Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2021-10-07
Topics in this show
- PM Trudeau on vacation during Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Trump reveals receiving Pfizer jab
- People of South Africa awaiting ruling that could break the New World Order
- BS behind recent declaration to pull troops from Afghanistan
- Fake narrative of “China is the enemy”
- House Democrats introduce measure to eliminate the Space Force based on child-like threats from China
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez votes no on funding Israeli’s anti-missile shield
- Semiconductor chip shortage continues
- Climate BS
- Official 1948 document reveals – no poison gas used in concentration camps
- Injustice, rules for us and rules for “them”
- Expose: Pinkerton
- Recognize your own progress. We, at THI are on the right path
Quick links

There will be a TPC/Communal Gatherings zoom call next Sunday. 3PM MT which fortunately for Holly is now the exact same time.
All communal gathering people I am asking to attend and those interested in or joining the village.
I want each gathering leader to update their gatherings progress within this call.
Plus have a Q&A on items concerning the individual gatherings.
Another must listen to show this coming Tuesday.
There is an important document just released by Canadian government about a new Emergency Act, signed in Saskatchewan, but also in some American states that has the potential to bring in the Military, of varying nations to enforce the fake Emergency.
Perhaps it’s the UN like in Australia?
Some of the rhetoric is deeply disturbing and these Emergency powers echo war time conditions, the great question to ask is, who is the war between?
Take over and acquire personal property for the emergency, control or prohibit travel which means quarantines and potential check points, ze papers please.
Essentially they are saying if your house, business or land is designated of use during the Emergency they can and will throw you out.
Saying they will place you in alternative accommodation, is that the quarantine camps they have been setting up?
They can enter any building or house without warrant.
Procure or fix prices for food, clothing, fuel, equipment, medical or other supplies.
Demolition of trees and or crops during the Emergency, acquire land, homes and property deemed in the way of the fake Emergency.
Given Saskatchewan is mainly farmland, one wonders are they going to take over the food? destroy it? and make it a real Dark Winter?
All persons must comply with orders.
There is no possible Emergency to accommodate these Draconian powers.
This is not something to fear, at some point it will be inevitable that flashpoints between the people and the old system.
Their sheer desperation now is evidential for all to see, it is they who are terrified, as everyone of their plans has backfired.
What this also reveals is, their vaccine program is collapsing, they lie about how many are jabbed, and lie about how many are killed or injured by said jabs.
They have turned on the health and care workers, turned on the police, turned on the Military and many of the latter two will support the people in our fight against this global tyranny.
We will have other support also, should it be required, but a united peoples cannot be defeated and so hopefully the extra help will not be needed.
This act of acquiring property can be reversed by the people as our own Emergency Act.
Procure the homes, businesses of the global elites, pharmaceutical companies and any other entities deemed a threat or has done harm to we the people.
Please act responsibly no violence, no smashing things up, keep everything in pristine shape as we can sell those properties and equipment to fund the new projects for and by the people.
This is now a great opportunity for the people to come together as one on a mass scale, no matter which country this tyranny is unfolding, all people must act, we cannot carry on ignoring the plight of others, as one day you will be that plight of others.
History is now in the making, as we are about to write a whole new and exciting chapter in our story.
There will be casualties there always is in any war, but we will prevail against the dark forces and their pathetic minions.
It is the unhooking of the loops, the collapsing of the part inorganic old world and the emergence of the new real world for those ready.
It will bring an end to global tyranny, and end to perpetual wars, an agenda to death and sickness agendas ran on the people, an end to the harvesting, an end to the child abuses of various formats and a rising of a new humanity, filled with hope, unity, love, fearlessness, creativity and a togetherness not witnessed between the people here for a very long time.
Let us not let the children suffer the consequences of your compliance.
Everything we ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
No more his story, it is time to make our story.
I am told by a friend that the lakes and waters of northern Ontario Canada are being drained to the ocean and are already down by about 2 feet.
This is probably going on elsewhere, as well, in an effort to destroy forests and food production and living conditions.
Just after I listened to the segment where you announced that the FED will promote Digital Wallets which will be available at the local post office, in an effort to help the unbanked, my local paper this morning revealed that the Post Office will now provide check cashing at its branches to everyone!
But here’s the caveat, no cash, instead you get a VISA card, I couldn’t believe it.
They claim it’s because the check cashers charge too much.
Since when does the FED care about that?
It also made me wonder if this isn’t part of the shipping problem.
A heads up as new skullduggery is ongoing with the internet as the clowns desperately try to stall, stop or ban evidence of their complicity in criminal acts against we the people.
Sometime last year Firefox started to flag sites saying security key issue, warning to not go on that site, but you could get past that by clicking advance and proceed regardless.
This week they are using a new tactic whenever I start to do research.
Up pops the same security key warning, but I proceeded as normal, except now it doesn’t go to the page requested and doubles back to the search engine, utterly pathetic and proves again we are over the target, nice try Firefox, but it won’t stop me exposing clowns.
Here is another example of it, our old friends Go ogle up to no good again, so we are going to expose that as well.
There are many non English speaking people around the world, who have become interested in the alt media narrative and they are transcribing shows and blogs into their own languages, all good stuff.
Except Go ogle which is the most common used translator are not transcribing the words correctly and twisting the narrative.
Many are transcribing Covid related stuff, and Go ogle are twisting negative comments about Covid into positive comments about the vaccines, again utter shameful tactics, and proves if you have to lie and cheat about something, you are covering up something, that something is the truth.
Firefox and Go ogle exposed again.
The story we ran last week about Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the outspoken Marine who went viral for questioning the nation’s top military leaders amid a chaotic exit from Afghanistan, and we asked for his release and fellow officers and Veterans support, he was released from the brig on Tuesday.
This was an interesting headline that caused consternation in the UK, is this a revealing line?
BBC row erupts as Boris slaps down new minister Nadine Dorries over 10 years to live claim.
Now it turns out that Dorries was talking about the BBC still existing, but eerily echoes the plight of the jabbed.
This smacks of telling you in cryptic code ways to me, sub conscious spell casting, of which they are all too prolific at.
I saw more evidence this week of clever activistism, marching on Governments is pointless.
But the people of the UK following a recent march surrounded the BBC, have followed up with marching on the Bill and Melinda Foundation building in London, next step is outside their homes, until they step down.
Australians, find out where Professor David Hayward and his family live, and annoy the hell out of them.
Why? because that jackass is requesting a tax on the unvaccinated.
Remember these people have no security and would be terrified if loads of people turn up at their door, letting them know we the people do not accept you in our communities.
No violence, throwing things or shouting obscenities, your mere presence there will be enough to unnerve them.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday urged Americans to avoid a potentially harmful brand of hand sanitizer.
The warning stated that unacceptable levels of certain carcinogenic chemicals had been found in samples of scent-free hand sanitizer produced by the company Artnaturals.
The chemicals in question, benzene, acetaldehyde, and acetal contaminants turned up in bottles marked as DIST. by artnaturals Gardena, CA 90248.
Don’t suppose anybody will charge the FDA for approving the product in the first place?
This is what the Canadian people allegedly voted for, crassly insensitive, out of touch with the people and reality, it is classic I don’t give a Fauci about the people.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been criticized for leaving on vacation during Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
The new federal holiday honors thousands of indigenous children, who were forcefully assimilated in Canada’s state-backed residential school system.
Assimilated is one way to describe, mass culling, abuse, torture, mind control experiment and sexual abuse is the real term, I would use.
Mr Trudeau’s daily schedule had indicated he would spend the day in private meetings in the capital Ottawa.
Instead he was spotted with family on the beach in Tofino, British Columbia.
Andrew Yang may not have won the presidential election, but he credits his campaign with moving the country towards the inevitable implementation of a universal basic income program in the United States.
Oh dear Yang is as bad as the Yin, with that statement, again it is classic sleight of hand as Yang is portrayed as a nice alternative, yet spouts the same clown based programs as the rest of them.
Yang has become synonymous with universal basic income, and initially sought to focus his presidential campaign around the concept, not himself.
