the child level they are, by banning or blocking knowledge and freedom of speech.
Like I have said often, the truth never fears investigation, so lets debate the truth like adults, not ban it like children, playing it’s my ball and I am not playing with you.
They are showing themselves up for what they really are, weak and pathetic, devoid of compassion, love and also any soul development skills, they cheat that by using dark or light magic.
I said we would “see” in 2020 and we have seen pretty much everything now, including their pathetic attempts at controlling life.
If you want your New World Order, do us all a favor and jump in Elon Musks rockets and piss off to another planet, your type are not wanted or welcome here.
Your self serving elitist hierarchical attitudes, with your debauchery, propensity for violence and evil, your incestuous relationships, your systematic abuse of children is longer welcome here.
To the Council if you have any semblance of balance and decency left, do us and them a favor and remove them from this tiny rock in space, so we can go forward with our species and advance into an adult based one, without their dark, greed and harvesting based interferences.
We have a restoration plan to get on with, and these psychopaths are blocking it, and your Ambassador appears to no longer have the moral fortitude or aptitude to carry that plan out, it is 18 months now and your Ambassador has put zero in place to implement the Restoration plan.
We do and will, given the correct tools to administer it.
A plan best carried out without the interference of the off world programs, minions, engineered hybrids and beings that have run rampant on this world for far too long.
Jared Kushner, former President Trump’s son-in-law and former senior adviser, is notably not on the list of advisers assisting the former President.
Yet several people told CNN that Kushner is truly — this time — effectively done with Trump’s rhetoric.
Yet two other people who spoke with CNN indicated the schism was instigated by Trump, who has been telling those in his inner circle he is angry with Kushner.
Late last week, when Trump convened what he believes is his strongest political brain trust for a meeting to discuss his political future he did not include Kushner.
The group looked at the 2022 midterms and, more and more likely, say people who have spoken to Trump of late, a presidential run in 2024.
All too late Mr. Trump, Kushner and his Mossad and AIPAC friends played you like a fiddle, serves you right for
Human Trafficking
Tennessee law enforcement has recovered 150 missing children after a months-long investigation.
The children, between three and 17-years old, were found in three “two-week blitzes” throughout the US state.
Five of the children were suspected to be victims of human trafficking, investigators said, and one was rescued as part of a kidnapping probe.
The recoveries are among the largest for recent missions by states to find missing children.
A number of arrests have been made following the probe, officials said.
“I hope this operation changes the course for 150 young lives and leads them to the path of opportunities every child deserves,” said US Marshal for the Western District of Tennessee Tyreece Miller.
The operation, dubbed Volunteer Strong, was launched in the fall of 2020.
A total of 240 missing children were identified statewide, inciting the joint effort by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), US Marshals Services and Tennessee Department of Children’s Services.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also provided support.
Recovery efforts began in January and 150 children were found within two months.
The circumstances of the recovered children varied widely, authorities said, including children that left home, those living with other family members, and others facing abuse or exploitation.
Tim Burchett, a Tennessee congressman, called the results “miraculous”.
In all of 2020, a total of 387 children were recovered with assistance from US Marshals.
Several other states including Ohio, Virginia, Indiana and Georgia have also launched operations to focus on finding missing children.
Efforts to find the remaining 90 missing children in Tennessee will continue, TBI spokesman Josh DeVine said.
That is great news and we are hearing more and more of these rescues now, the depth of this problem is on an unimaginable scale.
900K American children go missing permanently each year I stated several years back and people didn’t believe it, well some do now and it is one of the greatest aspects of the Restoration plan, is to provide our children a better
A 60-day extension to the National Guard’s deployment to the US Capitol is being reviewed by the Pentagon, the Associated Press has reported.
Over 5,000 troops have been stationed there since January’s Capitol riot.
Capitol Police made the request for the 60-day extension to the National Guard’s deployment to Washington, DC within the last 36 hours, Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Michigan) told the Associated Press on Thursday.
The Guard is reportedly seeking volunteers to fill the post while waiting for the Pentagon’s approval.
Officers were said to be on high alert on Thursday regarding a “possible plot” by an unnamed militia group to storm the Capitol yet again.
Intelligence agencies claimed the plans were linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory, which – with vanishingly few options left to convince its followers that Trump is still in the running – has claimed the ex-president will rise to power on March 4.
If the Pentagon does not agree to lengthen the deployment, all 5,000 of the Guard troops will be sent home on March 12.
Some members of Congress are concerned about their safety going forward, Slotkin told the AP, acknowledging “we can’t depend on the National Guard for our security.”
Yet more distraction, that whole event was a distraction, of which the alt media clowns were a part of it.
Coming soon a new date, which will be 60 days from the extension of the guards, and the it’s all happening crew will have another wait club to wait for.
British archaeologists believe they have pinpointed the origins of the 5,000-year-old prehistoric Stonehenge ruin.
A team of scientists, led by University College London’s Mike Parker Pearson, reported in the journal Antiquity on Friday that they had unearthed a stone circle in Wales’ Preseli Hills that they believe had been dismantled and moved 175 miles to Salisbury Plain and reconfigured as Stonehenge.
The “Waun Mawn” site — previously disregarded over the years — was found to have just four large bluestones left arranged in an arc.
Pearson and his researchers uncovered evidence of an additional six holes that originally held a stone in 2018, giving rise to the theory that people had taken them as they migrated.
Upon measuring the diameter of the circular ditch at Waun Mawn, the group found that the ditches surrounding both sites shared identical diameters of about 360 feet across.
Waun Mawn — which appears to be Britain’s third-largest stone circle — and Stonehenge are the only two Neolithic monuments in Britain, that conform to those specifications and examination of charcoal and sediment inside the holes, suggested that Waun Mawn’s creation could be traced back to about 3,400 B.C.
In addition, the dimensions of the 43 bluestones at Stonehenge — many of which are buried — match the dimensions of the four at Waun Mawn and are the same type of rock as three of them.
One of the Stonehenge bluestones also has a cross-section that matches one of the gaps at Waun Mawn.
To further prove their connection, Pearson found that the entrance to both circles was aligned toward the midsummer solstice sunrise — though, the circle’s intended purpose remains shrouded in mystery.
Stonehenge was constructed in phases starting at around 3,000 B.C.
The Wiltshire county monument was built using both bluestones and newer and larger sarsen sandstones.
Previous research over the last few decades showed that while the sarsen stones were brought from just 15 miles away in Marlborough, the bluestone pillars had been extracted from the Preseli Hills.
Was Stonehenge originally in Wales and moved to England? History in all countries has been distorted.
China and Russia have agreed to jointly construct a lunar space station that will be “open to all countries,” the China National Space Administration said in a statement on Tuesday.
“China and Russia will use their accumulated experience in space science, research and development as well as the use of space equipment and space technology, to jointly develop a road map for the construction of an international lunar scientific research station (ILRS),” China’s space agency said.
The lunar space station will be “a complex of experimental and research facilities” created on the moon’s surface and/or in orbit of the moon, according to the Roscosmos statement.
The facilities will be designed for a range of multidisciplinary research, including “testing technologies with the possibility of long-term unmanned operation with the prospect of human presence on the moon.”
A statement from Russian space agency Roscosmos said the two organizations planned to, “promote cooperation on the creation of an open-access ILRS for all interested countries and international partners, with the goal of strengthening research cooperation and promoting the exploration and use of outer space, for peaceful purposes in the interests of all mankind.”
