Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2022-12-08
Topics in this show
- Deletion of information related to Rosemont Seneca and Hunter Biden
- Hypocrisy and dodgy deals cover-ups
- Another Jewish El-ite group exposure – more faction fighting?
- MSM in deep trouble
- Irony, faction fighting and Meta Platforms, Inc.
- Medical related and COVID BS
- Program of diluting whites continues
- Expose : The truth behind marijuana
- Expose : Freemasons of tactics of subversion
- OTO and triads
- Origins of the word, gentile
- Is climate about weather?
- The World Cup and the squeezing of the two worlds
Quick links

Climate change originated in de-nile, in fact many fake things originated there.
If you think Musk which is the name of a rat and where some perfume comes from, is the answer, you will never work out the question.
Without the question there is no answer.
Which rolls us into another Alt Media savior program, Julian Assange.
Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg has told BBC News he was the secret back-up for the Wikileaks documents leak, in case something happened to Julian Assange.
This is the first time Mr. Ellsberg, who exposed the extent of US involvement in the Vietnam War, has revealed this information.
I had possession of all the Chelsea Manning information before it came out in the press, Mr. Ellsberg told BBC Hardtalk’s Stephen Sackur.
Sackur like Ellsberg is another one who went to Harvard.
Mr Assange’s Wikileaks organization published more than 700,000 confidential documents, videos and diplomatic cables, provided by the US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, in 2010.
Mr. Ellsberg said Mr. Assange could rely on me to find some way to get it the information out.
The former US military analyst’s 1971 Pentagon Papers leak led to him being dubbed, the most dangerous man in America by then-US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
That is a laugh coming from the murdering psychopath Kissinger.
Mr. Ellsberg ‘s leak to the New York Times led to a Supreme Court case, as the Richard Nixon administration tried to block the publication.
The government lost that case and the publication of the documents by the New York Times and other news organizations resumed.
This is the blackmail and coercion game we covered and indeed provided a solution for in the Blueprint.
Remember in the Rosenthal or Finkelstein interviews, of how they stated every major scandal including Watergate, was exposed by a Jew.
The New York Times was implicated in that as well, no wonder some people call it the Jew York Times.
Remember they play both sides, and use the leverage on both sides to gain what the Hebrew cult wants.
Assange, Manning, Snowden and Musk are all their puppets, yes they may expose some high level people and groups, but remember I stated this would unfold in 2018, they are faction war people, not our people.
Medical and society news
Following the recent detection of monkeypox cases across multiple countries.
Did you know there was a monkeypox exercise ongoing miraculously at the same time?
NTI’s report on the exercise has appeared in a number social media outlets, noting that the associated fictional scenario featured a monkeypox outbreak with a start date that roughly coincides with the current, ongoing outbreak.
All the world is a stage, remember that.
An anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly people with saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccine has walked free from court.
Red Cross nurse Antje T, 39, jabbed thousands of elderly patients at a vaccine center in Germany, with what she told them was the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine but was just a saltwater solution.
The nurse, who administered the fake vaccines at the Schortens jab centre in Friesland, northwest Germany, was given just six months on probation.
The nurse who administered the fake vaccines? (M) they are all fake, or how did they describe it as? Experimental, which means it is not a real vaccine.
She was found guilty of six counts of intentional assault by Oldenburg District Court, Lower Saxony state, on November 30.
Antje T jabbed up to 8,600 patients who were mainly hospital employees, educators and doctors above the age of 70 between March 5 and April 2021, leaving them with no protection against the deadly virus.
So deadly, it affected less than 1% of the populace.
Police told the court that she was able to introduce the saline solution undetected, because she was in charge of vaccine and syringe preparation during her shift at the vaccination center.
But after more than a month, she was reported by another employee who saw her use the saline solution instead of the vaccine on six patients on April 21, 2021.
The 39-year-old had additionally posted several social media posts where she openly emphasized her skeptical views regarding Covid-19 vaccines.
One wonders how with such as serious charge she can walk free? Because in essence they were potentially charging her with manslaughter.
Given the recent Story of the V’s and the line; The R-6 tracker it was said, masks itself in humans as? Saline.
Which brings into question the alleged saline jabs instead of the Covid jabs does it not?
Is that why she was allowed to walk?
One wonders whether she achieved what she wished.
At least she had the courage of her convictions, something far too many in the medical establishment complied with.
I warned this would happen, here they come with their fear porn, or is it something to mask the excess deaths about to unfold?
Doctors in our state are concerned about what is being called a possible tripledemic.
That’s the threat of flu season together with RSV and Covid-19 cases, is RSV Really Severe Vaccines?
As we enter the winter months, kids across our state are going to be together in indoor spaces like school more often than not.
When the weather gets colder, doctors say we could see a surge of these respiratory viruses.
Flu season lasts throughout the fall and winter, unless there is a fake pandemic and then it magically disappears.
RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is spreading in young children, and for the last 2 years of this Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve seen winter surges in cases.
Syncytium is a single cell or cytoplasmic mass containing several nuclei, formed by fusion of cells or by division of nuclei.
In other words genetic interference.
It’s not uncommon for us to have a very significant respiratory viral season for children.
What’s different about this is one that it’s occurring very early, because winter started early, something the world is heating up climate change freaks won’t tell.
What happened to Autumn? Did it fall?
In the state of New Mexico and across the country, we have a decrease in the number of pediatric beds than we had pre-pandemic, said Dr. John Pederson.
Dr. Pederson says throughout the peak of Covid-19, hospital bed space was pulled from pediatrics for adults who were sick.
Now the tripledemic is putting pressure on our healthcare system.
Pederson does say that there are some treatments and vaccines in the works for RSV that could help relieve pressure on hospitals.
If your child is sick, keeping them home from school, if they are able to, is a smart decision.
