Truth, Honor and Integrity Show originally aired on Spreaker 2023-01-03

The last year was exceptional as you found out from Part 1, but this part focuses on what we the people did more.
A year with increased togetherness that came from and within the group itself.
A year of astounding progress in the Communal Gatherings, the THI shows, the Must Listen to shows and the year that THI came together and created the New Blueprint for Humanity.
Music with a purpose continued throughout the year, songs that were repeated were clues for you all to catch onto.
Don’t feel bad if you didn’t, because as you will find out in this show, we deal with and on so many levels with this show and its information.
We even got some live downloads in one show, members in the village will know those events brings much clarity.
We as a collective and that is the important part made some astonishing progress, developments and events this past year.
Some of which will last for many a long year into the future.
As 2022 disappears into the past, we will take what we gained from it to create a better future.
So, what did we do this year?
The Websites:
So many things were added this year like the website, the improvements to the TPC and Thinkdifferent websites, with extra graphics, more relevant words, captions and some funny mini videos as well.
All delightfully done by Nick O’Neal, Karl Appel and Kellie Pittroff, I thank all three of them for their efforts.
THI-show was built from scratch, following YouTube’s continued reticence to hear or accept the truth.
So, all the shows dating back to 2016, the transcripts dating back to August 2018 are on the site.
The shows all there for free and the transcripts are free apart from the last 3 months, all available for people to comb over and take stock or remind themselves of pieces they may have missed.
Remember we are the only show with 100% accountability, that is important to me, not for me, but for you.
You have a chance to go back over what was said and revealed, unlike every other show I stand behind my words.
A search engine was updated and added for members to find key pieces within a particular show.
But, other things were also added, like memes and even a book store, more on that later.
Show themes were added, The Expose series, other Must listen to, From his-story to our story and From his-story to our story plus, all in neat categories for ease to find and catch up with.
Another thing that was added that came about due to more interference and excessive charging of Patreon, which is my main source of income, was the website team created a membership section on this website in three classic THI memes.
This was done so I could have my Patreon transferred over to the website and also it carries less fees than Patreon charged.
So, the website team came up with three THI-memes categories, tiny, ponder and common sense.
Oh my, people will cry, you can’t possibly do common sense, as it is so rare these days.
But, yes THI does common sense in bucketloads.
Tiny gets you the shows and transcripts, Ponder gets you the shows, transcripts and must listen to transcripts, and Common Sense gets all three and a monthly call with me.
The latter of which has been hugely popular.
There is more to come on and from the websites next year as our new website guy Ovidiu works things through, a big thanks to him for stepping up.
From his-story to our story:
We began the year having just completed the original series and the long awaited and the epic Part 9, there was many confirms of that show this past year also.
The additional parts called the Plus series added another 8 this year, and it just keeps growing.
I received a lot of extra help this year and that allowed me to expand some of the operations of THI, and in the middle of the year we decided to do a book version of the shows.
Finally the guy who doesn’t read books, becomes an author.
Many members have taken part in that production leading up to the launch of the first Volume in September, with much fanfare.
A lot of work has gone into that first volume, from proof reading to graphics for the cover, forewords and afterword, all the indexes.
Then the grammar checking and slight alterations here and there to remove some of the colloquialisms from the show, and suddenly it was all ready for publication.
Prior to that though, our team found a problem with the original name, From Russia with Love.
Due to potential copyright issues, I came up with From his story to our story, as essentially that is what the book delivers.
I sent a copy to my mother and she is loving it, although thinks it is heavy stuff to grasp, indeed it is.
Many of you will recall when they were first done, and everyone was like wow, this is so different.
Yes there were triggers in the book, particular for religious or spiritual people, but the book reveals the sordid history of our past, unlike the pro pagan da version we have been given.
As I write this, I have just done the final proof read for Volume 2, and that should be out for publication soon.
Volume 2 had a slight change from the show format to fit in with a certain flow of the book.
Out went Part 6 and 8B, and we went with parts 5, 7, 8A and C.
Part 6 was all the Russian names one, and didn’t fit into the book flow, part 8B, which is all about the Black Sun will go in Volume 4.
Volume 3 work on that has already started by the team, and they will present to me my required input this year.
Expecting to have Volume 3 out by Easter.
I am very proud of the book, and greatly appreciate all the names who made that happen.
I big thank you to the book team.
Consent book:
But that wasn’t the only book connected to our show this year, as our Positive Action and Law groups took upon themselves to create a book all about consent.
A fascinating look into how we have consented to so many things, due to our ignorance, plus healthy doses of their deceit.
It explored of how we take back our consent, how consent is manufactured through deceptive forms of mass manipulation.
Consent is a fictional term describing the collection of one or more internal mind processes including cognition, perception, identification, sensation, comprehension, volition, which are used to evaluate one or more acts regarding certain Property or Rights; and communicate or not communicate approval.
No consent exists if fraud, deception, threat, fear or duress can be proven, there can be no consent under duress.
The key to it is understanding the process, what are they implying? and how silence or no rebuttal is implied consent.
It is all about how we take our own responsibility for our actions and engagements.
People need to be self-aware to the point that they can define what purpose they want to serve in life.
This is also called setting your boundaries, boundaries in terms of your psi field, brain and heart.
It went into informed consent.
Informed consent can be said to be given, when a person has been educated to understand the facts, and considers the implication and possible consequences of an action, which will impact them.
Implied or express consent was the next topic covered.
Implied consent is dependent on the circumstances that exist which lead a reasonable person to believe that this consent was given, although no direct or explicit words of consent or agreement had been actually written or expressed.
Implied consent is based on the person’s behaviors or actions in particular situations or surroundings.
It delved into imposter spirits, astral parasitism and demonic attachments.
The next topic was explicit consent.
Explicit Consent means that an individual must have provided a positive indication, that they agree to their personal data being shared.
Explicit consent can be provided in both oral or writing forms.
Imposter Spirit.
An Impostor is defined as any Entity or human being that is saying words or expressions, or making representations that it does not embody, nor comprehend, nor behave or act in accordance with.
A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.
An Imposter Spirit is the Luciferian or Satanic Spirit which promotes false light authority and anti-life architecture through deception, lies of omission, manipulation with malice to promote intentional harm, death or destruction to serve its personal agenda.
The book went into looking at a few of the ways the system manipulates consent away from us at every level; Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.
The final part of the book covered various topics like Food Sovereignty, Financial Sovereignty, I.T. Sovereignty, Spiritual Sovereignty and using revocations.
Good Spiritual Hygiene, setting a personal declaration of intent example, Spiritual hygiene includes bathing.
The book ended on Shadow work, how to heal and integrate the darkness of traumas within, shadow work/integration is vitally important.
Seek to become whole and balanced, which is integrating the self aspect and you become the one doll, not a nest of dolls.
Then we are better able to cope and no longer projecting onto others and adding negativity to the collective consciousness.
Simply put, we create what we judge.
Knowing all things have an appropriate place and time, even when we do not like or agree with it, means we are no longer fighting against life, but in co-creation with it.
As long as we remain ignorant of our own shadow side, this will be projected, just like a loop-based movie or former planetary cycle.
It is our obligation and responsibility to take ownership of our own contribution to the current state of the world, by loving and accepting ourselves as whole beings.
A fascinating booklet designed to help you all, that all came about by the efforts of people working together.
You see it does work, things happen when committed people come together with sensible and common-sense ideas, and work together in a harmonic balance.
That is devoid of unbalanced egos, competitive and comparative mindsets, and just letting the creative juices and the collective consciousness flow.
The Tiny series:
We introduced a new series this year called the Tiny series.
It will be a series of shows on a single topic that always dot connects to other parts of our shows.
Those shows are shorter by a 1/3 to 1/2 and have been very popular to date.
So far we have done two of them, the Lacerta Files involving the alleged reptilian interview in 1999 and the other one called What the El is this.
F’ing Els everywhere it seems.
Look forward to more of them in the coming year, if no time allows.
The Peoples Club:
The TPC underwent several changes this year, on a financial, business and director level.
We also changed our registered agent from Harbor Compliance, who were not very compliant in returning calls, into the delightfully named URS agent group.
