Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2022-12-15
Topics in this show
- Positive Action Group is recruiting
- Militia leader convicted of seditious conspiracy = Militia is defunct
- Medical related and COVID BS
- Fascist Zionism: Indonesia’s parliament approves new criminal code banning anyone from having extramarital sex and restricts political freedoms
- The View displaying the very acts of female toxicity
- Expose : OTO, Crowley narrative, and dot connectors
- The late Karen Hudes
- Deep pondering: ISIS, photon belt debate, scientists observe unknown glow
- Psychology piece: Change the mind, observe, do not absorb
- The mind can be controlled, the heart cannot
- How did you love, and how will you love going forward?
Quick links

A shortened news section this evening as there is not an awful lot reportable in their world of pro pagan da, it’s eerily quiet in general, or more people are going missing than reported?
All of which means I have to generate more content for the show.
What ruining and pondering have I compiled this evening you may ask, time will tell is the reply.
The Positive Action Group is recruiting!! We are looking for people who are passionate about THI and TPC to join the Positive Action Media Team.
Our purpose is to take THI/TPC awareness to a new level.
Using social media and our creative minds we intend to encourage like-minded people to join us by sharing the THI Show content and TPC Mission in order to grow the TPC, increase our resources and make The New Blue Print for Humanity our reality.
If you are looking for an outlet for your creativity, enjoy creating short, inspirational memes and videos to post on Instagram, TikTok and other social media platforms, can develop websites and content, are a great communicator and know how to engage with a wider community or would like to learn new skills, then this is the team for you.
If this opportunity excites you, please private message Ovidiu Cociuba, Steve Wilkinson, Pamj P Poppa or Roger Isaacs so we can answer your questions and help you join the team!!
Asking members of the EU who take part in the common sense zoom, whether we should put the call back a week, given the designated date is New Year’s Eve, let me know if ok on the mewe chat.
Trump says delete the constitution, cue outrage.
The question is which one? All 4 need to be ripped up and re-written by adults with common sense genes.
The constitution has never protected anyone in reality land, just an illusion as the next piece confirms.
Two members of the far-right Oath Keepers militia including leader Stewart Rhodes have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their actions during the Capitol riot on 6 January 2021.
Far-right? Therein lies the problem right there, the militia are there to serve and support the people, not exhibit political labels.
The whole idea of the Militia is to prevent tyranny within the political circles and act, not play Thothian bird politics.
What’s is the charge and how is it different from treason?
Seditious conspiracy:
Put simply, seditious conspiracy is when a group of people plot to overthrow the government or use force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, the section which became the focus of the Oath Keepers trial.
But isn’t that what the Militia are supposed to do? In the event of tyranny, their manifesto and task is to take over the Government and provide a temporary replacement, until new elections are held?
Everyone can see this Government is a tyrannical ideology, not just the Biden Government either, all of them and so the Militia must act on the people’s behalf according to their oath.
But, in comes the courts to protect the tyranny, all of which means, the Militia is defunct.
Prosecutors introduced a huge number of text messages and videos to argue that, militia members had agreed to stop Congress from completing the normal transfer of presidential power.
There was no specific plan to storm the Capitol, nor did the prosecution have to prove there was, only that there was a tacit agreement to prevent Congress from carrying out its duties.
But the CIA, NSA and other agencies regularly prevent Congress from doing their duties under the fake National Security Act, so what is the difference?
The rarely-used law dates from the Civil War and is tricky to prove.
In 2010 members of a Christian nationalist militia in Michigan were accused of the crime by the US Department of Justice, but the charges were thrown out.
The last successful prosecution under the law was against a group of 10 al-Qaeda supporters in 1995.
Remember the Capitol building event was all arranged by Pelosi and her crew to provide distraction from the Hunter Biden story and the fake elections coverage.
In the US, treason is a unique crime – the only one specifically spelled out in the Constitution.
Except the US is the municipal government under the United Nations, and so not our laws.
It narrowly defines treason as levying war against the US or giving aid and comfort to the country’s enemies.
It further goes on to state a high standard of proof: No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Treason prosecutions are even rarer than seditious conspiracy cases, and is punishable by death, with a minimum sentence of five years in jail.
None of the 6 January rioters have been charged with treason, but further seditious conspiracy cases against Oath Keepers and members of the Proud Boys will go to trial next month.
Militia founder Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs, head of the Oath Keepers’ Florida chapter, now face up to 20 years in prison on the seditious conspiracy count.
Their lawyers say they intend to appeal against the verdict.
Their lawyers need to ask in open court; is this a municipal court operating under the UN or a British territorial court operating under the BAR guild.
A failure to address those questions is deemed contempt of court and should be thrown out.
Because how can you jail people on charges not under true American laws?
If that fact can go public, another takedown or erosion of the old establishment could begin.
Perhaps one of our members is connected to the Oath Keepers and should let them know.
Height of irony and people not thinking things through before opening their mouth applies here.
Take a bow US national security council spokesman John Kirby.
Russia is seeking to collaborate with Iran in areas like weapons development, training, he said, adding that the US fears that Russia intended to provide Iran with advanced military components including helicopters and air defense systems.
Iran has become Russia’s top military backer he said.
Erm the US is collaborating with Nazis and Zionists, so what is the difference?
Mr. Kirby said that a partnership between Iran and Russia to produce drones would be harmful to Ukraine, Iran’s neighbors and the international community.
The US partnership with Israel is dangerous to the whole world Mr. Kirby, are you blind?
Russia and Iran’s relationship has warmed to a fully-fledged defense partnership, the US has said.
What is wrong with that? Are we at the nuclear weapons levels here, where only select countries can have them?
It is petty and pathetic.
FBI documents have revealed that Samuel Rappylee Bateman, 46, the leader of a small group of polygamist Mormons, known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, has been accused of marrying up to 20 young girls.
Some of the girls are as young as nine, and the total includes his own daughter.
Bateman declared himself a prophet after assuming control of a small group of around 50 followers in 2019.
He forced his followers to engage in sickening sex acts and declared his intention to marry his own teenage daughter, according to an FBI affidavit.
Bateman’s downfall occurred in September this year, when he was arrested by local police while transporting underage girls across state lines in a squalid, unsecured trailer furnished with a couch and a bucket for a toilet.
He was initially stopped after a state trooper saw children’s small fingers moving in the gap of the rear trailer door as he pulled up behind the vehicle.
Yet another sordid tale from the Mormons, what gets me is, he got 50 people to follow that hedonistic and twisted cult.
More needs to be done in that community to stop them interfering with the children, just because it is not yours, does not mean you ignore it.
The FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas at the behest of U.S. prosecutors on Monday, the day before he was due to testify before Congress about the abrupt failure last month of one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges.
Does anyone ask why a private businessman would go before Congress because his business failed.
Businesses fail every day, but the owners don’t end up in front of Congress.
Since then it emerged Bankman-Fried secretly used $10 billion in customer funds to prop up his trading business.
The arrest came as Bankman-Fried prepared to lash out at his former lawyers at Sullivan and Cromwell, new FTX CEO John Ray and rival exchange operator Binance at a Congressional hearing.
Because of his arrest Bankman-Fried will now be unable to testify, according to Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who said in a statement she was surprised to hear of his arrest.
All very fishy the whole business, was his arrest designed to cover up stuff in front of Congress?
Perhaps it is all in the name, the man fried the bank.