One hopes that last statement is adhered to, and this is not some greed based harvesting of minerals exploration for the global elites.
All minerals belong to the people, not clown organizations.
I received an email asking I listen to an Italian doctor this week, as he explains that the Covid vaccination is for depopulation of Europe.
Well I never, was that not revealed in the original FRWL series, never mind the re run versions.
At which point will people listen first off, instead of waiting months or years to confirm our show?
This was written in the Guardian newspaper this past week, and so not one of your regular tabloids.
Harry and Meghan – and particularly Meghan – drew vitriolic criticism from the ranks of commentators and television panellists who have long viewed their marriage as the worst thing to happen to the monarchy since Magna Carta.
Confirming what this show has stated, the Magna Carta removed the royals and replaced it with the nobles.
Remember Kalergi speaking of the Jewish nobles? well that was them in 1215 also.
Perhaps the common law people will finally let the Magna Carta path go, and focus on something more real and tangible.
One of the former Chairmen of Astra Zeneca, Louis Schweitzer was acquitted in the French 1980s tainted blood export scandal.
The Justice Ministry investigated Schweitzer for being an “accomplice in poisoning” of the hemophiliacs.
After a media investigation showed that many of the French politicians’ claims of “not knowing” were bald-faced lies, some were brought to trial in the French justice system.
Most of those charged were either given noticeably lenient sentences, or like the majority – including Schweizer – totally acquitted in 2003.
More Just us and not Justice it seems.
President Joe Biden holds the record for a president who has gone the longest without holding a media briefing, and on Friday, a reporter finally held his administration’s feet to the fire over it.
Was it opposite day, or had Biden’s lack of transparency finally gotten so severe that even the biased, no-good establishment media had to finally ask the question: Where the heck is Joe Biden?
It didn’t appear to be opposite day on Friday, as White House press secretary Jen Psaki was still evasive as ever, so it appears even the activist media has its breaking point.
That breaking point is apparently 45 days.
Mr. Hide and Seek man has much to hide from, and the people of this country need to make him accountable.
It is beyond embarrassing that Biden at 77 and suffering from various afflictions, got anywhere near the alleged seat of power, the American Presidency brings.
Near two months now he has been missing, and so has Pelosi, although that is a blessing in disguise, as the sight of her gurning face makes me Mewe gif vomit being honest, not to mention her pathetic attempts at speaking coherently.
But it is a massive slap in the face to all the stupid people who voted for him, that he and his cohorts go missing, whilst the country is in a complete standstill and worse, freefall.
So, the Americans are getting $1400 stimulus checks and some think that is a wow.
Lets have some perspective shall we on the maths before, John Hopkins and the portal people add fiction checking into the mix.
175M people which was the baseline figure of received checks the first time, times $1400 = $245B.
Yet the $1.9T package was delivered, and so just short of 13% of the money went directly to the people.
The other 87% went to clown groups and fake shell corporations if you ask me.
$245B to the people who have lost jobs, businesses and homes and $1.655T to the clown groups who were all not affected by the lockdown, due to the funding provided by the Trustee, and then leveraged by the Black Sun
A video of the US rapper Pitbull claiming that the pandemic was planned out during ‘Event 201’ has been widely shared on UK Facebook.
Fiction checkers chimed in and said, Event 201 was a real pandemic planning exercise that took place in October 2019.
This does not mean its organisers had prior knowledge of Covid-19, or that it was a “rehearsal” for the coronavirus pandemic.
Well fiction checkers are Expose series proves categorically otherwise, particularly this Tuesday’s show.
2000 – 3000 persons in Stockholm in an anti – covid demonstration.
Swedish television typically did not mention that many.
There was filming of the event done with a drone, which the Police shot it down.
I guess filming, monitoring and spying only works one way then it seems.
Imagine what would happen if you shot down one of their drones?
The West Liberty School District in Iowa canceled classes Monday after several teachers reported experiencing side effects after receiving a second Moderna COVID-19 vaccination over the weekend.
On Saturday, district staff received the second dose of the vaccine at a special clinic.
When the district checked in with teachers Sunday, 64 percent reported having some kind of side effect and 28 percent thought the side effects made them feel too poorly to go to work.
Classes were canceled Monday to give the staff members a chance to feel better, they would feel even better had you not injected them with poisons, that wasn’t required.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on Thursday that it was investigating after two people inoculated from the same batch of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine died from blood clotting and 30 others injured, several countries stopped using the jabs.
Pfizer are allegedly asking some countries to give up their Sovereign assets, like Bank reserves, Military bases and Embassy buildings as collateral for the Covid 19 vaccine damage lawsuits.
All very NATO like that, and also a copy of the Paris Climate agreement as well, that Biden or whoever operates the mask man these days, just signed us back up for.
An estimated 4,300 in California individuals received a smaller corona virus vaccine than they should have, due to an issue with syringes.
According to KTVU, the Oakland Coliseum site received orange-capped syringes that left a third of the vaccine stuck on the bottom of the plastic container.
Experts making covidiots of themselves again, proving again incapable of carrying out the basics of their jobs.
The problem was eventually detected on Monday, but individuals vaccinated before that point reportedly only received 0.2 ml of the Pfizer vaccine instead of the optimal 0.3 ml.
Oh good perhaps they will have less side effects then, or perhaps won’t die as quickly?
The California Office of Emergency Services, which helps run the site with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said high-level meetings were held on Tuesday afternoon after whistleblowers alerted the issue.
Cal OES spokesman Brian Ferguson reportedly said he didn’t think anyone was formally underdosed, and that there wasn’t any need to contact the individuals who received the lower vaccine amount.
I guess he went to John Hopkins non learning maths center as well, as the number two is less than three and so that makes it underdosed, clearly that guys brain cells are underdosed.
On Wednesday, he said authorities were told that the dosing fell within medical guidelines and protocols.
Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease expert, reportedly said the patients were “likely protected”, and could make up the lost dosage in the second round of vaccine dosing.
A so called expert using the term likely protected? either they are protected or not, which is it to be?
The incident came as Gov. Gavin Newsom expressed optimism over the state’s vaccination efforts.
Health authorities in Saudi Arabia have said that any Muslim wanting to perform the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, will first need to be provide proof that they’ve been vaccinated against Covid-19.
Here we go again with stealth mandatory techno jabs.
Saudi Arabia’s Health Ministry confirmed the decision in a statement on Tuesday, saying that vaccination would be “the main condition for participation,” after Health Minister Tawfiq Al Rabiah said “compulsory vaccination” would be required for all pilgrims.
Perhaps there should be a mandatory test of working common sense brain cells for all these experts, before we have listen to their drivel.
All Muslims who can perform Hajj are required to do so at least once in their lifetime.
The pilgrimage is comprised of a five-day series of rituals attended by two million people in and around Mecca, the spiritual home of Islam.
Muslims believe the rituals offer a chance to wipe clean past sins and start anew before God.
Oh dear, the fear based tactics with shame and guilt thrown in for good measure.
This is an energy harvesting event perpetrated on the people, anti clockwise spinning around the Sirius based black cube stone is a harvesting practice.
The ministry did not specify whether this year’s Hajj, which is due to begin on the evening of July 17, would exclude pilgrims from outside the kingdom in order to prevent the spread of Covid.
Last year’s rituals were limited to just 1,000 pilgrims who lived in Saudi Arabia.
The kingdom began its vaccination program on December 17, with the Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs being approved for use.