If they have to go out into a public space, wearing a mask is safe, said Dr. Pederson.
Except on the box for masks it states; not to be used to prevent disease or Covid, these experts are utter jackasses.
You know what is the greatest mystery about Covid is? How authorities have never investigated the origin.
As yet again people focused on the effect and not the cause.
I have not heard any inquiry into how science labs operate, no overview of their facilities, what they are doing or how they manage dangerous pathogens.
What’s more is, there appears to be no regulations of what they can and can’t do in those labs.
Our blueprint endeavors to change all that.
Society news
Studies have been linking red meat consumption to health problems like heart disease, stroke and cancer for years.
Everything gives you cancer these days according to the medical clowns, you can’t dark wind without someone saying it will cause cancer.
The real cancer is the medical industry themselves, a savior based programs designed to stop people healing themselves, a crutch because most tablets don’t work and a shekel-based financial racket of epic proportions.
But nestled in the recesses of those published papers are notable limitations.
Nearly all the research is observational, unable to tease out causation convincingly.
Most are plagued by confounding variables.
For example, perhaps meat eaters simply eat fewer vegetables, or tend to smoke more, or exercise less?
Moreover, many are based on self-reported consumption.
The simple fact is that people can’t remember what they eat with any accuracy.
And lastly, the reported effect sizes in these scientific papers are often small.
Is a supposed 15% greater risk of cancer really worth worrying about?
Study slams lazy research:
In a new, unprecedented effort, scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), scrutinized decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, formulating a new rating system to communicate health risks in the process.
Their findings mostly dispel any concerns about eating red meat.
We found weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease.
Moreover, we found no evidence of an association between unprocessed red meat and ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke, they summarized.
Oops, yet again scientists and experts fall short, but when there is an agenda at play, it is a case of make any shit up and promote it.
This is what this show has shown many times on many topics, they have ran multiple programs on us, none of which were for our benefit.
The IHME scientists had been observing the shoddy nature of health science for decades.
Each year, hundreds of frankly lazy studies are published that simply attempt to find an observational link between some action, eating a food for example and a health outcome, like death or disease.
Finding an observational link is working on the effect again, not the cause.
In the end, owing to sloppy methods, varying subject populations and inconsistent statistical measures, everything, especially different foods, seems to be both associated and not associated with cancer.
How is the lay public supposed to interpret this mess?
The problem is they don’t, they follow the Milgram experiment of bowing to fake authorities.
A new system to establish risk was required, and the researchers came up with the burden of proof risk function, a novel statistical method to quantitatively evaluate and summarize evidence of risk across different risk-outcome pairs.
Using the function, any researcher can evaluate published data for a certain health risk, then, using the function, compute a single number that translates to a one- through five-star rating system.
A one-star rating indicates that there may be no true association between the behavior or condition and the health outcome.
Two stars indicates the behavior or condition is at least associated with a 0-15% change in the likelihood of a health outcome.
Three stars indicates at least a 15-50% change, four stars indicates at least a 50-85% change, and five stars indicates a more than 85% change.
Sounds like common sense, notice the first figure was 15 and the last 85?
When the IHME utilized this function on red meat consumption and its potential links to various adverse health outcomes, they found that none warranted greater than a two-star rating.
The evidence for a direct vascular or health risk from eating meat regularly is very low, to the point that there is probably no risk, commented Dr. Steven Novella, a Yale neurologist and president of the New England Skeptical Society.
There is, however, more evidence for a health risk from eating too few vegetables, that is really the risk of a high-meat diet, those meat calories are displacing vegetable calories.
Again like we have repeated here, it is all about the balance.
In addition to helping consumers, our analysis can guide policymakers in developing health and wellness education programs, so that they focus on the risk factors with the greatest impact on health, Dr. Emmanuela Gakidou, professor of health metrics sciences at IHME and a lead author of the study.
Health researchers can also use this analysis to identify areas where current evidence is weak and more definitive studies are needed.
Yet more common sense and pleasing to see, as common sense is about as rare as rocking horse poop these days.
The ability for people to go from one program to another never ceases to amaze.
The share of the American electorate that is non-religious has continued to grow over the last decade, with a large majority of those voters preferring Democratic candidates.
I admire them for stepping away from the religious cult, but voting is another pointless exercise, whether Demoncrat or Reptilican.
The mass migration program into traditionally white countries continues, as a method of diluting the populace.
In their world that would be classed as racist, yet imagine the outrage if a load of whites migrated to non-white countries, the cries would be unmerciful.
I am all for multiculturalism, but not when it is part of a program, the backlash of which is yet to be felt fully, although perhaps in Canada it already has.
As of 2021, 74.4% of people in England and Wales say they are White British, which includes the categories White English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish.
That’s down from 87.5% in 2001, meaning that in only twenty years the “White British” share has fallen by 13.1 percentage points.
The change between the 2021 Census and the 2011 Census was somewhat smaller than the change between the 2011 Census and the 2001 Census, six percentages points, rather than seven.
Yet if present trends continue, the White British share will be less than two thirds by 2035.
Britain’s two largest cities are now minority white British, the census has revealed.
London and Birmingham now both have minority populations who identify as white British.
The change in the nation’s capital was stark.
36.8% of Londoners say they are White British, down from 59.8% in 2001, in just two decades, the White British population of London has fallen by 23 percentage points.
On present trends, the nation’s capital will be less than 30% White British by 2030.
As recently as the 1990s, England and Wales were approximately 90% White British, it’s now less than 75% White British.
Whatever your view on immigration, this is a dramatic shift without precedent in the last thousand years of British history.
Even the Norman Conquest only reduced the native stock by up to five percentage points.
Although the net migration rate matters, the immigration debate ought to focus more on the declining White British share of the population.