Soccer analyst Grant Wahl died in Qatar just days after his 48th birthday.
Tina Turner’s son, Ronnie, has passed away, he was 62.
Gary J. Friedkin, who played an Ewok in the Star Wars movie franchise, Clarence the cook from Arnold’s restaurant on Happy Days, a biker gang member in Blade Runner and more during his 40-year career in Hollywood died on Dec. 2, he was 70.
The media actually announced it was of Covid complications.
The Guatemala volcano is now erupting and the Chile volcano is now erupting.
Medical news
As we warned recently, they would come up with more virus bs’ery, right on cue with the tripledemic crap.
Masks are back, and this time, they’re not just for Covid-19.
A tripledemic of the coronavirus, influenza and RSV, sweeping through the United States has prompted several cities and counties, including New York City and Los Angeles County, to encourage people to wear a mask in indoor public spaces once again.
Always them two isn’t, the double axis of evil policies, those two states seems to be the only ones still wearing masks along with native Americans.
Roll up it is time for your Milgram medicine again.
And the winter of discontent forecasted is under way.
They will have to address the term flu a lot this winter, to cover for their jab die offs.
Remember we warned about the backlash to the Covid scam?
Fauci is playing the sympathy card now, complaining people are attacking his family, what did he expect?
The people have found out he was lying to them, that has cost people their jobs, homes and lifestyles and in some cases their life.
Fauci has spoken out against low-life trolls harassing his wife and children, figuring out where they live and their phone numbers.
I have good security protection, but I really think it’s so cowardly to harass people who are completely uninvolved, including my children, he said.
Low life trolls is one thing Mr. Fauci, high life and income conspiracy people like yourself is another.
Dr. Fauci, who became a target for online conspiracy movements after advising on the Covid-19 pandemic, no! Fauci is the conspiracy, who accused Dr. Fauci of playing a key role in a sinister plot to control and harm people with Covid-19 and vaccines, contrary to the evidence.
Contrary to what evidence?
Remember as they won’t, the chances of getting this disease was 0.03%, and Fauci thinks people should just all forget that?
Two people have previously been arrested and imprisoned in the US for what Dr. Fauci described as credible attempts on his life.
Whilst I do not condone targeting people’s children, it is consequences of actions Dr. Fauci.
You cannot play god with people’s lives, it go wrong, badly wrong and expect them to not call you and others out.
Those days of ignoring the problems are now ending it seems.
Reacher actor Matthew Marsden revealed this week he recently lost a job over his refusal to get the Covid-19 vaccine, taking to Twitter to blast the treatment of conservative artists in Hollywood versus outspoken liberal stars.
Marsden has been open about his criticism of Covid vaccines and lockdown measures through Twitter, but in recent tweets, he revealed such outspokenness can be detrimental to one’s career, if you have the wrong opinion.
One of the reasons I spoke out on Twitter is because I saw that people felt like they didn’t have a say.
I am aware of the risks involved and I appreciate the dms supporting me.
I lost a job last week because I am unvaccinated and I will not lie about it, Marsden announced.
The seedy Jewish EL-ite world of Hollywood strikes again, all of which proves who is behind or supporting the Covid conspiracy.
Here is a report and part of the hidden programs of the Covid 19 scam.
I believe this was targeting the elderly as we pointed out 2.5 years ago with Expose 1.
The reasons; A: not enough money and B: they had looted the Social Security or National Insurance funds.
But the scale of this makes me think they knew the jabs would not be legitimate and this is their cover.
A report says 100m screenings were lost because of pandemic, which had a chilling effect on research.
Experts have warned that Europe faces a cancer epidemic unless urgent action is taken to boost treatment and research, after an estimated 1m diagnoses were missed during the pandemic.
The impact of Covid-19 and the focus on it has exposed weaknesses in cancer health systems and in the cancer research landscape across the continent, which, if not addressed as a matter of urgency, will set back cancer outcomes by almost a decade, leading healthcare and scientific experts say.
A report, European Groundshot – Addressing Europe’s Cancer Research Challenges: a Lancet Oncology Commission, brought together a wide range of patient, scientific and healthcare experts with detailed knowledge of cancer across Europe.
One unintended consequence of the pandemic was the adverse effects that the rapid repurposing of health services and national lockdowns, and their continuing legacy, have had on cancer services, cancer research and on patients with cancer, the experts said.
There is emerging evidence that a higher proportion of patients are diagnosed with later cancer stages compared with pre-pandemic rates, as a result of substantial delays in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
This cancer stage shift will continue to stress European cancer systems for years to come.
These issues will ultimately compromise survival and contribute to inferior quality of life for many European patients with cancer.
The report analyzed data and found clinicians saw 1.5 million fewer patients with cancer in the first year of the pandemic, with one in two patients with cancer not receiving surgery or chemotherapy in a timely manner.
About 100m screenings were missed, and it is estimated that as many as 1 million European citizens may have an undiagnosed cancer as a result of the backlog.
Then all the CEO’s of hospitals and clinics should be fired for gross incompetency, and the politicians who issued those directives, without any due diligence of the outcomes or knock on effects.
Prof Mark Lawler, of Queen’s University Belfast, the chair and lead author of the commission said; We are in a race against time to find those missing cancers.
Additionally, we saw a chilling effect on cancer research, with laboratories shut down and clinical trials delayed or cancelled in the first pandemic wave.
We are concerned that Europe is heading towards a cancer epidemic in the next decade if cancer health systems and cancer research are not urgently prioritized.
They won’t be as they are not interested in our health, and only promote health issues for them to make shekels, fact.
With the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it is more important than ever that Europe develops a resilient cancer research landscape to play a transformative role in improving prevention, diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for current and future patients and those living beyond cancer, said Lawler.
The report also argues that cancer prevention efforts and research, in particular, have not had the funding they deserve.
They will not fund that whilst they are making around $300K per cancer patient in the US.
It makes too much money, remember the Government officials in the V series blocked the V’s providing free health care, as it would affect the economy.
What a sick society that healthcare is part of the economy to begin with, you cannot get more evil than that.
A greater focus on preventing cancer would reduce the number of people who develop cancer and therefore allow more resources to be available for those who do require treatment, it says.
It is estimated that 40% of cancers in Europe could be prevented, if primary prevention strategies made better use of our current understanding of cancer risk factors, said Anna Schmütz, of the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Someone needs to tell her that 100% of cancers could be cured if the authorities release the cures, and train doctors and nurses in holistic medicines and practices that have been proven to work, without costly and invasive procedures.
Here is a pondering, could it be they knew a number of people would die off or disappear around this time, and manufactured a virus to compensate for it?
Because if the people suddenly start seeing many peoples dying or just disappearing, panic sets in.
And the authorities and clowns cannot deal with that.
Because they cannot provide an answer for it, as it means they are doomed.
They are doomed anyway, and we might as well do the adult thing and explain what is really unfolding on our planet at this time.
Society news
This news piece defies belief, a Draconian policy no doubt that treats their people with utter disdain and outright Fascist Zionism.
Indonesia’s parliament has approved a new criminal code that bans anyone in the country from having extramarital sex and restricts political freedoms.
Sex outside marriage will carry a jail term of up to a year under the new laws, which take effect in three years.
They apply equally to locals and to foreigners living in Indonesia, or visiting holiday destinations such as Bali.
Under the laws, unmarried couples caught having sex can be jailed for up to a year.