Once a fringe theory, the possibility of the government sending monthly payments to Americans has gained traction, especially among young people, and was a main attractor of people to Yang’s campaign.
Yes, young people who have no clue of what it all entails, the dangers or the damage it would cause them, a lifetime of dire servitude and control.
Most people agree that we succeed in putting universal basic income, once considered a quixotic idea, onto the national political radar, Yang wrote in his new book, Forward.
Most people are obsessed by their new god – money, then yes Mr. Yang, but some of us see through your illusion games.
By raising the profile of universal basic income and focusing on issues like automation, we had accelerated the end of poverty in our society years, perhaps even generations.
Yes the automation game, replace us all with bots and here have some fresh air tokens in exchange, whilst we figure out more ways to delete you.
In August 2020, a Pew Research poll found only a slim majority of American adults oppose a nationwide universal basic income program.
However, a majority of young people, aged 18-29, would support a UBI program that issued $1,000 monthly payments to every citizen, as did the majority of Black and Hispanic people, polled.
How easily people are fooled, just flash pieces of papers with numbers on, and mass psychosis unfolds.
For those who still think Donald Trump is not part of the establishment, perhaps you may wish to reconsider after this interview last week.
Former President Donald Trump has revealed he got Pfizer’s COVID vaccine before leaving office, and that he may get a booster shot if he thinks it is necessary.
Trump had not previously announced which vaccine he had received.
He and then-First Lady Melania got the shot in January before Trump left office, but did not reveal he had been vaccinated until March.
His revelation that he would be willing to get a booster came despite him telling supporters last month, that he probably wouldn’t get the third shot.
In an interview with Yahoo Finance Live published Saturday, Trump said: Well, I got the Pfizer and I would have been very happy with any of them.
Trump pro vaccines, remember it was Trump who led us into lockdowns despite knowing it was fake, and Trump who kicked off the American vaccine campaign, which has injured 100K’s and killed many also.
Even his former puppet the Trustee can see that now.
This is a report that has come in from South Africa, and I do suspect that some of the work Kim and team did on that Continent has had a big effect, and the African people are waking up quickly as to what is really going on.
Remember the Ghanaian President reference part of our Expose show to all African leaders?
This is the biggest case in the world right now.
Not only are the People of South Africa seeking a ruling, to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflected by the Globalist’s Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.
Where South Africa goes, so does the entire Continent.
Their Central Bank is actually the Citibank.
This victory will free the People from the Debt-Slavery imposed by the Central Bank fiat-currency system, establish a gold-backed dollar, eliminate corrupt political parties, and establish Africa as the home base from which to begin the Nuremberg 2.0 trials for the Crime Against Humanity that’s been inflicted upon the entire world.
This could be the big breakthrough event that the world has been praying for.
If the South African Constitutional Court was completely corrupted as the rest of the world, this case would never have gotten to where it is.
Please share, because this is the ruling that will break the back of the New World Order.
Great stuff and we all hope they succeed, but be aware of the snakes in place to jeopardize or derail it, in particular UN employees, backed by IMF and World Bank goons.
There is a brave woman who got up and spoke out about, heinous criminals acts done by UK Politicians against children, and her name is Melanie Shaw.
Melanie blew the whistle on sexual abuse at Nottingham’s Beechwood children’s home in the 1980’s.
She alleges that politicians including Tory cabinet ministers where amongst the clients of child abuse brothel, where she and other children under state care, were abused and murdered.
She was arrested by the police, tried in a secret court hearing on unknown charges, where the records have been kept secret, and sentenced to two years in prison where she has been kept in solitary confinement.
In effect she has been silenced not by the powerful, but the cowardly scumbags who stifle truth to cover up heinous acts by so called famous people.
People of the UK should bombard the prison desk day and night and let them know, we the people will not tolerate this behavior or the cover up of heinous crimes against the children.
That story echoes the Dunblane school in Scotland, same thing was happening there, and then they got a manchurian candidate to shoot up the school and kill the children who spoke out, guess who survived and went onto becoming a known superstar from that event? Andrew Murray, there are no coincidences it seems.
Here comes the backtracking and new spin story, after the story started to escalate out of their control.
There was a moment in Tuesday’s Senate hearing on the withdrawal from Afghanistan, when it became clear why President Joe Biden decided to get the troops out of there as quickly as possible.
It came when Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explained why he and the other chiefs, the top officers of the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines, all agreed that we needed to pull out by Aug. 31.
The Doha agreement, which President Trump had signed with the Taliban in early 2020 with no participation by the Afghan government, required a total withdrawal of foreign forces.
Which means Trump was working with rogue elements of the CIA then.
If U.S. troops had stayed beyond August, Milley said, the Taliban would have resumed the fighting, and in order to stave off the attacks, we would have needed 30,000 troops and would have suffered many casualties.
What a steaming pile of shit that is, when there was no attacks as the CIA had agreed prior to the troop withdrawal.
And yet, as Milley also testified on Tuesday, he, the chiefs, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and other military officers advised Biden to keep 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan beyond the Aug. 31 deadline.
The difference is that those troops wouldn’t be attached to any military mission, instead, they would transition to a diplomatic mission.
Yet more hogwash and here is why, they have been telling people who are stupid enough to not only listen, but believe their bs, that billions of our dollars have been used to train Afghan military and police to defend themselves.
Are they saying after all that expenditure the Afghans couldn’t safely removed the rest of the troops without incident?
Because that means the Military trainers have wasted all of our money.
Of which those involved should be held accountable for, I won’t be holding my breath waiting.
Here is another example of how fake the narrative of China is the enemy.
The Defense Department’s reliance on Chinese supply chains for pharmaceuticals poses a severe national security risk, a Pentagon inspector general’s report warns.
The U.S. military’s ability to treat soldiers and personnel worldwide relies on products made and shipped in foreign countries.
The Pentagon does not produce its own pharmaceuticals, so it relies on the American commercial sector to procure vital medicines for the armed forces.
As the commercial sector increases its reliance on foreign countries the department follows suit, the report,
Pharmaceutical supply disruptions could compromise the standard of care to Defense Department beneficiaries, the report concludes.
A disruption of the supply of foreign-made active pharmaceutical ingredients to domestic manufacturers, could cause a drug shortage that affects every level of the U.S. health care system.
Perhaps if the clowns at Fort Detrick among others who run pharmaceutical research centers on behalf of treating their soldiers, instead of polluting them and killing many of them, there would be no need for foreign treatments or drugs, I know common sense again.
Some 72 percent of commercial pharmaceuticals are procured from foreign countries, and 13 percent come from China, according to a 2019 Food and Drug Administration study.
During the early stages of the corona virus pandemic, China threatened to withhold life-saving drugs from American citizens over the growing rift between Washington and Beijing.
No, the Pentagon did along with Kushner and FEMA, not China.
China’s ability to weaponize public health does not end with pharmaceuticals or the corona virus, pot, kettle and black springs to mind.
A national intelligence assessment found that the Chinese Communist Party uses American medical data to collect the DNA of U.S. citizens, the Washington Free Beacon reported in February.
China may aim to use the data to target Americans for surveillance or manipulation purposes, pot, kettle and black again.
The inspector general’s report calls for lawmakers to pursue remedies for the Pentagon’s reliance on Chinese goods.
We recommend that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment develop, and issue implementing guidance for Department of Defense supply chain risk management for Defense material.
Which includes pharmaceuticals, and pursue Federal legislation requiring pharmaceutical manufacturers to include active pharmaceutical ingredients, and final drug product country of origin information of the pharmaceuticals’ lot on the pharmaceuticals’ packaging, the report says.
And they only just realized this now? why wasn’t this not already in place? faulty intelligence again?
House Democrats on Wednesday introduced a measure in the 2022 defense budget to eliminate the Space Force.
Rep. Jared Huffman led a resolution, cosigned by fellow Democratic representatives Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters, Mark Pocan, and Jésus García, to abolish America’s newest military branch.
The measure received support from the Koch-funded National Taxpayers Union, and radical anti-war groups such as Peace Action and Demand Progress.