Just like the Koshey’s wanted and more confirmation of our book FHSTOS.
Yet, not one politician is highlighting it, funny that.
The question then becomes; are they hybrids?
Here is another white country getting in on the act, Canada.
Canada is betting big on immigration to fill the gap in its economy left by aging baby boomers leaving the workforce, but not everyone is on board with bringing in so many people from abroad.
Earlier this month, the federal government announced an aggressive plan to take in 500,000 immigrants a year by 2025, with almost 1.5 million new immigrants coming to the country over the next three years.
This plan would see Canada welcome about eight-times the number of permanent residents each year, per population, than the UK, and four-times more than its southern neighbor, the United States.
But a recent poll shows that there is also anxiety about welcoming in so many newcomers.
For many years, Canada has tried to attract permanent residents, landed immigrants who have the right to stay in the country indefinitely but who are not citizens, to keep the population and the economy growing.
Last year, the country took in 405,000 permanent residents, the most in its entire history.
The reasons are in, some ways, about simple math or the real simple reason is, A: it is a program and B: their previous one failed and so they are back to ouroboros programs again.
Like many western nations, Canada has an aging population with a lower birth rate.
What that means is that if the country wants to grow, instead of shrink, it will have to bring in immigrants.
But I thought the UN and WEF crew wanted less population not more?
This shatters that illusion then.
What it reveals is; the difference between the shekel people and the we all must die crew, one is Rothschild’s and one is Black Sun.
Immigration already accounts for practically all of the country’s labor force growth, and by 2032, it is expected to account for all of the country’s population growth too, according to a government news release.
Today, about one in four Canadians have come to the country as an immigrant, the highest among G7 nations.
Compare that to the US, known colloquially as the world’s melting pot, where only 14% are immigrants.
The UK also has an immigrant population of about 14%.
Only 14% of Americans are immigrants? What Johns Hopkins math that is, the answer is most Americans are immigrants or the descendants of.
This is all down to failed fiscal policies, fleecing the public and eroding their spending power which limits the child birth.
All deliberate of course, and yet it failed.
Their proposal to fix it only aids the shekel people, as wages will be pushed down by immigrants coming from a much lower economy country, by and large.
Further eroding the native populace.
It is high time politicians get out of the back pockets of big business, pharma and bankers, and run the country to help and sustain the Canadian people.
Indeed all governments should operate that way.
Expose 1
The dangers of drugs both external and internal has been relayed many times within our shows.
Some choose to ignore that warning, and that is ok as that is your free will choice.
My opinion is, all of them should be legalized and the responsibility for it passed onto the consumer, just as we relayed in the blueprint.
But also, some of our material and warnings of drugs should be taught in schools.
For 30 years, Dr. Libby Stuyt, a recently retired addiction psychiatrist in Pueblo, Colorado, treated patients with severe drug dependency.
Typically, that meant alcohol, heroin and methamphetamines.
But about five years ago, she began to see something new, five years ago was 2017, the cut off time, is it connected?
I started seeing people with the worst psychosis symptoms that I have ever seen, and the worst delusions I have ever seen.
These cases were even more acute than what she’d seen from psychotic patients on meth.
Some of the delusions were accompanied by severe violence, but these patients were coming up positive only for cannabis.
Stuyt wasn’t alone: Health care professionals throughout Colorado and all over the country were seeing similar episodes.
Ben Cort, who runs an addiction recovery center in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, watched a young man jump up on the table in the emergency department and strip naked, claiming he was the God of thunder and threatening to kill everyone in the room, including two police officers.
A collegiate athlete Cort worked with also had a psychotic episode and was shot five times by the police with a beanbag gun before he was subdued.
In Los Angeles County, Blue Stohr, a psychiatric social worker, had a patient who climbed a 700-foot crane and considered jumping off of it, not because he was suicidal but because he thought he was in a computer simulation, like The Matrix.
Those patients, too, were high only on cannabis.
In 2012, Colorado legalized marijuana, in the decade since, 18 other states have followed suit.
Those that took that decision should faces charges for negligence, for not providing detailed information about the dangers of such use.
A complete dereliction of duty to the public, but it is all about the shekels you see.
As billions of dollars have flowed into the new above-ground industry of smokable, edible and drinkable cannabis-based products, the drug has been transformed into something unrecognizable to anyone who grew up around marijuana pre-legalization.
Addiction medicine doctors and relatives of addicts say it has become a hardcore drug, like cocaine or methamphetamines.
Chronic use leads to the same outcomes commonly associated with those harder substances: overdose, psychosis and suicide, yet it’s been marketed as a kind of elixir and sold like a candy for grown-ups.
Marketed being the operative word, marketers lie all the time to make money, the issue is, there is no apparent comeback on the lies they pedal.
That can and has to change.
I got into addiction medicine because of the opioid crisis, said Dr. Roneet Lev, an addiction medicine doctor in San Diego who hosts a podcast about drug abuse.
Years ago, she advocated against the over prescription of opioid painkillers like OxyContin.
Now, she believes she’s seeing the same thing all over again: the specious claims of medical benefits, the denial of adverse effects.
From Big Tobacco to Big Pharma to Big Marijuana, it’s the same people and the same pattern.
Nice to see someone else finding patterns and repeat programs.
Prior to legalization, marijuana plants were bred to produce higher and higher concentrations of THC, a naturally occurring chemical compound in the plant that induces euphoria and alters users’ perceptions of reality.
Alters users’ perceptions of reality, I guess someone down the road went from TPC to THC, given the delusional nonsense she is coming out with recently.
In the 1960s, the stuff the hippies were smoking was less than 2% THC, by the ’90s, it was closer to 5%, by 2015, it was over 20%.
It’s a freak plant that resembles nothing of what has existed in nature, said Laura Stack, a public speaker who has advocated against the industry since her son, Johnny, killed himself three years ago at 19 years old after years of cannabis abuse drove him into psychosis.