They are also banned from living together, an act for which people could be jailed for up to six months. (J)
There are now also six blasphemy laws in the code, including apostasy which is renouncing a religion.
For the first time since its independence, Indonesia will make it illegal to persuade someone to be a non-believer or atheist.
New defamation articles also make it illegal for people to insult the president or criticize state ideology.
Oh deary me, can you get more ridiculous political policies than that?
The above is the effect again, the cause again? Religion.
Who gave them the right to decide who can sleep with whom?
This will get ugly, as family members or jealous partners will be reporting on everyone.
Again another divisive program caused by religion, and yet too few see through the illusion of it all.
They may argue it is morally correct, but the religious program is morally bankrupt, so how is that moral?
If religion is said to be morally righteous, and 4B are practicing it, where are all the morally nice people?
Thankfully that program is dying off, and it needs to.
It renders those that follow it, harvested, divisive, external, used as patsies, preyed upon and now influence politics.
Who gains from all of the above? Certainly not the people.
The pity party in full flow again and also the height of hypocrisy and irony as well.
Given they have ran all of the media, tv, movies and shows and so they have controlled the narrative.
Well now, some are looking at things from a different perspective and having more courage to expose it.
This type of exposure is increasing as we warned, and is increasing exponentially.
A Netflix film depicting Zionist forces murdering a Palestinian family during the 1948 war surrounding Israel’s creation, has been condemned by Israeli officials as creating a false narrative.
Oh the irony, what an hilarious retort that.
Farha, the debut of the Jordanian film-maker Darin Sallam, has been shown at several film festivals around the world since its release last year, and is Jordan’s Oscars entry for 2023.
It began streaming to a global audience on the online entertainment service last Thursday.
The film centers on the experiences of a girl, 14, who is locked in a storage room by her father during the events of the Nakba, the Arabic term for the ethnic cleansing and displacement of about 700,000 Palestinians.
When nascent Israeli soldiers come to the village, Farha witnesses the killing of an entire family, including two small children and a baby, through a crack in the pantry door.
The trailer and advertisements say the film is inspired by real events.
It’s crazy that Netflix decided to stream a movie whose whole purpose is to create a false pretense and incite against Israeli soldiers, said Israel’s outgoing finance minister, Avigdor Lieberman, in a statement.
Lieberman also said he would look at withdrawing state funding from Al Saraya theatre in the Arab-majority town of Jaffa, which screened the film.
Israel’s culture minister, Hili Tropper, said Farha depicts lies and libels, and showing it in an Israeli theatre is a disgrace.
They are losing the narrative war badly now. Tick Tock.
A bill to restrict the private ownership of big cats like lions and tigers in the US has passed by unanimous consent in the Senate.
Next step is to restrict ownership of the small spies.
What a day that will be!
No more furry snakes, looking at us with contempt, being ignorant, working for the CIA and spying on us all, or passing on diseases to us.
Ukraine’s chief intelligence agency on Thursday said its agents had seized Kremlin propaganda inside Russian Orthodox churches, releasing a photo of its agents that for some reason included a cat whose identity was also concealed.
Cats as spies? Well I never.
The MSM did a piece on something we at THI have worked hard to correct, yet old habits can take some time to adjust.
The show was about toxic femininity on the December 5 episode of The View.
Yet, Alyssa Farah Griffin and Ana Navarro had a fiery exchange of words while debating over the idea of toxic femininity.
Hardly doing much to correct it are they? In fact, it was more evidence of it being indicative.
It causes no end of problems, exactly the same as toxic masculinity, in fact one could state they are exhibiting both male and female toxic traits.
The subject came up after a segue by Whoopi Goldberg, who noted the term toxic masculinity has become popularized in today’s society.
Goldberg noted there is a Reddit thread in which ladies are sharing their negative experiences with other women, which was elaborated on during today’s show.
Farrah Griffin said; I think it is real though, explaining there has been a lot of progress in recent years but still believes women can be each other’s worst enemies, admitting that her worst bosses and some of her worst colleagues have been women.
The former White House Director of Strategic Communications was about to share a Madeleine Albright quote that came to mind before Navarro interjected.
The amount of former White House people in the MSM should have raised concerns to the public, yet it is largely ignored, of how incestuous they are.
That’s what happens when you work with Kellyanne Conway, Navarro said.
The name of Navarro, has its origins to the Italian mafia, it should be noted.
Farah Griffin looked taken aback but decided to continue with her point.
I mean – well, I can’t really get a word in without you attacking me so I wouldn’t say this is a totally different, this isn’t like a totally different environment of women supporting each other, she replied.
But Madeleine Albright always said there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help and support other women, and that’s something I try to live by.
Albright would know that all too well, as she was a hellish woman riddled with evil and toxic masculinity, so not sure quoting her will help.
A case of observe not absorb.
I think that we have a duty to try to give that back especially for the women that come after us, Farah Griffin continued.
But, that is retribution, which is low vibration and becomes another loop based circular argument.
Rebuke them for poor behavior yes, but never get into a slanging match with them, they are better at it than you.
The term toxic femininity was previously further explored in a viral 2018 Medium post written by social psychologist and author Dr. Devon Price, who offered up examples.
Like toxic masculinity, toxic femininity comprises countless idiosyncratic rules and manipulative insecurities, wrote Prince.
Perhaps makeup is required?
Perhaps having a lengthy and complicated nightly facial care routine is essential, the social psychologist continued.
What has cosmetics got to do with it? What another mask to cover things over, is that what he is saying?
A nightly shielding and inner work will fix the toxic femininity or masculinity from within.
The exact rules don’t matter so much as their rigidity and the insecurity they inspire, he said.
During Monday’s show, Farah Griffin went on to praise Goldberg for being supportive of all the women on The View, agreeing with the point that women support women more than they don’t, but I think it’s worth acknowledging when we are hard on each other.
The caveat was the recognition of the problem, because the statement does not bear facts, otherwise far more women would be nice to each other in general.
Women are too hard on each other and should work more to support each other is the correct statement.
But that comes with trust and trust is in short supply, like common sense.
As we previously reported, Farah Griffin resigned back from her political gig in December 2020 after 3.5 years in the Trump administration, having since clashed with Conway over their former boss Donald Trump during a May episode of The View.
I haven’t seen you since you’ve changed, Conway said as they discussed their exits from the Trump administration, garnering a defensive response from Farah Griffin.
I didn’t change, just to be clear, I didn’t change, Farah Griffin doubled down at the time.
I swore an oath to the Constitution, not to Donald Trump.
Part of the problem with this sensitive subject is, people will defend their own kind, no matter what.
When the balanced thing to do is, forget the labels and base your actions, words or engagement on the actual behavior itself.
Otherwise it leads to loop-based circular arguments and fingers pointing away.
But this goes down to another MSM failure, although in overview it did highlight the problems.
Bringing two females on to discuss toxic femininity and both turning around and exhibiting it, is a massive faux pas.
But then the MSM have never dealt too well in reality have they?
Another report for next week’s show, highlights the problems further.
Maybe they should have some of our members on their show, to show them the way women should be and act?
This is an addition to the OTO and Crowley narrative that adds in more dot connectors in many ways.
The Egyptian Tarot of Thelema trump for the 19th path of Leo is Sekhet XI.
The Sun, the Solar Light, is the ruler of the sign of the Lion.
A female cannot be the solar light, they are the planetary beings, the male is the solar deity.