Since its creation under the former Trump administration, the Space Force has threatened longstanding peace and flagrantly wasted billions of taxpayer dollars, said Huffman.
Oh my god, did he say that with a straight face? what about what the other branches of US Military have done for the past 70+ years?
It’s time we turn our attention back to where it belongs, addressing urgent domestic and international priorities like battling COVID-19, climate change, and growing economic inequality.
Except Covid and climate change are as fake as the US Military’s actions as peacekeepers.
Our mission must be to support the American people, not spend billions on the militarization of space.
Huffman and his allies are far-left on the vital issue of defense spending.
Pocan in March proposed a major cut to the defense budget, but fellow Democratic caucus members shot it down.
National security officials and experts have called President Biden’s proposed defense budget insufficient, to meet the challenges posed by Russia and China.
The only threat posed by Russia and China is to the child level Generals and other top goons, who just generate fear to collect more shekels.
The House Armed Services Committee this month approved Republicans and some moderate Democrats’ plan to increase the Biden defense budget by $24 billion.
The push to defund the Space Force comes as China increasingly threatens the United States.
Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall said Monday that China is developing means to bombard American targets from space.
China has launched satellites and a space station, threatening American dominance in space.
How child like does that sound? their threatening American dominance in space, just unbelievable the thinking level of these people.
Simulated war drills show that Beijing would likely exploit American vulnerabilities in space as a first move in a takeover of Taiwan.
If China take over Taiwan, what has that got to do with America? Taiwan is officially known as the Republic of China, it is located in the South China Sea, so what has that got to do with the US military? go and defend your own people and stop interfering in other countries and destabilizing them, all to maintain the illusion America is the greatest and bestest, it’s not, but can be in the right ways that doesn’t involve warmongering.
New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was roasted after issuing a long press release to explain why she didn’t vote no, on a bill to fund Israeli’s anti-missile shield, calling herself a victim of unjust procedures.
Having changed her no vote to present at the last minute on a $1 billion bill, to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system the day prior, AOC took to Twitter on Friday with a vast, 900-word missive attempting to justify the move to her constituents.
While she stated the bill should have been opposed, she went on to argue that it was brought to the House floor through a deeply unjust and reckless legislative process.
To those I have disappointed I am deeply sorry, To those who believe this reasoning is insufficient or cowardice I understand.
Addressing the incident, AOC claimed that she wept at the complete lack of care for the human beings that are impacted by these decisions, as well as at an institution choosing a path of maximum volatility and minimum consideration for its own political convenience.
Ocasio-Cortez further pointed out that the legislation was rushed through the chamber without any of the usually necessary committee debate, markup, or regular order.
The reckless decision by House leadership to rush this controversial vote within a matter of hours and without true consideration created a tinderbox of vitriol, disingenuous framing, deeply racist accusations and depictions, and lack of substantive discussion on this matter.
Whilst this show has criticized her in the past, I will speak up for those that say the right things.
This flagrant interference by the Israeli junta and supported by cowardly politicians has to stop, for this country to ever get back on it’s feet again.
The ongoing looting of our funds to pay for this criminal organization is a blight on this country and it’s people.
They not only loot our funds, they steal our ideas, patents, spy on all Americans, create our reckless and murderous foreign policies, and America and Americans take the blame.
Whilst they sit laughing at our own stupidity, and ease at which we roll over and take it.
If you are a so called Patriot, where are you on this matter? why is hardly anyone outside of William Gesick and this show paying it any attention? are all alt media bought and paid for by AIPAC, the Jewish lobbyists and the Israeli junta?
One has to ask, because I see no one addressing the issue, including a show not too far from here.
It is all about the cabal, the illuminati, the Black Sun and the Rothschild’s, who like Soros are both Jews.
Quit cowering in fear and hiding behind the anti Semitism meme, and grow some balls and fight back, they are few we are many.
With no end in sight, the semiconductor chip shortage is now expected to cost the global automotive industry $210 billion in revenue in 2021, according to consulting firm AlixPartners.
The forecast is almost double it previous projection of $110 billion in May.
The New York-based firm released an initial forecast of $60.6 billion in late January, when the parts problem started causing automakers to cut production at plants.
Of course, everyone had hoped that the chip crisis would have abated more by now, but unfortunate events such as the COVID-19 lockdowns in Malaysia, and continued problems elsewhere have exacerbated things, said Mark Wakefield, global co-leader of the automotive and industrial practice at AlixPartners, in a statement.
AlixPartners is now forecasting that 7.7 million units of production will be lost in 2021, up from 3.9 million in its May forecast.
The second quarter of this year is still the worst of chip shortage so far in terms of lost vehicles.
But what’s changed is that the auto industry globally simply hasn’t recovered as quickly as we thought, when we did our forecast back in May due to unforeseen things since then, like the rise of the delta variant and the Covid breakouts in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries.
Automakers across the globe, including Ford Motor and General Motors, had warned of massive earnings cuts this year due to the chip shortage.
But some, if not much, of those losses have been offset by resilient consumer demand and higher profits from record vehicle prices.
AlixPartners expects the parts problem to continue into at least the second quarter of next year.
I think we all know where the chips went, into the techno jabs, but there are other considerations to ponder on over this event.
One, if they are enforcing some global martial law, then travel will be restricted like mentioned in the Canada piece.
Two, new cars will have the ultimate in spying techniques being all electronic, where they will monitor everything, why do you think Progressive offered people those little gadgets to monitor your driving, under the pretense you will get cheaper insurance, it was a tester.
Three, if there is less people means less need for cars.
Whose going to drive you home? applies to last Saturday show reference as well.
Climate & Covid BS
Stars including Billie Eilish and Ed Sheeran are taking part in a 24-hour concert to raise awareness of climate change, vaccine inequality and famine.
The Global Citizen festival will see performances from more than 60 artists in New York, London, Sydney and beyond.
Tens of thousands of people are expected to attend, while millions are likely to tune in to the broadcast.
The event kicked off on Saturday in Paris, where Elton John performed in front of the Eiffel Tower, following a pre-recorded performance by the K-pop band BTS.
The show, believed to be one of the biggest-ever international charity events, was organized by the non-governmental organization (NGO) Global Citizen.
Global Citizen is part of the UN.
Proponents of this philosophy often point to Diogenes of Sinope as an example, given his reported declaration that I am a citizen of the world in response to a question about his place of origin.
A Tamil term, Yadhum oore yaavarum kelir, has the meaning of the world is one family, the statement is not just about peace and harmony among the societies in the world, but also about a truth that somehow the whole world has to live together like a family.
All sounds so lovely and nice, but so did the new age culture and many have recently found out what bollox that is.
The world is one family is our goal, but with Agenda 2030 being ran by the UN, does the term one family have other connotations, like one government, one currency and one religion spring to mind?
Across six continents, artists will help rally citizens in demanding that governments, major corporations and philanthropists work together to defend the planet and defeat poverty, it said in a statement.
It called on international governments to plant one billion trees, deliver one billion vaccines to the poorest countries and donate meals for 41 million people on the brink of famine.
The people have been calling on the Governments and the UN to fix the food crisis for many decades, what makes you think they will do so now?
Live Aid was the mid 1980’s, the people are still starving, so it accomplished nothing, because it wasn’t meant to.
You have lost your mind if you think Governments or the UN will fix anything, the last 80 years of addressing or delivering nothing tells you that.
But lets take an alt media concept and twist it into another control system shall we, don’t believe me, look at their logo.
The Environmental Protection Agency is sharply curbing the use and production of hydrofluorocarbons, the climate-warming chemicals widely used in air-conditioning and refrigeration.
The move is the Biden administration’s first major regulatory action to reduce domestic greenhouse gas emissions.
It’s also the first time the federal government has set national standards on hydro-fluorocarbons, or HFCs, which are thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide at heating up the planet.
They were talking about this when I was back in the UK, which is pre 2002, why is it being rolled back out now like a loop?
The EPA said the rule could avoid up to 0.5 degrees Celsius of global warming by the end of the century.