So far, Saudi officials say there have been 377,700 cases of corona virus and the kingdom has reported some 6,500 related fatalities.
Do the Muslims ask if their god is so great, why didn’t he save the Muslim people from persecution, bombings, war and this infection? or are they like the QAnons and just trust the plan? May I ask the Muslim people how has that worked out for you?
The Italian government has blocked the export of an Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine shipment to Australia.
The decision affects 250,000 doses of the vaccine produced at an AstraZeneca facility in Italy.
Italy is the first EU country to use the bloc’s new regulations allowing exports to be stopped, if the company providing the vaccines has failed to meet its obligations to the EU.
Australia said losing “one shipment” would not badly affect its rollout.
The move has been backed by the European Commission, reports say.
AstraZeneca is on track to provide only 40% of the agreed supply to member states in the first three months of the year.
It has cited production problems for the shortfall. oops.
In January, then Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte described delays in vaccine supplies by both AstraZeneca and Pfizer as “unacceptable”, and accused the companies of violating their contracts.
The EU has been widely criticized for the slow pace of its vaccination programme.
Perhaps that decision is some of the fall out in Italy we revealed in Tuesdays show?
As the Hebrew Annunaki and clown minions get more and more desperate, this I would suggest is their when all else fails we will launch war.
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz tells Fox News’ Trey Yingst his country is prepared to act independently against Iran.
The Israeli military is updating plans to strike Iranian nuclear sites and is prepared to act independently, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz told Fox News.
Israel has identified numerous targets inside Iran that would hurt its ability to develop a nuclear bomb.
Ignoring the fact that Israel sold nuclear weapons to Iran in the 1990’s.
Gantz said the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of rockets.
Does anyone ask whether Hezbollah have as much right to defend themselves as any other country?
A classified map of targets shared with Fox News shows many of the rockets among civilian areas along the Israeli border.
“This is a target map, each one of them has been checked legally, operationally, intelligence-wise and we are ready to fight,” Gantz added.
So, having weapons is the criteria to attack people ok, what would happen if I drew a map of all the Israeli weapons? does that mean all countries should attack them? child level thinking, actually no, it is retard level thinking.
The annual Israel Defense Forces intelligence briefing indicated that, Israel is preparing for several days of fighting with Hezbollah.
Local media reports said 3,000 Lebanese targets would be hit every day during the next conflict, with an aim to kill 300 Hezbollah fighters every 24 hours.
Life is all too easily expendable for these psychopaths, but then we are just the goyim to them, fine call us what you like, but we know you are the Hebrew Annunaki and you don’t belong here.
Israel is expected to continue striking Iranian-backed groups in Syria that Gantz said help to facilitate weapons transfers to Lebanon.
Since the start of 2020, Israel hit more than 500 Iranian-linked sites in Syria with airstrikes, according to the Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi.
“The Iranian nuclear aspiration must be stopped… We must defend ourselves by ourselves,” Gantz had asserted.
All they are doing is preparing a free unhindered run from Israel to Iran for their bombers.
Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami promptly fired back with a counter threat on Sunday.
He said Iran’s military will level Tel Aviv and Haifa should Israel do anything “out of desperation”.
“Sometimes, the Zionist regime [Israel] out of desperation makes big claims, against the Islamic Republic of Iran to allegedly threaten it,” Hatami said as cited in The Times of Israel via Iranian state media.
“It must know that if it does a damn thing, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground,”.
No doubt that statement will be used as pro pagan da by the CIA-kar media, going look the Iranian bullies they are threatening us, and we have to act.
He further assured that Iran possesses all the power it needs to “maintain the stability of the country” and said the Islamic Republic can strike close to Israel also via “resistance groups” – which is no doubt a reference to Lebanese Hezbollah and militia groups that have been fighting in Syria.
The real resistance groups should be America, UK, France, Germany, Pakistan and Russia, cowardly countries and Military, who need to deal with this cancer on our planet pronto.
What is forgotten is with all the propaganda and words of distraction, why isn’t any country around Israel allowed to have weapons to defend themselves?
Israel at the expense of the American taxpayer has assembled masses of weapons of mass destruction, it was they who created the need to have weapons in the first place.
How about some common sense, lets all remove our weapons pointing at each other, close down all wars upon on Earth and build a global coalition of forces in the event of an outside attack.
The world needs to know why Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran and other countries in the region have stockpiled weapons since 1947.
Here is a list of the wars the Israelis have initiated since 1947, which was one year before their fake country was even created.
War of Independence 1947-1949 they attacked Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Holy war Army and the ALA.
Sinai War 1956, they attacked Egypt again
Six day war, which is a misnomer 1967, they attacked Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon
War of Attrition 1967-70, they attacked Egypt, Soviet Union, PLO and Jordan
Yom Kippur War 1973, they attacked Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Cuba and North Korea.
Operation Litani 1978, they attacked the PLO
First Lebanon War 1982-1985, they attacked PLO, Syria, Jammul and Amal.
Security Zone campaign 1985-2000, they attacked Hezbollah, Jammul and Amal.
First Intifada 1987-1993, they attacked UNLU and Hamas.
Second Intifada 2000-2005, they attacked Palestine and Hamas.
Second Lebanon war 2006, the attacked Hezbollah.
Operation Cast Lead 2009, they attacked Hamas.
Operation Pillar of Defence 2012, they attacked Hamas.
Operation Protective edge 2014, they attacked Hamas.
If you thought that wasn’t enough, add in 86 other military operations carried out, plus dozens of other top secret missions that rarely gets published by the Jewish owned media.
The largest portion of the funding for those war all came from the American people, at which point do the American people make their politicians accountable for the misuse of their funds?
A landmark legal decision declared that regional containment policies – including lockdowns, social distancing, prohibitions on gatherings by family or friends are Unconstitutional.
The judge called the lockdowns a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives.”
The judge ruled that the government violated the “inviolably guaranteed human dignity” under basic German law.
This momentous, affirmative, liberating decision was handed down by a court of law in Weimar, Germany, the city whose name was adopted by the first German republic: 1919-1933, until it was overturned by the Nazi regime.
Hundreds of thousands of German people have demonstrated throughout the summer and fall of 2020, some protesters compared their struggle to anti-Nazi resistance, which led Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to bristle.
Forensic analysis of official data convinced the court that the epidemic situation that was used to justify the lockdown laws does not exist.
The judge ruled that the government lacked sufficient legal grounds to impose the restrictions, since there was no “epidemic situation of national importance.”
He declared that the measures were an attack on the “foundations of our society.”
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the lawyer who initiated the first German and American complaints and procedures stated: “We consider this judgment to be extraordinary and of fundamental importance.
It is transferable to all violations of Covid19 measures.
It is also transferable to the current Renewed Containment and all applicable corona virus regulations.
Because the “numbers of cases” are decreasing, as are patients in intensive care units!
The judge confirms this with an excellent demonstration.”
The battle over government dictatorial overreach, and the assault on the rights and dignity of citizens in a democracy will be won in the courts of law.
The decision has been described by the German media as “politically explosive”!
Dr. Nicole Delépine, MD, provides an in-depth analysis of the body of evidence that supports this momentous decision.
She notes that one factor that helped Germany resist the epidemic better than other countries such as France, is probably due to the early treatment of patients with hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, vitamins, etc.
She concludes that this crisis is purely political with a health pretext.
All great stuff and I hope it actually sticks.