That was corrupted by these fake gods, as the planets in this solar system was taken over by the males, like Zeus, Mars, Setan and Lucifer.
I was pondering on this recently, what if the original format is wrong also? What if it can be improved? What if a male and female looked after the planets, both in balance and harmony.
What if the solar deity became a duo also? A male and female solar deity in balance and harmony and also one on one with the one?
Surely that would appear to be a better model, as it would install the logos on each planet.
Sekhet, the Egyptian lioness goddess of heat and fire, is depicted in the center of the Tarot design.
She is crowned by the solar disc from which projects the cosmic cobra serpent, the animating spirit and energy of the Occult Force or Kundalini.
Always a serpent, just like the recent piece the snakeheads.
The serpent steals the energy via the occult force of Kundalini that really means.
In her right hand she wields the ankh of eternal life and in her left the lotus scepter.
The lotus, as a symbol, combines the four classical elements.
She has her roots in the fertile mud, floats upon the surface of the waters and grows upward through the air, opening her flower to the solar light or fire.
Sekhet is the original type of the woman of blood, the Scarlet Woman as described in the (Egyptian) Book of the Law, I: 15.
Now ye shall know that the chosen priest and apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given.
They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.
Remember the beast was also called the leviathan, Levi is another prominent Jewish name, athan means immortal.
That states that they believe the Levi family are immortal, all of which means they went Metatronic.
With the term Meta now prevalent in our time, courtesy of the borg-like Zuckerberg, it doesn’t take much to work out what these Jewish bloodlines and family names are up to.
The scarlet woman brings in the Sisterhood of the Rose or the Scarlet Sisterhood, they at the core are one and the same entity.
A Sirian dark sisterhood of just about the worst kind of sorcery and witchcraft, wrapped into a coven of evil proportions.
Given the priestly nature of it, one must ask is, did coven name change from cohen?
One suspects it is also connected to the Rose Line of Masonic flavoring, and possibly Anu related, as his symbol was the Rose.
Is the sisterhood of the Rose, linked to our Lady of the Rosary, and subsequently the rosary beads?
The scarlet woman is the Red Queen who was referenced in the song White Rabbit, but she can only come here through VI which is virtual intelligence, or is it ARVI which Alien Replicating Viral Intelligence?
Viral intelligence? brings in the Covid scam, a fake viral which went viral across the globe, not so much in terms of illness, but more in terms of pro pagan da, fear and agendas.
The red queen was part of the twins, which could also be viewed as is-is and subsequently Isis and all that brings in terms of worship.
She was one of the last two parents here, but like the other 19 departed around the middle of the last decade.
Some have claimed to have seen or met her since, they are being naïve or fooled into thinking that depiction is real.
It is just some fancy old technology she and them have used upon us and to engage the more dark aspects of society.
In Sekhet, Eve and the Serpent or Woman and Beast are combined in one image, for to her is all power given.
The Eve and the Serpent combined in one image? Has interesting connotation for the current Eve, the point is, which Eve is it? As there has been at least 6, which line or breed is it?
If the current Eve is related to most of humanity? What about all the bots? What about all the hybrids? Has the character of the Eve been determined? Woman and Beast is said, which one the entity reveals is the character of which the host feeds.
The magick of transformation, by which the poisons of the Qliphoth or demon shells are purified and dispelled, is accomplished by the soul’s immersion in the underworld where Sekhet reigns with supreme power.
Yet another example of an Egyptian from the underworld, in fact most of their rhetoric is based upon it, like the River of Styx and Hades.
In the Lacerta Files the reptilian revealed they lived underground, as do the other non-terrestrial species, could that be the real origin of the underworld?
Her collar of grey rayed with amber declares the manifesting power of the true word or oracular utterance, which is symbolized by the cobra serpent emerging from a basket at the upper right of the Tarot card.
Another reference to the serpent, snakes everywhere it seems.
The collar is also a type of protective shield, a further attribute of Sekhet, who protects the soul against the hostile forces of the underworld.
The nemmys of Sekhet is purple, reflecting the 19th path at the level of Atziluth, the world of emanations.
Babalon or the Scarlet Woman is the material embodiment of Nuit; the Serpent is the embodiment of Hadit.
According to the Book of the Law, I: 16, For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight.
One of the many titles of Sekhet is The Powerful One, for that is the literal meaning of her name, derived from sekhem.
Her name is thus spelled with the priestly sekhem scepter hieroglyph in the lower left of the Tarot picture.
Notice they all give themselves fake elevation names? The mighty, the powerful, the Almighty and so on, all rampant ego when greatness and powerful is done by actions and attested to by others, not self- titles and glorification.
As the Shakti power par excellence, there is some comparison to be made with Kali, adored by tantrik saints and yoginis.
Of course there would be references to Kali, she is the moon goddess.
The esoteric title of the Tarot trump, Daughter of the Flaming Sword, further indicates the close affinity between Sekhet and Ma’at.
This is emphasized by the position of the 19th path of Leo on the Tree of Life, extending from the azure sphere of Jupiter to the fiery red of Mars.
Jupiter is the natural sephira of Ma’at, the spiritual and natural order of Truth and Justice, while Mars is an apt station for Sekhet in her fiery and vengeful aspect.
In many ways Sekhet and Ma’at are so close as to be interchangeable, and the 19th path of Leo combines the attributes.
Same entities, differing names and time epochs.
The 19th path of Leo is called the Intelligence of the Secret of all Spiritual Activities or the Occult Intelligence.
The path is the first that is wholly beneath the Abyss when descending, and the last before the Abyss when ascending the Tree.
It is therefore the secret ruler and governor of all that is below, even as it receives the influence (mezla) from that which is above.
Mezla is a Judaic and Kaballah term, for false light in real terms.
The traditional magical power of the 19th path of Leo is the Power of Training Wild Beasts, which is, more accurately, understanding the language of non-human intelligences.
Not if you understand Talmudic Law it is not, because training the wild beasts is in reference to us, the goyim.
The word for training wild beasts is? Education.
Initiation requires the person to understand the Occult Force.
As it is put by Hadit, the Serpent of Knowledge in the Book of the Law, II: 26–27:
I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy.
If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one.
If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one.
There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss.
He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.
The dogs of reason? Is that taking a veiled swipe at man’s best friend? and possibly suggestive of the cat cult as well?
Those who work the path to the limits of reason may intuit the magical power of the Occult Intelligence, but there is great danger therein.
Causal determinism has been with us since ancient times.
Causal determinism means and deals with conditional predictability, which says that if I know all of my past/present material conditions and natural laws, then I can know my future causal path.
Just like the loops, rinse and repeat ad nauseum, except we don’t know our past mainly due to memory wipe technology used in the past.
To my understand our next death and rebirth phase will not undergo memory wiping.
It is resumed in modern times, more specifically as self-willed determinism.
Unthinking acceptance of causal determinism means that Thelemic magicians become ensnared by the crapulous creed of scientism.
Non-thinking clearly plagues these occultists then, the fact they are involved in it, means they are unthinking or certainly operating in unwise thinking.
The cults of self-love are also cast into the pit by the Daughter of the Flaming Sword, for the rational doctrine of the self as sole supreme leads to the self-confinement of Isolate Intelligence, and the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit, as it is put in the Book of the Law, I: 52.
If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many; if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!
