Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2020-12-30

Just where do you start with a review of this year?
I started to do the normal way we have done these reviews this year, and realized I would need 8-10 shows to cover this past year.
Some said THI would not top last year and that took 5 review shows, well judging by the feedback, we blew that away this year.
We started off the year with bi weekly shows as the narrative was getting thin, and I felt as many of you have now got a better grasp on the knowledge, truth and wisdom of our shows, it was time to run the FRWL series again, with added bits.
We also added a re run of Clowns in Panic, which has become all too clear and eerily right on the mark from the date of the original show in June 2019.
Following what turned out as a wheat and chaffe event in early May, we kicked into gear big time from then onwards, shows became voluminous and got deeper and deeper.
Have you all decided on your favorite show yet, or did or does that alter by the week?
We delivered the ultimate in ET Disclosure shows in May also, called the Events that changed the world, which went into a 3 part series.
For those still asking for ET Disclosure that first one was it, it was the official Majestic 12 document, that documented the recovery of two alien craft in 1947, of which occupants were alive in one of them, you can’t get more detailed disclosure than that.
Also in May we launched a new series called Expose shows, that have now reached 6 episodes of very detailed information largely focusing on the Covid crisis, and all of it’s anomalies we have all found out this year.
We also went deeper into many groundbreaking topics including the one on one with the one, with a two part series called You are not 1’s and 0’s.
That series went deep into the core of everyone, it covered religion, astrology, the way fiction becomes fact in various tv shows.
The Saturn Moon matrix, the egg timer or hour glass effect, females and the moon and the cycles they create, what is organic human, the G cloud, ET’s and their varying functions and skullduggery.
In part 2 we went deeper again into time, water, 85%, bots, AI and the finger of god, binary codes, computers, deci-mal, calendars, moon cults, the fall of the female again.
The 6 pointed star symbolizing the fall of man into the Solomon and Ra based cults.
Witchcraft and the hex, which is a spell, and the code sequence of the hexagon all leading away from the one on one with the one.
How America was once split into three separate bodies of land, Norwegian gods, runes, giants.
Camelot and King Arthur and the explanation of the sword and the stone, soul development creates the sword, and the concept of external becoming the we not the I, and the internal becoming the I and not the we.
Which is all about self mastery.
As the year developed we waited long enough for the FRWL 9, and more material became available to support the 10 episodes of FRWL to then create FRWL plus.
To date we have done three more episodes, the first of which was World Hegemony that covered the rise in dominance of all global affairs, businesses, trades and society structures by what is known as the Jewish group, but these people are not Jews, they are off world pirates by and large.
In Part 2 called All Lives Matter, we went deeper into the human abuses, eugenics, experimentation and MK Ultra all committed against we the people, with a common theme of those involved in Part 1 being prominent again.
This was a Rockefeller based document who funded Margaret Sanger and the Planned Parenthood group, which is not about supporting mothers and babies, but taking babies lives or otherwise and using them for the genetics databases and various other heinous acts.
We showed of how this was a largely white based eugenics programs that came out of the National Zionist Germany, same people, the same program.
We showed where the funding came from and where it went, all the Universities, Colleges and hidden science centers, known as Research centers, when all are actually death centers of plotting against humans.
They were crying about over population back in the 1920’s and some earlier, I guess his story always repeats itself it seems, just like a loop movie.
The message was it was important for us all to come together.
In Part 3 called The Dutch Connection we covered things about Holland and the control system that is barely mentioned outside of this show.
Often the talk is of Rome, British Empire, but the hidden roles of Holland and moreso in some cases France as well, rarely gets a mention of their roles in and of this global control system.
The De Beers, Rothschild’s, Dutch Royal Family, Roosevelt’s, Vanderbilt’s, Hapsburg’s, House of Orange, Dutch East and West Indies companies, all played major roles in the past in many countries.
India, New Zealand, Asian and Polynesian Islands, Caribbean and West Indies islands African countries and in particular South Africa, and also Ireland, who still to this day blame the British people.
But the great untold story is the role they played in colonizing America, the biggest of which is what we know today as New York, formerly New Amsterdam.
Many of the names of places in New York like Harlem and Bronx were formulated by the Dutch pirates of the sea, that came onto the land.
The Dutch role in the slave trade via the Indies companies is also often overlooked, all of which was funded and supplied by several Jewish ship owners.
We also found out the Dutch have a deep state also, their involvement in Operation Gladio in league with the CIA, P2 Lodge, Mossad and other rogue elements of the intelligence cartel.
The other show we did tipped a few people upside the head was, When two world’s collide.
That was quite a show that involved multiple topics from loops, hour glasses, 1 on 1 with the one, G clouds, 26 races and their genetics, triality, constellations, visiting worlds, looking glass tech, the narrative of the 3 worlds not 2, left much to ponder on.
TPC Progress
The progress of the TPC this year was a vast change from last year in terms of donations in and support out.
Donations were 7.5 times last years donations, in fact in 3 consecutive months earlier this year, each month collected more than all of last year.
Donations took a drop a bit after the split in May and peoples funds were divided per se, but delighted with what we received, and also the fact we were able to help some people within the THI group at important times for them.
Some got help with mortgage payments, some got help with dental, some got general help due to illness and we also helped one of our members who was bed bound, get out and about in a motorized wheel chair.
I want to say thanks to all who donated to the TPC, many people helped this year, but I want to say thanks to a few that went beyond the call.
Stephanie, Rebecca, Nancy, Nicoletta, Perla, Myra, Willow, Jessica, Ilana, Brian, Melody, Ramona, UA Association, Nathan, Deane, Phyllis, Michael, Ruth, Christine, Vichkhan, Judy, Leslie, Thomas and Carol who all put in larger amounts, but thanks to everyone who put their hard earned money into the TPC.
We started off with $5,300 and ended up $46k in the account, let us see if we can improve that next year and expand outside of THI donations, most people can afford a few dollars a month.
We had a new Director appointment this year and was a popular choice with the members of Michele Hancsak and we are delighted she is on board, with Holly and I.
We revamped the TPC website this year, and will be looking to build the TPC webshop for next year and invite members to sell their goods with small commissions all going to the TPC.
I also did two videos explaining the reason for the TPC, our vision for it and our plans and solutions to fixing not only the problems in America, but around the world.
Some people think it will take too long to build, yet have waited many years for Trusts, OPPT, RV’s and Collateral Accounts to no avail.
Some turned out bogus and one is blocked by the system and is ongoing, but we can’t wait around anymore, we have to build for our future regardless of any bonuses coming from the Trust or not.
The idea is to build a peoples platform as somewhere for the people to turn to and support, whether for law issues, financial support, personal support or just a safe space to go.
By building the Peoples Club with many thousands and then millions, we have a peoples forum, voice, platform and force for and by the people, something we the people have never had in our history.
The TPC will always be a teaching course of how to be, act, work, business and engage in a better way, that paves the path for the Peoples Club members of the future to be involved as our own Politicians, and be involved in think tank decisions to support the government, not fight against it.
We change the government by taking personal responsibility for ourselves and helping others, we change it by our actions of being better people, not with violence, abuse, destroying properties and angst, but with clearer and a more adult based thinking, we the people can all bring about the change we all wish to see.
The Directors for the 4th year running received no pay from the TPC despite funds being available to all three this year.
January through March oversaw the battle on the banking levels, esoteric levels, hidden war levels and a warning in January the public war was about to break.
Debts were called in on all banks and the Rothschild and Black Sun groups.