We have seen too many of these court legal efforts achieve very little, as an example the court ruling in California, Governor Newsome just carried on with his National Zionist efforts unhindered, so I hope this is going to be different this time.
The First American Public Law in Over a Century
It has been a year as of this month since the whole virus scare began, and to date, absolutely no serious effort has been made to isolate any such virus.
That tells you one of two things, Campers: (a) the “government” corporations know everything about this virus because they created it and caused the whole problem in the first place, or (b) there is no such thing and we have all been led on a long and incredibly expensive Snipe Hunt.
I personally believe that there is a virus, that the perpetrators created it, so that they could step in with their solution to the problem they created— their own very expensive vaccine.
This so-called vaccine serves a completely different purpose than any vaccine.
Its Messenger Ribonucleic Acid payload is patented nanotechnology and once it enters itself into the victim’s genome, it provides an excuse for the patent holders to claim that the victim is now a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) that they own. Literally.
This results because of a loophole in patent laws that allows this, and creates a means of commercial entrapment and enslavement.
So the American State Assemblies have moved to close the loophole and issued the first American Public Law in over a century. This measure passed with a three-quarters vote of all State Assemblies, eight abstaining or still in process.
This measure makes it illegal throughout The United States for any corporation or commercial entity or person however defined, to claim any patent interest or make any ownership interest claim against living people, based on the injection or other introduction of patented gene fragments, or nanotech into the natural genome of men and women.
Any claim that anyone is redefined as a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), by ingestion or injection or any other receipt of patented genetic materials is prohibited, and punishment for offenders is established.
Perhaps most important, no profit can be gained by any genetic material patent holder above the explicit cost of service or product and no obscene and secretive claim of slave ownership or Genetically Modified Organism “product” status can be advanced against unwary individuals; this includes protection of American members of the U.S. Military Forces and Federal Civil Service.
All such repugnant claims are outlawed in all venues and are unenforceable in this country as of 1 January 2021.
We suggest that all other national governments take immediate and similar action to protect their own people from unscrupulous corporate raiders seeking to exploit this new fraud scheme promoting commercial enslavement.
This new Public Law takes the profit motive away from the corporate sponsors of this deplorable episode in our history and will hopefully provide the necessary dis-incentive for more dabbling and entrapment of this kind.
Anyone who has taken any “vaccine” containing mRNA nanotech since January of this year is protected.
Full Text of the Law:
By Roll Call Vote of The United States of America in Assembly
It is hereby declared and recorded as Public Law of The United States of America that no person or Person or PERSON of any kind shall in any respect claim to have any commercial or trade ownership interest in a living man or woman, baby, boy, or girl, by any means at all.
Re-labeling living men or women by the use of other descriptions such as “male” and “female”, or via their acceptance of professional or other titles, or via their enrollment in offices of citizenry or personhood, shall not be used to confer undisclosed obligations upon them, nor shall any such means be used to convert the nature of living people, so as to excuse their abuse as animals or inanimate things.
This prohibition established as Public Law restricts the use of copyrights, trademarks, and patents to establish ownership interests in living things, and in particular forbids the use of patents to create or enforce any commercial or trade ownership interest in living men and women as Genetically Modified Organisms.
The injection or other introduction of patented genetic products or other kinds of engineered products into living people or into their genome, whether this is done voluntarily or under force, shall carry no implications of any ownership interest in the recipient by the patent holder(s) and shall have no commercial value or trade value or use beyond the price of the product or procedure itself, and shall not affect the standing of the recipients as free and independent living men and women owed all natural and unalienable rights.
The interest that each unique man or woman holds in their own gifts and their own biological, intellectual, spiritual, and material assets is unlimited and cannot be abridged, bought, sold, traded, waived, or bartered.
Any corporation(s) or individual franchises(s) promoting any plan to convert living men and women into Genetically Modified Organisms or advancing ownership claims based on the receipt of patented genetic products or seeking to use living people and their assets as collateral based on such claims, shall be subject to immediate and permanent liquidation, stripping of the corporate veil, and prosecution of their officers for crimes against humanity.
This Public Law of The United States of America shall be effective immediately as of the first day of January in the year of 2021 upon final enrollment of concurring votes from the State Assemblies and shall continue in force and be placed upon our Federal Record as Public Law A1010121.
I included that piece as it has interesting information only, the claims have no validity or standing, nor is it enforcable.
We have seen a plethora of these types of documents and claims in the last decade, and not one has bore fruit, not one.
That is why I wanted to reform the alternative law groups in this and other countries, come up with a blueprint of what is valid or not and target actionable events, not sensationalized clickbait documents, chasing birth certificate money, suspending driving licences and taxes or the ridiculous Magna Carta.
None of them worked, even Anna who I believe to be the top law person on the internet in terms of knowledge and history to support it, who claims is a judge, went into court for tax evasion and claiming her mortgage was fraud, she lost both cases, even if those claims were real.
The Israeli Health Ministry announced Tuesday that an outspoken doctor who denies the coronavirus, opposes vaccination and has reportedly forged virus immunization certificates has permanently lost his medical license.
Arieh Avni owns a website popular among the Israeli antivaxxer community where he has published a multitude of articles spreading conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and Israel’s vaccination drive, as well as repeatedly slandering Israeli health officials.
He also runs the Facebook page “Correct Medicine: Dr. Arieh Avni,” where he writes widely shared posts spreading his theories.
Avni recently said that “anyone who administers a vaccine is, to me, like Mengele,” referring to the notorious Nazi death camp doctor.
Hear hear Mr. Avni, I am pleased more Jewish people are standing up to the fake Jews.
Just when you think you have heard it all, up pops more child level lunacy.
As Sweden, Finland, China and Australia are now sending out trained sniffer dogs to detect Covid.
As one member put it, when will they use sniffer dogs for fraud, lying and pedophiles.
Israeli F-15 fighter jets escorted two American B-52 bombers through Israeli airspace on Sunday in a new show of force by the United States against Iran — with an Israeli element — amid rising tensions in the region.
Woo, lets all shit our pants, America and Israel sent planes over an area, to create fear.
The fear is their own, people are working out their plans now, so they resort to child level actions of look at our scary planes, utterly pathetic.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been gaining in popularity in recent months, with investors and art-lovers spending millions of dollars to claim ownership of something that only exists in digital space.
Twitter CEO and crypto enthusiast Jack Dorsey is one of the latest to get into the game, auctioning his 15 year-old tweet as an NFT.
Earlier this week, US rock group Kings of Leon announced that their new album will be available as an NFT, offering some exclusive options to the fans.
The host of RT’s Boom Bust, Brent Jabbour, discussed this new way to own art and other digital assets, and how it actually works, along with Boom Bust co-hosts Ben Swann and Christy Ai.
“spending millions of dollars to claim ownership of something that only exists in digital space, hello mcfly is anybody home.
Fresh air token, fresh air art, fresh air investors and fresh air brains also.
As national currencies are already showing extreme signs of weakness, people will soon start measuring the price of things in terms of bitcoin, says Jesse Powell, CEO of crypto currency trading exchange Kraken.
He told Bloomberg on Thursday that bitcoin will eventually be a global currency because “you have to think it’s going to infinity.”
“I think true believers will tell you it’s going all the way to the moon, to Mars, and eventually it’ll be the world’s currency,” Powell added.
According to Powell, “In the near term, people see it (bitcoin) surpassing gold as a store of value, so I think a million dollars as a price target within the next 10 years is very reasonable.”