A freak plant indeed, a low vibrational one also, when smoked.
In the era of legalized weed, the drug you think of as cannabis can hardly be called marijuana at all.
The kinds of cannabis products that are sold online and at dispensaries contain no actual plant matter, oops.
They’re made by putting pulverized marijuana into a tube and running butane, propane, ethanol or carbon dioxide through it, which separates the THC from the rest of the plant.
The end product is a wax that can be 70% to 80% THC.
That wax can then be put in a vacuum oven and further concentrated into oils that are as much as 95% or even 99% THC.
Known as dabs, this is what people put in their vape pens, and in states like California and Colorado it’s totally legal and easily available to children.
There are no caps on potency, said Stack.
Again we warned of vapes when they came out, and asked the common sense question of why the authorities are promoting it?
Now you know why.
It is a depopulation tool, a control the populace tool and a shekel making tool all from one plant.
If you’re over 30 years old and you used to smoke weed when you were a teenager, the strongest you were smoking was probably 2-10% THC.
Today, teenagers are dabbing a product that’s three, four, or five times stronger, and are often doing so multiple times a day.
At that level of potency, the impact of the drug on a user’s brain belongs to an entirely different category of risk than smoking a joint, or taking a bong rip of even an intensively bred marijuana flower.
It’s highly addictive, and over time, there’s a significant chance it can drive you insane.
Interesting word they use, dabbing.
Dab; early 14c., dabben to strike of unknown origin, perhaps imitative.
Another unknown origin word.
Compare Old Norse dabba to tap, slap.
Modern sense of strike gently with the hand, strike with a slight, quick pressure developed by mid-16c., influenced by French dauber.
Related: Dabbed; dabbing; dabber.
As a noun from c. 1300, heavy blow with a weapon, later a gentle blow with the hand or some soft substance (1755).
Meaning small lump or mass of something soft is from 1749.
Dab hand is British slang, 1828, from dab expert, knowing or skillful person (1690s).
Compare dabster, which meant both an expert (1708) or a bungler (1871, perhaps by confusion with daub).
So dabbing means to strike a blow, all perpetrated by a dab expert, who is a bungler, or perhaps a bong-ler.
If you’ve ever smoked a bowl and become irrationally anxious that everyone is staring at you and knows you’re high, what you experienced was a mild symptom of cannabis-induced psychosis.
According to one study, about 40% of people react this way.
I had to look up smoked a bowl, I thought that dangerous smoking a whole bowl of it, but apparently it is a method of smoking it.
If you experience that paranoia and keep smoking on a regular basis nonetheless, especially with today’s high-potency THC products, and especially if you’re young, there’s a good chance you’ll eventually suffer a full psychotic break.
35% of young people who experience psychotic symptoms, according to another study, eventually have such an episode.
If you keep using after that, you run a decent risk of ending up permanently schizophrenic or bipolar.
Cannabis has by far the highest conversion rate to schizophrenia of any substance, higher than meth, higher than opioids, higher than LSD.
Two Danish studies, as well as a massive study from Finland, put your chances at close to 50%.
One out of every 20 daily users can expect to develop schizophrenia if they don’t quit, Dr. Christine Miller, an expert on psychotic disorders.
But quitting THC products of that potency is almost impossible, Stuyt said, comparing its addictive power to tobacco.
The days of marijuana addiction being merely psychological are over.
There is a definite withdrawal syndrome that includes irritability, anger, anxiety, massive cravings, can’t sleep, can’t eat, and it’s even harder because so many users believe it’s good for them.
perpetuated by CIA agents within the alt media and hippie movements, of course they will tell you it is good for your health, just like pharma drugs, it’s all about the shekels.
As a teenager, Kevin Bright suffered from depression and anxiety and he started smoking pot at around 15 years old to self-medicate.
As his tolerance built up, he started using THC concentrates, the stuff made from those high-potency waxes and oils, which was legal and easily available in the Bay Area suburb where he grew up.
His personality began to unravel, he was constantly irate, attempted suicide several times, once by ingesting pills, once by trying to hang himself and another time by driving his car into the Bay.
Then he began developing full-blown delusions, imagining that the FBI was after him.
When he called his parents, he would scream at them in gibberish.
Eventually, at 29 years old, he put a plastic bag over his head and breathed nitrous oxide through a tube until he suffocated to death.
Kevin had a hardcore drug addiction, but in his imagination, he was just taking medicine, and a $13 billion industry was telling him he was right.
Yet again exposing the medical and science crew of damaging humans for the sake of money.
The line about it being medicine, he bought that, his father said.
I told people, what medicine do you get from a doctor that’s 100% always approved, that you can get within 10 to 15 minutes online, you can take as much as you want per year, you never have to come back to renew it?
Since marijuana is still considered a Schedule I Controlled Substance by the federal government, there’s no such thing as a prescription for medical cannabis.
Instead, you can get a recommendation from a physician.
This doctor’s recommendation typically has no expiration, has no dose, has no duration, and no change across state lines, Ben Cort said.
It’s basically, take as much as you want as often as you want until you feel what you want.
Colorado has tightened rules around medical cards, but only for 18- to 20-year-olds, in an effort to mitigate drug dealing in high schools.
What are the schools doing to stop it? We may well ask?
To get a recommendation, you can go to websites with names like NuggMD and get approved in less than 10 minutes. With that recommendation, you can acquire a state-licensed medical marijuana card.
In states where recreational use of cannabis is legal, you don’t need a medical marijuana card to buy cannabis products, but the card exempts you from certain taxes, it’s basically a discount card for high-frequency users.
At a dispensary, there’s no distinction between cannabis products made to be consumed for fun and ones created for their supposed healing properties.