Outgoing Bank of England Governor Mark Carney confirmed as much, he said central banks globally are getting close to running out of tools should they need to tackle another serious economic downturn.
Confirmation the Dark Prince was gone as well as what is known as the Dark destroyer added flavor to the mix that things were finally starting to turn.
Our own successful Revocation done on December 21st last year also tipped the scales our way in other fields of operations.
WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters that misinformation was “making the work of our heroic workers even harder”, and then claimed that almost 25,000 dead are in Hubei Province – the region where the outbreak was first reported, which has since become the epicentre of the virus.
By April when China added 50% to their death figures in one day bringing there death toll to 5100, perhaps Mr. Tedros was being ironic when he claimed of misinformation, it would become a common theme throughout the year.
Then in February the MSM claimed 1000 Wuhan residents were dead, provided no proof whatsoever, but I thought the WHO guy said it was 25K dead.
February we did a piece highlighting the severe poverty for the majority of Jewish people, rarely has this been covered in MSM or Alt Media for that matter.
It highlighted several groups of Jewish people all living in poverty, no matter whether they lived in Israel, Spain or America, whilst the select few who operate under the banner of Jewish harvest and own vast riches, not one of them sharing it with their own people.
To them people you see, all people are there to be harvested, the so called gods chosen people who can’t be cared for by their own? you see to them we are all goyim, lower caste Jews as well.
Then in March came a public message from Kim: People only talk about people who are actually doing something, they do not discuss ones who are not moving.
The most heavily attacked persons in Alt Media are Thomas Williams and myself.
How hard do you think it is for us to sleep? or do anything but work? Why? because we have a moral obligation and all of this rests on us (at least in the beginning before the large funds).
So I could care less about the hate campaign coming from self-proclaimed Rothchild coven members, or pedophiles or Nazi/Black Sun Von Reitz. Matter of fact I thank them.
Why? Because if these two murderous covens are sending their shills into Alt Media after us (and mostly only us) then that means WE ALL HERE AT THI/The People’s Club ARE THE DOERS.
Oh and may God/Source bless them the way they have blessed us… Peace, Strength and Love to all.
We WILL prevail. Often times I wake up with a song that comes to mind.. This was one from the other day, and to my friend Thomas Williams who has helped the team more than you know, has been a friend to me through all the attacks (not facebook banter people who hide behind a computer, but real physical attacks, spiritual attacks and personal attacks), who is always willing to lend an ear to anyone in need (not just me) and is sharing of his time for hours on end each week teaching us and helping us grow so we are ready for this new beginning we are experiencing now. We all love you, let the haters hate, stay strong!
March saw the clown led stock market slide which garnered $1.87T all of which was returned to the Trust.
Those funds are now out of circulation as they require new allocation numbers, which the clowns block.
All orchestrated out of New Zealand by Commander Barack Obama.
The Worlds monetary funds are shrinking was the message, and a chief economic adviser at that time confirmed it, when he claimed the world’s monetary supply was down between $40-60T, which is a staggering drop from the $123T Global GDP from recent years.
50-60% less money in circulation is a massive problem for clowns, as they need money more than the people do, it costs $14B a day to buy off and run the American Government alone.
The Feds attempt to launch the Phoenix currency based on funds looted out of the stock market into private hidden accounts, to bail out the country and stimulate the markets, – anyway that failed.
The Black Sun tried to use a financial system built in 1923 to hide funds stolen out of the stock markets and other accounts, to supply funds to those who wish to buy up America for pennies and the dollar, every hidden account of their’s was located today and removed – so that failed.
Then after spending many months warning 5G was not designed for what all other alt media were stating, we revealed their first mass use of it, in what became known as The Great Toilet Paper Chase.
As 37% of bots all ran out at the same time and commandeered all the toilet paper, their propensity for stupidity would increase as the year went on.
Those using a 5G phone were hit with subliminal messages to buy toilet paper, does anyone stop and think anymore of what they are doing, a virus that doesn’t cause the shits, only sniffles of a cold variety and people buy toilet paper?
This was ran in America only and the outcome of it is, of those that use 5G, only 37% bought into the subliminal message, that was a massive failure from their perspective they expected nearer 100% and so that has failed as well.
March 16th Kim arranged a number of transfers for a number of differing projects with the Government and so now it is a case of wait and see who plays, that turned out to be the day that changed everything for the rest of this year.
Five days later the Rothschild’s and Black Sun declared private martial law, not public martial law and we wondered what would unfold.
Late March I was led to write a piece on the two worlds again, given in 2020 I forecasted we would “see” more and wrote this in a portion of it, I wonder if that became more obvious as forecasted from that late March show?
We have spoken in length about the two worlds existing side by side and it has many levels of operating and understanding not just one.
Their world and our world on a base level is about how people act, think and be, and the differences now are marked, even the masses are waking up slowly to that, on this level it can be seen as wake and unawake, but most are not aware of the other levels of being awake are, and subsequently hit a glass ceiling.
The sleepers will feel and in fact many of the awake people will feel, that they have taken the easy way out by just ignoring things.
So people have two choices to learn hard or easy way in life, too many think they chose the easy way, time will show and they will find out they never, it will be brutal the new learning for those people.
We then put out this story which is a source of debate around these parts as no definitive proof was given to the contrary.
The Blackrock group are putting heat on government they raised a total of $62B between them to buy up America and sell to Chinese consortium not the Government for $2T, what is the figure of the stimulus bill? $2T seeing the picture now?
Tuesday Democrats tried to renew contract for fed…failed. Trying to create the digital dollar, that failed and now marshal plan in the stimulus bill.
The $500B within that bill was for the Fed to bail out the banks and liquidate things.
That same week Kim arranged for a deal with the US Govt for $2.5T for a range of things that we have covered in previous shows, and told Mr. Trump how to deliver it.
Funds were transferred plus the 2% Trust fee separate, that fee is paid by the Trust for administrative costs, and we waited and waited and the hacking blocks went on and so funds were not released and were all pulled back.
Except the funds did not come back it funded the Fed takeover by the Black Rock group, which is Black Sun and was celebrated within the Q group and by QAnons, but not by THI members as we knew different.
The knowledge base of all other groups on many levels are way behind the regular THI listeners, that gap then was alarming, at has since got worse.
I detect quite a disappointment amongst many of you in regards to Mr. Trump and Q of links to Black Rock and taking over the Federal Reserve, with the obvious links to the Black Sun elements, even Anna Von Reitz called that out as well.
A few things come from this, people will ask does Trump know about Black Sun? the answer is yes and we have made him aware of those facts.
Is Trump aware the Federal Reserve is defunct, has no license since 2012 and can’t print dollars, yes again we have made him aware and also shown the papers proving it.
People will ask have I changed my stance on Trump? I will say what I have said previously in many shows, that I will support Trump or anyone operating for and by the people, and I have repeated that consistently.
So they established the social distancing rule, the same measurement of when people are buried, cohen cidence, I think not.
This is a direct attempt to install more control of the person and the mind, it will become a theme and a meme for bot like people to follow, beyond the virus fear based period ending.
This is to stop the clockwise based energy flow currently going on and being spread amongst the populace, cut off the connections and send us back into the anticlockwise flow, which is harvesting the energy.
So they set the gaps between us again in a classic divide and conquer program, even re-introduced the masks because the old ones all failed, it’s symbolic and in your face.
Levashov dates of the Night of Svarog was from 6496 (988 A.D.) to 7504 which ends the night sometime between (1995-1996 A.D.)
