10/15/20 Truth, Honor & Integrity show

Thomas Williams

October 15, 2020

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Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2020-10-15


Topics in this show

  • Communists are not Russian or Chinese but Zionists
  • Politics and News
  • Israelis flock to the streets against government ban on mass demonstrations
  • Sudan/CIA connections
  • Military and technology ’ 5G deployment
  • Food issues
  • Asian bees
  • Social media issues
  • Zuckerberg with silent F
  • Captain Joseph R. John/The Sunrise Movement
  • Q = Quirinus
  • Trump project/Serco
  • Ritualized abuse/Larry Pazder
  • How did you LOVE?
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Play audio at: 29

In the recent show called DONE I asked a question about the costing of the sleeping bags and I have received a satisfactory explanation for the gap in cost and donations, and so I am happy to strike that question not statement from further discourse, and move on.
Thanks to those who came forward and answered that question, but I still do find it slightly odd that when I ask a question it is deemed attacking, and yet myself and THI is scrutinized, questioned by every minute detail and that is not deemed attacking, why the discrepancy in the narrative?
Alan made several bogus claims within that show with zero proof, a total character assassination, and no one questioned it or him on it to my knowledge, happy to be corrected, yet I ask one question and it was labeled as an attack and grossly unfair.
I guess that is just the way it is.
Our show is mired in standing for the truth not hopium or bs, there are plenty of and for that throughout the alt media for people to gorge themselves on.
Alt media is no different now to Facebook in their stance, the truth goes against community standards, I would argue it goes against communist standards, and communists are not Russian or Chinese, but Zionists.
THI will continue to bring the truth and what is based in reality to the best of our knowledge and abilities, it will never sway from the path of that, despite attempts from within the community to take us down.
Our mission and purpose has not changed because one person decided to not fund us, we go on together it is the only way.

With the recent VP debates now out of the way, it can be said that, debates are a format for two people to compete with each other on who can speak the loudest, who interrupts more, and who can lie to the public more.
Which one makes more woo promises, none of which will be delivered to the people, Trump promised to build the wall, it’s not done, Trump promised to delete student loans according to the Trustee, it’s not done, make America great again, it’s not done.
How many times did each politician discuss policies to aid the people and deliver on them?
All this whilst Federal, state and local law enforcement officials have been bracing for possible clashes at local polling places, violence and larger demonstrations similar to the summer-long social justice protests that spilled into the streets of dozens of American cities.
The BBC courtesy of MI5 & 6 continues to run slanted and biased commentaries on the US Elections and candidates, fact checking every word Trump says, really? if only that applied to everyone eh!
Trump this week did his rising as the new Jesus Christ act and returned from certain death from a fake virus after 3 days, is it Easter yet?
New York City slapped over 62 people, businesses and houses of worship with over $150,000 in fines during the first weekend of newly imposed COVID-19 restrictions against gatherings, as well as a mask mandate and social distancing requirements, according to the city’s Twitter account.
The best thing to do is move out of that place and let clowns fine and harvest each other.
Why is Cuomo still not arrested for killing the elderly in care homes? Mr. Trump? Lifeforce enforcement team? where are you?
New York officials say that large gatherings and poor adherence to social distancing recommendations have resulted in a surge of new cases – many of them in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods – which resulted in targeted restrictions on large gatherings and nonessential businesses. Like I have repeatedly said they care not for the average Jewish people.
Speaking of New York and Jewish, does anyone know when Jeffery Epstein’s funeral will be? it’s been over a year now and no funeral?
FB this week decided that the title End Child trafficking now, goes against community standards, like I said earlier it goes against those who have treated children as sacrifice tools for many thousands of years, all hail Solomon, Herod, Esther, Samael and Lilith.
Meanwhile the Republican online fundraising platform endorsed by President Donald Trump reported Monday that it raised $623.5 million in the third quarter, Biden collected $383M in September alone, $1B for 4 months of donations for a 2 person closed voting system, whilst millions starve in this country, have you all lost your minds?
This as over 13K Utah voters received mail-in ballots without a designated area to write a signature, jackassery at its finest.
The US Elections must go down and along side the saying, you couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery.
We have an ego headed game show host, the opposition who doesn’t know whether he is running for Presidency or Senate, and the Speaker of the House who can’t speak, is this the best Americans have on offer?
But then again, the UK has a spitting image puppet in charge, Russia has a multiple double in charge, Germany has a Nazi in charge, S. Africa has a genocidal maniac in charge, China has the invisible man in charge, South Asia has series of royals in charge, Down Under has Pine Gap in charge and we the people wonder why the world is a mess?
And the now global Milgram experiment of all bow to authority regardless of legitimacy, sanity, validity without questioning or even a thinking process to do with the masks, just keeps on rolling.
As one alt media personality now takes on the role of a Jewish icon, who was not even Jewish anyway, common theme that, who in a past life was a former consort of Marduk, I guess that is the thing with time, something’s will never change.

Politics and News

Play audio at: 9:15

In a normal election year in any given state, hundreds or even thousands of absentee ballots get tossed for everything from late postmarks to open envelopes.
North Carolina rejected 546 ballots for missing witness signatures in the 2012 presidential race.
Virginia tossed 216 ballots in the 2018 midterms because they arrived in an unofficial envelope.
Arizona discarded 1,516 ballots for non matching signatures the same year.
The 2020 presidential election will not be normal.
Absentee ballot rejections this November are projected to reach historic levels, risking widespread disenfranchisement of minority voters and the credibility of election results, a USA TODAY, Columbia Journalism Investigations and PBS series FRONTLINE investigation found.
At least 1.03 million absentee ballots could be tossed if half of the nation votes by mail, discarded votes jump to 1.55 million if 75% of the country votes absentee.
In the latter scenario, more than 185,000 votes could be lost in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – states considered key to capturing the White House.
These numbers are conservative and based on 2016 rejection rates, when fewer voters submitted absentee ballots.
Record numbers of voters will be voting absentee for the first time in 2020, and voters new to vote-by-mail are at greater risk of making mistakes.
If errors push the rejection rate up just 2%, about 2.15 million votes would be cast aside – roughly the population of New Mexico. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania rejected about 60,000 votes in primaries earlier this year, said Amherst College law professor Lawrence Douglas, only a few thousand votes shy of Trump’s margin of victory in those states in 2016.
“A result like this in November could cast doubt on who actually carried the key swing states, with the overall election hanging in the balance,” said Douglas, who added that such an outcome could trigger “a chaotic welter of lawsuits and clashing conspiracy theories.”
All by design to keep the Milgram people distracted.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi became unhinged when CNN host Wolf Blitzer pressed her on why she hasn’t agreed to a compromise Covid-19 relief bill, going so far as to call the network “apologists for the Republican position.”
Tuesday’s outburst – which provided comic relief for critics of CNN’s anti-Trump and anti-conservative bias – came as Blitzer grilled Pelosi on why she hasn’t come to agreement with Republicans on economic-relief legislation after the Trump administration offered a $1.8 trillion package.
The interview went off the rails as Blitzer pointed at that some House Democrats want to accept the proposal, citing a tweet by Democrat Representative Ro Khanna saying the offer was more than double former President Barack Obama’s economic-stimulus program in 2009.
“People in need can’t wait until February,” Khanna said, referencing when relief checks might go out if the issue is tabled until after the Nov. 3 election.
People in need can’t wait until February. 1.8 trillion is significant & more than twice Obama stimulus. It will allow Biden to start with infrastructure. Obama won in 08 by doing the right thing on TARP instead of what was expedient. Make a deal & put the ball in McConnell court.
Blitzer persisted, pointing out that millions of Americans have lost their jobs and can’t pay their rent or buy food for their families.
He said, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” and cited a conversation with former Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who also favors compromise.
“Honest to God, you really, I can’t get over it,” Pelosi said. “Andrew Yang, he’s lovely. Ro Khanna, he’s lovely. They’re not negotiating this situation. They have no idea of the particulars.” She then told Blitzer that “you really don’t know what you’re talking about,” and said he needs to show “some level of respect” to the people who have worked on the legislation.
Whilst so called politicians pretending to be acting as caring for the American people, spout utter crap and hold the people to hostage for votes, the carnage of America will continue to rot.
Republican and Democrat has not worked for America, at which point do the mass not see through that?
Politics is theater and illusion for the absurd.
BlackRock Nabs $460 Million in ETF as Mexico Goes Green
Mexican pension funds are funneling money toward a new socially responsible ETF and demanding local companies offer more data on how they are handling environmental, social and governance issues.
BlackRock Inc.’s iShares ESG MSCI Mexico ETF has seen more than $460 million in flows since its launch at the end of July, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. During the same period, investors dumped about $350 million of the iShares Naftrac ETF that has been favored by local pension funds, or Afores, to bet on the benchmark Mexbol Index.
Is this the Mexico money the Trustee sent? would welcome some clarity.