You walk into a store, it’s the exact same product, Cort said.
If you have a med card, you pay less tax.
I can attest to that, I had to frequent one of those shops as the Trustee was buying it for her family, horrible energy, horrible smell and all quite frankly to me at least, bizarre.
The array of products on offer is dazzling.
On, you can buy your cannabis in the form of a joint, flower, vape, concentrate (budder, crumble or crystalline), cookie, brownie, corn nut, caramel corn, jalapeño cheese cracker, rice crispie bar, macaron, pretzel bite, cereal, tincture, syrup, seltzer, iced tea, herbal tea, tonic, apple juice, punch, mocktail, root beer, cream soda, lemonade, agua fresca, powder, gummy, mint, chocolate, gum, balm, salve, bath bomb, salt, oil, shower gel or soap and have it delivered to your doorstep.
These products are all sold as medicine, even though none of them is FDA-approved.
There are only four cannabis-based drugs that have received FDA authorization, all of which require prescriptions.
If it is not FDA approved, how is the Government and States legalizing it then? Why does pot get a free pass and other more valid products don’t?
The simple reason is the system wants it, they have proven to not be interested in our health, the agencies make lots of money on it and use it for leverages.
Although it’s illegal for anyone without a medical degree to offer medical advice, dispensary budtenders do it all the time.
Their advice is completely evidence-free, because no evidence exists that the specific products they sell have any medicinal value.
Drug companies are forever doing drug trials to see if this new drug helps or doesn’t help, all except Covid jabs it seems and the follow up RNA jabs, said Dr. Robin Murray, a psychiatric researcher at King’s College London who specializes in cannabis-induced schizophrenia.
Why would cannabis companies do this? They’re doing so well without the trials and the trial might show that it wasn’t helpful, so they’ve got no incentive to do these trials.
There is research out there supporting the use of cannabis for some medical conditions, said Stuyt, but it’s all less than 10% THC and nothing has been studied greater than 10%.
But we have all this research showing that greater than 10% puts you at risk for psychosis, addiction, suicide, cannabis hyperemesis syndrome [constant, severe vomiting], all these things that high-potency THC is doing.
High-potency describes almost all of the cannabis products sold in the United States today, the vast majority of which are over 15% THC.
Dr. David Smith, an addiction medicine doctor who founded the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic in 1967, is highly optimistic about the prospects of cannabis research for medical purposes, as well as the medical potential of psilocybin and other psychedelics.
There’s a lot of promise in cannabis medicine he said, but you’re not going to get that by vaping in a classroom.
The pantomime version of drug prescription that characterizes the cannabis market today is not the way medicine’s supposed to be practiced.
It’s insulting to the medical profession, they’ve hijacked the word medical said Dr. Lev.
Indeed, but don’t believe it is recent and only connected to marijuana, it’s not, they hijacked it from the beginning.
It is a harvesting method, designed to make you seek outside of yourselves, make you more sick and apathetic, which then requires more drugs to deal with the original problem they created.
Stuyt said, this is not medicine, this high-potency THC has not been studied as medicine.
But because it’s allowed to be heavily marketed and advertised as medicine, people believe it’s safe and so they believe it’s medicine.
When you take medicine for a chronic problem and you take it every day, sometimes you take it all day long and that makes you addicted to it, and then you’re in constant withdrawal.
To imagine the market potential for a legal, highly addictive drug, all you have to do is look at the colossal success of the industries that pioneered the addiction business: tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals.
Today, all three are heavily invested in cannabis.
In 2019, Altria, the parent company of Marlboro cigarettes, acquired 45% of Cronos, one of the world’s biggest cannabis companies.
Cronos a pot company, I guess they ran out of time!
Constellation Brands, a major alcohol conglomerate, has billions invested in Canopy, another cannabis company.
Last year, Jazz Pharmaceuticals acquired GW Pharmaceuticals, the company that makes one of the four FDA-approved, cannabis-derived drugs.
Even a former CEO of Purdue Pharma, the company that made OxyContin, the Jewish Sackler family, co-founded a medical marijuana company called Emblem after helping to create the modern opioid epidemic.
People think it’s a miracle drug, that it’s nonaddictive, that it helps with cancer and anxiety, said Jordan Davidson, who recovered from cannabis addiction and now works for Smart Approaches to Marijuana, which advocates against the expansion of the cannabis industry, it’s more like Big Tobacco 2.0.
The future of the industry that these investors are now betting on, is focused on families like Aubree Adams’ in Pueblo, Colorado.
Aubree’s older son started using legal cannabis products in the eighth grade.
By his freshman year in high school, he was addicted.
He became psychotic: Self-harming, violent behaviors, couldn’t even regulate any moods, crying obsessively, inconsolable, paranoid over things, thinking people were after us, his mother recounted.
He tried to kill his little brother several times.
Once Aubree’s younger son had to run away from his brother barefoot in the snow, Aubree had to quit her job to stay home to protect him and her older son attempted suicide.
He started selling marijuana and ended up on the streets.
He got beat up and someone threatened to shoot up the family’s house.
On one occasion, Aubree found herself trying to calm down her son as he frantically searched the house for the key to the lock on the family’s gun, believing people were coming after him.
There were many moments when I had to tell my younger son to get out of the house, Aubree said.
When Aubree tried to get her son to stop, he would say it’s medicine, Mom, you’re the only one not using it, maybe you need to start using it and you’ll feel better.
What you’re saying is a lie, it’s all propaganda, Mom.
Even while watching all of this unfold, Aubree’s husband began secretly using cannabis as well, believing it would calm his anxiety.
He went to a dispensary and complained about panic attacks.
The budtender readily offered him spurious medical advice, recommending marijuana flowers that were 24% THC. Aubree’s husband began regularly consuming cannabis as his family was falling apart, and fell into a pattern of depression and suicidal ideation.