So the EPA says it will reduce temperatures by half a degree in 79 years, yet nature has reduced the temperature 0.7C in the past 5 years, without discussions, debates, red tape or thieving money from the people under false pretences.
The agency will begin regulating the chemicals next year, and will force industry to curb production and imports by 85% over the next 15 years, officials said.
The EPA proposed the rule in March and will finalize it on Thursday.
The agency’s rule is expected to reduce the equivalent of 4.7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide by mid-century, or roughly three years’ worth of emissions from the country’s power sector at 2019 levels, according to estimates from the EPA.
Does anyone ask why the EPA allowed that practice in the first place? or why they are not made accountable for said oversight?
If ever there was any doubt of the complicity of pharma groups of committing crimes against humanity previously, this is it.
Some of America’s biggest pharmacy chains have gone on trial this week for the first time, accused of fuelling the country’s opioids epidemic.
Walgreens Boots Alliance, CVS, Walmart and Giant Eagle deny failing to stop excessive amounts of addictive prescription painkillers being sold in two Ohio counties.
If found liable, they could face a wave of litigation and billions of dollars in compensation, not to mention serious reputational damage.
More than 3,300 similar cases have been brought, largely by US state and local governments.
They seek to hold the companies responsible for an opioid epidemic that led to nearly 500,000 overdose deaths from 1999 to 2019.
A group of anti-vaccine villagers held a team of nurses hostage for several hours Monday after the health care workers arrived to administer COVID-19 vaccines.
The team was held for about seven hours in the village of Nahuila, north of Guatemala City.
The villagers blocked the road and later let the air out of their tires.
A cooler and about 50 doses of vaccine were destroyed in the incident, as well.
Police and local officials later negotiated their release.
Here comes the media spin, this is laughable in the extreme.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Tuesday, that a new agency report showed COVID-19 vaccinations may have helped to prevent more than a quarter-million corona virus cases and tens of thousands of deaths among seniors.
Try telling that to the millions who have suffered, and 100k’s who have died in nursing homes and hospitals, because of vaccines.
If you wish to argue that the reason the vaccinated account for the majority of Covid-19 deaths is because the majority of the population are vaccinated.
Twisted logic that, we were told the vaccines will prevent cases and deaths, only one problem with that, the figures and facts don’t support it.
Then you need to explain why Covid-19 deaths are 11 times higher than this time last year, when there wasn’t a Covid-19 vaccine available that allegedly reduces the risk of death due to Covid-19 by 95%.
Because this is precisely the predicament the United Kingdom is in right now.
Between August 23rd 2020 and September 19th 2020 there were allegedly 275 deaths recorded that were associated with Covid-19, by associated we mean that they died within 28 days of testing positive for the virus.
However, fast forward precisely one year and between August 23rd 2021 and September 19th 2021, there were allegedly 3,125 deaths associated with Covid-19, and the vast majority of those deaths were people who had been fully vaccinated.
This represents a 1,036% increase in the number of deaths associated with Covid-19 on the previous year.
Meaning Covid-19 deaths are currently 11.3 times higher than the same period in 2020 despite 80% of the UK population now having had a Covid-19 vaccine, and having summer on our side to keep all respiratory viruses at bay.
Public Health England’s latest ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance’ report, published 23rd September, also shows that the majority of Covid-19 cases between the 23rd August 2021 and 19th September 2021 have been recorded among the fully vaccinated population, with 277,474 cases being recorded over a period of four weeks.
Here is the damning proof that the “vaccines” are causing “Covid”, neither are what is described by doctors, television or politicians, they all lie.
These figures are their own figures.
September 7th 2020, number of Covid cases: 25166, number of vaccinated: 0
September 7th 2021, number of cases: 301,138, number of vaccinated: 177M.
This is an extract of an attorney who is going after the criminal medical clowns, he said.
They are lying, there is no question they are lying, according to medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz, the mantra of safe and effective must stop after today’s information.
A whistleblower has provided government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone.
The announcement Saturday was made by the Ohio-based attorney, who remains involved in several major cases brought against federal agencies relating to fraud and violations of medical freedom rights.
In his presentation, Renz expressed his appreciation for whistleblowers who were coming forward to provide the public with such important information from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service.
He described the CMS database as the largest available in the U.S. for the study of COVID-19 trends, because it contains the data of approximately 59.4 million Medicare beneficiaries.
One slide showed that the number of persons who died within 14 days of a COVID-19 vaccine equated to 19,400 for those younger than 81 years old, and 28,065 for those 81 and over, totaling 48,465 deaths.
This is raw data, there’s no analysis, and he emphasized these death numbers are from less than 20% of the U.S. population.
Do you want to know why 14 days is important? he asked, because if you die within 14 days, you’re not considered vaccinated.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one is not considered as being vaccinated until 14 days after their completed injection regimen, raising the question of whether government authorities have been classifying these fatalities as something other than vaccination-related deaths.
The classic 14 days again, better known as two weeekkks, told you all along it is in part a mind control program.
So lets get this right from their perspective shall we and see if it makes sense.
You have to get the jab to prevent getting Covid, but if you are jabbed you can still get Covid.
The unvaccinated are irresponsible and are at risk of getting Covid, but can get Covid by being in contact with a person who is vaccinated against it.
Now they tell you being vaccinated does not count as being vaccinated until two weeekks has passed.
Donald Rumsfeld word salads is nothing compared to these medical clowns and politicians.
The most recent data from the CDC’s VAERS system released last Friday reveals reports of 726,965 adverse events in the U.S. following vaccination, including 15,386 reports of deaths and 99,410 reports of serious injuries, between December 14, 2020, and September 17.
Yet the presumption of significantly higher real numbers is supported by a 2010 Harvard Pilgrim study, which found that fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported on VAERS.
In addition, even vaccine manufacturers have calculated at least a fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events on this system.
So what that reveals is if correct is the 727K adverse effects is only 1%, then the real figure for adverse effects is 72.7M.
If the deaths recorded are only at 1%, then the real figure of deaths is 1.538M.
Remember these are not Covid deaths and injury figures, these are vaccine deaths and injuries only.
Further, a recent whistleblower report from Project Veritas reveals medical personnel in federal hospitals confirming, the presence of many patients suffering from COVID vaccine injuries, yet nobody reports them to VAERS.
Renz also provided evidence affirming that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has been using this same CMS data to monitor different types of adverse reactions to the injections in near real time, even while these government agencies and the media continue to repeat that this gene-based vaccine is safe and effective.
As tens of thousands of unvaccinated New York healthcare workers are set to be fired on Monday once the state’s COVID-19 vaccination deadline kicks in, Gov. Kathy Hochul has a plan for a potential staffing shortage: a statewide state of emergency.
94,000 workers are unvaccinated, leaving a potentially dire shortfall in workers from Monday.
Many who refused to get the shot have argued it violates their personal freedoms.
State data shows that 84 percent of the state’s 450,000 hospital workers are vaccinated, along with 83 percent of its 145,400 nursing home workers. Funny both those figures are close to the 85%?
In Buffalo, the Erie County Medical Center plans to suspend elective in-patient surgeries and not take intensive-care patients from other hospitals, because it may soon fire about 400 employees who have chosen not to get vaccinated against the corona virus.
So these word salad clowns who also don’t understand what they are saying, is the solution to having a staff shortage is to fire 400 more, ok.
While the vast majority of staff members at New York City’s largest private hospital network, New York-Presbyterian, had been vaccinated as of this week, more than 200 employees faced termination because they had not.
In New York City, health care workers are not the only ones who face an imminent deadline to be vaccinated or face termination.
A requirement that virtually everyone working in the public schools, well over 150,000 people, be vaccinated takes effect at midnight on Monday.
New York’s largest private healthcare provider has fired some 1,400 employees who refused to get vaccinated for COVID-19 on Monday.
The deadline passed and they fired them, what a smart based Zionist Fascism move that was, that will cost the lives of more New York people due to jackasses with zero common sense and an inability to think correctly or sensibly.