China’s government is expected to price a potential $6 billion bond sale as early as Wednesday, ahead of possible volatility from U.S. elections next month.
The Ministry of Finance is arranging investor calls for 144a and Regulation S senior bonds Tuesday, according to people familiar with the matter who aren’t authorized to speak publicly. The ministry is seeking to raise about $6 billion via multi-tranche notes that will likely include three-year, five-year, 10-year and 30-year maturities, Bloomberg reported last week.
Officials at the ministry weren’t immediately available to comment.
The planned bond sale follows the ministry’s jumbo global debt offerings in two currencies in November, when it sold $6 billion of dollar bonds and 4 billion euro notes. The former drew bumper demand with orders at more than triple the targeted size.
China’s fresh sovereign debt sale this week comes as uncertainty ahead of the U.S. elections in November is beginning to weigh on investor sentiment with some analysts anticipating a pick-up in volatility.
I guess they are expecting a massive slide in ours and Europe’s currencies based on a stupid election that should have been canceled months ago. Harsh financial times ahead with this news I suspect.
Remember the story of Netanyahu’s UN address recently?
A fuel tank has exploded in a densely populated area of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, killing at least four people and injuring 20.
The blast occurred after the tank caught fire in Tariq-al-Jdide district.
TV footage showed flames leaping up buildings in the area’s narrow streets.
There is no word on the cause of the fire. The rescue efforts are ongoing.
The blast caused panic in a city scarred by the explosion that killed 203 people in the port area in August.
The latest fire and explosion also comes amid a severe financial crisis and the corona virus pandemic – which have fuelled widespread discontent.
On Friday firefighters used ladders to scale the outside of apartment buildings to rescue residents from their balconies.
“The sound and our house shaking made us panic and the whole street I live in started screaming. I had flashbacks,” tweeted one woman.
Another of Netanyahu’s prophecies comes to fruition? is he Esther as well?
Israelis flocked to the streets to decry the government’s ban on mass demonstrations, which they see as a distraction from PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial. The noisy gathering ended up in scuffles with police.
The crowd, numbering hundreds, amassed in Tel Aviv when night fell on Tuesday, carrying homemade placards that demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Others were seen waving flags and chanting slogans in unison.
At some point, the demonstration became chaotic although police began to get things under control.
Officers – some armed, some wearing riot gear – didn’t deploy any crowd control measures but used their hands to push protesters away.
Demonstrators flocked to the streets in defiance of new measures passed last week, which prohibit Israelis from traveling more than a kilometer from where they live to protest – and limit rallies to socially-distanced groups of up to 20 people.
The irony of the alleged victims of fascism, carrying it out on their own populace, will not be lost on our listeners.

With Sudan in desperate straits – a collapsing economy, hyperinflation looming and a nationwide food crisis – the administration of US President Donald Trump and the Israeli government have seen an opportunity.
The country’s democratic hopes hang by a thread 18 months after non-violent protests overthrew their long-term ruler Omar al-Bashir.
But if Sudan recognises Israel then the US will strike it off the state sponsors of terror list, opening the door to essential economic stabilisation measures.
After seizing power in a military coup in 1989, President Bashir turned Khartoum into a global centre for militant jihadism.
Al-Qaeda and other extremist groups used Sudan as the base for carrying out terror attacks in the US, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and elsewhere.
After the first terror attack on New York’s World Trade Center in 1993, the US designated Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism.
International financial sanctions and military pressure from neighbouring countries which supported Sudanese rebels pushed Sudan to expel Osama bin Laden and other jihadists three years later.
Shortly after the 11 September 2001 attacks, Sudan’s security services became a valued partner with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
On that basis, Sudan should have been removed from the state sponsors of terror list, and the Bashir government still operated in the shadows: it kept open its links to Iran and Hamas, and on at least two occasions Israeli fighter planes attacked convoys travelling up Sudan’s Red Sea coast, allegedly taking arms to Hamas.
In 2016, under pressure from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the Bashir government cut its ties with Iran. Yet after the democratic revolution last year, Washington DC was slow to shift.
The problem was that keeping sanctions on Sudan could easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy, condemning the country to state failure.
As long as Sudan stays blacklisted, crippling financial sanctions stay in place. Legitimate Sudanese businesses are handicapped, foreign direct investment is shackled and the International Monetary Fund and World Bank cannot adopt a package to relieve its massive debt – $72bn (£55.6bn) and counting.
The Trump administration is offering Sudan a way out. Visiting Khartoum at the end of August, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo proposed a deal to Sudan’s civilian Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok: if Sudan recognised Israel, President Trump would circumvent the Congressional blockage.
Following the UAE’s decision last month, Sudan, a member of the Arab League, would be only the fifth Arab state to do so.
The caliphate I warned of back in 2013 is now taking shape, you decide, but look at the map, only Iran the barrier to India it seems, yet more CIA skullduggery it seems.
President Truman said he was sorry he started the C.I.A. –> Merle Miller: Mr. President, I know that you were responsible as President for setting up the CIA. How do you feel about it now? Truman: I think it was a mistake. And if I’d know what was going to happen, I never would have done it.”

Virginia’s entire voter registration system has been felled by a rogue cable, according to the state’s info-tech agency, which blamed an “accidentally-cut” line for an outage that may stop procrastinators from voting altogether.
The ‘Citizen Portal’ that allows Virginian residents to register online to vote in the 2020 election was knocked out on Tuesday morning – the last day state residents were allowed to register, the Virginia Board of Elections has revealed, posting notices to its website and Twitter account. I wonder if you can ponder hard on which group may have cut that cable from Virginia?
Lets take a look at lifestyles of UK politicians shall we, although they are no better or different from any other politician in other countries.
Self serving, pocket puppet of lobbyists and intelligence agencies, negotiate themselves seats on boards of top companies, involved in corruption and many others involved in more heinous levels of crime.
Often out of bloodline or elite families, some inbred for that very purpose, often involved in secret societies and all out of touch with reality.
A new term for the description of a politician for 2020, should read parasite.
So, apart from all that, what else do they actually do? discuss policies? vote on bills for improvement of the general public? fix the homeless or poverty issues? come up with curriculums that improve children, shut down dangerous health related organizations? deal with police violence or any violence? insure the legal system is fair, are just some of the requirements the people would look from with a politician.
Do they do any of that? NO!! and we are back to the start of pocket puppet of the lobbyists, agency puppet and parasite.
Here is a list of perks a UK Politician gets, and what they claim and get back on top of their salary, pensions paid and also paid positions sitting on boards of top companies, or the correct term lobbyists.
Food and drink, travel expenses, second homes, decorating of 2nd home, gardening, furniture, office stationary, council or property taxes and household bills are just some of the re-imbursements of the UK Politicians.
You know what the problem is about all of this? us, we the people as we don’t make these people accountable to look after our money, but we vote for these parasites?