The synchronicity of that should not be lost on members.
The TPC and myself received much more help this past year, and that allowed certain changes and plans to be unveiled.
This will be the last year I do all the paperwork for the TPC, I will continue as the President, despite being challenged by a few members to replace me and the TPC group entirely during the autumn, and I will also in part operate as the Treasurer.
The reason being we now have a designated Secretary to do all the paperwork and keep all the files in order, and we were delighted to bring in Marnie Patterson to fulfill that role.
Following the resignation of the previous director Michele Hancsak, I moved quickly to appoint another director on a temporary basis, to see if it was suitable for both parties, and later that became a full role as a director of the TPC for Roger Isaacs.
Holly Hakes Peterson was retained by the TPC in a chairwoman role, and everyone was happy with the appointments and their new roles.
The Treasury role which has been solely done by myself, will be shared next year with one of the two directors.
We have moved to register the TPC in New Mexico, this will then allow us to move the bank from Florida to the village area, which will make things a lot simpler.
The TPC financials, we started the year off with $31737.31 and made steady progress with the funds available this year.
Although donations were down 20% on last year, we are still making progress in what we deliver with the funds.
The ending figure in the bank is $33103.51.
The one plot of land in the village we purchased last year, may now be sold to a member sometime around spring, that will also add another member to the village.
The TPC did a couple of loans this year, both of which was interesting bearing for the TPC.
One has been paid in full and the other is 3 months in.
We collected $20147.64 in donations this year, and $9090 in loan returns including $2500 off the TPC village lot investment, one loan was paid off, the second one is paid off next February.
We spent $9442 on investments this year, the bulk of which will be returned next year.
The investments we made this year was for a tractor that will serve two purposes in and around the village.
One it will aid those in the village to improve their land, prepare their land for home building and general maintenance of the yards.
Members will be chipping in with the costs of the tractor as they gain use of it.
This saves the members money and also contributes to the loan agreement of the tractor.
The second purpose is, for us to lease out the tractor charging a cheaper rate than the locals, and the proceeds will go towards the costs of the tractor and also create a small part time job for a member and all profits to go to the TPC.
So, it is a win, win, win for all concerned.
The second investment was much smaller, as we invested in a coffee producing start up business.
The idea behind it is, it generates income for one of the members and people can purchase it at a good price, it generates interest in the TPC as it is called the TPC Brewer coffee with our own TPC personalized labels.
The profits of this also goes to the TPC.
Hoping with that venture it can expand out and generate more jobs, income, interest and profits for the TPC.
Those that challenged my role as the TPC Director this year, complained about the investments and stated the TPC should not be funding these items, as they benefit only the village.
Two things regarding that is; A: I stated in April of 2021 if certain things didn’t happen or go to plan, we would use the donations for the village, B: none of the Directors are making money on the investments and C: the investments are a way of generating more income for the TPC.
There has been a communal gathering since April of last year for fundraising, and despite 2 members valiantly trying to get in on the grants for the TPC, it appears that avenue is a closed shop.
No other attempts to generate funds for the TPC was forthcoming, so we have decided to generate our own in the village initially, but with more funds we can expand this out to other places, that is the idea.
Requested help accounted for $4464 this year, a loan of $7500 was sent out most of which will be returned back next year.
The filing fees accounted for $1655, office equipment was $99, general expenses $2276 some of which helped member’s needs.
The show costs with the extra zoom capacity and fees came to $865 for the year.
Whilst the fees for the website and advertising increased this year due to the extra websites, server upgrades and complete revamp of them, the costs for the year amounted to $1570.
Whilst the ending balance is only $1400 more than last year, once the loans are returned next year, and we sell the village lot in spring, as a potential sale of it is already arranged, our overall balance will be around $67K.
We looked into a second for profit TPC company to be set up, that is now placed on hold, and is dependent upon key decisions to be made in the near future.
As always, the figures will be presented soon for transparency and any questions or suggestions you may have.
Comunal gaterings news
Next to be presented is just some of the things the communal gatherings did this past year.
The Communal Gatherings:
The Positive Action group assisted the law group, the New Blueprint for Humanity, the consent book and also put school boards on notice this year as well.
School Curriculum Communal Gathering: In order to give ourselves a direction to go in, and to continue to work toward creating a path for schooling our children, that will include spiritual guidance as well as academic and vocational pathways, we have begun to write a booklet for parents and teachers.
We started with the parents and teachers, because they cannot teach what they do not know.
The first thing that they must know is that they are the guardians and trustees of the children sent to them, not the owners.
They need to learn to respect children as fully adult souls in little bodies, born with their own agendas and directions in which to go, to fulfill their destiny and spiritual development.
This will be a short booklet, with some basic directions on subjects such as clearing, centering, grounding and shielding, active meditation, shadow work, living in the present, the 6 deadly hooks, etc.
We are making good progress, and hope to complete the book early next year.
Health & Wellness Communal Gathering: The Health & Wellness group have begun to write a booklet, with the goal of providing some basic self-care and self-healing guidelines.
The book will include directions for clearing, centering, grounding and shielding, some simple, but effective physical cleanses, some herbal detox recipes and instructions, basic nutritional guidelines, first aid and simple natural therapies.
It is our hope that it will act as a catalyst to help people transition from 100% dependence on the medical system, to adopting a more pro-active approach to the health and wellness of their families and themselves.
The book will include some of the spiritual aspects to caring for one’s health and wellness as well, as may seem appropriate as we progress with the writing and editing.
Law Communal Gathering: In January 2022 the Law Team formed a core group to meet weekly.
The core group consisted of Roger Isaacs, Amy Bruno, Michael Blaha and Kellie Pittroff.
We agreed to adopt the Ucadia model and the True Rule of Law as our foundation, which was developed by Frank O’Collins from Australia.
Frank has spent over 40 years researching the origins and provenance of law and created an incredible body of knowledge that exposes the lies and fraud of the current legal system.
It explains what the true rule of law is and offers a comprehensive model that if adopted, would restore the true rule of law on this planet.
Ucadia is the unique collective awareness and dia is the sum of all ideas; is the idea that every cell, every atom, every particle is aware and they work together to form self-aware lifeforms and all of creation.
As each self-aware being is a single unit of Unique Collective Awareness, known as the Divine Creator, we are all equal, with equal rights to use the resources on the planet to live our lives, with the only limits being to do no harm to others.
This forms the Golden Rule of law that all are equal under the law, no one is above the law.
We set a number of objectives for 2022 and have accomplished most of what we set out to do:
Create a Ucadia University in the MeWe Law page.
The University contains folders broken out into key areas of Ucadia knowledge making it easier for people to follow a loose curriculum.
By creating a system of stepping stones, our intention was to make it easier for people to study the material and figure out their own individual approach.
Deliver the 12-part Intro to Law presentations in a series of 3-hour long Zooms scheduled once a month.
We have completed parts 1 thru 9 covering Cognitive Law, the Fundamentals of Law, Trusts, Estates, Corporations & Funds, Securities, Money, Logic/Rhetoric & Argument, and Modern Courts.
Parts 10 thru 13 will be scheduled for early 2023.
The Intro Series is a wonderful body of knowledge, and gives the participants the basics on which to build.
It does not replace the need for deep study.
It has taken me at least 2 ½ years of study to fully grasp the concepts and unravel the current legal system.
Form Study Groups across THI and encourage the creation of local support communities.
The first group started in November around the Ucadia Community model.
They are exploring the social aspect of community, what it means to be a community of trust and how they can collaborate.
The Law Team helped develop some of the solutions in The New Blue Print for Humanity.
We helped research, write and edit a number of solutions as well as contribute articles that will be released at a later date.
It’s been an amazing year for us, as we accomplished all that we set out to do, we have applied these concepts in real life in dealing with travel restrictions, quarantine and vaccine mandates.
One member has kept his job, whilst working for a federally regulated company that tried to force vaxx mandates and was actively firing people for refusing.
Through his understanding of law and consent he was able to educate the executive and they backed down.
He also crossed the Canadian/US land border in both directions, multiple times, each time educating border officials and refusing to consent to unlawful mandates.