So it was said that the night ended in 1996, but what if it was not 1996 and was actually 2020?
if you add 24 to 1996 = 2020 if you add 24 to 988 = 1012 so to those who said it was 1000 years that would be 2012.
But the actual length of the day and night of Svarog is 1008 years not 1000 years, so 1012 plus 1008 years is 2020
The day of the Svarog started on the first equinox March 21st, which is why the pagan elements who are dark forces declared their secret martial law on the very day of Ostara, which was later to be christianized into Easter and the fake Jesus story, of dying for 3 days and ascending, which is the 3 days of darkness.
I remember in the past people complaining of me always speaking of the hidden war all taking place behind the scenes, and when is it going to become public, we want to know and see what is going on.
I did warn when it goes public you may not like what you see, I warned back in December things were going public, I warned it would get ugly, I warned news and media would make no sense, no matter who is speaking, the question for you all is, did and has those things now come to pass?
Jared Kushner who is running counter financial operation against the country, is now running Fema via his manufacturing and supplies businesses.
The Trump White House has set up an official corona virus response team, Jared Kushner has decided to set up a second corona virus response team of his own, is making a complete mess of things and leading to even more confusion when it comes to the Trump team’s failed effort.
On Monday having last week blocked the company 3M from supplying to this country privately and also told them to not supply to Canada either, suddenly struck up a deal orchestrated by Kushner to supply health related items like masks, gowns and other medical supplies which all sounds so nice until you realize, only the government and their departments could sell or receive them.
Attorney General William Barr late Wednesday suggested that the federal government in May should begin relaxing some of the “draconian” social-distancing restrictions imposed throughout the U.S.
Lets look at Mnuchin’s economics skills shall we with this comment this week, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Sunday said that he expects Americans to be able to survive for two and a half months on just $1,200, which is about $17 per day. it turned out not $1200 @ $17 a day, but it turned into 35 weeks and $4.89 a day up to Xmas Eve.
One day this month there was suppose to be a ceremony based in Russia with Trump, Putin and other leaders where Trump was to be crowned to lead the New World Order, a week or so ago, we were notified of the changes and that Macron of France was now installed in lead role, which was confirmed in meeting with the Pope this week.
Their plan in case people are not aware is one world government publically, they have already done it in private decades ago.
One world currency which will be crypto, ran without banks only computers, phones and later microchips.
The world of religion will be revamped, out will go Christians, Muslims, Buddhism and all religions will be wrapped into one world religion, the key to it all is the one main missing religion, Hebrew or better known as the Jewish religion, except it is not their religion either, but off world programs ran on humans.
The US unemployment rate has risen to 14.7%, with 20.5 million jobs lost in April, the real jobless total is 40.3M this week as the coronavirus pandemic devastated the economy.
The rise means the jobless rate is now worse than at any time since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Since the pandemic began, the US has suffered its worst growth numbers in a decade and the worst retail sales report on record.
Just two months ago, the unemployment rate was at 3.5%, a 50-year low.
America’s already-ailing hospitals are being pushed even further into financial ruin, threatening to force a growing number of them to file for bankruptcy or even close.
The onslaught could result in some $202.6 billion in losses for hospitals across the country by the end of June, according to the American Hospital Association.
With millions already jobless, California’s pandemic-induced recession is on pace to shatter previous downturns and could lead to a record $54 billion budget shortfall, state officials warned Thursday.
Cyber experts slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his proposal to “microchip” children who return to schools and kindergartens as the corona virus lockdown is lifted, Ynet reported on Friday.
Gates and MIT are currently developing the human implantable quantum dot vaccination delivery system, which is described as a tattoo for the hand, which will include our identification mark and vaccine records.
It needs an enzyme called luciferase in order to make it work.
At an April 23 press conference, Gov. Andrew Cuomo sounded indignant when a reporter asked if anyone had objected to New York’s policy of forcing nursing homes to admit recently discharged COVID-19 patients. “They don’t have the right to object,” Cuomo answered before the reporter finished his question. “That is the rule, and that is the regulation, and they have to comply with it.” Wouldn’t be the last shit Cuomo talks this year either.
Statement attributed to Lt. Col. Mike Andrews, Department of Defense spokesman:
“Today the Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, announce a $138 million contract with ApiJect Systems America for “Project Jumpstart” and “RAPID USA,” which together will dramatically expand U.S. production capability for domestically manufactured, medical-grade injection devices starting by October 2020.
Spearheaded by the DOD’s Joint Acquisition Task Force (JATF), in coordination with the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the contract will support “Jumpstart” to create a U.S.-based, high-speed supply chain for prefilled syringes beginning later this year by using well-established Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) aseptic plastics manufacturing technology, suitable for combatting COVID-19 when a safe and proven vaccine becomes available.
With an optional RFID/NFC tag on each BFS prefilled syringe, ApiJect will make this possible.
Before giving an injection, the healthcare worker will be able to launch a free mobile app and “tap” the prefilled syringe on their phone, capturing the NFC tag’s unique serial number, GPS location and date/time.
The app then uploads the data to a government-selected cloud database.
Aggregated injection data provides health administrators an evolving real-time “injection map.”
In a surprising move, the CDC has suspended its collection of data for this years flu season, prompting many to wonder, just why they would make such a decision. St. Petersburg, Florida attorney Rogan O’ Handly noted that, “during the prior 2 flu seasons, it” [the CDC] “collected data from Oct 1, 2017 to May 19, 2018 and Sept 30, 2018 to May 18, 2019, respectively.” Noting that “For some reason, they stopped collecting data this yr on April 4, 2020.
Then this story appears this week, confirming what 5G is really all about.
Microsoft has proposed a method to generate cryptocurrency by monitoring people’s brain activity and other personal biometric data.
A new patent titled “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data” describes how a person could attach various sensors to their body to earn cryptocurrency through a process known as mining.
Mining cryptocurrencies like bitcoin typically involves devoting vast amounts of computer processing power to solve complex mathematical problems.
Microsoft’s patent sets out an alternative option for mining cryptocurrency by instead doing it through a “human body activity associated with a task” and monitoring the outcome with biometric sensors.
“For example, a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by an information service provider, such as viewing an advertisement or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process,” the patent explains.
The main problem this planet has currently and applies to governments, common, natural law or the Constitution advocates and also Kim, and all suffer through a lack of enforcement.
When you have small groups like that, the only way of enforcement is hiring a group with weapons to carry out that enforcement, as there is no other valid alternative.
But, here is the kicker, there is a scenario whereby you can have enforcement without weapons, it is called sheer numbers of people power all backing the same cause, and that is why we are and have to build up The Peoples Club network, ran by the people for the people.
Currently we have no voice only small pockets here and there and easily divided by the narrative fed or a lack of will by the people, but the TPC wishes to combine the people in every state and country, and provide the platform with which ultimately by sheer numbers, the people will have a voice with or without weapons, sheer force of numbers all singing from same sheet will tip the balance of power back to where it belongs, we the people.
Another group I am social distancing is, and this comes with a clear warning also is mask wearers, your grandchildren will look back at you all and revel in your own stupidity.
Viruses and bacteria thrive in warm and wet conditions, like mold in your bathroom as an example, plus you are refilling your lungs with carbon dioxide and a lot of you are going to have long term health issues going forward.
The tighter the mask the worse your conditions, so I am social distancing all carbon dioxide breathers as protection of my health and away from their bot like stupidity.
Yes the taking the knee came up again like a past episode of The Simpsons so often does, this is social conditioning and now you should realize that the taking of the knee was preparing you all for a future event.