Bitcoin believers expect the cryptocurrency to replace fiat money and the market capitalization of all national currencies combined could make up its worth, he said.
A fresh air token worth more than a physical asset? oh dear, as we warned in Clowns in panic, this is there only option now, with accessible funds dwindling, the QS not accessible to garner more funds, they create funds out of fresh air and the stupid people buy into it.
Venezuelan non-president, Juan Guaido, is back in headlines after the new US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called him to discuss America’s favorite talking points: “a return to democracy” via “free and fair elections.”
I’m sure the irony will not be lost on those who question the legitimacy of the US election that saw Biden take power.
Anyway, you would have to have been offline or in a coma for the past couple of years, to not be aware of some key facts about ‘interim president’ Guaido and US “concern” for Venezuelans.
Venezuelans didn’t vote for Guaido to be president, he hasn’t even stood for president.
Venezuelans voted for Maduro. America can huff and puff and whine, but that won’t change the reality.
I am beginning to wonder whether American politicians and Military Generals undergo a lobotomy process to do their jobs.
Who the Venezuelans or any other countries peoples choose as their leader, as nothing to do with American or their Hebrew counterparts.
Particularly when those two countries elections are amongst the most corrupt on this planet.
Russia’s Service of Military-Technical Cooperation has noted its “bewilderment” after Washington imposed an export ban on “defense articles and defense services” to the country, despite Russia not receiving any US arms since 1945.
On Tuesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken born in and born to, unveiled new sanctions against Moscow, after the alleged poisoning and “attempted assassination of Russian opposition figure Aleksey Navalny.”
“The US government has exercised its authorities to send a clear signal, that Russia’s use of chemical weapons and abuse of human rights have severe consequences,” a press statement from Blinken said.
After Tuesdays show, calling other countries for human rights and chemical weapons is beyond a joke.
As part of the restrictions, Russia has been included in Section 126.1 of the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations, which essentially means that any requests from Moscow to buy defense-related items would be flatly rejected.
This is another child level game to block Russia being able to defend Iran, when the Hebrews lose the plot finally.
“More US sanctions were announced yesterday against our country.
In this particular case, with regard to arms exports, they cause bewilderment,” the federal service noted.
“Arms supplies from the United States to Russia are not carried out and, of course, are not planned.”
The government body also noted that the last time any military equipment was delivered to Russia from the US, was through the lend-lease program during WWII, which ended on August 21, 1945.
Common sense question: Why would Russia buy sub standard weapons from America, when their own is far superior?
Speaking to Moscow daily RBK, Russian International Affairs Council expert Andrey Frolov noted that the new sanctions are likely to be toothless and do not pose any threat to the military-industrial complex, which does not rely on American supplies.
Another expert, Ruslan Pukhov from the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies think tank, revealed that restrictions won’t actually prevent any export contracts if the US wants to implement them.
In particular, he cited the example of Rosoboronexport, which was removed from the sanctions list to sign a contract to supply the Afghan Army with helicopters, and was put back on the list straight after.
On Tuesday, the US announced the imposition of sanctions against Russia over the alleged assassination attempt of Navalny.
As well as restrictions against the military-industrial complex, they also target several officials and organizations.
What utter jackasses that represent this country, and some in a Govt department don’t like me calling them clowns, well don’t act like one then.
So, lets delve into the full facial mask man, who likes to disappear and is frightened of speaking in public shall we.
Joe Biden is a deep state actor, the 46th President of the United States after his inauguration on 20 January 2021, and formerly was the 47th Vice President of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
In a 22-minute address after he was sworn in 11 minutes early by Chief Justice John G. Roberts, President Biden drew a sharp contrast between his presidency and the preceding four years.
Family Corruption:
His son Hunter Biden and other family members are conduits for large amounts of slush money, of which Joe apparently takes half.
In a leaked text message, Hunter wrote his daughter Naomi: “But I don’t receive any respect and that’s fine I guess.[..] It’s really hard, but don’t worry, unlike Pop (Joe Biden) I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
Biden publicly supported a war against Iraq both before, during, and after the 2002 invasion.
During a 1998 Senate hearing with weapons-inspector whistleblower Scott Ritter, a hostile Biden said “that the only way, the only way we’re going to get rid of Saddam Hussein is we’re going to end up having to start it alone — start it alone — and it’s going to require guys like you in uniform to be back on foot in the desert taking this son of a — taking Saddam down…You know it and I know it.”
In 2002, he was among the 77 senators who authorised then-president George W. Bush’s use of military force in Iraq.
Four months after the American attack, he staunchly defended the invasion to a roomful of foreign policy experts at the Brookings Institution in Washington.
“Nine months ago, I voted with my colleagues to give the President of the United States of America the authority to use force, and I would vote that way again today,” Biden said on July 31, 2003.
So, Mr. Biden because you and others led by psychopaths in Langley, despite Langley using him as a CIA agent don’t like Saddam, you bomb their country into the dark ages and kill innocent civilians?
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published a study that estimated that in the 18 months following the American invasion in 2003, “100,000 more Iraqis died than would have been expected had the invasion not occurred.
900K Iraqis dead in 3 decades because you don’t like Saddam? is that rational? or is that playground bully levels of engagement.
With all the mercenary groups who do extractions of people daily, your not telling me they couldn’t have got Saddam, and left the Iraqi country intact? I know common sense again, these child level people don’t have any sense or brain cells to boot.
“It was a right vote then, and it’d be a correct vote today.”
Biden co-authored (with Leslie Gelb) a 2006 divide-and-rule plan to segregate Iraq into three ethno-religious statelets — Arab Shias, Arab Sunnis, and Kurds.
When he was vice-president, Biden contributed to the war propaganda against Libya and Syria.
Prison-Industrial Complex:
Biden supported the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, known as the “1994 Crime Bill”.
The 1994 Crime Bill encouraged states to adopt ‘three-strikes’ rules that mandated life sentences for repeat-offenders, as well as ‘truth in sentencing’ laws that required inmates to serve at least 85 percent of their sentences.
It also withdrew federal funding for inmates enrolling in higher education while incarcerated.
Especially due to the “three-strikes” rule, the bill is seen as having contributed to a large increase in mass incarceration, to the great profit of the prison-industrial complex, while keeping the black population politically down in a circle of violence, a continuation of COINTELPRO instigation of gang violence and Cocaine-Contras policies.
Iraq war crimes, Ukraine war crimes and corruption, Chinese espionage there is your three strikes and out Biden, are you telling me you will not enforce your own policies?
Patriot Act:
Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed that a Bill he wrote in 1994 was essentially the same as the 2001 Patriot Act.
“I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing,” Biden said, “I introduced the terrorism bill in ’94 that had a lot of these things in it.”
There is your 4th strike Biden, human rights abuses, because that is what the Patriot Act brought us.
War against Yugoslavia:
During the wars in Yugoslavia, he campaigned for the arming of Bosnian Muslims and supported the action of Osama bin Laden’s Arab Legion as well as that of Saudi and Iranian troops.
He supported Muslims, Bin Laden and Iranian troops? oh my you do like contradictin your contradictions Mr. Biden, are you related to Drake?
With his friend Republican Senator John McCain, he pushed President Bill Clinton to intervene in Kosovo.
September 11, 2001:
Senator Joe Biden, as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee met with Pakistani General Mahmood Ahmed on the day after September 11, 2001.
This is the same General Ahmed who transferred $100K to alleged 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, as well as instructed Omar Saeed Sheikh.