We know they are planning more unlawful strategies, such as digital passports and potential restrictions; however, we have learned that when a group of determined individuals refuses to consent and remains true to the law, we can make a serious impact on their plans.
2022 was a foundational year for the Law Team.
We are excited about 2023, looking to how we can develop the group, encourage more people to join us, study, help form Ucadia/TPC communities and restore the true rule of law on this planet for our children and children’s children.
The Gardening and Non-GMO Food Communal Gathering: Over the past year, has filled the forum with information, discussions and ideas on gardening and food security related topics.
There is a topic with extensive links of reference to informative videos and websites.
We formulated our Vision/Mission Statement.
We worked together to complete the Food and Soil Sustainability Solutions for the New Blueprint for Humanity Manifesto.
In our weekly zooms we have covered a broad range of topics.
We have talked a lot about the long-term damage of chemically based farming, and we have shared ideas on how to transition to working with nature and the animals, instead of trying to control the earth to meet our needs.
We have acknowledged that energy and intent play an important role in the process.
Our solutions have been focused on healing the bacterial life cycle in the soil to reduce the need for fertilizer, and to eventually restore the earth to the self sustaining and healthy place that it once was.
We have shared so much and learned a lot, but most importantly we have made lifelong friendships and discovered just how much we can accomplish when we come together.
Exactly and there is the proof that it works.
It has been a long journey of compiling the Gardening Guide with unexpected delays but with perseverance, we completed more than 500 pages of information on how to grow vegetables, herbs, fruit and nut trees.
Once we tidy up the issues left on the websites, I will be chatting with the Gardening group about creating a website for their growing list compilation.
The women’s group: On Jan. 1st, 2022, two women’s groups were created for THI female members, in order to accommodate time zones, one group was for American/Canadian women and the other was for European/Australian women.
The introductory groups were designed as such: not divisive, not a women against men group, no bashing of anyone, a none competitive group.
Group is not designed to offer advice or counseling.
The purpose was and remains: to redefine the feminine; to encourage all participants to go within for their answers; to encourage women to be and embrace the feminine; and to learn to trust themselves and other women.
We must heal the feminine for the benefit of the all.
In these groups, members discussed many issues including, but not limited to: characteristics/behaviors we would like to see in all women; how to think from the heart; what is the divine; how to work together with the all, for the all; defining femininity; what is love; gossiping; aggressive vs. assertive and more.
In July, one of the members of the Amer/Can. group asked if we could open up a discussion on changing the format.
It was proposed that perhaps the group could open up to advice and suggestions offered to other members who presented personal issues.
The members overwhelmingly decided to change the format to accommodate this change.
The Euro/Aus. group decided to keep the original format.
All members felt the tremendous support provided by the group, emotionally and otherwise, as in the process of sharing we have been going through personal, emotional and healing moments and have been creating a peaceful, balanced and loving space that benefited everyone.
In November, due to a significant decline of members in the Amer/Can. group, all women of both groups weighed in on how to accommodate the all of THI women who wished to continue with the groups and Aussie women who needed a better time schedule.
This allowed for one group for the all, every other Weds. at 12:00 PM MT.
The group name was changed to THI/TPC All women’s group.
Since this change, the group has become stronger and the numbers of regularly participating members has averaged 13-15 every other Wednesday.
The intention was set in the highest frequency for the all and we are now experiencing the shifts of those intentions manifesting in the most beautiful ways together.
There has been tremendous growth due to members doing their inner work that has manifested in a true love of each other, and is flowing out to all THI members and the world at large.
We look forward to continuing to create a new way forward for all women and sharing our love, gifts, and femininity in a positive, high-frequency way that is uplifting for all.
The progress of the communal gatherings has been a source of joy and pride for me this year.
Major progress made within all of them.
Major progress of the members involved in them as well, as they suddenly find a voice and or skills that had laid dormant.
With the encouragement given, many members went on to excelling themselves this year, keep it going.
The key to it all is, people learning to all work together again, that may have seemed a simple task, but as we have found out, it is not.
Peoples egos get in the way, low self worth and lack of self confidence plays into it also.
Because of that people tend to shy away and leave it all too the few, and some of those few are only too willing to hog the limelight, which then makes some people go into their shells a bit.
Part of that has been corrected in a few of the gatherings over the past few months, and people are beginning to not only come out of their shells, but shining as well.
The Village:
The village began the year with one house and two members and we had regular additions throughout the year.
In came Marnie to the village in the spring, and then I arrived early to mid-summer.
Finally my vision was coming to fruition and it was a joyous occasion.
Next to follow was Todd and quickly followed by our long standing admin Holly.
Other members came to Farmington this year but they are not currently residing in the village, but live close to us.
Kathy, Jacob and Pola all joined the community this year and we have had several gatherings of the group, including now the regular meet up and veritable feast after the show, at the now named Marnieverse.
The meet ups in Marnie’s back yard rendered much to see and observe during the summer, including one spectacular performance witnessed by myself and Marnie, of how 5 craft combined in the sky and went into the same shape as the Southern Cross, more on that later.
This was just after finishing a show speaking of the Southern Cross, but after we observed it and acknowledged it, they dissipated very quickly, and for the next hour numbers of Military planes were criss-crossing the sky trying to find the crafts.
It was fun to watch.
We have also received other attention this year since I moved in, of 3 attack helicopters going right over the house no more than 50 feet up, I was outside and calling them on at the top of the hill, thankfully for them they didn’t engage.
But that was not the end of it, as a C-130 which is a large plane came low over the hill opposite my home, and proceeded to go full tilt towards the house.
It was heading straight for the house and no more than 100 yards away it banked and showed it’s full under carriage replete with some strange pods, the plane was less than 100 feet up, which is illegal and performing a bank of that nature just above homes is a no-no, but it was fun nonetheless.
Several other sightings of crafts appeared during the summer, they got the friend or foe treatment and disappeared into mist within seconds.
At least three other members will be joining us next year before the summer.
Much progress has been made in the village, that has generated some clown interest but that is not a concern.
The greatest thing is the camaraderie between us all, it is great to see that unfolding.
People from various states, various backgrounds and walks of life all coming together and having fun together.
We also have come up with various ideas for start up businesses in the village, two of which have been invested in and hoping for that to expand and grow next year.
We do have other plans for start ups that will come in the New Year.
All in all, a very good year for the village.
The Solution show:
In May I finally launched another important show, with a project to follow that show.
It is something I had been compiling in my head since 1980’s, of how we go about fixing all aspects of society in a phase and shift way.
The show provided bullet points and some explanations, but it required for it to go much deeper and bring in more topics.
I thought this was something the members can and should be involved with, as then it is presented as a collective and not one individual per se.
So having done the original we set out on a course to create a manifesto called The New Blueprint for Humanity.
A collaborative exercise involving many of the members, that culminated in it being delivered in two shows in early October.
Even those shows was a collaborative effort, as some members came from all around the country, and indeed a separate country, to take part in the two shows and 8 members read out the solutions in between my inputs.
That was enormously popular having 9 members reading out the Blueprint, all of which went off flawlessly.
All done live with no outtakes, and didn’t they all deliver it beautifully.
The 29 categories we focused on as a reminder was;
The Government, American overhaul, Countries, Global shortages, I.T, Law, Oil and Transport, Military, Soldier return, Bloodline Families, Rogue Elements, Banking and Finance, Tax, Housing, Covid, Health care and costs, Insurance to Assurance, Production, income and fair wage, School, training and apprenticeships, Churches, charities and foundations, Disaster relief, Pedophilia, Legalizing prostitution, Science and technology, Drugs and gangland, Essential services, Food and soil sustainability, Mass media and the Water Solution.
Packed with basic common sense ideas, all designed for the benefit of the all, including clowns and off world if they behave.
Those of you who are asking why it is not released yet? The answer is we ran into a few close to home roadblocks and that window of opportunity went by us.
But that has allowed me to ponder further and develop it even more, and I am waiting for the go ahead to finalize it and release it to the relevant people and groups.
This requires a fair bit of logistics to get this prepared better, and somethings have to be fixed, set up, co-ordinated better before the final release this year.