A weeklong human trafficking sting by the FBI has led to the arrest of 28 men at a south Reno home.
According to the FBI’s Northern Nevada Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force, all 28 suspects arrived at a home in south Reno to “knowingly engage in, and pay for, sex acts with a minor as identified through the Human Exploitation and Trafficking Unit.”
The FBI funded operation identified seven men on its first night, Monday, Oct. 5. Eight men were arrested on Tuesday, Oct. 6. Five were arrested on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Eight men were arrested on Thursday, Oct. 8.
All suspects were arrested on felony counts of soliciting a child for prostitution, and attempted child abuse. Some of the suspects are facing additional charges.
Reno the home of the currency revaluation crew, fitting if you ask me, and yes there is connections.
Three police officers were wounded during a gun battle Monday in Calera, Zacatecas, in which 14 armed civilians were killed, state Security Minister Arturo Lopez Baltazar said.
Police were carrying out tactical operations in the municipality located 29 kilometers from the state capital, when they were attacked by gunmen.
Of the three officers injured, two had shrapnel wounds and one suffered a gunshot wound, all were reported to be in stable condition.
Authorities seized three of the assailants’ vehicles, as well as an arsenal of weapons that included eight rifles and a grenade launcher, ammunition and drugs were also seized.
Lopez said that police presence in Zacatecas, has been increased to include ground and air patrols and vowed the state would, spare no resource to restore order and tranquility.
The violent attack was not an isolated case, on October 5, just meters across the border in San Luis Potosi, 12 bodies were discovered, bringing the total to 21 dumped at the site recently and 46 for the year.
Most have been found in Villa de Ramos and Vanegas, both bordering Zacatecas.
Authorities suspect gangs in Zacatecas, most likely the Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation cartels, are using the region as a body dump.
Officials from both states plan to meet to discuss how better to coordinate public safety issues.
Monday’s gun battle comes on the heels of the most violent weekend in Mexico’s history, official numbers show that between Friday and Sunday there was 273 murders throughout the country, with 114 occurring on Sunday alone.
Thirty-four people were killed in Guanajuato, 34 in the state of Mexico, 26 in Jalisco, 16 in Chihuahua, 14 in Puebla and 11 in Mexico City.
Previously, the most violent weekend on record was over Father’s Day, when 265 people were murdered between June 19 and 21. Last week federal Security Minister Alfonso Durazo assured Mexicans that “we have progressively left behind the blackest days of insecurity,” and claimed that “the day is near, when we will see ourselves walking in the streets, free of fear.”
And some people wonder why a wall needed to be built?
All these gangs though by and large were bought and paid for by American tax dollars courtesy of the CIA and the likes of Eric Holder with Operation Fast and Furious, remember the alt media all said he was going to be arrested for that? that was 2011 and like the modern day equivalent of the Wilcock and Drake show, with Q, it just hasn’t happened has it?

The US military has partnered with more than a dozen companies for “large-scale experimentation” with 5G technology, including efforts to enhance the “lethality” of certain systems, in what’s slated to be a $600 million project.
Dubbing 5G tech a “foundational enabler for all US defense modernization,” the Pentagon announced the massive research initiative on Thursday, which will hand hundreds of millions to 15 private contractors to conduct testing at five US military installations.
The Pentagon, adding that it would bring together experts from several industries and disciplines, said in a statement:
“Today, the Department of Defense announced $600 million in awards for 5G experimentation and testing at five US military test sites, representing the largest full-scale 5G tests for dual-use applications in the world.
“Projects will include piloting 5G-enabled augmented/virtual reality for mission planning and training, testing 5G-enabled Smart Warehouses, and evaluating 5G technologies to enhance distributed command and control.”
Firms selected for the project include telecoms AT&T, Nokia and Ericsson, intelligence and infotech contractor Booz-Allen Hamilton, the research wing of General Electric, GE Research, and a subsidiary of aerospace giant General Dynamics.
One effort spearheaded by AT&T at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada will apply 5G to “distributed command and control” systems in order to “aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality,” enhancing communications for mobile command centers in combat scenarios.
At Washington state’s Joint Base Lewis-McChord, AT&T will also work alongside Booz-Allen and two other firms to develop 5G-enabled virtual reality technology for training, mission planning and even “operational use,” though the Pentagon provided no examples of the latter application.
The costly initiative will also see testing carried out at Hill Air Force Base in Utah, a Marine Corps logistics facility in Georgia and California’s Naval Base San Diego, where the companies will develop “smart warehousing” systems and work to integrate 5G cell networks with Air Force radars.
The rapid growth of 5G technology has stoked controversy not only among the conspiracy-minded, but in the realm of geopolitics as well.
The Pentagon’s vast new project comes amid an ongoing spat between the US government and Chinese telecom Huawei over its 5G services, which Washington has banned outright while pressuring a number of European allies to do the same.
US officials insist the company poses a threat to both privacy and national security, despite Huawei’s repeated denials that its systems are not used for data theft or espionage on behalf of Beijing.
All this is just about a power grab between clowns of the East and clowns of the West, and our tax dollars are paying for this stupidity.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has entered into a partnership with the US Department of Defense.
Their ambitious plan is to develop a means to deliver 80 tons of cargo anywhere in the world in 60 minutes or less.
Musk has also contracted to build missile-tracking satellites for the USAF.
So much for Musk being a good guy as some bizarrely believe in the alt media.

Food Issues

Play audio at: 47:42

Researchers in Washington State have again failed to live-track a massive “murder hornet,” with the fearsome bug going fugitive as local officials attempt to locate and destroy nests, before the insect’s bee-killing season begins.
The latest tracking attempt saw a public entomologist with the Washington State Department of Agriculture, fix a tracking device to a female Asian giant hornet – better known by its more intimidating moniker, ‘murder hornet’ – but the bug made a break into a forest and the device went dark.
“The team and neighbors tracked the hornet from tree to tree for about an hour before losing her signal in the forest,” the department said in an update on Monday.
“Both staff and several neighbors spent the remainder of the afternoon searching the area for the tracking signal (which would transmit for approximately 12 hours) but, unfortunately, it could not be located.”
A previous attempt to track one of the aggressive arthropods – the largest wasp on Earth, measuring up to 2 inches in length – failed after a tracking device detached from the creature before it returned to its nest.
The more recent effort used dental floss to attach the device instead of glue, but still to no avail.
While the insect’s sting has been known to be fatal to human beings, deadly encounters with people are somewhat rare.
The bug’s nickname instead comes from its tendency to wipe out honeybee nests on a seasonal basis – what Spichiger termed its “slaughter phase,” which he noted is drawing near.
Native to Asia, only around 18 of the hornets have been spotted in Washington since they were first detected last year near the US border with Canada, however their devastating attacks on bee hives makes them a potentially serious pest, prompting the search-and-destroy efforts by local officials.
One has to ask is this insect genetically modified for war against peoples and countries, with the large Asian gang related populace just across the border in Vancouver, one does wonder if these insects are being used to damage America’s food supply?
It also proves they have devices small enough to fit on insects and use them as target devices.