The fact it was highlighted so much, should have warned people this was being introduced ahead of an event, that event was George Floyd taking the knee from the establishment, whether he is dead or apart of the plot becomes irrelevant.
It was and is pre-orchestrated as their previous program which they warned us of in 2017, was beginning to fall apart.
Taking the knee is their piss take on the people regardless of color, and the people fell for it again.
To add to their piss take was what George Floyd said, I can’t breathe, which is symbolic of the masks?
Taking the knee is not symbolic of showing support for your country, neither is the flag or the anthem, it is symbolic of bowing before your fake gods, royals and jackass elites, better known as curtsying.
Like the term knee capping with no knees you drop to the floor in submission to your master, this is them reminding you that they are in control and we are all slaves, with knee bent it bends the hamstring and has hamstrung us all.
The great question I ask is, whilst you are bowing to your country and leaders with the knee, I ask what has your country done for you?
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee quietly passed a bill yesterday to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion over the next ten years despite the ongoing devastation to the U.S. economy caused by the corona virus.
The bill was passed by the committee under two unusual circumstances and with almost no public awareness, like the Patriot Act create a distraction sneak through clandestine bills.
First, Senate Committee Chairman Jim Risch (R-Idaho) refused to allow a live stream of the meeting, despite the fact that the Senate Rules panel had recommended that extra efforts be taken to ensure public transparency, while the Capitol is closed to the public and the presence of reporters is severely limited.
The Senate’s Press Gallery Standing Committee of Correspondents had objected strongly to Risch’s decision.
Second, the bill was passed without being named, debated, or even discussed, even though it would set into law the largest such aid package in U.S. history.
June brought the long intel piece from and about the Rothchild top family members torturing and mind controlling the younger ones into doing heinous acts, against their will.
The machine they were using called The Arc was neutralised as no further requests to help them came after that intervention.
There was later claims from another show that the top Rothschild’s were all dead, as of December that was proven as a false statement.
You cannot forgive, if you don’t forgive yourself. You cannot trust, if you don’t trust yourself. You cannot fully care for others, if you don’t care for yourself.
You cannot think for others, if you don’t think for yourself. You cannot soothe anger, if you don’t restrain your own.
You cannot heal your inner, if you continue to project outer. You cannot request change, if you don’t change yourself.
Ascension is an inner process, not an external. You cannot hope to achieve high consciousness with lower vibrational actions and thinking. You cannot heal the planet, if you haven’t healed yourself.
You cannot love if you don’t love yourself, not loving yourself leads to a heart of stone, and the Excalib UR sword we all have the potential of holding becomes only a self cutting tool.
Imagine if there was a lockdown for stupidity? imagine if there was a vaccine against stupidity?
Imagine if there was an app for stupidity?
would there be or would we notice many changes than currently?
But imagine if there was an app for karma? how suddenly things would change then, but then the question would be, why can’t you self regulate your own behavior?
Imagine if there was an app for service to others?
How different things would be.
THI Texas having done a brilliant presentation and chartered their path on their projects, are now ready for launch and as of Wednesday have now launched TPC Texas as an official business, they in part have some of their own funding and the TPC will be available for small donations to help them and we wish them all well.
Facing pressure from thousands of constituents calling to defund the police, New York City slashed $1 billion from the police budget. But some city lawmakers — and the protesters calling for change — think the cuts weren’t sweeping enough.
The City Council approved the $88.9 billion 2021 budget late Tuesday night while hundreds of protesters, many of whom have camped outside City Hall for a week, waited to hear the results.
Shootings in New York City increased by a massive 358 percent over the last seven days, compared with the same time last year.
There were 12 shootings during the seven-day period in question last year, while 2020 has seen 55.
More than 70 people were wounded in the 55 shootings, with at least 19 injured on Saturday when the city saw over a dozen incidents, most of which occurred in the Bronx.
In one of these incidents, a man died after being shot in the neck while washing his car.
Operation Blackout was a 2019 exercise simulating sabotage of civilian infrastructure, “terrorism” and psychological operations against American citizens on the day of the US 2020 Election.
The private U.S.-based, Israeli-founded company Cybereason organized it with members of the DHS, FBI and the U.S. Secret Service, and also the law firm Venable.
Cybereason is led by ex-members of Israel’s military intelligence 8200 Unit, best known for its cyber offensives against other governments, and is advised by former top and current officials in both Israeli military intelligence and the CIA.
In addition, it is funded by and partnered with top U.S. weapons manufacturer and government contractor Lockheed Martin and financial institutions, with clear and direct ties to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and White House adviser and the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Cybereason’s CEO, Lior Div, has openly admitted that he views his work at Cybereason as a “continuation” of his service to Israel’s intelligence apparatus.
The Israeli Cybereason has discreetly become a major software provider to the U.S. government and military through its direct partnership with Lockheed Martin, which followed the defense company’s decision to open an office at the Israeli military’s new cyber operations hub in the Negev desert.
A banner was flown over an English soccer stadium last week stating White Lives Matter, and it was condemned by the media, the coaches, the players and the government as racist and inappropriate.
The bot elements of the public jumped on the bandwagon as it is herd mentality with them, all condemning it.
The non thinking people have bought into the most idiotic repeat after me script ever, apparently white lives don’t matter, apparently yellow lives don’t matter, apparently native lives don’t matter and apparently Hispanic lives don’t matter either.
Only Jews and Black lives matter is essentially what, the increasing idiotic and desperate media and authorities are telling us, and some chip on their shoulder jackasses are going along with it.
The Black Lives Matter is another distraction and has all the hallmarks of the Jewish persecution and holocaust programming.
The term Black Lives Matter is an out and out racist statement.
You were the only ones persecuted check, we need reparation money check, said reparation money or donations does not go to either peoples, check, see the pattern now?
Over $100M collected for black lives matter, and the bulk of it went to the DNC party, oh the irony of that, and a giant piss take on the black people falling for this rubbish.
Remember the militia arm of the Democrat party was called the KKK.
Nearly one-third of American families have been unable to make full housing payments for July, a new survey has revealed as the US economy struggles to bounce back from crushing coronavirus losses.
According to the EPA, the air inside your indoor environment may be up to 8 times more polluted than the air outside.
Indoor biological contaminants & pollutants in the air can trigger environmental illness and other health problems.
While most deodorizing products mask odors with harmful, petrochemical perfumes.
Still think lockdowns were a smart move? or part of a fascist regime of controlling the people, thinkers and bots alike?
Watching a German series currently Babylon Berlin, some interesting tidbits in that, that proves FRWL series
Black Reichswehr were the Black Sun group, they were building a German Air Force up in 1929 in Russia!!
They were using stolen gold from Russia and Tsar Nicholas, its actually in the show, sent it in a shipment of bio warfare chemicals.
Black Reichswehr/Black Eagle were not “Germans”, this was an outside plot to destroy Germany after Russia in WW1.
Why? because Germany and Russia are linked by The Rus and the Aryan peoples is why.
Aryans are not “white supremacists” that is a Zionist creation to cause division.
Hitler was Brown Eagle not Black, big difference.
In the 1960’s we had a combination of 2 or 3 vaccines, now children in America are having 36 before the age of 6.
If they worked as stated why are so many western peoples sick? including 54% of American children.
Why if all these vaccines and medicines work, why do Americans spend over $3.5T per year on that profession, which is around 18% of GDP?
10% of that $3.5T is on pharma drugs alone, with that average cost per head of capita spent on medical expenses per year now at $11,300 per year.