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration has been temporarily blocked from enforcing the vaccine mandate, for nearly all adults in public school buildings after a federal appeals court granted a temporary injunction on Friday.
City officials said they expect the mandate will ultimately be upheld but it is not clear if the issue will be resolved before the Monday deadline.
Although about 90 percent of the system’s educators and 80 percent of support staff members have gotten at least one shot, thousands of workers have not, that could cause staff shortages in some schools.
Did they think of that before implementing Zionist Fascist policies, NO!!
All people, groups or organization who implemented it, should be fired on the spot for crimes against humanity.
Further evidence of vaccinated infections.
An outbreak of 364 cases of Corona virus at Duke University, only 8 were unvaccinated, that’s 97.8% of positive cases of corona virus at Duke University were the vaccinated.
In the first week of classes, 304 undergraduates, 45 graduate students and 15 employees tested positive for COVID-19.
All but eight of these individuals were vaccinated, and the vast majority of them are asymptomatic.
A small number have minor, cold- and flu-like symptoms, and none have been hospitalized, according to the university.
A new study authored by several scientists from EcoHealth Alliance, the controversial organization collaborating on bat corona virus research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including Peter Daszak is funded by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
The publication of the study – A Strategy to Assess Spillover Risk of Bat SARS-Related Corona viruses in Southeast Asia, follows intense scrutiny over Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency sending taxpayer dollars, to fund the Daszak-led group’s longtime collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Both Daszak and Fauci have lied about the type of research occurring at the Chinese Communist Party-run lab, as a host of Fauci’s emails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act reveal the facility was carrying out gain-of-function research, and deleted articles reveal, the lab worked with live bats despite Daszak stating otherwise.
Daszak, who failed to disclose his extensive ties to the Wuhan lab and the Chinese Communist Party, was also recused from the Lancet medical journal’s COVID-19 commission.
Despite this, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is still funding EcoHealth Alliance, which has also taken massive, six-figure Paycheck Protection Program loans.
The study, which is currently in preprint, counts six EcoHealth Alliance researchers as authors in addition to Lin-Fa Wang, who is also a longtime collaborator of the Wuhan lab, and has been listed as an author on several Fauci-funded studies focusing on bat corona viruses.
The study’s abstract posits that COVID-19 likely has a bat origin, summarizing its conclusion that bat SARS-related corona virus infection happens more frequent than previously recognized.
Emerging diseases caused by corona viruses of likely bat origin (e.g. SARS, MERS, SADS and COVID-19) have disrupted global health and economies for two decades.
Evidence suggests that some bat SARS-related corona viruses could infect people directly, and that their spillover is more frequent than previously recognized.
Each zoonotic spillover of a novel virus represents an opportunity for evolutionary adaptation and further spread, therefore, quantifying the extent of this hidden spillover may help target prevention programs.
An average of 400,000 such infections occur each year, most going unrecognized because they cause mild or no symptoms and aren’t easily transmitted between people, the study adds.
The problem is all the psychopaths run these research centers and have zero oversight of what they have done or are up to.
If that is not a National Security issue, then I don’t know what is.
One thing that may have gone unnoticed in alt media circles is, all these reports on Covid is being written in all capital letters, which is a variant, pardon the pun, from the original.
All capital letters means the entity attached to the name is classed as dead.
These are said to be the top five recommended substances that might mitigate some damage from mRNA vaccines in no particular order.
1. Iodine
An essential mineral, iodine is used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones that control many functions in the body including growth and development, repairing damaged cells and supporting a healthy metabolism.
Because your body does not produce iodine, it needs to be supplied in the diet.
Iodine can also be used to detoxify toxic compounds and strongly increases the mRNA decay rate.
Dietary iodine also controls its own absorption through regulation of the sodium/iodide symporter, which protects the functions of the thyroid gland.
2. Zinc
Zinc enables the body to make proteins and DNA, contributes to wound healing, and plays a role in childhood growth and development.
It also has antioxidant properties and plays an important role in cell-mediated immune function and modulates mRNA levels of cytokines.
Zinc has been shown to regulate gene transcription in cancer cells, plus zinc globally down-regulates microRNA expression and key enzymes and proteins necessary for microRNA maturation and stability.
Lastly, zinc-finger protein serrate is among the plant compounds that may silence mRNA.
3. Quercetin
Quercetin, a flavonoid with multiple proven health benefits to both man and animals, displays a plethora of biological activities.
Quercetin-treated neutrophils exhibited a remarkable suppression in mRNA expression of various proinflammatory genes.
One of the lesser-known and recently discovered roles of quercetin, is modulation of microRNA expression, which plays a vital role in health and disease.
4. Supercharged C60 (Nano-Carbon Activated Charcoal)
The nano aspect of that product concerns me.
Carbon 60 (C60) is a naturally occurring molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms forming something that looks like a hollow soccer ball.
The scientific name for C60 is Buckminsterfullerene and it is the only molecule of a single element to form a spherical cage, and it may be the most powerful antioxidant yet known, performing the antioxidant action of Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione, Catalase, and COQ10.
Over the past 13 years, the Supercharged C60 fullerene molecule has been examined, tested and characterized by no less than 15 universities and 5 federally certified research laboratories, resulting in more than 600 evaluations.
There has also been considerable positive research conducted regarding Supercharged C60 potential uses in electromagnetic field absorption.
The Supercharged C60 molecule is a nanocarbon material that exhibits incredibly potent antioxidant properties, that may augment the body’s ability to manage oxidative stress in both healthy and diseased states.
Studies indicate that carbon nanocarriers can deliver small interfering RNA, and enable a myriad of plant biotechnology mRNA applications, internalize into cells and subsequent gene silencing efficiency, and are critical for efficient gene knockdown.
That sounds eerily like the jab to me, remember the term zero carbon?
5. PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinine)
PQQ is a powerful antioxidant and cellular energy booster that works to support the health of your energy-producing mitochondria, protecting them from oxidative damage, even helping you grow new mitochondria.
PQQ is actually the only nutrient on earth known to be capable of generating new mitochondria.
PQQ is contained in fruits and vegetables and in human breast milk and is a plant growth factor and bacterial cofactor.
Studies have shown that PQQ disodium salt has positive effects on cognitive function, and may have a protective effect on UVA irradiation-induced aging.
Not sure how valid these items are but maybe it will help some people.
Here is a song for Joe Biden and maybe many other public figures, time will tell.
Other Items
Dallas and Boston Fed presidents Robert Kaplan and Eric Rosengren both resigned this week after allegations of corrupt trading.
These men are alleged to have used their insider information from their positions at the banks to enrich themselves.
They were buying single stocks like Pfizer and Chevron, which all have performed well recently.
We have strong reason to believe that they knew more than the average citizen about the financial health of these companies, thanks to their roles as presidents of their respective Federal Reserve banks.
While not admitting to the crimes, they both expressed regret for the appearance of conflicts of interest.
We are appalled at this level of behavior from officials in the government, though unfortunately, we can’t say we’re surprised.
Morally corrupt people have been running the government for a long time now, and we all suffer.
How can we trust the decisions of people in power to make economic policies that benefit our own individual financial interests? The sour truth is that we can’t.
Remember our piece on Government services being ran not by the Government, but private contractors, hello Serco.
Taxpayers money has been lost in a Westminster black hole, with the startling figure of £265billion-a-year said to be unaccounted for after reviews are still yet to be undertaken.
Beware the false flag to bury it Britain, remember 9/11?
Bodies such as the British Council are quangos and are ultimately organizations that are funded by taxpayers, but not controlled directly by the central government.
The Government has been asked to properly account for a £265billion sum that has been spent by quangos aka non-departmental public bodies.
In the UK, the term quango refers to different arm’s-length government bodies, the US would call it NGO’s, or ones that still remain partly controlled or financially backed by the Government.
A new report has sensationally claimed that a review of the bodies responsible for spending the £265billion-a-year of taxpayers’ money sum has not been completed.
The review has still yet to be completed in full, with only a percentage said to have been reviewed, despite it being five years after it was promised to be undertaken.