Despite the interference by a select few, we are still on track to deliver, just waiting for the right divine-based time now.
I ended the two part blueprint with a stirring speech.
The preface of which said this.
Why is this needed:
There are multitude of reasons for this, but the two most important being;
1. This world is collapsing under its own weight of failure, fraud, corruption and deceit.
It has failed us all and cannot be fixed.
We need to build anew in an all-inclusive way, that is not based on the failures of the past in any way, shape or form.
2. Following the Peace Treaty and under the 2016 Earth Restoration plan formulated by some of the people and the Universal Council, this planet was designated as such to HUmans higher universal man, to restore and operate the planet in a better way, than the previously designated parties.
What I and a few others understand is way beyond most people’s comprehension, of how, why, what, where and by whom this planet was being operated.
It was a dark forces plan, whereby everyone including the “chosen ones” (of which there were several). Royals, bloodlines and EL-ites were all deemed surplus to requirements by the former controller.
Our world, on a basic understanding level, has reached a tipping point of no return.
The old world you knew will no longer work; it was never designed to work.
All of our systems, be it government, banking, military, agencies, care facilities, security facilities, charities, foundations, global organizations, churches or conglomerates are all failing and will continue to do so.
Have you all wondered why nothing works anymore?
Why every program you all run on the people and the planet turns into an ouroboros program, where one program swallows the other and failure after failure is your return?
Since the major shift in our timeline and trajectory after 2012, all the old systems, plans and programs no longer work.
The loops and repeating cycles of “time” have ended also.
I am sure many of you reading this will reluctantly agree on the above.
Well, there is your answer as to why this needs to be done.
The old world and old ways are gone; they are not coming back nor are your “gods” returning to fix things.
It all now comes down to what we do next.
We the people can sit back like we have always done, acting like children and waiting for you all to fix things, or we can take the greatest leap our version of mankind has ever seen.
All of you who thought you had the “golden ticket” should now realize this was a ruse.
It was a total distraction ploy, because whilst the former controller gave you all the wealth and the illusion of power, you gave him exactly what he wanted…all the world’s assets.
Those assets have all been safely returned to the Global Trust; there are funds aplenty when the world is ready for this change.
Until then, the Trust stays closed.
That is no loss to we the people as we never got to see much of it, but to the EL-ites, despite your wealth, the funding pot is diminishing by the day.
It will not and cannot be replenished until you step down and work with us.
You need the Trust, we don’t.
Together we can use the Trust for the maximum benefit of us all and I mean the all, not the greedy few of the past.
So, to those of you sitting in your ivory towers at the expense of the people, it is time for you all to come off of your falsely created elevated platforms and start over as equals with all the peoples of the world.
You, like us, were played all along; you, like us, were lied to all along; you, like us, were used and abused all along; and you, like us, were used as batteries to feed the greedy, psychotic and malevolent.
Look around you, nothing works, the people and every system is in chaos.
How long before it gets violent?
Who do you think the people will come for when the Covid scam is unveiled to more of the public?
Yes, I know it was a scam from the off, after having been privy to a call with one of the lead players in the Asian Black Sun group.
He said, “we don’t know how to stop it”.
Well, we do and this plan will safely, non-violently deal with it all.
We spoke with a lead Rothschild and he said similar, but what happens to those of you who orchestrated it, when the people all find out?
Because, despite your “Jewish” mafia-led media and social engineering platforms banning or blocking everything, it hasn’t worked to stop the flow of truth, has it?
It won’t, because we are in a phase and frequency of truth.
Lies and devious plans fail all the time now.
How long do you think you can carry on spinning your wheels and continuing ouroboros programs?
How long will you tolerate failure?
How long will it take for you to realize that nothing works?
The great question then is; when it ultimately fails, what happens next?
What happens when the people have no food or water?
What happens when the people cannot afford energy, homes or businesses any longer?
What happens when civil unrest inevitably rears its head?
How are you going to deal with all of that, without initiating violence and martial law tactics on a people who have nothing to lose?
It is going to get real ugly.
The peoples patience will snap and you will be the target of their wrath, along with the police, as they have always been your first line of defense.
We can avoid all of that and come together with these solutions, in an enlightening and adult manner, none of which involves violence, killing people judicially or otherwise.
This will be accomplished under the full Disclosure for full disclaimer solution.
This is America’s big opportunity to truly be the beacon for the world, with a plan that is not complex or secretive, but out in the open with the ultimate transparency.
A radical re-think of how to change everything across the country and eventually the world, into a world that involves drastically reduced criminality and fraud, as the sharing of everything with everyone will end most crimes.
The crimes committed now and in the past are addressed in this solutions blueprint.
It is a tabula rasa, a blank slate for us all to start again in a better way.
Abuse and other crimes against children have to be the line in the sand.
These solutions are about all of our futures as all are included in this restoration plan.
Currently, no one has a pleasant future, least of all the high earners, EL-ites, bloodline families, royals or any other self-appointed or self-serving group.
The old world has descended into the pit.
It’s finished and will eventually phase out of existence altogether.
Our task is to build the new one, so that we all have a future, particularly the children and the grandchildren.
This plan will take 40 years or two generations to complete in full, due to having to teach the children a new way and also to retrain all teachers and parents, so that in two generations time the new way will become our modus operandi.
Great changes can be made within 2-5 years, particularly in relation to the poverty situation.
Much can be achieved within 3-6 months, if we all act like adults and work together.
Gone with poverty, gone with shortages, gone with debts that can never be paid back, gone with failing children at school, gone with wars, gone with high crime rates, gone with homeless and gone with environmental issues.
No more shortages of basic needs, no more high unemployment as the people will be in decent paying jobs and will want to work for the all.
Our challenge to you is, how long will it take before the whole planet blows?
Like it or not, you will need people like us to protect you when it does.
By implementing these solutions we can avert this in a peaceful and balanced way without needing to pointing fingers.
As a representative of we the people, we take full responsibility for the mess this planet is in and we are willing to work hard to correct it all.
Before it gets ugly, we are offering you the opportunity to accept your role in it and work with us to correct each and every issue.
It is my understanding from the Council that there are 489 aspects to the full Earth Restoration plan, and we have detailed many of them in this document.
We, like you, are currently small in number but not lacking in will power, effort or drive to undertake this monumental task.
We are aware it was only the few who took over this planet and steered it onto a bad path.
Rest assured, it will only be the few who will take it back and steer it onto a better path.
It is said that a country that fails its children and elderly is destined to fail.
We have failed ourselves and it is our task to fix it.
The great question: Will you have the courage to step down and work with us as equals and change this planet once and for all?
The dark path failed.
The path of the light awaits each and every one of us.
Which side will you be on when the great shift happens?
Mr. Biden said in August 2022:
“I believe America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that’s to come after.”
Indeed we are, but this is not your normal inflection point, we are on the precipice of something far larger than us all, not just in America but the world over.
An opportunity for us all to go on the right path, a path that determines all of our fates, and it all lies within our own hands, effort and sweat.
The most monumental time in Earth’s history, where the people themselves have the ultimate task to fix the broken, worn down and failed old world and build a world and planet in our image, not their image.
This is a once in a lifetime chance for humanity.
We will not get another chance to remedy this.
We have failed as a species far too many times in the past.
This is it, our final countdown, either to glory or banishment into star dust, scattered about the cosmos as a failed experiment.
An opportunity for all of humanity to finally come together and end the divisive programs we all ran on each other.
An opportunity for humanity to be proud of itself, not riddled with laziness, low self-worth, insecurities and fears.
An opportunity to right all the wrongs and steer this planet and its differing races into a harmonic world of peace and prosperity.
A planet of growth, not stagnation or indeed, abject regression.
A planet of abundance for all, not drastic differences in class and the many who have next to nothing.
A planet where the people thrive and live life to the full like it was meant to be, not slaving to death or immersed in crime just to exist on a day-to-day basis.
That is not life or living; it is an abomination and a dereliction of duty by us all.
We the people have had enough of NATO, No Action Talk Only.
Come join us and let’s be the change.
Now is the time to get off of our collective backsides and do something that has never been done on this planet before.