Clearly if all these vaccines and drugs worked as they say, A: peoples health would improve and B: the costs of medical would go down, not skyrocket.
The Japanese professor of physiology or medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, caused a sensation today in the media by saying that the corona virus is not natural.
If it is natural, it will not have affected the whole world like that, because, depending on the nature, the temperature is different in different countries.
If it were natural, it would only have affected countries with the same temperature as China.
Seems FB like Microsoft are now deemed as medical experts, as they decide what are cures and treatments, and Gates decides when the 2nd wave will hit, and how life will only return when everyone is tested and then fake vaccinated.
This is utter madness path we are going down now, and has validated the Clowns in Panic several times over.
Covid means clowns own vaccine ID and the 19 is not the date but the number of the letters, equaling AI.
Economy crashing? was going to happen anyway, we warned of it years back, they just needed an excuse.
With a dwindling pot of real money estimated at $40-60T which is less than half of the global GDP, set around $123T in recent years something had to give.
With a dwindling pot of money, the supply chain of money had to be curtailed and has been.
The closing down were all businesses they deemed not suitable went, but largely kept their businesses open, but with restricted access.
With less people spending, there is less need for money to flow.
Job losses was inevitable just as we warned, not enough funds to keep the existing economy going, if you think it will return to previous levels before March 2020, you need to think again, seriously think again.
Food distribution and growing issues, and the shortages we also highlighted as a future issue last year, is now taking effect as mentioned earlier.
Their solutions? welcome to 3D printed food now launched in KFC stores, launched they say? since when do they just launch things? what that really means they have been selling it previously and no one noticed, so that is now added to the plastic rice being sold to Africans in vast quantities by China.
But with the intel talk of the 30M dead in China given in our show in April, and earlier piece this week of 100M being evacuated due to floods in China, and then the potential of the Three Gorges dam failing with about 400 million people living in the path of the dam, add in India and China fighting to the mix, this brings in another solution to their game plan, depopulation.
Depopulation is happening due to Covid deaths? it was going to happen anyway as we had warned, but Bill Gates has told the world that fact several times, and the bots just sit there in a mental stupor thinking, I don’t think he means us, I think he is talking about foreigners.
If disaster does strike in China with a dwindling money pot, shrinking businesses, shrinking jobs, there does arise another issue.
Who and what is going to replace China’s current domination of their globally sold products?
The supply chain shortage globally has already taken effect, and they are blaming the virus, it is not the virus at all.
Remember they China are the lead exporter, if they don’t have the capacity or funds to produce anymore, who will?
America? not likely anytime soon, where are the manufacturing and engineering expertise going to come from?
Given the pool of those skill sets is minimal in this country due to the 30 year reduction, and closure program of manufacturing plants in this country, and the continued harvesting by the CIA and their subsidiaries of any type of skill set above service based jobs, there is a massive shortfall of people with the expertise to carry out a self dependency country.
With around 80% of American jobs being serviced based, less than 8% being manufacturing, with the Bureau of statistics forecasting a further fall of around 1% within next 5 years, where are the people with the required skill sets in this country coming from?
It is fine stating we will grow or make our own products, I think all countries should be independent on that front, and it encourages sovereignty, but with a populace of low skill sets, we will have the demand but not the numbers required to carry that supply and demand out.
Everyone growing or making their own products would be a good thing, as it would end the dependency on and to the richer countries, and the various bogus trade deals that operate globally would cease, all of which were designed to harvest off each product and country, largely at the behest of the UN, Rothschild’s, Dragon groups, Black Sun and their subsidiaries.
So with only $40-60T of money flowing globally and clowns intent on blocking the Trust funds, because they don’t and can’t control it, we are facing the prospect of only a 1/3 of businesses and 1/3 of jobs operating globally still operating.
Our biggest issue we face is the supply of food, with already 3B facing food shortages and starvation, that figure will increase unless swift actions are taken by governments.
An end to the ridiculous laws in this country where it is a felony to produce your own food, which means we always stay dependent on them, it has not worked out too well for us has it?
Over 50% of Russia’s food supply come from the peoples own gardens.
This next section applies to the organizations in this country and the up and coming job reduction in this country.
This is to the organizations who ran the old order control based system, you should listen with an open mind and think about this country, and it’s people for the first time in your lives.
To the CIA 1-4, NSA, DHS, FBI, Universities, Research Centers, military bases, Mercenaries, IRS, FED, Government jobs and all of the Military, all of you were employed to run the old control based system, whether you realized that or not.
But the old control based system has collapsed and they are building a new leaner and slimmer one, and you lot will not be a part of it, yes you heard that right, you will all be drastically reduced at best, or replaced totally.
All of the above was largely created to run the military arm of the control system, with less funds and less need to control things now, again something has to give.
Take into account the US Military budget alone is publicly just short of $1T, and the US Government is the largest employer in the world by far, at 23.5M, with a bit of common sense applied tells you that system is no longer viable or affordable.
The cost for the clowns to run the old system based American company, not Government plus agencies and Military is a staggering $14B per day, they can now no longer afford to cover those costs, so what happens next?
The 17 agencies based in the USA were all designed to spy on each other, as our show revealed last year, everyone was eavesdropping on each other, all designed to keep each other in check at the behest of the controllers, and Kim’s predecessor.
Why do they need 17 agencies anymore? the answer is they don’t, and they have made strides to replace it with a 100% public based agency.
The NATO handbook and Open Source details reveals that, all set up by a CIA shell company named OSS, and ran by an alleged ex CIA man, Robert David Steele.
Their plan is to make the public become the spies, by spying on each other, it says so in their manual.
For those of you who struggle to comprehend, that means you are about to get replaced with a cheaper system, using the public, chips and smart phones.
The US Military, DOD and Pentagon your next in line, you are over bloated in terms of staff and expenditures, and they have already developed your replacements, NATO again.
In the Paris Climate agreement all countries who have signed up for it must give 2% of their GDP to NATO, for the Rothschild’s are now building up their own private army, which is NATO.
With the development of technology, which as some of you know is way more advanced than the public perceive, they will replace all of you with technology.
Drones will replace aircraft and sol-diers, with the robot army already built, and no they are not like the awkward wobbling bots they put out to the public, they will replace boots on the ground sol-diers, and also the police force, hence the defunding line.
Machines don’t need to be paid or fed you see.
With the advance in technology they will replace all of you bar a handful to run their new operations, you all thought you had the golden ticket and you would stay on the gravy train, newsflash you are not and will be cast aside as fast as the Rothschild’s were out of the Fed.
The Facebook Libra manifesto told you much if you read with clear minds and understood it properly, the term decentralizing does not only apply to removing Central Banks, but all of you also, even those of you with several badges.
You have fulfilled your roles in their game and you are about to become surplus to requirements, and their next stage is the machine, technology and AI.
Are you still that stupid you cannot see it yet? are you still blinded with the promises of cashing in your warehouses of fake dinars? do you still think the Russians, Chinese and Iranians are the problem?
No, the problem was you lot all along, you fell for your own illusion programs, of false promises, fake wealth and fake statuses and now the hammer on you all is about to fall.
They warned us all with series like Continuum, Terminator, District 9, Westworld and I could go on, and everyone gorged on their ballgames and burgers, distracted with global warming and now corona virus, the Russians are coming to get us, whilst ignoring your own history that those same nasty Russians were the ones who saved your asses twice back in the 1800 wars.
They fed, clothed and armed you.
I will repeat again, technology over reach is the end of us all, no matter how many fake titles, badges or pieces of paper you have.