What an oxymoron statement that is, self-love and sole supreme is banned, as you must follow the one of Ra Hoor Khuit! haha
The power of hypnotism is also associated with the snake, which is an inversion of the wisdom that overcomes all delusion.
Hypnotism another of the disciplines of the New Age cult, like yoga and kundalini associated with the snake.
The snake of light, or Lion-serpent, analogously extends from the base of the spine to the nape of the neck.
The serpent then enters the third eye chakra (ajna).
When the primary goal of yoga is accomplished, the crown chakra (sahasrara) is brought into being.
Let’s recap that last part shall we, you all thought the lion was a representative of the cat species, and yet it is linked to the serpent.
Perhaps that is why so many coat of arms these self-appointed clown families all have, are all regaled with lions.
Is the lion the illusion and behind the fur is a snake? Like I have called the domesticated cats which are not related to anything on this planet, snakes in fur.
The serpent goes up the spine, kundalini, enters the third eye and takes over the crown chakra, you do realize those two practices are symbolizing or indeed creating a symbiote?
Leo the Lion-serpent:
Teth the Serpent is the letter of the path, shown on the lower right edge of the Tarot card.
The serpent is one of the earliest magical images of Leo.
Yet we were told it is the lion, one has to ask is the lion a snake in fur clothing? Like the wolf in sheep clothing.
Figures of Sekhet and the cat goddess Bast frequently showed a serpent spine or tail.
Well I never, not looking good for the furry spies now is it?
Techa or djed, the ancient Egyptian form of the serpent, looks similar in shape to the letter lamed.
The Letter Lamed (ל) This letter is the tallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Since it stands taller than all the other letters, as it represents royalty.
Common sense question now is; Why are the Egyptian’s using a Hebrew Jewish language?
The answer is; The Jewish are connected fully to the Egyptian cult, and their common language is Hebrew.
The same off-world entities is why, the royalty line confirms it.
There is a close relationship between Ma’a, the Lion of Truth, whose letter is the sickle or Egyptian sword of Ma’at, and the oracular serpent.
The relation is well established in the Tarot correspondences.
The paths of Leo and Libra (19 and 22) effectively revolve around Virgo (Isis) and are interchangeable.
All of which determines the astrological charts, zodiacs and readings are in some way an occult binding to them.
I have said all along astrology is fake, there is more of the proof of it.
It is secret worshipping of the same fake gods and goddesses.
The serpent hieroglyph is both the root and phonetic of the name of Tahuti (or Thoth), god of magick, writing and words, especially the Word.
The Word? Oh my, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The fake bible tells you that is related to Jesus, it is not, it is Thoth!
The serpent is also closely identified with both Ra and his sun boat as both protector and antagonist, as explained with the previous zodiacal trump in the series, Atet VII.
The Lion-serpent is a very ancient image of Leo the Lion, the 5th sign of the Zodiac ruled by the Sun.
It is the astral or magical image of Leo and the 19th path.
19 in letter numeric form is; AI.
With this Tarot trump we have chosen to show Uranus as exalted in Leo, as glyphed on the lower left edge of the card.
As the Daughter of Ra and the Eye of Ra, Sekhet sends forth flashing rays that incinerate the foe.
Uranus corresponds to Da’ath by the analogy of lightning bolts or arrows of Neïth striking down through the Abyss.
The matrix of Ma’at or Isis, as seated on her Throne of Hollow Stone is thus made luminous.
Ancient Lore of Sekhet:
Sekhet or Sekhmet is a warrior goddess as well as protectress.
According to ancient Egyptian lore, the desert was formed from her hot, fiery breath, or was Sekhet the one who used the fash weapon?
She is the protector of kings and leads them into battle.
Upon death, Sekhet assists their passage through the underworld to her perfumed garden of paradise, called Sekhet A’aru, the blessed fields from which the Greeks took their Eleusinian Paradise.
Sekhet A’aru literally means, Reed Fields.
Reed is also mentioned in the bible, a total of 70 times, always 40 or 70 with them, and that is another confirm the bible is their story not ours.
In a tale concerning the ending of Ra’s rule on the earth, Ra sends Hathoor in the form of Sekhet to destroy all those who conspired against him.
So, Hathor the seductress was also Sekhet, another avatar or walk in.
Sekhet’s blood lust is not quelled at the end of battle and there is a danger of her destroying the entire human race.
Ra then pours out beer dyed with red ochre or hematite so that it resembles blood.
Mistaking the beer for blood, Sekhet becomes so drunk that she returns peacefully to Ra.
Ra, the Sun, it is well to remember, is the ruler of the astrological sign of Leo the Lion.
The Sun is the secret self of Sekhet, soul and daughter of Ra.
Well now you know why they big up the lion, as brave as a lion, the lion roars, power and strength, because it is eulogizing Ra and Sekmet.
Sekmet tried to destroy the whole human race, and yet so many here worship that and her human murdering father?
The priestesses of Sekhet performed a ritual before a different statue of the goddess on each day of the year.
This has resulted in many well-preserved images of the goddess.
Most of her statuettes are finely cut from solid granite, the most enduring stone and very difficult to cut and work with.
Feasts to Sekhet were celebrated at the end of battles, for the preservation of peace.
Another oxymoron statement that.
During the annual festival held at the beginning of the year, the Egyptians danced and played music in celebration of the goddess.
According to the few written accounts that have survived the ages, the celebrants ritually drank great quantities of red beer and wine to imitate the divine intoxication, that calmed the wrath of the goddess when she almost destroyed humanity.
The tale was at one time mirrored at the beginning of each year, when the Nile ran blood red with silt from up-stream.
Some versions of the legend have it that Sekhet swallowed the overflow to save humankind from destruction.
She probably thought it was the red beer, given she was clearly an alcoholic.
There are historical records of tens of thousands attending the festival of Sekhet.
The findings were made in the temple of Mut; when Thebes (Waset) rose to prominence, Mut absorbed some of the characteristics of Sekhet.
Temple excavations at Luxor discovered a porch of drunkenness built into the temple by Queen Hatshepsut, at the height of her twenty-year reign.
Such accounts have always delighted travelers and historians.
However, they reveal little if anything of the real mysteries of Sekhet, or even of the magical powers of her path.
As the Old One, Sekhet’s origins are lost in antiquity.
Like Set, the only begotten son of Nuit, she is considered first of all Gods.
Today, knowledge of Sekhet’s path exists in fragmentary form.
Her followers, contrary to that which we would surmise from the writings of historians and Egyptologists, continue her rites in secret.
Yes in darkened rooms, caves and caverns all done by the darker elements of our society, worshipping something that brought no benefit to humanity, and indeed was part of a family that has destroyed much of humanity, and enslaved it, by these off-world fake gods.
Other Pieces
The recently departed Karen Hudes has generated some sympathy from her followers in the Alt Media, but make no mistake she was not one of us by any stretch of the imagination.
Karen Alexandra Hudes was born to Ira Hudes and Sylvia Helen Appel on December 20, 1948.
She graduated from Northwood High School in 1966.
She graduated magna cum laude from NYU with a B.A. and received her J.D. from Yale University in 1976, as well as a a
Masters of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Amsterdam.
All the components of clown behavior already in place in the first three lines, born in, born to and Yale.
She married Barry Alexander Spergel who is born to in 1989.
She worked at the U.S. Export Import Bank from 1980-1985 and later as Senior Counsel for the World Bank, where she was employed for 21 years, from 1986-2007.