This is the first time in history we the people have come to you with an actual plan that will work.
Let us not repeat His-story, but create Our story, together.
Prediction summary
What this will all lead to into 2022 is, what I see as our breakthrough year.
Yes 2022 was our breakthrough year on many levels as this show has revealed.
We started the year with the intent, and ended it with a lasting purpose.
An end to the Covid fascism and quite possibly an end to Covid altogether on a day to day basis.
Sadly, the injuries and deaths will continue throughout the year, but it will become clear to many more people that, it is the vaccines that is causing it.
At that point the clowns will wish to end the cycle, but we must be aware they will likely have to create something else on a massive scale to replace it as a distraction.
That has unfolded emphatically this year as the Covid was pretty much done and dusted by spring, in relation to the scam.
Although clown games surrounding it have still revealed themselves.
It seems now many have found their voice and dissention against the Covid and the subsequent jabs is bubbling under the surface.
False flags may increase again, more potential war flare ups with Russia and Iran, and possibly India and Pakistan to become unstable again.
The false flags were largely connected to the media drama, although there was the usual school shootings and synagogue shootings that raised too many questions.
Those that did question, found the answers were not congruent with the events.
The potential war flare up’s unfolded with Russia before February was out, borne out of the need to prevent the US, Israel and UK clowns implementing another false flag and virus via bio labs in Ukraine.
Also the need to stop the totalitarian creep of NATO.
Iran has been threatened all year, and Israeli agents have been doing strategic strikes on Iran all year, although many of their agents were caught and executed this year as well.
India and Pakistan did threaten to boil up again at one point, but then internal issues whether natural or created events meant their focus in those countries took a different turn.
Pakistan had major floods, food and power shortages, India had religious wars and violence.
I suspect the two biggest distractions will be, food shortage and some major global financial event.
Food shortage and indeed a general supply shortage has been a steady theme for this whole year, I do not see that ending any time soon, due to a lack of people and a lack of workers.
We said also about being comfortable knowing there are many including some in our own group that will continue to prevent malevolent actions, and push for a much brighter future for all who remain.
My crossing into 2022 brought excitement for what is to come.
I feel the quiet air and buzz of excitement going into this year, the collapse of their narrative will be a credit to us all for keeping going against the lies, despite the hostility thrown at us.
Their narrative has collapsed spectacularly this year, as each week our shows have revealed stuff we have revealed in the past.
So many proofs garnered for our book From his story to our story, if there was any doubts as to the contents of that book, many have been alleviated this year.
The inner excitement is because finally the light said to be in a tunnel, which is a tube, I am glad some scientists caught onto that this year, but the tube, tunnel or egg timer is narrowing and the shafts of light are emerging.
For the majority of people on this planet, that light at the end of the tunnel will be a train, the truth train they all denied, but 2022 will bring some much clarity, perhaps even some of the deniers will have no option.
They will get angry when the truth train arrives in their world, do not join them in that anger, support where you can, but not too much, they must learn themselves the hard way.
We have no time for I told you so rhetoric, or teaching them out of their rabbit holes, yes going down the rabbit hole was another trap, don’t go chasing white rabbits.
We have to push forward with improving all aspects of life, it will take them years to catch up, and we have another journey now of progression, big changes and teaching to those ready, of new ways, new paths and new journeys.
Yes many former deniers of the jabs joined forces with those who doubted it all along.
The light at the end of the tunnel was us all along, think of the mirror piece I did to work that out.
The saying it is darkest before the dawn, may begin to make some sense in 2022 up to 2025, the year of the 9, and the final baktun from 2012.
Remember the baktuns was within a pyramid structure, as it ends it tips upside down, just like an egg timer.
What will change within our own group in 2022 we asked?
Further website changes and upgrades, an increase in traffic, workload and categories within the Communal Gatherings.
All the THI Facebook pages will likely be closed down early this year, they have made it clear we are not welcome, and to be frank it is us that should not be welcoming them, they are liars, anti life, encouraging division, creating child like bots of rank stupidity, we have developed enough to not need their Zionist Fascist platforms.
All shows are now posted on the page and our Mewe group.
On April 17th we closed down our Facebook page as promised, due to increasing blocking of our admins, and are refusal to have bot based admins.
It has not been missed, in fact many people and even advertisers ditched Facebook this year.
We will be working on the FRWL book next year and at sometime in the year, it will be released with much fanfare.
As promised we delivered the book indeed we are close to Volume 2 now as well.
Notice it said FRWL? That of course had to be changed due to potential copyright issues.
Many of you have seen the importance of that book, as the premise of it means for us all to come together as one, just like the TPC.
The village project will expand exponentially next year, and I am looking forward to that, including some shows on the impact we are having or developments within the village.
We delivered on that as well, it did expand this year and that even included me as well.
I was planning or expecting to be here in 2023, but the enormous generosity of a member, brought my moving there forward by 6-9 months.
I will forever be thankful to that member.
Coming soon into the new year a new project that has the potential to change the whole dynamics, of what is going on.
The new project which came in part from a download and a load of planning, was finally announced in April of this year.
The announcement was the New Blueprint for Humanity.
I have 3 maybe 4 more Must Listen to Shows coming up in January, before I launch the new project.
I did have 3-4 Must Listen to shows, but they were not done in January, as other things took precedence and were pushed back.
Surprisingly though, we had the same number of extra shows as 2021 and 2020, 15 in total.
So, what are the words for next year? taking back is one I got in November along with several other interesting downloads, the gist of which will unfold in late January or February.
Taking back our sovereignty, rights, freedoms and planet is what I suspect is behind those words, and it is up to us all to manifest that, not sit back and wait for others.
The important initial stages of taking back was fulfilled with the production of the Blueprint in many ways.
But let’s not forget ourselves as well, as many of you took back yourselves this year and began to bloom.
What I would like to see next year within our group is, it becomes the year of doing and not just listening, it will be important that.
Many of you doubted the importance of the TPC until 4 years had passed, I do not want us to wait for another 4 years for the importance of all doing something that helps the greater good and the all.
The message is, it is time to do, not just listen and wait.
And many of you took that to heart and started doing a lot more this year.
Maybe you should all consider using your phones less in 2022, calls and texts are fine, but using it for everything else is not a good way to use them.
Go back to laptops and desktops for your computer usage, and use phones sparingly, delete all unnecessary apps.
Remember this quote above all, and use it as a mantra for the coming year.
As one system goes down, we have to work to replace it with something better, the void is never dark, it is only dark due to an absence of our light.
Many of you took on that mantra as well, as many began to shine their own light in increasing numbers and power this year.
The second word for this year I got is, it will be the year of the shedding, how that unfolds depends on many variants, pardon the pun.
Will they use variants to cover it up? will the shedding just be the skin and it’s malevolent contents, or will a larger shedding of many, many people disappearing be the overwhelming case?
We must be prepared for both scenarios, and we must push on regardless of what and how that event unfolds.
Shedding indeed has taken place this year, as many people famous or not began to disappear, the shedding of that ilk will increase in 2023.
Another shedding took place this year also, members shedding their fears, low self worth, limitation programs ran on themselves, it is important all members do that.
This is a very important phase for us all, one we must not waste as the dying ember of the old world collapses in on itself, and with mass shedding out goes many of the programs, programmed and the clowns ability to control anything anymore.
The clowns ability and control of things has failed real badly this past year.
Notice the quietening of the climate control, notice how the WEF suddenly went very quiet as well, notice the fanfare of the SSP died down very quickly, notice how many government leaders this year were deposed or being challenged.
Your resistance of 2021 led to the shedding of many of your so called friends and work colleagues, and also love partners on a large scale, the reason for that is not a thing of sadness, it is because you raised your frequency and that is something to celebrate, it was your own growth spurt.
The shedding of many lead dark souled people will also unfold, including so called celebrities and politicians.
That unfolded on a mass scale, even the lead Rothschild’s began to die off this year.
But probably the most prominent death or the announcement of it was, the death of Queen Elizabeth.
The shedding of the narrative also, the shedding further of wheat and chaffe, this must not be seen as a loss, but a gain.