COVID-19 Policies:
As part of his campaign promises, Biden said that as president he would require wearing face coverings in public mandatory in the US.
This is to match his own rubber face mask he wears to cover up he is someone else.
Michael Osterholm, a member of Biden’s 12 person Covid advisor team, wants a U.S. lockdown of 4 to 6 weeks, a position denied by a Biden official as “not in line with the president-elect’s thinking.”
“Nothing would fundamentally change”
In a 2019 fundraiser with rich donors, he promised “no one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.” if he is elected.
Talking to the New York (including Wall Street) crowd, he said “I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money”.
Biden went on to say that the rich should not be blamed for income inequality, pleading to the donors, “I need you very badly.”
In late November 2020, without the public announcements that accompanied the president-elect’s cabinet picks, Team Biden added to its agency review groups several picks from big corporations, including Monica Maher, born to, vice president for cyber threat intelligence at Goldman Sachs; Eric Goldstein, born to, an 18-year Goldman Sachs veteran; and Josh Zoffer, born to, a former engagement manager at McKinsey who now works at private equity firm Cove Hill Partners.
Biden’s transition also “quietly added four Facebook and Google employees to its agency review teams”.
In a January 2020 interview, Biden claimed there is already a “significant representation of progressives in our administration” The progressive wing in the party responded with incredulous indignation to the claim, like Bernie Sanders, who said that given the significant role the progressive movement played in Biden’s victory, “the progressive movement deserves a number of seats—important seats—in the Biden administration – Have I seen that at this point? I have not”.
The return to normal also means a return of the Council on Foreign Relations This is the case for Anthony Blinken (State), Lloyd Austin (Defense), Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security), William J. Burns (CIA Director), Janet Yellen (Treasury), Linda Thomas-Greenfield (Ambassador to the UN), Gina Raimondo (Commerce), Cecilia Rouse (Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors), John Kerry (Special Envoy for Climate), and even Tom Vilsack (Agriculture).
Another group of born to people.
Friend of Hollywood:
Biden is also a big supporter of the Hollywood-led ever expanding copyright racket.
Kim Dotcom, founder of New Zealand based MEGA site, said “I do know from a credible source that it was Joe Biden, the best friend of former Senator and MPAA boss Chris Dodd, who ordered his former lawyer and now state attorney Neil MacBride to take Megaupload down”, after a meeting with Hollywood tycoons.
The Motion Picture Association also spent money lobbying the office of Vice President Joe Biden.
Health Issues:
In connection with the 2020 Presidential Campaign, where Biden would be the oldest candidate ever, Dr. Kevin O’Connor of the George Washington University released a medical summary, at Biden’s the request, in which he described Biden as a “healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old”. They lie.
During the campaign, critics frequently pointed out Biden showing signs of cognitive decline, including an inability to hold on to his own train of thought, forgetting where he is and who he’s with, grossly incorrect use of language, and inappropriate behaviour.
Democrats scramble to defend this as “a stutter”, while Trump nicknamed him ‘Sleepy Joe’).
Biden survived two brain aneurysms in the late 1980s.
The condition was later complicated by subsequent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
After the second aneurysm was surgically repaired in May 1988, Biden’s recuperation kept him away from the Senate for seven months.
During a live TV debate during the 2020 campaign, Biden’s left eye began to go dark red in colour and fill with blood.
It is thought the cause of Biden’s scare was a broken blood vessel in the eye, which can be caused by high blood pressure or straining, or something far more sinister.
Other Corruption:
His brother James joined a company called Hillstone International in 2010.
At that point, Joe had been Vice President for two years, and as luck would have it, in 2011 Hillstone won the bid for a 1.5 billion project in Iraq.
The company was supposed to build 100,000 apartments there, the project failed, practically nothing was built, but unfortunately the money was gone.
Common sense statement: you would not need to build 100K new apartments if you hadn’t destroyed the originals under false pretences.
This is the same practice as FEMA after disasters, money and supplies go missing to private contractors.
What a racket that is, declare a country rogue, bomb it into oblivion which generates funds for MIC, then arrange your private contractor companies to put in no bid contracts for rebuilding what they blew to smithereens.
If people think that is a joke, I can assure you 100% it is not, the joke is on the American people, as you pay for all of this child level and playground bully tactics.
Rape allegations:
Joe Biden has been accused by Tara Reade of rape that has happened in 1993.
User clips of Biden on C-Span:
C-Span allows for users to create shorter clips of uploaded videos.
It appears that many videos that show Biden inappropriately touching children are getting deleted soon after creation in the 2020 election year.
The issue in general has also been part of mainstream news reporting since mid 2019, after it was reported about in alternative media for years.
It came up again in September 2020 when Twitter flagged the footage as; “child sexual exploitation”, despite originating from and being hosted at C-Span.
Amy Sterling Casil “Some will think “Oh, they are protecting Biden — they don’t want the public to see how he acts.”
Who knows? I just know that what he is doing is wrong and signifies a crude, animalistic expression of male dominance.
He is seeing how far he can go without being stopped. How far can he dominate these Senators? Watching the whole 12 minutes of these swearing-in ceremonies where you can see Biden “doing his thing” and the reactions of family members was difficult, but very instructive.
By the end I thought, “These people won’t even lift a finger to stop him from touching their own innocent children.
Why in the hell would anyone think they’d lift a finger to do a thing to help a stranger? Or strangers?”
There in lies the problem does it not, it is always someone else problem to fix things.
That is what has to change if we are to move forward.
I hear the Australian group has split up again, with some seeking the money based savior program that has worked so well for them in the past – not.
The real Australians will carry on with the remaining group I hear, which is good to hear, it is all about the wheat and chaffe at the end of the day, is it Gary chaffe or Gary taffe, matters not.
Yet again the man who writes heinous dark and depraved novels for the el-ites is involved again, when that clown was to be removed entirely from the group.
The usual protagonists connected to Kingdom of Manna within that group, and no Judith Anderson you have not heard correctly that the TPC with holds funds and doesn’t give to the people in need.
How quickly Judith Andersen forgets the help myself and other THI members gave her in the astral rape zoom call, to be making bogus allegations like this, it’s shameful behavior I have to say.
No wonder you get attacks Judith engaging with people like Gary Taffe for your information.
I have instructed the Australian group to remove Stallard, Taffe and Andersen, I took that decision, they are not conducive to TPC Australia moving forward, they like the LF group they are part, are only interested in divide and conquer against the people.
The funds in TPC AU is not going to the Life Force group either, as requested by those 3 protagonists, those who are in the Life Force group will not be the decision makers on where those funds go to.
Yet another example of Life Force harvesting ideas, members and funds for their own greed.
These are the same tactics Tank has done against our state and country group since Autumn 2018, he and other cohorts set out deliberately to wreck our group, as stated by a few of his former cohorts who took part in it, all endorse by Kim Goguen it seems, if it wasn’t she would have stopped it.
They can’t even act right within their own group, another split up unfolding as we speak, as life force is being replaced with G spot force.
Those people have gone to where their lower frequency level matches, and we wish them well.
And time will tell on those people.
YROT was asked about choices, and was Q and Trump a savior program? the response was not particularly righteous or correct.
“Yellow Rose For Texas” stated I chose the Satanist agenda because I stated that Q was a psyop (a savior program).
Here is her response to me.. “You’re more wrong than you know. It mattered what side you chose, and you’ve chosen the Satanists side. There are only two sides in a war, it was about YOU making a choice in order to be sealed.