After I warned of it in spring last year, hear now comes the proof of that prediction.
In 2020, we are witnessing an explosion of hunger in the United States that is unlike anything, that we have seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs since the start of this pandemic, and money is running low for a whole lot of people.
There is an article about a survey that found that one out of every five Americans will be out of cash by Election Day.
More Americans are slipping into poverty with each passing month, and this has created an unprecedented surge of demand at food banks across the nation.
Meanwhile, our growing economic problems are also causing donations to dry up, and so many food banks are facing a major crunch as we head into 2021.
In fact, Feeding America is warning that their network of food banks is potentially facing an “eight billion meal shortage” over the next 12 months…
The dire shortage comes as tens of millions of Americans have turned to local food banks for help, amid the pandemic-triggered surge in unemployment and food insecurity.
How in the world are we going to make up an 8,000,000,000 meal shortfall?
And of course that number assumes that things won’t get dramatically worse in our society next year, if they do, the true number could end up being far greater.
This should greatly alarm all of us, because food banks are the last resort for millions upon millions of desperate Americans.
In 2019, approximately 35 million Americans were dealing with food insecurity, but thanks to this pandemic Feeding America expects that number to rise to 54 million.
Where is the Trustee and Lifeforce group what are they going to do about this? some will say that comment is not fair, I will say I was not the one who stated we are the all singing all dancing and the only doing group.
If you make out you are the only saviors, the people will expect you to save us, you can’t have it both ways.
The simple solution is both Trump and Biden give away 1/2 of their current campaign donations back to the food banks, estimated around $1/2B, at least that way that money will be put to some proper use.

Facebook has explicitly banned Holocaust denial for the first time.
The social network said its new policy prohibits “any content that denies or distorts the Holocaust”.
Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg wrote that he had “struggled with the tension” between free speech and banning such posts, but that “this is the right balance”.
Two years ago, Mr Zuckerberg said that such posts should not automatically be taken down for “getting it wrong”.
“I’m Jewish and there’s a set of people who deny that the Holocaust happened,” he told Recode at the time.
“I find it deeply offensive. But at the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong.”
His remarks led to a large public backlash.
But on Monday, as Facebook changed its policies, he wrote that he had changed his mind.
“My own thinking has evolved as I’ve seen data showing an increase in anti-Semitic violence, as have our wider policies on hate speech,” he wrote in a public Facebook post.
As the drama, guilt and pity program keeps running almost 80 years on, but where is the Rus holocaust of 80-90M museums? Where is the Armenian museums? where are the EU and American museums? Mr. Weisel? Where are museums for the millions of death by starvation of the Africans? or Indians? Where are the museums for all the sacrificed children in the Jewish Solomon and Herod Temples?
One death is enough in any war, but this repeated guilt tripping program has to stop.
The truth never fears investigation.
Facebook is responsible for 94% of 69 million child sex abuse images reported by US tech firms.
The figures emerge as the UK is among seven nations warning of the impact of end-to-end encryption on public safety online.
Facebook has previously announced plans to fully encrypt communications in its Messenger app, as well as its Instagram Direct service – on top of WhatsApp, which is already encrypted – meaning no one apart from the sender and recipient can read or modify messages, if you believe that you will believe anything.
The social media site said the changes are designed to improve user privacy on all of its platforms.
But law enforcement agencies fear the move will have a devastating impact on their ability to target pedophiles and protect children online.
Yet more drivel, where were they when Saville, Epstein, Pedosta’s and cohorts were doing that shit?
I guess this is why they banned a page titled End child trafficking now.
Some 16.9 million referrals were made by US tech firms to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) last year, including 69 million images of children being abused – up 50% on the previous year.
Some 94% of the reports, which include the worst category of images, came from Facebook, Home Office officials said.
Because the porn industry is ran by the Jewish is why, check it out for yourselves.
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit Thursday against Yale University, alleging the school violated federal civil-rights law by discriminating against Asian-American and white applicants in undergraduate admissions.
In the complaint, filed in federal district court in Connecticut, the Justice Department alleged that for the past few decades Yale’s “oversized, standardless, intentional use of race has subjected domestic, non-transfer applicants to Yale College to discrimination on the ground of race.”
The lawsuit marks an escalation of the Trump administration’s scrutiny of elite colleges over their policies on race and admissions.
The Justice Department has also supported legal efforts to end affirmative action at Harvard University, and the Education Department last month said it would investigate racism at Princeton University.
Yale said the Justice Department’s claims were “based on inaccurate statistics and unfounded conclusions.”
“Yale does not discriminate against applicants of any race or ethnicity,” President Peter Salovey wrote in an email to students, faculty and staff.
“Our admissions practices are completely fair and lawful.
Yale’s admissions policies will not change as a result of the filing of this baseless lawsuit, we look forward to defending these policies in court.”
The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said in 2017 that it would redirect resources toward probing and suing universities over their affirmative-action policies, part of a broader rightward shift the division has taken under President Trump.
The division has made other sweeping changes to policy on civil-rights enforcement, police reform and other areas.
The Justice Department began investigating Yale in 2018, based on a 2016 complaint filed with the Justice and Education Departments by a group of Asian-American organizations, led by the Asian American Coalition for Education.
The federal government threatened the suit back in August, when it issued the findings of a two-year review of Yale’s undergraduate admissions practices.
At the time, the Justice Department said Yale discriminated based on race and national origin, and that race was the “determinative factor” in hundreds of admissions decisions each year.
Is this an agency faction war or is it cleaning the swamp?
As gridlock over another round of stimulus for small business in Washington continues, 5 million Latinos are at risk of bankruptcy, a new study reveals on Sunday.
Pre-pandemic they were the fastest-growing cohort on Main Street and contributed 4% to U.S. GDP.
Latino companies that applied for the Paycheck Protection Program have seen a 21% drop in revenue since February, while their costs for PPE and other safety measures rise.
Pre-pandemic they were the fastest-growing cohort on Main Street and contributed 4% to U.S. GDP, but now 5 million Latinos are at risk of bankruptcy, a new study reveals on Monday.
Their demise portends a troubling trend that can upend communities across America, statistics reveal the story.
Latino companies that applied for the Paycheck Protection Program, saw a 21% drop in revenue from February through September, while their costs for PPE and other safety measures rose and continue to remain high.
Additionally, they retrofitted their businesses to deal with the pandemic, which resulted in a huge amount of expenditure that exceeded their revenue in the summer.
They spent a lot to stay open and ended with a negative 11% margin, they are now cash flow negative and are on the brink of going out of business.
For the study, Biz2Credit analyzed the financial performance of 35,000 companies, including 3,000 Hispanic-owned businesses, that submitted funding requests through the company’s online marketplace.
All companies included in the survey have less than 250 employees and less than $10 million in annual revenue.
The report covered small businesses across the country in a wide range on industries, from start-ups to established companies.
Construction is the largest category of businesses, representing nearly 17.18% of the Hispanic-owned companies in the Biz2Credit study.
It is followed by: services (15.74%), accommodation and food services (14.63%), retail ( 9.4%), and transportation and warehousing ( 7.6%).
Research conducted by the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative in May found that 86% of Latino business owners surveyed reported immediate negative effects of Covid-19.
Nearly two-thirds of respondents said they would likely be out of business in six months if Covid restrictions remain in place.
The study also found that Latino business owners are nervous that customers might not feel confident enough to come back and that many may not have money to pay for things.
As a group, Latinos are expected to comprise almost 30% of the population by 2050, compared to 18% today. Revenue of Latino-owned companies jumped 61% from 2017 to 2020. They are a growing sector of the economy, and contribute to its overall strength, but in 2020 they are struggling mightily.
A sobering story and why we are all in this together, this is the clowns version of Hunger Games.
We are all pushed into districts, separated by color and we are all left to fight each other, love won and ended the Hunger Games movie, and coming together and loving each other will end this nonsense.
Capt Joseph R. John
By watching the below video, you will understand what The Sunrise Movement is, and why so many young white students are being recruited by them.
The Sunrise Movement teaches students that White Supremacy is the reason for Systemic Racism in the US and that Climate Change is a white problem.
For two years, the left of center liberal media establishment covered up the facts about The Sunrise Movement’s recruiting and training program.
The video outlines the two year, behind the scenes, training program of white students, on how to participate in a race riots, when an event triggers a race riot.
The Attorney General of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, is the true force behind The Sunrise Movement, ANTIFA, and CAIR in Minnesota.
When Keith Ellison was Deputy Chair of the Democrat Party, he moved the Democrat Party toward Socialism, knowing that Socialism is Marxist inspired.
Keith Ellison is an Islam convert; he called for a separate country for blacks in the US, and wrote racist articles under, his real name, Keith Hakim Mohammad.
The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist organization paid for Keith Hakim Mohammad’s pilgrimage to Mecca in 2008.
Ellison strongly supports Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam; he disrespects for the US Constitution; he said “Its wording was inspired by the Bible.”
Ellison has been close to the Communist Party, USA, and held a fundraising event in the home of Minnesota’s Communist Party Chair, Erwin Marquit.
Keith Ellison is a very close associate of Luis Enrique Marquez, who flies the Communist flag, and is the leader of ANTIFA in Portland’s Rose City.
ANTIFA rioters are the violent Communist Domestic Terrorist “Foot Soldiers”; the logo on the ANTIFA flag was created by the German Communist Party.
Ellison’s photo is pictured on the Internet, holding the manual of the ANTIFA Domestic Terrorists; their manual calls for uprising and riots in the US.
Atty Gen Keith Ellison is the defacto leader of ANTIFA & CAIR in Minnesota; Ilhan Omar, one of his creations, has the same campaign manager as him.
When George Floyd was killed by a rogue Police Officer, employing improper restraint procedures, ANTIFA had the trigger it was waiting for to initiate race riots.
Members of CAIR were present to “film” George Floyd’s death outside of Cup Foods in Minneapolis, then CAIR distributed the video worldwide.
Within 24 hours of Floyd’s death, thousands of The Sunrise Movement trained rioters looted and torched Minneapolis; Police Officers stood down, and let it burn.
CAIR organized the looters, ANTIFA organized the arsonists, Black Lives Matter led the rioters. (Real News Network: Peggy Traeger Tierney: Jun 16, 2020)
The chant from rioters was that “Police Officers had been killing black youth”, to “defund, eliminate, and replace the Police Forces”.
Socialists, Progressives, Marxists, Communists, and the Socialist Democrat Party mobilized rioters in 184 cities; Nazi Sympathizer George Soros funded the riots.
Keith Ellison’s son, Jeremiah, who runs the Minneapolis City Council, pledged allegiance to ANTIFA, and led the effort that eliminated the city’s police department.
By creating Racial Strife Ellison’s allies hoped to defeat President Trump, then change the US Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State.
ANTIFA’s “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement” (RAM) has been leading the national effort to deface and destroying over 350 US historical monuments.
Communists want Americans to believe they are divided by race. THEY ARE NOT! The only divide is COMMUNISTS vs FREE AMERICANS.
Combat Veterans For Congress fight to protect and defend the US Constitutional Republic from domestic enemies and domestic terrorists.
Interesting article but have we the people defined what is a Republic? What is Socialism? What is Communism? all these labels and too few just regurgitate the words, without their own critical thinking applied to the process.
This is where we the people lack badly, take the word Communism in America, is treated like a olden day leper, ooh we don’t want Communists, they are all Russian and Chinese, that is agency think tank programming.
The fact so many link it to those two countries in 2020 despite the rise of the internet, is telling us we don’t think for ourselves enough.
Because Communism if applied correctly is actually the best form of government for we the people, it is all about fairness and sharing the life force energy, the better version of that word is one from Tanaath, communalism.
All about communities and all people coming together.
All the rest of what you think about Communism is your own non thinking mindset, and a set of narratives handed down to you by media, agencies and politicians, who wouldn’t know a form of government if they fell over it.
For those who really wish to know what is Communism, Communism is Zionism, is Hebrew Annunaki, it tells you that in the article, who funded it? The George Soros group, and George Soros is? Jewish and Hebrew Annunaki.