Many are not ready for the change, many will dabble at it, but only the few will take it all on board, and the great question is, where on the board do you sit?
That sentence still applies now and next year.
All in all quite a remarkable year on all levels, that has seen us make steady progress, and in some cases major progress.
We take that progress into this year and the goal is to expand upon it.
In 2021 we really built the foundations and up to us all to continue to now build upon the foundations.
We cannot afford to sit back on our laurels, we must strive to push forward for the greater good of all.
We ended that show with this piece.
Build it and they will come I have said earlier in the year, we built the village and people have come, we built the Communal Gatherings and people have come, we created the TPC video and the people will come to support it.
We must continue to build, continue to work on ourselves, continue to help and support each other and continue to develop who and what we are, what we stand for and above all, lift each other up.
It has been a difficult year of observing, and they threw all kinds of shit at us, directly and indirectly, but we are all still here, we are progressing, developing and building in the right way.
We did not give up, we rose up, we did not back down, we backed them down, we did not break up, we observed their break up and break down, we did not absorb them, we observed them, we did not regress, it was they who regressed, we progressed, we did not get jabbed, we jabbed them back with truth, we did not get tests, we tested them to the full, we did not wear masks, we got rid of the real masks, we did not get jammed at the bridge, we are crossing it, we did not live in fear, we have created fear for them, we did not lack in care, we rose to care, we did not fall in love, we are rising in love.
2022 was progress for me also, it was the year I learned to receive more, not just give, which gave joy to both parties.
Other stand out things this past year was Congress chatter about the Jews eliminating the whites, a UN meeting on the Jews being Khazarians from Asia and not the Middle East.
Two extraordinary occasions that again validated our book, and quite possibly was created by the book itself.
Then less than 24 hours after I did a piece covering the most maligned and ignored group of people, the white, heterosexual male, Candice Owens who is not white or male repeated it publicly in a speech the following day.
That was not the only thing in the MSM news that we have covered in our shows this year, that will continue I believe, and may become more obvious.
All in all, the predictions were validated for 2022 and so much more.
The tiny event
I rarely speak of this level of work as in general no one has the need to know, plus it can spoil plans, lead to ego issues and in some ways savior programs.
None of which is needed by me, the members or listeners.
I first met Kim in February 2016, and it was not until early 2019 that she got to hear or learn a little of what I was involved in before her, that could bring some skillsets together with her, plus teach her somethings as well.
A select few knew in Cosmic Voice what I was a part of and what I could do, but after the issues in that group I decided to keep it all to myself and not reveal it or what I do.
But circumstances 6 years later facilitated a need to enlighten a few of our potentials, not my potential, but ours.
In October of 2021 I received some downloads and a potential mission to undertake in 2022.
It wasn’t overly specific but I have learned to be patient and the rest of the narrative will follow, provided I stayed on the right path.
Further clues and intuitions arrived before the end of the year.
Certain songs came forth with messages and a picture began to form.
But an important clue and confirmation came in February 2022, when I was asked by a member to review some work done by Ashayne Deane.
Previously I had discounted some of her work due to the references to Melchizedek, too much Hebrew flavoring of the narrative and the geometric stuff wrapped into Merkabas.
Otherwise the rest of her stuff was more than interesting to say the least, but my discernment was for me not to engage it.
That was back in 2013-14 time.
Normally I would not click on videos, blogs or pieces sent, as I haven’t really listened or engaged Alt Media, certainly on a research level since 2013 also.
But I was led to watching a video that was 90 minutes long and was done long before Ashayne turned up on the Kerry Cassidy show.
The video turned up many interesting pieces, that had aligned with much of what I had revealed in our shows, and so I looked a bit further.
This led me to the timeline stuff, and thought I could do a few shows on this material and mix it in with our material.
The first two shows around 55% was our material and 45% hers, all nicely balanced in the 45-55 I thought.
The last two covered the timeline of events and other pieces were added into it for a wider picture.
By the end of February I had worked out from all that material, both what I needed for the shows and more importantly what the October 2021 download was requesting.
Often in the show and to people I speak with, you will hear me say, find the pattern and it always repeats.
There was a distinct pattern in Part 4, and nobody spotted it.
But the first clue was this line;
2008 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 1.
Bhardoah means backflow, it is backflow return of energy back into your own Ah-Jha body and into the Gha-Fa body.
The Gha-Fa is part of our anatomy, part of the spirit body anatomy, our infrasound body.
2009 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 2.
2010 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 3.
2011 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 4.
2012 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 5.
2013 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 6.
2014 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 7.
2015 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 8.
2016 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 9.
2017 May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 10.
2018/19/20/21 all on May 22-27 – The Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave 11, 12, 13, 14 took place.
Which meant the final Solar Bhardoah ring wave would take place between May 22nd and the 27th 2022.
That was my clue in late February and I then went into deep pondering as to what was required, who would undertake it, how would it be done and what would be achieved by doing so?
By early March I had formulated a plan, I decided it could be a big opportunity for some people to be involved in it.
It would be a learning curve for some of those who would attend, and I will also show them how to “see”.
I did a few private presentations to explain certain things connected for that event, and revealed it to no one.
That is an important factor in some of that work, spitting it out to all and sundry is ego and also can ruin a potential mission of big importance, high levels of discretion and control is required on that level.
I then asked a select few, mainly those connected with the village as they have witnessed some of the strange occurrences around me, and are more adapt at getting it and being comfortable with it.
The message was prepare for a field trip, how many would like to go and the date was left out of it due to security reasons, safety reasons for the members and the purity of the mission.
Eventually by late April early May we had 16 members for the trip and the decision was to go ahead and book it, we would be staying in a hotel in Holbrook Arizona for the duration.
We arrived on the 21st and left on Wednesday the 25th of May as mission accomplished and I had to be back to write the next show.
Upon arriving in Holbrook those with me in the car witnessed an ET craft greeting.
I saw an orb coming out of a strange shaped cloud and asked members to have a look but they didn’t see it.
I said it is right in front of us, and put the phone camera up to the windscreen and it could be seen by the camera but not the naked eye, cue shouts from one member of wells the fargo Thomas, repeated several times, WTF, WTF followed by the now legendary multitude of questions from that member.
It is not questions I seek, but answers.
The reply was: that is what happens when you can “see”, by the end of the trip they all got the full meaning of that saying.
We arrived the day before the final Bhardoah ring wave, a presentation was made and some diagrams were shown to the members on the Saturday evening, but no inclination or clue was given of what was to take place on what was described as “the mystery tour” which was to unfold on the Monday.
The Sunday morning gathering before our trip to the Petrified non forest, members got to see in live action the sun in the sky showing a distinctive shape of a lock at the 7-8 o’clock position, which was one of the pictures I had shown them the night before.
It was a clear as day, the sun had a huge gap in it and then we went off to the Petrified region and to teach people how to see.
That was the fun day and quite a few strange anomalies from the members happened that day, which wowed them but is kind of run of the mill stuff for me.
Petrified ancient tanks, ravens appearing and following at certain points along the road, a strange humanoid guy following us around the petrified garden.
It is not a petrified garden, but a burial ground for the giants, replete with headstone, time portal gateways, underground soul chambers and much more.
Certain parts of that park were cleared, and the members were shown where the war took place and it’s relation to the fake Meteor Crater around 30-40 miles away.
It was a lot to take in for the members and heads were exploding long before we headed home for another presentation of where we were headed the following day, but again no details of what was to unfold.
I was up most of the night and called to go outside and in full view was a very rare 5 planets in a line right outside the hotel door.
I guessed at that point they all came to witness what was about to unfold.
Before we left on the mystery tour, another viewing of the sun with the gap in it was observed and we headed off.
Barely 50 miles into what was a 335 mile round trip for the day and we were greeted at the side of the road by a Skinwalker.
It appeared out of the soil or grass and it was trying to flag down my car, I drove past and we texted the others to witness it themselves, some saw it and some didn’t.
At that point, I knew we were in for some fun and games and they didn’t disappoint.
Around 2.5 hours of driving we got to our first destination, having seen some spectacular scenery along the way.
I pulled into this road, and the three cars behind me followed.