So, if you don’t follow Trump or Q you are a Satanist? a bit radical and duality based that.
There are two sides in a war, nope there is three actually.
If you think choosing a political party is part of the war, you are criminally short of the bigger and real picture.
Politics is the theater of distraction, for adult children to follow and allow them to run their lives, all whilst complaining of big government, oh the irony.
YROT needs to understand the triality aspect, Trump and Q was not a choice, it became a directive, it became very divisive, which will hamper this country for a long time to come.
It is all too simplistic and also ignorant of fact to say Democrats are evil and Republicans and or Trump are the light.
Yes, Trump was a slight variation from other politicians, but he got in that position because he cheated and played the money game, whilst dancing with the Hebrew Annunaki.
YROT needs to understand Trump is representing the Black Sun group, which just because they are anti Rothschild, does not make them the light, or for and by the people.
4 years of his tenancy in the White House brought nothing tangible for we the people, despite major help from the Trustee and the team.
YROT has got herself involved in the duality war which has nothing to do with we the people, it is a faction war between two versions of the Jewish elites, Rothschild’s and Black Sun, we the people are the triality and as such should not be picking either of those two sides.
That is the equivalent of offering the blue or red pill, sensible people chose neither, that is the often hidden triality choice and that ultimately is your choice, and not theirs.
The choices being made are not outside of you and never were.
They are not based on external savior programs, that might I remind people has failed.
The three pronged savior programs of Trump, Q and the Trustee has all failed.
Trump disappeared into the mist and is wheeled out at a few functions to keep relevant, and might I remind people he lost to a senile old man, who nearly two months into his Presidency and not made a public speech.
Q has done one post since the election, now 4 months ago, where are they? where are their efforts to support the people who made them relevant for the past 4 years? in fact that aligns with the Trustee also, where is her support for the people who supported her for over 4 years?
As for the Trustee, I don’t have to say too much on that anymore, you can all see for yourselves the fall from grace, and the divisive bizarre behavior and narrative coming from her shows.
A far cry from the person we saw on the zoom call last April, almost a shadow one would suspect, perhaps a dual person?
I warned in May, August, September and October all three of them were in trouble unless they changed tack, they didn’t, and what followed was inevitable to me, but not believed by many.
The election is 4 months down the line now, the shock value is over, and it needs us all to come together under the Peoples Club banner as one, and the original Trustee knows that more than anyone else, of why that is the case.
It has come to my attention following now several different people coming forward, of further disturbing shenanigans going on within and a part of the Life Force assemblies groups.
Deep State operatives in high positions running various assemblies, criminal and rogue operations being ran out of one assembly in particular, threats being made against members if they speak up, warnings sent to the two leaders of the group being ignored, and their members left to endure threats and intimidation alone.
Complaints about GIA figures not being legitimate or acting in the right manner.
GIA stands for Global Intelligence Agency, who are these people? have they been vetted? can we be certain these people are any better than other Intelligence Agency groups?
Earlier complaints of financial impropriety not addressed.
In fact several complaining of any questions being put forward are not being addressed, or they are treated with hostility by the two leaders for asking the question, and or booted from the group.
I hate to say this, but it is looking increasingly more and more like reality, that Lifeforce resembles a wrecking ball of the alt media groups.
Brought in to split up the movement we had built up, between several groups like COWL, Off Planet radio, Jimi Brent, NLA and some others we had connections to around the world.
And they claim they are for the benefit of humanity? my question is, which humanity are they referring to?
Like I have said all along, if you are acting for and by the people I will support that, if you are not, and it doesn’t matter who you are or what title you have, I will call it out.
If the several complaints about that group are dealt with in a proper manner internally, it would not have to reach my attention.
Lifeforce are no different to any other group, but their antics publicly and moreso privately leaves much to be desired, and proof of them acting on behalf of our humanity, is sadly, very thin on the ground.
The fact the Trustee stated she would not fund the TPC is the confirming quote, and people within that group need to ask relevant questions as to where the leaders are taking that group and it’s followers.
Recently I am told the Trustee said we the people don’t need money to do certain things, but then she mentioned she had funded the Pentagon, and brags about how the Pentagon is spending the money.
After Tuesday’s show is that a good look for the Trustee to claim?
The Trustee said all our bank accounts have $3,330. No evidence to support such claims.
She also said all vaccines were destroyed and we did not have to worry about them. No evidence to support such claims again either.
Like the claim in January where she stated she ended world hunger on the 8th, no evidence to support such claims.
This is not the same person, whichever format it operates at these days, and their predictions get worse by the week, and fail at an alarming rate.
The problem is the people who listen to it and worse donate to something that has produced nothing tangible in 10 months.
They have had 4 splits within their group and done everything to try and destroy THI and the TPC.
Quite how someone operating for humanity acts like that is beyond my comprehension.
But, each to their own (level).
Their show is resembling a mix of Charlie Ward, Drake, Alexander Meadors and Kent Dunn all in one show, impressive I must say, but sad for the people who knew Kim of 12 months ago.
We did a piece on the cancel culture recently and here is a classic example of it.
Piers Morgan has left ITV’s Good Morning Britain following a row over comments he made about the Duchess of Sussex.
It brings the controversial host’s time on the show to an end after six years.
ITV announced the decision after Ofcom said it was investigating his comments after receiving 41,000 complaints.
So, Morgan is punished for giving his opinion, which is what he is paid to do.
But 41K jackasses ringing in to complain about someone’s opinion is beyond ridiculous, where are you people when your politicians are stiffing you over?
How can people be that offended for people Harry and Megan, they have never met or likely to either.
Elite royals who live off the backs of the people, have done nothing to help or develop society, and 41K bots who are offended by everything complain on their behalf?
How about being offended by poverty, homelessness, lack of food, funds or dignity many people suffer, or the fact you have been on lockdown for a year under false pretences instead.
Final Piece/Thinking Caps
In recent shows we have been speaking on the possibility the “god” here is an Artificial Intelligence entity, which I know disturbs many people, due to their ensconsement into that program.
It is a difficult subject to approach, as so many people have put major parts of their lives into that program, and are reluctant to look at it objectively, for fear of being fooled.
The fact that you are triggered by our information on religion, is telling that person something is not right, and something they have to address, not me.
They don’t call me the trigger man for nothing.
But, the evidence and common sense questions against that program has mounted up over the years, and to all intents and purposes, it remains a mystery and dare I say it, a conspiracy theory.
With so many of the world’s people now in turmoil, no matter which religion you abide by, the great question is, where is your god, whilst all this carnage unfolds?
As the Jewish Dr. Avni found out in the piece earlier, they don’t even protect the so called chosen ones.
Is the god an AI creation and how does that work if it is?
First you need a projection screen to collect all the energies and thoughts, of which we are massively ignorant of both of our energies and thoughts, in relation to how they work or what is their end product.
There is a reason the religious entities ask you to pray to the sky, they have the secret knowledge denied to us, of how and where our energies and thoughts travel to.
Your praying projects the energy and thoughts upwards to the sky, what if there is a collection entity that collects all the energies and thoughts, then converts them to feed off of the energy, whilst collecting your thoughts to turn it into data?
So your praying PRAYING becomes preying PREYING does it not?
This sounds all very computer like doesn’t it, which is how AI actually works, your thoughts build it and your energy feeds it.
If this AI was actually the god, does this explain as to why your god is not helping it’s creation?