Except she was still working for the World Bank in 2013, as I was sent emails of hers that she sent to Presidents and Prime Ministers on World Bank note paper.
She established the NGO Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.
Banks and the BAR adds another 2 components, just the church and secret societies to come.
Her work led to publications in the U.S.A., England, France, Germany, Holland, Jordan and Yemen.
She was involved in both Beth El Synagogue of Bethesda MD and Berlin First Baptist Church of Berlin MD.
During her undergraduate career she was a member of Phi Betta Kappa at NYU.
Both Karen and her husband are Marxist Jews, Karen was very careful never to reveal anything about her Ashkenazi Jewish background, family or private interests.
Barry Spergel, her husband, was born on 23 May, 1952, and is an Environment Financing Consultant and international lawyer with his office at home.
Amongst his many positions, he has helped design environmental funds in more than 25 countries, including drafting up legal documents, operations manuals, grant-making procedures, investment policies, and fundraising strategies.
In other words, a harvesting agent, collecting the shekels.
He has also negotiated Debt-for-Nature swaps for the World Bank.
He has written global forestry laws and environmental protection laws; and designed new environmental taxes and user fees (user fees which will soon be introduced all around the world for the public to access their own privatized, UN-controlled national parks!) and PES and REDD.
Which became part of the let’s go green project.
Does anyone ponder whether the going green project is reptile based?
He has also helped design and evaluate many projects for GEF, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), KFW, AFD, USAID, WWF, CI, TNC, IUCN etc.
GEF was the precursor to WEF.
Barry Spergel attended Yale Law School 1975-1978, which Karen Hudes also attended, and it is presumed that is where they first met and subsequently, he became Karen’s husband.
Yet again Yale is involved.
Barry Spergel was Senior Legal Counsel and Director for Conservation Finance at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) USA based at 1250 24th Street, NW Washington, DC, from 1989 to 2003.
The WWF was founded on 29 April 1961 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, with five others including Julian Huxley and Godfrey A. Rockefeller (all eugenicists).
Yet again exposing another fake global charity.
Today the WWF is based in Switzerland, has HRH the duke of Edinburgh as its president Emeritus, has revenues of over 525 million euros, has over 5 million supporters worldwide.
Emeritus, does that mean he merits from us? Certainly, that is the case is it not?
It is the world’s largest conservation organization, and derives approximately 57% of its funding from individuals and bequests, 17% from the World Bank, DFID, and USAID, and 11% from corporations.
So, the World Bank is at the center of GEF, WEF, WWF programs.
Karen Hudes was a Senior Legal Counsel at the World Bank.
Both the WWF (USA) and World Bank work together, and indirectly are controlled by City of London Jews with the British Monarchy at the head.
Mr. Spergel has worked with Michael Rothschild of the Walton Family Foundation on the Forever Costa Rica Project, the first such program in a developing country to permanently meet the UN Global Protected-Area Goals.
The Walton family are the founders of Walmart, they with the underground tunnels and bunkers below their shops.
He is involved with the 2013-2017 Mediterranean MPA Network Strategy to introduce UN-mandated Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean.
Which like the land protection means two things, A: there is a military base and B: generally, follows an off-world base below.
Now connect that fact to the Walmart group.
He has developed the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds for the Conservation Finance Alliance.
Above all, Barry Spergel has personally written the UN/World Bank/IMF global plan for global ‘Conservation Finance’ called Limitations and Opportunities for financing protected areas all around the world.
Through World Bank/IMF bilateral debt reduction for biodiversity conservation swaps, debt-for-nature swaps, introducing new property tax surcharges to pay for conservation land acquisition, greatly increasing visitor fees to conservation areas etc.
This involves massively increasing the current global spending of $6 billion per year to $45 billion per year.
In 1987, at the 4th World Wilderness Congress held in Denver Colorado, (the now late) Edmund de Rothschild set up the World Conservation Bank.
The outstanding author and speaker, George W. Hunt (some of his video material is still on Youtube), who attended the Congress, later explained how it or an equivalent organization to it in the future, was to be used as the final decoupling mechanism to take over the entire assets of the collapsed banks of the world during a global crisis.
By providing a new world financial system and global currency called the world conservation earth dollar or something like it, issued against the collateral of 34% of the entire earth’s surface that has been transferred into UN Conservation Parks and Biodiversity zones.
Which has long been completed here in New Zealand, SSP country is why, under the Command of Barack Obama.
It’s all a very clever, ingenious, evil, cunning, Marxist, British Socialist plot to take over the world, and I regret to say, both Karen Hudes and Barry Spergel are, right now, a very nasty and integral part of it.
Hudes lied to the alt media back in 2013 and 2014 time, when she said she no longer worked for the World Bank.
Yet I was sent letters signed by her to lead officials around the world, all done and signed on World Bank paper.
I am sorry she has passed, but her work and business ethics sucked to the highest degree.
But, she provided some nice alt media distractions for people to follow, the classic wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Perhaps another former banker is following in her footsteps?
There are to follow now to the end of the show some real deep ponderings for you all.
I would suggest greater attention is required.
The question at the end of the show is, what does it say to you, about you and of you?
The name ISIS has two connotations, neither of which is beneficial to us.
ISIS the overly worshipped goddess of the Dark Forces, and the other is a fakely created terrorist organization, designed to create fear, false flags and create fake news to boot.
This show revealed that ISIS is also an acronym for Israeli Security Intelligence Services such cohen-cidences, which was changed to ISIL and now to just IS.
This made me ponder on why the name changed, which may lead to an interesting conclusion.
ISIS also means twin remember, with that in mind here goes.
ISIS changed ISIL, let’s break that down to IS and IL, which means IS is god, as IL is the Hebrew word for god and also their international code.
The IL was dropped and now just IS.
So, the god was dropped and so was the twin, as IS-IS became the singular.
My pondering makes me think it became IS because one of the twins has gone or died.
Who are the twins? The last two Parents where twins, one of which was Red Queen.
As the song asked “And the Red Queen’s off with her head”, begs the question; has the Red Queen really now gone for good as well, or did she kill off her twin?
There is a debate going on about the photon belt the astronomers and scientist explain, some sources say it’s vertical, others say it’s horizontal.
Both have a galactic orbit of 226M years, and the description of both states it as, 10,000 years of darkness, 2,000 years of light.
Which leaves around 1k years short or missing, is that significant?
Why would it be 10K years dark and only 2K years light? Is that the fractal virus?
The Dark Forces manipulating this solar system? Remember it is/was a Time Matrix.
Some have tried to do a model of it, but couldn’t fit it in with the figures and details provided by the scientists, no surprise there then.
The model tried to fit it in with a 2000 year pass through, this is where it gets interesting.
If our solar system cycles above and below the galactic plane on a 26K year cycle, that means 13K years on either side, taking 2000 years to cross through the plane reduces the ‘above’ and ‘below’ periods to about 12K years each.
This then means this is another version of 12+1, rounded up anyway, as we have revealed and supported by evidence by our members Kevin and Michael, that it is 12960 years and 25920 the full cycle.
Notice the gap is the figure 40 again in each cycle, we have referenced the amount of times in biblical stuff over the over- use of the number 40.
If you take the rounded up figure of 1k years leaves around 11960 and yet our sun has a significant cycle that is about 11,500 years long? Is that cycle really 11500 or 11960, with one thousand years added on, which would be described as some sort of portal or gateway?