We stand on the threshold of the greatest leap for humanity and this planet, and all it requires is for people to see through the illusion and working together to correct it.
Technology has role in our lives, but it must not be allowed to prevail and ultimately control our lives.
Message to the members of the US Govt, Military, Agencies, Banks and all the old system corporations and subsidiaries are hereby put on notice of your own demise, and requesting you take the appropriate action forthwith.
We the people invite you all to engage us and chart a better, fairer, transparent and peaceful planet for us all, we await your input.
The US Federal government in collaboration with Yale University held clinical trials to determine what the best messaging would be to persuade Americans to take the COVID-19 vaccine when it is ready.
Americans’ trust in the media to report news honestly continues to spiral downward, as 86 percent of respondents in a new Knight Foundation/Gallup poll say they see either “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of political bias.
I am often asked on my opinion of Trump, and I will always go on what I know in private and certain evidences now in the public arena.
I give my opinion on what is he doing for and by the people, unlike most others on the internet who are immersed in faction biased reporting, including at this stage the Q group, I will be delighted to be proven wrong on that, but even if I went along with the Q plan, I will always raise concerns and questions when things don’t appear to be benefiting we the people.
That is the top and bottom line of this group, it is not connected to any organization, former or current control based systems and groups, it operates solely as a platform for and by the people, of all colors, cultures, countries and even religions, despite my opinions on those programs.
I will support anyone who is doing the right things for and by the people of any country, if not I will say so, as a duty to the people.
The public is told to be against China whilst our government is blatantly funding Chinese companies.
Hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars went to Chinese companies from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was designed to help small businesses survive during the pandemic, according to a new report.
So, we come to Beirut, Lebanon and what we all saw was a massive explosion that rocked the whole city and has killed at least 137 and injured over 5000 to date.
An explosion so powerful it was felt 150 miles away in Cyprus, and has drawn many conclusions and possible scenarios as to how that took place.
It was stated very quickly, perhaps too quickly, of a large amount of ammonia nitrate being stored there from a seized Moldovan ship near 7 years ago.
What is not explained is, why after 7 years was it still being held there?
Was it a tactical nuclear weapon as some are suggesting? it’s possible, or a DEW weapon? possible again given yet again there was an aerial vehicle flying past just before the blast.
I kept an open mind whilst having reservations about one particular group who could potentially do this.
But then the media stepped in with a blatant lie, they said the explosion set off a firework factory nearby and yet despite seeing several videos, there is no rockets or fireworks going off in the vicinity, as would happen should the factory go on fire or be compromised.
So, why would they lie? well it means they are covering up something else, and trying to justify that level of explosion.
Now ammonia nitrate is very explosive as the people near Waco Texas found out in 2013, but significantly that blast did not produce a mushroom cloud, like in Beirut.
What I have found out is that in Beirut there was 2750 tons of ammonia nitrate stored, but in Texas there was 540K tons, and yet the blast in Texas, despite being 196 times more material, was considerably less than the blast in Beirut.
Which has to raise red flags and several questions.
So, who or what can be involved here, well sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, but not always.
Israel has been at war with Lebanon since 1970’s and peaked in the 1980’s and has gone on ever since.
In our last show we mentioned about a story of alleged Hezbollah stationed in Lebanon crossing the border into Israel, and the Israeli government warning them to not retaliate after Israel troops opened fire on them.
Given there are 3 major ports along that coast, Tel Aviv and Haifa, plus Beirut, and now only the two Israeli ports are left, cohen-cidence?
Given Netanyahu in a UN meeting in 2019 outlined on the map the very same spot of the explosion of the alleged Hezbollah weapon site, all seems all too coincidental does it not?
There is a video doing the rounds on social media today that is portraying a missile caused the major 2nd explosion, which may well be the case, but with CGI these days who knows.
The Beirut secondary explosion has more the look of a DEW weapon of which there was a test of it in Iraq available on YT, you decide.
With the world now waking up to this fake global plandemic, they always need an event to create distraction, maybe this is it?
And with Netanyahu under fire from his own people and a distraction needed for that, just maybe 2+2=4.
Perhaps Mr. Melville and the Trust should reconsider sending PPE’s to Israel and send them to Lebanon instead – just saying.
AstraZeneca is one of 25 pharmaceutical companies worldwide already testing their Covid vaccines on humans, in preparation for injecting hundreds of millions of people.
These are flush times for Britain’s largest pharmaceutical company, worth something in the order of £70 million, they have just reported bumper profits of $12.6 billion in the last six months alone.
So, $12.6B profits and Trump armed with the Trust funds still sends them $1.2B of our money for a foreign based company?
But despite its healthy balance sheet, AstraZeneca is unwilling to be held responsible for any potential side effects of its ‘hopeful’ vaccine candidate.
In other words, the company is completely protected, or indemnified, against lawsuits from people who are injected with their vaccine and experience negative effects, regardless of how severe or long-lasting they are.
As the UK goes into more draconian and militaristic style speech patterns of strategic, surveillance and drills.
Some of their measures now defy belief and makes the authorities look like the bumbling script reading fools, we all know they are.
They based their decision making on the R factor, but when pressed on what the R factor is, answers are thin on the ground.
It is presumed it is the rate of infection of the virus, and now those statistics are coming down based on the mystery R factor, they are now ignoring that and basing it something else.
New Draconian measures considered in the UK are a lockdown for over 50’s, so it appears they are looking after the older people, which flies in the face of sending infected people into nursing homes and killing them.
Manchester in full fear based lockdown now, said to be due to a spike, and here is me thinking the comedic Mr. Milligan died years ago.
New tech gadgets now out all very quickly for covid testing, called the DNA nudge, which conveniently uses your DNA sample to test for the virus, really do you think we are that stupid?
The tests kits they are using, which is proven to test a false positive of 80%+ are now being increased.
The solution to not getting tested is, is refuse to remove your mask for fear of infection, and so then they can’t do the test.
Perhaps the R factor stands for retards.
Jackass of the week award goes to? The University of Georgia, who are urging students to wear masks while having sex.
The university reportedly sent out notices to on-campus students that said they should “consider wearing a face mask during sex.
Heavy breathing and panting can further spread the virus, and wearing a mask can reduce the risk,”.
Perhaps the University of Georgia can practice safe sex by going and f themselves, just saying.
More good news from Mr. Trump and for me this is pleasing to hear.
This week he announced he was stopping the payroll tax for people making under $100k and also dropped the interest on student loans, plus $400 extra on unemployment.
This has all the hallmarks of working with and listening to Kim the Trustee and is music to my ears.
Unfortunately like lots of their other promises this year, it never came to fruition.
Kim has now stated that the stimulus is coming from an American National disaster relief fund which went from $360B up to $1.8T, and witnessed by Trump, Mnuchin and Pelosi.
So where did this fund come from? this one of the many funds Kim and the Trust set up with the dissolution of the former name of the Manna World Holding Trust.
There are hundreds of these funds for various topics set up for each and every country, not just America.
She then went onto state that there is $2.874T equivalent in an account of the same name designated for the people, which was arranged by Kim, for every dollar the American govt receives, the people are entitled to the same dollar amount out of the funds.
She then said the government will get the funds when the people receive their portion of the funds.
Perhaps she needs to be more clear on how are the Government spending their allocation, whilst the people’s is still blocked?
No people monies no Government monies should be the directive should it not?
This news item will come as no surprise to our listeners, all the usual names involved in it and more confirms of Clowns in Panic the Expose shows and some recent op-ed pieces.