The AI essentially mirrors your own processing, it is all it can do, which is the same as the computer programmer, it inputs data, and to the computer, the programmer is it’s god or creator.
The next question is, is the AI sky god projection screen of what we commonly call the veil?
What is the veil? well having felt it’s presence one day due to my own abilities, I decided to test it whether it was there, and yes I found the veil.
A very thin line that is translucent and cannot be seen with the naked eyes, but can be seen if objects pass through it.
That experiment I tried several times to believe what I was seeing, and thankfully some other of our members have witnessed it for themselves.
But what is the veil? well it can be all or nothing, some will see it as an anomaly, but others could see it as a whole other universe, it all depends on your position within space/time.
The veil could literally hold a whole new Universe, which boggles some peoples minds, because they see only a thin line, but our perceptions and understanding of time, space and our role in it, remains very limited unless you go outside of that construct.
The veil is also considered by myself as the electromagnetic grid, which can influence people in varying ways, particularly in the field of mind control, sadly from his story it has been a more negative than positive engagement.
Does the electromagnetic grid feed off of the energies the people put out into the aether?
In my opinion, yes it does, and this backs up more of my claims that the veil is or has been turned into an AI system, that reflects back, only your thoughts like a mirror.
That mirror which reflects only, gives you back what you relayed, it does not engage in a one on one with the one, because it is inside the construct this world is bound by.
Which is again like a computer, you press enter and enter then carries out that command, the computer has no free will to give you a different outcome.
Perhaps that explains why it appears we also have no free will to chart a better, less violent and greed based planet.
What if the AI does not comprehend, we the people would like some help? it would explain as to why all the saviors of the past and present, never did a damn thing to aid us in here wouldn’t it?
Why are there saviors? because that is what the people ask for, someone else to save them, newsflash: it doesn’t work.
No Jesus, No Allah, No Lord, No ET’s is coming to save you, or some internet based Marvel character either.
We presume mirrors are one way, but some mirrors are two way, that are used in interviewing rooms.
What if on the other side of the veil there are beings watching us, but that mirror is not allowing us to view back?
How would other beings be able to do that you may well ask?
People have spoken about the 9 realms, and Midgard is the middle realm, which would make us level 5 for those of you who frequented John Hopkins.
There would be 4 realms below and four realms above, and if that is true, then the veil above could be realm 6 would it not?
What if the underneath layer of realm 6 is the projection screen for the AI sky god?
We know what we call the veil is collapsing, both from above ground and also below ground, like a compression, as above so below.
That would mean realm 4 is becoming up from below, does this explain the increase in Earthquakes and plates moving?
So, is it the veils collapsing or the realms collapsing, or both?
The space as we call it between the Universe is only separated by a very thin membrane, microscopically thin, it can’t be seen, but it can be felt if you venture through it into the next Universe.
The membrane can react or rebound on you, based on your own frequency level, but also your ability to travel.
We unlike other species are multidimensional time and space travelers, which means with the right frequency, soul development, belief and trust, we are capable of traveling to not only other planets, but other solar systems and other Universes.
This is why I say your own development and essence is worth way more than pieces of papers with numbers on, fully grasping that will lead to a massive leap in your understanding and soul development.
We can travel at any point of time within the day, and often multiple times, without ever realizing it as such.
We call it daydreaming and often say the most obvious things which are clues, yet we so often dismiss them.
All of you have said many times over, oh I lost myself there and no idea where I was, you do realize you were traveling and in part out of your vessel in that moment?
Where you go and how far you travel depends on your soul development level, as I understand it, as you progress you get a better cord, known as the silver cord.
People often go in and out of the astral levels during day and night, how many of you have had dreams of people you know, buildings you recognize, but it is not exactly the same is it?
Or you drive down a street familiar to you, and a building is missing or out of place? that is the astral level, that is almost a replica of here, almost, but not quite to close observers.
I have seen whole roads disappear, half a town disappear and also observed a town jump back in time, and often these events go unnoticed, but not to a close observer.
People do struggle to pay attention within their day to day lives, and that is why so many miss the subtle changes.
People often complain they don’t remember their dreams, or to use the correct term for dreams, spirit traveling.
It is the time when the spirit travels and the vessel rests, the vessel essentially shuts down and runs on a low charge, until the spirit returns and recharges the vessel, and that is when you awaken.
But there is often a short period of time between the low charge and then to the full recharge of the vessel, and small snippets of memories of your activities during sleep comes forward.
They are clues for your awakening time, and yet so many ignore the clues also.
If you do remember write it down and refer to it at a later date, what never made sense then, will do in the future.
That happened to me with the GNA details, I had no idea what it meant, neither did the people I spoke to or any internet searches either, but two years later I connected the dots and the information package all unfolded before my eyes.
Most people wake up every two hours, that is the general length of time a spirit can be out of body.
Lucid dreaming is you engaging more of yourself or your vessel within that framework of activity, hence why you remember more.
The gist of this explains the multidimensionality of us, of we can be in more than one place at any given point in time and space, being here and in the astral is the most common version.
So, are we one person or multiple people dancing within and outside of time and space?
What would happen if we are dual people or more than two? this brings in the shadows and also the alter which is another version of the you.
With the veil or realms falling, what if there is a happenstance of you, being replaced by another version of you? would you recognize it? the answer is no, but other observers would.
The reason I say this is because I have observed several people switch out to other versions of themselves recently, and by and large those changes have not been the better versions.
What if the changes are not external of you but internal and the predominant alter or shadow of you, is unveiling before other peoples eyes, but not you?
What if the other version of you is from the veil or realm 4 or 6? Is it possible to switch out or switch bodies?
If you have met yourself in dream time, you have confirmation of the other versions of you.
We have spoken about the shadow and inner work for about 6 years now on this show as being important.
The importance of that is now all around you, many losing the plot, riddled in fear, playing old world games and programs, all following an authority that barely defies belief their levels of crass stupidity.
Adults acting like children as we had warned, it is all there to see now, yet we predicted it 6 years ago.
How many people have phased out of your lives recently, particularly the last few years?
Is that part of the shift? where those people are like a phone signal, if your not in the right area, no signal is observed, will that happen to most of the people here? Will their signal be lost in the mist of time and space?
I spoke of phasing and shifting being key words from 2020 onwards, are we now seeing evidence of that?
Are we seeing dual people? due to people not integrating their shadow sides, or has their alter been activated by the increase in frequency? or the G Cloud?
I said in 2015 if there was aspects of yourself you didn’t like, now was the time to change that, as the masks would fall and people would see the real you.
Which version of you would you really like people to see? which version of you currently do they see?
There is an old Native America saying of people being of two wolves, one is nice and one is not, which one wins? the one you feed is the reply.
The dual people have chosen that I have witnessed are showing their bad side, because that is the one they feed.
Anger, wrath, envy, sorrow, greed, arrogance, ego, self pity, lies, false pride, superiority, guilt or regret are some of the emotions that produce the bad side of a person.
Will the dual people switch back? their choice and not our decision to make.
At some point these dual bodies or phasing out people will reach a nadir, will there be a blank slate and a shift? an event? or a cut off point? time will tell and maybe 2024 is a possibility?
Maybe then the movie reel of life and it’s projector will slide off of the reel? Will humanity put that reel back onto the other reel and replay back, like a loop again? or will we become the writer, director and starring role in a new movie, that is inherently better than the last one?
May it be as darkness falls, your heart will be true.