This brings in the every 2K years cycle the Trustee and Marduk either battled together or separate, neither matters either way, as both ended up acting in the same way.
The biblical return of the alleged Messiah is every 2000 years also, but I pondered on sometime earlier this year of the 1000 year cycle, which brings in the Radomir and Mary Magdalene story.
Perhaps the next piece provides a or the clue?
There is a ghostly glow that is surrounding our solar system, scientists say and they are not sure where it is coming from.
The dim glow continues even when the expected sources of light are subtracted, scientists say.
In a new study, they subtracted the light that is coming from known sources, such as stars and galaxies and found that something remained.
The amount of light is tiny: equivalent to ten fireflies spread out across the whole sky.
But scientists are nonetheless perplexed by the glow, and are yet to find exactly where it is coming from.
Scientists made the discovery using 200,000 images taken from Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope.
They then looked for any background glow by removing all the expected light.
The glow might be the result of an unknown structure within our solar system, scientists have speculated.
It may include a sphere of dust that is made up from comets they speculated.
In 2021, the New Horizons probe also found that there was a small amount of background light in the solar system.
That light also remains unexplained, and possible explanations suggested have included everything from a hidden set of distant galaxies to decaying dark matter.
The light detected by New Horizons was less intense than that found in the Hubble images, however.
That might be because New Horizons was further away – some 4 or 5 billion miles from the Sun.
Here is the key lines of what scientist are speculating and led researchers to believe that the light is coming from inside our nearby our solar system.
Taken together, the two findings suggest that the solar system might include some element that has not previously been measured.
Now I wonder what that is?
The question is; will they see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Psychology piece
Changing your mind can change everything, and it is something we at THI have done very well.
As repeating the old ways failed every time.
On the one hand, it is useful to distinguish between what we think and what we feel.
This was a short piece that I expanded on quite a bit and peels back the layers of you, who me? Yes you.
Thinking about the world is different from feeling pain after an injury; making plans is different from feeling joy at the sight of the first flowers blooming at the onset of spring.
From another perspective though, these are not mutually exclusive, it might be useful to look at thought and feeling as a unity.
Perhaps we can think of both as movements of the mind: in that picture, thinking and feeling are united by the primacy of mind.
A feeling always goes hand in hand with the perception of something by the mind, the nature of which depends on our overall thought world, conscious mind thought of not as a mere filter, but as something active that in a sense is both evoked by and evokes the feeling.
Except they can’t be combined, as I believe feelings come from the heart not the mind.
If you have bad feelings or fears too often, you are in the mind, the good feelings and love are from the heart only.
The problem is, are your thoughts actually yours? Determining that alters your perception of life and emotions.
For instance, when I hear a loud car passing by, this can provoke negative feelings if I think that loud cars are a senseless provocation by men in their midlife crisis.
If I’m a fan of racing cars, on the other hand, and appreciate the sound of a nice big engine, I might even feel good about hearing that roar.
Since both of these thoughts are not mutually exclusive, I might be able to choose from which perspective I’d like to look at the experience, and therefore modulate my feelings.
Or you can observe not absorb, why should a passing car invoke negative feelings?
It is even possible to consciously lessen the level of pain one feels after an injury: I can think of all the bad consequences and give myself over to hysteria, or I can see the pain and injury as an interesting lesson that may lead to something positive.
When you realize you are the internal healer, that does not require an external healer, life becomes much simpler and indeed cheaper.
In the latter case, the felt pain immediately diminishes.
The fact that hypnosis can reduce pain, sometimes dramatically so, is another example of how thought can impact, or even determine, our most basic sensations.
Hypnosis is another example of external again, you don’t need it, and it leaves you open to a host invasion done by the hypnotizer.
It is in this sense that feeling could be considered a movement of the mind.
Thought is a movement of the mind as well: it comes from our mind, this can happen consciously or unconsciously.
The more we learn to be conscious about it, the greater will be our degree of free will with regard to how and where to move our thoughts.
Thought and feeling, then, are more interconnected than we might assume: both depend on our minds.
Providing you have determined what is your mind and whether someone or thing else is controlling it.
Perhaps this is the reason why Aristotle saw thought, desire and feelings as interdependent, but thought in some sense as primary:
1 The primary objects of desire and of thought are the same.
For the apparent good is the object of appetite, and the real good is the primary object of rational wish.
But desire is consequent on opinion rather than opinion on desire; for the thinking is the starting-point.
2 For Aristotle, both feeling and thought aim at the highest, the ground of all reality, but the way we look at our desires comes first.
True desires comes from the heart, the mind can only mimic it.
Because many desires from the mind leads to greed, lust and selfishness.
This is an important concept when we think about the nature of life: in the neo-Darwinian, mechanistic view of life, feelings and desires are mere reactions to external stimuli, just like a machine is programmed to react to certain input.
That is because the mind is in part a machine, that can be programmed, externally of you.
However, there is a different way of looking at it: namely that organisms, even primitive organisms, have goals, and their actions have therefore a certain rationale.
They are the consequence of thought, at least in the minimal sense of the word.
It is often much more fruitful to look at human action through that lens: not as something programmed or mechanistic, but as something reasoned, even if that reasoning is often primitive and unconsciously follows low-level desires in a similar way as do more primitive organisms.
The let’s make man in our image comes into the way of thinking and operating in that sense.
This is proven by our experience that we can make this sort of unconscious reasoning conscious and reason differently:
we change our underlying feelings by changing how we think about them, just as in the examples of the sports car or injury.
We can also learn to recognize, where our thoughts are just rationalizations of low-level desires and change our thinking.
And we can listen closely to our emotions and take them as information, which again, might lead to changing our thoughts.
You change your thoughts by operating away from the mind, operating in the mind causes you to argue within the head, and also one must question are these thoughts my own?
Have you defined which version is you? If you have a lot of doubts within your thought patterns, means you haven’t defined who the you is.
That leads to mistrust, self-doubts, indecision and undefined thought patterns.
Those thought patterns leads to circular arguments, discussions and wishing for the future, when in the heart you already know.
Speaking of primitive organisms, even their actions can be seen in this light: while they follow primitive impulses and often seem to just react to external stimuli, this can be interpreted as the result of a certain form of thought, or way of looking at things.
But, that is the way of most people is it not? reacting to external stimuli means you are not fully controlling the self.
Reacting is the past, proactive is the future.
What appears to be mere reactions are limit cases of thought that is extremely straight-forward.
After all, they follow goals as well, such as self-preservation and reproduction, and they look at their sensations through this lens.
But which lens are you or they looking through? Can you “see” or what can you not “see”? because a lens is a distorted piece of glass, is the distorted glass reflective of a distorted view?
Even their feelings and actions can be seen, therefore, as movements of the mind, yes, if you are stuck in the mind.
Of course, this view runs completely counter to the view of scientific materialism, which has taken hold of our entire thinking since the second half of the 19th century.
But even the materialists presuppose this view, if even unconsciously, when they talk about the goals of organisms or genes: they use the rich language from our experience as conscious agents capable of reasoning and goal-setting to make sense of what happens in nature.
Let’s have a closer look at nature shall we.
But what is nature? Nature is often defined by woods, trees, animals and birds, yet isn’t all terrain and places nature?
The question then becomes; what is the “nature” of reality?
Because nature is now defined as external of you, but what is your nature? Have you defined it?
What if nature is within you?