Virus Issues

Play audio at: 83:09

The World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19 urged world leaders this week to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method.”
“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Dr. David Nabarro said to The Spectator’s Andrew Neil.
“The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”
Nabarro went on to point out several of the negative consequences lockdowns have caused across the world, including devastating tourism industries and increased hunger and poverty.
“Just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry in the Caribbean, for example, or in the Pacific because people aren’t taking their holidays,” he said. “Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. … Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”
Earlier this week, thousands of medical health experts signed their names to a petition calling for the end of corona virus lockdowns, citing the “irreparable damage” they’ve caused.
“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
Oh my some common sense from the WHO, you best be careful or FB will close down your page as well.
I read an advice article at Slate recently where a mom of a nearly five-year-old daughter wrote in to express concern that her child hasn’t seen any friends in five months, since COVID-19 lockdowns began.
She said: Because of COVID, my husband and I have decided to skip [pre-K] altogether and teach her everything she needs to know before kindergarten ourselves.
This doesn’t worry me academically, but I am concerned about her development and the loss of the social interaction she was going to experience.
The advice columnist responded that the mom shouldn’t worry about her child’s social isolation, saying: She is part of a whole generation of quarantined 5-year-olds.
It’ll take her a while to catch up once she reenters society, sure — but it’s going to take everyone a while.
This resignation to ongoing government lockdowns, endless social distancing, mandatory mask orders, and travel restrictions — even as the virus wanes in the US — is damaging to our social and economic health, and may be particularly problematic for children who are separated from their peers.
While some evidence suggests that young people are faring well outside of forced schooling, with less school-induced stress and anxiety, the same research indicates that children and teens are missing their friends dearly, and social isolation seems to be taking a toll.
With most large, urban school districts planning remote-learning only this fall, the isolation is likely to continue for many children — unless parents step in to alleviate this loneliness.
An article in The Wall Street Journal exposed the impact of pandemic-related social isolation on children and adolescents:
“‘Of all age groups, this virus is probably more socially devastating to teens than any other group, they are bored and they are lonely,’ says Joseph P. Allen, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia.”
Another recent Journal article reinforced these unintended consequences of the lockdowns and social distancing on adolescents, and particularly girls: “Adolescent girls already were experiencing record-high levels of loneliness, anxiety and depression before the pandemic, according to Mary Pipher, a clinical psychologist and author of Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls… ‘All of the things that a year ago were increasing girls’ depression have been exacerbated by the pandemic,’ [said] Dr. Pipher.”
Kids Need Other Kids
Regardless of whether or not you think schools should reopen for in-person learning this fall, the reality is that kids need to be around other kids to play, socialize, and learn.
They don’t need this play, socializing, and learning to happen in schools.
In fact, they may find much more authentic, satisfying social play and learning outside of a conventional classroom.
Peter Gray, research professor of psychology at Boston College, has written extensively on the importance of unstructured childhood social play for children’s health and well-being.
In a June interview with NPR, Gray said: Play is crucial to children’s development, and much of my research shows that over the last few decades, our children have been very play deprived.
They spend so much time in school, so much time that homework after school, so much time in adult-directed activities which are not fully play — play is activity that children develop themselves — that children take control of themselves and their children learn to be independent and solve their own problems.
(To learn more about this, see Gray’s book Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life.)
If they were play-deprived prior to the pandemic, then many children may be more play-deprived now, as they have been cut-off from peers for nearly six months.
Gray has documented the correlation between the decline in play and the rise in childhood and adolescent mental health disorders.
This is something that is deeply concerning now as children, and especially adolescents, are even more distanced from their peers.
While technology has been a lifesaver for all of us during the pandemic, it has also consumed a much larger portion of children’s lives. A new report released this month by the Children’s Hospital of Chicago found that 63 percent of teens are using social media more than they did pre-pandemic, and more than half of their parents indicate that social media use is having a negative impact on their kids.
Perhaps more startling, the survey found that 68 percent of parents say that social media is interfering with their teen’s ability to have normal social interactions.
Concerns about social media use and its impact on teen mental and social health were widespread before the pandemic, but it could be particularly troubling now as social media use soars while many teens remain separated from their friends.
The continued quarantining of healthy children and adolescents is misguided and deprives them of the childhood play and in-person social interaction that are critical to their growth and development.
FEE’s Jon Miltimore wrote a great article recently saying this very thing, and providing international data on the low risks of COVID-19 on children. The health risks to children of the virus may be small, but the risks to children’s mental and emotional health from forced separation from peers is not. Miltimore writes:
The best scientific evidence we have shows that children have the least to fear from COVID-19. As the CDC points out, the common flu is far more dangerous for children than the coronavirus. A society that deprives children of the basic freedom to gather to play, learn, explore, and socialize does them a grave injustice, one that will result in far more harm than good. Fortunately, we have ample evidence and real-life examples that show the costs of quarantining healthy children far outweigh the benefits.
The OECD recently issued a report detailing the global harm the pandemic response is inflicting on children’s social and economic health and well-being, especially poor children. Its recommendation to combat these detrimental effects is to add more government interventions and mandates, particularly in social services, healthcare, and education.
But adding more layers of government involvement to fix the problems created by government lockdown policies puts expensive Band-Aids on injuries that could be alleviated by loosening the lockdowns.