The nation’s largest private equity firm is interested in buying your DNA data, at the going rate: $261 per person.
That appears to be what Blackstone, the $63 billion private equity giant, is willing to pay for genetic data controlled by one of the major companies gathering it from millions of customers.
Earlier this week, Blackstone announced it was paying $4.7 billion to acquire, a pioneer in pop genetics that was launched in the 1990s to help people find out more about their family heritage. yeah right.
Snippets from recent chats that I thought might be of interest to our wider audience as not all are on social media.
But the recent storm off the East coast called Isaias may well be more of their symbolic clownery, Isaias actually means Yahweh is salvation oops
The very fact the media and fear porn channel known as the Weather channel went to such great lengths to tell the public of how they should pronounce it, tells you it is a spell cast and or program, where they trying to get us to call in their fake salvation god known as Yahweh?
So I looked it up for more details and came across this.
The wars of the ninth century and the peaceful security following them, produced their effects in the latter part of the next century.
Cities sprang up; new pursuits, although affording opportunities of easy wealth, brought about also an increase of poverty.
The contrast between class and class became daily more marked, and the poor were oppressed by the rich with the connivance of the judges.
So here we are 1200 years later with the same issues, greed based peoples accumulating easy wealth, and those that participate in that then create the consequence of that, poverty.
The poor oppressed by the rich and facilitated by judges, has not changed either has it, judges were the priest class then and priest class now, known as Cohen’s.
A social state founded on iniquity is doomed, but as Israel’s social corruption was greater than Juda’s, Israel was expected to succumb first.
What they are referring to here is the House of Israel, not the country.
Greater likewise was her religious corruption, oh my, not only did idolatrous worship prevail there to the end, but we know from Osee what gross abuses, and shameful practices obtained in Samaria and throughout the kingdom.
Osee is another name of Hosea.
Whereas the religion of the people of Juda on the whole seems to have been a little better.
Juda was taken over by the House of Israel and became the religion, not of god, although the question is which god, but the religion which means binding of law.
Hebrew and it’s derivatives Talmud and the Torah, are all based on law, not law and justice as we know it, but a group of rules that applies to all of the people, except them.
Juda, becames Judah, and spawned the term Judas and later the term Jew, Judaism means Jew Hood, Hood means to cover and so Jew hood means to cover the Jew, hood also means gangster and given the antics of the silk road these people controlled, and throw in the Knights of Solomon and Jerusalem known as the Templars, the description does indeed tend to fit in.
But to cover the Jew is certainly what applied when other words came out from Jud or Juda, and all are related to law and the priest class who represent them.
Words like jud ges, jud iciary, jud gement, jud icious, jud ex which means the one who declares the law.
Jud ges in Jewish history refers to a war leader vested with temporary power (as in Book of Judges), from Latin jud ex being used to translate Hebrew shophet.
The Hebrew term shofet, which is translated into English as “judge,” is closer in meaning to “ruler,” a kind of military leader.
Then we have other words that connects to the Jewish law not religion, with ju ry, ju stice, ju risdiction.
The English term for justice and law was doom, for passing jud gement, adds whole new meaning to the term doomsday book now doesn’t it, which means it is a book of law, and then you add in the Christian doomsday narrative of these same people passing jud gement upon us.
We know, however, as regards these, that at the very time of Isaias certain forms of idolatrous worship, like that of Nohestan and of Moloch, probably that also of Tammur and of the “host of heaven”, were going on in the open or in secret.
So the Israel’s were worshipping Moloch and most in our circle are familiar with that entity, but who or what is Nohestan?
Is the derogatory name given to the bronze serpent on a pole first described in the Book of Numbers, which God told Moses to erect so that the Israelites who saw it, would be protected from dying from the bites of the “fiery serpents”, which God had sent to punish them for speaking against him and Moses.
The Israelites set out from Mount Hor, where Aaron was buried, to go to the Red Sea.
However they had to detour around the land of Edom (Numbers 20:21, 25).
Impatient, they complained against Yehovah (who is Yahweh) and Moses (Num. 21:4–5), and in response God sent “fiery serpents” among them and many died.
The people came to Moses to repent and asked him to ask God to take away the serpents.
Moses prayed to God, who told Moses, ‘Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole; and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he seeth it, shall live.’ (Numbers 21:4–9)
This did not remove the source of the people’s suffering; it enabled them to survive it.
Seriously is this the type of god you should be worshipping? Do people not read this shit and go wells the fargo?
Sending fiery serpents to hurt the people stated to be the chosen ones, over a disagreement? seriously?
This is the fake god your are all not praying to, but being preyed upon, pray spelt PREY.
What the previous caption told you is, this group of people were Moloch worshippers who sacrificed theirs and our children.
Moloch or Molech in Egyptian means owl, and why they have that giant owl in Bohemian Grove, and where they sacrifice children, although there are rumors of Bohemian Grove being burnt to the ground to remove the evidence.
Just like the Temple of Solomon and Herod, and also Angkor Wat and all the other global temples, and they are trying to build a 3rd Temple in Is RA el? and you have people desiring or wishing for this construction?
Do you still wish to follow “god”? This is not our god, that is the god of the non thinking and adult children, I am sorry but it is.
You cannot read those scriptures rationally and think that is all holier than thou and righteous, it’s just not.
All goes back to Egypt again and their laws, incest, hierarchy, slavery and dominance over the people, Egypt went to New York check out Cleopatra’s needle, it went to Utah with the fake Mormon religion and went to California were the elites built a hidden pyramid called Opus 1, opus one is all very Opus Dei to me.
Opus Dei means the work of god, the question is who or what is their god? the answer has many names but for simplicity lets just call it Satan.
August Continues
It was once said all the world is a stage, and that is correct, but perhaps now it is all the world is a mask?
In a world where they wish to have blanket facial recognition, they now wish to cover everyone up, does that make sense or another version of the Ouroborus programs they seem to run all too frequently these days.
Of course the elites all wore masks for their ritual and sexual fests for hundreds of years, masks were worn in a masquerade ball in 1600’s, is it a masquerade or a mass charade?
The symbol of Ra was the eye and was highlighted with mascara, masca means to hide, Ra, and so mascara means to hide Ra, a bit like Islam means to hide Isis.
Perhaps this mask charade means to hide the fact they are both losing control and the plot?
Was the art of mummifying done to cover the face if so why? 3000 cats mummified if so why?
If Yahweh is the salvation, with the Brussels building on fire having a sign saying the future is here, is this why Trump said you wont be seeing me for a while? have the gods returned?
There was an alleged racial incident in this country that received much news print and portal people coverage in January of last year.
A certain group of people all jumped on the race card bandwagon, Alexander Ocasio Cortez, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Kirsten Gillibrand and a certain person by the name of Kamala Harris, all Democrats all pushing the narrative about racial division.
All of them were quick to denounce the alleged attack on Jussie Smollett without determining evidence, and Smollett himself even went as far as to lay political blame for the event by saying, this is MAGA country, alluding to white Trump supporters.
Another NJ Democrat used the event to request to pass legislation of anti lynching.
But events of lynching ended by and large in this country decades ago, so why is or was a bill necessary? Generally bills with headlines like that have hidden clauses and that may well have been the case here.
Fast forward 18 months and the media are now pushing a new race card tactic of, anyone questioning Kamala Harris is now declared a racist.
Rumors of her being aunt of Jussie Smollet and also her eligibility to run based on being an immigrant have surfaced, but none of that is particularly relevant to me, whether correct or not.