This is an official document from 1948 in Vienna, Austria that contains the following.
Allied Military Police HQ, Vienna 10/1/48
The Allied Committee inquiry has to date proven, that no poison gas was ever used to kill prisoners in the following Concentration camps.
Berger-Belisen, Buckenwald, Dachau Flossenberg, Gross – Rosen, Mauthausen and satellite camps Natzweiler, Neuengamme Neiderhagen, Ravensbruck, Sashsenhausen, Stutthof or Theirsienstandt.
Berger, Buckenwald, Flossenberg and Rosen all very Jewish names of camps that, how odd is that?
In all cases where gases were alleged, it could be proven that, torture had been used to extract confessions and witnesses had lied.
So, lets analyze this shall we and does it pass the common sense test?
Why would so called German Nazis who were intent on covering up their crimes, then torture people into saying they have done crimes?
Does that make any sense, so that tells you it was the Jewish El-ites who ran these camps as the names have proven, who tortured and experimented on their own so called people, then tortured them into saying they were gassed.
Any former inmate who during their debriefing continue to allege that poison gas was used to murder people, in particular Jews, are to be reported to this office, and if they insist on lying further, they are to be charged with perjury.
Major Miller, Commanding Officer, Allied Military Police Vienna.
Who told those people to lie is the great question? and why?
There was never any evidence of gas lines into the camps found, the gas they say they used Xyklon B produces a clear blue staining on the walls after use.
We are told thousands were gassed, and yet no blue walls with residue of Xyklon B, has ever been found.
Just when you think you have heard everything, up pops some other way of invading your privacy.
For the past 10 years, Sonia Grego has been thinking about toilets, and more specifically what we deposit into them.
We are laser-focused on the analysis of stool, says the Duke University research professor, with all the unselfconsciousness of someone used to talking about bodily functions.
We think there is an incredible untapped opportunity for health data, and this information is not tapped because of the universal aversion to having anything to do with your stool.
I bet she is fun at parties, what do you do for a living, study turds.
As the co-founder of Coprata, Grego is working on a toilet that uses sensors and artificial intelligence to analyze waste, she hopes to have an early model for a pilot study ready within nine months.
The toilet that you have in your home has not functionally changed in its design since it was first introduced, she says, in the second half of the 19th century.
There are, of course, now loos with genital-washing capabilities, or heated seats, but this is basic compared with what Grego is envisaging.
All other aspects of your life your electricity, your communication, even your doorbell have enhanced capabilities.
The smart toilet’s time has come and it is a potentially huge market in the developed world, everyone who is able to uses a toilet multiple times a day.
The cancer of society, data and marketing.
Grego adds that she can certainly envision a world in which a toilet that does more than flush excreta is available to every household.
There are numerous companies working on bringing that to market.
Smart toilet innovators believe the loo could become the ultimate health monitoring tool, tool or stool?
Grego believes her product which analyses and tracks stool samples and sends the data to an app, will provide information related to cancer and many chronic diseases.
For general consumers, it will provide peace of mind, she says, by establishing a healthy baseline.
Having technology that tracks what is normal for an individual, could provide an early warning that a checkup is needed.
For people with specific conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, the device could provide helpful monitoring for doctors.
The classic fear based tactic they use to essentially follow, track and spy on us from every angle.
It’s very difficult to know when to escalate or de-escalate treatment, she says, stool-based biomarkers can provide that information.
At some point, she thinks, a smart toilet could make lifestyle suggestions, it could tell you to eat more fibre or certain nutrients, for instance, or work out what kind of food triggered an uncomfortable gastric episode.
Just what we needed something else to monitor us and tell us what to do.
The science of nutrition is really moving in the direction of personalized nutrition, says Grego.
Our technology will be an enabler of this, because you have information of what you eat, but we can make seamless the obtaining of information of what comes out.
What comes out is like this idea, utter shit.
Is this evidence of people disappearing? time will tell.
Singapore’s population shrank by a record 4.1% year over year, as its borders remain largely restricted to foreign travel.
It’s the biggest fall on record in bookkeeping going back to 1950, according to data from the country’s Department of Statistics.
The decline is driven largely by a 10.7% decrease in its non-resident population, mostly foreign workers who aren’t permanent residents, and students, as travel curbs coupled with a slowing economy, and a tightened stance toward employing foreign labor bite.
Singapore’s population is now 5.45 million as of the end of June, the lowest it’s been since 2013.
Medical, media and bankers people committing acts against humanity, agency, Military and Politicians also, and zero accountability, yet a homeless man underpays a soda by 43c and is going to jail for 7 years, this is what is wrong with this world and the injustice and inequality of it all.
A Pennsylvania man was jailed last month and charged with a felony after allegedly underpaying for a bottle of Mountain Dew soda by 43 cents, a penalty due largely in part to the state’s three-strikes law.
Joseph Sobolewski walked into a convenience store in Perry County where there was a special for 20-ounce Mountain Dew bottles: 2 for $3.
Sobolewski took one bottle, put down $2 on the counter and walked out.
The store called the police and he was arrested.
What Sobolewski may not have known was that a single bottle of Mountain Dew cost $2.29, not $1.50.
So he actually shorted the store by 43 cents, or 29 cents for the bottle plus tax.
He is being held on a $50,000 bond and faces up to seven years in prison.
Find out the owner of that store and boycott it, we don’t need these control freaks, non common sense people in our communities. Sobolewski, 38, who is homeless and has several convictions for other minor crimes, is being charged under the state’s three-strikes law for retail theft, according to the news outlet.
His first offense involved him not paying for gas more than a decade ago.
In December 2011, he was arrested for stealing a pair of shoes from a K-Mart that cost $39.99, for that crime, he paid more than $866 in fines and fees and was sentenced to three months in jail.
How and why would you charge a homeless man $866 in fines because he couldn’t afford a pair of shoes?
This is a lack of caring, not only by the system but we the people as well.
Marduk was removed on Agreement with the Universal Counsel. Correct.
Who had the idea to remove him? Kim and the team.
Will there be any new Agreement(s) soon with the Universal Counsel, for them to do something to help us?
That would be operational, but also lurching towards a savior program again, we have to help ourselves first, otherwise it becomes another parent and child situation.
13 Covens that are life sorcerers that controls the Djinns and dreamtime dark Magicians. Correct but last count those Covens were down to 2, and possibly none, but individuals will still play, but at a much reduced vigor and with more exposure.
Has the Covens or are they Cohens? Similar in nature and quite possibly another play on words, by changing a consonant instead of a vow to el.
Have they lost their power now when the power structure that was above them now is gone. yes mainly although individual and much smaller groups can still play.
Or is it business as usual, them just following the old script? not business as usual due to much reduced numbers, but yes they follow the now failed old script and wonder why it doesn’t work too well or not at all.
Are all the top end controllers now gone? Basically yes, although other power hungry clowns can think they can fill the void, but not too well as they have found out.
Are the Black Nobility now infiltrated, intermarried or whatever, by the Rothschild’s and / or The Order of the Black Sun?
They were part of both groups over time.
Secret Societies the driving force in the corona-race? in some cases yes.
More supporting evidence for our FRWL series.
The University of Bristol has fired Professor David Miller, a leading UK critic of Israel and its lobby.
The Support David Miller Campaign responded that the university was sending a message that it will protect racists, and that Muslims, Black students and Palestinians are not welcome at Bristol.
In a statement sent to The Electronic Intifada, the campaign said that the university’s decision was designed to, send a chill down the spines of academics around the world who expose Zionist racism.
The campaign said that Miller’s sacking had come after a pressure campaign by Israel’s assets in the UK, and accused the university of collaborating with the Israel lobby.
At the start of 2021, pro-Israel lobby groups ramped up their campaign against him.
These included the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Zionist Federation, the Jewish Labour Movement and the Community Security Trust.
At the end of February, Israel itself also got involved, mobilizing one of its online troll armies to flood social media conversations with calls for Miller to be fired.
They are more common than people think, an army of bots in most cases, designed to stir up trouble on sites and deflect from the narrative.