I ask that because, this is what nature really means; Nature; restorative powers of the body, bodily processes; powers of growth; being, principle of life; character, essence, course of things; natural character, constitution, quality; the universe, literally birth, born or begat.
That is your internal nature, the powers of growth, principle of life and the Universe.
From late 14c. Nature: as creation, the universe.
That is your and our nature, how will you define or determine it? And how will you project your nature?
Even though some of them recognize it to an extent and proclaim that they could, in theory, use an entirely scientific or materialist language, in practice, they cannot.
In any event, the strength of their arguments depends largely on this (mis)use of a rich language that sneaks mind back into the equation on all levels.
And in typical left brain hemisphere fashion, they refuse to acknowledge that the same story can be told very differently: as an expression of thought, where thought and feeling are understood to form a whole.
But only from the heart, and that requires ending the duel or dualling hemispheres and forging the sword of the heart.
The Reality of the Something Higher:
Note that the point here is not to say thoughts and feelings are the same thing, or just that they are interdependent, but the implications go deeper.
The question is: how is it even possible that there is a something in us that can observe our thoughts and that can give rise to thoughts? That can observe our feelings and give rise to them? That can consciously change our whole internal makeup, or rather allow our internal makeup to be changed by aligning with different thought forms, different modes of being?
It is your soul and higher self, plus Source if you can reconnect back to it.
All of this points to something beyond the mere physical, and the mere brain programmed by evolution metaphor.
This beyond doesn’t seem to be arbitrary, but a reality in its own right with certain features.
As is so often the case, our language, the way we talk and think about things, can give us a clue.
For example, we often say things like he bumps into these problems all the time, suggesting that there is a hidden structure of reality that operates on the plane of mind, rather than physical reality.
That is manifesting that reality, change your words and thoughts and they no longer apply, or much less.
Using the metaphor of bumping into things, we compare this higher reality with our familiar physical reality, where there are obstacles, pathways and terrain, pointing to a whole parallel world in which we move, just as we move in the physical world.
When people realize, we actually create most of the obstacles and self create a parallel world, like our own bubble Universe if you like, once that is grasped, you then have to realize the fact that, only you can change your world and reality.
You may point fingers away, because that is considered the easy path, it’s not, it is a circular looping path where you end up right back where you started.
The obstacles, the barriers, the limitations, the fake world and the Russian dolls are all of your own making.
Those are the effects of it, but what is the cause of it? Not operating enough in the heart.
Another metaphor we use to describe this Something Higher is that of meta-laws or meta-rules, which often come to us in the form of sayings and old wisdoms.
Meta laws and rules, we can do without thank you, with the Metatronic implants of fake immortality, they are just installed in a perpetual loop, and believe they are immortal.
The answer is they are trapped within their own mind, just like the recent series 1899.
A good example is a saying such as; there is no free lunch.
Unless you are used as a host that possesses your body and mind, then everything is free.
Whatever is going on in this other world, its features seem to manifest in certain constraints and regularities as to our decisions, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Then the clue to that is, observe it, don’t absorb it.
This is an important lesson from hereonin, what they do in their world, is nothing to do with our world, our consciousness, our path or our way of being.
When we always seem to bump into the same problem, we rightly interpret this as a lesson we need to master, as a sign that we need to change our outlook.
Once we do that, and begin thinking and acting differently, we stop running into the problem.
We have successfully maneuvered the hidden reality by recognizing some of its features.
When we gain some advantage, we inevitably need to pay for it, before or after, in one way or another: with money, effort, suffering, labor, personal transformation or helping others, which form of energy doesn’t matter.
But there needs to be an energy exchange.
Not seeing this iron feature of the higher reality inevitably leads to disaster sooner or later, sometimes it happens instantly, sometimes much, much later.
Ignorance like magic, greed or lust there is price to pay, that pay is in the form of wasted energies, energies equals money and so there is no free lunch.
The view outlined here has both theoretical and practical consequences.
On the theoretical level, we can’t ignore the world of thought, the world of mind.
Instead of desperately trying to find eternal abstract laws that supposedly drive everything, whether it is biology, history, human behavior, etc., we should rather start again to take reasoning seriously, especially when it comes to human thought and behavior, but philosophically, perhaps, with regard to all of nature.
As we have seen, reason is not limited to purely rational thought, but is deeply linked to feelings as well.
Reasoning can happen consciously or unconsciously, yet reasoning it always is.
It is the mind moving, whether this movement be deeply informed and therefore refined, or misinformed or chaotic, fragmented and arbitrary.
All of which makes your head spin, more on that later.
On a practical level, this means we must finally leave the mindset that all about us is programmed, determined or just happens.
It means we can use our minds to change everything, always, even the most painful experiences.
It means we need to stop blaming others, society, God or biology for our misfortunes and suffering, but rather ask: are there any errors in the way I look at things? What am I missing here?
And what knowledge and experience do I need to get my mind moving away from the chaotic and fragmented state, and towards a truthful and informed state, in tune with the reality of the something higher?
What are my feelings trying to tell me about my outlook on the world and what may be wrong with it? And what would be the right actions that this new way of thinking would lead to?
The way we interact with the world deeply depends on our thoughts and feelings.
And both can be seen as movements of the mind.
Perhaps, then, it’s time to change it.
You change your mind not just by thinking different, but operating fully in the heart, because then the mind as a single entity does not matter.
Heart thinking can only raise your vibration, it cannot lie to you, it brings you in connection with Source and the all.
That is all of your tasks right there, but ultimately the choice is yours, the heart or the head.
Perhaps another spell cast wording is; mind the gap, the gap is the heart and you have to mind or look after the heart.
The heart must be open at all times, to allow for all possibilities, or you can do the Excalibur on yourself and death by a thousand cuts.
This piece maybe a mind blower as they say, but the real word is absentmindedness, because if you are absent mind, you can only operate in the heart.
If you only operate in the heart, the great question for you then is……..
Ending Piece
The question of how did you love becomes one of how will you love going forward?
Open hearted love or closed-minded love, which is it to be?
Which is the real and which is the illusion? Do you value you yourself enough for open hearted love? Or will your limitation and non-trust programs kick in?
People will go into fear if that is their modus operandi, we can’t help them with that at this stage as it is a free will choice.
But in the absence of love, fear reigns.
Here is the latest pondering of mine, you know how they use words and phrases as spell casts? I was pondering the other day of as above so below, and as within so without on a combined body and cosmos level.
Just like the torus within us, the planet and the sun, this pondering applies to that in some way.
Recently I did a presentation on the common sense zoom showing not a geocentric earth and solar system, but a helical system that spirals.
I have another presentation coming up in an hour, that will be shown on the next common sense zoom call.
Geocentric is a closed system remember, things just go round and round in circles and so is a closed loop system.
It is called circum which means go around, with navigate, hence we or indeed they circumnavigate us.
But, the spiral has an out, or indeed a gate, which allows in-flow and out flow and so then allows for the expansion, whether it be life or the creation of new energy, thought forms, consciousness or GNA.
The body and the head are spinning they say, is that a spell cast on us all?
When we should be spiraling just like our DNA cords, just like the sun with the planets in its wake.
The other common saying which is a reverse psychology ploy is; we are spiraling out of control.
No, we are spiraling in or under our own control, it is they who have lost the control.
Circular looping spin is their control, spiraling is our control.
As above and so below as within so without
Do you spin me round or spiral me round, that is the question and the answer.