We all got out and what followed next was bizarre, a Native American just appeared from this gate post entrance to a small housing estate, that clearly didn’t warrant a guarded barrier at the top of the road.
He told us we could not go down that road, I wonder why I laughed sarcastically, and I went away to clear my head, quieten some dogs down and then make a choice of 4 people to stand behind me, then we got started on what we were there for.
That place we arrived at, was not the real destination anyway, but a vantage point over the valley as I was looking for something specific of where we had to go.
The entity acting as a Native American started to tell the members about Orion, Sirius, ET’s and various other celestial or cosmic connections, like that ever happens in general life.
I stayed away from him as I knew what he was up to, it was no good and I called an end to his gathering and we left for phase 1 and 2 of our mystery tour.
The road we were meant to go down, had suddenly disappeared and did not exist, but it was there, just cloaked.
Oraibi, the name of the town was playing games, and then like magic, the very region we were going to, filled with clouds to block the sun, or so they thought.
Everywhere else, was bright and sunny and still no one knew what was about to unfold.
We edged closer and closer to the zone and I stopped the car and everyone got out, they were told to go into their positions and to safe space me and hold the energy around me, sort of like a protective bubble.
I started the ceremony which had two purposes, purpose 1: was to clear the area of the grid overlay imposed by Solomon and the Orion’s.
A giant six pointed star that went into Southern Utah and NW New Mexico as well and as far down as Phoenix.
We were in the center of it, about a ¼ down at the northern part of Arizona.
The center of where we were was a seat or throne, from which the Bennu bird sat, signifying more of the Hebrew flavoring surrounding it.
This place was called Solomon’s seal, seal meaning to bind, and bound the whole area and was connected to other Solomon’s seals around the world.
A binding grid network around the world operated by demons courtesy of Solomon and his crew.
With the bird knocked off it’s perch, the binding ended, the ground cleansed and reclaimed for humanity.
This set the stage for part 2 of the mission, the second stage could now be implemented, this involved a sword.
Sword’s have different colors and are to be used for specific purposes, not just for killing people.
The message I received back in 2017 was, learn to transmute rather than kill, something certain people should have listened to and acted upon before they fell.
The seat or perch was a small hill with a silvery outcrop, so the silver sword was required for that mission.
So, we had the line up, me in the front with my back to the members, the 4 in a line directly behind me, and the rest behind them.
Out came the sword and the 2nd event unfolded, the sword pierced the now very dark skies above us and connected with the sun, the sword was then energized by the sun and we were ready for the next stage.
I powered the sword into the Earth and was attacked by something on the back of my left leg, the kneeling leg and it snapped my hamstring, I asked the team to hold the space tighter as my legs turned to jelly with the onslaught of attacks.
I went back to my spot after reeling back 5-6 feet, and plowed the sword into the ground a second time then prepared myself for the final blow.
Intentions were set for the Solomon seal region and humanity would sit upon the throne and those who act with service to others.
The first sword strike ended their reign the second strike registered our claim and the third and final strike anchored it to this planet.
The power from the sword was then directed north, south, east and west and a ripple effect to be sent around the world signifying the end of their reign and a new beginning.
The second part also anchored the Solar Bhardoah ring wave and will prevent the collapse of the sun planned by the dark forces.
The sword will remain in place for eternity and as long as we carry the right intentions, the sword is the throne and the throne is now in possession of humanity, I hope they take care of it.
The sword was set with specific intentions for those who try to interfere with it, it comes with consequences of actions with dire consequences for those who wish to play with it.
The frequencies that event generated that was done at exactly 12.15, which equals a nine, will live with those members who witnessed that event for the rest of their lives.
A stunning event that some members have since described as; the most important, powerful and life changing event of their life.
It was that powerful, and I’m glad we all got to witness and take part in it.
It showed those who attended, just what we are capable of, if we do our own work, if we operate in service to others, if we exhibit full and honest truth of the self, if we gain the sword of self mastery and exhibit 100% personal responsibility, that is the jewels, treasures and wealth it can bring to you all.
If I could bottle that 10-15 minutes for you all, it would be priceless.
But despite the darkened clouds, being stationed on a busy road, surrounded by open fields with wind, during that 10-15 minutes, not a single bird, car or truck passed us and the wind disappeared despite the fake storm clouds above us.
An eerie calm descended during the event, that lasts until this day of revealing and will go on.
If you wish to know why things are more serene and calm, that was because of this day, May 23rd at 12.15 2022.
As for the members in attendance, even to this day they have not been given all the details of what took place 4 miles SW of Oraibi.
An outpouring of tears of joy and love followed those events by all who were there, emotions were running beyond high, a high no drugs can ever give you.
This was their own internal personal high that takes some coming down from, indeed a single thought of that event brings that high back, as they will all tell you.
In fact the 16 who were there are right now on that same high as that day.
So, what happened next? Well, we were not finished, we had another task to undertake and another 3 hours drive.
So, we packed up and headed off with me driving despite a snapped hamstring and on we went.
We stopped at a native gas station and fun and games started there, they clearly did not want us around, and clearly they were not in control of themselves with some bizarre behaviors, all of which confirmed they felt what we had just done.
They refused to let us go to the toilet without a mask, I was next in line to go and two attendants blocked the entrances to the two toilets and harsh words were exchanged.
I cloaked myself and went to the toilet and walked right past the native blocking the toilet, too much chagrin from some of the members! How was it you were allowed to go and we all got blocked, I just said I used cloaking to get in and hoped it worked. Whaaaattt! Was the reply, followed by a dozen questions none of which I answered and just did my cheeky grin back.
Next stop Wupatki National Park, we got to the entrance and they had unsurprisingly put up a roadblock again, which then threw our plans off a bit, until I found another entrance that was another 30-40 mile drive.
We arrived at the entrance and went in.
I was scanning for a specific location and narrowed it down to two sites amongst the ruins, both were circular arenas and showed evidence of sacrificial arenas which I pointed out to the members, again exhibiting what can you see and what you are you not seeing.
The energies of that place was awful, trapped souls were everywhere and yet more evidence at these sites of missing pieces that people in general just don’t see.
The Aztec ruins was the same, the Chaco ruins also and the Wupatki as well all had a common theme, A: it was a sacrificial center and B: there are no doors into the homes visible or into the arenas.
All of which means is, they have covered them over, these sites have way more to see below the ground you walk upon.
So, we all got into the arena minus one or two members, after one member did his Mary Poppins impression and rescuing the umbrella of a damsel in distress.
Once in the arena and in place, a vortex was created around us all, protecting us and blocking any intrusions or interference.
The vortex went spiralling around the arena like a force field, and one member was tasked to step forward and do a speech on behalf of us all.
I then used the energy of the field to do a full clearing of the whole area, as this was the realm of Azazel and the demons.
Djinns appeared at the opening and tried to get in but couldn’t get past the vortex.
After we had finished, the vortex was still in place and again whilst we did what we did, no guest or ranger in the park went near us, no wind, even though it was a windy day, no birds just an eerie silence again. (why? Because we were in no time)
We then chatted amongst ourselves in the arena and two park guests went to enter the arena and they hit the vortex, causing them to reel back.
They were invited in but hastily declined with a look of wtf was that?
As we were leaving the park ranger entered the arena, wondering what we had just done, we left watching her spin around the outer edges of the arena due to the vortex created.
We then departed for the final leg of our journey, another two hour or so drive to the Meteor Crater only to find it was closed.
But members got to see no debris field anywhere within 6 miles of it, which tells you it was not a meteor, the hole was already there, as it was a mining operation.
The US Military have put up a ridiculous amount of fences around the site now, blocking you from walking around it and only allowing you to see from one side, it is what is below the center that is the interesting part.
The sun was setting and this gave me an opportunity to see if what we had done had worked.
I showed the members how to see the silver ring around the sun, and then peer into it to find the black dot, the singularity.
But then asked them to remember what the sun looked like this morning, and is it the same now?
To there astonishment, the sun was now whole and the key lock shape witnessed in the morning was now gone.
Which brought me a reminder from November 2019, when I was told I am the lock and you are the key.
I thought it referenced something or someone else, that day we found out who was the key.