That was going on early 2000’s when I exposed Disclose TV site for doing the same thing, they deleted the blog and created Disclose TV 2 and I was banned from it.
Act.IL, IL is the code for Israel, which is directed and funded by an Israeli ministry, issued a mission calling for attacks on an opinion piece published by Al Jazeera defending Miller.
Nice to see so many more now seeing who the real problem is, it is not Communists, German Nazis, White Supremacists, Fascists, it was the Hebrew Annunaki all along.
With their anti Aryan campaign and anti Semetic guilt and shame programming, well guess what? it is breaking down rapidly now.
Here is a song for all the members and a thanks to you all
Pinkerton, founded as the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, is a private security guard and detective agency established in the United States by Scotsman Allan Pinkerton in the 1850s, and currently a subsidiary of Securitas AB.
Pinkerton became famous when he claimed to have foiled a plot to assassinate president-elect Abraham Lincoln, who later hired Pinkerton agents for his personal security during the Civil War.
Maybe it was their agents that took Lincoln out? one has to wonder.
Pinkerton’s agents performed services ranging from security guarding to private military contracting work.
Which makes them an earlier version of the CIA, and essentially a private mercenary based group that has become so prevalent now with Black Water and NATO.
Yes, NATO are a private mercenary group working for the Rothschild’s, whilst making countries pay for their own alleged security, when no such efforts of the NATO mercenaries exist for that purpose.
The Pinkerton National Detective Agency hired women and minorities from its founding, a practice that was uncommon at the time.
Honey pots and foreign agents is the reasoning behind that.
Pinkerton was the largest private law enforcement organization in the world at the height of its power.
The great question is, for whose benefit?
During the labor strikes of the late 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, businessmen hired the Pinkerton Agency to infiltrate unions, supply guards, keep strikers and suspected unionists out of factories, and recruit goon squads to intimidate workers.
By that passage it is an agency that worked for the EL-ites and the system.
One such confrontation was the Homestead Strike of 1892, in which Pinkerton agents were called in to reinforce the strikebreaking measures of industrialist Henry Clay Frick, acting on behalf of Andrew Carnegie.
And there is your confirmation, they worked on behalf of the families.
The ensuing battle between Pinkerton agents and striking workers led to the deaths of three Pinkerton agents and nine steelworkers.
The Pinkertons were also used as guards in coal, iron, and lumber disputes in Illinois, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, as well as the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the Battle of Blair Mountain in 1921.
The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest labor uprising in United States history and the largest armed uprising since the American Civil War.
The conflict occurred in Logan County, West Virginia, as part of the Coal Wars, a series of early-20th-century labor disputes in Appalachia.
Up to 100 people were killed, and many more arrested.
The United Mine Workers saw major declines in membership, but the long-term publicity led to some improvements in working conditions.
For five days from late August to early September 1921, some 10,000 armed coal miners confronted 3,000 lawmen and strikebreakers called the Logan Defenders, who were backed by coal mine operators during the miners’ attempt to unionize the southwestern West Virginia coalfields, when tensions rose between workers and mine management.
The battle ended after approximately one million rounds were fired and the United States Army, represented by the West Virginia Army National Guard led by McDowell County native William Eubanks, intervened by presidential order.
Those were likely the same people that went onto destroying Tulsa Oklahoma the same year and blamed it on the white supremacists.
Blair Mountain interesting name that another Blair came to power 70 years later in the UK and imposed more wars and tyranny, funny how that happens a lot isn’t it?
IRA bombings 1860-70, IRA bombings 1960-70, Hippy movement 1860, Hippy movement 1960, Unions and workers crushed in 1921, unions, jobs and workers crushed 2021, global flu 1919, global flu 2019.
The company has continued to exist in various forms through to the present day, and is now a division of the Swedish security company Securitas AB, operating as Pinkerton Consulting & Investigations, Inc. d.b.a. Pinkerton Corporate Risk Management.
The former Government Services division, PGS, now operates as Securitas Critical Infrastructure Services, Inc.
Securitas AB is a security services, the group has over 300,000 employees in 53 countries worldwide, Securitas AB owns and operates the Swiss security company Protectas AG in Switzerland, where there already existed a security company called Securitas AG, part of the Swiss Securitas Group.
In 1972, the group was rebranded as Securitas, the Roman goddess of security and stability, and in 1981, the group was divided between the sons, with the international operations developing into Group 4.
In 2003, the group’s security services in the United States were integrated under the Securitas brand, and the group’s cash handling services were completely divisionalized, with a joint management for United States and European operations.
In November 2007, the United Kingdom cash handling services of the division Loomis were sold to Vaultex Ltd, owned by HSBC and Barclays.
Securitas began operating in Peru in November 2007.
In 2008, the division Loomis cash handling was distributed to the group’s shareholders and listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm.
In September 2010, Securitas acquired the security-services operations of Reliance Security Group in the United Kingdom, in November 2011, Securitas acquired Chubb Security Personnel in the United Kingdom.
In October 2015, Securitas acquired Diebold Incorporated’s Electronic Security business in North America.
Diebold’s North American Electronic Security business, based in Green, Ohio, United States, and you wonder why elections are fake? there is your answer, all controlled by these private groups ran by EL-ites.
The Carnegies Fund is one of the top ten shareholders in this company, who not only run the Government Services but the cash flow in both America and the UK.
For those who don’t know the Government services scam, all Government services carried out in the UK and America are done by these private mercenary groups, not the Government themselves.
In the 1850s, Allan Pinkerton, Scottish detective and spy, met Chicago attorney Edward Rucker in a local Masonic Hall and formed the North-Western Police Agency, later known as the Pinkerton Agency.
So in comes the Scottish Rite masons who designed, developed and have ran Washington DC from the off.
Historian Frank Morn writes, by the mid-1850s a few businessmen saw the need for greater control over their employees, their solution was to sponsor a private detective system.
In February 1855, Allan Pinkerton, after consulting with six Midwestern railroads, created such an agency in Chicago.
Among the business’s early operations was to safely deliver, the newly elected President of the United States Abraham Lincoln to Washington, D.C., in light of an assassination threat.
Pinkerton detective Kate Warne was assigned and successfully delivered Lincoln to the U.S. capital city, through a series of disguises and related tactics that required her to stay awake throughout the entire long journey.
As a result of the public notoriety of this success, the business adapted an open eye as its logo and the slogan, We never sleep.
There logo is the all seeing eye, with a hidden part, the pupil of the eye is black and pierced by the pyramid shape.
Symbolizing the Black Sun rising over the pyramids, the eye of Horus and the eye of Ra cult, of which all Masons are a part of that satanic dark based cult, whether knowingly or not, they all worship Lucifer.
In 1871, Congress appropriated $50,000, about equivalent to $1,080,000 in 2020 to the new Department of Justice, to form a sub-organization devoted to, the detection and prosecution of those guilty of violating federal law.
The amount was insufficient for the new DOJ to fashion an internal investigating unit, so they contracted out the services to the Pinkerton National Detective Agency.
So, the American Department of Justice is ran by a private mercenary agency group, supported by the Masons, and you wonder why there is no justice?
However, since passage of the Anti-Pinkerton Act in 1893, federal law has stated that an individual employed by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, or similar organization, may not be employed by the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia.
They got round that because there is no Government of the US, only a private corporation called USA Inc, and there has been no government in DC since 1871.
In the 1870s, Franklin B. Gowen, then president of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, hired the agency to investigate the labor unions in the company’s mines.
A Pinkerton agent, James McParland, using the alias James McKenna, infiltrated the Molly Maguires, a 19th-century secret society of mainly Irish-American coal miners, leading to the downfall of the labor organization.
On July 6, 1892, during the Homestead Strike, 300 Pinkerton detectives from New York and Chicago were called in by Carnegie Steel’s Henry Clay Frick to protect the Pittsburgh-area mill and strikebreakers.
This resulted in a firefight and siege in which 16 men were killed, and 23 others were wounded.
To restore order, two brigades of the Pennsylvania militia were called out by the Governor.