Can she do the job for and by the people? is all that concerns me.
But all the above mentioned names were hardly to quick to step forward and speak, when Jussie Smollett was charged with six counts of lying to the police and staging a fake racial and homophobic attack.
It seems the Democrat party are running on a campaign of racial divide only, where are their policies to fix this country?
Where are Republicans policies to fix this country also?
The staggering hypocrisy of the Democrat party to run on a campaign of oh the poor blacks and how the whites have harmed them is sickening, when you take into account that the military and defense group of the Democrat Party in the 1800’s was, the KKK.
I am asking the people black and white to come together and condemn these people, who use people for a political agenda.
If black lives matter why are so many in poverty? where was the concern and care of black people within the Democrat party prior? what did Barack Obama despite 8 years in office do for the black people? absolutely zero, and yet somehow some people now think it is all going to be so different, because Harris is black and female, oh dear how the 4 year loop memory wipe program works so well on Americans.
Lost in all of this is perspective, BLM want to defund cops because they are all racist and violent against black people, irony is Kamala Harris describes herself as a top cop, whilst flip flopping between statements of more cops, then less cops.
Recently we have highlighted about Operation Blackout, that was a 2019 exercise simulating sabotage of civilian infrastructure, “terrorism” and psychological operations against American citizens on the day of the US 2020 Election.
The private U.S.-based, Israeli-founded company Cybereason organized it with members of the DHS, FBI and the U.S. Secret Service, and also the law firm Venable.
Kamala Harris married attorney Douglas Emhoff, who was at one time partner-in-charge at Venable LLP’s Los Angeles office, connecting the dots now?
Harris’s sister, Maya Harris, was an MSNBC political analyst; her brother-in-law, Tony West, is general counsel of Uber and a former United States Department of Justice senior official.
Her niece, Meena Harris, is the founder of the Phenomenal Women Action Campaign, which appears to do nothing more than promote divisive and racist stereotyping and sell T-shirts, nothing phenomenal about that.
Following the announcement from the World Health Organization that the COVID-19 pandemic may be around for two more years, whilst creating a 53 page document issued on how to respond to ‘vocal vaccine deniers’.
Why read or study a 53 page document only for the vaccine denier to tell them f off bot, is both classic and hilarious.
A Tennessee school district is under fire, for asking parents to sign a form agreeing not to eavesdrop on kids’ virtual classes over concerns they could overhear confidential information.
After significant pushback, Rutherford County Schools is allowing parents to tune in with permission from the teacher but they can’t record the classes.
“It’s ridiculous. It’s so hypocritical because they’ve been data mining our children for years, compliments of common core,” Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations.
“What are they trying to hide? What is the problem? Why won’t they let us sit in?” she asked.
“Obviously, because they are teaching our children propaganda that they should not be teaching,” she said. “They are trying to socialize our children.”
She added: “We have had a major problem in education, not just here in Tennessee, but across the country where they are indoctrinating our children with propaganda.”
At the beginning of this year we stated, what do we have in store for 2020?
The year I predicted back in 2015-16 time of we will see more, that has and will not change.
A lot comes down to your perception of what you think you will see, and the physical and inner sight will be more acute next year, provided you are tuned into yourself and not waiting for external clarification or justifications, the answers as always lies in you.
Some will get much of their deep desires this coming year, but many will not, desires though will change over the course of this year, as positioning and posturing to fill some voids will unfold.
What is real and what isn’t real will gradually come into a deep recognition and understanding next year, seeing will help with that, processing can and will be difficult, but deep within yourselves there is an inner intuition that will guide and steer to your path.
Distractions of events and people will continue to rise next year, there will be many disconnects within your circles and life, as frequencies, and who and what you really are, and stand for, sheds it’s final skin from the mask.
There will be no hiding as much already revealed will become obvious for all to see, many have exposed themselves this year, and particularly heavy within the alt media circus, but also all around you.
The term used in the show of fact will become fiction and fiction is fact will raise above the threshold for many of you, and also the masses may get a healthy dose of it also.
The so called top end people will end their lives, turn on each other badly this coming year, expose themselves more and each other, they will implode and I suspect many former parts of the old system will finally click their brains into, something resembling of an adult nature and seek us out for a new path.
Immigration of the future will not be country to country, but from their world into ours, will be heavily prevalent in 2020.
2020 will roll in a great shift and much upheaval, in terms of the physical and non physical realms, for those with seeing abilities shortly you will undergo and see what the real shift is all about, it will be heavy, it requires much and deep processing and can be a lot to deal with.
Use the tools you have and the teachings within the shows, they are all there, and you have far more of the picture and the tools than you realize.
It will be important to overcome the fear, fear helps no one, for those who have done so and connected the sword, connect to your heart center for a deeper understanding and processing of what you are seeing and experiencing, and yes it is real.
The fear of change can be and will be for some all encompassing, holding onto the past will not serve you well, and is not conducive when deciding your path, saying you want a certain path and being contradictory or conflicting from within will also not be conducive going forward, indecision leads to mistakes.
I did a few pieces a few months ago about defining, throw into that what is love, what is life and what is real, and repeated today, grasping and understanding those pieces will help you all, you must learn to define what it is you wish to be, do and love.
THI is unlikely to complete the whole year of continued shows this year, at which point it ends, time will tell, some new hats awaits.
The words to observe for 2020 is shift and phasing.
Yet again time will make less sense, and yet again the speed up factor of life and events will keep pace or possibly it will quicken, or the quickening.
The paths and door ways will be open for those fearless enough to walk them, the clearing of the fog and mists of time will be revealed to many of you, bringing greater clarity within, of and around you.
Love frequency will escalate, can you handle it? or will your own insecurities, hesitancy and limitations prevent you?
Define what you need and then what you want, if you have what you need, will you define what you want?
Be ready and prepared for all possibilities in your lives, things can, will and likely be all versions of transient this year, go with the ebb and flow, retain sanity, calmness and 45/55 is a must.
The old wounds will appear heavily within you, process them and release them, forgive yourself and others and move forward, and support as many others on your frequency as possible, this is a must.
The deeper connections with people not based on or in the physical will be enhanced this year, embrace it because it is more real than our physical understanding, see, feel and recognize the frequencies, embrace them for they have returned from a distant past.
Limitations will not serve you well going forward either, you must expand into a more fuller version of yourself, integrate and assimilate.
Nothing in life is failure, it is just another opportunity to learn and grow, recognizing it in that manner, decreases the need for fear, shame or guilt.
Your journey will not be the same as others, groups are great for the collective empowerment, but remember the journey is ultimately your own only, you cannot drag others on your journey, no more can they drag you, they can seduce you onto their path, but only you can walk it.
Learn to distinguish physical creations and spiritual creations, they are not one and the same, that was the illusion.
Illusion will be no more in the next epoch of time and space.
The future is not ours to see, well some have and some will, and what develops is, the future is ours to be.
Final Piece
All in all it was quite a year so far for THI this is just Part 1, parts 2 and 3 follow on Friday and Sunday.
A year we have been copied, validated and a proven leader of accurate information.
I warned in a show last December the fight is on and the war would be played out in the public arena hereon in, and it will get ugly, it did and it has, and so that warning was an opportunity for us all to prepare yourselves and be ready for all the potentials they could throw at us, many did and some didn’t, these are largely the people who point fingers everywhere else except themselves.
As this is our last show of 2020 it just leaves me to thank all of you for listening this year, the help and support you have given me, and wish you all a happy, health, prosperous and bot and mask free New Year.
Lets all manifest a better 2021.