It’s a common pattern: People start consuming cannabis to fix their anxiety, but the withdrawal from the THC instigates anxiety instead of alleviating it.
Another ouroboros looping program that mirrors the pharma industry.
Stuyt said, people think it’s my symptoms that’s why I need it, I’m anxious and it’s treating my anxiety, no it’s the withdrawal that’s causing the anxiety.
It’s a vicious cycle that’s great for business.
At the root of the misconception is the myth that cannabis as it exists today is a safe, natural, medicinal substance.
But if people thought of today’s high-potency THC products the way they think of hard drugs, far fewer people would fall under its influence, which is why it’s so important to the industry that they don’t.
Everybody knows meth is bad, there’s not a user who does not think meth is bad, Cort said.
You survey America, about 65% of them are going to tell you there’s nothing wrong with weed.
And now those Americans are facing a tidal wave of corporate advertising telling them they’re right.
This is a for-profit industry and they profit off of addiction.
The wide-scale decriminalization or legalization of marijuana was treated as a victory over oppressive and outdated laws.
That may have been true of the original plant, but it’s not true now.
It seems likely that the push for legalization came from, or was at least helped along by, corporate entities that knew the potential for a new product with an addicted customer base.
Just as I had warned in this show, again the desire of certain people or entities to profit at all cost, no matter what damage is causes, is something I and everyone should find repulsive.
The new opioid epidemic, indeed.
Expose 2
Another part of that OTO expose, as there was links or commonality with Freemasonry.
Another part of their global cult and their methods of operations.
These are part of a manual for Masons, that reads like a quasi-law book of tactics of how to avoid public confrontation, deflection of facts and avoiding the subject at hand.
If Masons are all so up front and upstanding members of the community, why would they need this manual and tactics of subversion?
Masonic Diversion Tactics:
1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it, especially if you are a public figure or lodge official.
If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen and you never have to deal with the issues.
2. Become incredulous and indignant.
Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues, which can be used to show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme.
This is also known as the how dare you! gambit.
Oh my now we know where the child climate change puppet got her script from.
How dare you indeed.
3. Create rumormongers.
Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations.
Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well.
I am all too familiar with that tactic, having gone through it again recently, but sadly for those perpetrating it, it won’t last or sustain, as time always tells.
This method works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such arguable rumors.
If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a wild rumor which can have no basis in fact.
In other words they use the internet to discredit anything and everything, hence the terms like conspiracy theorist, which they created to deflect the truth.
4. Use a straw man.
Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down, to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad.
Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists, based on your interpretation of the opponent, opponent arguments or situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges.
Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
Interesting they use the term straw man, another blind alley escapade of the alt media, in relation to birth certificates and sovereignty.
Sovereignty is not obtained by a piece of paper.
Perhaps the Masons were the origin of the inserted straw man account on the alt media, just like most of their tactics it seems, to provide distractions
5. Sidetrack opponents with name-calling and ridicule.
This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach.
Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as kook, right-wing, liberal, left-wing, terrorist, conspiracy theorist, radical, militia member, bigot, racist, religious fanatic, crazy person, slanderer, sexual deviant and so forth.
This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
A classic agency based troll or shill, used not just by Masons, but all the employed intelligence agents designed to disrupt the truth or someone speaking it.
These are all paid agents until they developed bots to do it, and whilst they can be annoying, they also provide proof you or your group is over the target.
6. Hit and run.
In any public forum, make a brief attack on your opponent or the opponent position, and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer.
This works extremely well in online and letters-to-the-editor environments, where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning, simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
7. Question motives.
Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that, the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias.
This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
8. Invoke authority.
Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority, and present your argument with enough jargon and minutiae to illustrate you are one who knows, and simply say it isn’t so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing any sources.
Authority figures then invokes the Milgram Experiment people.
You see it is all about avoiding the issues and the truth, and using distraction ploys, again all of which reveals these people lie and are liars.
With self-mastery, you don’t have to defend the truth, it can defend itself.
And that is how to deal back with these people, don’t argue with liars, the ignorant or the stupid, because you just waste your energy.
9. Play dumb.
No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic or support a conclusion.
Mix well for maximum effect.
Play dumb? I guess that will not tax their acting abilities too much!
10. Associate opponent charges with old news.
A derivative of the straw man, usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with.
Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a strawman issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans.
Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues, so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.
11. Establish and rely upon fallback positions.
Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the high road and confess with candor that some innocent mistake in hindsight was made, but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion, and imply greater criminalities which, just isn’t so.
Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later.
Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for coming clean and owning up to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later? What that reveals is, they work as a tag team, agents and shills rarely work alone, there is always accomplices.
12. Enigmas have no solution.
Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve.
This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.
13. Alice in Wonderland logic.
Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backward with an apparent deductive logic in a way that forbears any actual material fact.
Just like a lawyer then.
Alice in Wonderland logic? All very Mk Ultra that.
14. Demand complete solutions.
Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule #10.
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions.
This requires creative thinking, unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
16. Vanishing evidence and witnesses.
If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won’t have to address the issue.
All sounds like the DNC and Agencies that to me.
17. Change the subject.
Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find away to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic.
This works especially well with companions, who can argue with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
A bit like my interview with Richard Hoagland then.
The key is to ignore their input, stay calm, stick to the script and never let them off the hook.
18. Emotionalize, antagonize and goad opponents.
If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent.
Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how sensitive they are to criticism.
A bit like the MSM then, do they all follow this manual?
19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs.
This is perhaps a variant of the play dumb rule.
Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon).
In order to completely avoid discussing issues that may require you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
20. False evidence.
Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations, as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution.
This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for this purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor or other empowered investigative body.
Subvert the process to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion.
Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled.
For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can ensure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators.