As a legacy of the Pinkertons’ involvement, a bridge connecting the nearby Pittsburgh suburbs of Munhall and Rankin was named Pinkerton’s Landing Bridge.
Pinkerton agents were hired to track western outlaws Jesse James, the Reno Gang, and the Wild Bunch, including Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
On March 17, 1874, two Pinkerton Detectives and a deputy sheriff, Edwin P. Daniels, encountered the Younger brothers associates of the James–Younger Gang, Daniels, John Younger, and one Pinkerton agent were killed.
In Union, Missouri, a bank was robbed by George Collins, aka Fred Lewis, and Bill Randolph; Pinkerton Detective Chas Schumacher trailed them and was killed.
Collins was hanged on March 26, 1904, and Randolph was hanged on May 8, 1905, in Union.
Pinkerton’s were also hired for transporting money and other high-quality merchandise between cities and towns, which made them vulnerable to outlaws.
Pinkerton agents were usually well paid and well armed.
G.H. Thiel, a former Pinkerton employee, established the Thiel Detective Service Company in St. Louis, Missouri, a competitor to the Pinkerton agency.
The Thiel company operated in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, one wonders if they are related to Paypal founder Peter Thiel?
Due to its conflicts with labor unions, the word Pinkerton continues to be associated by labor organizers and union members with strike breaking.
Pinkerton’s diversified from labor spying following revelations publicized by the La Follette Committee hearings in 1937, and the firm’s criminal detection work also suffered from the police modernization movement.
Which saw the rise of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the bolstering of detective branches and resources of the public police.
So, not only did this group in part create the FBI, but also the DOJ, interesting.
With less of the labor and criminal investigation work on which Pinkerton’s thrived for decades, the company became increasingly involved in protection services, and in the 1960s, even the word detective disappeared from the agency’s letterhead.
The company now focuses on threat intelligence, risk management, executive protection, and active shooter response.
In 1999, the company was bought by Securitas AB, a Swedish security company, for $384 million, followed by the acquisition of the William J. Burns Detective Agency founded in 1910, longtime Pinkerton rival, to create as a division of the parent Securitas Security Services USA.
Today, the company’s headquarters are located in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Lets have a look at the connections of William J Burns and see what we unearth.
Burns agents infiltrated the Industrial Workers of the World during an organizing drive in the copper mines of Arizona. Activities included issuing fake IWW membership cards, infiltrating the workforce, spying, and intercepting the mail of organizers.
Agents of the Burns Detective Agency were hired to investigate jurors in a federal trial of Harry F. Sinclair in November 1927. Sinclair hired William J. Burns to have 14 agents follow the jurors, and produce daily reports on their activities.
The arrangement resulted in a mistrial.
In a new hearing, Sinclair claimed that he was concerned about the welfare of the jurors.
Sinclair was convicted on corruption charges and sentenced to six months in jail.
William J. Burns was sentenced to 15 days’ imprisonment, and Burns’ son, William Sherman Burns, was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine.
The Supreme Court later reversed William J. Burns’ conviction.
Sinclair who was possibly a member of the Scottish St. Clair Masonic family, had another interesting link.
He created Sinclair Oil, but also in 1910, four businessmen Eugene Frank Blaise, Charles J. Wrightsman, William Connelly, and Harry F. Sinclair bought the failed Farmers National Bank in Tulsa.
They created a new entity, Exchange National Bank, and named Sinclair as president.
This bank, later renamed as the National Bank of Tulsa, was a forerunner of the present Bank of Oklahoma.
That was created just four years prior to the takedown of the rival bank Freedmen Savings and Trust bank owned by the blacks in Tulsa Oklahoma.
Is that related? who knows but one suspects it may well be, oh the webs they weave, that goes out in all directions.
But it leaves trails for people like me to follow and connect the dots, which doesn’t please the system too much.
Final Piece
Keep supporting each other is important now and in the future, you have no idea how much it bothers others outside of THI/TPC.
They can’t handle people being nice, supportive and loving and caring for each other.
A simple solution to fixing a global problem, I guess “that guy” was right again! oops.
A question was posed in the chat of, where does the tree get it’s mass from?
My answer was, inner growth and expansion.
The key also is, it keeps itself slim and trim, it grew taller and went vertical, not out and linear.
Think about that in terms of time, placement and destiny.
But this got me pondering, uh oh I hear the cry, he’s going to ruin something else and or trigger me again.
But, maybe the great question we should be looking at is, why do some people grow too much and carry excess weight?
We are told it is poor lifestyle and eating habits, but what if the excess weight is the trauma laden baggage?
People have eating habits to cover up trauma, comfort eating it is called, but it is not comfortable at all is it?
Maybe excess fat stored is actually excess trauma? many have tried diets and mostly they fail, maybe the answer was to try shadow and inner work instead?
As chaos prevails all around us, it is often easier to get unbalanced.
As madness prevails all around us, if is often easier to stay unbalanced.
As lunacy prevails all around us, it is a testament to us all we remained with sanity.
We kept our head, hearts and minds whilst all around us lost theirs.
It is often said that, a hungry stomach, empty pocket or a broken heart can teach us the best life lessons, just like the dark can and do.
And the moral of what I have just said is, you never followed the crowd, you never caved into the herd mentality, you never allowed yourself to become them, you never unbalanced enough and you kept your sanity, despite the onslaught around you.
In essence you kept your sovereignty, you trusted your own instincts and created and walked your own rough, rugged worn out old path, not the newly tarmac roads laced with gold all laid out before you.
The rugged road is the easier path, not the hardest as many will tell you, because it leads somewhere.
The tarmac road is the harder, filled with savior programs, snake oil people, seducers and ultimately end up with a cul de sac and a loop, and at some point in time those on that road, will all end up back where they started.
They ponder on it all dazed and confused and all will say one thing? can you guess?
Their road is filled with illusion and yet so many walk that road, it is not only freshly tarmaced but laced with gold, like the yellow brick road in the Wizard of Oz, remember there is no sun in the shadow of the wizard.
They are blinded by their own inability to see the repeat patterns the dark forces lays out for them in their world.
There are many on that road and their world includes the Trustee, we all tried to help them “see” but received abuse, flak, nastiness and dismissiveness in return.
But, we got over that and continued are own upward facing path on our non linear journey of discovery, filled with pot holes, barriers, small swords of the medical variety being thrown at us, requests for ze papers please, and to our own testimony did a FU to all of that and pushed on.
Whilst trudging our path we still found time to stop on our weary travels to help and support the cul de sac people in the other world, some listened after they stopped spinning their own hamster wheels, and pondered on things and all thought the same thing, can you guess that now?
So, what is the learning part of where you stand today?
As you all ponder on what you haven’t done, what you missed, what you haven’t gained and lose patience because this, that and the other is not done, not achieved, not happened, where is the gratitude for yourself for what you have achieved already?
How can you gauge progress, if you haven’t recognized your own progress? why are battles lost remembered more than personal battles won? why is sickness a focus of your attention and not all the times you were healthy? why are old friends mourned, yet new ones less embraced? why the focus on what you don’t have and not recognize enough what you do have? why worry about the time of your death, when you can focus more on the time your living? why have regrets of the past, when you can manifest a brighter future? why focus on work or a job, when you are the work and the job?
These are the change of mindsets and thinking patterns we are all fighting to overcome, as we unhook the old programs.
Is it ironic that many people are working on themselves and changing everything about themselves including the future path of their DNA/RNA, that the soulless, the bots, the psychopaths and the deluded, are changing their DNA/RNA into a permanent defect that will ultimately lead to their own demise.
Many who have taken the techno jabs are all saying the same thing now as well, can you guess it now?
What this all tells you now is, and is re-enforced by certain fallen alt media personalities is, we at THI are on the right path, and clearly with their endless efforts to spoil that, they recognize it as well.
It tells me and should you, you are a force to be reckoned with, recognize that within yourself and then the collective.
The answer to the question was, the conspiracy theorists were right all along, take comfort of and from that on your, at times lonely long rugged path, because all of it will lead to something better.