A British study has found 86% of people infected with the coronavirus didn’t show the main symptoms on the day they were tested. Researchers at University College London looked at data from a survey that has been testing thousands of U.K. households every week, regardless of whether the subjects had symptoms. The study, released Thursday, looked at data for 36,061 people between April and June. Researchers found among those who tested positive, 86% didn’t have a cough, fever or loss of taste or smell.
Lead researcher Irene Petersen says while people may have had symptoms in the days before their test or developed them later, the study suggests many may be spreading the virus while asymptomatic. She says frequent and widespread testing of all individuals is needed to curb “silent transmission.”
2017 Total Deaths US: 2,813,503 (234,000/month)
2018 Total Deaths US: 2,839,205 (237,000/month)
2019 Total Deaths US: 2,855,000 (238,000/month)
2020 Total Deaths US (jan – week 9/26): 2,130,000 (236,000/month)
2,130,000 + (236,000/month x 3) [Oct, Nov, Dec] = 2,838,000 [assumption based on monthly avg]
2020: 2,838,000 [3-month assumption insert]
2019: 2,855,000
2018: 2,839,000
2017: 2,814,000
Why did select [D] govs push C19 infected patients into nursing homes?
% of total C19 deaths attributed to nursing home(s)?
Who is most susceptible?
Same [D] govs who pushed C19 infected patients into nursing homes attempting to keep State(s) closed?
That is fine Q, but what are you doing about it? pain is coming you said, you were right, but it was for the people, not clowns.
What everyone is asking is where are……….

Pedophilia Coverup

Play audio at: 101:42

I assume all now know what the code words are for pizza and hotdogs now, and linked to pedophilia and ritual practices.
To those who doubt that, here is a common sense question: why would the Secretary of State ask the President about having pizza and hotdogs in the White House, require a warning and a vote?
That email is now 9 years old and where are the arrests? of not only the perpetrators, but those who were aware of this criminality and proceeded to cover it up.
It has gone on in this administration, still no funeral for Jeffery Epstein, no further words on Ghislaine Maxwell, will she die in mysterious circumstances as well?
What about the brave victims who came forward? where is the justice for them?

I watched a podcast this week by Jason Goodman and his guest David Watkins, he Goodman asked me to go on his show to expose Robert David Steele, after Steele issued him and co-hosts with a $6m each lawsuit.
Goodman is no different to many other alt media and is connected to faction based elements, that are revealed in that podcast if you listen closely.
This was called bowing to Facebook.
And it details about a person in British Columbia called Cameron Ortis a spy inside the 5 eyes organization, who was fast tracked into a Director of Intelligence for the RCMP and connected to the Asian’s.
Which to all intents and purposes run Vancouver, BC and beyond in Canada, via gang warfare and foreign and domestic agency based tactics.
Ortis was involved with the Blackberry’s connected to the Hillary Clinton Benghazi and other investigations, and there is a company called Phantom Secure directly involved with the back door Blackberry phones in Richmond BC, which is the same location as Cameron Ortis.
Watkins spoke in agency based terms of parallel narratives and compromised nodes, after Ortis’s thesis called Bowing to Quirinus: compromised nodes and cyber security in East Asia.
In that thesis there is the line the future to the past, which explains the two headed god Janus or Quirinus.
In the Q drops the future proves the past is often relayed as one of their key nodes in their drops of information.
It exposed compromised nodes like we did with the Swiss banker story in last weeks show, where the CIA got him drunk and made him drive home, he gets stopped and CIA saved the day of his arrest on the premise he became an informant for them.
Other examples are Field McConnell, Abel Danger which is a name of a CIA project, George Webb who is Mossad, Neil Keenan, possibly Drake, plus several other alt media personalities, who the agencies have leverage over for certain indiscretions done by the node.
With persuasion and coercion by agencies they then become a compromised node within the network and subsequently are working for the system, not the people.
It stated that 9/11 used in parallel narratives which was the drill taking place at the same time, using compromised nodes in key positions, and from all accounts the 9/11 attack was launched out of British Columbia Canada.
It spoke about the BBC clearly happy that Facebook has banned QAnon, why? because the BBC is ran by MI5/6 along with GCHQ and elements of the Blue Dragon group, which is an opposite faction of Trump and subsequently QAnon.
Essentially what they are saying is this, that QAnon and the opposition are all part of a 5 eyes agency based cyber war game, being ran against each other it seems, but quite possibly against we the people as well, in a double cross motion.
Other compromised nodes involved the BBC London, New York and British Columbia again, involving the child sex scandals.
The BBC had Jimmy Saville, his counterpart in New York was Jeffery Epstein, and in British Columbia you have Christopher Charles Ingvaldson was charged with and jailed for child pornography, who is a close friend and room mate of Justin Trudeau, and so you see the network begins to connect some dots.
London, New York and Vancouver are all British OSS espionage and double agents sites, that has gone on for a long time, against the people of the UK, Canada and America.
In Cameron Ortis thesis Bowing to Quirinus, who is Quirinus? Quirinus is represented by a double headed statue, and so is two faced, double crossing, double cross is XX in Roman numerals, ten and ten and double 1’s and 0’s, indicating controlled opposition of two sides of the same coin.
Quirinus is a Roman god and has a statue in the Vatican with the number 17 on it’s base, the 17th letter is Q, cohen-cidence? you decide.
So is it bowing to Quirinus the Roman god or bowing to Q the internet information data package? or one and the same?
If Q is connected to British/Canadian agencies it explains the piece we did recently about Q doing British spellings in a post.