If you own the prosecuting attorney? Oh my that reveals much does it not? And when all else fails, claim National Security!
Once a favorable verdict (usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim) is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed.
22. Manufacture a new truth.
Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, social research or testimony which concludes favorably.
Just like the Covid narrative then.
In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
23. Create bigger distractions.
If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.
That section means create false flags.
24. Silence critics.
If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely.
This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail, or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by proper intimidation with blackmail or other threats.
Now it sounds like the CIA manual as well.
25. Vanish.
If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated, and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.
Why would they go to such lengths to avoid the truth? Isn’t that indicative of a criminal?
They say it is a Masons book and methods, but this applies to the police, courts, government, agencies, MSM and Alt Media.
I said in a recent show we would cover triads, mentioned in the OTO piece we did, so who or what is a triad?
A triad is a Chinese transnational organized crime syndicate based in Greater China and has outposts in various countries with significant overseas Chinese diaspora populations.
The Hong Kong triad is distinct from mainland Chinese criminal organizations.
In ancient China, the triad was one of three major secret societies.
It established branches in Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Chinese communities overseas.
So, a triad of the OTO started off in Asia, just like the Hebrews with a secret criminal society.
Known as mainland Chinese criminal organizations, they are of two major types: dark forces who are loosely-organized groups.
In Chinese: pinyin sān hé huì known as evil forces and Black Societies pinyin: Hēishèhuì the more-mature criminal organizations.
Two features which distinguish a black society from ordinary dark forces or low level criminal gangs, are the extent to which the organization is able to control local markets and the degree of police protection able to be obtained.
They in essence are one and the same, interesting choice of word, dark forces and called black societies.
Is that revealing the Lucifer army jet black race and or they are Black Sun disciples? Or both?
The head of the Triad is called the Dragon leader, which brings in possible links with the Dragon groups, and also the Pindar.
Pindar which means the head penis of the Dragon.
All the heads of the Dragon groups are generally ran by Reptilians.
Although based largely in Asia, they do have some others in other countries.
Guess which has the most triads in one city outside of Asia? New York, who has 4 divisions of triads called White Tiger, Flying Dragons, Green Dragons and Ghost Shadows.
Los Angeles has the Black Dragon group, it also has the bitch dragons over there as well, called Feinstein and Pelosi.
There are also 3 other organizations in America, Ping On – Boston, Wah Ching – San Fransisco and Black Jade in Texas.
Triads are also active in other regions with significant overseas-Chinese populations: Macau, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Brazil, Peru and Argentina.
They are often involved in migrant smuggling.
A Shanty and Mishra 2007 estimate that the annual profit from narcotics is $200 billion, and annual revenues from human trafficking into Europe and the United States are believed to amount to $3.5 billion.
In 2011, it was estimated that criminal gangs associated with triads controlled 90 percent of the heroin trade in Vancouver, British Columbia.
They are responsible for 21% of drug related deaths in Vancouver alone.
In Australia, the major importer of illicit drugs in recent decades has been ‘The Company’, according to police sources in the region.
This is a conglomerate run by triad bosses which focuses particularly on methamphetamine and cocaine.
It has laundered money through junkets for high-stakes gamblers who visit Crown Casinos in Australia and Macau.
Crown Casino and resorts was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange until purchased by Blackstone in June 2022.
Blackstone equals BlackRock.
Remember in the recent pieces I said it was all about the snakes? Here is another example of it.
Snakeheads are Chinese gangs that smuggle people to other countries.
Snakeheads doing human trafficking? I guess over time nothing changes.
They are found in the Fujian region of China and smuggle their customers into wealthier Western countries, such as those in Western Europe, North America, Australia and some nearby wealthier regions such as Taiwan and Japan.
Snakeheads use various methods to get their customers to the West.
They may employ the use of stolen or altered passports, improperly obtained visas, and bribes to move people from nation to nation until they arrive at their final destination.
They also may use fake business delegations and tour groups as a way of beating immigration controls.
The rate of payment for successful smuggling can be as high as US$70,000.
One notable snakehead member was Cheng Chui Ping or Sister Ping, I wonder if that is related to Brother Pong?
Another is Guo Liang Chi, known mainly by his street name of Ah Kay, who was the mastermind of the Golden Venture cargo ship tragedy in 1993 that was financed by Sister Ping.
A North Korean emigrant seeking to enter South Korea may turn to a snakehead gang to be voluntarily smuggled out of North Korea.
If the emigrant is unable to pay the snakeheads back, the emigrant may risk becoming a victim of human trafficking.
The Fringe episode Snakehead features a gang that smuggles immune-boosting parasites by feeding them to the Chinese immigrants that they are transporting.
Another of these triad groups also references the snake, the Sembilan Naga.
Sembilan means nine and just happens to be in one of the CIA’s favorite jaunts, Indonesia.
Maybe the volcanoes going off in certain regions around the world are a cleansing?
Other Pieces
I pondered recently on where the word gentile came from, and why it is offensive.
Gent is in relation to man, but what does ile mean?
Ile a suffix of adjectives expressing capability, susceptibility, liability, aptitude, etc.:agile; docile; ductile; fragile; prehensile; volatile.
Ile a variant of ileo, which means before a vowel, which is interesting as, if you connect the two together it means: the gent must vow before the el.
Some people may wonder if that is a stretch, except the Jewish language has no vowels, which is why it is a vow to El.
The Israeli connections to El done in the Tiny show recently, confirms the links between the two.
Ile has an abbreviation in Biochemistry called isoleucine.
What is isoleucine? It is a crystalline amino acid, C6H13O2, occurring in proteins, that is essential to the nutrition of humans and animals.
The great question is; is this how they created hybrids or chimeras?
Interesting words ending in ile, may bring some connections, like reptile, crocodile and also pedophile.