The key in part may have been the one, but was used in benefit of the all.
Some of us went to check out our work in October in Chaco Canyon, another set of native ruins, another sacrifice center and another connected to the former Solomon’s seal and the Orion zone, as Chaco Canyon represented Sirius on that overlay grid.
That was pleasantly surprising as we didn’t have to do anything on that day, and was further proof of what we did on that day in May had fully worked.
The songs that were prevalent and clues to this trip and the events were; Man on the silver mountain and a line from another popular song with members of, we stole the power from the sun and I am more than just man.
That is a line from this song.
Those two songs will have a whole different meaning now, especially to those who attended.
Just an average day out with a tiny man, with a tiny group and tiny show who some believe talks shit and is operating a cult, yeah right they need to change their script because we have written a whole new chapter of and for life on this planet.
So what do we have in store for 2023?
2023 will be a very busy and packed year again, as we will build upon what was set up in 2022 and previous years.
We are currently in a few events, as Autumn vanished, is it ultra cold for a reason? Who or what can’t stand the cold? Think of a show we did in October?
The second is the volcanoes, look at the regions they are going off, and connect them to our shows, you will find the pattern and also the reasons.
Expect more chaos next year, more celebrity die offs, more Covid die offs, plus another virus to cover it.
Covid will continue to erode, and in many cases disappear from the horizon.
Apart from the fact people are dying from the consequences of it and will continue to do so next year, possibly with much higher numbers.
2023 brings in the two to three years time period of long standing issues with the jabs, with some doctors expecting this period will bring mass die offs.
Other doctors say 2-5 years.
There will be much sadness at the plight of people and Covid next year, try to observe it, not absorb it.
You unlike many other people have had time to prepare for it, it is important you stay in control of you this year.
It seems now many have found their voice and dissention against the Covid and the subsequent jabs is bubbling under the surface.
Once the high numbers kicks in and it is reported in the media, then the expected backlash from the public will unfold, probably this year.
This will cause the panic levels of the clowns to increase rapidly next year, some will flee to their underground bunkers, others in secluded spots in the country.
But whether above or below ground, they will not escape justice or the backlash, it will only delay the inevitable.
The death of Queen Elizabeth will herald the end of the reign of the royals, not only in the UK but other countries also.
She like Bush Snr carried a certain aura, and that was sufficient to keep things in check.
But now it will become a free for all attack on the remaining royals, and maybe Charles will not reign too long.
I am looking for them to push Harry, and he to reveal their sordid past in full detail.
There is a reason they are trying to discredit them him and Meghan, he I believe is not the original Harry, furthermore he is not the son of Charles and he holds all the aces.
One day maybe in 2023, he will play his cards and reveal what they did to Diana, and much more.
Expect an increase in clashes or potential war in Turkey in 2023.
Warnings for Belarus, Poland, the Mexican border, Iran and istan countries.
The Taiwan issue will also rear its head this year as well.
Further erosion of the Jewish EL-ite power structure, as more will expose it next year.
Expect Netanyahu the war criminal to do something evil and radical to turn the tide, no matter what he and his psychopaths do, it will not lead to their promised land, it will hasten their demise.
America will struggle real badly next year, as the folly of supporting failed regimes comes home to roost.
One day they will have to realize what Kim and I warned them six years ago, they are taking America down and towards a third world country.
Of course we have a solution for that, they don’t.
Monetary issues on Government levels will feature prominently this year, moreso if they do a stock market crash again.
The Crypto industry will continue to be diluted and harvested, but beware a higher level clown trying their own version of the death currency and making it global.
Expect further challenges on many Governments around the world, revolving door maybe the new policy.
MSM will continue to erode and maybe forced to covering our narrative more next year, to draw back the millions who have fled them, if not, their death rattle will increase.
Reports of people and animals doing bizarre circles, plus a recent video of people being approached by something not in the visible range, and then suddenly dying from interacting with it is alarming.
The same happened with a lion filmed in the wild.
The extraordinary thing with these people is, they all got instant rigor mortis, some even before they hit the ground.
In humans, rigor mortis can occur as soon as four hours after death, this was within seconds.
Clearly something was approaching these people and what is unfolding is difficult to gauge.
But, the fact the videos was in Asia, and was mixed in with the Lion, does that bring a potentially interesting connection? Asia and the Lion of Judah or indeed the Lion-Serpent?
There will be potential major breakthroughs for both THI and the TPC this year, let’s work hard to make that happen.
Other events are connected in many ways, like weather, faulty GPS, volcanoes-cleansing, planet and pole moving may bring more inertia, vertigo and dizziness.
Observe not absorb again, and learn to integrate and adjust to the dizziness, all with no fear please.
What is our future, what will it look like, when will this or that happen is the gist of many who have questions.
A: I am not the Oracle B: I cannot and never will never decide your path for you C: I cannot walk that path for you either as D: that negates your own journey of discovery and the key part E: what are you going to manifest for yours and our future, and for the future generations?
Remember the baktuns was within a pyramid structure, as it ends it tips upside down, just like an egg timer.
The sands of time and indeed their time is rapidly running out now, it can’t be stopped.
Remember that line.
As many began to shine their own light in increasing numbers and power this year, the shedding of those that don’t resonate at the right frequency will increase in 2023.
The first word I got for 2023 is; Perseverance.
Keep doing whatever you are doing to progress the self, and those around you.
As for me? There is a proud recognition of what we all achieved this past year, but we must not rest on our achievements, we must continue to create more.
I wish to thank everyone who helped me and us this past year, too many names to mention individually, but you all know who you are.
A fantastic effort by you all.
Following the event of last May I was called upon to end the middle zero of my own 1 on 1 with the One for this coming period, that was part of the progression of what we are trying to do here, to date it has failed.
This has caused me to take stock recently, to ponder and do a full review of my life and work and brought about some interesting conclusions.
The conclusions are; I have to think and act more for the benefit and protection of the self, so many sacrifices, betrayals and kicks in the teeth, all can take a toll at some point, and I wish to avoid getting to that point.
The search for what I and indeed we need, will lead to me making a move back to England this year for an undetermined amount of time, how long or whether permanent depends upon certain circumstances and how it all unfolds.
This will suspend the team gathering that was being built for specific higher purposes called the G team, and also the mystery school.
I have tried everything to make it fit, but those efforts are now exhausted, due to a lack of inner, outer and understanding and the bitter personal disappointments endured over the last 4.5 months.
There are times when I feel I am just living in some monk like existence, a robotic answering machine that must be on beckon call 24/7.
But, the work goes on, just in a differing format and a more balanced and simpler lifestyle for myself.
I do not expect it to delay the blueprint that will still unfold when the timing is right.
The shows will still continue as normal, I have quite a few must listen to shows and tiny shows in the pipeline.
I look forward and upwards to what the future may bring.
The wider one on one with the one, charts a path of discovery via the self again this year.
That will require greater effort and alignments within you all, as you never know when it will be determined or required.
Don’t wait for events to unfold, be the event, because you are the event let us not forget.
There is a potential for major event coming near the end of 2023.
Time will make even less sense next year, learn to embrace the spiral dance, as within so without.
This is an important lesson from hereonin, what they do in their world, is nothing to do with our world, our consciousness, our path or our way of being.
You chose your path and they chose theirs.
Letting go whilst it can be hard at times, will be essential again in the coming year.
Worry less about families, your family is within you, not external of you.
In a world of madness, sadness and stupidity, THI is the island that provides sanctuary for you all.
A place were you can remove yourself from cults, religion, drugs, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, savior programs and so much more.
A place of comfort and joy, a place of learning not education, a place without chaos, a place with a serene calmness, a place for you to grow, heal, develop and be happy.
A place where you can find yourself, be yourself, to strive and thrive.
We have made extraordinary progress, on an individual and collective level, the key now is to not just keep that going, but expand upon it.
A reminder from the Cosmic Genetics show, the Universe is relying on us.
Take that reminder with you throughout the year, and keep trying to be better tomorrow than today.
The final word for 2023 is growth, prepare for it and be ready for all event-ualities.
The final song is my wish for the rest of the year and also for us all.