The gist of the narrative was QAnon was another agency based honey pot tactic to pull people in, document them all via metadata and algorithms and log them into a database.
Once that database is established those on it, they have the potential to become target individuals, that is how it works.
But the problem is and what I stated two years back, when I stated it didn’t matter whether Q was agency or not, as it is getting lots of people to do their own research, and that was a good thing.
But, and it is a big but, too many jumped on it and it became out of control of the system, and so now the system has to shut it down, which also has the propensity to make Q look legitimate, when it is more likely a mass public psy op.
People make the mistake with several alt media outlets, that because they are exposing public figures, that somehow they are working and doing it for the benefit of the people, you have no idea of how wrong that thinking is.

The Trump Project is the next part we wish to cover tonight based on the analysis of the previous video.
Is this Donald Trump related? possibly you decide, but are there ever natural coincidences within the 3D loop reality process, one has to ask?
This was a document produced in 2002 called the Trump project and has a picture of four playing cards, one from each suit, with four words one on each card.
The first card is Trial, with TR highlighted, 2nd card is usability with U highlighted, 3rd card is Maturity with M highlighted and 4th card is process with P highlighted. T-R-U-M-P and so spells Trump.
The TRUMP project has successfully raised the usability maturity of two large organizations and is providing information to help other organizations achieve similar results.
The point is who are the 2 large organizations and the other organizations? is it Rothschild’s and Black Sun? or is it the UK and America? or is it Quirinus the two headed Roman god?
The next states the objectives of the Trump project:
TRial: TRUMP has trialed a number of techniques to improve the human-centeredness of two large organizations’ IT development processes.
The trial was part funded by the European Commission as ESPRIT project 28015 TRUMP, as part of a program called Horizon 2020, but remember this document was from 2002.
Usability: Usability is the quality of a system in use, and is the ultimate objective of IT development.
Truly usable IT systems are the result of a human-centred development process.
Was this the start of the computer network data collection that has run rampant since?
Maturity: Developing usable systems requires a human-centered approach by all those involved in design and development, as well as the integration of human-centered design and evaluation activities throughout the development methodology.
TRUMP has raised the usability maturity of the trial organizations.
Process: TRUMP showed how user centered methods could be integrated into the development process of the two participating organizations.
TRUMP will enable the organizations to adopt the techniques more widely.
In other words a merging of two separate entities into one giant IT harvesting center.
So, who was involved in this process, well some familiar names and entities will crop up in this section.
The TRUMP project involved three partners and one subcontractor. Serco Usability Services co-ordinated the project and provided the usability expertise to the user partners, IR and IAI.
Lloyd’s Register provided independent assessment of the usability maturity before and after the application at IR.
Serco Usability Services:, previously at the National Physical Laboratory, has been developing and applying practical human-centered evaluation and design techniques for many years.
It was the co-coordinating partner for TRUMP and was the project’s source of expertise in human-centered techniques.
Who are Serco? Serco are a large private contractor ran for and by the agencies, as a private contractor whilst still affiliated with agencies, they can circumnavigate around Government restrictions and oversight.
Serco was founded in 1929 as RCA Services Limited, a United Kingdom division of the Radio Corporation of America and initially provided services to the cinema industry.
In other words RCA was a subsidiary of the OSS, as we covered in FRWL series, and shows how far back the espionage, disinformation and propaganda operations have been ran in this country.
Following the takeover of RCA by General Electric in late 1985, RCA Services Limited was bought out by its local management. It changed its name to Serco in 1987.
Serco is essentially the British Government, they run practically all the UK Government Services.
Here is a list of the services of various sectors they run in the UK, Border security, work pensions, transport, science, prisons and justice, housing, defense, aviation, health, education, leisure, IT and waste and recycling services.
You think that is bad enough and all very cartel like, try their USA services for good measure.
Parking meters in Chicago, they manage the Affordable Care Act for $1.25B, and classification for all US patents.
They also run the driving test and exams in Ontario Canada.
Run several prisons in Australia and new Zealand.
Run transport systems in Australia, Hong Kong, Dubai, Denmark and Sweden, and have offshore holdings on the isle of Mauritius.
Quite a climb up the ladder from a Radio company that, is it not?
Inland Revenue: is the tax collection department of the UK Government. With over 60,000 staff, IR relies on IT for administrative support.
Because they must implement Government tax policy, IR must be able to implement new business systems rapidly and correctly.
IR and IRS are both connected via The Crown and subsequently the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.
Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI): design and build aircraft and avionics equipment.
IAI has a reputation for efficiency and quality, and the techniques introduced by TRUMP improved their development efficiency and the quality of the products.
Oh dear is there ever any show without including the Israelis? clearly they wished to mix IT and war for their pilots.
Lloyd’s Register: performed independent assessment of the usability maturity of the Inland Revenue, both before and after the introduction of the human-centered techniques.
Is a banking and insurance group of investors, with much ill repute, particularly during the 2008 economic crisis.
The documents were produced by a company called CiteseerX by Nigel Bevan and Neil Curson, who both then worked for Serco as well.
The documents are a copyright of Pennsylvania State University, of all places, proving what we have stated in previous shows that these Universities are fronts for agency, spy and espionage based operations, both foreign and domestic.
Two things stands out in their narrative, extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, The tutorial presents a structured approach to user centered design, based on the principles of the forthcoming International Standard “Human centered design processes for interactive systems.
All sounds very Artificial Intelligence to me.
This shows potentially how far back these think tanks plan ahead, a 2002 document that names a future US President, that was funded by a group called Horizon 2020 all leaves much to ponder on.
I have said all along we the people have to be careful of who we follow and trust, is this the card game version of the chess game played out by Q?
And if so, by playing the Trump card in this, what or who is Trump trumping? and what if Trump is a compromised node in an IT based network?