Here is a scripture passage that explains it also.
Ephesians 11: Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called uncircumcised by those who call themselves the circumcision which is done in the body by human hands.
12: remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.
Excluded citizenship applies to all non-Jews in Israel.
Foreigners to the covenant of promise? Promising what you may ask?
Without hope without their god, people can have hope at any time, it is not dependent on Israel or their god.
13: But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
It also led to the death of Christ according to the scriptures, which has spilt no end of blood ever since.
As for the circumcision elements, will cover that in another show.
New volcanic eruptions in Indonesia and Italy, enhances what was revealed last week.
As yet another billionaire crypto person dies, now the 4th this month.
Plus these celebrity deaths; Quinton Lee a Broadway actor 34, Die Hard actor Clarence Gillard 68, Brad William Henke from his roles on Orange is the New Black, Justified, Lost, Dexter 54, Nicky Aycox actress 46 and Kirstie Allie dead at 71, all in the past week.
What if climate is not about weather? Let’s look at the word for clues shall we.
Climate: late 14c., horizontal zone of the earth’s surface measured by lines parallel to the equator, from Old French climat region, part of the earth, from Latin clima (genitive climatis) region; slope of the earth, from Greek klima region, zone, literally an inclination, slope, thus slope of the earth from equator to pole, from a suffixed form of PIE root *klei- to lean.
Only a horizontal zone around the equator? So how and why is it linked with globally then?
That is due to the planet being off its axis and also the invaders messing up the energy grids and poles.
Ancient geographers divided the earth into zones based on the angle of sun on the slope of the earth’s surface and the length of daylight.
How can the sun have an angle of slope, if we operate on a geocentric plane?
Those who were at the last common-sense call, will know all about that.
Some reckoned 24 or 30 climates between Meroe on the upper Nile in Sudan and the mythical Riphaean Mountains which were supposed to bound the Arctic; A: they are not mythical and B: it was not linked to the Arctic, but Da’ Arya.
A change of climate took place, going north, at a place where the day was a half hour longer or shorter, according to season, than the starting point.
Others counted 7 each dominated by a particular planet or 12 dominated by zodiac signs.
Except there is not 7 planets or 12 zodiacs.
Change of temperature gradually came to be considered more important, and by late 14c. the word was being used in the sense, a distinct region of the earth’s surface considered with respect to weather.
The sense shift to combined results of weather associated with a region, characteristic condition of a country or region with reference to the variation of heat, cold, rainfall, wind, etc., is attested by c. 1600.
Again stating about a specific region, not the whole planet.
Figuratively, of mental or moral atmosphere, from 1660s.
Moral atmosphere is described as shared culture or mutual understanding, of a what is an appropriate or inappropriate behavior based upon the interactions among group members.
Perhaps the WEF clowns need to analyze that then.
That also explains the climate change people then, mental and no moral atmosphere.
Climates change every day, all over the world.
In the UK it is said you can get 4 seasons in one day, and yet curiously that is not seen as extreme weather?
Only when an agenda is applied to people apply it in certain ways, climate is a crime(ate), designed to eat away at the people, the countries and their funds.
Hey Greta, stick that up your jacksie, you complete mental and moral atmosphere.
Ending Piece
The greatest sporting show on Earth the football World Cup is called, although I’m sure many Americans would argue that point.
Yes, there was the symbolism of the ouroboros and the upside down mobius loop, which is being squeezed at the bottom.
That is symbolical on a cosmological scale, symbolizing the exit is near.
But on more earthly levels it symbolizes the squeezing of the two worlds.
It symbolizes the wheat and the chaffe also.
This world cup has been different, marked by a deliberate mocking of Qatar by richer countries, marred by excess deaths in building the stadiums and riddled with the divisive posturing of the loud mouthed minority groups, all funded by the EL-ites.
Controversy was never too far away with this tournament, and the decision to ban alcohol two days before it started, just added to the mix.
But reports back of violence before and after the game have been non-existent, unlike many other football tournaments.
What this has shown is, you don’t need alcohol to have a good time, alcohol fuels violence and division.
Turns people into monsters and delivers ugly scenes all too often, every town in the UK has the same every Friday and Saturday, bar room brawls, it is a social problem that has never been addressed.
Alcohol was delivered to us by the fake gods, for the purpose of ruining us, and too many complied.
What is left is, a group of people from all walks of life having fun together.
People from different colors, political and strife driven countries, traditional enemies from a war strewn past, they all came together and have had fun.
The African and Arab contingents has lit up the world cup and created a carnival atmosphere, with their colorful attire and wide range of musical instruments.
But, the one thing that has stuck throughout the tournament is to alienate only one group and one country, Israel.
Many of the African and Arab countries supporters are carrying Palestinian flags, including Morocco, who have a quarter at the wailing wall.
This mass statement by those people fills me with joy, they are knowing and seeing the problem, and now are voicing their concerns and displeasure onto a world- wide audience.
It is indicative of the flow of information that has gone against Israel and the Jews this year and augurs well for the future.
Because what the people are saying is, we have had enough of Israel, their authorities, their EL-ites, their racist and apartheid policies, harvesting and their war machines.
The fact a majority of Jews in America are no longer supporting Israel should not be lost either, a seismic shift is underway and the invaders will soon be running to their bunkers.
But we can’t blame all of our ills on the Israeli junta and their minions, we have to learn to come together like the people in the world cup as well.
We at THI have been doing that since its inception, and is great to see people mixing together.
This show, its ideals, ideologies, common sense, truth, brutal honesty, morals and integrity is the blueprint for us all.
It is the anthesis of what has gone before, the antidote to their division, strife and conquer games.
The roadmap of how to be, act and engage each other.
We have a long way to go to correct all of the ills, but this year and this world cup, tells me, we are on the right path.
And that is something to really celebrate.