Ritual Abuse

Play audio at: 129:55

Ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of crimes against children and adults.
It has obvious associations with mind control programs such as MK-ULTRA and its derivatives, together with the whole gamut of associations summarised by the terms: “The Pedophocracy” and “VIPedophile”.
Origins of the term: Larry Pazder introduced the term “ritualized abuse” in 1980, describing the experiences of an adult survivor that was disclosing satanic abuse memories.
He defined the phenomenon as “repeated physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults combined with a systematic use of symbols, ceremonies, and machinations designed and orchestrated to attain malevolent effects.”
Later definitions came mostly from professionals addressing ritual abuse in child care settings.
Finkelhor, Williams, Burns, and Kalinowski elaborated on Pazder’s definition, defining ritual abuse as “abuse that occurs in a context linked to some symbols or group activity that have a religious, magical or supernatural connotation, and where the invocation of these symbols or activities are repeated over time and used to frighten and intimidate the children.”
Kelley referred to ritual abuse as the “repetitive and systematic sexual, physical, and psychological abuse of children by adults as part of cult or satanic worship”.
Evidence: There is a great deal of evidence supporting the existence of ritual abuse crimes as a worldwide phenomenon.
Bottoms, Shaver and Goodman found in their 1993 study evaluating ritual abuse claims that in 2,292 alleged ritual abuse cases, 15% of the perpetrators in adult cases and 30% of the perpetrators in child cases confessed to the abuse.
“In a survey of 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association, it was found that 30 percent of these professionals had seen cases of ritual or religion-related abuse (Bottoms, Shaver & Goodman, 1991).
Of those psychologists who have seen cases of ritual abuse, 93 percent believed that the reported harm took place and 93 percent believed that the alleged ritualism occurred.
The similar research of Nancy Perry (1992) which further supports (the previous findings).
Perry also conducted a national survey of therapists who work with clients with dissociative disorders, and she found that 88 percent of the 1,185 respondents indicated ”belief in ritual abuse, involving mind control and programming”.
Recently an online survey of over one thousand people answered questions about ritual abuse and extreme abuse crimes.
In a summary of the survey, it was found that ritual abuse/mind control is a global phenomenon, fifty-five percent stated they were abused in a Satanic cult.
Seventy-seven percent of the adult survivors that responded “had been threatened with death if they ever talked about the abuse.”
Also, “257 respondents reported that secret mind control experiments were used on them as children.”
Eighty-two percent reported being sexually abused by multiple perpetrators.
Anne Johnson Davis in her book Hell Minus One reported that her parents confessed to her abuse in writing and verbally to clergymen, and to the detectives from the Utah Attorney General’s Office.
Her suppressed memories started when she was in her mid-30s, which were fully substantiated by her mother and stepfather.
Many scientific journals articles have discussed the reality of ritual abuse and its effect on its victims.
Some of these articles have discussed the extreme nature of these crimes, proof of the reality of the ritual abuse phenomenon and victims’ symptoms, the connection between ritual abuse, multiple personality disorder and mind control, and the connections between ritual abuse reports, and the higher levels of symptoms of childhood sexual and physical abuse.
Several additional studies and organizations have compiled research on the reality of ritual abuse crimes.
Ritual abuse and mind control crimes have also been confirmed in other books.
A study which identified 270 cases of sexual abuse in day care settings found that allegations of ritual abuse occurred in thirteen percent of the cases.
Additional evidence of ritual abuse in day care and child abuse cases has been found in news reports, journal articles and legal transcripts.
Ritual abuse occurrences have also been found in the Netherlands and England.
Reports of ritual abuse have also been found in multiple personality disorder sufferers.
Kent believes that intergenerational satanic accounts are possible, and that rituals related to them may come from a deviant interpretation of religious texts.
Others have stated that the theories and research around recovered memory “strongly confirm the reality of…cult abuse” of SRA survivors.
Muddying the waters:
The abuse of children, whatever the apparent motives of the abusers, involves such a gross betrayal of trust and is so abhorrent to the mass of any population, that it can be very difficult to approach the subject in a completely detached and rational manner.
Of all human vices and perversions, pedophilia is seen as probably THE most shameful and outrageous in the public mind – the transition to branding it as a sort of occult evil, is therefore more-or-less inevitable when religious overtones are added.
It thus has vast potential as a source of Machiavellian manipulation and control on the one hand and ‘witch hunts’ by over-zealous but ostensibly well-meaning ‘Authorities’ on the other.
The bulk of this article concerns the former.
A brief discussion of the latter as applied to the UK follows:
Overtly religious forms of “Ritual Abuse” seem to have first been recognised as a serious issue in the US in 1972 with the publication of “From Witchcraft to Christ” by Doreen Irvine, the autobiography of a former high priestess of Satan describing events alleged to have happened in England.
“Many Satanists would be present … about eight hundred or more … All meetings included awful scenes of perverted sexual acts … My ability to levitate four or five feet was very real. It was not a hoax, the Demons aided me.”
Like I have stated previously, all magic is done by the dark, and only gives you the illusion you performed it.
After the books publication, US police investigated and dismissed more than 10,000 complaints (though lets not forget they have a predisposition to dismiss where powerful interests are involved – Franklin, Finders, Dutroux and a others).
The scare was then brought to England by Doreen Irvine, in April and September 1988, MP Geoffrey Dickens warned of the prevalence of Satanic Child Abuse claiming that up to 50 young children a year were being murdered.
His evidence included the increased demand for occult books in libraries, the popularity of black magic videos, and the spread of “New Age” shops.
The well-known BBC TV Cook Report had an episode on “Devil’s Work” on 17 July 1989.
Social work conferences were held, particularly one at Reading University, 15-17 September 1989, on the theme “Not One More Child”.
Belief in the danger of satanic rituals quickly became very widespread amongst social workers.
More than 50 children in England and Scotland were removed from their homes on the grounds that their parents were practicing Satanists.
After investigations lasting up to four years, all charges were dropped and all the children supposedly abused by Satanists were allowed back home.
One of the cases that seems to have triggered the scare was a case in Nottingham where ‘sex parties’ involved children under the age of seven.
27 young children were put into care and in February 1989 eight male members of the family and a family friend were imprisoned.
A social worker arranged for the new foster mothers of these children to be briefed by Americans Jerry Simandl and Pamela Klein and the children began to recall Satanic rituals.
In Trafford, Manchester, two sisters who’d been abused were taken into care in October 1989.
Coaxed by experts, after three months they started telling stories of witch parties they had attended, with babies and animals killed and blood drunk.
Eleven more children were taken into care and an innocent man arrested in January 1990.
The children were held for a further ten months until a High Court judge ordered their release.
The social services department accepted criticism of their methods.
A case in Rochdale in November 1989 did not involve any real abuse but after months of interviews, a frightened boy and his dreaming sister were persuaded to implicate still more families.
Ten children remained in custody until a 47-day High Court hearing exposed the evidence as ridiculous in March 1991.
A boy admitted watching the Black Master of Huddersfield stab a man to death, asked why the rest of his family had not seen it, he said they were in the chip shop.
The following day the Director of Social Services for Rochdale resigned.
Two social workers who had ‘done some reading on Satanic abuse’ were transferred.
Eventually, Professor Jean LaFontaine of the LSE, was commissioned to study the affair in England and Wales. (Some of the Scottish cases were said to be even more alarming, however there is only a judicial report on the case in Orkney).
In 1998 LaFontaine blamed the spread of satanic abuse stories on the Evangelical Christian movement, and on professional ‘specialists’, American and British, purveying unreliable information.
The great cover up practice and discrediting the children and their staff a common practice.
This is far more common than people would like to believe happens, and yet again involves the groups designated to look after the people, as the vehicles with which to damage us.
You cannot forgive, if you don’t forgive yourself. You cannot trust, if you don’t trust yourself. You cannot fully care for others, if you don’t care for yourself.
You cannot think for others, if you don’t think for yourself. You cannot soothe anger, if you don’t restrain your own.
You cannot heal your inner, if you continue to project outer. You cannot request change, if you don’t change yourself.
Ascension is an inner process, not an external. You cannot hope to achieve high consciousness with lower vibrational actions and thinking. You cannot heal the planet, if you haven’t healed yourself.
You cannot love if you don’t love yourself, not loving yourself leads to a heart of stone, and the Excalib, UR sword we all have the potential of holding becomes only a self cutting tool.
There is a clear defined split of the people occurred this year, within the masses there is the thinkers and non thinkers, the non mask wearers and the non thinking mask wearers.
In the US the division is multi folded, divided by Republican or Democrat, white or black, left or right, gay or straight, christian or non and the list goes on.
In the world of finance, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, in the world of MSM the gap between fact and fiction got wider.
In the alt media also, but the alt media also added another division, between those who chase the money and the subsequent savior programs, and those who work on themselves and save each other.
It is a daily practice of clowns and their agents to try and throw me off track and change the focus, people trying to bait me, undercover agents using lies and distortions trying to goad me, well you know what, it failed.
The question to the people who do that is, why are you failing yourself?
If we are not over the target or on the correct path why is so many copying our methods and ideas?
THI is now isolated like the clowns and paid agents wanted, we are an island in a cesspool of bullshittery, wear it proud, continue to work on the self and help others, unity, solidarity and loyalty to each other wins, and it all comes down to………………

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